
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 7/11/2006 2:27:11 PM
Author: lili

Thanks for the response.
No, I haven''t consulted my doctor regarding my TTC.
I''ve just been doing some reading off some websites (,, etc)
and found that I am on the underweight side. I didn''t think that would be a problem,
but perhaps it is since we''ve been trying for about 2 years.
I guess it is time for me to make an appointment with the doctor.

Thanks. Congrats again on your pregnancy.

Unless you are severly underweight (and it interfers with menstrual cycle) it should not be an issue. I do know that there are fertility guidelines and they are based on age. The younger you are, the longer it can take. Example, (just making up times, I cannot recall them off the top of my head)...if you are 30 and have been having unprotected intercourse for X time and have not concieved, time for an appt. Usually the man is checked first, easiest and least invasive. The older you are, the time frame shrinks. So, if it is one year at 30, it might be 6 months at 35. It is worth consulting someone if you are concerned, nothing like actively trying and being disappointed each month! Good luck and at least have fun trying!
Date: 7/10/2006 2:02:54 PM
Author: JadeLeaves
Ok it''s 4am over here in Melbourne and Button is keeping me awake. My little boy is VERY active and everytime I fall asleep he gives me a good kick and I''m wide awake again.

I''m sitting here with my hot chocolate reading PS.

Any one else has trouble sleeping whilst you''re pregnant?
Hugely, but I have had insomnia since I was a little girl. I think you notice the kicking more when YOU have finally settled down, versus all day when you are running and apt not to notice!
Sweets, (Hot chocolate, yummy) also usually makes the baby move more.
Well, I took a OPK (First Response) and I got a (+) automatically on Monday. So, since the instructions say I will O 24-36 hours after I get the positive, we made sure we had some fun for the next few days and hopefully, with a lot of luck we were able to catch the egg.

Last night, while laying in bed, Dh brought up the process of IVF. We decided that if we don''t a BFP by the next 2 cycles; we will have been ttcing for for a year. He will get a SA. Something for him to look forward too. Anyone have any insight as to what the procedure is to a SA? Does he have to do it at the Dr''s office? Can I be in there with him? Magazines just don''t cut it, ya know?

Anyways, we would really would love to get that BFP this month. Hopefully with the timing this month we will get lucky.
Kaleigh, thank you so much.
I need all the luck I can get. Will keep you guys posted.

Diamondfan, I don't think I'm severly underweight.
The chart said that my ideal weight is 105lb, but I think I should be at 95lbs since that's when I look the most healthy and not plump.
Right now, I am a little on the light side at 87, so I do look like those skeletal celebrites you see plastered on the gossip magazines.
However, I don't think my weight interfered with my cycle since the two primary fertility signs (BBT and CM) are still there and my period comes like clockwork.
Unfortunately for me, I'm 34, so 2 years of trying is long enough.
It's good to know that they are going to check the guy first (as I secretly think that it may be my hubby because he does exercise strenuously).
Anyway, we will find out soon enough.
Thanks again.
Date: 7/12/2006 2:28:56 PM
Author: CdnBlingGal
Well, I took a OPK (First Response) and I got a (+) automatically on Monday. So, since the instructions say I will O 24-36 hours after I get the positive, we made sure we had some fun for the next few days and hopefully, with a lot of luck we were able to catch the egg.

Last night, while laying in bed, Dh brought up the process of IVF. We decided that if we don''t a BFP by the next 2 cycles; we will have been ttcing for for a year. He will get a SA. Something for him to look forward too. Anyone have any insight as to what the procedure is to a SA? Does he have to do it at the Dr''s office? Can I be in there with him? Magazines just don''t cut it, ya know?

Anyways, we would really would love to get that BFP this month. Hopefully with the timing this month we will get lucky.
Yay for getting the + OPK! Those never worked for me since I''d get a + literally every day of the month, regardless of the brand. If the doc decides you''re a candidate for fertility treatments, you''ll start with an SA as that''s the easiest test procedure to begin with. In our case, DH "collected" at home and then drove it over to the clinic immediately. And you most likely won''t start with IVF as your first''ll probably start "small" with Clomid, then if that doesn''t work you might get Clomid plus IUI (intrauterine insemination), then they might escalate to injectibles alone or with IUI, then IVF. Of course, everything depends on your particular fertility problem, if you have one.

But hopefully you''ll be preggo before even having to consider a fertility specialist. How is the Clearblue monitor working for ya?
KristyDarling: I wasn''t able to use the CBFM as I was past 5 days into my cycle when I got it. But I am looking forward to using it the next cycle. It would be so cool if I didn''t need to use it though.
Hi!!! I just found this thread, so I wanted to join!!! I got married July 1st and apparently conceived on July 6th and now we''re PG!!!! My due date is 3/29/07!!! We aren''t really telling many people, but I''m about to burst so i thought I''d share it here!!!!
Date: 7/25/2006 3:10:23 PM
Author: amyg
Hi!!! I just found this thread, so I wanted to join!!! I got married July 1st and apparently conceived on July 6th and now we''re PG!!!! My due date is 3/29/07!!! We aren''t really telling many people, but I''m about to burst so i thought I''d share it here!!!!
Aww, congratulations!!!! That is sooo exciting. How do you feel??
Thank you!!! I''m not feeling to bad really, on and off nausea throughout the day that seems to be worse later at night, and I''m tired most of the time, and for emotional for the first time today... But I really can''t complain, i just hope it stays this way!!!
hi everyone, just got back onto PS and was directed to this thread...Im pregnant! It was a pleasant surprise for DH and I, who were planning on trying later on this year. at first i was SO tired and thirsty! now I am just about nauseated and sick 16 hrs a day (my only relief is sleep!) Its so hard to work like this! Im so emotional, plus I feel so unattractive because I cant dye my hair, use my anti aging creams, paint my nails, lose weight, AH! but i just want to do whats best so i can have a healthy and happy baby.

any moms have some remedies that help with morning sickness? its so depressing!
Congrats PNP! Why can''t you paint your nails? I have never heard that one. I hope you feel better soon.
Congratulations Mommies-to-be!
Date: 7/25/2006 10:21:14 PM
Author: PunchNPie75
hi everyone, just got back onto PS and was directed to this thread...Im pregnant! It was a pleasant surprise for DH and I, who were planning on trying later on this year. at first i was SO tired and thirsty! now I am just about nauseated and sick 16 hrs a day (my only relief is sleep!) Its so hard to work like this! Im so emotional, plus I feel so unattractive because I cant dye my hair, use my anti aging creams, paint my nails, lose weight, AH! but i just want to do whats best so i can have a healthy and happy baby.

any moms have some remedies that help with morning sickness? its so depressing!
Congrats again (I replied to your original thread)!
My friends who have been pregnant say that the a.m. sickness does lessen after the first trimester, so hopefully you can see that as a comfort. Only remedies I have heard of from them are saltines and 7-up, or not eating too close to bedtime. One of my girl friends said she felt like she had the flu for about 3 months and that she just tried to drink lots of water...I don''t know how accurate or helpful this info is but I thought I''d pass it along just in case. I''m sure your Dr. can provide some insight as well, that might be more medically sound?

I know you feel yucky right now...and maybe you will for many months... but think of it this way: you have to be absolutely GLOWING with the knowledge that there is another life inside you forming its own beautiful self, and you may feel so EMPOWERED knowing that your body is giving this child LIFE, SUSTENANCE, and ENERGY! That is an amazing thing, much more important than being seen in public without your hair/nails/skin done. You are going to be such a great mom, steering yourself away from all the unneccesary chemicals for the next 2.5 trimesters! You will thank yourself later, and I bet you anything (well, except my e-ring and wedding band) that you will look back later at pics of yourself while pregnant and realize how beautiful you looked while pregnant. I have thought that ALL of my girl friends who have been pregnant looked just fabulous, in their natural state...I have seen my mom''s pictures when she was preg. with my brother and me and she looked gorgeous--that was in the ''70''s for goodness'' sake! Your hair will grow, your nails will be will just be a better version of you!!!!

I wish I was wherever you are right now...I would give you the biggest hug and tell you how beautiful you really are. But I''m not, and that is Mr. PNP''s job anyway, lol! Things WILL get better, you will have this beautiful baby and (with all your workout savvy) get right back to where you want to be afterwards. Bodies bounce back (ok, we can''t all stay 19 forever), and so does self-esteem. I had a friend in college who went through childbirth and was worried about stretch marks...when she found the love of her life, she was very concerned that it would be a negative thing for him to see--he seriously told her "those aren''t ''stretch marks,'' they''re ''trophies!''" Be proud of your pregnant body--you are now a "giver of life!"
Date: 7/25/2006 10:21:14 PM
Author: PunchNPie75
hi everyone, just got back onto PS and was directed to this thread...Im pregnant! It was a pleasant surprise for DH and I, who were planning on trying later on this year. at first i was SO tired and thirsty! now I am just about nauseated and sick 16 hrs a day (my only relief is sleep!) Its so hard to work like this! Im so emotional, plus I feel so unattractive because I cant dye my hair, use my anti aging creams, paint my nails, lose weight, AH! but i just want to do whats best so i can have a healthy and happy baby.

any moms have some remedies that help with morning sickness? its so depressing!
Hi congrats on your pregnancy!!! I had m/s with both of my kids well into the second tri. The best thing I could do to combat it was eat and drink often. Just make sure your stomach isn''t empty. Eat crackers or drink seven up...whatever helps. With my daughter I just had to eat whatever I got a taste for whenever I got the taste for it LOL
As far as dying your hair and all of that...well that''s a personal choice for you. I dyed my hair, got my nails done, and used some cold meds as directed by my dr. All of which alot of people won''t do. I have 2 very beautiful, happy, healthy children. YOu can talk with different people about hair coloring and all have differing opinions. My ob knew all about my nails and hair and had no issues and I was high risk. But it''s something that you have to be comfortable with. I did loads of research and talked with so many people I was happy to at least have my hair and nails look good LOL Try not to focus on your appearance too much. Enjoy your pregnancy (as much as you can right now with m/s) as it goes by super fast. You''ll be to week 40 before you know it! Good luck
Date: 7/25/2006 10:21:14 PM
Author: PunchNPie75
hi everyone, just got back onto PS and was directed to this thread...Im pregnant! It was a pleasant surprise for DH and I, who were planning on trying later on this year. at first i was SO tired and thirsty! now I am just about nauseated and sick 16 hrs a day (my only relief is sleep!) Its so hard to work like this! Im so emotional, plus I feel so unattractive because I cant dye my hair, use my anti aging creams, paint my nails, lose weight, AH! but i just want to do whats best so i can have a healthy and happy baby.

any moms have some remedies that help with morning sickness? its so depressing!


I''m 33 weeks now with my second - and honestly, a lot of the "no-no''s" you''ve mentioned are probably a lot of old wives tales. Yes you can dye your hair, yes you can do your nails, yes you can paint the nursery, yes you can drink some caffeine...

Just listen to your own body and real medical advice. My OB''s practice has 6 docs and a PA and a NP on staff, and when you are pregnant you have to cycle through them all - and I''ve found that every doctor has slightly different opinions on things. So just do your research - and if it sounds lame, it probably is!

So go have a Diet Coke, get your nails and hair done, think about what color you want to paint the nursery, go for a jog, etc... but do give up the raw fish (raw meats of any kind are espiecially risky - Toxoplasmosis, Listeria, etc), limit unpasteurized soft cheeses, no deli-made salads, and microwave any deli meat to steaming before you eat it! Oh and I recently heard more rumblings about Tuna - so I''d limit that too. Just some thoughts from someone whose been there...
Date: 7/25/2006 10:21:14 PM
Author: PunchNPie75
hi everyone, just got back onto PS and was directed to this thread...Im pregnant! It was a pleasant surprise for DH and I, who were planning on trying later on this year. at first i was SO tired and thirsty! now I am just about nauseated and sick 16 hrs a day (my only relief is sleep!) Its so hard to work like this! Im so emotional, plus I feel so unattractive because I cant dye my hair, use my anti aging creams, paint my nails, lose weight, AH! but i just want to do whats best so i can have a healthy and happy baby.

any moms have some remedies that help with morning sickness? its so depressing!
Hey PNP!! I''m sorry to hear you''re not feeling well, I hope it gets better!! How far a long are you? I''m almost 6 weeks, and so far I''m pretty tired and nauseous pretty much all day...thankfully I haven''t thrown up at all though...
The funny thing about morning sickness is that one day, it will just -- POOF! -- disappear. For my pregnancies it didn''t taper off, at around 12-14 weeks it just suddenly stopped. I remember throwing up violently one day and then felt 100% fine the next day and all the days after!

I agree with the suggestion of always keeping crackers handy -- they staved off several bouts of vomiting for me. And rest up a lot and let your DH pick up the slack around the house. Congratulations to everyone in the recent PS baby boom!
I''m Currently 36wks pg with my first one A GIRL!!!! another 4 wks to go!


wish you a faster easier route than IVF, also a lot cheaper one too

IVF is very very expensive

Dh and I have fertility issues so we went with IVF
we failed 2 IVFs and was succesfull with our third try!

Wonder how many more Jewelery I would get if not for this..
OH well a child is more worth than anything
Congrats mary!! I hope all goes well with your last month and the delivery! keep us posted and of course like good pser''s we will pics when that baby girl arrives!!!
As a mom who has delivered 9 babies, I can tell you morning sickness is so different from person to person, from pregnancy to pregnancy. With my first one, I had it horribly and HAD to eat whatever I craved or I would get sick. I ate tiny pieces of a tuna salad sandwich made on white bread for like the first 3 months for breakfast. Sick, huh? Oh, and morning sickness lasted for 6 months for me with the first one. With most of the others, it did disappear around 12 to 16 weeks.

I found that keeping a saltine cracker just in my mouth, kind of sucking on it--I know this sounds a bit weird--made me feel better. I would eventually eat the mushy cracker, but only after I did this to calm my tummy. And gingerale or flat seven up...not with carbonation. I always had the crackers by me in the morning or if I laid down during the day. Graham crackers worked once in awhile for this, but were more soothing just before bed with applesauce.

I know I grew not to like certain foods while pregnant, like eggs during my second pregnancy. I could NOT eat them or be around when they were being cooked. I also craved fruit with my 8th baby. Could not get enough. I practicularly drank salsa during my 9th pregnancy. I just had to have this certain kind that a local restuarant made. I would stop there at least 2 times a week for the last 4 months or so of my pregnancy. Go figure.

Yes, I have the evidence of the "roadmap of motherhood" or "trophies of motherhood" on my body, especially my upper legs/thigh areas. I had a tummy tuck almost two years ago so the tummy ones are gone, but the remaining marks are evidence that I went through alot to have my kids...and I wouldn''t change anything. Yes, 9 kids is absurd and totally nutso, but if you came to know them, you would have to agree that they are pretty amazing people!

Sorry for going too long...
How exciting. There are so many of you ladies expecting.
Congratulations to you all!
Hope you all have a healthy nine months.

Perhaps someone should make a list of preggers and their expected dates (just like the LIW and BIW lists).
Date: 7/25/2006 10:21:14 PM
Author: PunchNPie75
Im so emotional, plus I feel so unattractive because I cant dye my hair, use my anti aging creams, paint my nails, lose weight, AH! but i just want to do whats best so i can have a healthy and happy baby.

any moms have some remedies that help with morning sickness? its so depressing!

Hmm I have painted my nails, colored my hair, continued using my beauty products - I checked with my doctor and he said it''s absolutely fine.

I find that ginger tea helps with my nausea, nibbling on dry biscuits helps a lot too. At one stage I had sliced lemons in a plastic container in my handbag, and I was constantly sucking on lemon slices. Have small meals often, you need to feel your growing baby
Has anyone been skiing whilst pregnant?

We usually go skiing for a week in August every winter, and I am going to be 31wks pregnant when we go (late next wk). Should I even bother? I'm a little wary of falling over and injuring myself and button! Also, my centre of gravity has shifted now that my belly is bigger
, which may increase my chances of toppling over

It's also a bit of a drive to the slopes (Falls Creek), and I'm not looking forward to the many 'toilet breaks' we have to take.

Ok I think I have answered my own question abt whether I should bother going this yr. Maybe I'll book myself into a spa for the wkend instead.
I had my first official craving was for egg''s so funny because as soon as I craved it, I also thought oh but i don''t want to eat anything...I really have had no appetite at I waited until I got home and mad egg salad for me and DH for dinner and let me tell you it was the best thing I have ever put in my was wonderful!!!!
Congratulations to all the new moms-to-be...and lots of baby dust to those doing the baby dancing!

I think my DH has developed cravings for me. He has such a thing for hamburgers these days - he literally could eat one everyday (and this is a man who was raised a vegetarian in India!). I don''t seem to crave too much but I recently had an absolutely fabulous grilled chicken sandwich at Chili''s. How funny is that?
I didn''t even know grilled chicken could be that good.

One thing I have noticed is that I tend to enjoy foods from my childhood alot more than I usually do. Did this happen to anyone else? We eat a lot of ethnic food (Indian, Thai, Chinese) and lately it just doesn''t seem that appealing to me. I would rather have macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, or a ham and cheese sandwich (heated of course).

Sorry I don''t have any remedies to offer for morning sickness. Mine was actually not that bed. I just spent most of my first trimester in bed because I was literally exhausted. Thank heavens for the second trimester!
Date: 7/25/2006 3:10:23 PM
Author: amyg
Hi!!! I just found this thread, so I wanted to join!!! I got married July 1st and apparently conceived on July 6th and now we''re PG!!!! My due date is 3/29/07!!! We aren''t really telling many people, but I''m about to burst so i thought I''d share it here!!!!

Wow, that was superfast! You even beat our two weeks. A big congratulations to you!
Thank you!!! and congrats to you as well!!!
Date: 7/26/2006 4:10:39 PM
Author: DeannaBana
As a mom who has delivered 9 babies, I can tell you morning sickness is so different from person to person, from pregnancy to pregnancy. With my first one, I had it horribly and HAD to eat whatever I craved or I would get sick. I ate tiny pieces of a tuna salad sandwich made on white bread for like the first 3 months for breakfast. Sick, huh? Oh, and morning sickness lasted for 6 months for me with the first one. With most of the others, it did disappear around 12 to 16 weeks.

I found that keeping a saltine cracker just in my mouth, kind of sucking on it--I know this sounds a bit weird--made me feel better. I would eventually eat the mushy cracker, but only after I did this to calm my tummy. And gingerale or flat seven up...not with carbonation. I always had the crackers by me in the morning or if I laid down during the day. Graham crackers worked once in awhile for this, but were more soothing just before bed with applesauce.

I know I grew not to like certain foods while pregnant, like eggs during my second pregnancy. I could NOT eat them or be around when they were being cooked. I also craved fruit with my 8th baby. Could not get enough. I practicularly drank salsa during my 9th pregnancy. I just had to have this certain kind that a local restuarant made. I would stop there at least 2 times a week for the last 4 months or so of my pregnancy. Go figure.

Yes, I have the evidence of the ''roadmap of motherhood'' or ''trophies of motherhood'' on my body, especially my upper legs/thigh areas. I had a tummy tuck almost two years ago so the tummy ones are gone, but the remaining marks are evidence that I went through alot to have my kids...and I wouldn''t change anything. Yes, 9 kids is absurd and totally nutso, but if you came to know them, you would have to agree that they are pretty amazing people!

Sorry for going too long...
Growing to like or dislike certain foods is funny from pregnancy to pregnancy. With my son I could not eat chicken. Just the smell of it would make me vomit. Its really comical because even now eating plain chicken breasts from the grill are hard for me as I keep thinking about the smell from pregnancy and it literally makes me nauteous. With my daughter it was pork. I couldn''t eat pork chops or smell anything pork. I have no problems eating that now though. Its all worth it in the end when you meet that new amazing person that has been growing inside you for nine long''s the greatest gift I''ve ever been given

Wanted to post a pic of my two cuties as I know some others have of''s my son...he''s now 18 mos and this pic was taken a few months back:

And here is my daughter...she''ll be 3 at the end of October...again a picture at the beginning of summer.


You all have so much to look forward to