
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Your kids are too cute and so precious!!! When I was pregnant I remember going out to eat, being psyched to have shrimp, or whatever. As soon as it came to the table, the smell made me sick. I can eat shrimp now, but for years couldn''t look at them let alone eat them.
I also loved salami and cheese on a onion bagel when I was pregnant, but have no taste for it now. But I remember to this day how much I enjoyed eating them. Funny how that all works.
I suppose its the red volkswagon effect, but Gosh it seems like alot of pricescopers are pregnant right now! I am also at 36 weeks, so home stretch. Right now suffering through really crappy cold, but other than that main complaint has been achy joints so haven''t been walking as much, and also not sleeping well at night (not helped by tiny bladder!).
If I had to do it again probably wouldn''t suggest getting pregnant so due in Late Aug/early Sept, but the timing was good for other reasons. Because of the heat I feel like I''m trapped inside all the time, which sucks.

Congrats PunchnPie!

Lilii, though you may feel it may not make a difference it probably wouldn''t hurt to gain a few pounds (and cheaper than medical interventions!). I would say it isn''t a problem if you had gotten pregnant, but it has been 2 years. This is the time to focus on overall health (no smoking if you do!), lowering stress, and improving mood, not the time to be watching your weight like a hawk.
Just checking in on this thread''s been a while...congrats to all the new pregnant PSers! I''m currently 9 dpo, and trying to stay strong about not wasting another pregnancy test. This is my 2nd cycle of Clomid, TTC #2. We already have a 20-month-old girl (also Clomid-conceived). We''re going to the in-laws this weekend, so I will be doubly / tripley annoyed if AF comes.

CdnBlingGal - Just wanted to let you know that a SA for your hubby is not a big deal. All he has to do, is you-know-what into a specimen cup and drop the sample off at the lab. They''ll run a bunch of tests and tell you morphology, count, etc. My hubby had to do it when we were TTC #1. It''s nothing compared to all the infertility tests a woman goes through...but I think guys are just weirded out by it. And I think they''re also scared that something might be wrong with their it means something about their manliness. BTW, my hubby is also a urologist and he always tells couples who are having trouble getting pregnant, that it''s always better to know what''s wrong so you can do something about it...and 50% of the time, the guy is the one with the problem.

Hope this helps!
Thanks cutey TT :) I''m using the CBFM now. I''ve got a high today - cd10. I checked it off on FF and it gave me a green light with most fertile. I would think FF would give me a possibly fertile with a yellow light instead but I will take what I can get.
Lots of bd''ing tonight!!!!

Congrats to all the pregnant PSers! Wishing you all a healthy and happy 9 months.
Date: 8/2/2006 3:36:59 PM
Author: part gypsy
I suppose its the red volkswagon effect, but Gosh it seems like alot of pricescopers are pregnant right now!
I HAVE to ask.. what is the Red Volkswagen Effect?
Date: 8/2/2006 3:36:59 PM
Author: part gypsy
Lilii, though you may feel it may not make a difference it probably wouldn''t hurt to gain a few pounds (and cheaper than medical interventions!). I would say it isn''t a problem if you had gotten pregnant, but it has been 2 years. This is the time to focus on overall health (no smoking if you do!), lowering stress, and improving mood, not the time to be watching your weight like a hawk.
part gypsy,

believe it or not, i''ve been forcing myself to eat more so that i can gain some weight in the past few years.
i just don''t know why i can''t get up to my nominal weight. i don''t smoke or drink. i don''t even drink any caffeinated drinks like tea, soda, and coffee.
i''ll have an occasional cup of coffee or soda like once a month. perhaps i''m not sleeping well or maybe i need to do some exercise.
Congrats to all the PPS''ers!
I have a question for any of you: how long did you/ do you plan to wait to tell people you were/are expecting? I know some people who keep it quiet for a while in case of miscarriage, and others who shout it from the rooftops right away. What are your thoughts on this?
I told people right away. Although in my case, I was 3 months along when I found out. If I have another child I want to see how long I can go without telling anyone. I also want to keep the baby''s sex/name quiet as well. I got so sick of peoples rude comments/opinions on our name choices.
Melissa, I don''t know if it is a real term, a friend of mine used it. Basically it means once you own a red volkswagon (or know someone who does), suddenly it seems you notice all the red volkswagons around. For example, since I''ve been pregnant my husband seems more aware of all the pregnant women out there, pointing them out, when normally he wouldn''t mention someone''s pregnancy status.
Lili, keep up the good work! If all else fails go to a nutritionist, tell him/her you are trying to conceive and have them analyze your diet. They''ll have you fill out a dietary history, etc. I am prone to iron deficiency anemia so I once went for that reaon. It was interesting, learning about my dietary habits and more ways to introduce iron into my diet.

both times my husband and I waited 8 weeks to tell close friends and family and 12 weeks for coworkers. It is hard not to tell people, but the rate of spontaneous misscarriage is pretty high during that early part of the first trimester so it is better to hold off if you can.
Date: 8/8/2006 5:15:58 PM
Author: part gypsy
Lili, keep up the good work! If all else fails go to a nutritionist, tell him/her you are trying to conceive and have them analyze your diet. They''ll have you fill out a dietary history, etc. I am prone to iron deficiency anemia so I once went for that reaon. It was interesting, learning about my dietary habits and more ways to introduce iron into my diet.
part gypsy,
thanks for the advice. i never would have thought of going to see a nutritionist. my diet is probably pretty bad.
i know for sure i''m not getting all the nutrients i needed.

Anyway, I noticed that you are getting pretty close so I''d like to say GOOD LUCK and hope you have a speedy delivery:)
Date: 8/7/2006 2:28:23 PM
Author: old-fashioned girl
Congrats to all the PPS''ers!
I have a question for any of you: how long did you/ do you plan to wait to tell people you were/are expecting? I know some people who keep it quiet for a while in case of miscarriage, and others who shout it from the rooftops right away. What are your thoughts on this?
IF i get pregnant, i''d let family and close friends know as soon as i find out.
i will let my tummy tell the acquaintenances.
Date: 8/10/2006 2:47:22 PM
Author: lili

Date: 8/7/2006 2:28:23 PM
Author: old-fashioned girl
Congrats to all the PPS''ers!
I have a question for any of you: how long did you/ do you plan to wait to tell people you were/are expecting? I know some people who keep it quiet for a while in case of miscarriage, and others who shout it from the rooftops right away. What are your thoughts on this?
IF i get pregnant, i''d let family and close friends know as soon as i find out.
i will let my tummy tell the acquaintenances.
We decided to tell family and close friends only. At least until we get a little more used to the idea. It was sucha surprise (a honeymoon baby) we just needed sometime to absorb it ourselves before we get bombarded with all of the congratulations, I mean we''re still getting wedding''s just a lot at once, plus the whole possibility of miscarriage, and we certainly didn''t want to have to deal with telling everyone from work to church to 4th cousins about that...
Date: 8/10/2006 3:27:23 PM
Author: amyg
We decided to tell family and close friends only. At least until we get a little more used to the idea. It was sucha surprise (a honeymoon baby) we just needed sometime to absorb it ourselves before we get bombarded with all of the congratulations, I mean we''re still getting wedding''s just a lot at once, plus the whole possibility of miscarriage, and we certainly didn''t want to have to deal with telling everyone from work to church to 4th cousins about that...
how exciting it is to have a honeymoon baby. that''s the ultimate wedding gift i think.
congrats to you and wish you a healthy 9-month.
Date: 8/7/2006 2:28:23 PM
Author: old-fashioned girl
Congrats to all the PPS''ers!
I have a question for any of you: how long did you/ do you plan to wait to tell people you were/are expecting? I know some people who keep it quiet for a while in case of miscarriage, and others who shout it from the rooftops right away. What are your thoughts on this?
I waited until after the first trimester to tell anyone I was pregnant. I have been pregnant 4 times with the first 2 times being m/c. I can tell you without hesitation it was much easier on me that people didn''t know (especially family) so I didn''t have to go back and relive all of the painful news to them. I did tell my friends after that I had m/c but most of them hadn''t been through it so ''I''m sorry'' was the only thing they knew to say. When we told our families about our daughter (3rd pregnancy) I was 13 weeks. They wanted to know why we waited so long and that''s when we told them about the miscarriages. They ofcourse were teary eyed and wanted to smother us and that''s what I was avoiding. So I guess it''s all how you can deal with may never happen and I hope that it doesn''t but if you want to have to share that news with others then tell them right away if not then wait until after the first trimester.
So I hope you ladies don''t mind but I wanted to share. I just started putting my daughter to sleep in her crib in our room last week- I have the separation anxiety, not her
. She was sleeping with me, but now that she rolls like a mad woman it''s just not safe to co-sleep anymore. Here is a picture of how I found her earlier in the week. It''s kind of funny but at the same time very scary. I decided to buy some breathable crib bumpers. They tuck further under the mattress so hopefully she wont be able to lift them up with her feet. I also like that if her face is smooshed against it I know that she can breathe. I cant tell you how many times a night I wake up to check on her I am so afraid of SIDS.


Here she is after I rescued her

Date: 8/10/2006 2:47:22 PM
Author: lili

Date: 8/7/2006 2:28:23 PM
Author: old-fashioned girl
Congrats to all the PPS''ers!
I have a question for any of you: how long did you/ do you plan to wait to tell people you were/are expecting? I know some people who keep it quiet for a while in case of miscarriage, and others who shout it from the rooftops right away. What are your thoughts on this?
IF i get pregnant, i''d let family and close friends know as soon as i find out.
i will let my tummy tell the acquaintenances.
After asking someone when she was due and getting a dirty look with "I''m NOT pregnant" hissed back, my dh will never assume anyone is pregnant again (and I was there, she looked pregnant, not just heavy, but did not say she had just had her baby)...I agree that is is great usually to wait til you are passed the point of miscarriage...of course, family is one thing, but I think it just gets tough if anything has happened to have to tell everyone about it after the fact. This way, you can tell people that you are close to and leave it be til later.
Ahhh.. VegasAngel, you DD is soo adorable.

Well, a little update on me and my ttcing journey. No BFP yet. But as some of you may know, this cycle is my first cycle using the CBFM. FF gave me a coverline after this mornings'' temp. I O''d on cd14. I am 3dpo. But the great part using the CBFM, is that it has helped me with the BD timing. This is the first cycle that I''ve ever got a ''High'' for the BD timing analzyer so I''m a little optimistic this cycle.

In reply to your question old-fashioned girl - I want to wait to tell family and friends but when the time comes, I don''t really know if I can contain my excitement. I''m very different when I am ''hiding'' something so I am definatly not a good liar. You can read me like a book.

If I or Dh can''t keep it to ourselves, we will tell our immediate family and our closest friends. I think if we did m/c (knock on wood) we would like the support. Just my thoughts.
Thanks, VegasAngel, part gypsy, lili, amyg, Small, diamondfan, CdnBlingGal for your thoughts on this. I had always thought if I ever got pregnant, I would do the "wait 3 months" thing for the reasons many of you mentioned. Then, when I found out in July I was expecting, first of all as CdnBlingGal said, it was hard to contain the excitement. I could tell my DH was kind of bursting to tell everyone. Plus I started to think, 'if I did have a m/c, would I want to go through it all alone, with no support from my mom or sister or best friends?' So I started thinking, we could tell close family and friends, and swear them to secrecy, but alas, we didn't even have time to do that, as a few days after I told DH and a day after my birthday, I started to miscarry. When I wound up in the emergency room, people did inevitably find out. And I must admit it was so hard, it would have been even harder not having anybody to talk to about it, except DH. And kind of a sad way for people to find out: "OFG is in the hospital..." (which is how they did) So that's why I was curious what most people do. I think if there is a next time, I will probably tell close family right away, asking them to keep it confidential.

VegasAngel, your daughter is adorable!

your daughter is such a cutie.
she must be a pretty playful sleeper.
she reminds me of my niece who rotates like a clock when she sleeps.
you''d find her in a different position each hour of the night.
i''m sorry OFG...that must have been really hard...I know I would definitely need the support of those closest to me...and since I''m still in that iffy stage it''s something I think about often and even dreamed about last night...Here''s to the fun in trying again!!
old-fashioned girl,

*hugs* i''m so sorry to hear that. i hope that you are fully recovered.
i wish you luck and a successful 9-months on your next try.
Thank You shes my sunshine
How are all the expecting mommies doing? Anyone have a babyshower yet? Have you decorated the baby''s room? (Pics
i''m doing pretty well. Just about to hit the 10 week mark!!! Yippee!! I''m feel better most days and the nausea is only intermittently now thank goodness! I go to the doc again next week for my pap and to hear the heartbeat, we''ve already seen the heartbeat n ultrasound but haven''t been able to hear it I''m excited about that...I''m starting to out grow my clothes so I did some shopping at consignment stores this weekend to find some stuff to get me through until I need real maternity all is well here...thanks for asking!!
Well, my expected due date is this Thursday, so getting excited. My mother in law came in for a whirlwind visit and helped us clean and organize the house, I am so thankful, because all I have been doing is going to work and then resting at home, so things were not ready. I have decided my last day at work is Friday, so even if I am late can concentrate on house, getting ready for baby, enjoying solo time with daughter before new one comes along, etc.

If you don''t hear from me for awhile, you will know what has happened!
Date: 8/29/2006 8:15:40 PM
Author: part gypsy
Well, my expected due date is this Thursday, so getting excited. My mother in law came in for a whirlwind visit and helped us clean and organize the house, I am so thankful, because all I have been doing is going to work and then resting at home, so things were not ready. I have decided my last day at work is Friday, so even if I am late can concentrate on house, getting ready for baby, enjoying solo time with daughter before new one comes along, etc.

If you don''t hear from me for awhile, you will know what has happened!
We will be thinking of you, good luck!!! Take care, have fun with your daughter and get some sleep!!!
We are so excited for you!!
Glad your feeling better Amy! Hearing the heartbeat is the best.

I didnt believe I was pregnant until my Obgyn said "Ok, so there is your non existent baby''s heartbeat." I was 3 months along when I found out.

PG- Take a break & relax. Once your baby is here wont be able to do that for a long time
. Awwwe how exciting.