
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

We''ve told family and close friends, but not work people yet (though I did have to tell my HR person yesterday b/c our benefits enrollment is coming up). I feel like everyone must know -- she''s not drinking coffee! she''s always peeing! she looks like she''s sleeping at her desk! -- but I think I''m just paranoid!

I always said I wouldn''t find out -- I love the idea of being surprised in the hospital with the "It''s a ____!!" announcement -- but I don''t know if I''ll really be able to hold out that long. Hubby wants to know, and I''m pretty sure it won''t take much arm-twisting to get me to find out. But I''d be really proud of myself if I managed to NOT find out. I admire your will power in not finding out, Tacori -- it''s impressive!!

Diver, thanks for the info! I wish my doctor had done some sort of pre-appt. appt., but the receptionist just sort of laughed when I asked (jokingly), "So do I get a guidebook or anything now?"

Honestly, we weren''t expecting this to happen so soon so I''m thankful that I actually started taking prenatals a few months ago just to get the folic acid stored up in me! We just got married in Sept., I went off the pill in November or December, and we were still being pretty careful even after that, so really it happened pretty much as soon as we stopped being careful. We weren''t "trying" exactly (weren''t monitoring ovulation or anything like that), so I feel pretty lucky that at 35, I was able to pregnant basically right away. My grandma had two kids in her 40s and my first cousin did too, so (knock on wood) late healthy pregnancies run in my family!

"Our favorite nights though are at home, playing with our son. You''ll never tire of watching them discover things, and they are just so damn cute it hurts. You will turn into that person who oohs and ahhhs over the dumbest stuff. Its a riot. Last night I spent an hour watching my son chase my german shepherd through the sprinkler & they were wrestling in it and he was laughing so hard he could barely stand up half the time. I almost peed my pants from laughing just watching them. yep....they change your life, and thank God for it....its the best thing in the world. " -- LOVE IT!!!
WOW!! I just spent like a half hour catching up on all these posts I''ve missed over the past several weeks!! CURLYGIRL: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I''m so glad your little Lily is here!!

To everyone else (sorry but there are just too many of y''all to list!!) : congrats on your pregnancies and how they are progressing so far!! It''s all so exciting!!

Oh yeah and Tacori - that''s THE BABY!!
I think I felt mine around 18 -19 wks - it felt like little muscle spasms for me. I remember it happening for a couple days before it finally hit me what it was!! Pretty cool, huh?!

Well, here''s my progress - I''m 38 wks 5 days along now with the little girly-girl. I had some complications develop over the past month, so I had to stop working for awhile and have been resting at home. I came down with a nasty kidney infection due to a blockage in the tube that connects your kidney to your bladder (called the ureter), resulting in urine backing up into my kidney. It isn''t causing any problems for the baby, but a heck of ALOT of pain for mommy! So I saw my doctor today and we have decided to go ahead and induce my labor on the 25th!! SOOO..... unless she comes on her own in the next week, I will be seeing her FINALLY next friday!!
I''m excited and pretty nervous. I keep hearing how pitocin-induced contractions are HORRIFIC. But I am requesting the epidural ASAP, so hopefully I won''t have to suffer the contractions too long! My hospital makes you wait until you''re at 4 cm before administering the epi, so hopefully I will progress fast! I was checked about 2 and a half weeks ago and at that point I was only 1 cm and not thinned out at all. I go back to the doc on Monday and she will check again and see what is happening, then Thursday nite I go to the hospital to get the Cervadil to start the thinning process, followed by pitocin and water-breaking on Friday morning. I''m nervous, but all in all - WAY EXCITED!!
This 3rd trimester has been torture for me, I''m not going to lie!! I''m so big and stretched out now - I gained more weight than I wanted, but I''m also only 5''2", so I am the definition of short, fat and pregnant right now!! My waddle is insane! But the crazy thing is that I''m cool with it! Even if I never get back down to being skinny again, it will be worth it! The pain in my back from the kidney infection is almost unbearable, so I''m glad there''s finally a light at the end of the tunnel - and hoping to go into labor on my own before next friday!!

anyway, that''s what''s going on here!! I really hope you all have happy and healthy pregnancies!! I will drop on in soon and give "stats" on my little girl when she''s here!!!!
Ohhhh IrishEyes, you''re almost there. I hear you on being all big and waddling!!! So remember that when I had my daughter. Best wishes to you!!!! Good luck!!!
Irish Eyes: If it makes you feel better...I couldn''t tell the difference between a pitocin contraction & ones without. (I was induced) You''ll be fine... {{{hug}}} I hope your infection clears up! Poor mommy.

Tacori: Looked at your bedding again & I can''t get over how stinkin'' COOL it is. It''s so attractive & I love the colors & the circles...where on earth did you find that? I have some friends who might LOVE that line. And yes...too bad no Pregger PSer GTG....That would be fun! Diamonds & Babies?


Off to look at other obsession....
Irish eyes- good luck with everything! I wish you a FAST and PAINLESS delivery!

Diver- It is part of the MiGi line. I registered for mine at Target but they have it at Amazon and even Wal-mart. You can only get it online though. Maybe a smaller, local baby shop carries it in house. I am not sure. They have a matching lamp and mobile. I love the bed skirt and valence. They are the coolest part (to me) so if and when I take off the bumper it will still be cute. It got good reviews online (on quality). They have the sweetest girl bedding like I mentioned before. Not sure if your friend knows what she is having. I just hope it looks good with an ebony crib since it looks so great with a white one.

I am starting to think that was not the baby b/c I haven''t felt anything all day (or is that normal) I am going to ask my doctor tomorrow the exact position of my uterus b/c that would help me determine what it was. I know it doesn''t really matter in the long run but still exciting to think about.
I''m sure it''s the baby. In the beginning, you''ll probably feel it once a day, sometimes even less. Over time, you start to notice it happenning more frequently until maybe a few weeks later, you just know it''s 100% the baby doing it.

I have been wondering how things are, drop me a line if you have the chance, been thinking of you!!!
congratulations ellaila!!!

I''m vicariously living through you ladies!! Very exciting stuff!
Tacori – That is too cute!!! I love those colors and the little fish and bubbles are great. I agree with you that the skirt and valences are the best and you will be able to use them for a long time! I’m jealous you have something cute!!! I have a thread I post on at BabyCenter that a couple girls lied about not knowing their last period. I am lucky (I guess!) in that I’m a regular kinda gal, so I never had a doubt. I may have told the little white light lie had I thought about it! I started feeling movement a couple weeks ago, but I wasn’t sure it was the baby until recently. It’s a flutter kind of feeling on my lower left side, which is also where they have been finding the heartbeat. I’m still 100%, but it keeps happening and feels the same, so I assume it’s the baby. I only felt it every once in a while at first and it is getting more frequent, but still not ALL the time. Its funny, when I try and concentrate on the movement, they stop!

I have no clue what to think the baby is! I am a big believer in the carrying out front is a boy and wide is a girl. I have seen it be true for too many people. The itty bit I’m showing seems to be all out front, so from that I think boy, but I have a feeling deep down it’s a girl. We shall find out in an hour!

Diver – I will have absolutely no problem letting others help out! I have seen other couples get run down like that too… it’s a shame! I always offer to babysit for friends and family. We are big home bodies now any ways… hardly ever go out other than for a dinner Saturday night. I have watched my brother and his family enjoy their weekends at home too… you just adapt. Honestly, having the baby around will give us something to do! :P

Vegas – I think you are right about the height. I am 6’ and am just barely showing… its weird! I have also had a hard time finding maternity clothes that aren’t $$$$$. I don’t mind spending that for regular stuff, but not on something I am going to wear for 4-5 months!

Irish – I am so sorry for all the kidney trouble… what an ordeal on top of being pregnant! How exciting that you will have a baby next weekend at the latest though!!!! I hope everything goes well and smooth and you and you’re little girl are healthy as can be! We will be thinking about you and pop back on when you get a chance!!!

So we had our ultrasound and all is well and healthy! Everything looks great and is measuring right where it should be. They took an hour to call me back and of course I was just DYING needing to pee so bad… I could hardly move. I lay down on the table and my belly goes ROCK HARD! It was really freaky and cool and the same time, so not only did we get to see baby, I got to feel my first Braxton-Hicks! So they start scanning and my bladder is so full all you can see is the poor things head! I was MORE than happy to empty my bladder (got called and over-achiever!) and we proceeded to find out we are having A LITTLE BOY!

We are besides ourselves with joy for a healthy baby, DH is REALLY excited for his little boy and I am starting to wonder how on earth do you raise a son!!! DHs first words to me were “I can paint the room blue!”
Oh and Tacori, I started writing most of that post before I went to the doctor, but I got to see and feel the baby kick and what I have been feeling is the little guy in there! It was pretty cool. I am sure you are feeling the baby and like I said, it was random at first and only the last week or so have they been happening every day, but its still sporadic.
njc- CONGRATS ON YOUR LITTLE BOY! I am so happy for you. Now you can find some cute bedding too. I am sure it is *much* easier when you know the sex but waiting is important to me. I have my next u/s on June 14th. They said I didn''t need a full bladder with their new system. Sounds uncomfortable! How cute you are barely showing. So not the case with me (but you are almost a foot taller than me
) I actually asked the nurse in front of my husband how much I have gained so far (because I think my husband thinks I am lying
) and she confirmed 5 lbs. Then I told the doctor how so many people are telling me I am huge for how far along I am and showing early (hubby INCLUDED). He looked at me like I was crazy. Said that is not the case. I am just where I should be. Then he told me to tell people "thank you for your concern" and basically ignore them. DH got a kick out of that one! He laughed so hard. People are very rude and the doctor said it has only just begun. Everyone thinks they are experts on everything. So I am glad the doc confirmed that I am not a huge whale
He said he doubted what I felt was the baby. Oh well. I am sure I will feel those flutters soon! We got to hear the heartbeat again. It was in the 150s. Makes me feel better to know the little one seems to be doing good.
njc: congrats on a little boy!! They are so much fun & love their mommas so much...

Tacori: you are about 4 weeks behind me, & when I was where you were (both times) I''d feel a flutter & hten nothing for a few more days. Then --poof-- flutter & then nothing. For about the last 4 days I''ve been feeling her every day whenever I sit down & relax. (apparently when we move around a lot it rocks them to sleep) I don''t think you feel it regularly for awhile. Sorry you are feeling so huge, I''m sure you aren''t. But IMO, its really weird to have this body until your belly fully pops out. Once that happens, things get a little better body image wise.

Diver- I feel like I am complaining too much! I think it is just hard b/c so many people comment on it (and not in a good way). Someone actually told me I look chubby!!!! Not nice! It is hard not to start taking it to heart. My hairdresser was the SWEETEST though. I told her what everyone was saying and she said she wasn''t surprised I was showing since I was so thin before
So kind (slightly untrue) and that was even after I tipped her! Haha. My husband (as much as I love him) does not help the situation.
He has his own body images so he kind of likes to point out mine.
Hopefully after hearing both the doctor and the nurse he will lighten up a bit. I can''t wait to pop out completely. I imagine that will happen soon. My doctor says I need to stop laying on my tummy. I find myself constantly waking up on my belly. I am not sure how to pervent it. Any ideas?

I have not gotten any stretch marks yet. When can I expect those beauties?

Diver & njc I am slightly jealous you are due in Sept. since I love sapphires! Your babies will have the BEST birthstones.
Tacori: You are not complaining too much...that''s MY job. LOL. But seriously, people can be really rude when you are pg, and you kind of have to develop a thick skin. My aunt (never married, no kids) had the nerve to tell me not to eat so much when I was 10 weeks pg with my son. Another good friend of mine loves to point out how HUGE I am all the time. "Wow, you are really getting fat!". I let it slide because she''s always battling her weight & went from very thin to quite overweight after she hit 45, I figure it makes her happy that one of her thin friends is gaining weight. It still hurts though. Your DH on the other hand, should be pummeled with a pregnancy book. LOL...just kidding. As for stretch marks, I think they come when you experience a rapid surge in weight gain & stretch your skin beyond what it can handle. You might not even get them...(I didn''t with''s to praying I don''t again) but I think they show up at the end.

I''m cranky right now...major crankpot going on here. Hormones + sore back + bad attitude make for a not so lovely diver. LOL.

Oh, and on the laying on the stomach thing, won''t be able to soon enough so don''t worry about it. I''m still demonstrating certain yoga poses on my stomach in my classes. I try not to, but it doesn''t bother me, so why not? I have less and less range of motion each week, but I figure if I can still do it, I will.

Also, we aren''t supposed to lay on our backs, but every morning I wake up to find myself sleeping n my back!!! I even wedge pillows behind me at night to keep me on my side & poof...on my back. My OB said if my vena cava was being compressed by laying on my back, I''d have symptoms & it would wake me up, so he thinks its not a big deal. Yet anyway. You will know when it hurts to lay on your tummy, because it will wake you up & you''ll shift positions. Soon that won''t be an issue.

My back keeps going out on me. I am having SI joint pain. Doc says its because my joints are loosening for baby & that there isn''t anything I can do except take a very warm bath. I can''t even put weight on my left foot its so bad when it goes out (usually at night after a long day of toddler chasing, laundry hauling, floor mopping etc.) I make DH do as much heavy lifting as possible, but he travels 2 to 4 nights a week, so its not always feasible for me to have help.

ok done whining

Diver you have every right to be cranky! We all do! Don''t worry about it. I cannot imagine how tired you are raising your little one while preggo. Well I guess one day I will know (one day, far, far away). Sorry to hear about you back. Ouch! I hope you feel better soon. So why do you think I am carrying a girl? I wish I lived by you so you could teach me yoga. I should look into a class.
Congrats! NJC! & IrishEyes your almost there.

I think maternity clothes are hard to find for shorter, taller & skinny women.

Tacori, I''m pretty confident it''s the baby you are feeling. Early movement is bubbling, fluttering. Is you Dr. a man?

People can be really insensitive about womens weight during pregnancy. My MIL was mean. She would say how big I was for 5 months then 6 months & I was not at all big. She would tell me no one knew she was even pregnant at such & such a month. Good for you I dont give a crap. At my babyshower all her friends were commenting how little I was & kept asking if my due date was right I was too small. bwahahahaha to El Diablo.

Tacori try not to worry about your weight. Just eat sensibly so that you gain weight gradually. I think women tend to get stretch marks when they gain too much weight too quick & genes. Just embrace your body & remember it''s working hard to grow a baby, a belly is part the package. Apply lotion daily-any kind doesnt have to be cocoabutter (Geez I hated the smell when I was pregnant & still do) just to keep your skin nice & supple. Once my belly got really round & hard it itched soooo bad. I love reading everyones progress reports.
Thanks vegas. My doctor is a man so obviously he doesn''t know what feeling a baby is like first hand
I haven''t felt it since so who knows. My MIL only gained 12 lbs with my SIL (and she was an 8 lb baby). She has yet to see me since we have known I am preggo so I am keeping my fingers crossed she won''t say anything negative. She works very hard at staying a size 2 and wants her family to be in shape too. But I love her and she is a good person. We all have a odd quirks. I have purposely told her several times how horrible it makes me feel when people make those types of comments so I *really* think she would not say anything even if I gain 80 lbs.
I am really going to try not to worry. Obviously being almost 17 weeks with a 5 lbs gain is low so I just need to remember that. Also I need to remember b/c of my height gaining 5 lbs under NORMAL circumstances would be noticable. Plus with the placenta, my swollen uterus, extra blood, and baby it is only natural that my belly LOOKS and IS swollen.

Thanks for all the support though. I know none of you know me IRL but sometimes you just need a kind work to set you straight!
That''s so exciting you''re having a boy!!!!

Sounds like you''re doing just fine!!!! God If I listened to everyone with both my pregnancies I would have gone mad. With my daughter I was too fat, with my son I was too thin. Gained the same amount of weight with both, around 28 pounds total. I am 5''4, my daughter was 6 pounds three ounces, born 2 weeks early, my son was 6 pounds 12 ounces born 3 weeks early. So go figure. People''s comments can be soooo annoying. Plus with the hormones raging their comments aren''t exactly helpful are they?????
Take it all with a huge grain of salt!!
Thanks Lisa I will! I think it was just hard since many where echoing what I was feeling. I want to yell "I know what I look like! I own a mirrior!" maybe one of these days I will.
NJC - congrats on your LITTLE BOY!!!!

Tacori - UGH! The comments people will make! Like everyone says - just try to ignore it and don''t let it get to you! It''s so funny because opinions will vary so greatly from one person to the next. Throughout this pregnancy, there have seriously been times where I would go out and say run errands - at one store, someone would make the comment "how far along are you?" and I would answer and their eyes would get huge and they would actually say "wow!! I thought you were farther along than that!" Uh, thanks. So you think I''m huge is what you''re telling me
Then, at the very next store, someone would ask me the exact same question and then after I answered them they would say "wow! You''re still so tiny! Lucky you, you''re all baby!"
Needless to say, I prefered that comment over the first one!
What bothers me about pregnancy is that it seems to make complete strangers, as well as your family and friends, think that suddenly your body and physique are open grounds for random comments. I hate it when women do it, because they really should know better! But I REALLY hate it when men do it!! One of my husbands friends was over one night when I was about 5 months along. He hadn''t seen us since I was around 8 wks pg, so it had been some time and I obviously had since "popped". So he walks in and sees me standing by the couch in my maternity shirt. His eyes get huge and he says "whoa! How far are you now?" I went "just about 5 months" and he actuallys says "Man, you''re going to be huge! I would''ve thought you were 7 or 8 months!"
Mind you, this is a man who has absolutely NO BASIS for comparison. He and his wife have no children and he doesn''t have alot of female friends, so it''s not like he spends his time around alot of preggo women. I just got a mean look on my face and went "Well, every woman carries differently and my doctor says I''m right where I should be" GRRRR. I was ticked!
So yeah, that''s the part that sucks about being pregnant! Just wait until you''re 9 months along and EVERYWHERE YOU GO people stare at you like you''re an alien from outerspace and like they''ve never seen a pregnant woman before! I''m glad I''m limited to the house these days because I''m so cranky and irritable at this point that I snap at people! 2 weeks ago I went out and someone kept looking at me and I actually snapped and said "what are you staring at?!" She just kind of sniffed and looked away. Hehehe..... don''t mess with a pregnant woman!
Congrats to you ellaila I forgot you
Oh gosh, Irish!! Take care of yourself! You must be just so anxious for this pregnancy to be over so you can start feeling like you again -- and have a wonderful new little one to hold and love too!

njc, congrats on your little boy!!!

Thanks for the congrats, Vegas!
Oh, finally a little boy! Congratulations NJC!

Hold tight IrishEyes, that baby will be out in no time!

I wanna see Curlybabe! You have to post as soon as you have time.

I tried to post updated pics of my 5 month babe sleeping but that thread is locked now. So no piccies.
Irish- thank you. It feels really great to vent AND be understood. I am really going to try to change my attitude about it. After all, we never know the motivation behind people''s comments. Maybe they are just jealous (that they cannot have children or they want the preggo feeling again), maybe they are happy (like diver said about being thin and gaining weight), maybe they are just CLUELESS (and don''t realize how hurtful comments can be to a sensitive & hormonal woman). It is really more of a reflection of themselves than on me (that''s my story I am sticking with
) The doctor and nurse both seemed to think I was in normal range and their opinions are all that matters. I am sure if I was HUGE my doctor would have told me to slow down a bit.

You are SOOOO close to the end! Any day now your baby will be born. I am so excited for you. Are you all ready?
irisheyes your post cracked me up.

Tacori you hit the nail on the head about peoples comments.

Do any of you watch the discovery health channel? I am addicted to Birthday, Runway moms etc.... havent stopped watching since my pregnancy. I am such a sap I always shed a tear when the baby is born. My husband thinks I''m crazy & cant understand why I still watch. If he comes home & it''s on he throws a fit.

Oh, has anyone tried BebeSounds First Sounds Deluxe Prenatal Heart Listener or one like it? I wanted to get one when I was pregnant. Maybe next time around
Tacori – I think its great you are waiting. I always thought I wanted to, but changed my mind. I’m just jealous you have stuff picked out and I’m so lazy! We went to a party last Saturday for my brother and his fiancé. I walked in the room and one of my cousins (my parent’s age) screamed across the room “there she is! You are REALLY fat girl!”. Um, gee, thanks for shouting that across the room for everyone to hear. I just ignore the stares and comments. People are so dumb. Last visit at the docs I was up 12 pounds, so you are kicking my butt!

I don’t think I really needed the full bladder yesterday either considering things looked EXACTLY the same pre and post pee. I don’t know what the point of that was other than making me feel REAL uncomfortable. I think I was supposed to drink something like 16oz (not some of the crazy numbers I have heard other women were told), but guess I got carried away. I always have a bottle with me and just drink. Technician also commented that when you are well hydrated the water just goes straight to your bladder. Oh well. Its over now!

Glad your baby is doing well and healthy in there! Something that threw me for a loop yesterday… when they did the heart rate it was 133. Every time at the doctor it was around 160. I thought that was interesting!

I’m actually due Oct 2nd, and love opals, they are my birthstone as well. I think all my opals are pretty (lots of color), but there are definitely some UG-LEEE ones out there. I was in our family jewelry store with my mom couple weeks ago and commented that I wouldnt mind if the baby came early though so I had an excuse for a few sapphire things. My mom has several FABULOUS sapph/diamond rings… I love them SOOO much. She is an Aug babe and adopted sapphire as her birthstone.

Diver – Thanks, we are pretty excited. I am just so thankful he is healthy! Sorry you are having so much trouble… that just stinks. My back has been bothering me, but nothing bad.

Vegas, Kaleigh, Irish, ellaila, Chrono – Thank you!!!

Irish – HA! Good for you snapping at that woman staring!!!
Tacori: Yep, I''m all ready!! It''s funny, but I''m a "planner" person, so I''ve had everything ready since I was going into my 8th month!! The first trimester I didn''t do anything because I was so exhausted all the time, but as soon as I got into my second trimester, I felt such a burst of energy and I was on the go! It was nice too because I wasn''t so huge yet, so I had lots of energy to go to stores and get what was needed. I ordered all our nursery furniture online, had hubby paint the nursery and put furniture together and in place. Got the carseat all installed and inspected. My mother and MIL threw me a shower when I was just under 8 months along, and I go SO MUCH at the shower - seriously, just about everything we needed we got! Then I washed most of the clothes and put the finishing touches on the nursery. We''ve made tons of frozen meals and stocked the freezer for meals I can just throw in the microwave when I''m tired and breastfeeding all day! I also stocked up on lots of plastic plates so I don''t have to worry about doing dishes for awhile. I tell you - I''ve been ready! The only downside to being so prepared is that waiting around for the baby this last month has been torture!!

VegasAngel - you should check out the doppler monitors from a company called BabyBeat. They are online. You can rent them monthly for a small fee. I''ve had one since I was about 12 weeks along - it''s been such a lifesaver for me because prior to this pregnancy, I experienced a loss and it was so reassuring to have a monitor that I could just take out and listen to my little one''s heartbeat whenver I wanted to! It''s been nice here at the end of my pregnancy as well. The baby is real big now, so her movements have slowed a little. Sometimes it makes me worried, so I will just take a quick listen to reassure me that she is doing ok in there! I highly recommend getting one!

Njc - yeah, the whole full bladder thing is so not necessary!! Since you seem to be at the halfway point in your pregnancy, the baby and your uterus are big enough now where they don''t need that anymore, at least that is what my doctors have told me. I''ve had several ultrasounds since I was 22 wks, and I didn''t have to have a full bladder for any of them, which is sooooo nice! and don''t worry about the heart rate fluctuating - it''s completely normal. I think my doctor told me once that as long as it''s above 120 or so, things are probably fine!
oops - VegasAngel - it sounds like you were looking for a good monitor for your next pregnancy? Sorry if I misread your post! The babybeat is still the one I recommend though!
njc: You are so sweet. I am MUCH happier today. 2 days of getting good walking workouts in + lots of sunshine & fresh air does wonders for your mindset. plus my back feels better, I did a "good" blowout after my shower (instead of letting my hair do whatever) and that makes a difference. Hell, tomorrow I''m getting a mani/pedi (for the record, I can still get my toes--what kind of yoga teacher would I be otherwise?) because I want someone else to take care of me. LOL.

Irish Eyes: I got my doppler from BabyBeat too! I got the cheapest one, $22/mo and I love it! I figured I''d only use it around my amnio to check on baby & then send it back, but I wound up enjoying the peace of mind from listening to the heartbeat on busy days.

Funny purchase DH & I are gonna make: our "white trash pool". DH is buying me a 10foot above ground pool to get through this summer (its like 3.5 feet deep). What a riot. It comes with a cover, pump, & had rigid sides with metal supports for $99 at Target. We''d get bigger, but our patio out back is only 12x12. You guys this thing is a riot, but it got great reviews on Amazon. I''m DYING here...No one in the PacNW has pools since we have little sun (and my dh is from Phoenix & hates pools, too much maintenance, too dangerous for toddlers, but its all in-ground there) but our son won''t be able to get in it (he''s never un-attended anyway) and we''ll remove the ladder & keep the cover on at all time & lock our gates (we''ve got 6ft cedar privacy fencing all around the back, so no kids can get back there.

I just think its a hoot....but DH insists that this summer, I might need it with my back issues..get weightless for awhile. Cute!

Well, I have to decide on dinner for tonight....

Yah! I am in SUCH a good mood! I just saw a girl who I used to work with at a gas station and she said I was tiny!!! TINY!!! and looked great! Haha all you negative meanies who need to think before you speak. I wish I could have taped record it so I could listen to her comments daily.