
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

That''s great Tacori!!! Just keep replaying that in your head, when you hear anything negative. I truly believe people need to think before they speak!!!
Why is it that pregnant women are open targets for such comments?? It always floored me when I was preggo.
Thanks Lisa! I was just really excited because she is the FIRST person who has actually been kind. I think (well hope) she was sincere but I guess it doesn''t really matter
We are easy targets. That''s why we gotta stick together!
Congratulations on the little boy, njc! Little boys are supposed to be so much fun. And a big congratulations to you, ellaila!

Tacori, my guess is that you're having a little boy too. You're a stronger woman than I for waiting until the birth for the big surprise!
ebree, you are the only one so far that thinks it is a boy! Well my strength WILL be tested soon. My next u/s is next month and that is the one they can tell you the sex.
But I really, really do want to be surprised and DH wants whatever I want. Haha.
Oh gosh everyone was wrong with my first. They all thought it was a boy because of the way I was carrying. I knew it was a girl, and had to laugh at all the wrong predictions. Another thing to take with a grain of salt. But everyone's an expert at this, LOL!!!

Not directed at you Ebree!! Just people in general that you encounter on a daily basis that love to tell you what you are having.
Well Lisa I actually LIKE hearing those guesses. I think it is fun. I just don''t like the weight/appearance comments
unless they are favorable of course!
Date: 5/19/2007 9:46:21 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Not directed at you Ebree!! Just people in general that you encounter on a daily basis that love to tell you what you are having.

Oh, I know! I haven't had a whole lot of pregnant friends to guess about *yet*, but when a good friend of mine conceived, I just had a feeling it was a boy from the beginning, and so did she. And 9 months later, he was born! Of course, it's really just a 50/50 shot, isn't it?
Date: 5/19/2007 10:01:07 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 5/19/2007 9:46:21 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Not directed at you Ebree!! Just people in general that you encounter on a daily basis that love to tell you what you are having.

Oh, I know! I haven't had a whole lot of pregnant friends to guess about *yet*, but when a good friend of mine conceived, I just had a feeling it was a boy from the beginning, and so did she. And 9 months later, he was born! Of course, it's really just a 50/50 shot, isn't it?
Hehe, yes it is!!! Most everyone was correct on my second though!!
I''ve been wondering how our Curlygirl and her curly baby are doing. I hope you are getting sleep & enjoying motherhood!

Divier – Glad your back is doing better and your white trash pool sounds fantastic! Wish we had the space for one or belonged to a pool! I want a mani/pedi so bad… I can still get to my toes, but just don’t feel like doing it myself…. SO lazy and SO not willing to pay the money!

Tacori – Yea for the nice comments!!! That would be wonderful to have on tape and listen to after some dumbo comes up and says something without thinking. You will be strong… just make sure when you go in to tell the technician you DON’T want to know! Ours asked us like 3 times before we started. I thought that was nice.

Ebree – Thank you! It should be an interesting ride… DH was a rather active boy!

Kaleigh – In my small, small experience with pregnant friends and family, the “how shes carrying” method usually works. DHs cousin was all out front (normally a boy) and had a little girl. It’s a crap shoot no matter what! I still feel optimistic even though we saw his doodle!

Irish – Hope you are doing well! This is the big week right unless you go naturally right???? Wishing you a safe and easy labor and happy, healthy little girl!

So Irish mentioned freezing food, which I think is a fantastic idea and want to do, but I don’t know what I can make and freeze beyond lasagna and chili! I’ve tried searching FoodTV before, but cant get anything to come up about freezing. Any ideas or places I could look???

I had my regular check up yesterday and everything is good. Got a little antsy when they couldn’t find the heartbeat, but knew they were looking too high… kiddo likes to hand out in my gut! I asked about my weight total and I have gained 12 pounds… I don’t think that’s too shabby for 21 weeks! It’s the coming weeks when I have the potential to gain a pound a week that scares me! Oh well. And cool thing… the little guy was doing karate last night and I got to see him kick. Kinda freaky and cool and the same time. Cant wait for him to do it again when DH is around so he can see!
I made tons of shepherd''s pies. I modified it to include peas and carrots for veggies, alternated some minced chicken and pork for variety and the potatoe and cheese on top makes it a complete meal. I''m sure there are tons of shepherd''s pies out the on the net. I make a few batches and freeze, then toss in the oven when it''s time to eat. It''s a great time saver during the first few weeks with a newborn when I didn''t even have time to sit down to eat.
njc- I don''t know if you have a "girlfriend''s kitchen" or "dream dinners" or "switchn'' kitchens" (there are about 5 MORE companies in Charlotte) but basically for around $120 you go there and make 6 entrees (serves 4 people) and they freeze it for you. Probably could divide it into 12, 2 serving meals. They provide all the stuff you need, help you AND clean up. I feel like it is a good deal and might go and try one when I am closer to the end. I figure you can easily spend $20 per meal when you cook at home (if you don''t have a well stocked kitchen which I don''t). I think they have smaller packages too.

We are leaving for Ohio tomorrow (for a funeral) and since it is so close to my shower next weekend I am just going to stay. It is the first time my inlaws have seen me since we have known I was pregnant. I have prepared my MIL that I DO look pregnant and I DO have a belly so hopefully I''ll only get kind comments. DH and I went out for dinner last night and the server was really pushing wine on us so finally I told I was preggo. She said I fooled her b/c I was "so skinny" and throughout the meal told me I was disturbing her and needed to put on more weight
I told her I have and the baby is fine. Funny how people are such EXTREMES. Few say I look perfect.

12 lbs is awesome for 21 weeks! Plus you are tall so you probably look adorable. Did you find bedding yet?

I don''t think that was the baby since I have since not felt anything
It was probably just gas or something. I cannot wait to start feeling the little one. Hopefully soon. (I am 17 1/2 weeks).

Diver- how are you feeling? I hope the pool is helping your back.
NJC/Freezing dinners: I have this great place by my house: and they are all over the US, you can search to see if they have one in your town. There are other similar companies, Dream Dinners, etc....we have both of those here.

I like DDR because it is $169 for 12 meals that serve 6 people. Since it''s just DH & I (and our toddler) we just prepare half of each meal at a time, so we wind up having 24 dinners for the month. It''s great and there is a ton of variety. Plus its fun to put the meals together & its really a great service.

I also buy their sides....the infused rices are great as are the red garlic mashed potatoes ($6.95 for a huge package you can feed 8 people with). If I''m watching my weight, I just prefer to make the meal & add a salad to it.

Hope this helps!

Oh, other great snacks to have at the house include scones, croissants, fruit, cheeses, crackers, juices (but when I was breastfeeding, it upset my son''s tummy if i drank OJ)

Njc: 12lbs at 21 weeks is AWESOME! I''m 22 weeks & I''ve gained 16, so you are doing great. I''m still doing better than last time, I checked my journal I kept from my son & I was at 18lbs at this point.

Sticky Wicket: Well that danged Catholic Church got me again...I swear, I should just convert to Episcopalian and be done with it...I delivered my son at a Catholic hospital (loved it there..small maternity ward, high security, best nurses ever, awesome jacuzzi for laboring moms) and I just found out via a friend in Texas that Catholic hospitals don''t do elective tubal ligations. GRRRRRRR.... So I called ours & lo & behold, they don''t allow it unless its "medically neccessary". Well, I''m just "done" having kids & since I have a fibroid on my cervix, blocking Delaney''s exit so to speak, my chance of having a scheduled C is really high. My OB said since I want to get my tubes tied, if I do have the C, he''d do it right then for me.

I googled this particular hospital & there was a discussion amongst 4th year med students & interns about how you can''t learn to do tubals or vasectomies at these hospitals & you have to rotate out to another one to learn it.

I have one other hospital that my doc delivers at & the reputation isn''t as great. Oh well. Its not like I''m planning a vacation & all I care about is MY doctor, but I''m glad I figured this out NOW rather than too late.

Well - this is almost it!! I go in to the hospital tomorrow nite (thursday) to start the "first round" so to speak, of the induction! I''m soooooo nervous, but excited too! I just pray everything goes ok for me and the baby! I''ve heard too many stories of cords around the neck, bowel movements for the baby in utero, still births, etc. Why is it that when you get pregnant and approach labor, everyone feels the need to tell you some horror story?! Grrr. But I''m trying to keep optimistic and just imagine hearing her first cry and the feeling of her in my arms and seeing my husband hold her for the first time

For the meals, we froze a ton of cooked chicken breasts, pork loins, hamburger meat, etc. They are already cooked and marinaded, so all we have to do is thaw them and pop in the microwave or oven for a sec. We also went to Sam''s Club and stocked up on canned veggies and fruits, as well as some other "side" items to pair along with the meat. We also bought alot of pasta and pasta sauce, since that is pretty easy to make as well. Let me add that I am probably one of the world''s least talented people in the kitchen!! I have like ZERO creativity when it comes to making food, so my DH has been a lifesaver for me on this!! I know he will continue to help in the kitchen, so I''m pretty psyched about that!

Tacori : you''ll be feeling the baby soon, I promise!! It''s different for everyone, but within a few weeks you will be feeling him/her and before you know it, the dainty little kicks will turn into the giant "rolls" around in your tummy that look like an alien trying to fight it''s way out!! Just wait until he/she starts head-butting your cervix - that''s always such a pleasure!
Irish- Good luck with everything! I hope you have a wonderful delivery (as wonderful as it can be
) Keep us updated!

I am sure I will feel the baby soon. I think I was just disappointment b/c I thought I had. Oh well!
Irish Eyes: OMG! I had no idea tomorrow was your day!! Well good luck with the induction . I was induced with my son (he''s 2 now) and it went fine. And yes, he had a cord wrapped around his neck 2 times & while it did make his heart rate drop at the end of each contraction, that didn''t happen until the last couple of pushes & my doc just used a mini-vacuum (nifty little device, not like the big one--more for direction than suction) and helped guide little man out in 2 seconds flat. It was not a big deal at all, my son came out just fine with 8 & 9 apgars & is healthy as a horse. I''ve known a few moms who''ve dealt with the meconium (bm in utero) and babies were all fine. Sure its scary to hear that, but in the grand scheme of things, they aren''t huge problems.

Remember, the odds of success are totally on your side. Why people choose to tell horror stories is beyond me--maybe they are still affected/upset by their births being difficult & disappointed & need to vent it somehow. At any rate try to ignore and baby are going to be just fine.

I bet if Dani''s around here, she''ll probably say that things go right a lot more than they go wrong in L&D. People just need to know when to shut their traps.

Tacori: I bet you look fantastic. No worries honey! I had a girl in the boutique where I am getting baby''s chandelier tell me that I look small.
(shes a mom too & tall & thin) She said she gained 70lbs each time with her 2 kids. So I''m 34 last time wasn''t so bad! I love those days. Tomorrow I''m going antiquing with my friend who likes to tell me how fat I am getting. Oh well, she''s a good friend otherwise, I''ll let her have her fun.
Then friday night I''m having dinner with my aunt (of no kids fame) who likes to tell me I shouldn''t be eating so much. WHATEVER!!!

We just have to let it roll off our backs.....our flabby little backs......LOLOLOL

Good luck Irish Eyes!!!!!!
I''ll be thinking of you tomorrow!!!
Date: 5/23/2007 8:31:26 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Good luck Irish Eyes!!!!!!
I''ll be thinking of you tomorrow!!!
Me too!!! Very exciting
Best of luck for a fast delivery and a beautiful healthy little baby, Irish!!!
By the way, have any of you had gagging while brushing your teeth as a symptom?? Eeeeeeeek, this one is making me nutty!! I''m not nauseous, and I''m not throwing up (thank God!), but this gagging thing is really annoying!

But since overall I feel fine, I guess I shouldn''t complain ... but ...
Unfortunately, the answer is YES! It is so irritating. I'm trying to clean my teeth and I almost throw up. What I do is to bursh my teeth very slowly, gently and avoid brushing too far back. I even went as far as to forgo toothpaste. Never had this with the first pregnancy though? I also didn't have bleeding gums the second round, but with the first pregnancy, my mouth rinses were bloody. It scared me so badly that I had nightmares of all my teeth falling out!
Date: 5/24/2007 10:03:20 AM
Author: Chrono
Unfortunately, the answer is YES! It is so irritating. I''m trying to clean my teeth and I almost throw up. What I do is to bursh my teeth very slowly, gently and avoid brushing too far back. I even went as far as to forgo toothpaste. Never had this with the first pregnancy though? I also didn''t have bleeding gums the second round, but with the first pregnancy, my mouth rinses were bloody. It scared me so badly that I had nightmares of all my teeth falling out!
Yikes, Chrono!

Such a weird symptom, isn''t it??! It happens for me about 30 seconds after I start, and once it kicks in, I''m just done. Gag, gag, gag, gag, gag. And it''s not only if I''m brushing the back teeth -- it happens regardless of where the brush is! I never thought that maybe it was the toothpaste, but maybe I''ll try doing without and see if that makes it better. I''m being really good with flossing and mouthwashing so hopefully my teeth won''t all fall out if I skip toothpaste now and then? (I feel so gross even saying that!)

Thankfully no bleeding here though!
Irish Eyes,

Here''s to a safe, quick delivery and a healthy baby. I''ll be thinking and praying for you.
Hi everybody! Just checking in from the wonderful world of motherhood!!!! Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes. Lily is a GREAT baby!!!! I know she''s not even 3 weeks old yet so my thoughts could change but so far, she''s been a dream child for the most part. She has her fussy moments but she really doesn''t do the blood curdling crying--she just lets me know when she wants something and it''s generally food or attention! Sleep has become a foreign concept to me but I think I''m getting used to it! She''s up every 3 hours to eat but last night she slept for 5 hours straight and I was in shock! I kept waking up to make sure she was actually still sleeping and she was! So that was a nice break--I only hope those stretches start getting longer!!

Besides the sleep deprivation, I''m feeling great. I had a small tear and a few stitches but I think that''s all healing up pretty well because I haven''t had any pain or issues. I have 7 lbs. to go to get back to my fighting weight but my stomach is HIDEOUS!!! It''s just stretched out and still sticking out but I''ve only been to the gym once so I haven''t really been working on it. I sit on the exercise ball a lot with Lily in my arms so hopefully that will kickstart the muscles in there until I can get back on a regular gym schedule. All in all, I''m loving every minute of it! It''s such a huge responsibility but when you see this little thing staring up at you with these big hungry eyes, it''s impossible to not melt! DH is totally putty in her hands--I''ve never seen him be so tender and loving. We''re having a great time!!!!

I''m so excited for everyone else!! Lots of stuff going on here!

NJC, congrats on the team blue news!!! All my friends who have sons absolutely love being "boy moms".

ellaila, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Hope you''re feeling ok! I never had the gagging thing but I''ve heard that a lot of people do and it will pass. The second trimester will be a breeze for you. Keep us posted on your progress.

Tacori, sounds like you''re doing great! I give you so much credit for not finding out the sex. I only wish I had that kind of will power!

Diver, I want to come and hang out in your WT pool! I love it!!!! You crack me up!

Irish, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! Don''t worry about anything, it will all be fine. My baby actually did pass some meconium while she was in me but it totally was no big deal. They just suctioned her really well when they got her out and she''s doing just great. I hope everything goes really smoothly and you have an easy labor and delivery! Can''t wait to "meet" your little girl!

Best of luck to everybody. Sorry I''ve been kind of MIA but this baby stuff is totally overwhelming. Even when I have time to just hang out, I want to sit and stare at her!! I''ll try to put up some photos in my next post...
hey curlymama! thanks for checking in. even though i''m a luker on this thread, i''ve been wondering how you and lily were doing.
sounds like you are in baby awe heaven.
bet she''s the cutest little thing!
She''ll hate me one day for posting this but it had to be done...


Thanks for the update. You sound elated. Takes me back 28+ and almost 26 years ago. It will take a few months for your stomach to get back in shape, but it will happen. In fact, with both of mine I ended up being thinner than what I was before getting pregnant. I think I got down to 108, and at 5''8 and big boned, I was skinny. Enjoy Lily and remember these precious times. They grow up so fast.
I don''t know how to do more than one at a time--sorry!

What a beautiful little girl.
In her Gymboree piggy pjs! I have hundreds more but don''t want to be too self indulgent! Thanks for letting me brag!!!
