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- Dec 4, 2007
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Tacori, you do that yourself?! My at home manis never look like that!! Yay for getting through all the first stage foods!
NF, how fun on hearing the heartbeats-it's such a great sound

Kay, sorry to hear about your feet! The hot weather probably isn’t helping, I imagine. I don’t think you’re whiny at all! Really hope that you can get to France-when do you find out for sure? I get those cramps too-I wonder if it’s Braxton Hicks? Have also felt some flutterings, which people say is how the baby feels-but it could be something much less romantic!
Bobo, I’m sorry to hear about little B. Has it settled down? Those cheeks in that photo…yum! Happy birthday-I’m sorry it was fraught with little B’s illness!
Burk, I’m sorry to hear about T! She’s really had a tough time-I bet you have too!

Lili, thanks for asking! I’m feeling so much better than a few weeks ago. I’ve got lots of questions though, so stick around…. J is just gorgeous-I love the expression on her face-like ‘whoa, look how much more I can see!’
Eph, I can totally identify with missing the ‘us’ times. Our families are not going to be able to help much for various reasons, so it will be pretty full on once the baby arrives. I’m glad that some of the mommies here have stepped in-but there is part of me that ‘mourns’ some of the things that will change. My BFF uses FuzziBunz and loves them. She does use disposables at night and when traveling tho. You look great too-def pregnant but what a cute belly!
Snlee, you look great-what a lovely pic!
Diver, big awwww on the new Delaney pics. And I love your captions for them! Super cute…. I’m glad to hear that you are getting some insight on your mom-sorry that it’s bringing up painful memories

Curly I really hope you come back. I feel so bad that I started something that ended up driving you away

TGal, love the 2 month shot! Super cute…The booger shot is hilarious.
Jas, you look great! I think some of those looks are like ‘wow, how good does she look!’
Jess, I’ll show you mine (belly) if you show me yours! Seriously, I look as big at 17 weeks as E does at 23-so yours will be no shock!! Yay on the crib and congratulations for being right on track measurement wise!
Janine, I can totally identify with the ‘nesting’! I’m planning to do the same thing re: buying stuff gradually over time.
Pave, I totally identify with this-I want to get the bedroom ready, but because we may be moving, DH is a bit reluctant! What is it with guys-anyone would think that they didn’t have the hormones

MrsS, love that photo of Jake! Look at those big blue eyes!
__________________________________________So I have a few questions!
When did people start wearing maternity clothes? Even with the belly band the waistband of my trousers is getting pretty tight. I’m just worried about being totally over the maternity clothes by the time I get to the end of the pregnancy.
Do people think working up to 38 weeks is doable? How much more tired did you get in the third trimester? I would go down to 3 ½ days a week, with at least one behind a desk, so that might help…
As I mentioned, we are moving house! For the mommies out there… is it better to move in (very late) 3rd trimester or after b is born?
Thanks for your help ladies!! I will try to post a belly pic this weekend now that I am confident that some of it is baby!!