
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tacori, you do that yourself?! My at home manis never look like that!! Yay for getting through all the first stage foods!

NF, how fun on hearing the heartbeats-it's such a great sound

. I hope your rash is clearing up

Kay, sorry to hear about your feet! The hot weather probably isn’t helping, I imagine. I don’t think you’re whiny at all! Really hope that you can get to France-when do you find out for sure? I get those cramps too-I wonder if it’s Braxton Hicks? Have also felt some flutterings, which people say is how the baby feels-but it could be something much less romantic!

Bobo, I’m sorry to hear about little B. Has it settled down? Those cheeks in that photo…yum! Happy birthday-I’m sorry it was fraught with little B’s illness!

Burk, I’m sorry to hear about T! She’s really had a tough time-I bet you have too!

on the tornado! Glad you’re okay.

Lili, thanks for asking! I’m feeling so much better than a few weeks ago. I’ve got lots of questions though, so stick around…. J is just gorgeous-I love the expression on her face-like ‘whoa, look how much more I can see!’

Eph, I can totally identify with missing the ‘us’ times. Our families are not going to be able to help much for various reasons, so it will be pretty full on once the baby arrives. I’m glad that some of the mommies here have stepped in-but there is part of me that ‘mourns’ some of the things that will change. My BFF uses FuzziBunz and loves them. She does use disposables at night and when traveling tho. You look great too-def pregnant but what a cute belly!
Snlee, you look great-what a lovely pic!

Diver, big awwww on the new Delaney pics. And I love your captions for them! Super cute…. I’m glad to hear that you are getting some insight on your mom-sorry that it’s bringing up painful memories

. You are a great mom-look at how happy your kids are in every single picture! You can just tell that Daners loves the world!

Curly I really hope you come back. I feel so bad that I started something that ended up driving you away

. Your experience (not to mention such gorgeous photos of Lily) are invaluable.

TGal, love the 2 month shot! Super cute…The booger shot is hilarious.

Jas, you look great! I think some of those looks are like ‘wow, how good does she look!’

Jess, I’ll show you mine (belly) if you show me yours! Seriously, I look as big at 17 weeks as E does at 23-so yours will be no shock!! Yay on the crib and congratulations for being right on track measurement wise!

Janine, I can totally identify with the ‘nesting’! I’m planning to do the same thing re: buying stuff gradually over time.

Pave, I totally identify with this-I want to get the bedroom ready, but because we may be moving, DH is a bit reluctant! What is it with guys-anyone would think that they didn’t have the hormones

! Sometimes I think they need to see the belly too before it inspires them to move-it didn’t seem as real to DH before I was really ‘showing’. How are you feeling? It sounds like you still have plenty of energy which is great!

MrsS, love that photo of Jake! Look at those big blue eyes!


So I have a few questions!

When did people start wearing maternity clothes? Even with the belly band the waistband of my trousers is getting pretty tight. I’m just worried about being totally over the maternity clothes by the time I get to the end of the pregnancy.

Do people think working up to 38 weeks is doable? How much more tired did you get in the third trimester? I would go down to 3 ½ days a week, with at least one behind a desk, so that might help…

As I mentioned, we are moving house! For the mommies out there… is it better to move in (very late) 3rd trimester or after b is born?

Thanks for your help ladies!! I will try to post a belly pic this weekend now that I am confident that some of it is baby!!
I've been lurking and too lazy to post. =P

We finished painting the nursery. We have to put up new curtains and the chandelier light, pick out a lamp, buy sheets for the bed and the crib, and buy some nursery decor. Then we'll be done. I really need to get on it. hehe.

I got stretch marks under the belly this week.
I was hoping to escape them, but I am not so lucky.

Love all the belly and baby pics.

eph & Snlee - You ladies are tiny tiny. You look fabulous.

Diva - You are getting close now. There's four couples in our childbirth class that have 7/25 as their due date. My due date is about a week after yours, and I can hardly wait.

Gemma - I am going to working up to 38 weeks. I have a job where I have to go out to the field. I was going out everyday to 5 or more locations. This week I started going out for only 3 days and less locations. I'll probably do that until my leave in 5 weeks since I still feel pretty good. Things might change, but that's my plan.

I started wearing maternity clothes when I was around 15 weeks. I could still fit my pre-pg jeans then, but DH was very insistent that I get maternity clothes. So I did.
TGal, I am 10 lbs heavier than my heaviest. It sucks!

Gemma, I guess I have done my own nails for so long it isn''t a big deal. I used to do french manis but those require more upkeep. I guess the best advice is practice, practice, practice. Nice nail polish makes a difference too. I was exhausted my entire pregnancy so I cannot help you on the work front. I started wearing maternity pants REALLY early. I think around 8 or 9 weeks b/c I was SOOO bloated. The first tri I was down 3 lbs but looked like I gained at least 5 lbs. Yay for your new house. I would vote to move while preggo b/c once that baby is here you won''t have the time or energy for anything!

MrsS, she loves it so I love it
Survival! I am still playing the eye color guessing game.
I had 2 C sections, neither one was planned. I will tell you the scar from my first, was awful. I had a rail road track of staples , so didn''t heal well. With my second C section again not planned, I aksed the doc, to remove the scar, and stich me up as best as she could. I had another Doc for my second. She did a terrifc job, the stitches were smooth, and healed well. This is something you have to discuss with your OBGYN, for sure. The staples, weren''t good for me, but didn''t have prior knowledge. I healed with a keoloid, (SP) so it was like a big ole worm on top of my stomach. I was thrilled that with my second, I was able to get rid of it. The scar is very thin and barely noticeable. HTH. Good luck!! I know exactly how you feel.
Date: 6/13/2008 12:46:35 AM
Author: Kaleigh
I had 2 C sections, neither one was planned. I will tell you the scar from my first, was awful. I had a rail road track of staples , so didn''t heal well. With my second C section again not planned, I aksed the doc, to remove the scar, and stich me up as best as she could. I had another Doc for my second. She did a terrifc job, the stitches were smooth, and healed well. This is something you have to discuss with your OBGYN, for sure. The staples, weren''t good for me, but didn''t have prior knowledge. I healed with a keoloid, (SP) so it was like a big ole worm on top of my stomach. I was thrilled that with my second, I was able to get rid of it. The scar is very thin and barely noticeable. HTH. Good luck!! I know exactly how you feel.
Boy, this has me curious to check out my scar. Guess I''ll have to lift the gut...
Date: 6/13/2008 12:46:35 AM
Author: Kaleigh

I had 2 C sections, neither one was planned. I will tell you the scar from my first, was awful. I had a rail road track of staples , so didn''t heal well. With my second C section again not planned, I aksed the doc, to remove the scar, and stich me up as best as she could.

Hi ladies,
Just thought I would throw in my experience w/ c/s scars. I''ve seen quite a few, and many of them are barely visible. Truly! And unless it is truly emergent, the incision is quite small and very low, as in just above the hair line. No one would even come close to seeing it in a bikini. Also, the staples heal up very nicely as well. Hopefully you won''t need the c-secion anyway, Kay!

Love lurking on this thread.. beautiful babies
Gemma - glad to hear from you!!! As I mentioned in my initial post, I know you were being kind and lovely to Jas12 and all of us. I just wanted to make comments about a couple things mentioned in your post in the most neutral way possible. Obviously, I have offended people.............

Anyhoo, pie sounds good. I am freakin'' starving this morning.
Hi all.
Mostly lurking.
Still pregnant.
Y''all are awesome.
As are your babies.
That is all.
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to chime in on the c/s scar topic.....Kay, I am not sure if your doc uses staples or sutures on the skin, but you can certainly ask...In my experience, stapling the skin incision (vs. using a suture) leaves more risk for developing hypertrophic scars (such as a keloids) afterwards. In the hospital where I work, almost all of the surgeons use sutures to close....We hardly ever use staples...only in certain situations (e.g., pt is obese and we need to insert a drain, etc). I would definitely ask your doc about his/her preference when it comes to closing the skin.

There are other factors that weigh heavily on healing and how your incision will look afterwards: for example, how your own skin/body heals itself and your skin type (e.g. are you of Mediterranean or African-American background, etc.)? People with darker skin tend to develop hypertrophic scars more easily than people with lighter skin. These are factors you cant control obviously, just FYI.

Good luck!

ps- Love all of the pics....all the PS babies are sooooo cute!!!
quick pic of my little cow (cloth diapers have come a long way!)
9 weeks

Gemma--thanks for your response. i know you were only trying to help (and i believe LC had the same intentions) like i mentioned, i considered the possibility of some form of PPD (even tho all the pieces don''t add up). I think it is good if moms on this forum offer up advice and viewpoints--that''s what we are here for!

it''s finally sunny here--going for a walk....
Date: 6/13/2008 10:57:48 AM
Author: sbde
given the twin boom here on PS I thought I''d share this website with the most adorable twin stuff I came across.

just look at those onesies!!

I''m not usually into the word t-shirts or twin stuff, but some of those are super cute. Thanks for posting! I know one of my friends (who is well intentioned but has very very different taste than me) is already stockpiling places where she can buy matching twin outfits. Ay Carumba.
Gemma, I started wearing maternity pants around 13 weeks - they were just so much more comfortable! I didn''t start wearing maternity tops until 18 weeks or so. A lot of my tops aren''t maternity - just the flowy ones that are in style now or larger sizes.

Jas12, Co is so adorable and I love his cow print diaper!
Just want to do a quick drive by to thanks all the sweet comments on little B. He is getting better but we''re still very freak out after each feeding afraid that he''ll puke again.

The Doctor has suggested to take out the "P" in the next vaccine which is the whopping cough. But I don''t know which pose more risk, the reaction to the vaccine or him not getting the P and not protect by the vaccine.

Jas12, Co is so cute in the cow diaper

, now all he need is a cowboy hat..

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts on the weather situation. It''s been crazy. We''ve had somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 or 8 tornados touch down in the area. My future BIL''s parents had one go through the middle of their house a couple weeks ago. They lost everything. It is soooo sad.

Tacori~I''m wearing a bikini, but no one said I look good in it!
(I guess my hubby says I look good, but he has to
) I''ve never heard of "Yo Gabba Gabba" but my T loves to "watch" maybe I should investigate this.

mrss~Jake is such a cutie!!

tgal~Like mrss, we also use sunscreen even though T isn''t 6 months yet. I figure it''s better for her not to get a sunburn and I give her a bath right when we get home. I also don''t want to not do things outside because I''m afraid of her burning (because I do obsess about her burning....even WITH sunscreen)

Jas~Adorable little cow you have there! That facial expression Co has is still one of T''s favorite.

Bobo~Glad B is doing better.

Big Tayva news: she ate sweet potatoe!! She has been showing all the "signs" of being ready....the biggest of which is that she has been watching us won''t play with her toys, only watches us eat. So, when I took her to the allergist last week I asked him what he suggested regarding solid foods (she''s 5 months now so I didn''t know if we should wait longer than 6 mos b/c of food intollerances or since she sometimes doesn''t eat formula well but loves rice cereal if we should move on) and he said he saw no problem with us starting any time and suggested we start with sweet potatoes. So, I called her pedi a couple days ago just to okay it with him. He said to go for it. So, we did and she LOVED it!! When I called pedi back today to report how it went, he said if she does well, to go to two feedings of solids a day!
Jas12- cohen is too cute. How much does he weigh now?
here''s a pic of Miss T in all her solid food glory!

Oh, and one more my thread on my new ering setting in SMTR, I posted a pic of my ring on Tayva''s toes and one on her hand!
Burk, oh your DH sounds like a sweetie. Mine loves to remind me of what I REALLY look like
Honestly he is NOT a bad guy just has issues. T loves sweet potatoes too! Isn''t the bumbo a great first highchair?

Jas12, Co is so cute!

Jas, hope you are still feeling great.

Bobo, glad little B is doing better!
Gemma: I started editing my wardrobe a TON at 8-9 weeks because I couldn't fit into my formerly pretty form fitting wardrobe without looking like I had a major muffin top. Now I am 11 weeks and I can only fit into 2 pairs of previous jeans, a few dresses (wrap, babydoll, etc.) and that is pretty much it. BUT that being said, I am carrying twins. My doctor said I am measuring about 4-5 weeks ahead, so take that with a grain of salt...

Right now I am wearing a mix of very small maternity clothes and then just really flowy tops/dresses, often in a size bigger than what I wore previously.

And Pave: There are no belly shots happening here until my rash goes away. It looks like I have horrible huge chicken pox all over my stomach!!! Maybe I'll get DH to take a covered one...I look like I am about 15 weeks with a singleton.
Happy Friday all! Glad to hear my DH isn''t the only one who is a pack rat--I thought it was just an idiosyncracy of his. I thought guys would be less attached to random stuff! My DH also hangs onto every receipt, paper with scribble on it, clothing tags (just in case he returns it?). We live in a tinsy 1bdrm (converted studio) so every item that is out is an eyesore! I do try to do most of the organizing on my own and then just show him his piles to make decisions on (I throw away what is obvious garbage), but he tends to avoid it and look at it as a chore. When we moved in together he had tubs of junk...letters from ex-gf (grrr..), jeans from the 80''s! I managed to get those moved to his parents at least! (hehe).

Hard to believe I"m approaching month 6 already, I"m slowly moving out of cute belly phase into just looking one looks at me in the face anymore! Part of the problem might be that I can''t resist sweets--does anyone else have this problem? Clearly sweets do not help the baby, but I can''t control myself some days! I try to buy fruit, but then see something nearby and convince myself I"ll eat half and save it for another day, but then consume it all. Yikes..

Some additional notes:

MrsS: Jake is a cutie!!
Burk: Stay safe with the crazy weather! And Miss T is adorable and getting bigger!
Jas12: love the diaper..very chichi (haha). Is it my imagination or is that the same expression Amelia has in photos?

As for maternity pants I think I was in them by 12-13wks too. I love the stretchy ones that go above the belly, so comfy and no more zippers, buttons, squeezing. Maternity tops...not so much a fan of--so I wear looser non maternity tops.
MrsS, Burk, thanks for the info on the sunscreen! My friend is having a pool party on July 4th, and I would love to take Amelia in but wasn''t sure what to do about the sunscreen.

Gemma, I started wearing maternity clothes early too...I was so bloated (or maybe it was just my regular fat) that it was soooo much more comfy.

Jas, Co is that diaper...way better than the sesame street ones I have on Amelia. You know, Co totally reminds me of Amelia! Their features look similar to me, for some reason!

Burk, gotta love those simple victories eh? That is fab. These days I am happy if Amelia doesn''t spit up her meal! That is a cute pic of Tayva. Can''t wait to have my own sloppy Amelia in a Bumbo pics.

Well, came back from Stroller Strides today and had a lovely breakfast with a friend out by the beach. Amelia was on her best behavior, thank goodness! We came home, I fed her and put her down for a nap. And here''s the big news...

I blow dried my hair for the first time in over 2 months!!!!

I decided to do whatever I could in the time allowed. I showered, blow dried, did my hair, put on makeup, and gave my disgusting feet a quick pedicure! I feel human! And she''s still asleep...what a treat for me.

Tonight is date night for the first time in a long time. Mom is going to watch Amelia and TGuy and I are going to watch a movie, unless something keeps him at work (in which case someone is dead.)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Yes, Tacori, I am feeling good, thanks.

I''ve been MIA for a few reasons...I was getting frustrated with this thread (just my hormones acting up). Twas silly. I''ve also been to waaay too many in-law functions and that soured me for a few days.

Anyway, went to a multiples class the other night. Not fun, very serious (as it should be...there are risks involved). Apparently there will be a cast of thousands at the birth...8 million doctors, nurses, techs, etc. I asked DH if he could request that they could at least come in the OR in a clown car, for my personal amusement. They showed us a movie about the NICU, which is a real possibility of course for anyone having multiples, but it made me a little weepy. The babies were so small and the nurses so sweet.

I''m 25, almost 26 weeks...and huge! I''m growing out of my maternity clothes! I have a wedding tomorrow and will be seeing people who haven''t seen me since pre-preggo. That''ll be a riot!

Babies are active and like to "play tag" with DH. They love the sound of his voice and love it when he presses on my belly.

I cannot believe how good the preggos look...there is no way in hades I will be posting belly shots!

The baby pictures get more and more precious.

Rock on, ladies!
Just caught up with this thread, I hope I''m not replying too late. But on the subject of spending alone time with your husband, yes you will get time together again. Once the baby is old enough and the feedings more regular, they usually go to bed around 8 pm or so. I''m in full support of TGal, I liked my babies having an earlier bedtime.

Speaking of TGal, the boogie picture was precious!
Burk--lovin T in the bumbo--those things are great eh? Or so it seems, easy to wash, kids actually stay in them, i got a hand-me-down bumbo that i plan to use.

Tgal--yay for blow-drying your hair and date night! I desperately need some primping as well--i manage to blow-dry most days (just cuz i have a rat''s nest for hair if i don''t) but as for the rest of me--sad state of affairs. My toe-nails haven''t been trimmed in months, my eyebrows are closing in on one another and everything needs shaving--ah well. I have a wedding to attend out of town next weekend and i figure that''ll force me to get it together.

MrsS. --Cohen is over 12 lbs at last weigh-in ( i take him to my family''s business--and old-fashioned confectionery--and put him on the fruit scale)
sorry to hear jake got a sunburn, but it must be so fun to take the kids to the pool. Is it in your backyard or a community pool? I am bringing Co to my cottage tomorrow so i am going to be extra careful about the sun. i guess being in the shade is not enough?

Charlie and I just got in from dinner--the one thing we''ve always done since we''ve been together is eat-out on Friday nights. The first few weeks of Co''s life we went to ultra-casual places so we could make an escape if screaming ensued, but now that is he pretty predictable we are going back to our usual places. Tonight was so warm and we were eating at a patio and we could see the sky getting dark so i started to pack-up and pay the bill etc. All of the sudden the wind picked up and it got really dark. I grabbed Co''s car seat and moved him to cover him with a blanket and all of a sudden a metal patio umbrella crashed down *exactly* where he just was. Scared the SH*T out of me--he could have been so hurt
...try to protect you kid from everything obvious only to be blindsided by a giant patio umbrella!
we are back from hawaii, and now spending a long weekend at my parents'' house in LA. i was able to read all of your posts while we were away (on my phone!), but wasn''t able to post any updates myself...
anyway, you and all your babies and bellies all look incredible.
we are off to a bday dinner in a few minutes so i don''t have time to do individual posts, but i did want to give the quick update...

IT''S A BOY!!!

during the u/s last week, DH kept saying, i don''t see anything down there... and so i was thinking...hmmm, maybe a girl, no it CAN''T be...and then little baby spread his legs and showed "the goods" in all their glory.

we''re very excited!! everything else looks good and measuring perfectly for an 11/11 due date.

we have nicknamed the little guy "cagefighter" b/c all of a sudden he is SUCH a wiggle worm! i can''t believe how strongly i''m feeling his movement and DH has even felt it strongly (a week ago at just over 17 weeks!).

you guys are inspiring me and i MIGHT even post my 18 week photo (taken on a cliff overlooking lana''i) once i get the pics downloaded to computer...we''ll see!

more later...
LIA, welcome back and congrats! Welcome to TEAM BLUE! We need more baby boys around here.
Yay for feeling movements from the inside and outside already! It's nice when DH can feel movement too.

TGal, have a fun date night with TGuy!

Jas12, how scary! I am so glad Co is okay!

JackieJas, it must be fun feeling movements of both your boys.

More belly pictures ladies! Don't be shy.

Hope all of you have a lovely father's day weekend!
Date: 6/13/2008 9:06:39 PM
Author: Jas12
I grabbed Co''s car seat and moved him to cover him with a blanket and all of a sudden a metal patio umbrella crashed down *exactly* where he just was. Scared the SH*T out of me--he could have been so hurt
...try to protect you kid from everything obvious only to be blindsided by a giant patio umbrella!

Ah, Jas you did protect your baby! You weren''t blindsided
There was something that made you pull him over to cover him with the blanket and I think it''s called ''Mother''s Intuition''. You''re being a great mommy. I love just reading everyone''s experiences here. All of the mommies here are teaching us so much about motherhood. So, thank you!
Ack, this thread moves too fast.
I could hardly keep up with it pre-baby.
Now, it's nearly impossible.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the nice comment about Jade.

Loving all the babies and belly pictures.

Keep them coming.