
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 6/22/2008 1:31:44 PM
Author: jas
It''s a-getting harder to breathe these days. Lotsa baby movements, though. The new game is to rest the remote on my tummy and see who kicks it off. The winner will get a new car and a lifetime''s supply of motherly guilt for all the kicking.

I need a hobby.

How''s about identifying which body part is sticking out at your belly?

I don''t know about the rest of the gang, but I''m still waiting for that Demi Moore shot you promised
Welcome and congrats Shortee.
Hope you have a speedy and smooth deliver.
Do you know if you are having a girl or boy?
BTW, I love the ''kick the remote off mommy''s tummy'' game, Jas!
Hya! Just popping in here to say ''hang tough'' Indy. I hope that New Kid on your Block doesn''t give you any more trouble.
Sticky vibes to you lady.
I hope things are going well with you. We just returned from a quick trip to NYC, and as with all things PS, it looks like I missed a lot.

I love the name Max, and it''s nice to know that it''s a family name, too. Unfortunately, I don''t think Merle is a viable option.

Good luck with the last few weeks, so exciting!

I''m hoping that the pressure to have a boy won''t be on my shoulders. My brother is the first (and only) son of the first son of the first son. So, any pressure in the family is probably going to go his way!
Date: 6/22/2008 3:43:12 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Thanks to everyone for the sympathies/condolences re: my student.

Jackie -- sorry you are having a hard time breathing
I LOVE the romote-control game! Lately I''ve been joking with DH about ''his'' baby bumping me or ''my'' baby doing the same -- we haven''t settled on names all-the-way, but we''re close and I keep thinking of baby A as ''his'' b/c her name will probably be the one he always wanted for a girl :) I love your twin names, btw -- not sure if i told you that before! BTW, my girls are a bit more yin-yang position like your boys now that they ran out of room on the sides.

Welcome Shortee! LOVE your belly shots!! (And your nursery, btw

Dreamer -- your DH sounds like he knows the right things to say... I love it when men find preggo women attractive!

Brings me to a question that''s probably been asked somewhere in the last 300 pages but i must have missed it -- did any of you continue to get whacked-out dreams into the second or even third trimester? I know it''s pretty normal early-on, but last night I had a really vivid one involving my DH cheating on me -- and leaving me when i found out -- for a much prettier/thinner/skankier girl he worked with (not a real person), and I woke up feeling like it was WAY too real.... he spent an hour trying to comfort me from 430 to 530 this morning! I know I''ve had an emotional couple of days, and DH and I have not gotten along perfectly through this pregnancy so far, but this was really intense. I can usually shake a bad dream off if a wake from one... anyone else experience anything like this?

I have been having vivid dreams lately but that is pretty common for me... I think the whole cheating dream is a very common anxiety dream. When I am feeling stressed out or anxiuos in the rest of my life, that oldy but goody always pops up to lighten my day

Last night I dreamed I was somehow separated from my DH and after "interviewing" my two ex bfs to see if they were suitable replacements (they were not
) DH and I were hanging out and we were having a reconcilliation and I was like, "Oh no! I am preggo and it is not yours!"
Somehow in my dream I had gone to a sperm bank to get preggo??
Who knows what the subconscious can drum up!
So yesterday I caved and told my mom I was preggo... I was going to wait, but I am her only child and we are very close and I just wanted her to have something joyful to look forward to in her life! She is single and I know that this would mean so much to her. Anyways, she was so excited and happy and over the moon about it all.
I'm really glad I told her.

Thing is, now DH wants to tell his parents and I really don't want to tell them yet!
I know it is a double standard, but my mom is very discrete and I have a small family that lives on the other side of the country... his family lives 10 minutes from us and is very very large and tight knit, and his mom is not very discrete
. While I love this about them, given how early I am in this pregnancy I am just not ready for the hoopla that will accompany this pregnancy and baby. This would be his parent's first grandchild and they are huuuuungry for a grandbaby, let me tell you! That is a big reason why we chose to get preggo right now: We will be living near his parents for at least the firs tyear of our babies life and they will be such an amazing help! But then I think they will be sooooo disappointed if anything were to go wrong, and then so many people would know about it... I just am not ready for that!

So DH was really hurt that I didn't want to tell them, and he couldn't really understand why I wasn't ready to tell them. Basically, it's my fear of miscarriage. I am a very private person and to be totally honest I don't think I would want to tell them if I did have a m/c. Somehow I feel that because it is my body that somehow it is a more personal thing for me! I know that isn't totally fair, but it's just how I feel. Anyways, I started crying when we talked about it because I just really really really don't want to temp fate by telling too many people so early
! I guess that got my point accross, because he totally got it and he agreed to let us keep it more to ourselves for a few more weeks at least. I'm not sure how long I will want to wait before telling them, but I think probably 2 -3 more weeks.

ETA: and NO I don't always get my way
He won the battle about finging out the babies gender: I wanted to know, and he doesn't! So I guess it will be a surprise!
Hello all... and welcome, Shortee! How fun that we''ve got a new batch of babies coming so soon... I can''t believe the summer babies are almost here, meaning the fall babies are next in line!!

QT, I am continually stunned by the comments some people will make. How are people REALLY that thoughtless? With ours, it was no secret that my DH wanted a boy, and I wanted a girl... but we were both light-hearted about it and obviously would have been thrilled either way. But on the day of the ultrasound, DH texted his dad to ask for his prediction, and FIL replied "If it''s a true [lastname], it''ll be a boy". I know he was "kidding", but it was just such a weird, pointless comment... it annoyed me so much. Also made me even more glad it was a girl... hehe.

Indy, glad to hear the red spotting has stopped... it''s hard to stay upbeat when you''re having heart palpitations every time you go to the bathroom, I know... but sounds like you''re in the best mindset possible. Still sending strong, sticky vibes your way!

Jas, I''m not sure if I mentioned it before, so I''ll say it now... love both your name choices! And they sound great together without being too "matchy" like twin names can sometimes be.

Snlee, sorry about your rib and mid-back pain.
I definitely have some round ligament pain going on, and back pain when I overdo it, but overall I''m still feeling pretty good. Although I think compared to that first trimester, it''s going to take a lot to get me down now!

As for dreams, I am currently in the end of my 2nd trimester but my dreams keep getting crazier and crazier! They''re all just incredibly vivid and weird. A lot of them involve my cat, actually... haha.
Dreamer, I TOTALLY understand about caving and telling your mom, but not necessarily feeling ready to tell your in-laws. We told our parents early because we were planning a trip all together, and had to change some plans around. We asked them all not to tell anyone, and never had any doubt that my parents would keep the secret. My MIL, on the other hand, told DH''s godparents and then denied it and tried to accuse his cousin of doing it.
I mean, if she slipped and accidentally told them, fine, we can deal with that (although DH obviously would have liked getting to tell them himself)... but at least don''t lie about it afterwards.

As for your DH feeling hurt, I understand that too. My DH has a tendency to think everything regarding our two sets of parents should be perfectly "fair" at all costs, without taking into account how different our relationships are with our parents. Example: I am the only daughter, and my mom is one of my best friends... I talk to her on the phone and IM multiple times a day, and she''s an incredible support for me. At one point I considered having her in the delivery room with me, and DH said absolutely not, unless his mom could be there too. I''ve since decided that I''d rather it just be me and DH, but it still pisses me off that he doesn''t understand why it''s reasonable for me to want my mom there, but not my mother in law (who, incidentally, has been an incredible source of stress in our lives, for other reasons).
Date: 6/21/2008 1:40:22 PM
Author: jas
Date: 6/21/2008 1:38:25 PM

Author: Independent Gal

JAS, yours will be called 'Jackson' and 'Logan'? Those are cool manly names!

Yeah...DH has wanted a 'Jackson' since he was a lad himself. Logan was my second choice after Harrison. DH nixed Harrison, but thought Logan was cool because it's Wolverine's name. They may be a little too swanky, but I plan on calling them 'Uz' and 'Buz' anyway.

Jas! I totally didn't realize you had picked names. I love both of them! Jackson is actually one of our top boy names name actually! DH is in love with it too. Man thing I guess! I guess time will tell if there will be two Jackson twins on here or not! I don't think it's DH's "top" boy name though, so I think we'll only use it if we also have two boys. But who knows.
Date: 6/21/2008 4:22:35 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Incidentally, are people allowed to discriminate on the basis of whether you have a baby when renting you an apartment? I haven't actually signed a lease with the lady who's letting me her place in the spring, when the cub will be born (if it sticks around), and I hope she doesn't freak out when she finds out I'm pregnant and that the baby will be living at her place for a few months, before we move back to our condo.

It'd be bitchy, but. Can she do that? Just change her mind?

Very bitchy, but it happens sometimes unfortunately...and unfortunately it is complicated and depends a bit on what state you are in. But the basics are the same, so here they are.

So she CAN decide she doesn't want to rent to you for stupid reasons (a vibe, your haircolor, whatever as long as it isn't a "protected" class like gender, race, etc.) in most states. In only some states does she have to even give you an explanation of why she isn't choosing you. In most states she can just not choose you and there is nothing you can do and you can't demand a reason.

HOWEVER, she CANNOT discriminate just because of the baby. So if you can prove that she was going to rent to you, then found out about the baby, and on THAT BASIS decided not to rent to you, it's illegal. The only way it is legal is if for some reason the extra person would violate some sort of occupancy rule, but this is very unlikely so it isn't something you should generally worry about.

Everything changes however if she occupies the apartment too...and in some states if she lives on the premises at all.

Hope that helps, I volunteer for a non-profit as a housing counselor here, but most of the laws are on a state by state basis. But the no discrimination based on children thing is a federal fair housing law.
Jas - I''m sure no one looks forward to internals. I''m not too worried/scared about them. I kind of feel like it''s useless because it doesn''t really mean anything until someone is in labor. It would probably make me anxious or disappointed if I am a certain % effaced and cm dilated or not at all.

Jen - I don''t remember having any vivid cheating dreams since 1st trimester. Although DH just told me yesterday that I''ve been sleep-talking to our baby. I asked him what I say, but he doesn''t remember exactly. Just that I would say "Mommy this" or "Mommy that" That''s how he knows I am talking to the baby because I sleep-talk pretty regularly.

snlee - I think my MIL is the same as yours. She said she doesn''t care, but I can sense that she does. My parents don''t care. My mom is happy that I am having a girl because she can''t wait to dress her up.

Indy - You have such a great attitude. Glad that the bleeding eased up and not bright red.

Dreamer - I totally understand what you are feeling about your mom and your in-laws. It''s not about being fair. It''s just that the bond between a mom and her daughter is not the same as a MIL and her daughter-in-law. I am glad your DH came around.

eph - At least you know your FIL was "kidding". I know that my inlaws really want a boy because DH is the only son and they are very traditional.

I am sorry that your DH doesn''t understand your desire for your mom to be with you in the labor room and not your MIL. I don''t even think you can compare the two relationships.
Morning gang

I was away at a wedding for the past 3 days--had a great time. Cohen was soooooo amazingly good. I don''t think he cried more than 2 min all 3 days and he was passed around from person to person day and night i don''t think i did much more than change a few diapers and put him to bed. And speaking of bed, due to being on the go Co went to bed way past his usual bedtime each night. Well, it might be a fluke but all 3 nights he went to bed 10ish, slept 6-7 hours straight, woke at 8 am for morning feed and back down for a little while--he was happier than usual and i slept so much more. Would it be back to push his badtime *back* even tho we moved his bedtime *earlier* 2 months ago ??

in other news, i destroyed my breastpump--left the parts boiling on the stove until the water went dry and the parts stuck to the bottom. I went to 3 places to look for replacements with no luck--i think i have to spend another $200 for a new one! So pissed

Jen--i had wacky dreams thru pregnancy. Lots of women have strange sex dreams, for a few days we were comparing these on this thread and it was hilarious and disturbing hehe

Indy--i feared the loss of identity with a kid, and as others have mentioned it happens to some but if you have a strong sense of who you are before kids, it will be there after. I really don''t feel my life has drastically changed (even tho i know it obviously has) but your kids join and enhance your life rather than take over it (IMO). I remember a friend said to me (while preggo) "enjoy your dinners out now" cuz you won''t be going out for about a year. that upset me more than anything b/c i luv my friday night dinners. Well, Co was about 9 days old when we went out with him--a little more complicated of course, but still fun

Dreamer--i told my parents weeks before i told the inlaws. It''s your body and most ppl are closer to their own parents than their inlaws, so i don''t think it is off base to tell your family first.

Qtiekiki--the gender preference comments are fascinating to me. Maybe it is b/c I studied gender socialization for 4 years in university and maybe it is b/c i had the strong and wrong gender intuition thru my pregnancy but i have been noticing and hearing the strangest gender comments. One i get a lot is "oh, it''s good you had the boy first" or "your hubby must be SO happy to get a boy"....ummm, why?!? I honestly ''never'' even considered that. What century are we living in?
Just had to jump on and share my 2 exciting (ok, so exciting is relative, these days!
) bits of news:

1) We have close friends (a couple DH knew from college) who are also pregnant and due just 4 weeks after us. They had their big u/s today, and found out it's a girl!! We are SOOO excited... and now DH and his friend can support each other through all their fears about having a girl.
I asked DH how he sounded on the phone, ad he said "exactly how I sounded after our ultrasound"... haha. But they are overjoyed, and so are we!

2) I'd been keeping my eye out for crib bedding that... a) isn't super frilly or covered with a "baby" print... b) doesn't clash horribly with our living room/office decor, since the nursery nook is next to both... c) has white in it to match the crib/armoire, and sage green so I can use that as a basic accent color... d) is decent quality and ideally even organic... and e) is sold in separates, rather than a whole set with pieces I don't need. I really just want a nice quilt, a crib-skirt that matches, and maybe a sheet that ties it together... then we'll use a breathable bumper. Since the nursery nook is so small, this will be the primary decoration... so I want it to look nice, just nothing too elaborate (we're not re-painting the walls or anything).

So I'd had the Pottery Barn "Andi" set saved on my computer for a while, and finally decided to take the plunge and order it! It's being discontinued, so I figured it was now or never. And since we had gift cards from PB, I didn't pay a cent. I'm assuming the quality will be pretty good, and it's Oeko-tex certified, which essentially translates into ecologically-healthy. It's a bit risky to order something sight-unseen, but I'm pretty excited about it nonetheless! Pic attached:

Hi All- it''s been so long since I posted that I don''t know where to start- lots has happened here, and I think it will be easier for ppl to keep up on the theads but Im a little sad because I liked everyone together. I enjoy reading what''s going on with everyones l.o. And it really gives a realistic idea of what to expect in the future. But the mommy thread is just a click away. I''m still reading all of them, now I just end up rereading because I get confused about what thread I was just reading before. ah well...

Jas- sorry that it''s getting hard to breathe- is it because the babies are taking up the space, or because of hormones? I was reading that when progesterone goes up you can get short of breath. I was glad to read that because in the first few weeks for me I was short of breath going up the stairs- I thought I was imagining things. I like the remote game. I''m looking forward to times like that.

Shortee- welcome!!! can''t wait to hear your story when the baby comes- You will find great support here.

Q- sorry that your inlaws had some not positive comments the other day. People really don''t think sometimes- or else they are just mean!!

Jen- have the dreams slowed down? I remember last time i had some crazy dreams but this time I am not waking up remembering anything- well maybe just one but I forget it now. My DH and I have been getting along o.k. but he does not tolerate my mood swings well...I try to explain it''s normal and to ignore me. He said he feels like he is in a movie? Probably he means more like a nightmare, haha.

IG hope your feeling well and that things have settled down a bit for you. I like your name for the little one.

Hi Lili- have you put up any new pics of jadelyn recently?

DD Sorry your dh wasnt'' so understanding about you wanting to tell your mom and not his. I understand how you feel and it makes sense to all of us probably. I had to tell ppl even though I was nervous this time- I just can''t keep a secret. But I kept it under control with how many ppl. Had to tell my mom though, and then my family of course- and then a couple of friends...He would have been ok with keeping it to ourselves for quite awhile.

Hi Ephemery- I was so excited to read that you set up the new stroller. I have been on the computer for days now reading and reading. I''m not sure how much money I want to spend. I like the bumbleride flyer- have you heard of it? The uppababy on craigslist is gone now of course. I wanted to wait awhile anyway but boy was I tempted. I saw a pram yesterday for 3 grand I think?? holy smokes.

Hi Neatfreak! How are you feeling? Any improvement on the tummy rash? I know since you are having twins we won''t be experiencing the same things at the same pace but I have been following your posts. I think you said you were having some pulling/stretching- is it still going on? I just feel bloated still. My clothes are starting to not fit and I use the bella band sometimes. My SIL gave me some really cute tops from the Gap- not maternity but they look like it- so funny that it''s the style right now- lucky us!! I was interested to read that you help ppl get fair housing- that''s so cool. You must be busy, wow.

Jas12- that''s nice that Co slept so well while you were away- not that I have any personal experience, but I think it sounds like a good idea to move his time if he is sleeping better that way- would you miss your evening time too much? Or really appreciate the night time sleep more? Sorry about the breastbump- what a drag!!!

snlee- sorry that the drs office ppl have big mouths. It sounds like you are doing what your body needs- just ignore them. Hope you are feeling well!

Gemma- did you have your big u/s yet? So exciting. I think I want to be surprised and keep the sex a secret!!

Well I think that is all for now. I am hoping I didn''t miss anyone but sorry if I did.
Please wish me luck this week as I have my 12 week visit and then the NT scan later that day. Although I have felt more calm since the 8 week u/s, I am hoping to feel even better after this visit. BTw did you guys have changes in your symptoms - like my bbs were feeling better(less sore) and now they are sore again- I am happy with any symptom as it makes me feel comforted that things are o.k. Just curious.
Date: 6/23/2008 9:39:32 AM
Author: Jas12
Morning gang

One i get a lot is ''oh, it''s good you had the boy first'' or ''your hubby must be SO happy to get a boy''....ummm, why?!? I honestly ''never'' even considered that. What century are we living in?

I actually get this. I was a first born daughter & turned into a 2nd caregiver for my little brother. A lot of times, elder female siblings get the lion''s share of the work with younger siblings, and in my case (divorced parents) it SUCKED. My childhood was hijacked and I was always responsible for my brother. To and from school, after school, nights babysitting, etc. (and it was all the time, every day)

Also, I always felt very vulnerable as a little girl, school girl, and high schooler--often wishing I had an older brother to at least pave the way for me, if not look out for me a little.

I do think its nice to have my son first. He will be 2 years ahead of Delaney in school and I like that. She''ll be able to take care of herself, are still more physically dominant than women and as much as we''d like to believe we are more evolved than that, there is something reassuring about having a big brother to look out for your daughter.

My dh is so happy to have a son to carry on his name. Archaic? Perhaps, but we are proud of our little family & we''d like more of us running around in the future.

So I''m sure I''m not helping feminism by buying into that mindset, but I got really tired of always having to be so tough. I''ll raise Delaney to be an a$$-kicker just like mommy, no weak women in this house...but I won''t lie -- I wanted my boy first (like I had any say over that, right?) and I''m always glad it turned out how it did.

Speaking of my big girl....she had her 9mo appt on Friday...Girlfriend is OFF THE CHARTS for her height! Down to 55% for weight, and her head was at 100% (all her big you know...) , she''s pulling herself up to stand & thinks she can do anything. Oh lord help me!

Jen: I''m sorry about your student.

Ok...growler girl is awake, so I need to go to her & get the kids ready for the park!!!
Hey guys, just wanted to share a piece of info I found doing research in academic journals on bleeding in pregnancy.

In a study of about 8000 women who carried to term, it was found that 19% had had at least some bleeding.

And of those who bleed heavily, half will still carry to term.

So us ''spotters'' can take heart.

I think the 2ww until the ultrasound is going to be a liiiiittle bit more stressful for me than the 2ww in the knitting club. But other than being a little distracted, I''m still doing OK.
Just wanted to pop in quick and say I love your bedding eph! Also, I had my mom in the delivery room with us. I wouldn''t have dreamed of having my MIL. I love her to death. She is a fantastic grandma BUT she''s not my mom. It''s so not the same! It was good for us that my mom was in the delivery room because she was my "cheerleader" while DH watched everything like it was his own personal discovery health show experience! He was behind me watching as they put the epidural mom held my hand! DH LOVES medical stuf so he thought it was so cool to watch all of that stuff. He has told me that now that he''s seen it, the next one he''ll "hold my hand and stuff."

Jas12~Glad Cohen was such a good boy on your trip! Hop over to the mommies thread...that''s where all the mommies are now.

Jas~Don''t know if I ever commented, but I
love the names you chose for your little men. My DH and I could NOT agree on boy names so we were pretty fortunate we had a girl or our boy would have been nameless. I might run Logan by him though. We may have to "borrow" it if we ever have a boy. That okay?

Pave~Good luck with your 12 week appt.

Diver~Yay Delaney! My T is super long too.....but she has a TINY little head. What size clothes does Delaney wear? Where do you buy her PJ''s? My T is in 12 month stuff now and I have only been able to find footed PJ''s at Children''s Place and the Carter''s outlet....just wondering if I should be looking somewhere else?

Sorry for everyone I missed....reading two threads is CRAZY! Hope all is going well for all the preggos!
eph, love your bedding! Very sweet.

I had my mom in the delivery room as well. I think my MIL understood (better than DH). But like Burk said as much as I love my MIL she will never be my mom. I loved sharing the experience with my mom and was worried how involved DH would be (he also is a science guy). Turned out my mom was the one holding a leg watching while DH was holding my hand. They both were awesome "coaches" and support. Phew...I needed it.

Pave, I understand. I am kinda sad to have the thread split but I think it probably is better this way. Sorry if I don''t check this thread often though.
Quick drive by...

ephemery, I LOVE that bedding! You actually inspired me to check out the PBK website. Cute stuff on there!!! Regarding moms in the delivery room, there was NO WAY in hell that my mother would be in there! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely worship my mom and talk to her about 50 times everyday but SHE didn't want to be there and I actually didn't really want her there either so it worked out well!! She said she didn't think she would want to see her baby going through that kind of pain, pushing, etc. and honestly, I don't think I would have felt comfortable with it. It was just me and DH and the medical staff and that was plenty for me. MIL was never even a consideration to be in there.
Have you taken your new stroller for a cruise yet??? We actually didn't "test drive" ours until the baby was actually in it because I just felt too weird! But we also didn't even have it delivered until about a month before I was due. I'm sure if it was sitting in our apartment for 3 months, the suspense would have killed me and I would have had to take it out! No update on the name situation yet. We're kind of not even thinking about it! I'm highly superstitious so I would feel weird calling her by a real name when she's still in my belly but we really haven't even given it much thought lately. With Lily, we knew immediately because it was the one name that we both loved so we never really thought about other names. I do still love Lila but one of my best friends is using it and she's due in a few days and she's the type to care about that stuff so I'm not going to go there!

jackiejas, ugh, hard to breathe already?? I'm so sorry, it's such an uncomfortable feeling. I think I mentioned the remote control game as well a few pages back--fun, ain't it?! My girl is pretty mellow but when she's up, she lets me know!!! I hope all goes well when you start the internal exams. They're not super fun, especially the first one, but they get better when you learn you're making progress!

qtiekiki, I can't believe you're almost there!!! I'm getting the boy comments now, like "aren't you sad you're not having a boy?" or "are you going to try for a boy next?". Guess what, folks? I'm beyond thrilled to be having another girl and the shop is definitely closed after this one so there will be no boys in my future! People should think before they speak.

sk8erjen, I've had vivid dreams since the very beginning. Like REALLY vivid, waking up shaking, asking DH if he's leaving me, etc. I guess we're all having some anxiety and the extra hormones don't help! I totally have tons of sex dreams too but that's probably because we're not actually dtd! DH won't do it while I'm pregnant and to tell you the truth, that's just fine with me since my libido is totally nonexistent these days!!

IG, hope your spotting is getting less. I know lots of people that spotted early in pregnancy and went on to have perfectly healthy babies. I know you and many of the other girls on the TTC thread are serious researchers but you might want to wean yourself off of google while you're pregnant--it can seriously add stress and that is one thing you don't need right now!!! Just stay positive.

shortee, welcome and good luck!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

snlee, don't hate me because of my weight! I'll give you a million other reasons to hate me!
Seriously, your weight gain is perfect. I will have to check my notes from my first pregnancy but I think I had gained way more by this point the last time. I think maybe my body is just used to it but believe me, it freaks me out when I see the numbers on the scale. I was teeny when I started out both times (103) and to get up in to the 110s and 120s is majorly shocking for me. So I think it's all relative to your body type and what your weight was when you started. Don't sweat it, you are tiny and will probably be all belly throughout your pregnancy!

jas12, so glad Co did well on the trip. But boo on the pump replacement parts.
I can't believe you can't find them anywhere. I agree with Burk, come join us on the mommies thread. Someone over there may have more advice for you on where to find new parts.

janine, I just wanted to tip you off again to a shopping find! I went to H&M (again!!) this weekend and they're having a huge sale--things are like $5 and $10!!! I got a super cute dress for $10 and it totally works as maternity--it has a stretchy ruched top, kinda like a tube top but with straps, and the bottom is pretty loose with room to grow. Also got tank tops for $6 and a skirt with a stretchy top for $15! Everything can totally be used post-preg. Go check it out if you have time!!
Jackiejas - it''s hard for me to breathe too. The baby is head down and has its feet/legs/knees in my rib cage and sometimes it seriously hurts. Sitting up really straight or raising my arms over my head helps some - but looks goofy

Sk8ter - I still have really vivid dreams (when I get some sleep). They are so real sometimes. I have to give myself a minute when I wake up to orient myself to real life again!

My shower was great this weekend. Plenty of people showed up and we had a lot of fun. I insisted that we not play games and my mom obliged so I was happy about that. Got lots of good loot, too. Baby is practically all set. I must get a carseat though in case the little one makes an early appearance.

We are putting the crib up on Wednesday and I''m going to order the matching dresser (hopefully) today. I''ll post some before pics later on if I can convince hubby to help me out.

I met with the nutritionist today and that went well. She gave me a diet plan based on what I normally eat so it''s not too bad. Basically no more regular soda and try to cut back on some of the carbs I''ve been eating. Luckily I''ve been craving raspberries and blueberries for like a month now so I got some points for that. She did want me to test my sugar at home and I declined. My GD test numbers were only high by a smidge and I really think that blood-drawing (ick) at home is overkill - especially since I only have a few weeks left and am measuring normally.

Ya know how some books tell you that preggos are a feast for mosquitos? They''re right. Apparently I''m quite the bug buffet.

A friend of ours (whose wedding I just HAVE to find an awesome dress for) emailed that she''s organizing some of our friends to deliver some dinners to us. I almost cried. I don''t have a lot of good Real Life gal pals...this was just the sweetest thing!

We''re trying to find a pediatrician this week...I would ask my OB, but she practices about 30 minutes away, and I do not want to keep making trips to see people in her circle...we may have found someone excellent, and I''m excited.

Another U/S on Monday! Whoo! And a weigh in! Could I get any luckier?

Actually, yes...DH is now, on a daily basis, exclaiming how massive my tummy is. Eventually he follows it up with some noise about how it''s miraculous, but I swear I''m going to throw a thesaurus at his head. Massive is not a word I want to hear when I''m only 27 weeks. Good thing he''s cute!

Snlee -- the breathing thing is just what happens, I guess. I have lotsa baby parts and accessories pressing on my diaphram, intestines and lungs. I just get a little freaked out when I feel like I just ran a marathon and all I''ve done is taken a spoonful of frosting. Yes, I do that!
Sk8rjen -- I can''t wait to hear your''s funny that I think the same thing sometimes...because DH named Baby A, that''s "his" baby. I can''t tell anyone that, of course, because people in my life would give me horrified looks!

Dreams -- Oh boy. Scary ones, stress dreams (the classic college final I didn''t study for stuff), DH cheating on me, me cheating on DH (with women!)...and I don''t normally remember my dreams, so that''s another "benefit" of pregnancy. Why can''t I have fun dreams that I can bring back to class when I start back up at Second City?

Indy -- hang in there. Good news on the research!
Lili -- I can''t tell at this point which body part it is...I have an anterior placenta for both, so all pokes are buffered. I posted a pseudo-sexy shot (the one DH sent to all his relatives
) but I am in no way posting the racier ones, only because I''m afraid I''d trigger a rash of people trying to pry their eyes out. That and I''m sure Andrey would ban me in a New York minute!

Dreamer -- I totally get you telling your mom but not the in-laws. I think it''s so great that so many people here have such strong Mom-Daughter relationships!
Ephemery -- Thanks for the compliments on the names -- I''ve only told people here...we''re keeping them a surprise (don''t tell my husband, but the real reason is that I do not want his family''s inevitable opinions about the choices)...we''re calling them "Uz" and "Buz" in public, just to play off the matchy twin name syndrome. I totally hear you on the "fair" game with parents and in-laws. I swear my parents and in-laws both secretly keep score on everything. It''s tough! Yea for your friend and how you can both go through pregnancy together! Lurve the bedding!
Neatfreak -- I''m all for starting a new "Jackson" family here! Insert your own Tito joke here! I particularly like the name because it sounds like my name (sorta like a junior) and I had nothing to do with it. DH is a big Jackson Pollack fan, so it''s an homage to him.
Hey Jas12 -- so good to see you! It''s so reassuring to hear that, yes Virginia, not everything has to be forsaken on behalf of an expanding family. Thanks for sharing about that!
Pavelover -- Hey gal! I hadn''t heard about the hormones causing breathing stuff, but hey, they''ve caused every other bloody thing this pregnancy, I wouldn''t be surprised. I think the babies are just in weird positions and claiming as much territory as they can. Good luck with the dr. visits this week...and yes, I''ve had symptoms come and go. The BB thing faded around 2nd trimester, thankfully.
Burk -- hey sweetie! I had to laugh at what your husband did in delivery...I''m afraid mine will do the same. He totally hijacks my dr. appointments and shows off his rudimentary knowledge of medicine. Thanks for the compliments, and of course I would never mind if my PS friends want to "share" baby names.
Hi Curly -- I must have missed your post about the remote game...or else I just internalized it and tried it on my own, thinking I was an innovative genius!
Yeah, the breathing thing kinda stinks, but it''s worth it. I''ve actually been having internals for a month fun, but they caught my external os starting to dilate, so I guess it''s ok. Not something I would ever put on my "favorite things to do" list next to walks on the beach! And as far as weight gain, I STARTED in the 120s, so let me say that seeing 150s is a rude rude thing.
Diva -- I''ll try the arms up thing, and I''ll make sure I''ve put deoderant on first. I''m so glad your shower was fun!
Cute bedding eph!

Good luck for the preggies having ultrasounds soon!

DD, it''s nice of your hubby to give in re: telling his parents. I do understand why you feel the way you do and commend you for at least understanding that it''s not fair...because it isn''t. But who says life is fair?
I am like eph''s DH...I believe in fair and equal when it comes to parents (as far as telling the news) so I was happy to tell both sets of parents at the same time. I also didn''t fear miscarriage for some reason. I think this is where my religious background comes into play - I got pregnant SO fast and without any real planning that I figured it was meant to be. I''ll fully admit though, that I breathed a bit easier when I got into my second tri.

Ephemery, let me have a bit of a CHAT with your DH. *shakes fist* To deny your mom being there unless his mom is there is RIDICULOUS. YOU are giving birth and if you can draw support from her, he shouldn''t deny that to you! I actually did not want my mom there because she loves me so damn much that I thought me being in pain would send her into a panic. (She ended up being sick and wouldn''t have been able to be there anyway). I DID go ahead and ask my brother to be in (to video tape) but asked his wife not be there and he TOTALLY respected that even though he''s glued to his wife. And meanwhile, TGuy never said a word about any of my requests. L&D ward is the lady''s choice, IMHO.

re: boy first, girl first...I always wanted a girl first. I LOVED being the older sister. However, I am not sure my brother would agree, having been beat up so much. Hee hee. Actually, bro and SIL and TTC now, and I take it as a huge compliment that he wants a girl first, then boy.

Jas, jump over to the mama thread and I''m sure we will all have opinions over there. Personally, I think you should stick with what is working!
About boy first or girl first, I am not bother by the fact that someone might want a boy first for whatever reasons. I understand why my inlaws would want a boy. I just don't understand the point of saying "oh your inlaws would've wanted a boy" when they know I am having a girl. I can even understand if they said it before they know what I am having. I am not so much bothered by it; I just find it odd.

jas12 - Gender preference, in general, is fascinating to me. Because as a female, I don't really understand when female give preference treatments to baby boy. I notice that in DH's extended family.

Tgal - interesting that your bro wants a girl first because DH is the youngest and only boy with 3 older sisters, and he, too, wants a girl first.

eph - the bedding is so cute.

pavelover - Good luck with your 12 weeks appt and NT scan. You get to see your little one again. =) And my bbs were sore on and off throughout the pregnancy, so it's normal and common.

diver - I totally understand your POV. It's just when boys and girls are treated differently, then it bothers me. And that's definitely what I see from my inlaws.

Iny - Don't stress. 2 weeks will fly by in no time.

Burk - That's funny about DH. My DH is totally opposite; he wouldn't want to see all the medical stuffs, so hopefully he will hold my hands. Me, on the other hand, would love to see all the medical stuffs.

Diva - Were you just diagnosed with GD this late in your pregnancy? I should cut back on my carbs too. I love carbs, so it's hard.

My car died when I went out on the field for work. It was so hot and I was so stressed out. Now DH doesn't want me to go out to the field any more. I got my battery changed already, so I don't think it's die again. I am not sure what to do; should I just stop doing the field work? but if I stop, then I don't have much work at the desk (since the desk part of the job is basically writing reports about the field work). I guess I can talk to my supervisor about it.
dreamer, I know how you feel. We told my parents a few weeks before we told my in-laws. I am closer to my family and my MIL isn't so great at keeping secrets. Even when we told her not to tell anyone until the 2nd trimester, she blabbed the news to her neighbors! They aren't even that close
So when we saw the neighbors we were shocked to get a congratulations! I found it very odd that she would tell her neighbors before family. My husband was okay with telling his parents later. I told my aunt early on and she didn't remember me saying to not tell anyone and told her whole knitting group! I cried over it when my mom told me, which is funny thinking back about it. It's not a huge deal, but with the hormones and worries of the 1st trimester, I was a mess.

eph, nooo don't say the fall babies are coming soon! Most of the time I am ready and other times I'm not! I cannot believe we're almost into our 2nd trimester! You had a rough 1st early 2nd trimester so I'm glad you're enjoying the honeymoon trimester! That is so cool that your friends are having a girl and they will be so close in age. We don't have any close friends expecting now. Our son will be a year apart from our friend's son. That will be fun when they get a little older. Very cute crib bedding! Regarding the delivery room, I've always wanted to just have it be DH and I. But I do understand why some women choose to have their mom's in the room. It's your decision and it bugs me your DH doesn't understand. YOUR the one giving birth! I wish he was more understanding.

qtiekiki, yes, girls are fun to dress up! No dresses and pigtails for us this time around...maybe next time?
How long do you plan to work before you give birth? I think it's a good idea to talk to your supervisor. I can imagine driving in the car often while 7-9 months pregnant isn't comfortable.

jas12, sorry to hear about your broken breast pump! That sucks! I am glad Co has been sleeping well!

pave, good luck on your NT scan! We really enjoyed the u/s during our NT scan. The baby starts really looking like a baby and I like how you can see the whole body!

Diver, wow, I can't believe D is 9 months already!
Glad the red spotting has stopped.
And great news on the research!
I know what you mean about the 2 wk wait, and it is harder than the 2WW in the "knitting club".
Sending you lots of sticky dust!

You poor thing. Hope you didn''t get bitten too badly.
I''m sure you look twice as good as most singleton preggo since you have much more blood flowing through you.
How nice it is that you get so many u/s.

Good luck on your NT scan!

Tacori, T looks so cute sleeping in her jumper. It is so cool she started saying “Mama.” I like the knobs you put on your Target nightstands – it’s amazing how much you can change the look of furniture or cabinets by changing their “jewelry.”

Jen, yay for two girls and you look great!

I hope your tooth extraction goes ok – I remember getting mine removed. I am sorry to hear about your loss.

Ella, thanks for the heads up about insurance possibly paying for a breast pump. What kind of insurance do you have? What kind of pump did you get and do you like it?

Dreamer Dachsie, congrats on your BFP and welcome!

It’s probably not original, but we started calling our little one “wiggle worm” after 2 very squirmy u/s sessions.

Diva, sorry to hear about your house issues – sounds like the executor is a real d*ck. Hope you got some fun goodies at your shower.

Curly, congrats on the good appointment. 12 pounds in 26 weeks does not sound like much if 25-35 lbs is the recommended gain for 40 weeks.

Gemma, you look great -- that is such a tiny 18-week belly I would not have thought you were PG if I saw you on the street.

Snlee, I am finding drinking a lot of water difficult too. Pre-pregnancy I had to force myself to drink 4-5 glasses a day, and had to pee often as it was. Now I feel like I am running to the bathroom every 30 minutes during the day. I have to get up at least once a night to pee.

Don’t stress about your weight gain. Your body probably needed to gain more because you were tiny to begin with. Since I was a bit overweight before getting pregnant, I don’t need to gain as much (my body already has plenty of fat stores).

Erica and Indy, congrats and welcome!


LIA, congrats on finishing your residency! I’m sure many of us could use a good dermatologist.

TGal, I think I am going to be one of those, "it''s different with your own" type moms too (at least I hope I am). I’ve never been that excited about other people’s kids, but I hope I bond with this little girl. I still have a bit of disbelief that I am PG.

Jas, I love the names you picked. Congrats on having the nursery almost done.

Q, you are getting so close. The time seems to just fly by on this thread. Those are some weird comments from your relatives – gotta love the in-laws.

Shortee, welcome!

You are so close! Do you know if it is a boy or girl?

Eph, I really like that Andi bedding. Very cute, but modern and not frilly.

Pave, good luck with the NT scan. We really enjoyed ours since you get such a good, long look at the baby.

Diver, I wanted a boy first for the reasons you describe. I was an only child, but always thought it would be nice to have an older brother. We are still very excited about having our little girl.

DH and I did lots of baby shopping this weekend. We made our first real purchase – a Dutailier recliner/glider in smoky taupe leather. I am so excited to get it as it was so comfortable – I hate to wait 10-12 weeks for it to arrive. We test “drove” strollers and narrowed it down to the UppaBaby Vista and the Bugaboo Cameleon. We picked a mattress (Colgate Visco Classica) and registered for just about everything we need at Babies R Us and It is so nice to have the majority of the shopping decisions behind us – I research like crazy to narrow down to 2 or 3 choices, then DH is better about actually “pulling the trigger” than I am.

The bad news is that the furniture we both love has been delayed in production. The line was supposed to be available in July, but Munire had problems with the factory and now the furniture won’t be available until at least December. We don’t want to spend at the same price point for something we don’t like as much, so we are considering using cheaper “temporary” furniture for the first few months. We have an old tall black dresser, so we will probably just buy a cheap black changing table. She will probably sleep in our room in an Arm’s Reach Co-sleeper for the first few months anyway.
Kay, I love changing the hardware. Thanks. T slept in our room for FOUR months! So I would suggest not to get any furniture (if you have your heart set on the delayed line). I don''t think we even used her nursery for months (we had everything we needed in our room). So there is really no rush (even though it feels like it).
Ouch, that must have been a very unpleasant experience with your car quitting on you in the heat.
I''d talked to the supervisor and see if you can do more desk job in the upcoming weeks.
How far do you have to drive when you go out in the field?
It can be very hard on your back if you sit too sit in the car toward the later weeks.
Well, at least that was the case for me.
I just couldn''t sit still for my half hour drive commute.

About carrying past your 40th week.
I thought for sure I''d go over too....
but the wee one decided to come out a few days before my EDD.
Maybe the internal exam helped her along....because she came out the monday following the friday that I had my exam.
Let me tell you, that exam was just no fun and I was bleeding (red clots) for the rest of the day.

So glad you had a good time with your shower.
Hope you get alot of the things that you needed.
I didn''t know that you needed to test yourself very day if you have GD.
Yeh, just a few more weeks.
Who knows, maybe you''ll be one of the lucky ones to not have to carry past her 40th week.
I have officially completed 24 weeks as of today. The last few weeks I have been wondering why I did not feel wiggleworm when others are reporting feeling movement at 20 weeks or earlier. I have felt random little twinges, but I could never be sure it was her and not just my stomach. Well, Sunday morning she decided to unequivocally announce her presence. Just after breakfast, I felt a few strong poking movements coming from inside. It was such an odd sensation -- she caught me by surprise. Sunday, I got into bed and laid down on my left side. (I know I can’t sleep face down anymore, but I thought it was okay to have the side of my belly resting on the mattress because it just gets pushed up a little toward my other side.) I guess she had been hanging out on the left side of my belly and didn’t like the pressure of the mattress, because she gave me a series of jabs. DH was able to feel it with his hand (he was in awe by the way). The last two days I have been feeling her plenty! It was exciting at first, but I am getting a little tired of it. She kept me up most of the night last night. I told DH I already know she is going to be a hand full.