
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 8/2/2008 5:41:52 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 8/2/2008 3:22:44 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Thanks DeeJay. So hopefully that means the babies are staying put?
That''s the plan!
Thanks for the update, hoping they stay put!!!
Welcome Lisa!

And thanks for the update, Dee.

T''Gal, you got me. My passion for probability calculations reaches soaring heights of nerditude! I. Lerve. Statistics. So long as someone else generates them. But they are pretty helpful in gauging and weighing competing risks and making informed decisions! Particularly when there''s risk on both sides.

OK, so I was poking around on Etsy looking at cute onesies and came across this one by ''clothmothclothing''. OK people...I really don''t know how I feel about this. I find it funny. And then I feel disturbed and guilty for finding it funny. And then I find it funny again. And then...

Lol Indy. Creeping and disturbing but also hilariously funny at the same time.

We broke down and got some twin onesies this week on our trip...they match and say "I''m the favorite". DH now wants a matching one for him. INSERT BIG EYE ROLL HERE.

But I am going to get one made for him anyway. He''s such a dork.
Indy you captured the oddball/creepy/strangely intriquing aspects of that onesie so well in ur commentary!

I actually think they got the umbilical cord part wrong as that creature will continue to snack from mom just not from a cord

Bfing was really difficult for me. I/we got Thrush and apparently have "fibrous breasts" all of an A cup. I almost got mastitis 5 times.

I saw the lattice work of blue veins forming on my torso/ upper abdomen tonight. Wow things move fast.

Neat - I think it's sweet that DH wants a "Mansie" to match his babies' onesies
gotta see a pic of that!
Date: 8/2/2008 10:58:20 PM
Author: neatfreak
Lol Indy. Creeping and disturbing but also hilariously funny at the same time.

We broke down and got some twin onesies this week on our trip...they match and say ''I''m the favorite''. DH now wants a matching one for him. INSERT BIG EYE ROLL HERE.

But I am going to get one made for him anyway. He''s such a dork.
welcome lisa! ALL of my cravings so far have been salty/savoury things. you must be so excited for that first u/s.
NF, we were looking at those twin onesies too! The "I'm the favourite" ones, that is. We both thought they were hilarious. But your hubby makes it...triple hilarious?

I also like these for identibots.

Actually, I'm thinking of putting those iron-on labels on their clothes so that people easily tell them apart for the first few years. But c'mon, these are cute for the first few months, before they have a sense of self, right?

Date: 8/3/2008 7:40:11 AM
Author: Independent Gal
NF, we were looking at those twin onesies too! The ''I''m the favourite'' ones, that is. We both thought they were hilarious. But your hubby makes it...triple hilarious?

I also like these for identibots.

Actually, I''m thinking of putting those iron-on labels on their clothes so that people easily tell them apart for the first few years. But c''mon, these are cute for the first few months, before they have a sense of self, right?

Lol. I think so! I love the Thing 1 and Thing 2 ones too...I''m all for a little twin embarrassment before they develop their own identities.
Jakie--We are thinking about you and the babes!!!

Indy--i walked home from the hospital carrying Cohen (it was a 5 min walk) it was april and i am in northern canada so there was still snow on the ground. I just bundled him up real well. It just seemed kinda pointless to put him in the car seat to go across the street.

Re: Iv''s in labor. I had to have one due to my strep B and the oxytocin needed at the start b/c my water broke before labor started but i think they offered me at 4 other things to go ''into it'' (liquid gravol after i vomited, painkillers, water etc.) i said no to all of those and the nurses were okay with it.
Hi all -- I''m home for now, still preggo, and just reading through all the info on Twizzlers and Smoothies. I will write up my non-birthing experience but first I want to say --

Thank you to the Goddess formerly known as DeeJay for posting updates and checking in on me. You are just a magnificent human being!

Congrats to QT...what a beautiful baby and a wonderful birth story! I can''t wait to see more pictures, as I am sure she''s just going to get even more gorgeous (if possible!)

Congrats to Blen -- welcome to the ride!

Thanks to you all for your kind means a lot to me right now!

Ok, on to the saga...
Jackie~So glad the little guys are continuing to stay in there!

QT~CONGRATS!! What a beautiful little girl.

Blen and Lisa~Welcome!
Saga part 1 -- Thursday...

Please keep in mind many details are hazy because I''ve pretty much gotten zero good sleep in 3 days...

We had a late appointment Thursday for an U/S and check up...made later by frickin Chicago traffic...the U/S was first and everything at first glance appeared fine. Babies are HUGE -- about 5 lbs each (and yes, I know the U/S are not always reliable for that) but assuming that is close to correct, they are in the 67% for singletons. No wonder my back hurts...I''ve got 10 lbs of baby in a 5 lb sack..not to mention fluids, placenta, and I believe a satellite dish that helps us get good reception. Babies are sunny-side down, still in T formation.

We were all giggly waiting to have the check up and then take my folks to dinner.

I jinxed my check up when answering all the "how are you feeling this week" questions...I said, "I feel like I''m your most boring patient..."

Ha. Never tease the universe.

In the last week I''d dilated another 1-1.5 cm and Baby A''s heartbeat had a skip in it. My own heart stopped when I heard it on the doppler. The doctor, who I love, very calmly said, "Well, you''re no longer boring...I''m sending you to L&D. Go right now. I''ll call and tell them to expect you. I want them to give you steroids to develop the babies'' lungs, some drugs to stop the contraction, and we''re going to be watching you very carefully for a few days..." (The hospital is literally across the street.)

She said this in such a calm way that it took me a few minutes after we left before I said, "Wait...what?"

Called my folks and told them the change in plans.

Was admitted right away to L&D and I was introduced to the wonderful world of angelic nurses. In my mind I called them all "Dani" --

I was stripped of all clothes, (sigh...reminders of the good ol'' days), introduced to about 3 nurses and one resident...had to give another sample, vials of blood, was hooked up to an IV, given my first shot of steroids (those, by the way, are given to you in the butt. Who knew?), given a cervical check, and hooked up to fetal monitors all within about 20 minutes. I felt like something out of the Matrix.

The nurses were awesome, very friendly, but I did get the sense that they were in total "we need to get on this now" mode.

We realized I was contracting every 1-2 minutes and only feeling tightness (no pain) on the biggest ones. I was going from a baseline of about 19 to the 50s (which I didn''t feel) and a couple of 60s (which I did, although not painful)...Baby A''s heartbeat was all over the place with the contractions. Although they didn''t detect the skip in heartbeat, he seemed distressed by the whole process...his rate was everywhere from the 90s to the 180s...although higher during contractions (again, that''s a little hazy, I was being asked a ton of questions at this point).

I got out of hte exam room and given a L&D room for about 3 hours while they monitored me and gave me full-throttle IVs...I just sat and watched my ankles folks stayed with me while DH ran home to get the puppy to hand off to my folks to care for. I was too zoned to fully register what was going on.

I was moved to a third room about 11PM, met the entire nursing team for the evening, had my vitals checked, got more anti-contraction drugs, got another liter of fluid, and instructions on how to manuever all the equipment to the bathroom, which is good because I ended up having to go to the bathroom every hour for the next 12 hours. Yea fluids! DH roomed in, poor guy, and I was checked on every 2 hours. It was a long night...the IV drip made a buzzing noise every 8 seconds (literally, I counted) as it dripped...lots of staff coming to check on me and the babies, and I was just wondering how on earth it all got so serious so quickly.

Also, for the first time this whole pregnancy, I worried that the babies were not going to be ok. I stared at the clock, knowing my doctor would be in for rounds between 9-10 am. I held my breath between baby monitoring (which occured every few hours, sometime for 30 minutes, sometimes just to check the hearbeats) I just needed to wait to hear what was next. Delivery? Bedrest? Drugs? False alarm?

4:30 am in a hospital is scary.
Jas, so good to see you back! Glad those boys respected your grounding sentence. I know this may not be that comforting, but from all teh reading I've been doing, birthweight is just as important as gestational age in determining outcomes in premature birth, so the fact that your boys are a strapping 5lbs already means that, heaven forbid they come out in the next couple of weeks, they have an EXCELLENT chance of being totally fine, no disabilities, no problems, no nothing. You're so close to the finish line in terms of not having to worry much anymore. After 32 weeks, with weights like that, you are golden!

Jas12, thanks for sharing your experience and glad to hear that carrying them home is an option. It seems so simple - walking 10 minutes with the babies - and then it's amazing the amount of anxiety that not doing it the way everyone else does generates (for me). BTW, T'Gal, we will indeed be getting a double stroller... the best all-terrain one we can get, since that will be the primary family vehicle, even once we purchase a car! But I think we like the idea of carrying the babies home instead of wheeling them because it seems snugglier and cozier.

People, I am SO ZONKED! I can hardly get up off the couch. I wonder if I'm getting enough iron...
Oopsies -- Welcome Lisa! Sorry I missed your post earlier!!
So, to keep a long and boring story under control --

Friday was a lot of dr. talks...we heard from the neonatalogist, who gave us the lowdown on what would happen if the babies came now or anytime in the next two weeks. Yes, the birthweight is important, but there could still be lots of issues, especially because boys don''t "get it" as quickly as he gave us the rundown of all the worst case scenarios (which is good because I never think the worst, I just like to not be surprised), and mentioned a slightly elevated risk of CP, which I had not heard. But he said with some NICU time, all should be ok. A sobering talk, but good to know.

My ob/gyn told us that we''re going to try to hit 35 weeks (2 weeks from today), but I''m confined to bed except to shower and go to the bathroom. 36 weeks would be better.

Contractions eventually settled down and they pumped 3 liters of fluid into me (and I''m still swollen like a mofo)...Baby A seems better now, and was quite the little stinker when they tried to monitor him...he didn''t settle down for 30 minutes...he was having a dance party in there.

I told all my nurses and nurse''s aides that they are now on my cookie list and to watch out for me and the bambinos in a few weeks cuz we''re coming to thank them.

The bedrest is tough and is putting a lot of strain on DH...he was sad (but totally supportive) that I couldn''t make the wedding, which was the last of his group of friends and he was of course I feel kinda lousy about that, but not lousy enough to apologize...

He did not stay with me Friday night and he was at the wedding all day Saturday, so he was a little startled when he saw me Saturday night when he picked me up from my folks'' was hard to go through some of this without him, but I think the male mentality is, "Well, there''s nothing I can do for her now, so I''m going to go make myself useful somewhere else." I need to teach my boys the value of just BEING there.

Happy to answer any questions, I just don''t want to go on and on and on...

The lesson learned is that we ARE strong enough to do this!
Hey Jas, what did they tell you the risk of cerebral palsy was? I know with the identibots that we have a 1 in 25 chance of CP because of TTTS, but are there other risks too? Was that because of your baby's heart rate getting weird? Or something to do with prematurity?
wow jackiejas, what a story. I''m so thankful that the twims stayed put and that you are okay.
Quick update -

Welcome Lisa!

And a big welcome back home to jas! I will have to catch up on your story later.

I had my own L&D scare yesterday and spent about 7 hours there getting monitored. Baby and I are okay and back home resting. I have to go back on to get another shot soon but I''ll be back with a full update.
Indy -- the doctor, as I recall, said that I had a slightly elevated risk (I think he said like 1%) of CP. I also believe he said it was a twin boy-early thing.

My doctor was more concerned about the breathing/eating/keeping warm thing. Those are the biggies.

Please don''t worry about it. Take it off your list for now. You are gonna have big ol'' fantastically healthy babies.
Date: 8/3/2008 1:52:02 PM
Author: snlee
Quick update -

Welcome Lisa!

And a big welcome back home to jas! I will have to catch up on your story later.

I had my own L&D scare yesterday and spent about 7 hours there getting monitored. Baby and I are okay and back home resting. I have to go back on to get another shot soon but I''ll be back with a full update.
Oh sweetie -- the steroids-in-the-butt shot? Hang in there. I''m virtually holding your hand and am happy you are able to be home between treatments!

Love love love to you and your little one.
I haven''t read through your L&D experience yet, but I am so glad you are back, Jas and the boys are hanging tight.

Welcome, Lisa. I''ve read some of what you went through TTC-ing. I am so happy for you.

These last few days had been tiring. I try to read this and the mommies threads when I come.
Thank you for all the warm welcomes.

JAS - Sounds to me like you are in a good place given the PTL. 33 weeks is a fantastic milestone and I''ll bet you make it to 36!
FWIW - I used to be a NICU/OB Medical Social Worker in Palm Springs (level 3) and had a consistent case load of antepartum mom''s and about 15 NICU babies all in varying degrees of health. Even if u were to deliver today your babes would be considered "feeder/growers" unless there were other issues that developed from delivery or discoverd afterwards. Probably they would go under 02 hood and be given course of antibiotics for about a weeek but u probably already know this. The neo just has to prepare u but I never saw (in 3 yrs) 33 week healthy twins go that south. Technology is amazing, really. Hell, I saw 24 weekers sail through after full intubation (high frequency vent) for weeks!

Nonetheless u are doing everything u can to keep them in there & doing a great job!

If I were to get u on my caseload I would guess your stay would be short and sweet. Hopefully I wouldn''t see u at all!!!

SNLEE, I hope everything''s OK today. PTL scare? Are u on tocolytics?

INDY, I too feel like I''m swimming through jello very slowly. Maybe eat a red, juicy piece of meat tonight - yuck!
Jackie and Snlee, glad to hear that you and your babies are all doing okay.

Snlee, I won''t be getting an ultrasound at the first appointment. I''m feeling a bit inclined just to wait.

I went to a birth fair in a town about an hour away yesterday, where I happened to meet one of my midwife''s best friends (who teaches a local birth class) plus another pregnant woman who''s using my midwife. That was pretty cool. I won a door prize, which was really exciting - 5 Bumpy diaper covers (size XL) plus a changing pad.

How early did all of you start shopping for baby gear? I''m kind of in the mood, but it seems so early.
Blen, I'd definitely wait a while to actually purchase anything, although looking can't hurt. Keep in mind that your chance of miscarriage is still 25% at this point, and you don't want to be dropping lots of cash on things that might make you depressed to look at, know what I mean? If you think you'd be emotionally basically OK with a miscarriage then maybe just buy stuff that's returnable, just in case. It's good to stay positive! But it's good to stay positive while living in reality, if you know what I mean.

We decided that we are not buying anything for the babies until after about 14 weeks. Then our identibot-risk is about 10% until nearly the end of the pregnancy, (at that point, yours will be down to 1%). We won't buy anything big until about 32 complication-free weeks, when we can be pretty sure that we'll end up with two children at the end of this!

SNLEE, scary! Glad you're doing OK.

Jas, I know I probably sound like I'm fretting too much! But I swear! I'm not! Our strategy in terms of risk is like I said to Blen: be positive, but live in reality. The reality in our case is pretty scary, and I feel like our having somewhat come to terms with the worst case scenarios will actually make it easier for us as the pregnancy progresses! Day to day, I don't feel worried, other than about my protein intake.
Jas, I know I probably sound like I''m fretting too much! But I swear! I''m not! Our strategy in terms of risk is like I said to Blen: be positive, but live in reality. The reality in our case is pretty scary, and I feel like our having somewhat come to terms with the worst case scenarios will actually make it easier for us as the pregnancy progresses! Day to day, I don''t feel worried, other than about my protein intake.
Indy -- I think we''re pretty similar that way (tuck all info away, but get all the info)...and seriously about the protein...I feel like I should just purchase a cow and start gnawing.
JAS, DH is all excited, because I'm considering branching out into red meat under the circumstances (I barely eat chicken and fish, usually!) He's all dancing around and saying "BRAZILIAN STEAKHOUSE! BRAZILIAN STEAKHOUSE!" Cause hey, let's face it, going to one of those places practically IS purchasing your own cow and gnawing on it.
Jackie -- glad you are home and boys are fine!! It was so great of dee-jay to give us the updates. Hopefully 2 more weeks won''t be too bad and you''ll sail through....

Welcome Lisa and Blen!

Snlee -- glad to hear you and the l.o. are ok -- let us know what happened! How many weeks are you?

Well, ladies, must have been something in the PS water these last couple of days b/c I, too, spent my evening in labor and delivery
But I''m fine and the girls are fine and heartrates were good. (Thank god) Anyway, around 8 last night, DH was making a quick trip to the grocery store and I went to use the bathroom and was bleeding (pretty heavily). Naturally that wasn''t ok to me, so I called my doctor''s office and spoke to the on-call nurse who told me she''s gonna have to send me to L&D. I figured that was the case, and called DH home (our call was the shortest ever: ME: "i''m bleeding" HIM:"I''ll turn around") and so he finally got the "tour" of how we get to L&D. I was hooked up to the monitors for about 2 1/2 hours and then the nurse there double-checked to see if i could go home (still spotting at that point and not heavy). I was happy they let me leave b/c she told me they *might* keep me overnight (ugh!) So I''m on "pelvic rest" hahaha -- this was most likely due to intercourse from yesterday afternoon! So my *mom* (who came over to stay with the boys) thought that was hilarious and wondered out loud what we must have looked like (EEK) DTD as huge as i am. Thanks mom.

And no, my dr hasn''t told me to cut out sex before now and i''ve never had my cervix checked (and they wouldn''t last night b/c of the bleeding) For anyone who cares to know this, the nurse informed us that doggy-style penestrates deepest, so even though it''s a more comfortable position later in pregnancy, it can also be a problem for that cervix. Just a TMI FYI
We got to tour NICU on our way out at 11pm and everyone there was great...private nicu rooms and level 3 and twin-twin sleeping arrangements. Successful 23 weekers and up -- eases my mind a bit. Just wanted to update -- be back later!
Geez Jen! Scary stuff all around! Glad you''re OK.
Date: 8/3/2008 4:25:42 PM
Author: Independent Gal
JAS, DH is all excited, because I''m considering branching out into red meat under the circumstances (I barely eat chicken and fish, usually!) He''s all dancing around and saying ''BRAZILIAN STEAKHOUSE! BRAZILIAN STEAKHOUSE!'' Cause hey, let''s face it, going to one of those places practically IS purchasing your own cow and gnawing on it.
LOL -- I think we''re married to the same guy.
Jen -- oh dear. What on earth is going on here??? I''m glad you and the bambinos are ok!

We''re all gonna have to keep each other quiet.

But I have to say you''re DH hasn''t wanted to DTD since mid 2nd trimester. And now it''s verboten. And it will be verboten for awhile after the babes.