
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Fiery- do u have any other symptoms?..I really don''t think its a problem..I actually hear that the eating really starts in 3rd tri..I haven''t been hungry since day 1..nurse told me when I asked about not eating..that its usually a mentality thing when preggers start being hungry and eating lots in the beginning..bc bean only needs very little and takes what they need. So I would call the office and maybe ask nurse about it instead of changing appt?

Neat- been thinking of ya :))
sbde nice to see you. you must be getting pretty far along now, no? How are you feeling?

Robbie that sounds so exciting getting to tell your family all together! I hope it goes great and you enjoy it all! Fingers crossed ppl don''t act stupid with you.

Blenheim thanks for the good thoughts- how is your husbands job sit? How are you feeling?

Bluekeet gosh Im sorry you are feeling so ill. I hope it passes quickly for you. Everyone has to feel comfortable with their choices but maybe you could think about the medicine again? It may make life much more bearable?

Peony welcome and congratulations! I think most of us feel nervous at the beginning but then next thing you know you are 37 weeks like me and there you go! GL

Fiery Im not sure about not being hungry as a potential problem- it is nervewracking being pregnant, though. Call the nurse and she will probably be able to reassure you. I am a frequent caller and it usually helps.

Neatfreak Woohooooo! Here patiently waiting for the news. Thinking of you and your dh and the boys!
Yeah its probably not a big deal. I never got any symptoms at all. No m/s, no sore breasts, I had headaches for the first two weeks and they went away. And besides sometimes having some mild cramping when I sneeze or if I sleep a certain way, I don''t feel anything. The only thing that made me "feel" pregnant was my appetitie and now that''s gone too. I''m waiting for a call back from the nurse. She''ll probably tell me to stop being silly
I''m super late..but good luck today Neat!!!

Welcome ChinaCat and Peony!!!

Fiery - if you feel uneasy, I would definitely go get checked out...can''t hurt...
Neatfreak is probably a mommy by now! Her c-section was scheduled for 8am!

Wherever you are Neat I am wishing you and your hubby and boys much love and FUN in these early hours together!
Good Luck, Neat!
Date: 12/18/2008 9:16:19 PM
Author: BlueKeet
Good luck neatfreak! I''ll check back for updates on the boys. I can''t believe how time flies. It seems like yesterday when you posted your wedding photos - you wore my runner up dress choice.

I''ve been absent for awhile thanks to morning sickness. I think I am getting used to it now, but I still feel horrible for good portions of the day and during the night. I am reluctant to take meds for it unless I lose any more weight. I was shocked to read how hungry so many of you are. I''d love to trade my illness for hunger. I have to force myself to eat anything and drinking is even more difficult.

I''m 18 weeks 3 days and my morning sickness is still there (although better today), so I know just how horrible it can be.

I would really think about the meds. None of my doctors (and I''m seeing a heck of a lot of them) were at all worried by my taking promethazine. They were far more worried about the morning sickness.

You can really upset your electrolyte balances and the levels of ketones in your body through vomiting/dihydration/lack of nutrients which can be dangerous for the baby.

The tablets that I take (10mg promethazine a day) are the same ones that you give to babies and small children for travel sickness and to sedate them on long journeys so they are extremely safe.

I still have some nausea and food aversions on the medication - but I''m not throwing up 10 times a day like I was.
Pandora, I emailed admin to see about them getting your approval to email you, but haven''t heard back yet. I suppose the hint towards the forum with PM would work?
I am dancing a jig over here!! A week ago I failed the screen for gestational diabetes (Glucose Challenge Test) by a large margin
, and so I took the three-hour, diagnositc Glucose Tolerance Test on Wednesday and my midwife called just now and I passed with flying colours!! My fasting sugar level and my levels after each hour were all well below the cut-off point.


So no GD for me! This makes me so happy because there is the possibility of a transfer of care to an OB with serious GD and that would have been aweful since you all know my hopes for my birth!
I am so relieved I cannot even tell you!

Dreamer''s Public Service Announcement for the day:

Okay, so around 24-28 weeks you will be sent for a screening test for gestational diabetes. The GD screening test measures your blood sugar level one hour after drinking a substance containing 50g of sugar. Anything over a certain level means you *may* have GD (i.e., your body cannot adequately process the sugars in your blood, and so you have chronically higher levels of blood sugar, which is bad for you and bad for baby). If you fail the screen, you take the longer diagnostic test, which has you fast for 12 hours and then drink 75g or 100g of sugar, and then tests your blood a number of times over the course of 2-3 hours.

It turns out that the screening test has a really really high false positive rate: Only 3-5% of pregnant women develop GD, but between 15% and 25% will fail the screening test!
So if you fail the screening test, there is STILL only a 15-30% chance that you actually have GD. In large part, in my opinion, this large false positive rate is due to there being no rules about eating prior to the screening test. You can go in fasting, having just eaten, having eaten hours before. Obviously, eating just before taking the screen affects your blood sugars. In my case, I ate a carbohydrate rich breakfast just 20 minutes before taking the sugar drink, which meant that my blood sugar was not only affected by the sugar drink but was also higher because of my breakfast! So I got a false positive. On the diagnostic GD test (Glucose Tolerace test) you fast for 12 hours before taking the sugar srink, so this is not an issue.

So for all your ladies who will take this test I highly recommend that you either eat 3 hours before taking the test OR go in fasting in the morning. If you really have GD, you will still be identified by the screening test in these circumstances. But if you do NOT have GD, these circumstances will give you the best shot of avoiding a false positive and a week of worry for nothing!
Good call DD. My friend failed her first test and passed her 2nd with flying colors also. I''ll make sure to try out your suggestion in about 13 weeks
congrats on passing the GD test.
i failed my 1-hr as well, but passed w/ flying colors on the 3-hr.
funny thing is that i fast for 12 hours on both tests.

the nurse who administered the test told me that almost all of the preggers get a false positive for the 1hr.
Ooh, I forgot our big news from last night! We have a potential boy name! Desmond Jack. We made it through the K''s of the baby name book (though this is our second time going through it) and so far this is the only one we really like and it''s growing on me more and more. The only Desmond I''ve ever heard of is the character on Lost. I''m sure we''ll have a few people think we''re just crazy lost fans, but neither name is actually because of it. I was joking to DH though that it''s perfect because the guy on Lost has the catch phrase "I''ll see you in another life brutha," and when we actually meet the baby it will be a whole new life, lol.
Date: 12/19/2008 11:12:32 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Pandora, I emailed admin to see about them getting your approval to email you, but haven''t heard back yet. I suppose the hint towards the forum with PM would work?
I occasionally post on another Gemology forum that happens to be ''online''....

Same user name...
Thanks for the great advice, DD. My GD test is coming up soon.

Robbie! I love the name, Desmond! I, myself am a HUGE Lost fan
oh Man I feel so LOST (tee hee) because I''ve been absent from this thread and PAAN! So much to talk about!!!!


Thinking of you Neat and your DH and your two new GORGEOUS additions. I cannot WAIT for your update


Peony! I''ve been following your story in TTC and cannot be more happy for you and your DH. it was a long bumpy road, and although I cannot promise it won''t be, I truly hope for a happy healthy 9.5 months for you! Sticky Sticky Sticky!!!

DD - I cannot believe you are already 29+ weeks. Honestly. Time is FLYING. Congrats on the Glucose test! hooray! And Hooray to one step closer to your desired birth plan. I''m thrilled for you!

Blen - how in the dangle did you get 24 weeks! YEY!!!!!!!!!!! Time is flying is SUCH a good way.

Courtney - your pics are so cute! I love the progression of belly. Amazing. Keep ''em coming girl!

Fiery - I don''t know about the hunger...but get it checked up if it makes you more comfy.

BRB. Work emergency....
Morning ladies.

I had to go to the courthouse this morning, which is a PITA normallly, but was a nightmare today as I feel pretty sick in the mornings unless I am eating something constantly. GRRRR.

Robbie- Fun for telling them all at once. I too feel really weird about telling my parents. Isn''t that weird? I know my mom will be super excited, she just told me on the phone that she and one other lady in her book club are the only ones without grandkids. She is such a baby person, I know she''ll be thrilled. I know my dad will be too, but he''s a bit gruffer in demeanor and is not one for a big "moment" per se. I still have a problem with saying "I''m pregnant" out loud!

And I LOVE Desmond. Ok, ok, so I''m a huge Lost fan, but it''s still a great name. And I love the nickname Dez/Des. So cute with Jack!!!!!

Peony- Welcome girl!!! I am only 6w6d, which is early, but it''s nice to be here and get information and talk about stuff, especially b/c we aren''t telling people IRL yet. So excited for you! And yay, it fits in with your timing!!!

Fiery- My doctor said call no matter what, so it won''t hurt to just ask the doctor/nurse if you should be worried. But it doesn''t sound worrisome to me. My symptoms keep changing, and I too keep thinking oh no, that means something''s wrong, but I think this is just the beginning. As for hunger, mine changes all the time. Sometimes I am starving, and sometimes I feel so full even if I haven''t eaten. The only reason I am eating constantly (small, healthy snacks every few hours) is that I have some nausea, and it helps if I eat. How far along are you now? I am sure nothing is wrong, but keep us posted!

DD- Yay for passing! And thanks for the info.

NF- Hope you are cuddling your new baby boys now!!!!!

Hi to everyone else! I haven''t quite figured out who''s who over here yet, so bear with me until I "know" all of you!!!!
Date: 12/19/2008 12:08:41 PM
Author: mela lu
oh Man I feel so LOST (tee hee) because I''ve been absent from this thread and PAAN! So much to talk about!!!!


Thinking of you Neat and your DH and your two new GORGEOUS additions. I cannot WAIT for your update


Peony! I''ve been following your story in TTC and cannot be more happy for you and your DH. it was a long bumpy road, and although I cannot promise it won''t be, I truly hope for a happy healthy 9.5 months for you! Sticky Sticky Sticky!!!

DD - I cannot believe you are already 29+ weeks. Honestly. Time is FLYING. Congrats on the Glucose test! hooray! And Hooray to one step closer to your desired birth plan. I''m thrilled for you!

Blen - how in the dangle did you get 24 weeks! YEY!!!!!!!!!!! Time is flying is SUCH a good way.

Courtney - your pics are so cute! I love the progression of belly. Amazing. Keep ''em coming girl!

Fiery - I don''t know about the hunger...but get it checked up if it makes you more comfy.

BRB. Work emergency....


Robbie - I think the new plan of telling both families at the same time is GREAT!! You''re so lucky to have that opportunity! My two sides get along but we don''t have that many chances to all get together at the same time. GOOD LUCK with the announcement and have fun (no matter what words slip though the filter). It''s you moment to shine (with DH)

Welcome China! I love that our group is growing...

Mela 18 weeks today!
China-I''ll be 11 weeks tomorrow.

My doctor called me back. She''s great. She reminds me of my mom. She said "are you bleeding?" No. "Are you in pain?" No. "I''ll see you on Monday."

My motto is that if the doctor isn''t worried, then fiery isn''t worried.
Fiery- See? All better till Monday. Never hurts to call. My doc is pretty laid-back like that too. Btw, meant to tell you that I love your new tagline or whatever it''s called at the bottom of your posts. Too funny!!! So did you guys ever decide when you are getting married? I think I saw where you were trying to figure it out when your got your BFP. Or are you guys just waiting?
Fiery, glad to hear the doc isn''t concerned. I probably knew this already and forgot, but we''re only 1 week apart!

Thanks for the name compliments guys! I''m sure we''ll get at least a few strange looks since they''re not all that common. Maybe we won''t tell anyone, lol.

Mela, our families live about 15 minutes away from each other (with us in the middle), but they rarely get together. I''m guessing there will be a lot more getting together in the near future. It''s weird for me to think about them all being together though because my grandparents lived within a half hour of each other and I can only remember seeing them together once.
Date: 12/19/2008 1:06:38 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Fiery- See? All better till Monday. Never hurts to call. My doc is pretty laid-back like that too. Btw, meant to tell you that I love your new tagline or whatever it''s called at the bottom of your posts. Too funny!!! So did you guys ever decide when you are getting married? I think I saw where you were trying to figure it out when your got your BFP. Or are you guys just waiting?
LOL He''s not usually a funny guy but sometimes he just comes out with the weirdest stuff that will have me on the floor laughing.

We don''t know. Well that''s a lie. I don''t know. He asked me the other day if we''re getting married soon. I told him I wouldn''t mind heading over to court and getting married but I really want to hold off on the dress/pictures thing. I feel beautiful as a pregnant lady...not so much as a bride. A lot of people were asking me how I would feel getting married after the baby is born and having to explain that in the future. I gave it a lot of thought but I think either way we wouldn''t hide the truth should the topic ever come up.

So as of right now its an "I don''t know." I''m waiting for him to decide whether he''d be ok with just going to court and having a little dinner after. He, believe it or not, is really looking forward to having something a little more traditional so I''ve left it up to him.

How are you feeling??

Robbie-Sorry if I missed this before but are you still planning on telling everyone the 23rd?
Fiery, yup, we''re telling everyone on Tuesday. Originally we were going to tell my parents and sister sometime between this Sunday and Tuesday and DH''s family on Christmas Eve, but now my mom has invited DH''s parents to their house for Hanukkah dinner on Tuesday so we''re just going to tell the parents (and my sister) all at once. We''ll still tell DH''s siblings, nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins on Christmas Eve though.
Congratulations peonygirl!

Congratulations to all the other newly pregnant ladies too - nycbkgirl, cdt1101, NYCsparkle, robbie3982, fieryred33143, kelley1975, ChinaCat, and anyone else I may have missed! There's a PS baby boom! How exciting!

Thinking of you NF! I hope you're holding your boys right now.

dreamer, congrats on passing your GD test! The same thing happened to me (failed then passed with flying colors). Such a relief!
Ugh...I think my head is going to explode. I have a cold. I''m such a baby when I have a cold because I can''t stand my nose being stuffed up, and now it''s even worse because every time I try to clear my nose it just about makes me throw up on the spot. Do you think anyone would notice if I reinstated nap time at the high school level?

Dreamer, congrats on the glucose testing!

Robbie, I really like the name Desmond Jack! Yay!

Everyone else, I''m sorry if I missed something exciting, but my short term memory went out the door when I stopped being able to breath and see straight...

7w 3d
Just got an email from Mr. Neat! Here''s what he said (edited to preserve Neat''s anonymity):

Hi everybody,

For those of you who haven''t heard yet, Dexter Aidan (18", 4
lbs 6 ounces) and Maxwell Elliot (18.5", 5 lbs 10 ounces)
arrived this morning. Both the boys and Neat are doing well, with
no need for NICU time.

Here''s the pic he sent:

Yay for Neat! What an adorable family!!!
All four of you are SO BEAUTIFUL!!! What a Kodak Moment!!!! Congrats NEAT. They have arrived

This is such a happy day
OMG they are so cute!!!! Congrats Neat and Mr. Neat!!!!
I <3 you Neat! I can''t wait to talk to you all about it :)
Oh, so adorable!!! Congrats to NF!

I''m going to jump in here, if it''s okay - I''m only a little over 5 weeks and kind of terrified. . .so please send sticky dust!

I started reading past pages to respond to people, but got overwhelmed, so I hope it''s okay if I just start here and go forward.