
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Dreamer you make a good point about trying to go with the flow and also wanting well rested drs. etc. I think i kind of feel like a sell out if I get induced (on the natural birth front) but you are right we have a more complicated situation and even my doula says I will know what the right choice is for me, and she is really also open to whatever I need to have a good experience.
There is no way they will let me go post dates and I may push for 40 weeks but am starting to think maybe 38 wks 3 days is just as good. Honestly, in some ways it seems "easier" because my parents arrive on the 22 to help and would be here for the surgery/support after surgery etc if we have him on the earlier end of their trip. In addtion, as a 37 weeks pregnant person, I am kind of ready for this baby to come out.
I think I will just keep tyring to move things along on my own and see where we get. Thanks so much for your quick reply. I am glad you have other interviews to keep your mind occupied. I would go crazy to wait a month and see if I got a job. I seriously don''t know how I have waited 9 1/2 months for this baby. Patience is not one of my strong suits! Good luck with the interviews!
Date: 12/18/2008 12:25:39 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 12/18/2008 12:12:27 PM

Author: robbie3982

... I always thought I''d be grossed out by all the goop on the baby when it''s first born, but now I''m thinking I might want it placed on my chest right away. After all, it won''t be my clothes that get ruined and I won''t have to deal with washing them.

And it is YOUR own goop after all, it comes out of your body. That has to make a difference! If we can get used to checking our CF a million times a day, I think we can handle a little of our own blood and mucus and poop.
Trust me, you won''t even notice or think about the goop. It''s definitely a beautiful moment and one you''ll remember and treasure your whole life.

I had my son placed on me briefly (a minute?) then he had to get checked out by the pedi since they wanted to make sure he was okay. I had been pushing a long time and his heart rate went down during a contraction. But even that brief moment was very memorable.
I agree with Tacori, be prepared for anything! I breastfed T within about 10-15 minutes (I think, time kind of stands still when you see your child for the first time) and breastfeeding was NOT easy for us. T had a strong latch (for lack of better term) that caused a lot of bruising and pan so for us just because we established it early didn''t really mean much.
Oh, and she wasn''t really bloody (from what I remember) and my doctor put her right on my chest when she came out. Our hospital doesn''t do a bath until a few hours after birth.
I third that be prepared for anything! Even though I had a birth plan, I definitely didn''t know what was going to happen. Labor is very unpredictable and you have to be flexible and open-minded. I didn''t see any blood on my baby either.
just delurking quickly to say GOOD LUCK tomorrow, neatfreak! I''m sure you''ll do great. Can''t wait to meet your precious little boys

Hey Neatfreak!!!! It's the 19th here Down Under already!! Just wanted to wish you lots of luck for today! Hope you and your hubby have the most incredible day of your lives meeting your little angels for the first time.

Sending lots of easy labour dust your way!! Will be thinking of all 4 of you!! Wow, instant family
A big thank you to everyone for your well wishes and thoughts! We've been out and about most of the day with my parents getting last minute things taken care of, so nothing exciting. My mom and dad are cleaning my refrigerator right now which I feel badly about but they insisted when I said it was on my "list of things that didn't get done", so I figured what the heck.

And as to the getting the baby/breastfeeding thing right after birth, this is mostly to Pave, but at my hospital even with a c-section they still will let you see/touch/kiss the baby immediately, then they get checked, and if all is ok they will let my DH bring the babies back into the OR until I am done. And then as soon as they bring me into recovery they hand the baby(ies) back to you to breastfeed and bond. So while it isn't immediate, it's a darn good compromise and as long as there isn't a reason to bring them to the NICU immediately you can basically be with them from birth even if they can't be placed on your stomach.

My doc recommended having them brought to me for all feedings except the 3am feeding so I can get some rest after the that is what I am considering doing. He said that he hasn't heard of any adverse affects from the bottle feeding once a day as far as breastfeeding goes and in his experience moms never tell him they regret those extra hours of sleep...but I don't know if I'll be able to let my babies go or not! We'll see.

My DH said he would log on to post sometime tomorrow and give you all an update and Robbie is on our family email list, so hopefully she can update you ASAP in the morning! The hospital has wifi in all the rooms too so if I am not too tired I'll log on and tell y'all how it went this weekend sometime.
Neat I''m glad you have your parents there with you. That is so great. I wish you all the best tomorrow!

As for washing the goop, my preliminary answer is that I would have them do it first. Not for my own reason but out of fear that FI will take one look at all the goo and throw up. He''s already worried about passing out. Yes, he''s one of those guys
Neat, I hope I''m not too late to offer my best wishes to you and your family tomorrow. I am actually getting a little weepy typing this. Can''t wait to see pics of the boys!
Thoughts on sending baby to nursery,

For those of you who decide to PLEASE don't feel guilty. Child birth is no cake walk. There is no shame for needing your rest. We ended up sending Tessa to the nursery every night (I was in the hospital for a total of 5 days, 4 days after she was born). I was very sick so chose to have the nurse syringe feed her formula at night. It was the best thing I could have done for both of us.

Pandora, PLEASE be careful. Do not leave unless you really think you are okay. I did not get sick (or at least they didn't detect it) until 24 hours after birth. Had I left I would have had to come back and who knows what would have happened with Tessa. My mom was released from the hospital a few hours after my sister's birth. She never peed while there and ended up getting an infection and had to have a cath for a week! Not fun I am sure.

Pave, I really do believe the longer he bakes the better. Only you know your breaking point. I would wait until after x-mas for sure. That would be NO fun! I was induced so if you have any questions I would be happy to answer. I actually LOVED being induced!
DH and i kept our son with us in the room the entire time we were in the hospital and i wouldn''t change anything the second time around. but there were a lot of babies in the nursery and all the nurses know what they''re doing and are perfectly capable of taking care of your baby. i was on such an adrenaline high and all i wanted to do was cuddle my baby after he was born. but if i was tired and knew that i needed to sleep, i would have definitely had the nurses take him tot he nursery. he was also pretty good in the hospital so i was waking every 3-4 hours or so to nurse him and back down we both went.
as far as nursing, i was able to nurse him about 20 minutes after birth. and that was with a bit of complications along the way. his umbilical cord got caught around his neck and he was not crying when he was born. he was barely breathing. so after the docs checked him and he was fine, i nursed him then we allowed people to start coming in.

nf hope everything is going well and you are resting!! can''t wait to meet your boys.
and all the other soon to be mamas, hope you are all doing well. and you guys have the cutest baby bumps
Date: 12/18/2008 4:43:24 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thoughts on sending baby to nursery,

For those of you who decide to PLEASE don''t feel guilty. Child birth is no cake walk. There is no shame for needing your rest. We ended up sending Tessa to the nursery every night (I was in the hospital for a total of 5 days, 4 days after she was born). I was very sick so chose to have the nurse syringe feed her formula at night. It was the best thing I could have done for both of us.

Pandora, PLEASE be careful. Do not leave unless you really think you are okay. I did not get sick (or at least they didn''t detect it) until 24 hours after birth. Had I left I would have had to come back and who knows what would have happened with Tessa. My mom was released from the hospital a few hours after my sister''s birth. She never peed while there and ended up getting an infection and had to have a cath for a week! Not fun I am sure.

Pave, I really do believe the longer he bakes the better. Only you know your breaking point. I would wait until after x-mas for sure. That would be NO fun! I was induced so if you have any questions I would be happy to answer. I actually LOVED being induced!
LOL, I have zero chance of getting my ''get out of jail free'' card that quickly even if I do end up with a normal, uncomplicated delivery!

Due to the fact that my poor child will be born with an opiate addiction and has a 50% chance of having hereditary spherocystosis (DH has it), and I am very high risk for post-partum psychosis I am likely to be there for some time.

With any luck that should give me a chance of an individual room

Then I get home visits daily for 3 MONTHS
Date: 12/18/2008 2:48:17 PM
Author: Courtneylub

Is there anyway I can contact you away from PS? I have some questions for you that I''m not sure I want to share over public forum.
Hi Courtney,

I think you may be able to get Admin to forward me an email?

Otherwise, there is another forum that I am on which has a PM system which I could give you a cryptic clue to if that is allowed...
Popping in rather late to say-

Stephanie, I''m so, so sorry about your loss. Sending hugs to you and your family.

Neat- Good luck tomorrow, hon! I cannot wait to see those healthy baby boys!
good luck neatfreak!

Hope you have a smooth, successful delivery! Can't wait to see your little Tacori said, I'd recommend letting the babies sleep in the nursery for a bit - them getting a feeding via spoon or syringe might help you get some of that much needed rest :)
Stephanie, I'm so sorry for your loss.

NF, you must be so excited! I've been cursing about having to commute in tomorrow's morning weather and I didn't even think about you having to do it on the way to have your babies - that's a bummer. Drive carefully.

Our plan is to have the baby immediately put on my chest or belly and to try to breastfeed within the first half an hour or so. (Another bonus of early breastfeeding is that it can help reduce post partum hemorage, btw.) Baby is obviously going to room in with us.
If we have to transfer to the hospital because of fetal distress or needing a trip to the NICU, of course those plans would change. If we have to transfer because of exhaustion or other things that result in a perfectly healthy baby, then I'd still want baby placed on me and roomed in with me.

Hey, Ebree! Long time no see. How have you been?

Sabine, congrats on being out at work!

Pave, so sorry about your hubby's job. Wow, you're getting so close too.

I'm 24 weeks exactly. Woohoo!

ETA: Welcome, China!
Our plans to tell the parents have changed a bit. My mom just called to finally talk about when she wants us to come over for Hanukkah dinner. She asked if Tuesday would be ok and then said that she wants to invite DH''s parents over for dinner that night as well. So, now we''re telling all of them at once the day before Christmas Eve. I think this is perfect. I can now get any possible bad dad reactions out of the way all at once (my dad and I don''t get along and FIL is amazing, but has no filter) and it won''t be in front of everyone in case I get upset by any previously mentioned bad reactions. I''m a little freaked out that we just lost a day though! Agh! I''m getting really nervous (though I''m not sure why).
I think we''ll still tell everyone else (DH''s siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins) the next day on Christmas Eve.
NeatFreak--GOOD LUCK! Can''t wait to see the babes, wishing you all the best!

Re: blood and labor. I really didn''t notice it on the baby.As others have mentioned, it is all a HUGE blur of excitement, extreme effort, rush of doctors and prep that it was the furthest thing from my mind. I took Cohen from DH as soon as the cord was cut and he nuzzled toward my breast (i found that amazing, even tho i know babies do that) --nursed right away and stayed on my chest for over an hour before he was weighed, cleaned (the dr. examined him on my chest) I don''t remember any ''gross stuff'' until i went to go to the bathroom and was shocked over how much i was still bleeding.
Robbie- I don''t think u should be worried about comments..just prepare yourself to brush them off if they do happen..don''t pay attention to things like that ..just focus on the excitment that will surely come of your mom and others...I love the excitment of enjoy the moment ;)
Good luck neatfreak! I''ll check back for updates on the boys. I can''t believe how time flies. It seems like yesterday when you posted your wedding photos - you wore my runner up dress choice.

I''ve been absent for awhile thanks to morning sickness. I think I am getting used to it now, but I still feel horrible for good portions of the day and during the night. I am reluctant to take meds for it unless I lose any more weight. I was shocked to read how hungry so many of you are. I''d love to trade my illness for hunger. I have to force myself to eat anything and drinking is even more difficult.

Popping in to sprinkle NeatFreak with L&D dust.
Can''t wait to see your little guys!!
Great collage of your belly.
Cute bump. You are tiny!

RE: labor and blood.
I didn''t have a birth plan, so when it came time, the midwife placed my baby on my chest over a blanket immediately after birth.
Like the others have said, I didn''t noticed any blood on her. Goop yes, but no blood. It was an amazing feeling touching her with all the goop actually.
After several minutes, the nurse took her to be cleaned and weighed and heated in her bed for awhile.
They give her to me after the midwife stitched me up.
I am a bit late, but just want to send you my condolences.
Hey pregnant ladies!
Robbie told me to stop by because I got a positive pregnancy test! I''m really, really excited, especially as I wasn''t even sure I could get pregnant because my cycles were so wacky. As it turned out, I ovulated on day 43 (yes, you read that right) of this last cycle, and I got knocked up!

I''m still not sure I belong here because it''s so early, but I''ll keep you updated. I look forward to getting to know all of you!
BEST OF LUCK TODAY, NEATFREAK!!! I'll be thinking about you and the boys!! You are going to do great!!!!

Congrats Peony!! How exciting!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well! Happy holidays!!!
Good Luck Neat!!!! Can''t wait to see pictures of the boys!
NYC, normally brushing it off would be no problem, but lately I cry at the drop of a hat for no reason, so I''ll just have to see. I hope that there are no comments or that if there are I''ll surprise myself with my lack of crazy emotional response.

Peony, I remember feeling the same way, but I promise we don''t bite! At this point, I think about half of the thread is in the first trimester so maybe that will help to make it a little less scary

Neat, good luck today! I''m so excited for you! I can''t wait to see pics of your little guys!
Neat - thinking of you today!!!

Robbie - I''m excited for you to tell them...I''m anticipating it like I''m going to be there or something! You wiill be just fine and it will be a happy moment.
Thinking of you neat!!

I have a question for everyone:

Would you consider moving your appt up 3 days if you were really worried??

My appt is on Monday. I wasn''t worried until this week when I started noticing a decrease in my appetite. I didn''t have much symptoms to begin with and now I have zero hunger. I used to wake up starving. I''ve been up since 5AM, its now 9AM and no hunger.

Maybe I''m just looking too much into it but I''m really worried and considering calling the doctor to go this afternoon instead of Monday.