
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


I didn''t know if the daycares would be expected to wash them but that makes sense that tossing a diaper would be the same as tossing a cloth diaper into a wetbag. And my FMIL would probably do it if I told her that it was better for the baby haha
Fiery - Both hubby and I were cloth diapered, so if anything our parents think that the diapers that they have out right now are completely awesome. Things like these in addition to what they''re more used to. The latter is a bit more work to put on and so I could see care givers not wanting to deal with it if they can just slap on a disposable.
Date: 1/20/2009 2:42:40 PM
Author: Blenheim
Fiery - Both hubby and I were cloth diapered, so if anything our parents think that the diapers that they have out right now are completely awesome. Things like these in addition to what they''re more used to. The latter is a bit more work to put on and so I could see care givers not wanting to deal with it if they can just slap on a disposable.
Blenheim, in answer to your question, we are using ones like the highlighted. Our friends are actually giving us all the cloth diapers that their kids have outgrown, so we don''t even have to buy them! I think, however, that we will be using disposables for the very beginning, since our friends commented that the cloth ones leak a lot of the little tiny babies.
Date: 1/20/2009 2:59:39 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/20/2009 2:42:40 PM
Author: Blenheim
Fiery - Both hubby and I were cloth diapered, so if anything our parents think that the diapers that they have out right now are completely awesome. Things like these in addition to what they''re more used to. The latter is a bit more work to put on and so I could see care givers not wanting to deal with it if they can just slap on a disposable.
Blenheim, in answer to your question, we are using ones like the highlighted. Our friends are actually giving us all the cloth diapers that their kids have outgrown, so we don''t even have to buy them! I think, however, that we will be using disposables for the very beginning, since our friends commented that the cloth ones leak a lot of the little tiny babies.
You know, I think you''ve said that before and that my memory is just going. Sorry! That''s awesome that you don''t have to buy them though.
Date: 1/20/2009 4:37:51 PM
Author: Blenheim

You know, I think you''ve said that before and that my memory is just going. Sorry! That''s awesome that you don''t have to buy them though.
You mean you don''t take notes on everything I say and commit it all to memory!

radiantgirl, I remember your story and I''m so happy to see you back here! Congratulations! Yay for 2nd trimester!
***Paging Sabine***

How are you doing? Has your m/s slowed down a bit? When is your next appointment?
Awe, hi Fiery! It''s so exciting to see someone paging me, thanks for checking up on me! I''ve been here and reading, but not adding much since 1, we''re not really considering doing cloth diapers, and 2, today is the first day of the new semester at school, so I''ve been crazy busy! Our school is weird, we have block scheduling, so I see my students every day for 86 minutes, but only for half the year. So today I got a whole new group and I''m teaching 3 different classes, 2 of which I haven''t taught in about 2 years. But I have been thinking about everyone here!

Things pregnancy-wise have been going well though. My m/s is not gone yet, but definitely not as bad as it had been. I have some days almost nausea free, but most days I still feel pretty gross at night and have trouble finding things to eat for dinner. Last night I had a huge chocolate muffin, string cheese, and a soft pretzel. Does the food aversion thing ever really go away during pregnancy? I hope so, because most of my favorite foods just do NOT taste good to me right now.

My next appt. isn''t until early Feb, and it''s just a check-up, and we will schedule the big u/s then! I decided not to do the NT scan, so I haven''t seen the little bean in a while, but we did hear the hb on the doppler at 11 weeks!

12w -yay, almost out of first tri!
I''m glad things are going well! The food aversion kind of goes away although I still cannot stand the smell or sight of mashed potatoes
. Your dinner sounds so delicious though LOL. I went through a few weeks where I was craving carbs and things like chicken or beef did not sound good to me at all. We decided not to do the NT scan either.

Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
The food aversion thing will pass... mine gradually started leaving around 11/12 weeks and by 16 weeks I was eating everything!
Ok im so confused and worried right now I wanna cry!- so I did the fetal echo and it took forever bc babies again weren''t cooperating and the tech couldn''t get 100% view and all pics the end doc came in to talk to us and said everything looks good and no major heart problems but 3 minor things...1- couldn''t see much of what''s needed and not too clear on the details they did get..2- there is a tiny hole in the bottom 2 chambers which may be nothing or may just close up when babies develop..3- there may have been so "echogenetic focus" (I think that''s the wording..focus for sure) which is like a tiny bright area...again this most likely is nothing or may be a marker for down syndome!?!....but he said that since no other markers have been found the likelihood of me (at 26) with only this marker is 0 for DS. So he called ob who I saw after and she thinks all this is nothing as well but she said I have the option to do amnio. And the latest to do it is this or next week...I am sooo lost!

Also my cervix went down to 2.6! She wasn''t happy said to take it easy..should I go on bedrest? Anyone else have this low of a cervix at 22wks?

Ugh help
Date: 1/21/2009 12:37:05 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Ok im so confused and worried right now I wanna cry!- so I did the fetal echo and it took forever bc babies again weren''t cooperating and the tech couldn''t get 100% view and all pics the end doc came in to talk to us and said everything looks good and no major heart problems but 3 minor things...1- couldn''t see much of what''s needed and not too clear on the details they did get..2- there is a tiny hole in the bottom 2 chambers which may be nothing or may just close up when babies develop..3- there may have been so ''echogenetic focus'' (I think that''s the wording..focus for sure) which is like a tiny bright area...again this most likely is nothing or may be a marker for down syndome!?!....but he said that since no other markers have been found the likelihood of me (at 26) with only this marker is 0 for DS. So he called ob who I saw after and she thinks all this is nothing as well but she said I have the option to do amnio. And the latest to do it is this or next week...I am sooo lost!

Also my cervix went down to 2.6! She wasn''t happy said to take it easy..should I go on bedrest? Anyone else have this low of a cervix at 22wks?

Ugh help
I think you should make an appointment with you OB/regular doctor to get answers to these questions. You mentioned in your post a few times that they said, "It is nothing" and so you can probably go with that. But why not get your questions answered by someone who knows what they are talking about?

But here is my 2c anyways: I would listen to the highlighted parts, personally. Doctors tend to err on the side of caution and if they thougt there was a good reason to follow-up on ANY of the things they saw/found, then they would have. So I think this is all an example of information overload with some of the "possibles" screaming at you. As for the amnio, I would not do it in your shoes. They had a hard time getting the images, it seems, and one little possible perhaps soft marker of downs means nothing given your age. Besides, it wouldn''t make any difference to your plans for your pregnancy, so amnio is useless, IMHO, and not worth the added stress and risk.
Sabine, you''re so close to the second tri! My food aversions got a lot better around where you are now - hang in there!

Nycbk - I''m so sorry about all of that. First, did your doctor say to go on bedrest? You may want to call her back and ask her what exactly ''take it easy'' means. She may just not want you to shovel oodles of snow and go on 5 mile hikes or something, but if it wouldn''t hurt anything it would probably be good for you to get out of the house now and then and be able to do things. I know that NF had a shortened cervix (somewhere in that range) too and can probably answer some of your questions about it - I know that it does mean something different with twins than with singletons. I think it''s more predictive of PTL in singletons, or something like that.

My baby had the tiny bright area too, and it correlates with a slightly greater risk of downs syndrome. I think for me, my doctor said that it took me from the risk of 25 y.o. to that of a 31 y.o., or something like that. And the risks are still pretty slight for a 31 y.o., so it''s really probably nothing. Especially with the baby having no other markers. Have you done the blood screen? I''d start there before getting the amnio, as there''s really no risk to just the blood screen. Did you get a NT u/s earlier on? And, by the way, you don''t even need to get the blood screen if you don''t want to - we ended up choosing not to.

Are they going to follow up on the small hole later on? It sounds like it''s stressful now but could just resolve itself. Hugs.
Thanks dd/blen-
I did talk to my ob..I went right after the cardio doc..and they had spoken to eachother before I even saw her. She basically said same thing that she didn''t think it was anything but she had to give me the amnio option but she personally wouldn''t think anything of these "findings". I am just so lost...I wish I did amnio before so I wouldn''t wonder or be stressed about it but I don''t want to do it so late in the game even though its alright to do. My sister thinks im crazy for worrying over this and says so many ppl are told they have this focus thing.

Re cervix: ob just said to take it easy..I basically put myself on bedrest for most of day..I will still go outside and do things but I think I will lay back with feet up mostly. I just have nothing to compare the cervix length to bc I don''t know what ppl usually have at this stage...
anyone care to share their cervix length at 20wks and on??

Calling NEATFREAK: would love some advice from a twin mom.
Date: 1/21/2009 2:19:35 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks dd/blen-
I did talk to my ob..I went right after the cardio doc..and they had spoken to eachother before I even saw her. She basically said same thing that she didn''t think it was anything but she had to give me the amnio option but she personally wouldn''t think anything of these ''findings''. I am just so lost...I wish I did amnio before so I wouldn''t wonder or be stressed about it but I don''t want to do it so late in the game even though its alright to do. My sister thinks im crazy for worrying over this and says so many ppl are told they have this focus thing.

Re cervix: ob just said to take it easy..I basically put myself on bedrest for most of day..I will still go outside and do things but I think I will lay back with feet up mostly. I just have nothing to compare the cervix length to bc I don''t know what ppl usually have at this stage...
anyone care to share their cervix length at 20wks and on??

Calling NEATFREAK: would love some advice from a twin mom.
You can probably find information aboue cervix lengths on the internet. I have no idea what mine is since there has been no reason to monitor it.

I agree with your sister that you are crazy to worry about the amnio
. At 18 weeks you decided NOT to have amnio based on your weighing of the information and the risks--which are higher with twins--and the options available to you given the results of your amnio (which is really no options, since even if you would decide to terminate based on the amnio results you can''t do that with twins). The fact of the matter is that nothing has changed at this point! All the information is the same now as it was at 18 weeks, since all the doctors agree that the so-called "soft marker" is nothing, so why would you re-think the decision? Yes it is "later in the game" but that changes nothing in reality because it doesn''t affect the risks nor does it affect the options available to you.

So here is my tough love: TRUST ME... you are going to have many many more experiences in the rest of your pregnancy that are worrying and stressful Medicine errs on the side of caution. I personally have had two "scares" because of this caution--they thought I may have GD because I failed the screen and got a false positive (along with 20% of other pregnant women
) and they are now monitoring my BP regularly and seeing me once a week because it was high on ONE DAY out of my whole pregnancy (normal since)! This aggravates me to no end because I don''t like unnecessary intervention and I feel that they are being overly cautious. But my point is, even if you like being monitored closely, I can guarantee you will have many other times in your pregnancy when you will be told, "Maybe, possible, we better watch this..." So you have to get used to it and not sweat the "maybe, possibly, we better watch this..." stuff until you get told, "Hey this is bad!" Don''t go looking for worries and troubles.
Hey NYC First of all, do not freak out. Here is what I know...

1. Holes: Very very common and more often than not do fix themselves. Make sure they monitor you.

2. The bright spot: I think this is a calcification right? Which is the same thing that one of my boys had on his liver. It can be a marker for downs, BUT in the studies I have read (and trust me I read them all) when the only soft marker is 1 of these spots, and there are not multiple spots, none of the study participants ended up with babies with downs syndrome. They''ll keep an eye on it though and if they see more spots or other markers later on, then you can worry about it. But for now, try your best not to worry.

3. Cervix: So, don''t freak out, but 2.6 at 22 weeks is considered pretty short. It isn''t "freak out" short by any means, but it is short. That being said, it is not considered a great determinant of PTL in twin moms, because as with me for example, many of us have short cervixes due to the additional weight and pressure and then nothing happens. But there are many twin moms who did end up with PTL and had short cervixes too, so just be aware.

Just make absolute sure they monitor your cervix closely and make sure you are aware of the signs of PTL. AND clarify with your doctor about what "take it easy" means. If they want you on bedrest make sure to follow their instructions. And if you think your doctor isn''t taking it seriously find another doctor. Because watched closely it can be managed, but not watched closely it can easily end in PTL. My best advice is that if you see ANY signs of real contractions or PTL, go to the hospital and be checked out. PTL can often be stopped if caught early, but if caught too late can''t be stopped. So it''s just something to make sure you are on top of.

Hope that helps hon, hang in there, twin pregnancies are hard!
There you go NYC. Neat is a real expert so do what she says! Follow all the advice to monitor things AND don't freak out!
Thanks DD and Neat! U guys are just the best!! So here is an update...sis spoke to cardio again and basically it really is nothing bc this "spot"..(yes calcification) is in the right ventricle (all research on downs and begnin tumors happens on left side) really not in a place or position where is it considered smthg to look is like by the wall/muscle and not capillary or papillary veins. So im basically calm about that part and now more concerned with cervix...
Researched it and asked few ppl and all said that having a cerclage done is very effective early on so called left msg for ob that I want it done...nurse called said ob does not want it bc it is dangerous with twins ..can cause infection and/or PPROM..which is scary. So I duno what to do. Asked for ob to call me directly tom and have a better chat about it.

Neat- did u research any info about twins and cerclage? Bc I read and it can go either way which doesn''t help. She wants me on 200mg of progesterone for now and just "take it easy" (I will clarify that tom as well) and monitor it about 1x a week.
Date: 1/21/2009 5:03:49 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks DD and Neat! U guys are just the best!! So here is an update...sis spoke to cardio again and basically it really is nothing bc this ''spot''..(yes calcification) is in the right ventricle (all research on downs and begnin tumors happens on left side) really not in a place or position where is it considered smthg to look is like by the wall/muscle and not capillary or papillary veins. So im basically calm about that part and now more concerned with cervix...
Researched it and asked few ppl and all said that having a cerclage done is very effective early on so called left msg for ob that I want it done...nurse called said ob does not want it bc it is dangerous with twins ..can cause infection and/or PPROM..which is scary. So I duno what to do. Asked for ob to call me directly tom and have a better chat about it.

Neat- did u research any info about twins and cerclage? Bc I read and it can go either way which doesn''t help. She wants me on 200mg of progesterone for now and just ''take it easy'' (I will clarify that tom as well) and monitor it about 1x a week.
Good about the "spot" thing!

Hopefully NF can chime in about cerclage. We talked about it A LOT when our friend Independent Gal went in to pretem labour at 19 weeks (she lost her twins at 23 weeks
). If I recall correctly, cerclage is questionable and also only effective when the cervix is dilating, not when the cervix is effacting (i.e., shortening). One important thing is that you need to know whether your cervix is simply short and NOT CHANGING or whether your cervix is actually in the process of shortening. As NF mentioned, twins can cause you to have a shorted cervix, and as long as it is not actively shortening and you are not having contactions, then rest etc is probably best compared to cerclage or other interventions that have questionable success rates (cercgale can actually damage the cervix so it is not taken lightly). So really, resting this week, watching for signs of contractions, and then seeing what your cervix looks like next week is probabably the best thing rather than rushing to intervene when it may not be necessary and could cause issues.

You should listen to your docs but seek a second opinion if you need to reassurance.
nyck - I''m so sorry about the worry, but I do think it sounds much more positive than it may have first seemed. I had a think about what I would have done in your position if I''d had the same results at my cardio exam, and despite being very cautious and having opted for the NT and blood tests with every intention of having CVS if the numbers were lowish, I don''t think I would choose to do amnio based on those findings.

Fingers crossed that you get the reassurance you need asap.

Re. the pressure thing I mentioned earlier, I''ve been doing a bit of research and it seems it doesn''t normally happen until pretty late on (normally when the baby drops). I''m going to talk to the midwives next time I see them.

Regarding cervix length, is that the length of the part that sticks out (that you can feel) or is it a total measurement that can only be seen on a US?

I only wondered because I checked my CP and it''s pretty much how it is around O - very, very high up, soft and about 1.5cm long max. It''s not something I have really checked often - once every 3/4 weeks maybe, but it was definitely firmer and much lower before.

I''m not worrying about it - but wondered if I perhaps ought to.
Date: 1/21/2009 5:03:49 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks DD and Neat! U guys are just the best!! So here is an update...sis spoke to cardio again and basically it really is nothing bc this ''spot''..(yes calcification) is in the right ventricle (all research on downs and begnin tumors happens on left side) really not in a place or position where is it considered smthg to look is like by the wall/muscle and not capillary or papillary veins. So im basically calm about that part and now more concerned with cervix...

Researched it and asked few ppl and all said that having a cerclage done is very effective early on so called left msg for ob that I want it done...nurse called said ob does not want it bc it is dangerous with twins ..can cause infection and/or PPROM..which is scary. So I duno what to do. Asked for ob to call me directly tom and have a better chat about it.

Neat- did u research any info about twins and cerclage? Bc I read and it can go either way which doesn''t help. She wants me on 200mg of progesterone for now and just ''take it easy'' (I will clarify that tom as well) and monitor it about 1x a week.

Yes, I have read a lot about it. I think you are too late for it to really make a difference, at this point it will potentially create more harm than good.

I did take progesterone suppositories though, that is a promising new preventative treatment in clinical trials.
Date: 1/21/2009 5:19:05 PM
Author: Pandora II
nyck - I''m so sorry about the worry, but I do think it sounds much more positive than it may have first seemed. I had a think about what I would have done in your position if I''d had the same results at my cardio exam, and despite being very cautious and having opted for the NT and blood tests with every intention of having CVS if the numbers were lowish, I don''t think I would choose to do amnio based on those findings.

Fingers crossed that you get the reassurance you need asap.

Re. the pressure thing I mentioned earlier, I''ve been doing a bit of research and it seems it doesn''t normally happen until pretty late on (normally when the baby drops). I''m going to talk to the midwives next time I see them.

Regarding cervix length, is that the length of the part that sticks out (that you can feel) or is it a total measurement that can only be seen on a US?

I only wondered because I checked my CP and it''s pretty much how it is around O - very, very high up, soft and about 1.5cm long max. It''s not something I have really checked often - once every 3/4 weeks maybe, but it was definitely firmer and much lower before.

I''m not worrying about it - but wondered if I perhaps ought to.

Pandora, an OB/middie can check it manually, but I don''t know exactly what they are feeling for/measuring when they come up with the measurement. Worth an ask if you are worried about it. They can also get an accurate measurement through a transvag ultrasound.
Date: 1/21/2009 5:19:05 PM
Author: Pandora II

Regarding cervix length, is that the length of the part that sticks out (that you can feel) or is it a total measurement that can only be seen on a US?
If i recall correctly, it is the distance from the very inside wall of the uterus to the lip of the cervix, so no, you cannot feel it! When is your next m/w appointment?
Thanks again guys! so upset about cervix...I will ask tomorrow if it is "changing"..but it was 3.9 I believe about 3wks ago and now 2.6 so that means its shortening I assume? I don''t know what all of this means.
My friend had a cerclage put in at 20wks and she was almost all the way open (4mm) and she lasted til 35 wks..and her friend had it done at 2.4 cm and lasted til 41 weeks but is it different for singeltons? Why is it dangerous for twins?? I really was feeling better about cerclage but now im back to square one and will start suppositories and just wait and see.
Neat- what brand of progesterone did u use. I asked for the ones with applicators (instead of messy finger use)..called..Endometrin
Date: 1/21/2009 5:25:00 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/21/2009 5:19:05 PM
Author: Pandora II

Regarding cervix length, is that the length of the part that sticks out (that you can feel) or is it a total measurement that can only be seen on a US?
If i recall correctly, it is the distance from the very inside wall of the uterus to the lip of the cervix, so no, you cannot feel it! When is your next m/w appointment?
I thought it might be.

My next appointment is on the 29th Jan.

In the UK they don''t normally do internal exams till the last couple of weeks, so it''s not like they''d have any comparison measurements.

I checked my last US report, but they don''t note CL on it - just placenta position. I guess they probably check it anyway when they are checking the placenta - since I had the pressure feeling before the 20 wk scan, I am hoping that it would have been picked up if something was amiss.
Date: 1/21/2009 5:51:25 PM
Author: Pandora II

I thought it might be.

My next appointment is on the 29th Jan.

In the UK they don''t normally do internal exams till the last couple of weeks, so it''s not like they''d have any comparison measurements.

I checked my last US report, but they don''t note CL on it - just placenta position. I guess they probably check it anyway when they are checking the placenta - since I had the pressure feeling before the 20 wk scan, I am hoping that it would have been picked up if something was amiss.
They do indeed take that measurement at the 20 weeks scan, I saw it on my form when I brought my record home--apparently I am now close enough that I must carry my records around with me just in case something happens and I need to meet the w/m in the middle of the night, she won''t have to go get the forms! This was funny and at the same time freaky!

Anyways, I agree they would have told you if there was a problem. There are so many strange feelings when you are preggo. You call it pressure but maybe it is something different than the type that you get when the baby drops. Apparently that feels like you are walking around with a grapefruit in your hoo ha. Does it feel like that Pandora?

I have been having what sk8rJen called "evil crotch pain" or ECP. Basically, the round ligaments are getting tugged by my ginormous uterus, and when that happens it send a shot of horrid pain into the crotch! Very pleasant!
And it happens whenever I get up fro ma seated or resting positon!
Date: 1/21/2009 6:02:10 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

They do indeed take that measurement at the 20 weeks scan, I saw it on my form when I brought my record home--apparently I am now close enough that I must carry my records around with me just in case something happens and I need to meet the w/m in the middle of the night, she won''t have to go get the forms! This was funny and at the same time freaky!

Anyways, I agree they would have told you if there was a problem. There are so many strange feelings when you are preggo. You call it pressure but maybe it is something different than the type that you get when the baby drops. Apparently that feels like you are walking around with a grapefruit in your hoo ha. Does it feel like that Pandora?

I have been having what sk8rJen called ''evil crotch pain'' or ECP. Basically, the round ligaments are getting tugged by my ginormous uterus, and when that happens it send a shot of horrid pain into the crotch! Very pleasant!
And it happens whenever I get up fro ma seated or resting positon!
Unfortunately that is exactly what it does feel like... perhaps a very sizeable orange would be more apt...

I''m thinking that it may well be the combo of the placenta lying over the cervix, plus the baby being head down and low into the pelvis. All the movements I can feel (which is a heck of a lot) are at bikini line level, so I reckon she''s still hanging out down at the lower end.

Most of the googling I did came up with people having ECP... mine isn''t painful in the least, it just feels a bit like I might give birth if I sneeze too hard!

My hospital issues us with ''The Yellow Book'' at the first appointment which is a mega A4 thing - we are supposed to carry it with us AT ALL TIMES from then on. It is the only copy of our notes, so if you lose it you are in big trouble - does mean that they can''t write anything too rude about you though.

I saw my mother''s ''book'' from when she had my sister in 1985 - it was a fold out piece of card about 12cm x 20cm. Each appointment had one line with BP, fundal height and the odd note. The scan photo from 18 weeks was a big fuzzy blur. Amazing how things have progressed.

Anyway, I''m not going to worry unless I start bleeding/cramping - and just hope I don''t need to sneeze too hard before the 29th.

I send you much sympathy for the ECP - a joy that has yet to come my way!
Date: 1/21/2009 5:48:44 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks again guys! so upset about cervix...I will ask tomorrow if it is ''changing''..but it was 3.9 I believe about 3wks ago and now 2.6 so that means its shortening I assume? I don''t know what all of this means.

My friend had a cerclage put in at 20wks and she was almost all the way open (4mm) and she lasted til 35 wks..and her friend had it done at 2.4 cm and lasted til 41 weeks but is it different for singeltons? Why is it dangerous for twins?? I really was feeling better about cerclage but now im back to square one and will start suppositories and just wait and see.

Neat- what brand of progesterone did u use. I asked for the ones with applicators (instead of messy finger use)..called..Endometrin

Mine were actually pills that I inserted down there. Same dosage though as yours.
Mine look like pills also but they have an applicator so I don''t have to use finger.

Ugh im in such a sad and weak state right now..if not for sis and u guys I would be a total mess...appreciate all the info,support and tough love!

Pandora- thanks for chiming in and putting yourself in my shoes. I did ask doc what point of late amnio was..and she said u can still terminate even for just 1 twin. I can''t even think of such a thing at this point. But im glad and satisfied with all the info that it isn''t anything to worry about. Sorry about your pressure..please check it out and keep us posted.

And I thought everything was going well so far..go figure.
Date: 1/21/2009 5:19:05 PM
Author: Pandora II

Regarding cervix length, is that the length of the part that sticks out (that you can feel) or is it a total measurement that can only be seen on a US?

I only wondered because I checked my CP and it''s pretty much how it is around O - very, very high up, soft and about 1.5cm long max. It''s not something I have really checked often - once every 3/4 weeks maybe, but it was definitely firmer and much lower before.

I''m not worrying about it - but wondered if I perhaps ought to.
That''s about what mine feels like, but my m/w and the OB at the hospital could tell by manual examination that it was "long". U/S showed it was 4.6 cm. I''ve been wondering what it feels like when it''s beginning to efface, but I guess I''ll know within a couple of months here. It''s probably best just not to worry, unless you have other signs of PTL.

Nyc - listen to DD''s tough love. I think she''s completely on.

As for me
I just broke down earlier. I''m sick of bed rest. I''m bored and my whole body is aching and the baby is invading my lung space, and I just feel done being pregnant - and guilty for thinking that, because of course I want a full term baby. My mw called to see how I was doing, right when I was sobbing on DH''s shoulder, and she said that she knew that everything was physically ok or she would have heard from me, but that she knew it must be really hard emotionally and wanted to know how I was holding up. She''s making me schedule myself a massage to help with all of the aching. Hubby and I went out to see a movie this afternoon to get out of the house, which also helped a ton. My OB appointment is late tomorrow morning, so hopefully everything''s doing okay and I''ll be allowed to do more things.