
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi Girls!

Radiant - YEY HOORAY! I remember you too and am SO happy for your pregnancy!! This fantastic. As many have said, I hope the rest of your PG goes smoothly and that you share all the exciting deets with us!

Blen - My name (and doggie's name) is pronounced, "Meh-la". It means APPLE in Italian
. Thanks for those nursery links! Wow. I didn't even know that existed. I got a bunch of inspiration for our nursery, and mostly narrowed down things I liked and didn't like. Major progress!! My Mom is finally getting excited and has offered to sew drapes etc for the nursery. sCORE!

DD - I LOVE your names. Love love love. Do you watch Sarah Richardson on HGTV? She just had a girl and named her Fiona too. LOVE it. Hunter is a great one too and a fave amongst my (non-pregnant) friends. ETA: Crazy about your baby's positioning!!!

Lindsey - you cutie pie! Great pics! Those will be so good for posterity - when we can't remember what it was like being pregnant. You look GREAT!

NYC - Wowwa WEE WAH! I love love love your set. I'm so glad you learned how to upload so that we could see those beauties! Your BFFs are Gorge too. I love the two-tone.

MRS - your too sweet for asking about my charlie horses. Thankfully, they are gone - but I have been stretching every night before bed, which I think helps. Hang in there over the next 9 weeks! It's going to FLY!!!


Where's Robbie?

for the record, we now do 3 loads of laundry per week :p

As I mentioned above, my Mom is FINALLY getting into this pregnancy. She was really worried after my m/c and didn't allow herself to get attached to the idea. Anyways, she's on board - and joining me at my middie appt tomorrow. Hooray! I'm scared to see how much weight I've packed on....but I know only SOME of it was 2 weeks at the buffet, and the rest is all BABY!

My Mom is really supersticious and won't have a baby shower before the baby is born. Last night she told me that she didnt want to have one AT ALL. PERIOD. NEVER. I'm okay with it...but my frugal side is a bit peeved at missing all the gifts.
That may sound superficial, but as we all know, baby stuff is EXPENSIVE. I'll just have to be really selective between my "needs" and my "wants". my BFF plans on throwing me one for my girlfriends, so that will be nice and perfect, really.

Hi girls--just wanted to weigh in on the cloth diaper stuff--did tons of research beforehand and yes, the energy issue is one that many ppl use to argue against using them but i think the argument only holds water (pun intended) in the early days when u are doing tons of diaper changes--and that is a short, short part of the time your child is in diapers. I don''t do any extra loads of laundry now--i use cold water and natural detergent. I do use a dryer, but have no choice living in the north and would do so even if i didn''t do c-diapers.
DD-you friend brings up a good point, but i don''t think it overshadows the other environmental benefits of cloth.
David Suzuki is behind a c-diaper initiative--if you google him there are some interesting articles out there...

Radiantgirl--congrats on making it to the 2nd tri! Very exciting! i remember your story well. So happy to hear things are going smoothly. Enjoy!!
Date: 1/19/2009 8:51:02 PM
Author: Jas12
Hi girls--just wanted to weigh in on the cloth diaper stuff--did tons of research beforehand and yes, the energy issue is one that many ppl use to argue against using them but i think the argument only holds water (pun intended) in the early days when u are doing tons of diaper changes--and that is a short, short part of the time your child is in diapers. I don''t do any extra loads of laundry now--i use cold water and natural detergent. I do use a dryer, but have no choice living in the north and would do so even if i didn''t do c-diapers.
DD-you friend brings up a good point, but i don''t think it overshadows the other environmental benefits of cloth.
David Suzuki is behind a c-diaper initiative--if you google him there are some interesting articles out there...

Radiantgirl--congrats on making it to the 2nd tri! Very exciting! i remember your story well. So happy to hear things are going smoothly. Enjoy!!
Good points! I think the main thing I took from my conversation with him was that it is important to think about *all* aspects of consumption, not just the obvious. We always use cold water and natural detergent, too, but I think we will be trying to hang dry more stuff to compensate for the cloth diapers. I usually hang my laundry in our landry room, but maybe I will do that for more of our clothing if I am going to be using the dryer for the diapers.
Yay Radiant!!! Hoping all the best to you and your baby!!

Hey Robbie,

I remember you''d said your husband wanted to name a little girl Scarlett because he loves the color red. Well, this weekend we were flipping through a baby book (I have a new love for the name Gwendolyn), and I saw that Cerise means red. Thought of you, and wanted to pass it on. I had a friend in school named Cerise and she went by Cera for short, and I''ve always just loved that name. Anyway, just one more "name red" to add to the list if you didn''t have it yet (and if you''re still thinking of the red theme).

Thanks for the info. I had pineapple yesterday for breakfast (the fresh cut from the store) and bought a whole one to cut up at home. Haha. I didn't want to have to take the time to cut the whole one before eating some. The cashier looked at me funny, but that's okay.

Yesterday was somewhere near 4DPO, so I hope I didn't start too late!

ETA-What would accupuncture do? I'm very scared of needles, so I'm not sure that's anything I could ever do. Did you have it?
I have cousins named Scarlett and Gwendolyn. Gwen is a twin and her sister''s name is Genavieve (sp?). They call them Gwen and Gena, which I love.

I was watching something with Kate Winslet last night and I started thinking how cute Winslet or Winsley would be as a first name. Her nickname could be Wins or even Windy.

I''m sticking with Alila for my girl, but I can''t help picturing other names!

Did anyone watch the Bachelor last night? I balled my eyes out when Jason surprised Stephanie by bringing her daughter to her.
hey ladies! Work's been super busy and we still don't have our new laptop at home yet! so much to catch up on. Sorry if i miss anyone!

Blen - sorry to hear about all the bleeding! rest up and wishing you a smooth 3rd trimester!

DD - you look great! love the collage, it's neat to see the progress of belly growth
and i love the names! We were considering Fiona for a girl, but looks like we are on team blue, so maybe next time!

Lindsay - you look great as well!!! you look radiant in the 25 week shot!

So Cal and radiant - welcome!


Again, sorry if i missed anyone!


Good Morning everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

So much to catch up on. I really need to get my internet up and running at home.

SBDE- Congratulations!! I read your story on my email and showed it to FI. I’m so glad you and the baby are doing well! And I must say that of all the days in January to choose, he chose a great day (LOL)

LL-I’m not over 35 but I cancelled my NT scan and refused to do the blood work at the doctor’s office. I just feel that either way won’t change my mind about the baby and even if there is a chance for Down syndrome, we’ll have time to prepare later. My doctor was surprised that I cancelled the appt and kept pushing for the blood work but I just told her no.

Pandora-Is it weird that I don’t believe you are 37?

Lindsey-What a great photo of Natalie. She’s going to be a beauty!

Blen-It’s great that you are being so flexible with your birthing plan. One piece of advice that I have gotten from everyone is to be very flexible so that if something goes against “the plan” it won’t ruin the whole experience.

Pave-Thanks for weighing in on my question. We are still working through our plans and are thinking about a small court ceremony with a dinner following. My FMIL has offered to throw a party at her home which I’m still debating on. I mean, it would be cool since she has a huge backyard and his aunt owns a party rental company. But at the same time I would like to invite my extended family and it may be too many people for her home. I guess we’ll see how that goes but thanks!

Mela-Love all of the sets you posted!!

DD-you look fantastic! I’m voting boy!! And I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again: you have the best maternity shirts LOL Beautiful names BTW!

And ooo la la Lindsey aren’t you a doll! We have some beautiful pregnant Psers.

NYBK-Beautiful set!!

Mrs-Thanks for stopping by with an update! I need to look at the edd list again and see where everyone is. It seems like we have a few that are due soon, a smaller group in the middle, and majority towards the beginning of 2nd tri.

Radiant-Thanks for the update as well. Glad to hear everything is going well. We are about one week apart. Hang in there!

Fisher-I think I may have missed this somewhere but are you TTC or did you have a BFP?

If I missed anyone, really sorry but thinking of everyone!!

I''m still TTC. I just came here to post to Pandora and/or DD, hoping one of them could remind me about the pineapple thing for helping a baby implant.

*Hopefully* I''ll be here as more than a spectator soon, though!

How far along are you now? Starting to show yet? That''s always the coolest thing to me, watching as the baby grows.
Fisher-lots of baby luck your way!! I am 15 weeks. Everyone says I am but I can still fit in my regular pants and don''t believe I''m showing. It''ll be nice to stop looking like I''ve gained some weight and start looking pregnant. LOL


Ok as far as I go, I had my appt yesterday. I heard the hb for the first time. What an awesome experience. 152bpm Does that mean girl? I was surprised that she was able to find it so quickly. She poked around with her hands and placed the Doppler right where we were able to hear the hb. My doctor is sort of my ego booster. Everything to her is ‘perfect’ and ‘beautiful.’ The hr was beautiful. My blood pressure is perfect. My weight is on target. LOL If I don’t have a pregnancy glow going in, I definitely have one walking out.

We scheduled the big u/s for Feb 27th. It honestly cannot get here fast enough. I was instructed to drink 32 ounces of water and not use the restroom before going to the appt. I am freaking out about this. I’m someone that just hearing water sends me to the restroom. I’m going to be doing the pee-pee dance for sure. But baby is doing well.

Not baby related (well sort of):

We went car shopping this weekend. What a nightmare. First of all, FI has a Ford Explorer, 1997 (or 96), with over 200K miles. It''s in perfect condition for a car with that many miles and that old. But in 6 months, when the baby arrives, it won''t be. So we''re looking for a car now.

FI wants a Ford Edge. They were trying to sell us one for $40,000. I literally looked at the guy and said “sir, excuse me but what in the world are you smoking?” $40K for a Ford, for that we might as well get a Nissan Armada (which is what FI really, really wants) or an Acura. So I walked out. I got up and left him standing there in the middle of some stupid speech about how he can’t lose thousands just cause we want a good deal. Now granted that the Edge my FI fell in love with was the limited with 20 inch wheels and a vista roof. But the wheels we can get for cheap because “we know a guy” and the roof is only $1,800. Plus this was a 2008 and they only have 4 on the lot. The other cars that are selling are all 2009. I really don’t know what he was smoking.
I walked out on all 4 dealers we saw. FI was mortified. He kept saying that I was being too rude and I kept reminding him that its our money that’s going to fund this car, not theirs so I could care less about their feelings. Besides, that’s how you play the game. And sure enough, three dealers called us last night and gave us offers that were within the price range we were looking for. Oh and miraculously the $40K car dropped down to $30K and they are even willing to go lower.

FI was very happy LOL. So we’re going for round 2 this weekend and I am more than willing to walk away again
Date: 1/20/2009 10:03:50 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

...That''s always the coolest thing to me, watching as the baby grows.
Fisher did you see my belly shot collage a page back (or maybe two0? I know you love the bellies!
Thank you for all the congrats ladies!

Neatfreak - Congrats on the birth of your twin boys! I''ve been following your story and they are just so precious! Hope you are doing well.

lili - Your little J is so adorable! I can''t believe how fast she has grown! Your avatar is so darling! What a cutie!

Blenheim - I can''t believe you are in your 3rd trimester already. I saw your latest bump pictures and you look too cute! I can''t wait to get a bump and hope I look half as cute as you do.

dreamer - I can''t believe you are due next month! That is so fast!

mela lu - congrat on being over 22 weeks!

jas12 - Cohen is such a cutie! He''s getting so big!

fieryred - Yes, we are a week apart. I see that your EDD is 07.13.09. Mine is 07.19.09. I can''t wait for our big U/S either! Are you going to find out what you are having? Yay for hearing the heartbeat for the very first time. It''s an amazing sound isn''t it? I never get tired of hearing it.

Blenheim, dreamer, and mela lu - I don''t know how you guys do it without finding out the sex. I am so impatient. More power to you girls!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Date: 1/20/2009 10:14:25 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/20/2009 10:03:50 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

...That''s always the coolest thing to me, watching as the baby grows.
Fisher did you see my belly shot collage a page back (or maybe two0? I know you love the bellies!
I did, DD, and even called Paul over to look. He said, "Wow. That much growing that fast, huh?" I told him you still have a month and some change to go, and he said he can''t believe that a woman can "morph" that much. Haha. He said it in complete admiration. I love that you willingly post pictures. I love it!

The girl at work smiles every time she sees me coming because she knows I''m going to ask about Thomas, her baby. I love that if I go a week or so between asking, her belly''s rounded even more. She''s been wearing maternity pants for ages now, but finally has reason to wear the maternity tops. They''re just so cute!!
Date: 1/20/2009 10:24:12 AM
Author: radiantgirl

Blenheim, dreamer, and mela lu - I don't know how you guys do it without finding out the sex. I am so impatient. More power to you girls!
At first I was really annoyed that DH won that argument and I really wanted to know... but not I am really happy I don't know what I am carrying. It is "baby" to me, without gender or a name or any particular preconceived ideas about traits or appearance... baby is just a little lifeforce who keeps me company every day!
Date: 1/20/2009 11:01:06 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Date: 1/20/2009 10:14:25 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Fisher did you see my belly shot collage a page back (or maybe two0? I know you love the bellies!
I did, DD, and even called Paul over to look. He said, 'Wow. That much growing that fast, huh?' I told him you still have a month and some change to go, and he said he can't believe that a woman can 'morph' that much. Haha. He said it in complete admiration. I love that you willingly post pictures. I love it!
Fisher, your Paul sounds like a very sweet man! My DH would say things like that too... actually, when I showed him my collage he said, "Wow, your waist was so tiny!!" And I said, "I know! I miss my little waist!" And then he said, "Me too! I love you being pregnant, but I loved you before too!"

I love being preggo and DH loves me being preggo, we will both miss it a lot when it is over. But looking at those early photos now I think I look so tiny! LOL! Not something I usually think about myself. Hopefully I will enjoy it when I look that way again eventually!

ETA First post on page 500 baby!
Fiery- congrats on a great
U/s...its so nice to hear that everything''s great from the doc :) ....good luck on the big one coming up...I hate the whole drinking water and having full bladder! I always want to pee as soon as I get there..its so hard going through the u/s when they push down on your bladder lol.
I feel ya with the car drama! I hate car shopping....we have an infiniti fx35 and it is way too small for the incoming twins dh wants a minivan..I like the nissan quest but I hear odessy and sienna are good...but we still have 2 yrs on our lease agreement so we are screwed for now

Good luck on gettin the car!
Pandora - Just want to chime in....I cannot believe you are 37!? I perved your beautiful wedding pics, and you look SO young for your (supposed) age. I''d peg you in your early 20''s for goodness sake! WOW! Kudos Momma

Just came back from the middie where everything is status quo. YEY!
Baby''s heartrate was 132 - low - and my middie winked at me and said, "maybe a boy?". lol. Who knows!?
I put on 7 lbs this month. YIKES. That''s what Christmas, two weeks at the buffet, and 2nd trimester will do. WOW.
So I''m 22w4d and I''m up approx 17 lbs total. Not sure how that fairs to the average but I''m more than okay with it.

Have a great day Ladies! I''m busy here at work this week.

Mela 22w4d
DD - it's always good to keep that in mind. Especially with utilities, I find it easy to slip up and consume more and more over time if I'm not careful. I didn't realize that you're using cloth diapers - what type are you going with?

I was looking at some of the "oh so bloated" pictures that I posted early on, and damn I was tiny! What was I thinking!?

Jas - I'll hop over to the mommies thread if you don't see this, but did you find cotton balls necessary or useful for diaper changes? I'm assuming that you're using cloth wipes and would like the perspective of a CDing momma.

Meh-la - I just realized the other day that I'm pronouncing it Mey-la, and there's no accent over the e. No idea why I've been doing that, because it's definitely not the phonetic prononciation! Hahaha. I'm glad that you were able to find a bunch of nursery stuff that you like and that your mom is getting excited!

Fiery - I think my baby's hb was around 140-150 the majority of time it was being monitored this weekend, which someone (nurse? midwife? can't remember) said is kind of the cut-off for the old wives tale. I've heard that it really makes no difference though. Also, the heartbeat usually continues to decrease throughout your pregnancy and the baby's childhood.

I hate drinking all of the water for the ultrasounds and then not peeing! Youch.

Even if your FI was mortified in the car dealership, you were doing it the way that you're supposed to. You always need to be willing to walk away from a deal, which you clearly were. And having a "good guy" and a "bad guy" can sometimes help with negotiating. With my car, hubby and I had already agreed on what we were getting but I was the only one in the dealership when it came to actual negotiations. They'd make an offer, I'd say that I knew that he wouldn't be happy with it and then they'd make a lower offer, I'd say that I needed to talk to him and would relay it over the phone, hubby'd say "sure" and then I'd tell the salesman that hubby said it was still $x too high.
A lot easier to blame someone who isn't there. I think we got a good deal in the end, too.

RadiantGirl - aw, thanks! It was a lot easier once I shifted my attitude from "we could know the sex right now" to "wouldn't it be a great surprise?" but there were a couple weeks when it was really hard for me because we hadn't even decided if we were going to find out or not.

Names - are people with chosen names telling family and friends? We haven't yet. I'm a teensy bit scared of monogrammed presents and then us deciding to change the name once we see the baby, and I think my mom's going to hate the names and that she might take them a little better if they're on an actual baby. Her suggestions so far have included "Shackford" for a boy and "Temple" for a girl, so we just have completely different taste in names. But it feels weird for us to tell you girls, and to tell the nurses in L&D and other random people who ask, and not to tell the grandparents.
Blen, We told everyone our chosen name! I''ve gotten some monogrammed stuff and just love it. I know we won''t change it, so it''s wonderful to receive those gifts. Makes it seem so much more real!

Gosh, what was I thinking in my previous post?? Winslet for a first name? Ugh.
I LIKE Winslet for a first name!!!
I would. The newest girls name on our list is a color.
Ironically, not Cerise (as Fisher just suggested) but a color none-the-less.

Blen''ner - are you still on modified bed-rest? What IS that anyways?
Also, I love those wall-decals you posted. I don''t want a mural because I don''t want to paint one nor do I want to pay someone to paint one
. The decals are a great compromise.
Courtney - I wasn''t going to say anything about Winslet, but I was wondering what you were thinking too.

Meh-la - I''m on modified bed rest thru Sunday. I have an appointment with the OB on Thursday, so I guess we''ll see then whether or not I''ll need to remain on it. I think modified bed rest basically means that I''m allowed to sit (rather than just lie down) and do little thing around the house - bathing/showering, going to the bathroom, getting myself a drink, walking up the stairs once a day (to our bedroom). Bigger things around the house like real cooking, cleaning, laundry are all out. The OB said that would also be ok to go out to a restaurant and just sit there. I went to the library with DH two days ago, had him set a chair in front of the videos, and looked through them like that and told him what to get. This was only because the nurses in L&D recommended that he bring videos in for me to watch, so he went to the library and got zombie movies to bring to the hospital, so his judgment is a little bit in question right now.
The nurses were like, "Zombies? Really? You couldn''t have picked up SATC?"

Glad you like the decals! I found a bunch that I really liked when I was thinking about a nursery, but decided to skip it for now because we''ll just be cosleeping at first.
Radiant-It is pretty great to hear it. Yes I def. want to know what we are having. Besides not being able to wait it out, we want to have the nursery done before the baby arrives since we''re going to do that at the same time as putting tile in the house. Being that they are going to be moving furniture around, we''re going to take advantage and use them to help us donate/toss some old furniture.

NYBK-Thanks for the well wishes on our car hunt. I fear that the crossover may be too small for a car seat and everything else that comes along with a baby but FI doesn''t seem to think so. I don''t think its hit him yet that a car seat will be in that car.

Blen-I like your method
They tried to hook FI multiple times, especially after they say him practically drool over the Limited. But he would tell them to "talk to the wife." Despite stereotype that men are better at negotiating, he''s the biggest wimp when it comes to that
. Zombie movies? HAHAHA that''s pretty funny.
LOL on those who don''t think I''m that old (I''m 37 in August - so almost 37 when I give birth) - you are all my new best friends!

I guess I was probably lucky in the genes stakes, but I''m also obsessive about sunscreen - I wear SPF30 in the winter and SPF50 in the summer without fail and NEVER go in the sun if I can help it (I just burn anyway). It does make a huge difference to getting wrinkles or not.

On the downside, it has caused me a lot of problems professionally - I am always treated as if I am just starting out in my career and have to really fight to get positions of responsibility. I religiously put my date of birth on my curriculum to try and get the point home.

Blen, we told everyone our name choices pretty much straight away. We both loved them so didn''t really care if other people didn''t. It''s quite nice getting to call Daisy by her name already - I also had to fill in a load of forms the other day and the baby was down as Unborn DH''sSurname, and they asked if I wanted to change it, so her name is already on the forms before birth. I guess if I was superstitious that might freak me out, but if somehing tragic happens, I don''t think anything will make me feel worse than I would anyway.

Just checked the heartbeats in my book and they were at 140 bpm at the last 3 appointments and the 2 USs.

Mela I''m up 13lbs so far - which considering I didn''t eat much during the m/s time is pretty good. My hospital doesn''t weigh you at all unless they think you have suddenly ballooned or shrunk - do they normally in the USA or Canada?

Fisher, a lot of people have found acupuncture very useful for TTC when they are not getting KTFU and are still doing all the right things and there are no obvious problems.

I first heard about it from my father - he''s a very orthodox MD, but does acupuncture on the side as well, and is a huge fan of it (as am I having used it many times for my back and a shoulder injury which it got rid of entirely).

He used it on around 20 of his patients who were TTC and all but 1 was KTFU in a couple of months - my mother was a little disturbed by the ''Dear Doctor, Thank you for getting me pregnant'' cards that used to arrive!

I believe the research is pretty good as far as scientific evidence for it goes. It is also completely safe.

Although I wouldn''t call acupuncture entirely pain-free, it is a very different thing from getting jabs etc. The needles are very fine - a bit thicker than a hair.

23 weeks today - OMG!
TMI alert...

Has anyone else found that they have a constant feeling of pressure in their nether regions and everything feels heavy and swollen up?

I''ve had this for a few weeks now and while it doesn''t hurt, it is pretty uncomfortable and at the beginning I was worried that I was heading for PTD or something. Especially if I go to the loo, I''m afraid to make any kind of pushing movement (even the normal slight one that everyone has to do to pee).

I''m wondering if the partial previa could be adding to it?
Date: 1/20/2009 12:30:15 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Blen, We told everyone our chosen name! I''ve gotten some monogrammed stuff and just love it. I know we won''t change it, so it''s wonderful to receive those gifts. Makes it seem so much more real!
You know, they *can* be wrong about the gender based on u/s

Blenheim that is great news that you are allowed to go to the bathroom on your bedrest! LOL! I don''t know why, but that cracked me up!! I know with more serious stuff you can''t move at all, but I can hear to doctor talking to you now, "Blenheim, we are putting you on modified bedrest so don''t worry, you can still go potty by yourself!"

And we have told our parents the names, but no one else... but they are not married to them since we have changed our minds one million times.

Can I say that waiting to hear if I have a job or not is MURDER! I likely won''t know for another 3 weeks about all the positions... I think I am going to go mental waiting!
Date: 1/20/2009 1:31:01 PM
Author: Pandora II
TMI alert...

Has anyone else found that they have a constant feeling of pressure in their nether regions and everything feels heavy and swollen up?

I''ve had this for a few weeks now and while it doesn''t hurt, it is pretty uncomfortable and at the beginning I was worried that I was heading for PTD or something. Especially if I go to the loo, I''m afraid to make any kind of pushing movement (even the normal slight one that everyone has to do to pee).

I''m wondering if the partial previa could be adding to it?
I have not had that but many books talk about how some women feel like the baby is going to fall out, the pressure is so great... but this is usually at the end I think, like post 34 weeks. I think it is probably something to talk about at your next visit, to be sure.

My only "nether region" issue is too much CF at times! Like I peed my pants
Blen--i bought a big stock of cotton balls and cotton squares but rarely ever use them. I bought a wipes warmer and a big super-pack of cotton cloths at walmart. I soak a bunch of cloths and put them in the warmer. For really messy poops i just take a kleenex and wipe the ''excess'' and used a cloth or two to clean up. I know some ppl add an all-natural solution to their wipes warmer (with things like lavender or teatree oil), but plain water works just fine for me and my son has never had a diaper rash.
I have 2 washable garbage cans in my nursery. 1 is for kleenex, disposables (if i used one that day) etc. and the other is a laundry-only bin (cloth diapers, cloths) I put a bit of baking soda in the bottom of each for odor and i clean the garbage bins in my laundry room with a vinegar/teatree solution, but occasionally give them a good cleaning with bleach.
Hope that helps--haha, and all u wanted to know about was cotton balls
I wanted to ask re: cloth diapers.

If you are working full-time and either doing daycare or having a relative take care of the baby, how would the cloth diapers work?

I''m all for being green but I think that my FMIL might be inconvenienced (sp?) if she had to wash the diapers while she is taking care of him/her. And if she ends up not being the one to take care of him/her, then I can''t imagine that daycares would take the time to use the cloth diapers. Any opinions?
Date: 1/20/2009 2:10:09 PM
Author: fieryred33143
I wanted to ask re: cloth diapers.

If you are working full-time and either doing daycare or having a relative take care of the baby, how would the cloth diapers work?

I''m all for being green but I think that my FMIL might be inconvenienced (sp?) if she had to wash the diapers while she is taking care of him/her. And if she ends up not being the one to take care of him/her, then I can''t imagine that daycares would take the time to use the cloth diapers. Any opinions?
Some daycares I know of have cloth diamper services included. Otherwise, you can purchase 7th generation disposables, which are more green, and use those when baby is not with you/at home. As Jas mentioned a while back, after the first 3-6 months or so, baby isn''t going through as many diapers so using disposables isn''t as "bad" at that point...
Date: 1/20/2009 1:34:17 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Blenheim that is great news that you are allowed to go to the bathroom on your bedrest! LOL! I don''t know why, but that cracked me up!! I know with more serious stuff you can''t move at all, but I can hear to doctor talking to you now, ''Blenheim, we are putting you on modified bedrest so don''t worry, you can still go potty by yourself!''
Hahahaha. Now that you mention it, it is pretty funny. I''d guess that everyone on home bedrest would be allowed to go to the bathroom by themselves - if it was serious enough to use a catheter, you''d probably be in the hospital.

I hope you hear about the jobs sooner rather than later. So much waiting right now - jobs and baby!

Pandora - I think the standard in the US is to weigh at every visit, but my midwife doesn''t unless she sees some sort of need. Sorry about the pressure... not sure what that is.

Jas - thanks for all of the tips! They do help.

Fiery - Some daycares accept cloth diapers and some don''t. They don''t wash them though - some use diaper services and with those that don''t, you''d just drop off clean diapers plus a wet bag with the baby in the morning and they''d hand you the wet bag with dirty diaps in it at the end of the day, and you''d wash it yourself. Pockets and all-in-ones are basically the same amount of work as disposables if you''re not the one washing them - you just throw them in a wet bag instead of in the trash.