
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

And avert thine eyes lest they be smote! A bare 34 week belly (pants conveniently covering the stretch marks)

34w bare.jpg
HELLO BABY! Haha. You'd better start wrapping you noggen around prepping for that baby - you're NEXT Momma! haha. You look GREAT! YIPPEEE Dreamer!

PS. Eye Spy your Linea Negronea!!!! (my pet name for it). Mine has just started. :)

I'm going to throw down a "BOY" vote for you. Dunno why...I'm just feeling baby boy.
What do you think you're having?
And lest you forget where I started I created a nice little collage...

13 weeks to 34 weeks.jpg

I read your post about the visit regarding your upcoming birth. Here in the states, it''s not that stringent. At all, really. What typically happens is that nothing is really done until the birth of the baby. I think it would be really awesome to have some sort of support system set up in advance, for peace of mind to the family. However, I don''t know how Americans would react to something that seems pretty invasive, since we tend to be a little less fond of government interventions than some other areas of the world.

As far as my job goes, we only step in when there is a noted concern. That does (sometimes) happen at the birth of a child, depending on the depth of information the hospital has on the parents/family/living environment. Typically, those are the worst visits I make: nothing like a woman just bringing a child into her life and then a social worker knocks on the hospital door to interrogate.

Of course the intention is to assist in setting up support systems, community outreaches, to help the family develop their own family support (neighbors, relatives, whatever), but it''s rare that in that emotional moment of birthing that a family is very receptive to any such support offered by me, as kind as I am to them. And it''s totally understandable.

If our country had a program nationwide to assist not just parents that are seen as ''high-risk'' but also any parent (new or otherwise) with stress managment and just support, I think it would be awesome. I think that when it''s seen as a support, rather than a risk of losing your child (which is how it''s viewed here), it would be all the more successful in meeting the goal.

Some states may have outreach programs prior to birth, but Georgia doesn''t. Here, we can''t be involved until the birth of a child. Sadly, I recently received a call from a young mother (19) who was on her own in this world, no support from her family, the baby''s father or his family, etc., and all she wanted was someone to help her out with learning what she needed in her home. She wanted to know if the home was baby-proofed and if she had everything she needed. I asked my supervisor if I could just go out, without opening a case (since we can''t open anything if there''s no baby there yet). It took almost begging, but I was able to go to the home and talk with the mother-to-be, give her resources and it was really awesome to see a mother who wanted to do the best for her child, and she likely would have been turned down, and not offered any resources at all. Sometimes my job makes no sense.

Do you feel like the visit was helpful? Did they offer resources, should you have a moment along the way where you are overwhelmed? Do you know if there is a mother support group with members who are in a similar situation? I hope it was a helpful visit and that you weren''t made to feel like you''re not going to be a great mother. I have no doubt that there will be struggles (as with every family), but your husband will be a great support and partner through it all. And your baby will be darling (because you know, I was hoping you''d have a girl, so she''d be as pretty as you are!!
) and you''ll learn and grow together. I think a lot is to be said in the way a social worker delivers, deals with, talks to a family. I hope that person was nice and kind and truly was trying to be helpful. Because that really is a great resource!

Congratulations on passing week 20. How exciting! Time flies!! I remember you announcing your positive test! Seems like yesterday....(or maybe a couple weeks ago, but not 5 months ago!!)

Little Jelly. What a cute name! Congratulations on becoming a mother. Hoping your recovery is smooth and *quick!!*


Geesh. I hope this is *all* the drama you get with this pregnancy, girl. So glad things are looking better now. Keep taking care of yourself, sweetie!!


What a pretty pregnant woman! Lovely. I can''t wait to meet your baby! (I''m gonna vote girl again, but kind of feel like it may be a boy, but I always vote girl, so why stop now?)
Congrats, SBDE!

Wow, Dreamer...I can''t believe you''re next in line!!!

Blen, how horribly scary that must''ve been, but I can you are strong and handled it well! Ditto to what Dreamer said about the 28 mark. It''s horrible to go through any scares like that, but at least you are past that 28 week mark. Whew.
DD- cute cute the collage...I need to start doing that too...almost poppin time ;)
About diamonds- I am a diamond jewelry way too much...but I only found this site through bff who started when she was waiting to get engaged (I was already married at the time and not yet didn''t have much to post anywhere)...but she got her bling from pearlmans so I know all about it. I''ve been wanting to post my bling but like I said I just somewhat learned how to post pics I will try today to post it. I have a jeweler here in my area who I looove and pretty much get all my good stuff from him bc he fixes and does all the minor things that I need all for free and grrreat customer service. So I don''t really buy major pieces anywhere else. But yes im aware its a diamond site lol. So lookout for the bling pics will try later tonite ;)

Blen- doggggy is 2 cute! Love those just allergic so can''t have my own
I wonder how he will be with baby?

Mela- don''t worry I haven''t started buying or shopping yet at all! I set a time frame..end of january I will order the cribs (apparently takes 4 months to get them so that''s perfect)....I also want all gender neutral...I hate pink/blue.

Date: 1/18/2009 2:41:37 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I read your post about the visit regarding your upcoming birth. Here in the states, it''s not that stringent. At all, really. What typically happens is that nothing is really done until the birth of the baby. I think it would be really awesome to have some sort of support system set up in advance, for peace of mind to the family. However, I don''t know how Americans would react to something that seems pretty invasive, since we tend to be a little less fond of government interventions than some other areas of the world.

As far as my job goes, we only step in when there is a noted concern. That does (sometimes) happen at the birth of a child, depending on the depth of information the hospital has on the parents/family/living environment. Typically, those are the worst visits I make: nothing like a woman just bringing a child into her life and then a social worker knocks on the hospital door to interrogate.

Of course the intention is to assist in setting up support systems, community outreaches, to help the family develop their own family support (neighbors, relatives, whatever), but it''s rare that in that emotional moment of birthing that a family is very receptive to any such support offered by me, as kind as I am to them. And it''s totally understandable.

If our country had a program nationwide to assist not just parents that are seen as ''high-risk'' but also any parent (new or otherwise) with stress managment and just support, I think it would be awesome. I think that when it''s seen as a support, rather than a risk of losing your child (which is how it''s viewed here), it would be all the more successful in meeting the goal.

Some states may have outreach programs prior to birth, but Georgia doesn''t. Here, we can''t be involved until the birth of a child. Sadly, I recently received a call from a young mother (19) who was on her own in this world, no support from her family, the baby''s father or his family, etc., and all she wanted was someone to help her out with learning what she needed in her home. She wanted to know if the home was baby-proofed and if she had everything she needed. I asked my supervisor if I could just go out, without opening a case (since we can''t open anything if there''s no baby there yet). It took almost begging, but I was able to go to the home and talk with the mother-to-be, give her resources and it was really awesome to see a mother who wanted to do the best for her child, and she likely would have been turned down, and not offered any resources at all. Sometimes my job makes no sense.

Do you feel like the visit was helpful? Did they offer resources, should you have a moment along the way where you are overwhelmed? Do you know if there is a mother support group with members who are in a similar situation? I hope it was a helpful visit and that you weren''t made to feel like you''re not going to be a great mother. I have no doubt that there will be struggles (as with every family), but your husband will be a great support and partner through it all. And your baby will be darling (because you know, I was hoping you''d have a girl, so she''d be as pretty as you are!!
) and you''ll learn and grow together. I think a lot is to be said in the way a social worker delivers, deals with, talks to a family. I hope that person was nice and kind and truly was trying to be helpful. Because that really is a great resource!

Congratulations on passing week 20. How exciting! Time flies!! I remember you announcing your positive test! Seems like yesterday....(or maybe a couple weeks ago, but not 5 months ago!!)
Thanks so much for your lovely post Fisher!

It''s not that common in the UK to get this kind of treatment - my hospital is one of only 3 in the country with maternal mental health programmes and they have a really good set-up coordinating with all the other health professionals and social services in the area. Unfortunately I do tick the box of ''noted concern''.

The woman who came round was lovely, very easy to talk to and non-judgemental, so they did their best to make us feel comfortable. I guess it''s difficult for someone in my position - I''m a local politician and a large part of my role is dealing with families where things are seriously off the rails, so it''s very odd to be on the other side of the desk.

DH was also brilliant as I felt really bad about my being ill having put his name on the register and us having to be investigated. He was really sweet about it all.

As you say, their aim is to make sure that we and the baby are supported as well as possible - should we need that support - rather than to be the big bad child snatchers! I do keep reminding myself of that! They also did make me feel quite reassured as to the steps that would be taken in a worst case scenario - I will be booked into the Mother & Baby Unit at the local psychiatric hospital as soon as I go into labour so that if I develop PPP everything is pre-arranged. If things aren''t bad enough for that then the Home Care Team will come out a couple of times a day to help out and/or monitor things. If things are all good, then someone will pop in from one of 3 or 4 different teams (psychiatric/midwives/health visitor/social services) pretty much everyday for the first few months. They will also send out a breast-feeding consultant if I have any issues there, and they will give me details of various mother & baby groups in case I''d like to go - but, everything is very optional except refusing to see them. I can turn them down the odd day if I want to go out, or go away to see relatives, but otherwise their alarm bells go off.

It is invasive, but knowing how badly I cope when I''m very ill, I am prepared to endure that for the sake of my own and my family''s safety - and my poor husband''s sanity!

I totally agree that things are often backwards - if my constituents come to me at 7 months pg in the same situation as the 19 year old you saw, I do have places to refer them, but otherwise unless it gets picked up by the hospital or they are pretty proactive it''s not that easy.

One good thing we do have is free antenatal classes here - including separate ones just for fathers - and a huge programme aimed at encouraging breast-feeding. For some strange reason breast-feeding is only really taken up by the higher socio-economic mothers here. I was in the supermarket the other day and there were 3 girls all about 6 months pg and none of them older than about 17 and all 3 were buying sterilisers and bottles and talking about how "gross" the idea of breast-feeding was. I wonder where things went wrong in our society to produce the mindset that breast-feeding is "gross"?

I can''t believe that I''m nearly 23 weeks - it seems like yesterday that I was bawling my eyes out over the BFNs...
DD - great pictures and I love the collage!

You have got me very frightened though - I''m not even 23 weeks and I look at least like your 30 wk picture if not bigger.

I can barely put my own shoes and socks on, climbing a flight of stairs is a nightmare and I''m short of breath all the time if I''m walking about. Crouching down to look at things in shops is now impossible if DH isn''t there or there isn''t something to haul me back up to my feet again.

I can''t imagine what I''m going to be like by the end - has anyone ever actually burst? I was asked twice today if I was having a "Valentine''s baby"....

I''ll have to take some more pics lest anyone think I am exaggerating!

At least I have now done a fair amount of shopping whilst I can still move under my own steam:

DH and I went to IKEA yesterday and bought the Leksvik chest of drawers, changing top and the high cupboard thing that matches. I''m going to paint them all in one of the Farrow & Ball cream shades to match the woodwork in the spare-room over the next couple of weeks.

I won a BabyBjorn Active carrier - brand new in beige/chocolate on Ebay for 50% of the retail price - it''s the one with extra lumbar support so should be comfortable for me as well as DH. Also won some receiving blankets in organic bamboo - I LOVE bamboo as a fabric, it feels so incredible soft, you can bung it in the washing machine and it''s eco-friendly - and a cashmere babygro (ridiculous putting small babies in cashmere I know, but it was supremely bargainous at £5 and it does feel incredibly cuddlable...)

Today we went out of London to Canterbury as DH was going ''walking'' with some of our friends - so I went for a gentle shop and got the most gorgeous baby clothes in Boots Chemists of all places: a little top and trousers, a sleep suit in brown/cream stripes with a matching hat, another hat, scratch mittens and booties all in their Bertie Bear range. DH went completely gooey over them when he saw them.

I also found a lovely baby dinosaur cloth book with bits that squeak and sparkly fabrics - oh, and a set of cookie cutters to make 3D Christmas biscuits that stand up (xmas tree, angel, reindeer, star, snowman etc) £4 reduced from £25... yay for bargains! (I always loved doing ''making things'' with my little sister and I''m finding it very hard to resist buying things in tha sales to put away for a few years - this one one such thing...)
Date: 1/18/2009 5:11:32 PM
Author: Pandora II

You have got me very frightened though - I''m not even 23 weeks and I look at least like your 30 wk picture if not bigger.

I can barely put my own shoes and socks on, climbing a flight of stairs is a nightmare and I''m short of breath all the time if I''m walking about. Crouching down to look at things in shops is now impossible if DH isn''t there or there isn''t something to haul me back up to my feet again.

I can''t imagine what I''m going to be like by the end - has anyone ever actually burst? I was asked twice today if I was having a ''Valentine''s baby''....

I''ll have to take some more pics lest anyone think I am exaggerating!
Oh I totally believe you Pandora! For some reason... anatomy I suppose
... I am carrying very very compactly compared to most/many women. My belly has only taken on that rounded look in the last couple of weeks. My DHs'' cousin is 5 weeks ahead of me and she was so much bigger in the belly than I am at the same time. Also have 2 friends only a week or so ahead and they also have the basketball bellies much more than I do!

I still don''t really understand how the anatomay of it works... my fundal height is textbook, so a proper sized uterus is all in there! It is just being held *inside* my skeletal structure I guess!! I am taller, 5''7", like you and Blenheim, but both of you have narrower frames than I, as does DHs cousin, and I think that makes all the difference. Weight aside, my frame is simply bigger than many/most women''s and I think that allows baby to nestle inside my abdomen/ribcage for longer. I think it is a lucky thing for me because the discomforts of later pregnancy have been stalled, and I think that has been a large reason why I have been able to go to my job interviews without looking *too* frighteningly pregnant!

But don''t worry, I am pretty certain no one has burst! haha... yet
Date: 1/18/2009 1:32:24 PM
Author: mela lu
I''m going to throw down a ''BOY'' vote for you. Dunno why...I''m just feeling baby boy.
What do you think you''re having?
I think when I get closer I am going to start a poll to see what people think.. apparently I am carrying high like boy, but my DHs family all think girl (except his mom). I have NO idea... I don''t believe in premonitions about that stuff, since my scientific mind tells me there is no way I could actually know, so I don''t even try to guess!

But...drumroll please... we have finally finally settled on names!

If our baby is a boy, he will be Hunter Anthony.

And if our baby is a girl, she will be Fiona Marie.

Feels good to finally have the picked! We settled on Hunter a long time ago but the girls name took soooo long! And maybe it will change again
But I think we are settled.
Ooooh...I loooove Fiona Marie, Dreamer.

And Blen, are you really next after Dreamer?? If so, that mean''s I''m only #3 in line here! Holy cow!

Pandora, I think it''s great that you have all that support. Your DH is wonderful and so understanding.

Mela, what adorable cribs and bedding!
Holy SH*T ladies -- my husband took some new pics of me today and I can''t get over how huge I have gotten! I was looking at my 17 week picture and can''t believe the change in 8 weeks... I''ll be 25 weeks tomorrow.

Just for giggles, here''s the 17 week belly:

And behold the behemoth 25 week belly... am I really going to get bigger?

Date: 1/18/2009 6:36:28 PM
Author: *Lindsey*
And behold the behemoth 25 week belly... am I really going to get bigger?
You look great! But you will get tonnes bigger
... you don't really start getting a belly until you hit about 30 plus weeks!
Hey, Mela! I've been meaning to ask, is it Mee-la or Meh-la or even Mey-la?

When hubby mentioned needing to go home to let the doggies out (one thing that I hadn't thought of needing to prearrange ahead of time - must ask neighbors if they can do this, just in case), one of the L&D nurses started going on about how wonderful they would be with the baby. It was a little weird, cause she hadn't even met them! The vote of confidence was nice though.

I've read that a lot pregnant women have the tendency to overcompensate towards the end of pregnancy with all of the cuddles and attention with their pets, thinking that they won't get as much soon, and that's the wrong thing to do. Get them used to less attention instead of heaping it on and getting them used to that. I've had someone recommend getting a baby doll or something, and the L&D nurse recommended carrying some baby-sized object around the house, to get them used to us caring for an infant. The L&D nurse (btw - chattiest nurse ever, and I now know every detail of her reproductive history) also recommended having me come back home with dad and baby outside or in the car (weather permitting), so that the dogs can get all of their excitement out with me before the baby comes in the house. I think I've heard of some people buying CDs of babies cooing and crying to get their dogs used to the sounds ahead of time. I think those are most of the recommendations I've heard.

The pictures that you posted of nursery inspiration are beautiful! I was looking for pictures this morning that you may be able to use as inspiration, but those really help me to know kind of what you're going for. When you say no murals, does that include no vinyl wall clings? I've seen some cute nurseries with some... some linkies so you know what I'm talking about:

One decal.
And another.
And actual paint, but tastefully done.

I also love stripes for a whimsical but classical feeling. Green stripes, more green stripes, "sage" and blue stripes (the sage looks tan on my monitor), and another paint job that I think is cute so I'm throwing it in just because. Oh, and another nursery I'll throw in.

I'll keep my eyes open for more potential inspiration now that you've posted some pictures. Feel free to tell me if I'm coming at all close or not.

DD - Yay for round bellies! You look great. My first thought was boy, but then I realized that all of your blue maternity shirts may have been influencing that somewhat. I'm a little shocked at how many girls and surprises that we have coming up, and how few boys - I wonder how many of the surprises will turn into boys? Chatty nurse decided that I'm having a girl and kept calling baby "she", and then worrying that I thought that she saw the U/S and knew that for sure - they had DH and I turn away a couple of times during each, and the nurses and my middie may have legitimately seen girl or boy bits. I'm choosing not to read anything into things though.

Love your baby names, especially Fiona.

Pandora - I haven't heard of any other pregnant women bursting, not even Kate from John and Kate Plus 8 (and have you seen the pictures of her preggo towards the end?), so I think we're safe.
Your shopping trips always make me uber jealous.

Lindsey - cute belly! Yeah, I've heard rumors that we'll keep getting bigger.
Pandora, DD, anyone who remembers about TTC and Pineapple,

I had a moment today where I was thinking about trying to help this possible baby stick, and I remembered something about eating pineapple after ovulation. Is that right? How much? For how long? Does it have to be fresh, or can it be canned? I''m not a pineapple fan, but I''ll try it this go round, since I think our timing was pretty good. Just in case, I had some today. Canned, though I can buy fresh tomorrow!!

Sorry to thread jack, but I think the pineapple was with one of you or maybe Dr.K, and I thought you''d see this sooner in this thread rather than in TTC.
Date: 1/18/2009 7:06:15 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Pandora, DD, anyone who remembers about TTC and Pineapple,

I had a moment today where I was thinking about trying to help this possible baby stick, and I remembered something about eating pineapple after ovulation. Is that right? How much? For how long? Does it have to be fresh, or can it be canned? I''m not a pineapple fan, but I''ll try it this go round, since I think our timing was pretty good. Just in case, I had some today. Canned, though I can buy fresh tomorrow!!

Sorry to thread jack, but I think the pineapple was with one of you or maybe Dr.K, and I thought you''d see this sooner in this thread rather than in TTC.
I think you should eat it every day throught the LP if you want to see if it helps! tee hee... Pandora was the one who knew about it, hopefully she will chime in.
Date: 1/18/2009 7:06:15 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Pandora, DD, anyone who remembers about TTC and Pineapple,

I had a moment today where I was thinking about trying to help this possible baby stick, and I remembered something about eating pineapple after ovulation. Is that right? How much? For how long? Does it have to be fresh, or can it be canned? I''m not a pineapple fan, but I''ll try it this go round, since I think our timing was pretty good. Just in case, I had some today. Canned, though I can buy fresh tomorrow!!

Sorry to thread jack, but I think the pineapple was with one of you or maybe Dr.K, and I thought you''d see this sooner in this thread rather than in TTC.
LOL, yes I was the pineapple maniac.

I''m not exactly sure when you are supposed to start eating it, but I was eating it Monday - Friday. I think it''s meant to work best for implantation, so first week after O I presume...

I suppose I ate about 250g a day of fresh pineapple - I bought the pre-diced fresh pineapple that they sell in the supermarkets that is pre-packaged. It''s probably cheaper to buy fresh and cut it up yourself, but I just had it for lunch every day and bought it on the way to work.

You want as much of the core left on as possible.

The tinned stuff is no good I''m afraid.

Just out of interest, have you considered having some acupuncture done at all?
SBDE: CONGRATS!!!! Waiting for pictures!

And Dreamer, I LOVE both your names. Great choices!
DD- my mother loooooves Fiona!...she was really pushing me on it... great name choices!

Linds- gorgeous mama!! thats some baby belly...i cant wait to be that big so its a good thing

ok trying to post my rings for DD:

my set on right...bff''s ering from pearlmans on left:

Lovely NYC! You should start a thread in Show Me the Ring!
one more:

Date: 1/18/2009 8:22:08 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Lovely NYC! You should start a thread in Show Me the Ring!
thanks...i love posting pics now! lol ..i duno about starting a thread though ...i got married 3 yrs ago lol
ok last one...bff made a not that professional yet lol:

Beautiful, nycbk!

Baby stuff questions for those planning to BF:
Do I need any bibs before we start on solids?
Are the bottles that come with breast pumps adequate for the occasional times that I leave baby with just DH or a babysitter, or should I buy more? I assume that daycares have their own supplies. If DH still doesn''t have a job by the time I go back to work, I''ll get more bottles of course.
Do I need to buy stuff to sterilize said bottles?

And one more question:
I think I''ve seen recommendations to get cotton balls for changing diapers. What are they for? Do I really need stuff other than diapers, wipes, wet bags, and butt cream?
Date: 1/18/2009 8:32:17 PM
Author: Blenheim
1. Do I need any bibs before we start on solids?
2. Are the bottles that come with breast pumps adequate for the occasional times that I leave baby with just DH or a babysitter, or should I buy more? I assume that daycares have their own supplies. If DH still doesn't have a job by the time I go back to work, I'll get more bottles of course.
3. Do I need to buy stuff to sterilize said bottles?

And one more question:
4. I think I've seen recommendations to get cotton balls for changing diapers. What are they for? Do I really need stuff other than diapers, wipes, wet bags, and butt cream?
1. You need drool bibs I think, not feeding ones.
2. I am not sure about this, its something good to start a thread about maybe to make sure you get lots of replies? I have been very happy with the responses I have gotten from moms to similar threads with Qs I had. And I am curious about the answer too.
3. I think you just boil the bottles? Again, good Q for in the thread you start for #2?
4. Can't imagine what cotton balls are for! I plan to use baby facecloths for at home and get disposable wipes for when out.
Date: 1/18/2009 8:32:17 PM
Author: Blenheim
Beautiful, nycbk!

Baby stuff questions for those planning to BF:

Do I need any bibs before we start on solids?

Are the bottles that come with breast pumps adequate for the occasional times that I leave baby with just DH or a babysitter, or should I buy more? I assume that daycares have their own supplies. If DH still doesn't have a job by the time I go back to work, I'll get more bottles of course.

Do I need to buy stuff to sterilize said bottles?

And one more question:

I think I've seen recommendations to get cotton balls for changing diapers. What are they for? Do I really need stuff other than diapers, wipes, wet bags, and butt cream?

1. Yes you want bibs! There is plenty of spit up even with just breastfeeding. My babies are neat eaters, but my friend's new baby is a little piggy and gets it everywhere! And even with my boys they do spill sometimes.

2. You want to buy a few more bottles IMO because the ones that come with most breastpumps aren't great. We like the Advent glass bottles, most of the pumps seem to come with cheap plastic ones. And ours came with no nipples so you'd need to go buy those anyway. And most daycares (at least around here) require that you bring bottles, bibs, everything, so make sure you call ahead to find out what yours has.

3. If you aren't a germaphobe you don't need to sterilize bottles based on what I have read. You can "sterilize" them in the dishwasher or by boiling them, or just wash them really well in hot soapy water. Our ped said sterilizing wasn't necessary, so we don't.

4. I don't like cotton balls, I like the pads for makeup removal. It is nice to have something to wash their little tushies off with sometimes without giving them a full bath. The cotton balls people seem to use for wiping on diaper cream, but I just use my finger, much more efficient and I am going to wash my hands anyway, so no big deal here. But if you don't want to touch their butts then cotton balls/pads are nice.
Date: 1/18/2009 8:32:17 PM
Author: Blenheim
Beautiful, nycbk!

Baby stuff questions for those planning to BF:

Do I need any bibs before we start on solids?

Are the bottles that come with breast pumps adequate for the occasional times that I leave baby with just DH or a babysitter, or should I buy more? I assume that daycares have their own supplies. If DH still doesn''t have a job by the time I go back to work, I''ll get more bottles of course.

Do I need to buy stuff to sterilize said bottles?

And one more question:

I think I''ve seen recommendations to get cotton balls for changing diapers. What are they for? Do I really need stuff other than diapers, wipes, wet bags, and butt cream?

1. OH YES and lots of them. Well maybe not in the very beginning, but once they start drooling. Meena is a drool bug, and can wet one in minutes. Try to get thicker ones for more absorbent. The cheap Circo ones with plastic lining that come 10 a pack at Target are not good. Carter''s ones are pretty good.

2. I think the ones that come with the pumps are fine for feedings. I use them for M. Nothing''s wrong with them. I use them along with BornFree. All I care about is that they are BPA-free.

3. You don''t NEED to buy a sterilizer. You can sterilize by boiling them for 5-10 min, and you don''t need to sterilize. Just wash well with soap and warm water.

4. I use wet cotton balls to clean in between M''s private area, and the whole diaper area when she had diaper rash (b/c wipes can be too harsh for diaper rash). Cotton pads work the same.