
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

lili, here's what it says on if you haven't registered there you should. you can enter your due date and they will email you weekly updates of the baby's develpment which is really cool. tons of other good info there as well..

What is the nuchal translucency screening test?
This prenatal test (also called the NT or nuchal fold scan) can help your healthcare practitioner assess your baby's risk of having Down syndrome (DS) and some other chromosomal abnormalities as well as major congenital heart problems.

The NT test uses ultrasound to measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of your developing baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester, causing this clear space to be larger than average.

The NT scan must be done when you're between 11 and 14 weeks pregnant. (The last day you can have it done is the day you turn 13 weeks and 6 days pregnant.) It's usually offered along with a blood test in what's known as first-trimester combined screening.

Like other screening tests, an NT scan won't give you a diagnosis. But it can assess your baby's risk for certain problems and help you decide whether you want to have chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis to find out whether your baby is actually affected.
The nuchal isn't invasive at all. Like MrsS said, it's just done through normal u/s and they take measurements on the screen.

MrsS, I have had to schedule all my u/s appts. separately from my normal dr. appts -- do you not have to to that? With my office, there's no way I could just go in for a regular appt. and get an u/s done without having been scheduled for it ahead of time.

And the bumbo is a little seat that babies can use -- it helps to support them (see photo). You can get trays on them too for eating and playtime. Great little things!!

Question for you all. On the twins forum, there was a question about internal cervical exams and when you started getting them and how often. I was so surprised to hear that some people don't get them until waaay late in the pregnancy -- I've had them for my last three appts. They don't bother me at all, it's just a quick little exam, and then I know that my cervix is good and closed up! So when did you all start getting them, and do you get them regularly? They may be more common with twin PGs since preterm labor is more common, but .... ?

Hmmm...I never had the NT screening. I don't remember it being offered. I think most normal pregnancies only get 2 u/s at my doc's office. One early for dating and the 20 week. I had one at my 30 week b/c the baby is breech and will get another one at 36 to see if it flipped.

Lili, a bumbo is a type of infant chair. It is suppose to be awesome for their development. You can use it once their neck it strong enough to hold their head up on their own. If you type in "bumbo" in goggle (that is the brand) you can see photos. They sell them everywhere. I have had SO many viles of blood taken. I am getting used to it now.

ETA: oh Ella and I were typing at the same time. Opps. There it is. I don't think they do another internal exam until 36 weeks (and my last one was at 12 weeks or so) Must be b/c you are having twins
ella, i had the cervical exam at my first 2 appts with my first. one at only 5 weeks b/c i had what i thought was spotting and the dr. did and exam. then the normal 1st prenatal visit exam at 11 weeks. that was it until i was in my last few weeks were they started checking my cervix again to see if i was dialating. i''d bet they''d check you sooner and more often just b/c of the probability of going early with twins. i didn''t go to the dr. until 11 weeks with my second and that was the only cervical exam until towards the end. i''m assuming i''ll have another one next week b/c they didn''t do any blood work or pap my last visit, although i''m not due for my next pap for a while so i''m not sure if they will do another one or not.
Tacori: Good news---they don''t do that vertical incision for emergency c-sections anymore unless your uterus is in a weird position & they can''t do the lower horizontal cut. About a quarter of the girls on my Dec. Dar. website & about 4 of my real life friends had emergency C''s and not one of them had a vertical incision. They all got that low bikini cut...scars hard to see, wayyyyy low. I forget what the condition is called, but it''s a pretty severe call to make that "old school" incision neccessary. The deal with labor recovery, is that a vaginal is the easiest to recover from, followed by a scheduled C-section, followed by laboring & then winding up with an emergency c-section. (since you basically get 2 procedures for the price of fun--not--for mom).

Some of Delaney''s kicks hurt me. I''ll push on her to make her move a different way. She has the hiccups pretty bad right now, cracking me up.

TGal: YAY NO BLOBBIE!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!! And good job on the NT scan! yay! I didn''t get anything like that since I wanted hard answers, we went straight to amnio (because of my age --36---my doc''s recommendation not to waste time & $$$ on any other tests since I wanted the amnio anyway).

Lili: Wow, they do the GD test early at your office...that''s cool...never heard of that before!

NJC: I am so glad your shower was great...we are almost to the end of the race aren''t we? I didn''t get as many blankets as Tacori...5 receiving, 3 Pottery Barn (one monogrammed), and a crib sheet in that yummy pottery barn soft stuff. I have to say, you look great from your earlier pic you posted...tall women just weigh more than short women. And muscle weighs A LOT more than fat, so if you are solid, then you should weigh more. I swear, they need to use bodyfat composition to determine health and not this BMI or straight weight crap, it doesn''t give a true picture. For what its worth, all my best friends from college are the same height as me give or take an inch. I weigh a good 25lbs MORE than them and am only 1 clothing size bigger when I''m normal & not preggo. But then I was a serious child athlete and built a lot of muscle early & still carry a lot of it..especially since I like lifting weights. I''m just a heavier person, even though I might not look it standing next to them (we all look the same size) because of the solidity of my build. Which... I prefer..I won''t snap in half when I''m 86.

I''m having a bad day horriblescope was awful "someone you will meet will not stay in your life" wtf??? pregnant women should not read that--scares me to death! And then I got a card from my MIA mom, more of her passive agressive baloney & making it sound like she was doing me a favor by disappearing since March (instead of helping me out while dh traveled, babysitting my son so I could work on things, and being there for me when I had some rough spots) and making it sound liek its my fault she disappeared. But I''ve come to the realization that she''s mentally ill, and there isn''t anything I can do about it. I''m done being manipulated, done being her scapegoat. My brother wrote her off years ago & has been encouraging me to do the same.....but I''m a sucker, can''t be mean...yada yada...finally realized its healthier for me and my children to not have her very evil arse around. I can''t even begin to describe the stuff she pulls, just know I''ve done everything & can''t take anymore of it. Her own brothers & sisters don''t speak to her either. It''s very sad, but I can no longer be drawn in. Suffice it to say, its been a cruddy afternoon.

My dad & stepmom are coming over to babysit & DH is taking me out to dinner & the movie "SuperBad". I heard its funny..I need funny right about now.

Ok laundry beckons...
Ahhh...Diver, I hope your day gets better. Date nights are always fun! Sorry to hear about your mom. She obviously doesn't know what she is missing but not having a relationship with you. You are a wonderful woman so I just feel sorry for her. My teacher said the "classic" c-section is really rare. Like if they need to get the baby out in under 5 mins b/c baby or mom's life are in danger (which in that case I doubt the woman cares). They cause complications with the next pregnancy (I guess the scare can pop open with the growing uterus so they don't like to do them (which is fine by me!) I rather have the low, horizontal kind anyways. How long did it take your friends to recover? I just want to be prepared. My mom is only here for a week and we have no local family to help out so hopefully it won't be TOO bad if I do have one. DH works from home so that is helpful but obviously more things will be on him (cleaning, food shopping, oh how he hates that! basic errands). His mom might be able to come down after my mom leaves but she doesn't have a lot of vacation days. Luckily I can do my work from bed (hey, I do that now!) So I am not worried about that.

ETA: So 20 + blankets and 30 + bibs are NOT normal???
Still have one more shower on sunday. Hopefully there will not be a bib or blanket in sight!
Awwe Diver, hope your day gets better. Regarding your horriblescope, maybe that applies to you MIA mom.
Anyway, enjoy your dinner and movie with your DH.
Ellaila thanks for posting the picture of the bumbo. as good an invention as that is, i am sorry to say that i can't help but laugh when i saw that poor baby being anchored down like that, especially when he's sitting in the sandy beach. it sorta brings to mind images of when my older brother was burying my younger brother in the sand when we go to the beach many many years ago.

thanks Mrs.S for looking up the NT test. i've been on babycenter before when i was ttc. learned everything there is about conceiving. so i am quite pooped out with reading that website for the time being. so you recommend registering with them? are there some things that you can't access if you are not a member?
Thanks for the kind words are too Lili...(hugs)

Tacori: Well, most of my friends said it took about 2 weeks to feel a lot better--but they still had a ways to go, but better after week 1, even more after week 2. Sleeping in a recliner helped them. I don''t think you can drive for 2 to 3 weeks afterwards, or go up or down stairs for 2 weeks. I have heard the scar "feels weird" for up to year later. (numb maybe?)

For comparisons easy vag delivery with Jake knocked me completely on my butt for about a week. I was so tired. The second week was better, but I didn''t cook, clean, care for dogs or do anything for the first MONTH but sit my butt on the couch & nurse my son. Nursing is a full time job. It was a month before I started taking walks & going to places, and 6 weeks before I felt like myself again. I hope its a little easier this time, I have another child at home & dh only has 2 weeks off. By 8 weeks post partum I was working out with a trainer & running a little. I probably could have done more sooner, but for me the first month was all about resting. Plus it was January, dreary, and cold, so I was in a homebody mood & cuddling Jake was more fun than anything else. Total lazy bones here.


ok..i''m off to take a long luxurious soak...
Tacori, the NT and the ultrasound I got today was because I am a "mature" patient. If you are not 35 when you give birth, then I imagine you''d be skipping this altogether. I liked doing it because I felt like I got a bonus ultrasound, as I doubt I am having one at my second prenatal tomorrow. And btw, I was VERY happy it was not a d*ldosound! What a difference 4 weeks makes!

Thanks for the well wishes on the blob everyone!

Ella, to be honest, I think I''d go through with the amnio, but I have to read up on it a little more. I feel like everything will be OK, but it would sure be nice to know for sure and spend the rest of the pregnancy not worrying about that particular issue.

MrsS, the tangerine altoids sound good. I wonder if they sell them at TJs?

lili, don''t feel bad for laughing about the bumbo. First time I saw my friend''s kid in it, I laughed out loud. His butt just looked so STUCK. I almost expected to hear a popping noise when they pulled him out!

Diver, sorry to hear about the issues with your mom. Your brother might be some point, you have to get rid of the toxic people in your life, especially for the sake of your kids.

So, question of the day...did you gals REALLY cut out sugar, as recommended in a lot of books? Because pies, cakes, ice all sounds so good to me!

Okay for all you women out there what is the last week during your pregnancy you would be OK with your DH going out of town for 4-5 days???

Diver, Oh no! Our bedroom is on the second floor. Maybe I could go up and down them once a day??? I guess I would just hang out upstairs....
This might not even happen (but I just have this gut feeling the baby is NOT going to turn).

DH is on my $h*t list right now. Why oh why can''t I have this sensitive hubby? Arggg...drives me crazy. I just got off the phone with a college friend. We have similar relationships so it helps to vent to someone who understands. She always thinks I am rational (b/c we react similarly). I have a very nice life so maybe I should strop throwing stones (in my glass house).

TGal, I probably eat MORE sugar now (well...maybe not hehe) I eat sweets EVERYDAY (and I wonder why I have gained 100 lbs). It just tastes sooooooooo good!
Don''t stress or feel guilty about it.
Date: 9/10/2007 7:00:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal

So, question of the day...did you gals REALLY cut out sugar, as recommended in a lot of books? Because pies, cakes, ice all sounds so good to me!

heck no!! seriously, i didn''t really change my eating much, they say you really only need an extra 300 calories a day when preggo. I normally eat at least one something sweet a day. always have always will. i just think a lot of women get pregnant and say, oh now i''ll eat as much as i want and whatever i want when i want it and have weight issues. they use pregnancy to justify eating a more sweets than normal etc. i think eating what most normal people eat is fine. at least it worked for me both times, no gestational diabetes and 2 very healthy baby girls. i also didn''t give up caffiene completely. i did only do decaf coffee b/c coffee is so high in caffiene but I love coke and usually drank one 12 oz''er a day...

diver, sorry your day is going so badly, a night out with your hubby will be sure to cheer you up..

tacori- i never had a c-sec. but i''ve heard it can take up to 12 weeks to really recover. I actually recovered really quickly with both my vd kids. i was up and outside walking 2 weeks later and back to teaching spinning once i got the clear from my ob at 6 weeks. Baby #2 was just as quick. Do take all the pain relief drugs offered, percocet and some foam for down there to add to the tucks pads..amazing stuff...and also buy some type of stool softener for home, things get plugged up after giving birth and that part was hard..(pun intended

diver''s tips on meals is a good one too. there were folks at our church who brought meals for one week and it was so wonderful to not have to worry about cooking. lots of easy to cook meals to have on hand is helpful too. of course i think we ordered our fair share of pizza too...
Date: 9/10/2007 7:45:08 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Okay for all you women out there what is the last week during your pregnancy you would be OK with your DH going out of town for 4-5 days???


i''d say no traveling after 36 weeks, same rules apply''s to him as to me
. my aunt was just in town telling me her birthing story. she actually went into labor at 36 weeks, my uncle was away on business when her water broke. a friend let him take a chartered jet home and he still missed the birth of his daughter by an hour
MrsS, DH just told me he is going to go to Ohio in two weeks for the weekend. I''ll be 35 weeks
. He is going to help his dad (they are trying to sell a home owned by his late grandfather) so it isn''t like it is a FUN trip but I still got mad that he *told* me rather than *asked* me. I would be beyond devastated and terrified if he missed the birth (and I know he would be upset too). He said if my water breaks we will hop in the car (it is a 10 hour drive but our teacher told us most first labors are at least 16 hours). Obviously the chances of going into labor at 35 weeks IS low but still scares me
My dad missed my birth (I was 3 weeks early). I feel bad for my mom.
aww tacori, i''d be a little freaked out if my hubby went 10 hours away at week 35 too. But honestly, i don''t think you''ll go into labor that early. i doubt your dr. would want you riding 10 hours in car at 35 weeks, but he''s probably allow you to still travel at that point. I actually have to go to a wedding in florida one month before my due date. we''ll see where i''m at b/c if i''m dialated at all at 36 weeks, not sure i want to get on a plane and be several states away from my dr. and hospital. anyway, the telling you he''s going and not asking part, well i''d be frustrated with that too especially since you will be so far along and your comfort should be his number 1 priority
It should be MrsS but it is not!
Honestly I have no desire to go. Not only do I NOT want to be in the car for 20 hours (there and back) but it is a good 60-90 miles from a hospital. Not ideal if I DID go into labor. Plus he is spending the time working on this house so it isn''t like I feel left out. I wish he would feel guilty and bribe me with chocolate and flowers but''s fine. I am just venting b/c I AM frusterated. I feel like he never *discusses* things with me only *tells* me and that is not good communication. I am BIG into communication. I just warned my friend she will be on call that weekend!
Tacori: My dh''s last biz trip was last week. He has no choice but to travel. I was pizzed, and he was so nervous about me going into labor that he didn''t sleep the whole trip in case he had to hop on a plane. So....I was 37 weeks??? But my dh''s job is all travel, so its not like he CAN''T GO. he''d get fired. But if your DH does not have to go, he should not be traveling at all IMO. I agree with Mrs. S...once you are on the no travel timeline, he should be too...babies are considered full term at 37 weeks and come anywhere from week 37 to week 42.

Sorry you are having a hard time with dh...its exacerbated by hormones. I alternate between thinking mine is the greatest to wondering where the hell he left his brain. Saturday I wanted to throttle him. Oh gets better....

g''nite all..I''m sleepy...
TGal, I hear ya on the amnio. Like I said before, the actual procedure wasn''t too horrible (though the two days of cramping weren''t my idea of fun), it''s the waiting that''s so hard! But for me, it was definitely worth it to have the peace of mind.

Diver, sorry your day was so bad yesterday -- sending you hugs! I hope Superbad cracked your a$$ up and put you in a better mood
And coming from someone who''s got LOTS of dysfunction in her family, I think that just because someone is family doesn''t mean that you necessarily have to include them in your life. It''s sad but true that often family members are the ones that can hurt you the most, and that is something you really don''t need at this stage in your life. Focus on your hot-Clooney hubby, adorable Jake, and your precious little Delaney -- all positive, all love!

Tacori, I agree -- you have every right to be annoyed with hubby going away!! Sorry he''s being so clueless about what''s going on with you right now and how important it is for you to have him there, both for mental support as well as physically there in case you go into labor (which, as you said, is unlikely at 35 weeks, but it''s normal for you to worry about it!). I can understand if he''s got something he feels he needs to do, but I can''t imagine that anyone wouldn''t forgive him for begging out of it, knowing that his wife is in her last trimester. That''s something that most people tend to respect! You know we at PS are also always on call for you, sweetie!

As for sugar ... ummmm .... yeah, I''d have to say I haven''t given that up! At all. Since preggos aren''t supposed to eat any of the fake stuff (other than Splenda), I''m probably actually eating MORE sugar since I''m not buying sugar-free stuff anymore. I''ve mostly given up caffeine, though I do eat chocolate so I''m obviously not too strict about it! I''m trying to eat smart but on the other hand, I really don''t think that a cup of coffee or something sugary or even a tuna sandwich now and then is really going to harm me or the babies.

MrsS, you''re such an inspiration with getting back to teaching spinning after SIX WEEKS! Holy crap. That''s impressive!

The past two nights I''ve been making turkey meatballs (well, more like meatsquares, since they''re not round by the time I''m done with them!) and cupcakes (the "healthy" chocolate pumpkin WW ones -- but I add frosting
) to bring to two friends that have had babies recently. I hate cooking for other people, but I''m looking at this from a purely selfish point of view, figuring that that is at least two meals that I have coming back to me once we have the babies. Hahaha
I''ve been making the meatballs from one of Giada''s cookbooks, and they''re really good but they''re basically fried (browned in lots of oil) and it''s a lot of work and makes the house smell like McDonalds. Blech. Anyone have any good turkey meatball recipes they want to share? Or any other type of recipe that''s good to make and bring to friends that have just had babies?

Oh, also a friend of mine just told me that someone told her that Early Intervention doesn''t like Bumbos because they supposedly cause spine compression
Anyone else ever heard this?! I''m seeing a pediatrician on Thursday (socially, not for the babies yet), so I''ll ask her too, but I''d never heard anythng but positive things about these seats ...
By the way, I just called PB Kids to find out about a quilt I saw in their catalog but wasn''t able to register for online, and I learned that they often have things on sale when you CALL about them but not on sale online! Who knew?! I got the quilt I want for the girl on sale, the dust ruffle in green on sale, and a diaper bag on sale -- and none of that was marked on sale online! So if you''re interested in something there (or probably other stores do this as well), call call call!!
I asked DH why he has to go and he said "b/c my dad asked me to."
Diver, I would understand if it was for work (still sucks for your hubby and you but understandable) but sometimes with his "family first" moto I wonder WHICH family he is talking about
I understand WHY his dad wants his help (free labor) but I am still insulted this has even come up. The house has been on the market for 6 months and we were up in Ohio for 10 days in July. WHY couldn''t stuff be done then? I guess he told DH to make sure it was alright with me first but of course I can''t stop him. That makes me look horrible to his family. I am trying to convince him to go THIS weekend instead of next. He''ll miss my doctor''s appointment but obviously every week closer to my EDD is a higher chance I will go into labor. At first he was negative and said "no, my dad said two weeks." But I think I might have convinced him it is better to do it sooner. He rehabs/flips homes for a living and is closing on one in two weeks. When he leaves town it is hard for him (since he can''t work while traveling). Funny how MY family understands this (they never ask for his help and certainly would pay him if they did) but his seems clueless to the fact that time away from home costs him money. It is just frusterating. He also dropped the bombshell that he was buying a new jetski (which he uses maybe 20 days out of the YEAR) at the same time as his trip. I was pissed he didn''t even ask my opinion on it. I don''t like being *told* things like that. It''s a lot of money for something we don''t *need*. I feel like all I ever do is put down my husband in this thread. He is really NOT a bad guy. Just clueless sometimes.
Tgal – I have to agree about the names companies make us say… DH gets a kick out of the names of diaper cream… his favorite is butt paste. I haven’t altered my diet much at all beyond adding more fortified grains and milk products and increasing my ice cream intake! The key with this whole pregnancy thing is EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

Tacori – The bumbo looked a-okay to me on top of the table. No where close to the edge and mom had a hand close by, baby wasn’t squirmy. To each their own! We can trade dates… that’s fine with me! I’m not ready yet, but do agree that I feel like I have been preggo FOREVER. Full moon in October is the 26th. I say this week (37) might be the last I am comfy with DH leaving town… a big factor would be how far he was going though. He starts school back up next week and they had to move where classes meet to a location that’s a solid hour to hour and a half depending on traffic from our house. Neither of us are too thrilled with that one. I think everyone struggles with the family obligations... we''ve been married for over 2 years now, dated for 5 and STILL have fights. I think for us, having the baby will definately seal that DH and I are a family now. You just gotta keep talking it all through... communication is the key to everything!

Emergency C-section: the nurse teaching our parenting class said they cut the skin across and low just like a regular c-section, but may slice your uterus up and down. Her point was the most important piece of paper in our medical files may be the post operative report of where our incision is for other doctors to know. I’m horrible about collecting my old doctor records if I move on to another one.

Ella – I feel the same exact way about my shower presents of the past! SIL and I actually had a conversation about this on the way home. We’ve both always gone for cute clothes first. Like you said its all helpful… you can spend $100 just as easily on clothes as you can on a car seat, just seems like you get more bang for the buck on clothes! I got my second internal exam last week at 36 weeks, before that I had one at my first appt. Interesting about PB Kids and the sale stuff.

Diver – Hahaha… yes, I don’t think I will snap in half at 86 either! I agree about doctors needing to get away from the straight up weight bit… I was like you have to be kidding me when they told me I had to do the test. Oh well. I definitely need to loose about 20 extra pounds on top of the baby weight, but agree that I don’t look like I weigh as much as I do… my height hides it well. Luckily having always been a big girl, I haven’t had too much issue with the scale… never in my life did I dream I would weigh 237 pounds! I could be within 5 or so pounds of 250 before its all over… my dad weighs like that much!
Sorry for the bad day… hope Superbad was fun and you had a great time with hubby.

Got some wonderful surprises in the mail yesterday! Had a few cards from DHs family that couldn’t make it to the shower, so added all up with the money from my yard sale a few weeks ago (did I tell you guys about that?!) we should have more than enough for a car seat and PnP and almost $100 left over for whatever else we need. One of the cards even had the new BRU coupons, which I LOVE that she included! My mom is also coming up to hang out with me on Thursday… we are going to my doc appt and I plan on having my list of missing items written up so we can go out and fill in those gaps (thermometer, shampoo, nail clippers, etc). Who knows… maybe she will even pay for it all!!!
ella, I did go back quick but mostly just b/c i was ready. just like every pregnancy is different so is the recovery and I think every women should listen to her body and do whats right for her and not push anything too quickly. i think it was Kelly Ripa who said, it took me almost a year to gain this weight I should at least get the same amount of time to get back down. those last few lbs were the most challenge and my tummy is not nor ever will be as flat as it was pre-babies, i just have to accept it as my contribution to increasing the population....

tacori, don''t feel bad for venting, we all get irritated with our hubby''s especially during pregnancy and double espeically towards the end. hopefully, he''ll come to his senses and change the date or not go. maybe his mom will even step in and tell him to stay home with you...

diver, how are you feeling today? when''s your next visit, did you say thursday?
Good to know everyone is surviving fine while enjoying the sweets! I''m happy for now that most of the sweets I am craving seem to be fruit.

Tacori, you have my sympathies. I know your DH must be a nice guy, otherwise you would not have married him. TGuy is also a great guy, but he IS a GUY and sometimes that translates into different ways of thinking.

Guys just don''t like to be told what to do sometimes. And yes, the odds are you won''t go into labor, but the odds aren''t crazy that you will either! It would be nice if your DH could understand your fear and humor it, but he probably just looks at things factually - i.e. she''s most likely not going to give birth, I''m only 10 hours away, and my father needs me. What''s the big deal? Well, you know all that too, but it doesn''t stop how you FEEL.

I''m kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place too...TGuy''s father 60th birthday is the end of February...I will be about 35 or 36 weeks. We were initially planning (pre-preg) to surprise his dad and fly down to Oz. Now obviously I can''t go, but TGuy is "playing it by ear." I actually think he''ll stay, but I don''t want to be the one to ask him not to go...after all, his father''s birthday is a big deal. But if he goes and if I go into labor, no doubt about it...he''ll miss the birth. It would take over 24 hours to get back here.

Went to my second prenatal doctor was in surgery and NO ONE BOTHERED TO CALL ME.
Even more so, they had no record of my appointment. Well, I am staring at my appointment card as we speak (not to mention I would not forget a date like 9/11) so I know they screwed up. The girl at first was not apologetic and said I could see another doc but I would have to wait awhile as she had other patients before me. Which would have been fine, but TGuy took the morning off work and he had to get there sooner than later.

So what is it about getting older where you just don''t take sh*t? I firmly, but politely told her that I did indeed have an appointment, that no one called me (which of course they wouldn''t since they never entered my appointment) and that my husband had to go to work, so if they could do anything for me, that would be MUCH APPRECIATED. She actually finally did apologize, said that it wasn''t uncommon for one of their staff to screw up appointments and that she would get me in asap. Sure enough, I was the next one in and only had to wait a couple of minutes. Even the other ladies in the waiting room felt bad for me and said "Well, that doesn''t sound all that encouraging about your doctor."

If they screw up again, I''m going to asked to be sent somewhere else.
Thanks ladies! I love you guys. I actually found out most of the work is painting and yard work (not sure if I mentioned it earlier)
Can't they do it themselves or hire someone? Why does MY DH have to do it when a trained monkey can paint. So frusterating. Looks like he can't go this weekend since he has to do a sheriff's eviction on Friday. Still it bothers me that I don't have exact dates. I tried to explain to him that I feel really out of control (with my impending labor) so things I CAN control are really important to me right now. There is no way he will be gone for only a few days. Two days will be driving alone. Hopefully he can get his cousin to help (it is HIS mom's house not DH's parents
) so the work will go faster...I don't know. I know he WILL go. I can't stop him. I would never hear the end of it. I just hate that his parents even put me in this position. They know when the baby is due. Also I was 3 weeks early. Not sure if that means my child will be early but it still gets me thinking.

I really hope DH or his family does not read this site. I know I mentioned to my MIL once a long time ago (she was looking for studs) and DH knows I am addicted to it. I kind of treat this thread as my diary and would hate for them to see how much I vent about them.

TGal, that is bad timing. I doubt your doctor would let you leave the country. Can maybe all THREE of you go a few months later. I am sure he would love to meet his grandchild. They will understand. I would lock DH in the house if he was even *thinking* about going that far into my pregnancy! How annoying about your doctor's office. Is there only one doc in the practice?
big big hugs to Tacori: You can vent all you want & no one here would think ill of your hubby. I swear, I love mine to pieces, but somedays.....whoa Nelly....I want to wring his frickin'' neck. We tend not to spend too much time going on and on about how fabulous our dh''s are when they are on our good sides, because we are things are ok...but when we need to vent...well, we all get it. Girl I was LIVID about his trip last week. I was very proud of myself for not saying anything to him to make him feel bad, although the "how DARE you leave us & risk missing the birth" was at the tip of my tongue. It''s unlikely you''ll go into labor at 35 weeks, dh was gone all week every week until 37 weeks for will be fine. But I hear you about the communication. It''s important, keep working on it--marriage is a work in progress, it always needs fine tuning.

Tgal: Cut out sugar? What kind of madwoman are you? LOL. I had to give up alcohol & fine cheese, no way am I getting rid of sugar! (I just finished a key lime bar) All I wanted at the beginning of my pregnancy was sour candies. I eat my sweets in moderation, but I do like cookies, shakes, cake, candy, etc. I just try to be normal about it and not gorge myself....although I''m still a piggie with fresh pineapple, but that''s healthy, so it doesn''t count right?

Thanks everyone for the support last night. Its hard when family is messed up, especially a mom. I can''t win, I can just extricate myself from the drama.

Ellaila: Wow, I did NOT know that about PBKids..hmmmm....I need a few more pieces for Jake & Delaneys'' rooms, so I''m calling instead of going online! Thanks for the heads up, I''ll share that with my friends too. You rock.

Bumbo seat: I never used one, but lots of my friends did. It''ll be interesting to hear what a ped says.

So I walked 2.5 miles today pushing the stroller with dh and the dog. I hope it moves her head down some!
hugs to Tacori i really don''t know how i would react if that were to happen to me. so i''ll just say that at least it''s better that he''s going in 2 weeks instead of 3 or 4 weeks later. don''t be too upset over it. relax and enjoy your "me" and baby time alone.

wow diver. way to go. i don''t even remember when the last time i walked 1/2 a mile pre-pregnancy

my husband is trying to get me into a workout regime, so that i am better suited to carry this baby. hats off to you and mrs.s. many of you ladies are working out?
if so, what are you routines?
it''s been a long while since i''ve been to a gym....and frankly i am really not gung-ho about breaking a sweat
Tacori, I haven''t mentioned it since I''ve gotten pregnant. I think he''s a bit disappointed in the timing, but I really don''t think he will go. If he mentions it again, I''m happy to tell him I''m afraid he''ll miss the birth of our first child, but I am letting him make the call...because if I make the call, he''s sure to want to do the opposite, or at least put up a fight for the sake if it. Men, gotta love em!

Diver, I''m not crazy, I swear, lol! All these article I read say "cut out the sugar" but I do think with everything else we give up, I don''t want to cut the desserts completely! However diabetes runs in the family, so I do try to be careful and just have a small taste to satisfy the craving.
Thanks for the hugs ladies. I had a good cry tonight and DH said he would try to be more senstive. I totally vented to my mom (bad I know!) but I was so stressed about everything I really wanted to talk to her about it. Ironically my dad is very similar (and I always said I didn't want to marry my dad) so she can relate. My dad missed my birth and we both survived it. Still I hope that doesn't happen. Believe it or not (from my posts) DH is my best friend but he is a guy and reacts like a guy.

Diver, I am glad your DH didn't miss Delaney's arrival. Sounds like date night helped.

TGal, I doubt your DH will go. 37 weeks is TOO close (I was born at 37 weeks). But I know what you mean about not being able to really say anything. I am NOT good at holding back (and I should!). I am pretty outspoken much to my DH's dismay. I need to pick my battles more but it is hard when I am hot (95 degrees + pregnancy
), uncomfortable, tired (I toss and turn all night), hungry (as always
), nervous, scared, homesick, hormonal....not to react to everything

Lili, working out? What's that?? My first trimester I was so sick and tired I couldn't do anything above and beyond. The second I should have but I was so busy (went on a bunch of trips), my third I cramp or get really intense pressure when I try now. So...I am not the best example of pregnancy health. Oh well...
Lili - Like Tacori, I wasnt worth a thing during the first trimester. It was all I could do to get myself to work and home, napping the whole way (I ride the Metro), crashing on the couch before dinner and crawling in bed at like 7pm! Once I got my energy back, I started walking the dog a ton and then we got a membership to the local YMCA and we have been swimming ever since... its been fantastic! I try and go twice a week, although I didnt make it any last week. I''ve recently read that swimming on your tummy (free and breast) are great to encourage baby to flip head down and into the pelvis!