UGGH! I ran over here immediately when I saw your post! Poor thing.Date: 10/28/2009 4:18:43 PM
Author: vizsla
hey ladies.... can you believe i''m still here AND still PG!! i had an apt on monday, 1 week past my due date and i was still a lousy 1 cm. we originally planned on stripping my membrane - but since i wasn''t even 3 or 4 cm - my m/w didn''t think it would do much. they did an ultrasound to make sure my fluid levels and placenta were good (which they were) so the decision was when to induce. we had discussed an induction date of today (10 days past due) but DH and i were on the fence. we made a decision to wait - we''ve made it this far - and i *really* want baby to come on his own. she''s letting us go until friday night at 8:00 p.m. it''s bittersweet. in a way i''m relieved to have an end date, but feel a little sad that i will miss out on going into labor on my own... telling dh ''it''s time''.... telling family and friends after baby is out etc. the best laid plans, right?
so, it''s been a roller coaster of a week. it''s been super nice being home, napping, relaxing etc. but it''s also been extremely boring! i don''t feel like doing anything or shopping or being out in public... but being stuck at home because you are forced to isn''t so great either. i did clear out most of my summer maternity clothes, and switched over to my fall wardrobe... but i have another closet that is in dire need of organizing that i just can''t muster the energy to tackle. the well meaning phone calls are also a bit tiring. i''ve resorted to texting back to everyone b/c it gets a little much to rehash the same thing...... ''no, no baby... yes, it''s hard...yes, we''re ready... no, there is nothing you can do etc.''
so, my days have been spent at the dog park with my pooch and watching 12 hours of food tv w/out the desire to make anythingalthough yesterday, for good measure, i made a pumpkin roll (i think i have officially de-bunked the baking theory
i guess it''s nice, in a way, knowing there is an end date and that baby is happy, healthy, growing etc. in my belly... and i will long for these quite days with DH, however.... i''ve started to regress on if i feel ''ready for baby''. it''s so strange. where i couldn''t stand it a few days, even weeks ago that baby was not here... now, i''m beginning to think i''m not ready after all. mind games![]()
sorry for the me-centric post. i hope to be able to update everyone before saturday, but i''d put my money on a halloween baby![]()
keep on baking everyone!
Date: 10/28/2009 4:18:43 PM
Author: vizsla
i hope to be able to update everyone before saturday, but i''d put my money on a halloween baby![]()
Remember when I mentioned that I was feeling a lot of pressure down there, so apparently that’s normal with 2 nd pregnancy. I try not to waddle when I walk.
There is other lady who is pregnant with her 4 th kid in my office. She works for a different section, but I saw her today. She is sooo tiny. She was smaller than a size 0 before this pregnancy, and now she only has a little tiny bump. She looks so awesome.
Just added my 2 cents! Here''s a couple more:Date: 10/26/2009 11:05:47 AM
Author: ChinaCat
Ok, I have been meaning to write this down for ages- let''s see if I have time before the little guy wakes up.
Miracle Blanket- The swaddle for dummies. My son didn''t sleep well unless swaddled (they wake themselves up with their arms) and trying to swaddle with a normal blanket in the middle of the night was just an added hassle I didn''t need. Once I found these, I ran out and bought enough so that we always had one handy. Get them before you give birth! Ditto for a great swaddle- we had one Kiddopotamus Swaddleme and a few other kinds, but ran out to get more Swaddleme''s after a week because we noticed they help her sleep most soundly. Halo sleepsacks, not so much. Haven''t tried Miracle Blanket. Just ordered 2 Woombie''s- will let you guys know how those work once they come. But Swaddleme''s ROCK!!
Onesies- Forget all the cute clothes. My son only wore onesies and pretty much still does. You change so many diapers, put them in something that is easy to do so. The ones with feet never get worn unless we are going out and it''s chilly. But usually it''s a onesie with a blanket and socks. My guy was little, so I had to go out and get a bunch of Newborn sizes- Sizes 0-3 were way too big for him. And if you can find the kimono style, buy as many as you can. My son HATES things going over his head, so if you can avoid it, great. Ditto to nix the cute outfits. However, socks will not stay on Ellie''s feet, no matter how tiny they are, so I am a BIG fan of pants with feet. Anything without feet, I will not put on her because her feet get so cold. I do put her in the little sweetpea gowns, though, as her feet are inside. Bu even when she''s swaddled I like her to have pants on. I also sis not have many things in newborn size because I thought she''d be at least 8lbs and I thought 0-3m would fit. I had to send DH to the store for some newborn sizes when we first brought her home because even at 8lbs 5 oz everything was huge. That being said, she''s now 3 weeks and has outgrown it all!
Swing- Of course, this depends on your little one. This is like baby crack for my son. We borrowed one from a friend and it''s the only thing that I can put him in and he''ll just zonk out and I can actually make something to eat, shower, etc. while he''s in it. The only one that works for my kid is the big kind that swings both ways (of course, the most expensive one). But SO WORTH IT. If you can try one out first, I would, because some babies don''t like it. But if they like it, believe me, it will save you. We have the FP Little Lambie and man oh man does she LOVE it!!!
Bouncy Seat- He can take it or leave it. Entertains him for maybe 10 minutes, so long enough for a shower. Too funny, Elie is the same way. 10 minutes MAX and she''s done with her bouncy seat. The only exception is when I put it on the floor in the bathroom so I can shower and watch her. Then she likes it. ?
Snap-n-Go- Love it, so easy to use. I use this all the time with our infant car seat. Our stroller works as a snap ''n go with our carseat, and I ditto this completely. I was HELL BENT to get a stroller with a bassinet because I just LOVE how cute they are, and I''ll be darned but Ellie HATES the bassinet. She loves the stroller if she''s in the carseat though. Don''t think she likes laying flat in the bassinet. Boo, makes me sad because I just LOVE the look of the bassinet!
My Brest Friend- This is a BF pillow that actually snaps around you and is much firmer to lay your little one on. This one was way better in the early weeks to BF than the boppy b/c he was so little and the Boppy sags around your waist. This one you can latch on higher and it also frees your hands up a bit more. Couldn''t live without it. Now I alternate b/w the Boppy and the Brest Friend, but if I had to pick one, My Brest Friend wins, hands down. I have the Boppy, and I usually just use a pillow from our bed. Never tried the Brest Friend, but could definitely go without the Boppy.
Baby wipes- I like Pampers Sensitive. Huggies were too thick and harsh for us. Try the Lansinoh wipes, too. Very gentle. We use those or Pampers Sensitive.
Diapers- Pampers Swaddlers Newborn. This is what they gave us in the hospital. I had Huggies Newborn Naturals at home and LOVE them. So soft and the cut out for the umbilical cord is better than Pampers. I think Huggies may be a tiny bit bigger than Pampers, too, because I have an easier time getting them on her right.
Pacifiers- He can take them or leave them, but when he''s screaming and I need him to calm down, they work. The green Soothies are the only ones we''ve used. We got a couple as shower gifts, and am SO glad. Ellie is a SUCKER and freaks out if she doesn''t have something to suck (her fingers, a blanket, my chin, anything she can get at). Even the LC in the hospital suggested a paci because she was just inconsolable without one. She said some babies are just this way, and they ususally do ok with paci and BF''ing. We have the newborn Nuks. Funny, because I was TOTALLY anti-paci''s before having the baby.
Itzbeen- This is a nifty little device I got at BRU. It has four timers, a clock and a light. When you are BF in the middle of the night, you press one button and it will tell you how long you have been BF for. I use one for each side. You can use it for diapers changes, how long they''ve been sleeping, etc. I didn''t use it for that, but it''s genius in the middle of the night when you can''t think straight. I kept a written account for the first few weeks of how often and how long I fed him and once I found this, it became so much easier. Trust me, you think it''s easy to remember what time you fed them, but you won''t be able to remember anything. It also has a little switch for R and L- so you can remember which side you started BF on last time. You are supposed to switch off everytime you BF and I could never remember which side I started with last time. Not a must-have, but this little thing made things a ton easier for me.
Muslin blankets- I like Luna Lullaby or Aden & Anais. These are really light-weight blankets and I use them for everything- swaddling him, to lay down on a surface before I lay him down, over the top of his car seat when I take him out so he is covered or out of the sun. They are really light, so you don''t worry about if they can breathe if you drape it over the car seat. Love them, can''t have enough of them. DITTO. We have the Aden & Anais- LOVE them.
Burp Cloths- I use tons of these. My favorite are just the cloth diapers. DITTO- use them constantly.
Monitor- This is just a personal decision. We moved our son into his nursery about week 2 or so. Because our bedroom is downstairs, I am glad we had the video monitor. But I rarely use it now, I can hear him cry and that''s all I need. But it is a great comfort when I wake up in the middle of the night and want to check on him, I just turn the monitor on and take a peek, then can go back to sleep without going upstairs. We have the Safety First without video, and it is sensitive enough that I can hear her breathe. But our room is just down the hall, so it''s not a big deal to peek in if needed.
Moses Basket- He has slept in this exclusively. It goes anywhere and we love it. He is about to grow out of it and will need to go into his crib, but we didn''t use the crib at all until recently. This is really similar to a bassinet, but I think maybe cheaper???? Not sure as ours was a gift.
Ok, that''s all I can think of for now. I will post more if I think of other things. Hope this helps!!!!! cute!!Date: 10/29/2009 11:20:11 AM
Author: meresal
Swimmer, congratulations on such a small number!!
QT- I like Willem.![]()
Just wanted to share. I made pumpkins for our family last night, and all 3 made it to our porch!
Yay Viz! Hope you have an easy non-pitocin labour.
Amber - I thought the only contraindication to the vaccine was if you are currently ill or have a fever. And I think here you move to weekly at 36 weeks.
AFM - cervix still looking good. Baby was balled up above my cervix, with chin on belly, toes in forehead. Looked pretty silly. And there was all this nice empty amniotic fluid in the upper part of my uterus - why couldn''t she go hang out up there?? DH is coming back from a quick business trip tonight. Sounds like one of the guys he worked with Monday has been home since Tues with what sounds like H1N1. I haven''t had the vaccine yet (just got released here this Tues), and it wouldn''t kick in soon enough to protect me and baby if DH did manage to get infected. I think he''s going to be banned to sleep and live in his office for the next 4 days until he''s past what they think is the 1-7 day incubation period for the virus. If he''s still good by next Tuesday, he might get to kiss me or hold my hand again. It''s going to be hard... Just pray he didn''t pick anything up while he was away.
And I have my referral to the high-risk clinic for next Wed. U/S included, so I invited DH along for the show. (He missed the anatomy scan)