
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Pupp, could you tell your mom you''re not ready for her to publicize the news yet? My mom can''t keep a secret but I made her promise not to say a word until I was in my second trimester and she held to it. I know it was hard for her (7 weeks of silence) but it was important to me and she needed to respect that.

RPS, my husband and I both feel that this is a bit overboard, but I would hate to not do what I''m being instructed to and then end up in a bad situation. Diabetes runs in my family, the only risk factor I have, so I don''t want to disregard that it can be very serious, but I do think it''s a bit arbitrary and my numbers are low now that I''m eating the diet so we''ll see how this all plays out. It''s certainly not harmful for me to eat this way, although I am getting very tired of food. I would question it more if I had to start taking medicine but at this point I''m just eating a low carb diet, which isn''t bad for me or the baby. It''s an interesting thing, that''s for sure. I''ll spnd some time reading the link later today, after I wake up!
ss...i had some really crazy dreams too and i def had some weird sex dreams, haha. i was like wow these hormones are powerful. or maybe it's just because i'm a Scorpio, right MonkeyPie? haha. lately my dreams are forgotten or i am not dreaming very powerfully...the last week only, maybe my brain is too distracted by upcoming labor!

rps...yeah i adore my sister, and greg is like her 2nd dad as well. he is so protective over her. she looks just like me, i think she is way better looking than i was at her age since she is so pretty and i never felt that pretty at 19, but apparently we look so much alike that when we are in the same room people get us confused. i'd post a pic, but Greg would prob freak out. haha. he is always like 'why is her Facebook photo so sexy'...and i am like 'honey she is just smiling'. i think it's good we're having a BOY not a girl. haha. it is fun when the kids get really involved with helping, my sister was an 'accident' in that my dad had the snip snip done but obviously it didn't work so she was a surprise to everyone, my mom thought she was DONE. boo on having a UTI, those are not fun! i also have read UTI's can cause labor, so def keep an eye on it.

steph, ROFL re: the shrek feet, i sooo don't believe it!! but yeah even some of my flip flops leave indents in my feet and my feet are not even that swollen. some days i feel more bloated than others as well. glad the contracts stopped but on the other hand i'd be like stop torturing me!out with you!

re: doctors micromanaging GD... i kind of feel like that happens a lot too. honestly i don't know that much about it BUT kimi i am surprised you have to be testing so often, like hourly...for late pregnancy GD, esp given how tiny you are. also my coworker is 35 years old, and her dr made her do the 12 week test and she failed. so without even testing her for the 3 hour he just said oh you have GD. and put her on this crazy strict diet the whole entire preg. well she is 36 weeks now and the tiniest thing ever, the dr says her baby is quite small and never even re-tested her to even see if she had stabilized. so she still is like 'oh i can't have any sugar' but i told her i would have been like either give me the 3 hour at week 26 or something because i don't want to be THIS STRICT for 28 weeks of preg yanno?? i would have gone crazy. i just think it's weird that some dr's are so blase about it and others are like nazi. i know GD CAN be very serious but on the other hand let's be practical too. i don't know i'd want to test as much as you have to kimi...i would almost be like let me do the diet for a month and then see. anyway i always feel bad for my coworker since i am always downing sugary crap in my cube and she can't even have juice.

pupp..good luck telling mom today. family is sometimes hard to manage. my mom is crazy about this baby but it's her first gchild so i guess it's warranted. plus given that greg and i have been together for 10 years and married for 5 i really think my fam thought that portia was the closest they were getting to anything grand-related.

vesper you look great!

so my news is that i think i am getting a COLD. bah! i have not been sick this entire pregnancy. i am sure it is from going to the stupid newborn class at the big hospital on thurs, the room was PACKED and there were some people coughing and ugh!!! gross. i have a sore scratchy throat and a runny nose so far. i am taking my vitamin and just trying to rest least work is DONE, YAY so i am happy i can just rest now (but man is resting boring). i am sure my last grueling work week didn't help my immune system at all. but anyway i just want to kick this thing in case i do go into labor this week so i can actually breathe while pushing my kid out. boo.

umm oh and yesterday i thought snake child was going to bust through my side belly wall. i am not kidding. there is a cube move while i am gone so i was just putting some of my personal items into boxes before i left and all of a sudden he was pushing 3 diff ways and a foot was coming out the side and would NOT RETRACT. it hurt soooo badly. i honestly was like OMG what do i do if something happens right now. and trying to remember if i had ever heard of a baby BREAKING THROUGH the side wall of the belly! it hurt that badly. so i feel like sometimes he gets frustrated he can't go anywhere...hopefully that means he'll realize THE WAY OUT IS DOWN. soon.

oh and i was thinking about cello too yesterday and today. i bet she is enjoying her new bundle right now!!
Date: 1/16/2010 11:53:04 AM
Author: Mara
ss...i had some really crazy dreams too and i def had some weird sex dreams, haha. i was like wow these hormones are powerful. or maybe it''s just because i''m a Scorpio, right MonkeyPie? haha. lately my dreams are forgotten or i am not dreaming very powerfully...the last week only, maybe my brain is too distracted by upcoming labor!

Of course!

I have had some crazy dreams too, SS. Since I have been pregnant everything seems really detailed and it makes sense, whereas before my dreams would jump around all over the place with no logic. I have noticed that if I watch a movie that gives me the creeps I will replay the movie in my mind during sleep, EXACTLY how it played out on tv! I Am Legend has been the most recent one. Ugh, zombies freak me out.
Uhhh, speaking of I Am Legend, we just saw that like a week or two ago. Bad movie to watch while pregnant, JUST FYI. I was like oh great now we are birthing our child into a world where in a few years we''ll all probably DIE.
puppmom~ Have fun telling your mom! I''m not a FB fan either, but it''s sweet that she gets so excited.

RPS~ Ugh, sorry about the UTI. I got 2-3 terrible UTI''s while pregnant with JT. Luckily they were never painful, just a lot of blood. I actually panicked when I found the first one because it was so red. My mom''s kids are spaced out over 12 yrs. My brother (the oldest) always took to the baby. He began using her to pick up chicks. He''d take her to breakfast when he was 17 or so and she was 5. The girls would say something about her being his daughter and then he''d sweetly tell them it was his baby sis. Yeah, it worked. My SIL, who just had her baby, has a daughter that''s 15. She''s not too interested in the babies.

MP~ LOL about I Am Legend. The funniest thing about my dreams is that they incorporate nothing IRL. I don''t watch, read, or think vampires. And as for the sex dreams, I am not around alligators, pistols, boats or swamps. LOL

Mara~ I had a friend who was teeny and at the end of her pregnancy you could actually see the shape of a foot protruding. Her DH grabbed it and the babe went nuts. It''s crazy how they move! Hope you feel better!

Cello~ If you''re lurking, hope you have a lovely bundle in your arms!

Kimi~ I''ve wanted to say something encouraging about the GD, but I don''t know what. So, just know that I''m thinking of you.

I shopped around yesterday and found a bed for JT. We''re picking it up today and then heading to Tarjay to find some bedding. JT''s so excited, you''d think he was getting a 4 wheeler or something!

I''m not too sore today after falling yesterday. Thank God for hot baths.
Mara, I test 4 times a day, first thing in the morning then after every meal (not snack). What I'm learning is GD has a lot more to do with family history than I first assumed (and I have a diabetic grandmother and a sister who had GD, granted my sister is overweight). It's definitely interesting. I get that GD is a very real cause for concern, I just wonder if the pendulum has swung a bit too far, as it so often does. On the bright side I get another ultrasound on February 12th and we'll know in advance how and by when the baby is going to be delivered, so there won't be waiting on th other side of 40 weeks. I wouldn't opt to induce unless I have to under normal circumstances, but it this is where we are and getting upset about it certainly won't help the situation.

RPS, I forgot to say bummer about the UTI! Grrr. I haven't had a chance to really dig through the website you posted, I've been wrapped up in playing with my new sewing machine all morning. One of the articles essentially sums up what my OB has said, we just don't want me to have a big baby. She's not at all concerned about the other factors. That actually makes me feel a lot better. I'm totally comfortable with changing my diet for 9 weeks if it means the baby won't be too big; the benefits outweigh the risks as I'm not on meds and don't appear to be headed in that direction. If I were I'd be doing lots of research and having some indepth discussions with both doctors managing my care.

SS, thanks for the sympathy, there are many worse things that could happen and I tend to take things in stride. Though I really miss frozen yougrt, sugar free jello is no replacement.
Thanks, ladies...I just got back from telling my folks and it went okay. My mom is so distracted by the newest addition to the family (my two week old nephew) that she barely blinked when I told her. I made her promise not to post it on FB because we haven''t had the chance to spread the news to all of our friends yet. She promised so we''ll see what happens.

SS, I''ve been having some sex dreams too. I think it''s because I''ve been deprived lately. I often spot after sex so I''m a little nervous to do it. I know I''ll cave soon. I can''t take this much longer!
Today turned out to be a pretty great day with two wonderful things happening! First, my boss'' wife had their baby -- a little girl weighing 8 lb. 3 oz. She was born only 2 hours after they got to the hospital, so it sounds like a pretty quick labor.

And...I had SO check in one of the boxes in our storage closet and he found 99% of the parts I was missing to my Ameda pump! Of course, this would happen right after I ordered the new pump, but I was going to order it anyway, so it doesn''t matter much.

Kim, I completely understand what you mean. I think it''s better to err on the side of caution and follow your doc''s orders, but I think you can take some comfort from that page in that most of the time, babies born to moms with GD are perfectly fine. Personally, I think watching your intake of refined sugar and carbs is good all of the time! Or maybe I just tell myself that because that''s how I eat, pregnant or not.

I think after a while, you do get used to being deprived. For example, about 5 years ago, I realized that my sugar intake was way too high. I''m a serious coffee addict, and have to drink it with sugar and cream. I was going through FIVE POUNDS of sugar a month so I switched to Splenda. The side benefit is that I found my blood sugar didn''t fall to the point of my feeling faint as much. If I need to lose weight, all I have to do is cut out as many carbs as possible and stick to lean proteins and wham, it happens and I never feel like I''m missing out.

Mara, aww, seriously, your sister is so lucky to have you guys. I had to laugh about the FB thing because SO and I freak about almost every pic my older daughter posts and how "sexy" it is -- the reality is that we wouldn''t be happy unless she was in a turtleneck without makeup and her hair was pulled up.

As for the UTI...I know it can cause contractions, but of course it''s not doing so for me!! If I weren''t at 39 weeks +, I wouldn''t want to take the chance of it causing labor, but right now, I''m like, "Hmmm, well, that wouldn''t be so bad!" LOL!

Your cold *might* not really be a cold, but an indicator that labor is on it''s way. I know that sounds really odd, but with every single pregnancy, at the very end, I''ve freaked because I''ve gotten congested and been sneezing. My biggest fear was not being able to breathe in labor -- and then as soon as I went into labor, I got better. Very, very weird.

Congrats on finishing up work, too! I''m sure it will be nice to have a few days of peace and quiet before the baby arrives. I''m still working and even scheduled a meeting for this coming Wednesday because I would be sooo bored otherwise. It would definitely be different if I had to go to the office every day, but working at home gives me a lot of flexibility -- I can get laundry done or even nap at lunch if I want.

SS, oh, that''s hilarious about your brother using the baby to pick up girls! Little siblings can be a pain, but they can also be a blessing in disguise! I''m sorry that you had to deal with UTIs, too -- it IS scary when you realize that you just peed a whole bunch of blood, but I''ve had this happen several times, so I just roll my eyes and find the cranberry capsules. I''m really weird because it has to get REALLY bad before I have any pain. It kind of ticks me off to get one when I haven''t been doing anything that would increase my risks!

Congrats on the new bed for JT!! It''s so cute how they get so excited about it. SO decided to order the bunk bed for the boys'' room today and it''ll be here Thursday or Friday, so we''re going to have to take Will to get his Spiderman sheets. Oh, to be 3 and have Spiderman sheets be the best thing that can happen to you!

Puppmom, I''m glad telling your family went ok!
so..for any preggos who have already been do you know when you are getting ''closer'' to labor?

my last appt was basically 8 days ago and i go in again on wed the 20th. i''ve mentioned that i was 50% effaced 8 days ago and been having lower back pains and the menstrual cramp pains for the last 4-5 days. i noticed today that i have started to have tiny amts of discharge, and ''typical'' for me this entire pregnancy is ZERO discharge, i had it maybe 3 times during the entire preg and just like one dot each time. this is like maybe 1-2 dots of it every few hours since this morning.

any experienced mom preggos think this means that i am possibly more effaced and potentially starting to dilate? i haven''t seen any mucus or blood or anything like that. kid is as usual, crazy active under my rib and esophagus. i also had a bunch more sharp cervix pains this afternoon and evening.

maybe i am getting too excited but i am starting to wonder just how close it is, esp given that it''s been 8 days since last appt. even though i know there''s really no way to KNOW for sure, i''m wondering.

rps..i would like to think this is just pre-labor ''cold'' but i have a slight sore throat, i figure that is not normal? i just don''t want to be all sick if something does happen, bah. i have spent most of today resting, BORING. i did manage to organize all the clothes in the snake kid''s closet, wow it''s pretty crazy just how much he has. his wardrobe is nicer than mine.
Mara, even though I''ve had a baby, I was induced so don''t really know what true labor on your own entails...but just wanted to say I''m right there with you on all the symptoms. Sounds like things are progressing and we will have our sweet boys really soon!!! Hopefully someone with more experience with labor can give us some insight.
Mara, I''m on number two but they''re 15 years apart so my memory''s a little fuzzy. From what I can recall, labor seemed to come out of nowhere. It''s gotta be soon, right?! Hang in there!
Date: 1/16/2010 9:42:26 PM
Author: Mara
so..for any preggos who have already been do you know when you are getting 'closer' to labor?

my last appt was basically 8 days ago and i go in again on wed the 20th. i've mentioned that i was 50% effaced 8 days ago and been having lower back pains and the menstrual cramp pains for the last 4-5 days. i noticed today that i have started to have tiny amts of discharge, and 'typical' for me this entire pregnancy is ZERO discharge, i had it maybe 3 times during the entire preg and just like one dot each time. this is like maybe 1-2 dots of it every few hours since this morning.

any experienced mom preggos think this means that i am possibly more effaced and potentially starting to dilate? i haven't seen any mucus or blood or anything like that. kid is as usual, crazy active under my rib and esophagus. i also had a bunch more sharp cervix pains this afternoon and evening.

maybe i am getting too excited but i am starting to wonder just how close it is, esp given that it's been 8 days since last appt. even though i know there's really no way to KNOW for sure, i'm wondering.

rps..i would like to think this is just pre-labor 'cold' but i have a slight sore throat, i figure that is not normal? i just don't want to be all sick if something does happen, bah. i have spent most of today resting, BORING. i did manage to organize all the clothes in the snake kid's closet, wow it's pretty crazy just how much he has. his wardrobe is nicer than mine.
Sounds like your body is giving you some signs Mara... This could take a while, or you could go soon.

Any contractions?? The discharge is something you haven't had till now, so keep an eye on that...

How is the pressure down there??

I didn't know you were 50% effaced 8 days ago.

I'd at least go in for a check on Monday??

The other thing, many people feel flu like symptoms when they are going into labor...

But best to get a check and see what progress is being made....

You are almost there woman!!!!

ETA: I emailed Nan to respond to your Q's as you know she's the pro...
Mara, I wish I had something better to tell you. The only way I''ve known I''m close to go into labor is when I passed my due date.
That''s when I knew I''d be in labor sometime in the next 14 days!

Labor has always come at me out of the blue. With 2 of the kids, it happened in the middle of the night and contractions woke me up. With #2, we had just gotten home from bowling and a trip to Walmart and I thought it was a stomach ache from the nachos at the bowling alley. With #3, it was soon after eating dinner (KFC french fries drenched in Texas Pete!). With #4, it was very early evening.

Each time, it took me a while to actually figure out that I was really in labor, but there was plenty of time between the time I knew it for sure and needed to be at the hospital.

As for the sore throat, I don''t remember having one specifically, but if you''re stuffy, it could be post-nasal drip that''s making your throat sore. If you have a humidifier, you might want to run it at night just for your own comfort.

If you are really sick, don''t worry too much about it. You might give it to your hubby, but the baby will be just fine because he''s protected by your immunities.

My fingers are crossed for you!
i know ladies...hehe it could be any time or it could be 2 more weeks. i will be induced on feb 6 if he is not here yet, but i hope he will come next week. most people have 'said' they think he'll come end of next week, which would be great. but i am just so curious about everything happening in my does THIS mean anything??? i wish i could see inside.

kaleigh, my next appt is wed... i purposefully scheduled it out a bit because i figued the real deal IS labor!! but i'll def toss the bag in the car when i go on wed just in case haha. thanks for notifying nan, we'll see what she says lol.

rps...i know he'll get my immunities, but i def want to go into labor as healthy as possible just so i feel my best if possible. hopefully i can kick this thing in a few days!

we put the carseat in the car today and greg showed me how to use it.. i have to google but there is just one strap in the LATCH system and i guess it's supposed to move up and backwards in the front where their head is? to be able to 'move' with the car? it doesn't move at all where the connection to the car is but the other side is a bit mobile. just want to double check it...i've lagged on getting the CHP check thing.

i just did some grocery shopping for us, got some stuff for the freezer and nuts, oatmeal etc ...trying to get ready for after the baby comes to just have extras around, and got some fish n'chips for dinner..hehe. come on baby!
Sounds like you''re getting ready, Mara! How exciting! And how jealous I am that you haven''t had any discharge this whole time - I have had easily double what I had before.
Mara- sounds like things are kicking into gear! Isn''t it crazy to think you may have already posted your final belly pic? Seems like it all goes by so fast. I''m really excited for you! Have you shared your thoughts on names for your little guy yet?

Belly pics- you all look great! I don''t have much time to get on here, but love seeing all the happy round bellies!

Any updates from cello or QT? Methinks there may be a couple new PS babies waiting to be announced!
lol MP... i think i used to have more discharge before PG so not having any this PG was interesting. which is why i guess now it seems like really obvious to have any.

natalina...i know this weekend i keep saying 'this could be the last time we do X' or 'this might be our last weekend without a child...EVER!'. who knows, he might not be here by next wkd but it's just funny to think that it really is quite finite of a period of time now. how are you and your DD doing?? i lurk sometimes in newborn thread but don't get over there as often i prob should at this point!

so last nite was UGH. my sore throat, which probably is nasal discharge RPS, was keeping me from sleeping comfortably and i was getting thickness in my throat which totally bugs me. i can be congested nasally and/or have body aches but nothing drives me crazy like things in my throat and bothering me. so i came out to the couch and rigged this elevated pillow thing which supported my belly and allowed me to sleep on an angle which helped my throat a lot. it was not a restful night by any means but i did manage to get sleep in 3 snatches of 2-3 hours at a i feel ok today, just a little tired. i'm just so bummed i went to 38 weeks with no cold and then i get sick now when it's like the most physically uncomfortable for me as well. double whammy! it might not be so bad if i didn't have a ginormous belly AND couldn't really take much medicine. i have to see if i can take certain types of cough syrup. right now i am drinking tea with honey and lemon.

we had a pancake breakfast and it's a rainy day so it's a perfect couch day. i love watching food network on lazy wkds!

cello, i am sure she has her nugget out by now! and QT... ooh i didn't notice we haven't heard from her since...thurs??? hopefully something is happening!

anyway hope everyone else is having a healthier and happier wkd than me. take your prenatals, peeps!
mara -
how exciting! sounds like things are revving up! and ditto on the soooo jealous about the no discharge thing. sorry about the sore throat yuckiness. it is doubly miserable to be sick preggo due to the refraining from meds thing. i was miserable over thanksgiving from the flu and this morning i woke up with a sore throat also and i am hoping hoping hoping its just allergies (my attending has been sick). hope you feel better soon.

QT/cello - can''t wait to hear from you guys!!!

rps -it''s so funny that you posted that tidbit about caps and being late. my hubby fit that description to a tee and it was such a huge pet peeve of mine. i can''t even count the number of times we had the argument about being disrespectful of other people''s time. thankfully that is one trait I''ve been able to wean out of him.
he is now almost always perfectly on time! our personalities are very very different for sure, but luckily we are both absolutely crazy about each other and want to make the other happy so we try to use our differences to complement one another rather than drive the other crazy. he really is the most loyal, loving, respectful guy and i know he would do absolutley anything that he thought would make me even marginally happy. and he does.

shout out to my fellow pregnant scorpios! actually i think mp and i have the same b-day. we were def a busy bunch in mid may

and speaking of progression or lack of -- no BHs and cervix is still high and tight at 36 weeks. so much for my doc''s prediction that docs deliver early due to being on our feet all day!
i''m 36 and some change, so kiddo needs a few more days to bake, but i figured i''d at least be getting some twinges?

finally got enough of the baby stuff put up/arranged that i feel marginally ready for gingerbaby to come home
. including making hubby watch knocked up with me again
question: what''s the difference between a side sling and full sling nursing tank and which one is better? i''m on the small sadie. like an a-cup (maybe a small b if i''m generous) in my 36 week preggo glory
Date: 1/17/2010 1:51:51 PM
Author: Mara

so last nite was UGH. my sore throat, which probably is nasal discharge RPS, was keeping me from sleeping comfortably and i was getting thickness in my throat which totally bugs me. i can be congested nasally and/or have body aches but nothing drives me crazy like things in my throat and bothering me. so i came out to the couch and rigged this elevated pillow thing which supported my belly and allowed me to sleep on an angle which helped my throat a lot. it was not a restful night by any means but i did manage to get sleep in 3 snatches of 2-3 hours at a i feel ok today, just a little tired. i''m just so bummed i went to 38 weeks with no cold and then i get sick now when it''s like the most physically uncomfortable for me as well. double whammy! it might not be so bad if i didn''t have a ginormous belly AND couldn''t really take much medicine. i have to see if i can take certain types of cough syrup. right now i am drinking tea with honey and lemon.

Mara! I got to the end of my pregnancy with out getting sick (I was so proud of myself) and then *wammo* got something that was like a cold with post nasal drip. I cant really remember now, but I swear someone told me that often women can get cold symptoms right before delivering. But Im sorry it had to hit u here at the end.

Cant wait to hear from QT and Cello!!
so, sweet baby is now not only kicking + punching, but she does it at the same time. she''s quite coordinated! haha.

also, this weekend she punched to the beat of the music. i kid you not. and this weekend, hub''s mom got to feel her kick.

we also found out that sil has several things to loan us!
swing, boppy play pad, activity floor mat, baby papoose carrier, baby sling carrier, hiking carrier, bumbo, tabletop bouncer, jumperoo + activity center. so excited :]
Hope everyone is enjoying Sunday, and for many a long weekend.

Mara, sounds like you''re geting closer, very exciting.

Jcrow, awesome that you have someone you can borrow lots of things from. I didn''t want to invest in a baby carrier but I do want one, so I''m buying it used off of a coworker. She has several, next week I''ll take a look and choose which one/s I want. Really nice of her.

No word on the house yet, should know by tomorrow afternoon. If it doesn''t work out we have a second home on our list that we like just as much. It needs some work in the kitchen and one bathroom but it is stunning and we''d be just as happy there, so we''ll see what happens.

Spent the day sewing. This is such a fun new hobby!
Ah, just flipped through the belly pics. Lovely mommies you all are!!


Did a quick scroll but didn''t see if you''d posted about the baby.... do you know the gender yet? 17 weeks, wow... time flies!! Congratulations again!!
Date: 1/17/2010 8:12:24 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Hope everyone is enjoying Sunday, and for many a long weekend.

Mara, sounds like you're geting closer, very exciting.

Jcrow, awesome that you have someone you can borrow lots of things from. I didn't want to invest in a baby carrier but I do want one, so I'm buying it used off of a coworker. She has several, next week I'll take a look and choose which one/s I want. Really nice of her.

No word on the house yet, should know by tomorrow afternoon. If it doesn't work out we have a second home on our list that we like just as much. It needs some work in the kitchen and one bathroom but it is stunning and we'd be just as happy there, so we'll see what happens.

Spent the day sewing. This is such a fun new hobby!

i was quite surprised! i knew she had baby clothes that she was giving us since her little one was also a may baby. but, since she just had a son a few days after christmas, i didn't think she'd have non clothes items to loan us.

that's great that you can buy some baby carriers from your coworker. i wanted to register for some but decided not to thinking i wasn't so sure if we'd use them. now we have a few options if we do decide to!

good luck on the house! that's really great that you have a back up house that you love just as much. that's a great place to be when house hunting/offering.
oh and nat i haven''t shared any names really..we are kind of mulling a few things over. greg was not keen on my favorite name but lately he has been saying that we are considering that name to people, so i think he is coming around...hehe.

so this evening i started getting a lot more lower back pain, particularly at dinner when it was really uncomfortable for me to sit up suddenly. and the kid is going crazy suddenly, like bouncing on the cervix and trying to blow out the ribcage at the same time. so fun. also i have been getting some contracts since after dinner as well, but prob still just BH, they are not painful.

jcrow, get used to the coordinated movements, eventually it''s 2-4 areas at the SAME TIME and you are like how are you doing that?? haha. that is so great you can borrow some stuff, it helps to not have to ''own'' it and store it later! our neighbors gave us some expensive lamb swing thing i would never have forked out for and i am so happy to have it for however long he needs it then we can just return it.

kimi good luck on the house!! awesome that you can try some slings and then buy what you like from your friend. i have a bjorn and hope we like it, but i still have the gift receipt in case we need to get another option. oh i also have the peanut shell.

we did perineal massage today, that was interesting hahaha but not painful, so we will try to do it daily. i ate my pineapple today also haha.

oh and after dinner i was a little freaked out so i came home and packed my bag (well most of it) so at least i have a bag mostly done just in case.

sunkist, yeah RPS said the same thing re: the ''cold'' before labor... but i''ve had this 2 days now so it feels like a real cold, sore throat is soo blah. esp since i am not sure what i can take (robitussin?) so i am just taking vit C drops and prenatals and lots of liquids. sleeping is uncomfortable so i tend to not want to do it during the day because then i won''t sleep at night, which just means i am really tired.

i realized i don''t think we have heard from steph in this last day or so? i wonder if her BH''s turned into more the next night?? and QT??
mara - i know that all docs are different, but mine let''s me take robitussin dm cough + the tylenol products.
Mara glad you got the bag packed, or most of it. Last thing you want to do is run around when things get busy, is to be looking for stuff.

Your body sure is getting ready... Lower back pain... etc...

Hoping it won''t be too long for you.

I know easier said than done but get as much sleep as you can now.. Labor at home as much as you can....It''s more comfy at home than the hospital... Within reason of course..

Aren''t you supposed to bake something?? I thought that was the PS rule of going into labor. But then again, you bake all the time. Here''s a funny thought, have Greg bake YOU some Cuppies!!! But tell him not to make a mess. No preggo needs to see a mess in the kitchen...
thanks jcrow..yeah i googled and babycenter says the same thing, we only had a little Robitussin DM Max and i took the last of it so hopefully it helps.

lol kaleigh, no baking for me tonite, too tired! i was thinking of making a meyer lemon yogurt pound cake tomorrow though sooo who knows.

hopefully he waits a few days so i can recuperate a little while before i have to labor! but i feel better knowing things are pretty much ''ready'' now just in case.
Hello, Ladies

I have a question. I don''t know if you guys have experienced this before. I am a first time mommy and next wednesday I will be approx. 36 weeks. I have been feeling sore down there. Example: When you work out and the next day your muscles feel sore, well like that I feel. It can be uncomfortable and feel my tummy getting very hard but I tend to confuse it with baby movement so I don''t know if it''s BH.

Does this mean that the bebe will be here soon? I am nervous! Blah!
Haha... I m still here. I''ve just been MIA bc my parents were in town and my laptop is out of commission since the fan went out. Nothing is happening on my end. No cramps and not dilated as of last Friday appt. But my last pregnancy, contractions, bloody show and labor just started out of nowhere at 1am (by nowhere I mean that I was dilated at 39 wks appt 3 days before going into labor and no crampings beforehand).

I didn''t read through all the posts in details on my iPhone, but just want to response to a couple of u.

Sounds like you are losing your mucous plug. So it could means something, just keep in mind that MP can regenerate. The crampings sound promising though. Like I said above, labor started out of nowhere for my last pregnancy. Bad cramps woke me up at 1am, and then I had bloody show when I used the restroom. I didn''t get any cramps at all before actual labor. I think you might be next. =)

Just wanted to say it''s normal for you to feel more pressure more early on your pelvic/crotch with each subsequent pregnancies. I felt pressure a lot earlier with this pregnancy, I think as soon as I got to 2nd trimester. I asked my dr, and he said it''s normal since it''s my second pregnancy.

Cute bellies everyone.