
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thank you ladies! These contractions feel like you need to the worst poop ever mixed with nasty period cramps! If anyone is wondering! My family is getting ready cuz I think the doctor wants me in, cuz he told me that if I feel any pain to call him. Well, I waited all night!


Thank you ladies for the well wishes! I feel like I am walking the plank here! LOL...

mtjoya - eeeks!! good luck! sending you lots of easy peasy labor vibes!!
Date: 2/4/2010 10:48:31 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 2/4/2010 4:35:59 PM

Author: jcrow

ugh. just got a call back from my doc. i failed the 1 hour glucose testing
and i''m anemic.

I failed the one hour test. Passed the 3 hour with flying colors, as did a bunch of other PSers. About 25% of women fail the first test, and only about 10% of those women actually have GD, so there is a *very* high false positive rate. Don`t worry til you take the othr test.

Did you know, though, that failing the first screen is associated with larger birthweight babies?

yeh, big babies are what i was worried about too. my mom was a 10 lb baby. i was in the 8 lb range so was my husband. and my grandmother also birthed 2 other big babies besides my mom. my mom + my grandma both had c-sections. and both are under 5'' tall.
Hi all! Thanks for all the great advice on BFing and pumping. This thread is always such a wealth of information!

Mara Julian is sooooo cute! He has such adorable cheeks. Glad things are going well doing your first few days at home.

Mtj Congrats!! Sending you good labor vibes

Burk hope things progress quickly for you.

Jcrow I failed my 1hr by 4 points but passed the 3hr without a problem. The worst thing is all those stupid needle sticks!!

So my quick update...... went to the OB yesterday, I am only 1cm dilated so she stripped my membranes.....ouch! Well I had a breakdown while I was there with her about the whole induction thing as I really want him to come out this weekend so DH can be there and not miss any tests. Well I must have been pretty pathetic cause she pulled some serious strings and is going to induce me on Sunday!! She is on call that day and convinced her partner to do the Cervidil on Saturday night so we can start the induction early Sunday morning as soon as she gets there!

I feel like a major major weight has been lifted of my shoulders. I know there is a end in sight and I am going to meet my little man soon! I am baking and sitting on my ball today. I still have high hopes that he might come out tonight! Come on contractions!!!!!
mtjoya, good luck! Hope you have a smooth and easy labor!

Burk, you''re so close! So excited for you! Sending you lots of labor dust!

KT, sending you more labor dust! Hang in there!

Very interesting that failing the first GD screen is associated with larger birth weight babies. I didn''t know that! I guess it was true for my son. Although my husband was an 8 pound baby and his sister 10+, I didn''t worry that much about a big baby because I heard that baby is usually around the birth weight of the mom. My son was born almost a month early and was 6 lbs 7 oz. That was around my birth weight and my mom was a week overdue! If I had gone full term he probably would have been well over 8 pounds.
KtIceRN - yay! things are looking up. i''m so happy you were able to get the date for your induction that you wanted. big relief i''m sure!
mtj, Sounds like things are moving right along!! Good luck!!

KT so glad your OB will induce you on Sunday. Sending lots of labor dust your way.
Jcrow- I''m so sorry to hear about the Glucose test and the anemia. Sendnig you lots of dust.
Kt- Congrats on getting the induction! Wow, only 2 days away, and you get to meet you baby!

In the last 30 minutes my day has taken a turn for the worse. I feel horrible.
Date: 2/5/2010 12:00:51 PM
Author: KtIceRN

So my quick update...... went to the OB yesterday, I am only 1cm dilated so she stripped my membranes.....ouch! Well I had a breakdown while I was there with her about the whole induction thing as I really want him to come out this weekend so DH can be there and not miss any tests. Well I must have been pretty pathetic cause she pulled some serious strings and is going to induce me on Sunday!! She is on call that day and convinced her partner to do the Cervidil on Saturday night so we can start the induction early Sunday morning as soon as she gets there!

I feel like a major major weight has been lifted of my shoulders. I know there is a end in sight and I am going to meet my little man soon! I am baking and sitting on my ball today. I still have high hopes that he might come out tonight! Come on contractions!!!!!

YAY! That''s awesome, how great of your OB!
RE: Glucose screening. Most of the women in my family have 9-10 lb babies. None of us have ever failed the glucose screening. There probably is a higher rate of bigger babies if you do fail it, but it''s definitely not a "smaller baby" sentence if you pass it.

HH~ I was very worried about a friend of my SIL''s during her pregnancy. I saw her the day she was due and she literally had a belly the size of a volleyball. She is only about 5''2" so it''s not like she had a lot of hiding room either. She was wearing her pre-preggo pants below her belly and her normal shirts. I was scared to death for her and the baby. My SIL had strongly suspected an eating disorder prior to the pregnancy and with the limited weight gain, everyone thought she had a disorder. I don''t know if she has a true disorder or not and I don''t think she would say if she did. But, her baby who is now 4 days old was well over 7 lbs and 20". Baby is perfectly healthy. So, at least take heart in the fact that babies will TAKE what they need. God willing, that little baby will be perfect no matter how K mistreats her body.

I''ve tried posting several times lately, but every time I hit the backspace button, my browser goes back a page and I lose everything!!

So, to try to catch up,
Mara~ So cute!! Your whole family is just adorable!!

All new moms~ Hope all of you are adjusting well. Those first few weeks are the hardest. Enjoy every minute with your LO''s, it really does fly by! You will be amazed how deeply you can fall in love with someone.

That''s all for now, I''ve avoided the backspace so hopefully I can post this time!!
I need advice please:

I hardly had nausea at all in the beginning of my pregnancy (maybe 2 or 3 times max), and only recently I''ve noticed that when the baby is being really active, I get nauseous. I am at 28 weeks.
Is this happening to anyone else? Did any already mommy''s experience this?

He is usually most active at night, and I can just lay down on the couch, or I am already in bed, so it doesn''t effect me. But when he gets active while I am at work, not running to the bathroom, is all I can think about.

mytjoa and KT - wishing you *serene* deliveries. can''t wait to meet your little ones!

mer - what happened in the last half hour?
LULU! I knew all along you were having a girl! Just makes sense ;) Yay! there have to be some more girls coming up for all our boys!

Mer, sorry about the nausea, how goes it now? snacks?

HH, yikes, well, the "good" news is that the baby takes the fuel first, so she is primarily hurting herself. But that isn''t good for her longterm health, and the baby might be deprived of vital nutrients and proteins. So sad. What can you do? not sure. "Mmmmm, this cupcake is just delicious, yummy, how I love eating to feed my baby!" ha. Just remember that she is sick. Yes, counseling couldn''t hurt.

Mara, wow, such cheeks! love his lips!

QT, thank you for posting your story! wow, may we all laugh our babies into the world!

AGBF! howdy! yes, I am pregnant, pretty nuts! You know with my luck he will turn out to be a right-wing reactionary.

Great information about BFing ladies, Blen, yikes, well, you have to pump somewhere!

Jcrow, I am so sorry about the GD test. I got my results yesterday too, and it was a pins and needles situation.

My GD test was negative, sugar was under 50, so yeah, I am still hypoglycemic, but that shouldn''t be an issue. I did however have a midwife last week tell me I was gaining too much, and an NP tell me it was a bit low this week. I''m just going to stop looking at the scale as it is quite frankly going to make me bonkers. The big news is that at almost 27 weeks I can finally feel my boy moving around a little! woo hoo! take that anterior placenta! Sort of like bubbles popping, very interesting.
Oh! and Kimberley, great post in that other thread, big puffy hearts. Good question; how to protect our kids from willful ignorance.
lulu- I think I might be getting nausea from the baby moving around. Whenever he does, it feels like I am on a rollercoaster and my stomach is rolling all over the place. lol

swimmer- I am doing better now, thanks. I decided that I was going to go walk a few blocks around downtown (where our office is) and try to eat some lunch. If I didn''t feel better, I was going to go home, but I think that I will be fine.

Sorry to hear that you are getting conflicting advice from your doctors. I gained about 10 lbs in 3 weeks right after Thanksgiving and freaked out for quite a while, but it seems that my gaining has leveled out, so it isn''t bothering me anymore. I''m sure your body is just doing the same thing.
mtj...yay sounds like things are progressing!! i totally recall those pains you are talking about...i had them all night the night before too but i could breathe through them ok. the next day is when things got really painful hehee. good luck lady and can't wait to see your photos and read your story!

ginger are you out there??!?! did i miss a post from her? happy that you are going to be induced on sunday! hope things go well and can't wait to see your little man, whee, he's been a very long time in coming!

so i am mostly moving over to the newborn thread now but i can't wait to see and hear the up and coming birth stories, yay!

oh and i have to just exclaim that i am so excited i pumped 4.5oz of milk this morning which is basically like 2 feedings for julian at the rate he is eating now. i am ecstatic. who knew milk production would be such a big deal. hehee.

wait isn't today friday? did i miss some photos?!?!
I don''t come over here much but wanted to say congrats to the new (and soon to be new) mamas!

Meresal, I didn''t have any nausea early in my pregnancy either but had several bouts of it in my 3rd tri - usually while I was driving to work in the morning, just after I had had something to eat and when the baby was moving a bunch. I never actually threw up but it''s not such a fun feeling. I hope it goes away for you!

re: pumping before delivery to stimulate your milk coming in - this is something I would warn against since, as another mama said, it can cause conx. I had to go in for a stress test several times towards the end of my pregnancy to determine how well my baby would handle contractions and each time they had me manually stimulate my nipples (like a pump would) to start the conx. (It was so weird to have a nurse tell me to pinch and rub my nipples... I was like, huh???) About 30 seconds after I started, cotx started. Also, while it takes some moms a while for their milk to come in, it can also take no time at all. My milk came in almost immediately.

good luck mamas and congrats!
re: nipple stim to start contrax... actually this is something that can be recommended if you are past due or want to stimulate labor. again i wouldn't be doing it at like 30 weeks or pre-term, but i did it for a few days before i went into labor and i totally could tell each time i did it, that it was doing SOMETHING. so if we HAD our pump a few days before i went into labor (which was 40w1d), i totally would have pumped to get things moving faster! and bounced on my ball more.

mere re: nausea in 3rd tri, i did read about this, that some moms have it return in 3rd tri. not fun right?? i didn't have any issues really but every once in a while i'd feel just a little sick to my stomach by the end. maybe just try your same techniques from 1st tri that worked? hang in there!
Swimmer, thanks for the complment. I am just dumbfounded by people sometimes. And scared. I like to believe that most people are logical and reasonable but then issues like that come up and I realize I''m wrong.

Monkey, if anyone else called me chubby it may have hurt my feelings, but from the person who said it it was not a big deal. Most people have said they thought I''ve put on weight, not that I''m pregnant, and are suprised to hear that I''m due in a bit more than 5 weeks. I find the reactions amusing.

Our pack''n''play is going to be used tomorrow, our floors are all tile and we have friends coming over with their 6 month old, so J is setting it up. It will be wierd to see a baby in our baby gear. I sometimes forget we''re going to have one of those at the end of all this.
can''t stay long, just a quick drive by to say:

go MTJ!!!!

yay for some progress burk!!!
hopefully the mebrane stripping will get things moving.

absolutely nothing to report from my little corner. except 5 other preggos around me with "my due date" have already given birth. and everyone feels the need to let me know. no pressure.
Mrs- What you explained is pretty much it, exactly. I wish I would just get sick and it would go away. Personally, I think nausea is worse than actually getting sick. It's the "lay and wait" feeling that is maddening... sitting at work asking myself, "will it go away, or won't it?"

Mara- Unfortunately I didn't have nausea really in the beginning so I'm not quite sure "how" to make it go away. lol. It went away today after lunch, and was replaced with my ever so awesome "throat burn", whihc I still have now, 9 hours later. Yeah!

I hope you and the family are doing well! Congratulations on the successful pumping!

Ginger- You're time will come and it will be perfect! Keep hanging in there!

Well, apparently we made it an entire BPF without a single picture!
I tired to go to the bathroom to take one and a lady popped out from around a corner and scared the crap out of me. Getting a picture at work after that was hopeless. I'll get DH to take one tonight!

What are your excuses????
Happy Super Bowl Weekend Ladies!!!
KT~Great news! Good luck with your induction! I had a great experience with my induction for my first and am guessing I''ll probably be induced this time as well.

mtj~Thinking of you!!

Ginger~Thanks for popping in... although I was so hoping you were away because you were in labor! Labor dust your way!!!

meresal~My nausea returned for a while around 28 weeks or so and hung around for a couple weeks. I just did the same stuff I did when I had it in the first tri-ate often, bland foods, coke, ect. Sorry you''ve been feeling crappy!

No real news for me. Today was my last day of work. I plan to take Tayva to daycare Monday for at least a few hours so I can get a mani/pedi, get the last of the things in order for Kade''s arrival and NAP! Oh, and I also got my Kade present tonight!! I''ll try and take some pics tomorrow and post! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mere, that still happens to me even now, at 32 weeks. I had a couple weeks of a break after my bad morning sickness and then once the baby started moving a lot, it came back when he was super active. It''s worse when my stomach is full - every kick in that direction feels like it''s shoving my food back up my esophagus. Soooo uncomfortable.

What worked for me was taking little sips of water every time it got really bad. Not only do you need the water anyway, but it seemed to push down that sensation of reflux.

And I can''t believe we didn''t get a single BPF! I took one then forgot to post it. So here is me at 32 weeks.

Happy Saturday!!

mer - sorry that your going through late-stage nausea.
I hated that part of my pregnancy and am hoping this is very short-lived for you!

mtj - hope that you are holding your daughter by now

kim - I''m sure that the PnP will have a great trial-run! have fun with your friends

burk - a mani/pedi is basically a pre-labor necessity
enjoy this time! hope to hear an exciting update soon.

MP - cute as ever!

ginger - no pressure at all
I like that ginger baby is marching to the beat of his own drum already!

As for me, we''re having a blizzard. There''s probably about two feet of snow already and it''s still pouring down from the skies. pretty incredible for this part of the country. fortunately, we still have power and I''m hoping that it doesn''t go out because it will be a whole lot cozier with heat than without. also, i need to cheer on the saints tomorrow. who dat!! one good thing about blizzards is the cooking that you do - so far we''ve enjoyed banana pancakes and are looking forward to some tasty spaghetti and meatballs. ahh comfort food.

although it''s a day late and really more like week 21 here''s my Blizzard Belly Pic

lulu and MP: You both look great! Where are the rest of the pictures...I don''t think anyone will mind seeing the pictures on a Saturday instead!

Lulu---mmm banana pancakes! I need to talk to my husband to see if he can make me some tomorrow morning!

Mer: I had nausea throughout my entire pregnancy (even threw up during labor three times--I think that was more from not being able to eat the whole time though)....I have no advice other then it does eventually go away....when you give birth.

mtj: Hope you are in a hospital somewhere either pushing or holding your little one.

To the rest of you ladies, I can''t wait to see you over on the newborn thread! Gotta go, Evan is calling for me!
Date: 2/5/2010 11:15:26 AM
Author: jcrow

Date: 2/4/2010 10:48:31 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/4/2010 4:35:59 PM

Author: jcrow

ugh. just got a call back from my doc. i failed the 1 hour glucose testing
and i''m anemic.

I failed the one hour test. Passed the 3 hour with flying colors, as did a bunch of other PSers. About 25% of women fail the first test, and only about 10% of those women actually have GD, so there is a *very* high false positive rate. Don`t worry til you take the othr test.

Did you know, though, that failing the first screen is associated with larger birthweight babies?

yeh, big babies are what i was worried about too. my mom was a 10 lb baby. i was in the 8 lb range so was my husband. and my grandmother also birthed 2 other big babies besides my mom. my mom + my grandma both had c-sections. and both are under 5'' tall.
Regarding macrosomia babies (technical definition of a big baby - over 8 lb. 14 oz. at birth), my best friend gained 70 pounds during her pregnancy, and failed her first glucose screening, then just barely passed the 3 hour test. Her baby was 10 lb. 6 oz., and had to be delivered by c-section (no dr. in the practice would even attempt to deliver a baby that big vaginally, because of the risk of shoulder dystocia).

She got annoyed because the doctors in her practice knew that she was hellbent on a natural childbirth, so they kept telling her to watch her weight, and sugar and carb intake. She was really overeating though & eating tons of sugar and carbs, so the baby turned out HUGE. I do hear though that frequently those big babies can be hereditary - if your mom had big babies, you may have one too.

DH was over 9 lbs. when he was born, and his mom was 5''3" and 85 lbs. when he was conceived, and only gained 18 pounds during the pregnancy. The picture of her holding him in the hospital right after he was born is a hoot - because she was so tiny, and he was so big, it looked like she was trying to cradle an 18 month old toddler. I have no idea how a tiny lady like her delivered such a big baby!
KT-thinking of you and M tonight and tomorrow. I hope all goes well and we hear from you or Auntie Alj soon.
Quick update from the phone. We are at the hospital now. I am 1cm diliated only so they just did the cerviadil insertion and we will be spending the night. Baby is head down and I did lose my plug this am. His heart rate is great and is reacting well to the few contractions I am having. Everything is going great so far, dad is getting super excited!

Thanks for the well wishes and alj or I will keep you posted
Best of luck for a smooth delivery KT!!!

Thinking of you MTJ!

MP when did you get to 32 weeks? You look great!

Lulu-love your photos! Beautiful belly girl!
I''m ON IT!
