
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 3/30/2010 12:53:36 PM
Author: blushingbride

Anyway, does your DH come with you for the NT scan? Mine has been by my side for all the appointments thus far so, I figured he''d come for that one too.

One more question, when did all of you start to show? When did you start buying maternity clothes? I''m sure I have a few more weeks to go before I need to buy new clothes, but just curious.

My DH has come with me to every "major" appointment - the first heartbeat, every ultrasound. The boring ones I go to alone lol.

I was in maternity pants at around 12 weeks, but I had MAJOR bloat otherwise I could have waited awhile longer. Maternity shirts I could have waited, too, but I was exploding with excitement and so I have been wearing them for just as long lol.
Date: 3/30/2010 12:53:36 PM
Author: blushingbride
Thanks Cara and Snlee for helping me to realize that I''m stressing for no reason. Although, Snlee, it''s nice to know that you''ve had the same feelings and concerns.
I guess I''m just scared of what they are going to find...ugh. I''m sure everything is fine, but I just want next week to come already! Plus, I just want to start telling people. I have a girl''s weekend planned next weekend and plan on telling most of my girlfriend then!
I can''t wait until people start to know because keeping this inside for 3 months has been rough!

Anyway, does your DH come with you for the NT scan? Mine has been by my side for all the appointments thus far so, I figured he''d come for that one too.

One more question, when did all of you start to show? When did you start buying maternity clothes? I''m sure I have a few more weeks to go before I need to buy new clothes, but just curious.
I know how you feel! I have a strong urge to spill the beans now so I''m glad I can start telling everyone soon! Sounds like your girl''s weekend is a perfect time to share your great news!

I would definitely bring your DH to your NT scan. I''ve been lucky, DH has gone to every single prenatal appointment and u/s with me during both pregnancies. His work schedule is flexible so he''s able to. It''s nice to share this experience with him.

Don''t think I started showing until 4 (to those who knew I was pregnant) or 5 months (everyone else) with DS. I think by the afternoon I''m already showing with baby #2 but I think only if you already know I''m pregnant. I''m sure with twins you''ll show earlier. With DS I bought maternity pants and started wearing them in the 1st trimester. I started wearing them super early this time around cause I bloated early and they are just so comfy! Tops you don''t have to get until the 2nd trimester.
cara, I''m not holding my breath that we''ll find out the sex tomorrow. Last time at my NT scan the tech didn''t even bother trying to look there.

Here''s a website that shows pictures of external genital organs development.
I''m still splitting my time between being uncomfortable in my work pants and wearing maternity clothes. I don''t have any maternity work clothes yet, just jeans.

Re: the NT scan. It was really not a big deal. Others have give the run down, but just FYI, they won''t tell you how the LO is measuring, but I discovered it was printed on the u/s pics they sent us home with. Even though I didn''t know the results of the scan, I felt like with the measurement everything was a-ok.

If you get a good profile shot during the scan you can upload it to and the ladies and u/s techs there will guess what you''re having. I''m not sure how accurate it is, but it''s fun anyway. They told me I was having a boy.

15 weeks today!
I was wondering what happened to you, and was hoping you''d be back with some good news!!!!

Quick thought for the preggos- The two things I wish I had done when I had a newborn: 1) Take newborn pics; and 2) Keep a daily journal.

I so wish I had professional newborn pics done, there is nothing like the newborn and it goes away FAST. So if you think you want to do them, try to schedule them BEFORE baby b/c after you''ll be too tired to even think about it. At least I was!!!

And a journal. I tried but was too tired. I so wish I had just written the little things down, you really forget everything so quickly.

Just my thoughts!
cara~ I'm not going crazy trying to eliminate caffeine, but I will cut out Mt Dew and tea. The cocoa butter thing was just shocking to me. I actually don't use much of it myself and what little I do, I'll continue. The dr actually said "Greek and Italian women" are the ones more likely to have elevated caffeine levels from the cocoa butter. Maybe they're getting something more pure?? I'm not exactly sure why I have restrictions physically. I'm not clear on how my heart rate affects hers.

jas~ I'm measuring larger because she's oriented vertically and my side abdominals seem to be forcing the uterus into a more upright position. Maybe your LO has been oriented more horizontally and stretched the uterus sideways. Also, from where your placenta is attached, maybe the uterus can't stretch in the "normal" way. As long as he/she's growing and active, I wouldn't worry. (I can say this now!) But, I totally get worrying because of another problem. Have they given you an estimated weight lately??

Re: DH at appts. My DH came to every appt with JT and has been to every appt (thus far) with this LO. If you can coordinate schedules at all, I highly advise it. DH has come up with crazy questions and concerns. He needed to hear the answers from the dr to be comfortable. It has also helped him feel a part of it all.

Re: showing. It's funny, I don't remember when I started showing this time. I know with JT I started wearing mat pants around 18 weeks, I think I was 14 weeks this time. It took until I was over 20 weeks to actually look pregnant instead of really full! But, in the past month, I've gotten really big. At 24+ weeks, I look like I'm closer to 30 weeks. But, I am measuring at 28-29 weeks, so I that's why. The dr told me yesterday he expects this LO to be around 9 lbs at term, maybe a little more.

Re: scans. Thanks for sharing all the info about these tests. I've never had one and really didn't know much about how or why they were done.

eta-ditto china. DH and I were just talking about newborn pics today. We wish we had pro pics of JT and we will try to get them done this time.
Snlee, congrats on being in your second trimester! Regarding the gender, we went to a commercial 4D US place at 16 weeks and they got a clear picture of the penis, and my girlfriend went to the same place at 16 weeks and found out they were having a girl, so from what I understand, they can definitely tell the gender at 16 weeks.

MP, good luck with DTD and giving that baby a jump start. I hope it works out for you guys!

Blushing, you''re going to love seeing your baby during the NT scan - you should definitely bring your DH with you. We had ours at 12 weeks, and I couldn''t believe how well-formed the baby''s face already is - you get to see their cute little forehead, nose & chin in profile. Also, I could totally see my son''s penis, but the tech kept saying that it was the umbilical cord. I know that they sometimes can tell the gender that early, but they usually like to wait until at least 16 weeks when it''s more definitive.

Regarding starting to show, in my first pregnancy, I didn''t start to show at all until around 16 weeks, and I was still able to hide it from almost everyone until I was around 20 weeks, but in this pregnancy, I went up a size at 6 weeks pregnant from bloat. So, I guess it varies from person to person ... twins I think start showing a lot earlier than singletons though ...

Shiny, I am so glad that everything went well at your dr''s appointment today! I''ll continue sending positive thoughts to your little one!

Jas, I am sure that everything is going to be OK if your dr. isn''t worried about it. From your belly pic, you look like a trim & petite person, so maybe that''s why you''re measuring a little small - every woman''s body & pregnancy is different. Either way, sending you good thoughts, and please keep us posted!

Cara, thanks for asking! I actually had my 37 week appointment today, and am so happy to be able to report some progress! I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated - my due date is somewhere between 4/16 - 4/19, but I wouldn''t mind having the baby a week or so early, because I can''t get comfortable enough to sleep, am getting up several times a night to pee, and still have awful heartburn.

I was so glad to hear from the doc today that my cervix is making some progress, though, because when my water broke with my first baby at 39 weeks, my cervix had never started to efface or dilate, the baby never dropped from the highest station, and it was such a struggle to get him out. The doc told me that since things are starting to efface & dilate now, I should have a much easier time delivering this baby, and maybe he''ll even come a week or so early - yay!
Just a drive-by because I wanted to share something funny my MIL sent me. She sent me an email labeled "Neat Baby Things". One was this \"Tub\". Really? Looks like a bucket to me! A REALLY expensive bucket!
chinacat- funny you mentioned newborn pics... today i actually booked a newborn session
Blushing You may have already thought of this, but since you are having twins you may or may not even want to bother with the NT scan. Usually it is a test that when used in conjunction with blood tests gives an estimate of the odds of certain birth defects. It has a relatively high false positive rate and amnio is usually recommended afterwards if a positive is detected. Anyways, most of the time, unless you would terminate based on the results, many women will choose not to do it. With twins, I would think the risk of amnio would be higher, and thus not preferrable, and also the option of termination would be null and void if only one baby was affected (or at least very risky for the uaffected twin). And I seem to recall Neatfreak saying the measurements are inaccurate for twins because it is hard to get both of them in the right position etc. Anyways, it is not a reqired test so you can look into it before you decide to even do it. BTW, I am not trying to be pro or anti the test, it is a personal decision, but I just think being pg with twins adds a layer of complication to the decision that you do not have with a single. Like every other aspect of pregnancy it seems
I imagine you could still have the scan, but what the results will mean for you is a while other issue.
Date: 3/30/2010 9:41:34 PM
Author: puppmom
Just a drive-by because I wanted to share something funny my MIL sent me. She sent me an email labeled ''Neat Baby Things''. One was this ''Tub''. Really? Looks like a bucket to me! A REALLY expensive bucket!

Whoops! Here''s the actual "Tub" link: REALLY EXPENSIVE BUCKET
Date: 3/31/2010 8:20:55 AM
Author: puppmom
Date: 3/30/2010 9:41:34 PM

Author: puppmom

Just a drive-by because I wanted to share something funny my MIL sent me. She sent me an email labeled ''Neat Baby Things''. One was this ''Tub''. Really? Looks like a bucket to me! A REALLY expensive bucket!

Whoops! Here''s the actual ''Tub'' link: REALLY EXPENSIVE BUCKET

Wow, that''s NUTS! I could buy something like that at Lowe''s, haha.

So DTD epic failed ladies - I fell asleep
Darn it, I hope this isn''t becoming a trend! We will try again tonight I suppose. I hope the rest of you are doing well today!
It''s funny that you posted that link... because it is like the *new* thing. I don''t know. Not really my thing.

The boutique place that we did our classes sell this thing, and talked it up like it was the first rising sun.
Date: 3/31/2010 8:44:40 AM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 3/31/2010 8:20:55 AM
Author: puppmom

Date: 3/30/2010 9:41:34 PM

Author: puppmom

Just a drive-by because I wanted to share something funny my MIL sent me. She sent me an email labeled ''Neat Baby Things''. One was this ''Tub''. Really? Looks like a bucket to me! A REALLY expensive bucket!

Whoops! Here''s the actual ''Tub'' link: REALLY EXPENSIVE BUCKET

Wow, that''s NUTS! I could buy something like that at Lowe''s, haha.

So DTD epic failed ladies - I fell asleep
Darn it, I hope this isn''t becoming a trend! We will try again tonight I suppose. I hope the rest of you are doing well today!
That bucket is ridiculous - $50 - really??? Andrew loved his little reclining mesh Fisher Price tub ($20) so I''m planning to just use the same one for the new little guy.

MP, sorry DTD didn''t work out last night. I told my husband that I want to start at 39 weeks - even though it''s going to be uncomfortable for everyone (he is freaked out by the baby in there), he is just going to have to take one for the team.

I just wanted to mention the Infantino Sling Carrier recall:
I had registered for one and received it back in 2006 when Andrew was born. I only put him in it twice, though, because I found it uncomfortable - he was always swinging around and didn''t stay in place while I was trying to carry him and use my hands to do stuff, which defeated the purpose. So, it''s been sitting in our basement for 3 and a half years, and I was planning to just throw it away when I heard about the recall, until today when I got an email from BRU saying that I can get a free replacement product from Infantino if I send back a portion of the old sling.

I chose this new carrier - the Infantino Wrap & Tie.
It looks like those Mei Tai carriers. Has anyone used this Infantino version, and do you like it? I am mailing in the form today, so I hope it doesn''t take forever to get the new carrier ...
Oh hey, I have one of those! It''s in my utility closet holding a mop and some cleaning supplies! Think I can still use it on the little one?

My little brother (he''s 17) just joined the FB group "MY SISTER SAYS IF I CAN GET 1 MILLION FANS SHE WILL NAME HER BABY MEGATRON" He''d better not get any ideas....
That bucket is hilarious! And mom looks oh so comfortable crouching like that
. I''d just buy a $10 bucket from walmart...
Date: 3/31/2010 1:48:27 AM
Author: dreamer_d
Blushing You may have already thought of this, but since you are having twins you may or may not even want to bother with the NT scan. Usually it is a test that when used in conjunction with blood tests gives an estimate of the odds of certain birth defects. It has a relatively high false positive rate and amnio is usually recommended afterwards if a positive is detected. Anyways, most of the time, unless you would terminate based on the results, many women will choose not to do it. With twins, I would think the risk of amnio would be higher, and thus not preferrable, and also the option of termination would be null and void if only one baby was affected (or at least very risky for the uaffected twin). And I seem to recall Neatfreak saying the measurements are inaccurate for twins because it is hard to get both of them in the right position etc. Anyways, it is not a reqired test so you can look into it before you decide to even do it. BTW, I am not trying to be pro or anti the test, it is a personal decision, but I just think being pg with twins adds a layer of complication to the decision that you do not have with a single. Like every other aspect of pregnancy it seems
I imagine you could still have the scan, but what the results will mean for you is a while other issue.
As for the ''what to do'' if one twin is affected by something, some people would just prefer to know if they are having a special needs child ahead of time even if they would do nothing. But also twin pregnancies are riskier than singletons and selective reduction is an option some people would consider under some circumstances if it gave a better chance of a survival for any of them, ie. if the unhealthy twin had a fatal issue and might induce early labor or something. I don''t think it is ''very risky'' for the unaffected twin - the procedure is more often used on higher order multiples but is ethically permitted for twin to singleton reductions, so it is probably less risky than a twin pregnancy. But enough with horrible rare possibilities.

I think Mandy had an NT with her twins and they did come up with adjusted numbers for her boys. Presumably they got their own neck measurements but had to share her blood test numbers
so its probably not as accurate as for singletons but still has some value if they can get the neck measurements.

Anyway, the *real* reason to get the NT is the pictures! Did I mention I love the pictures? OK, ok, if you are a worrier and it would not be healthy for you or the babies to go through secondary screening, which is understandably stressful, or you don''t want any screening tests done, maybe the pictures are not worth it
Or if you are a strange one and don''t like little fetus pics.
Date: 3/31/2010 11:46:32 AM
Author: cara
Date: 3/31/2010 1:48:27 AM

Author: dreamer_d

Blushing You may have already thought of this, but since you are having twins you may or may not even want to bother with the NT scan. Usually it is a test that when used in conjunction with blood tests gives an estimate of the odds of certain birth defects. It has a relatively high false positive rate and amnio is usually recommended afterwards if a positive is detected. Anyways, most of the time, unless you would terminate based on the results, many women will choose not to do it. With twins, I would think the risk of amnio would be higher, and thus not preferrable, and also the option of termination would be null and void if only one baby was affected (or at least very risky for the uaffected twin). And I seem to recall Neatfreak saying the measurements are inaccurate for twins because it is hard to get both of them in the right position etc. Anyways, it is not a reqired test so you can look into it before you decide to even do it. BTW, I am not trying to be pro or anti the test, it is a personal decision, but I just think being pg with twins adds a layer of complication to the decision that you do not have with a single. Like every other aspect of pregnancy it seems
I imagine you could still have the scan, but what the results will mean for you is a while other issue.
As for the ''what to do'' if one twin is affected by something, some people would just prefer to know if they are having a special needs child ahead of time even if they would do nothing. But also twin pregnancies are riskier than singletons and selective reduction is an option some people would consider under some circumstances if it gave a better chance of a survival for any of them, ie. if the unhealthy twin had a fatal issue and might induce early labor or something. I don''t think it is ''very risky'' for the unaffected twin - the procedure is more often used on higher order multiples but is ethically permitted for twin to singleton reductions, so it is probably less risky than a twin pregnancy. But enough with horrible rare possibilities.

I think Mandy had an NT with her twins and they did come up with adjusted numbers for her boys. Presumably they got their own neck measurements but had to share her blood test numbers
so its probably not as accurate as for singletons but still has some value if they can get the neck measurements.

Anyway, the *real* reason to get the NT is the pictures! Did I mention I love the pictures? OK, ok, if you are a worrier and it would not be healthy for you or the babies to go through secondary screening, which is understandably stressful, or you don''t want any screening tests done, maybe the pictures are not worth it
Or if you are a strange one and don''t like little fetus pics.

LOL to be totally honest, while DH and I did come to the decision that if our NT scan was bad we''d proceed with the CVS or amnio, we totally did it for the u/s! Any chance I can get to see this little bean I''ll take!
Date: 3/31/2010 1:48:27 AM
Author: dreamer_d
Blushing You may have already thought of this, but since you are having twins you may or may not even want to bother with the NT scan. Usually it is a test that when used in conjunction with blood tests gives an estimate of the odds of certain birth defects. It has a relatively high false positive rate and amnio is usually recommended afterwards if a positive is detected. Anyways, most of the time, unless you would terminate based on the results, many women will choose not to do it. With twins, I would think the risk of amnio would be higher, and thus not preferrable, and also the option of termination would be null and void if only one baby was affected (or at least very risky for the uaffected twin). And I seem to recall Neatfreak saying the measurements are inaccurate for twins because it is hard to get both of them in the right position etc. Anyways, it is not a reqired test so you can look into it before you decide to even do it. BTW, I am not trying to be pro or anti the test, it is a personal decision, but I just think being pg with twins adds a layer of complication to the decision that you do not have with a single. Like every other aspect of pregnancy it seems
I imagine you could still have the scan, but what the results will mean for you is a while other issue.

Thanks Dreamer for your post. I have been reading up on the blood test and NT scan for twins. Drs use the blood test along with the measurements of the nuchal fold to figure out the acutal risk. The ultrasound is, however, accurate in twin pregnancies. I saw Manderine posting about this a while back and she said Drs check the nuchal fold as well as the presence of the nasal bone and other things too. It's the blood test that may not be as accurate with twins.

I also know that the risk of miscarriage with an amnio and twins is something like 1 in 100 so, I'm pretty sure no matter what our results, we won't be doing that. However, I'm the kind of person who needs to know what's going on in there so, we're going ahead with it and my RE and OB told me I should get it done.

Here's hoping that all goes well and I get the results I need to ease my mind a bit!
We had some genetic testing done already by my RE when I first went to her last June. Also, our families have no history of DS so, I'm putting most of my faith and trust in that.

Cara and HH - just posted my post and then read your posts. That's the other reason why we doing it - we definitely want to see our little ones "up close and personal!"
Actually, we'll see them two days in a row as we have a scheduled visit with our OB the day before!
Hi Blushing!!!

This is a big debate between twin mommies, you have to do what you feel is right for you guys!. I absolutely wanted to have it done because all the research I did pointed that the ultrasound portion of the test was accurate (since it measures each baby). The Dr also does something to adjust the blood test results part of the tests. I knew these could still be off, but having gotten positive indicators on the ultrasound, I really didn't care about the other part of the test much.

I also liked any opportunity to see the babies! hehe....and they did look for other things there, like their membrane, placenta placements, I'm definitely happy I did it!.

I remember I waited until that u/s before I shared the news with the "world"....we had to go back a second time (maybe even a third, I can't recall) because one baby wasn't cooperating (Lucas I think!, baby B!). If my memory serves me correct, the tech at one of these u/s's told me she thought it was two boys nd she thought they were identical. I cried on the way home and thought he was nuts!!! haha. I really wanted a girl (now I can't imagine NOT having two boys!!!) and I knew there were added risks with pregnancies of identical I freaked out a bit.

I'm pretty sure I posted here that I would never see that tech again because she was just crazy. Go figure, she was right on both counts!

ETA: On showing...I think i started showing at around 13 weeks. I have weekly pictures and that's when I see the belly sticking out more (although I felt huge from like week 10! hehe...if only I had known how big I would get!!!!). I think I posted my collage of pictures week to week...maybe around my 35 weeks or so? (so around early October) Just to see the whole progression.
Random question for you ladies. My doctor''s office does the big anatomy scan in house at 18 weeks. I''m going to be in AZ at a conference that week and I''m going to see family while I''m there. I would love to be able tell them the news when I see them. Do you think the OB would be willing to move the scan back a few days so I can have it before I leave vs after?
HH, my practice does the anatomy scan in the 18-20 week range, but our doc said even though everyone wants to go as early as possible to find out the sex (which is visible even earlier than 18 weeks), that later is better to get the best views of the internal organs. She recommended waiting til 19 weeks. For some reason I am not sitting on the edge of my seat yet with anticipation and went with 19 weeks. So... kind of your preference in terms of do you want optimal viewing conditions for the whole anatomy or are you just concerned about a particular part of the anatomy? As to whether or not your OB is willing, no way to find out by asking us! They may want you to wait for reasons like my doc mentioned, or they may not mind pushing it up a few days! You certainly wouldn't be the first to try moving that scan up!

Oh you could do a private scan somewhere ahead of time if you really wanted to.
HH, I was just going to post this. But I have a friend that I was talking to last night and she is 13 weeks and went in for an U/S and the doctor asked her if she wanted to know what she was having and he was able to tell her. She also said her friend was 12 weeks when they were able to see it!! I got a little excited cause I have my 14 week appt this Friday!!!
I know I shouldn''t get too excited but I am kind of hoping they can tell me!

I was the girl who always said she never wanted to find out what the sex was until now!! I can''t wait to find out!!!
Well obv I want the scan to be as effective as possible for everything they need to see, so if they told me I had to wait I''d be disappointed but not devastated. Still...I have ants in my pants, I want to know!
Jena, we suspect we''re having a boy, based on the angle of the dangle from our 12 wk NT scan u/s pic-see below.

HH Bun 12 weeks AOD.JPG
Date: 3/31/2010 1:45:35 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Random question for you ladies. My doctor''s office does the big anatomy scan in house at 18 weeks. I''m going to be in AZ at a conference that week and I''m going to see family while I''m there. I would love to be able tell them the news when I see them. Do you think the OB would be willing to move the scan back a few days so I can have it before I leave vs after?

It never hurts to ask. If anything tell them you will be out of town for that appointment day and want to move it up a day or two.
HH are you sure that is the dangle? It looks awfully big to be the little man''s penis.
Date: 3/31/2010 11:32:31 AM
Author: Jas12
That bucket is hilarious! And mom looks oh so comfortable crouching like that
. I''d just buy a $10 bucket from walmart...

There is an optional stool that you can buy.
Date: 3/31/2010 2:46:35 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
HH are you sure that is the dangle? It looks awfully big to be the little man''s penis.

That''s what the ladies on said. It could also be the little blurry bit right below it though
We''re having a boy... but I couldn''t believe anything they said until I saw the *goods* for myself.

Our doctor guessed boy at the 18 week appt, but since we didn''t get the potty shot, I waited for the confirmation at 22 weeks. At that point, the minute that wand hit my stomach, our little man had his business right there front and center... I think he was tired of me not believing he was a boy.