
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

No baby yet, Vesper! I have been watching the university hospital where I am giving birth to see how many babies are born since it''s April Fool''s Day, and so far there are 6 newborn boys and 2 newborn girls. It''s exciting to watch them pop up! Hopefully he will decide tomorrow is a good day to arrive, too.
Lots of sticky dust to you!!

Lots of labor dust to you!!
Better start baking (if you haven''t already).

Good luck w/ the GD test.

for your cousin.
Hope she have a smooth and uneventful pregnancy.
Keep us posted.
PB sending you anti labor vibes, keep baking!!

MP awww still here??! your boy is as stubborn as mine! (and umm it doesn''t change) hehee.

re: back sleeping, i am a side sleeper and would always wake up on my back during pregnancy (i do sometimes normally)... it didn''t bother me til the end, prob the last 5-6 weeks when the weight of my uterus would make breathing hard. but it would wake me up so i''d just roll over.

gotta say after we came home from the hospital one of the best things was getting back into my own bed and SLEEPING ON MY SIDE with one leg up and no ginormous belly in the way!!! it was almost as good as the lack of heartburn hehe.
PrettyBlues, scary stuff! But your LO will be OK even if he makes a somewhat early appearance. Good luck keeping him baking for awhile longer.

Lovely! Good to hear from you!

HH, I think it is when you are uncomfortable, notice faintness or something when on your back. I wasn't been able to sleep on my back most of the first tri, but that was from the weight of my stomach on the nerve causing nausea
. Strange that I even wanted to (sleep on my back) as I'm normally a side sleeper, but the hips/legs ligament stretching-thingy made side-lying not as fun on the lower half. Oh well, time to get over it!

Well, I've been telling people right and left! Now I think I've gotten most of the biggies. A few more friends I haven't seen still will find out one day, but mostly its back to counting weeks, popping out of more clothes. But I am *definitely* smaller than a few weeks ago, which is fun cause I have a couple regular pants in rotation with the elastic band trick. Hubs was trying to guilt me about buying more mat. pants (I have only two!) and urging me to be frugal cause its only temporary... I'm like, do you realize that *none* of the old ones button? And that I'm not interested in being chronically uncomfortable for the next 6 month? With a smile, of course. I'm all for not going crazy on the temp. clothing but I need a few more options. Actually I'd be buying more mat-pants right this minute if I had a better idea of what would fit and what would be comfortable going forward. Will I actually want those full-panel pants ever? Will the low-panel pants I like now become uncomfortable later? Any advice from those BTDTs or people farther along?
Date: 4/1/2010 11:35:28 AM
Author: PrettyBlues
Hi everyone, sorry this will be a me centric post (and very long, most likely).

On Monday morning, I started experiencing some pretty bad lower back pain. It went away during the day, but came back with a vengeance in the evening. Didn''t think too much about it, and went to bed. I woke up around 6am to go to the bathroom and noticed that I had some mucous discharge, but mixed in with blood. I also had some period like cramps. Took a quick look in my books, and they said to speak to someone if this happened before 37 weeks (the bleeding), and I was only 33weeks, 6 days. So off to the hospital we went. They hooked me up to a heart rate monitor for the baby, and to check for contractions for me. While we there, I did start having contractions, I think at one point they were about every 7-10 minutes apart, and lasting 45 seconds. They decided to do an internal exam, and I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced, head at -1. They gave me a shot of steroids for the lungs, some pills to slow or stop the contractions, and some antibiotics for any kind of infection I may have.

The hospital I am meant to deliver at actually has an agreement with another hospital in the area that has a really great NICU and deals with pre-term labour (if you are under 34 weeks) so I get sent over via ambulance and admitted there. I was checked again (same dilation and effacement), hooked up to the monitors and watched. My contractions seemed to subside during the day, which was great. During the night they picked back up, started about 15-20 minutes apart while I was sleeping, and I spoke to the nurse when they had progressed to about 10 minutes apart. So back on the monitors I went, and was given more pills for the contractions. By the morning, they seemed to have subsided again, and I met with the doctor on call. He checked me, same dilation and effacement, although he said the head was now 0 or +1. But since the contractions had gone away and I was able to get the second dose of steroids, they decided to send me home, which is where I am now, on bed rest.

I was told that now that I am over 34 weeks, they will not try and stop the labour so if I start up again, I guess that will be it. I was visited by someone from NICU and we had a talk about the baby and the prognosis, which is supposed to be very good for a baby of this age. Also, we had an ultrasound last week and the estimated size was 2-2.2 kgs (around the 4.5 lb mark) which is great and his heart was strong and healthy the whole time I was hooked up to the monitors. If he came now, he would need probably need some time in the NICU, but probably only a couple of weeks.

Obviously we are hoping to keep him baking as long as possible, so any well wishes and thoughts would be greatly appreciated right now. Of course, I am glad that everything seems like it should be ok, but it is still quite overwhelming and stressful right now.

I really hope everyone else is doing ok.
PB, how scary! I had a similar hospital experience when I started having PTL at 28 weeks with my last pregnancy. The good thing is that you''re 34 weeks (yay!), much further along than I was so if baby makes an early appearance it''ll be okay! Also the steroids shots are good so your little one''s lung develops faster and the antibiotics will clear up an infection if that''s what you have, which can bring on early labor contractions. Hopefully things settle down so you can keeping baking your LO for another few weeks! Were you able to feel the contractions? If you weren''t and want to monitor them, lay down and put your finger on the side of your belly. When you have a contraction you''ll be able to feel the tightening. Take an easy and take good care of yourself!
Date: 4/1/2010 12:10:39 PM
Author: Jas12
I just checked my email on lunch hour at work (good thing not too many students are in the classroom) and started crying b/c i found out my cousin, who has gone thru 3 rounds of IVF and many other fertility treatments that failed (including loosing triplets at 12 weeks last year), just had an ultrasound and got a good strong HB on one fetus
I am so happy for them!!!!! happier than when i found out about either of my pregnancies -ha

I can''t tell anyone IRL, so i had to share over PS
jas, that''s such WONDERFUL news! I hope your cousin has a smooth pregnancy!
Date: 4/1/2010 8:42:15 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Does anyone know at what point we can''t sleep on our backs?
If I remember correctly it''s 16 weeks but it''s not something you must stop doing. At 16 weeks I tried to not sleep on my back but sometimes I''d end up there. Your body will let you know. It''ll start to get uncomfortable!
My NT scan went well yesterday. Even though I knew what to expect, it was still amazing to see our little bean moving around in there and I was so relieved to know everything looked great. So much has changed in 6 weeks, when we last saw baby! I was a little frustrated by the end of the u/s because baby wouldn''t cooperate. The tech and doctor couldn''t get a good view to measure the neck fold so I was in there for almost 1.5 hours! The tech was only able to get 1 measurement, which looked great. Still I would have liked them to get the 3 they try to get normally, just to be sure. When the doctor tried, the baby had moved into an even worse position - it was vertical, like standing up! and wouldn''t change positions for over 30 minutes no matter what I tried to do - drink more water, jump up and down, roll around, tilt up and down, just lay there. As I suspected tech wouldn''t guess the sex, said it was too early. The good thing about baby not cooperating was that we got to see our baby for over 30 minutes and a good 20 minutes straight. I''ll get the results in a week or so.

I''ve started telling more people. And if you know me, I''m starting to show, so soon everyone will know.

And since lulu asked, here are two u/s pics of baby!

pic didn't show up...trying again.

pb~ Wow. I can''t imagine how stressed you must have been at the hospital or how cooped up you probably feel now. Great that he''s at a healthy weight so I''m sure that he''d be okay if you went early. But, here''s more dust for keeping him in long enough that he doesn''t have to stay in NICU. ***************

MP~ I really expected you to have had this boy by now! Perhaps Easter weekend...

snlee~ Hope all of the tests come back good. Awwee for your little one''s pic!

RE: sleep positions. I''ve never been a back sleeper so I have no idea on that. I''m a big stomach sleeper and side sleeper. I had to quit lying flat on my stomach by around 14 weeks. It just got uncomfortable like I was laying on a soft ball. I still laid as far onto my stomach as possible until very recently. At nearly 25 weeks, I really try to stay to my side now. Otherwise I get kicked and don''t get enough sleep! But, I agree with vesper, any sleep is good sleep!

Everything is going well here. This lady has been bouncing around like crazy and that keeps me happy. I can actually tell that she''s gotten bigger too. I can identify arms from legs and head from butt when she moves. We got our stroller and carseat yesterday and I picked up a crib set today. I still haven''t decided if I''m keeping the bedding, but it was on sale so I grabbed it. There are 2 more sets online that I''d like to see too.

That''s all for now. Hope you''re all doing well!
Just checking in ..

Snlee those pics look good!!!


Oh lady you have been such the trouper!! I am away, but had to check in to see if Micah decided to make his preview...

Methinks April 1st isn''t the best bday to have..

Wishing you lots of dust, I know you are so ready to have him come out already... Hugs!!!
Aw, snlee, love those photos! Glad everything looks good!!
MP, I think Sunday would be a good day for a baby. April 4th is good luck
Yay snlee for the cute little bean!

I can''t believe I am in the second tri! No more embryo-stuff, now growing bigger! Oh my. And I like having something like a proto-preggo belly rather than the bloat one. Sure with clothes on it looks apx. the same but it makes me feel less slobby to have one with some substance behind it not just digestive issues.

MP fingers crossed for some progress!
Date: 3/31/2010 11:46:32 AM
Author: cara

Date: 3/31/2010 1:48:27 AM
Author: dreamer_d
Blushing You may have already thought of this, but since you are having twins you may or may not even want to bother with the NT scan. Usually it is a test that when used in conjunction with blood tests gives an estimate of the odds of certain birth defects. It has a relatively high false positive rate and amnio is usually recommended afterwards if a positive is detected. Anyways, most of the time, unless you would terminate based on the results, many women will choose not to do it. With twins, I would think the risk of amnio would be higher, and thus not preferrable, and also the option of termination would be null and void if only one baby was affected (or at least very risky for the uaffected twin). And I seem to recall Neatfreak saying the measurements are inaccurate for twins because it is hard to get both of them in the right position etc. Anyways, it is not a reqired test so you can look into it before you decide to even do it. BTW, I am not trying to be pro or anti the test, it is a personal decision, but I just think being pg with twins adds a layer of complication to the decision that you do not have with a single. Like every other aspect of pregnancy it seems
I imagine you could still have the scan, but what the results will mean for you is a while other issue.
As for the ''what to do'' if one twin is affected by something, some people would just prefer to know if they are having a special needs child ahead of time even if they would do nothing. But also twin pregnancies are riskier than singletons and selective reduction is an option some people would consider under some circumstances if it gave a better chance of a survival for any of them, ie. if the unhealthy twin had a fatal issue and might induce early labor or something. I don''t think it is ''very risky'' for the unaffected twin - the procedure is more often used on higher order multiples but is ethically permitted for twin to singleton reductions, so it is probably less risky than a twin pregnancy. But enough with horrible rare possibilities.

I think Mandy had an NT with her twins and they did come up with adjusted numbers for her boys. Presumably they got their own neck measurements but had to share her blood test numbers
so its probably not as accurate as for singletons but still has some value if they can get the neck measurements.

Anyway, the *real* reason to get the NT is the pictures! Did I mention I love the pictures? OK, ok, if you are a worrier and it would not be healthy for you or the babies to go through secondary screening, which is understandably stressful, or you don''t want any screening tests done, maybe the pictures are not worth it
Or if you are a strange one and don''t like little fetus pics.
I was not so blown away by the pics in the NT test... it was the 20 week scan that made me a happy camper!

Blushing My concern for moms who plan to do the NT screening but have no plans to do the amnio if the results are off is that there is such a high false positive rate -- Icannot recall the exact numbers, but of women who get a positive result on the screens, the vast vast vast majority have healthy babies. So getting a positive result is not *really* knowing, if you get me, and could cause undue worry and stress -- most likely would cause undue worry and stress, because most likely it was incorrect, but without amnio you would never know. But obviously you have thought about this and talked to your docs so I wish you the best! I am very sure that your results will be a-okay. Look forward to the Jelly bean pics.

note I am not against the tests, I had them. I just think the false positive rate is too high for them to be informative on their own without plans to follow through with amnio in the event of negative results.
pretty blues - yikes! at least you are as far along as you are.

mp - sending YOU labor vibes :]


so on my end, for a few days baby was super heavy and grinding on my bladder/intestines/vjay/something or other and i''ve been super uncomfortable. getting up, sitting, flipping over in the middle of the night, basically any time i had to move, it was no fun! but today and yesterday i''ve been feeling a bit better. thank goodness. tuesday i have an appointment where they check my cervix and do some blood work. plus we have another ultrasound.
I had my 36 week appointment today... 1 cm dialated and 70% effaced! She could feel his head! (My initial reaction...
... lol. I have been trying to keep this guy in!) We set my induction date for May 2-3, but my doc doesn''t hold much hope that I will even make it to my April 29th due date.

My parents are in town helping us move, so I have taken today and tomorrow off of work in order to get everything ready at the house. It is coming along nicely so far, my mom and I got all of the baby things over to the house today and ran TONS of errands, and tomorrow my *job* is to sit at the house and tell all the install guys where to go and what to do. (Cable, Alarm system, Ikea, etc.) So excited that everything is moving along! We were also able to get the Navy paint color made to match the bedding, and will start that, either tomorrow or Saturday. Eeeeek! So much to do!


HH- I wake up at 4 am every morning, and spend the last 1.5 hours of my sleep on my back. No problems yet. Like vesper said, anyway you can actually sleep is fine.

PB- I''m so glad they were able to keep your little one baking a bit longer! What an experience! I hope you last month and a half is less eventful than the last week.

Jas- Congratulations to your cousin! So exciting! I felt the exact same way you do, when I found out that my sister was finally able to get pregnant.

Cara- Congrats on being able to spread the news! I wear high panel pants for work (Noppies), and I have only worn low panel jeans since 25 weeks. They stretch out after a day and I have to pull them up when I stand up from a chair, but they are so much more comfortable to me than the full panel jeans.

snlee- Glad to hear the scan went well. I loved being able to see all the changes in the early ultrasounds. Our LO wouldn''t straighten out his neck for the scan either, and we ended up in there for almost an hour. I understand your frustration... but so nice to watch the little babe for as long as possible. Cute pics!
mere at my 37 week i was 50% effaced and 1cm. and i was that way til 40 weeks! so you never know, but you are effaced more than i am hehe...whee!! hang in there.
Date: 4/1/2010 8:20:06 PM
Author: dreamer_d
Date: 3/31/2010 11:46:32 AM
Author: cara
Date: 3/31/2010 1:48:27 AM
Author: dreamer_d
Blushing You may have already thought of this, but since you are having twins you may or may not even want to bother with the NT scan. Usually it is a test that when used in conjunction with blood tests gives an estimate of the odds of certain birth defects. It has a relatively high false positive rate and amnio is usually recommended afterwards if a positive is detected. Anyways, most of the time, unless you would terminate based on the results, many women will choose not to do it. With twins, I would think the risk of amnio would be higher, and thus not preferrable, and also the option of termination would be null and void if only one baby was affected (or at least very risky for the uaffected twin). And I seem to recall Neatfreak saying the measurements are inaccurate for twins because it is hard to get both of them in the right position etc. Anyways, it is not a reqired test so you can look into it before you decide to even do it. BTW, I am not trying to be pro or anti the test, it is a personal decision, but I just think being pg with twins adds a layer of complication to the decision that you do not have with a single. Like every other aspect of pregnancy it seems
I imagine you could still have the scan, but what the results will mean for you is a while other issue.
As for the ''what to do'' if one twin is affected by something, some people would just prefer to know if they are having a special needs child ahead of time even if they would do nothing. But also twin pregnancies are riskier than singletons and selective reduction is an option some people would consider under some circumstances if it gave a better chance of a survival for any of them, ie. if the unhealthy twin had a fatal issue and might induce early labor or something. I don''t think it is ''very risky'' for the unaffected twin - the procedure is more often used on higher order multiples but is ethically permitted for twin to singleton reductions, so it is probably less risky than a twin pregnancy. But enough with horrible rare possibilities.

I think Mandy had an NT with her twins and they did come up with adjusted numbers for her boys. Presumably they got their own neck measurements but had to share her blood test numbers
so its probably not as accurate as for singletons but still has some value if they can get the neck measurements.

Anyway, the *real* reason to get the NT is the pictures! Did I mention I love the pictures? OK, ok, if you are a worrier and it would not be healthy for you or the babies to go through secondary screening, which is understandably stressful, or you don''t want any screening tests done, maybe the pictures are not worth it
Or if you are a strange one and don''t like little fetus pics.
I was not so blown away by the pics in the NT test... it was the 20 week scan that made me a happy camper!

Blushing My concern for moms who plan to do the NT screening but have no plans to do the amnio if the results are off is that there is such a high false positive rate -- Icannot recall the exact numbers, but of women who get a positive result on the screens, the vast vast vast majority have healthy babies. So getting a positive result is not *really* knowing, if you get me, and could cause undue worry and stress -- most likely would cause undue worry and stress, because most likely it was incorrect, but without amnio you would never know. But obviously you have thought about this and talked to your docs so I wish you the best! I am very sure that your results will be a-okay. Look forward to the Jelly bean pics.

note I am not against the tests, I had them. I just think the false positive rate is too high for them to be informative on their own without plans to follow through with amnio in the event of negative results.
When they are using the NT scan + blood test as a screening test to refer for further testing, they can set a very lax cutoff value where most women they refer are actually false positives. My friend that was referred for further testing had 1:50 odds of something being bad. That means for women with her numbers, 98% would be false positives and 2% would be true positives that actually had some thing wrong with their fetus. The advantage of doing this is that you catch more women with affected fetuses but only marginally bad numbers.

BUT when they use NT + blood test as a detection tool (ie. saying your baby probably has X rather than just saying you have a risk of X and should get further testing) they set a much stricter standard for saying someone is positive. Just from loosely looking at the literature, it seems the standard is to set the cutoff value wherever you need to get a false positive rate of 5% - not definitive by any means, but being 95% sure of something is a whole lot different than a 2% chance. Of course, using this stricter standard, more women will be false negatives, meaning their fetus has an abnormality but the test did not detect it. But its a tradeoff made to get the false positive rate acceptably low when using the test for detection not screening.

But either way, I get your point about thinking about what you will do with the results ahead of time. Even if you are willing to get the amnio in can be a roller-coaster ride waiting and worrying. I kind of blithely assumed I would get the amnio if needed, but when I talked to my friend who ended up walking that road I realized what a treacherous ride that would have been! Not the amnio itself necessarily, but the referral and worrying.

And good to know I have something to look forward to at the 19 weeker, apart from the ever popular gender detection
Date: 4/1/2010 11:15:52 PM
Author: cara
When they are using the NT scan + blood test as a screening test to refer for further testing, they can set a very lax cutoff value where most women they refer are actually false positives. My friend that was referred for further testing had 1:50 odds of something being bad. That means for women with her numbers, 98% would be false positives and 2% would be true positives that actually had some thing wrong with their fetus. The advantage of doing this is that you catch more women with affected fetuses but only marginally bad numbers.

BUT when they use NT + blood test as a detection tool (ie. saying your baby probably has X rather than just saying you have a risk of X and should get further testing) they set a much stricter standard for saying someone is positive. Just from loosely looking at the literature, it seems the standard is to set the cutoff value wherever you need to get a false positive rate of 5% - not definitive by any means, but being 95% sure of something is a whole lot different than a 2% chance. Of course, using this stricter standard, more women will be false negatives, meaning their fetus has an abnormality but the test did not detect it. But its a tradeoff made to get the false positive rate acceptably low when using the test for detection not screening.

But either way, I get your point about thinking about what you will do with the results ahead of time. Even if you are willing to get the amnio in can be a roller-coaster ride waiting and worrying. I kind of blithely assumed I would get the amnio if needed, but when I talked to my friend who ended up walking that road I realized what a treacherous ride that would have been! Not the amnio itself necessarily, but the referral and worrying.

And good to know I have something to look forward to at the 19 weeker, apart from the ever popular gender detection
All very interesting Cara! I am only familiar with its use as a screening tool in Canada and had not heard of it being used as a diagnostic tool. Here, the triple screen is pretty automatic as far as I know. And the highlighted is why I personally feel one should only really bother with the testing *if* they would change their pregnancy plans based on the results. This was actually the advice our midwifery practice went by, because the odds of uneccesary stress are so much greater than the odds of warranted worry, and if you would not abort, then the negatives of testing outweight the positives.

The 19 weeks scan was great for me. In 100% honesty I could completely tell what he looked like in the scan. People laughed when I told them he had my chin, which I could easily see, and my nose. Sure enough, when he was born, he looked just like me
Still does. So that scan was really fun. And now I am vindicated
Snlee, what adorable US pics!

Meresal, OMG, I wonder if you are going to deliver before me! I hope that everything goes smoothly with your move.

My in-laws are coming into town tomorrow, and my MIL is planning to stay until I have the baby. I am 38 weeks today, and next week we''re going to start taking long walks, bouncing on the yoga ball & DTD. I love my in-laws, but my friends think I''m crazy to have MIL stay for up to 3 weeks before baby is born (I am hoping he''ll come closer to 39 weeks than 41). I will miss having my house to myself, but I really do need the help right now with my 3 year old, and at least this will give me a chance to organize my closets & do that other "nesting" stuff that I just don''t have the energy to do right now after chasing after Andrew all day. Plus, DH works about an hour and a half away, so I really wanted someone here who could drive me to the hospital & watch Andrew if I go into labor without having to wait until DH gets home. I was really stressing about being in labor at home with my 3 year old, and no one to watch him or drive me to the hospital ...

Oh, and I finally got my new camera, so I will take a belly pic this afternoon!
Thanks for all the good thoughts, ladies, but darn it, he''s still baking away. Come on, Micah, it''s your birthday! Nuts.
Hi guys! Here are my 38 week belly pics - first from the side:

And here''s one from the front:

Come on Micah! It''s a beautiful day to be born

Vesper - you look fantastic!!! I feel like my belly is that large at 28 wks. ahhh.

jcrow - sorry about the pressure/discomfort. babies. so thoughtless sometimes

mere - holy cow. at this point I have no idea what 70% effaced means (again, avoiding lador-related information still) but sounds exciting/scary/like you''re about to have a baby boy!!!!

as for me, due to a hectic week, I am completely off. I thought that yesterday was Wednesday and thus that today was Thursday. The good news is 1) it''s Friday and 2) I think that means I passed my GD test
. The bad news is I don''t have a BPF to post. just will have to admire all of your gorgeous bellies!!
Vesper, your belly is so cute! You can''t even tell you''re pregnant from the front. You''re all belly

Aw, lulu, I had my week all messed up, too. Except I kept thinking yesterday was Friday
Yay for passing the GD test though!
Thanks everyone!

meresal, was the tech able to eventually get a few measurements?

lulu, yay for passing your GD test! Last time I had to do the 3 hour test. I''m already hoping that I pass the 1 hour this time around!

MP, hang in there! Micah, come on out!!!

vespergirl, you look great! You''re almost there!

I woke up thinking today was Saturday then realized I had to get my butt to work!
Vesper you look next BPF pic will be submitted next Friday-4 months baby!
Date: 4/2/2010 1:10:36 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk next BPF pic will be submitted next Friday-4 months baby!

Yay! I look forward to seeing Carlos, hehe.

I am boycotting, actually, I just forgot, hah. Maybe I''ll take one later.
MP I''m holding on to my hope that M will pick Sunday to show up.

Just like a man to be late...