
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 4/2/2010 1:50:14 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
MP I''m holding on to my hope that M will pick Sunday to show up.

Just like a man to be late...

I told my husband it is all his fault, because he is always late.
Greeeeat, now I have TWO slow men in my life!
Hello Ladies!
I decided I should finally contribute to BPF.... soooo.. Here I am at 30 weeks from the side.

30 weeks.jpg
And from the front...

30 weeks front.jpg
Aw, So Excited, your little bump is so cute!
Thanks Lulu, MP, Snlee and HH!

So excited, you look great!

MP, I can''t believe that Micah is going to be late! Do you guys have plans to induce after a certain date, or are you just going to wait it out?
Thank You MP and Vesper!!! I wish I was as close to delivery as you guys are, (Actually,... Lots of Labor Dust MP!!! I''m sure your more than ready to be done!) Our little boy learned Tae Kwon Do in my belly and he is now a Brown Belt!! I think he will graduate to Black Belt of "breaking boards" or shall I say "bruising ribs" in the next few weeks.
LOL black belt! I hear you, though I never got the rib kicks - just hip bone kicks.

So I am still not much further along, a little more effaced, and now membranes stripped. I will be seeing the OB Triage for fetal monitoring if I am still pregnant next Friday, and if I am still pregnant by the 16th I get induced. Yuck! I hope he comes sooner than that!
meresal - you just scared me silly!
did you have an idea that you had been progressing?


today hubs and i took maternity photos! i was so on the fence about doing them because i just don''t love the way that i look right now. however, i really really didn''t want to regret not taking them either. so in the middle of painting [not me!], packing and preparing for the big move tomorrow, we stopped today for a few hours to get all prettied up and take pics. it was loads of fun and i can''t wait to see how they turned out.

in other me preggo news, i splurged and bought a belly bandit. it''s suppose to get your belly back in shape post pregnancy. hopefully it works!
jcrow, can''t wait to see! You''ll be glad you took those photos in a few years
Date: 4/2/2010 9:55:56 PM
Author: jcrow
meresal - you just scared me silly!
did you have an idea that you had been progressing?


today hubs and i took maternity photos! i was so on the fence about doing them because i just don''t love the way that i look right now. however, i really really didn''t want to regret not taking them either. so in the middle of painting [not me!], packing and preparing for the big move tomorrow, we stopped today for a few hours to get all prettied up and take pics. it was loads of fun and i can''t wait to see how they turned out.

in other me preggo news, i splurged and bought a belly bandit. it''s suppose to get your belly back in shape post pregnancy. hopefully it works!
I got a belly bandit too! We''re going to need to check in & see if they''re working for either of us in a couple of months ...

Can''t wait to see your pics!
MP, are you still around? I''m hoping that you''re at the hospital with your little fella on the way!
She''s still around, Micah stood her up.
Come on Micah it''s time to come out!!!!
Micah is totally taunting me. I will have painful contractions for a few hours, then they stop! He''s going to be a handful, I can tell
Date: 4/3/2010 12:47:01 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Micah is totally taunting me. I will have painful contractions for a few hours, then they stop! He''s going to be a handful, I can tell
lol yep well get ready for it now.

i am convinced J came one day late just to ''show me''...esp since i was telling everyone he would definitely be early!!! stubborn from the womb. love it.
I''m hoping the LO goes late, I''m due two weeks shy of 12 months, so I''m not eligible for the full 12 week FLMA, I get 8. So I want LO to be late. Of course s/he will probably be early because I want it the other way. Maybe I need to start thinking early and use reverse psychology...

OMG it''s so gorgeous outside today. About 75 degrees. I''m stuck at home waiting for our new hot water heater to be installed. **Sigh**
Just sneaking in here as someone who actually has the expensive ''bucket''

Okay, it is half the price over here and I got an extra 25% off as well, but agreed still more than your average bucket!

It is actually pretty good - Daisy loved it, and I could bath her in the sitting room while sitting on the sofa with no mess. You only need a very small amount of water for it to come up to their necks and so it''s easy to carry for those with bad backs. It was a godsend whenever she had tummy ache.

The bottom of it is curved so comfortable for a baby to sit on and easy to clean and there are no sharp edges round the rim.

Plus, once they grow out of it, it''s a very useful laundry bucket! We don''t have much space here so it was also ideal as it takes up so little room. If our kitchen had been done before D was born, I wouldn''t have bothered with anything, just stuck her in the double belfast sink.
Date: 4/3/2010 3:30:27 PM
Author: Pandora II
Just sneaking in here as someone who actually has the expensive ''bucket''

Okay, it is half the price over here and I got an extra 25% off as well, but agreed still more than your average bucket!

It is actually pretty good - Daisy loved it, and I could bath her in the sitting room while sitting on the sofa with no mess. You only need a very small amount of water for it to come up to their necks and so it''s easy to carry for those with bad backs. It was a godsend whenever she had tummy ache.

The bottom of it is curved so comfortable for a baby to sit on and easy to clean and there are no sharp edges round the rim.

Plus, once they grow out of it, it''s a very useful laundry bucket! We don''t have much space here so it was also ideal as it takes up so little room. If our kitchen had been done before D was born, I wouldn''t have bothered with anything, just stuck her in the double belfast sink.
You are a brave one to admit it!
Seriously, though, the design does make sense. Being able to bathe my baby in front of the TV is a benefit I had not thought of ...
And you can soak your feet/shave your legs in front of the TV also!
Date: 4/3/2010 3:52:52 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
And you can soak your feet/shave your legs in front of the TV also!
I won''t lie, I''d be doing it too. At least you''re getting your money''s worth.
Popping out of lurkdom to say Go Micah Go! You are getting the official PS Eviction Notice. Time to make your debut little man!

Mere-I was 3cm and 75% effaced at 36 weeks. I had her at 38 weeks but never went passed 3cm on my own. You just never know!
MP, have you tried baking yet?
Baking is a tried and true measure to bring labor on.... Bake away, the baby sure has baked enough....
Come on Micah!

Pretty Blues, how are you doing lady! Keep him cooking! Now of course he will be stuck in there till the end of May...

Lulu, I love your nursery ideas! On bTrendie they have Lulu dresses on sale for tiny girls, thought of you.

Pandora, you rock out your bucket! Someone sent us one from Europe, it looks fabu, no way to tip over and drown like in a hardware store bucket! So many Americans have so much space, but for those of us in tiny ancient homes (well, my 160yr old apt is not old by English standards!) there just is no way to use all this Babies R Us huge plastic equipment! I am looking forward to shaving my legs in front of the tv

OH, HH! I didn''t know about your FMLA situation. Grrr. Well, by the end you will want Carlos'' roomie out so badly you will be wishing for an early delivery, but research shows that taller ladies gestate ''em perhaps you will get your wish. I am counting down the days till the big gender reveal!

Yay Cara, I can''t wait to see your US photos!

Jcrow, good luck on your appt Tuesday! glad you are more comfortable now.

Wow Meresal! You are getting close! Good luck with house and MIL stuff.

Don''t read this if not up for dealing with bad situations/baby demise.
Regarding DD and Cara''s discussion on the NT plus bloodwork, my dear friend waited to do hers till 18 weeks, then they discovered that the nuchal measurements were off the charts and there were large pockets of fluid in the abdomen. This was their first us. They had not had an amnio or even found out the gender of their earlier child as they are super healthy and expected their baby would be as well, but seeing the looks on the Doc and tech''s faces, they did get an amnio. The results were devastating and conclusive. A less than 1% chance of survival to term b/c of a combo of super rare scenarios all present in this baby. Had they gotten this information at the NT scan earlier, they might have terminated the pregnancy at an earlier point of attachment and before telling family/friends. At 18 weeks they then waited a month for the baby to pass away on her own, going in for weekly u/s to see if the heart was still beating. They told very few people and were being given baby presents and asked questions by well meaning people while the baby was dying. A d and c at more than 5 months is not a small thing.

I get driven crazy by techs and the docs wanting to make sure that the least possible thing isn''t what is going on, but this really drove home to me that knowledge is powerful. It is just unimaginable; there were no good or easy decisions to be made, but for all of us who say that we would never have an amnio...well, when the u/s shows the neck is several times larger than the head and that the abdomen is filled with fluid sacs that will stop the heart from beating soon. Well, things change. We all have to decide how much information we want and what we would do with that information. Not to get political, but she did have choices. My own life experiences have taught me to plan for the worst and hope for the best, I don''t know that it is the happiest way to go through life, but my friend''s experiences (while I was 10wks ahead of her) just really made me reflect deeply on how little control we all have in this journey. I don''t mean to upset those of you reading, I''m still processing this all and wondering how to translate it into something useful.
Had to pop over here to congratulate Dr. Kate with her daughter''s birth. Yeah, I''m late, but Swimmer told me when you delivered and I was so excited for you!!! Your birth story has so much detail, girl! How is it being a mommy? It has to be fabulous, I just know you''re treasuring up every moment (sleepy and tired or not).

Congratulations, Mommy!!!

And Miss Blushing!!!

You were missed while you were away, and I was praying like crazy that you''d come back and share a fabulous story with us. And man, did ya!! Twins. How wonderful! I do hope your pregnancy goes well, keep in mind always that it''s a short period of time in the scheme of things and when the babies start moving around, relish those feelings forever. It''s going to be an awesome ride, girl. Just awesome!! Yay!!!!

Congratulations, and yes, TOTALLY do FB!!!
Swimmer I am very sorry for your friend, and for you, I know it is very difficult to learn about problems when you are yourself pregnant and holding onto blind faith as best you can. That type of situation is why we had the scans done.
Mara- I am definitely "hanging" in there.. or, more importantly, the baby is. I feel like he is barely hanging on. It's like I'm lower and bigger every single morning. All of my midnight trips to the bathroom seem to be harder and harder each time I roll over in bed. I'm not thinking it's going to be much longer...

Vesper- The move is going wonderfully! We got the entire nursery done, except for painting the lower wall and adding the chair rail. I hope I hold out longer than you, but it's not looking too promising to me, lol. How are you feeling? Does it *feel* like it;s almost labor time? Your belly pics look great!

Snlee- No new measurements, but just that my belly wasn't getting bigger (which has changed ALOT!)... but he is measuring right at 50th percentile.

SoExcited- You look great! I didn't realize how far along you were!

Jcrow- I'm sorry for scaring you. Unfortunately it has become worse! (Check my update at the bottom of this post!) Yay for maternity photos! I bet they look awesome! We can all do belly bandit updates. I am looking forward to seeing how this thing works.

Pandora- Like I said in my last post... everyone I have talked to that had used this thing RAVES about it. However, being so tall, I'm surprised you said that it didn't bother your back. It looks painful to be bending over like that.
(OMG about the sahving, LOL!!!)

Fiery- I'm feeling VERY much like you right now! I don't think there is any way I am going more than 2 more weeks.

**MY UPDATE**- I feel like I have tripled in size, baby is lower every morning, and I am losing my plug!!!

Here is my updated pic from Friday (36w2d):

Mere 4.2.10 36w2d.jpg
and here I am today...

Mere 4.4.10 36w4d.jpg
meresal - OMG.
i am scared now. totally scared. i''m SO not ready!

funny you mention the lower belly + the rolling over problem. i''ve been like that for a while. she''s sitting SO low and i feel her grinding around down there. rolling at night is very, very uncomfortable! i''m moaning all over the place with every little movement. i''m also finally feeling the need to pee more frequently. first time the whole pregnancy. i can still go all night without getting up, but sometimes i get up once. i''m curious to know what my doctor says tuesday.