
Can you help me decide on this OEC/OMC?


Jan 18, 2012
I've been looking for a ~9mm antique-cut diamond for about 9 months mostly on Instagram but reached out to a couple of vendors as well. I'm "value-conscious" (ha) and while I have only ever bought transitional rounds (love the symmetry, chubby arrows, checkerboard), I ended up buying this OEC (probably an OMC but not quite squared-off enough) on Instagram. It arrived and... I just can't decide. It's an L/faint brown SI2 and ~8.6 x 9.06mm (approx same face-up size as a 9mm round).

Things I like about it:
-- I already bought it. I am sick of looking for a new stone, truth be told (9 months with a $15k budget burning a hole in my pocket!). I inquired, for example, of ritaontherocks and she showed me there was basically nothing in my budget with my desired specs so my only option is to wait, patiently, for Instagram vendors to find new bargain stones. Continuing to look will not be fun - i am planning to uninstall instagram once I finalize my stone because it is bad for my brain, seriously.
-- I don't have an OMC! So, it's not duplicative of something I already have.
-- Poofy crown, but not a lot of kozibe, and the culet is relatively restrained in size, so as OMCs go I think this is to my taste!
-- Looooooooove the L/brown color. Even though I can't see it face-up (good thing I guess? wouldn't mind, it's kinda peachy and lovely) it is goooooooorgeous on a white napkin.
-- Prefer the lower clarity because I don't see anything wrong with it and don't want to pay for higher clarity!
-- The size is really wearable. Probably the sweet spot for an everyday ring for me.
-- It is bright in EVERY light. No dead spots, no mush under the table, just a really nice cut despite "fair" symmetry adding some chaos.

Things I'm not 100% sold on:
-- Am I going to be sad that it doesn't have the predictable/checkerboard faceting I have developed a taste for? N.b., it occurred to me I could probably have a huge inexpensive lab RB recut into a decent tranny if I wanted a big transitional for little $ that scratches that itch. Less likely to be able to get a lab OMC for something I'm willing to pay for lab least not for the next couple of years. Distinctive Gem's fahhhhncy lab diamonds are too $$ for me.
-- No fluorescence. I love fluorescence and it's why I will probably never trade in/trade up my original e-ring tranny which has SBF. But old cuts with fluorescence REALLY limits the options.
-- Could it be bigger? Yes. Yes, it could.

If you made it this far, awesome. Here it is:

Grade-setting inclusion is a knot at the far R of this feather - I can't feel anything with my nail, and didn't see any disruption in the facet reflection to confirm that that's really a knot, so I don't quite get what they saw.

There's a girdle feather that makes me a little nervous but it's being bezeled (will ask DK to do the setting) so once it's set I probably don't need to worry about it. A few girdle nibbles and a pretty cute natural which I enjoy, as well.

Color is gorgeous. Can you see it? It's subtle. I can't detect anything from face-up.

And, face-up, variety of lighting:

In the lineup with my trannies (1.79ct/7.8mm uncerted "L/M" in the ruby halo, 1.2ct/7.3mm EGL I with SBF in platinum):

Can you convince me to keep it? :) I think I'm leaning that way as much for the practical considerations of not continuing to look as for love of the stone itself. I 100% guarantee there is no way I will ever find another L/brown OMC that checks as many boxes as this one does.
With your last sentence in your post above, it sounds like you really want to be talked into keeping it: "I 100% guarantee there is no way I will ever find another L/brown OMC that checks as many boxes as this one does."

But, personally, these two inclusions would be enough to put me off the stone, both in locations easily whackable regardless of how you mount the stone:

omc inclusions.jpg

Of course, YMMV and all that!
With your last sentence in your post above, it sounds like you really want to be talked into keeping it: "I 100% guarantee there is no way I will ever find another L/brown OMC that checks as many boxes as this one does."

But, personally, these two inclusions would be enough to put me off the stone, both in locations easily whackable regardless of how you mount the stone:

omc inclusions.jpg

Of course, YMMV and all that!

Yeah -- I'm having a hard time judging how risky the feather inclusions are. The girdle one should be protected pretty well; the table feather, though, is pretty 'up there' and exposed. I'd insure it through Jeweler's Mutual which should (?) take some of the pressure off? I.e, if the feather is structurally significant enough for it to fail, I would be back to square 1, but I'd be able to recoup the costs via insurance and would have given this diamond a fair try. (Dumb question but: that's how insurance works, right?)
I read the whole thing, but my own opinion aside, doesn't seem like you actually love it. If you don't now, you never will. Send it back, is my answer. I'd lower your size request, go lower in color and/or up the budget or some combination thereof. This stone won't make you happy and you will be wasting money in the long run.
Yeah -- I'm having a hard time judging how risky the feather inclusions are. The girdle one should be protected pretty well; the table feather, though, is pretty 'up there' and exposed. I'd insure it through Jeweler's Mutual which should (?) take some of the pressure off? I.e, if the feather is structurally significant enough for it to fail, I would be back to square 1, but I'd be able to recoup the costs via insurance and would have given this diamond a fair try. (Dumb question but: that's how insurance works, right?)

My opinion on the inclusions is that if this is an original antique OEC - it's lasted this long. You're probably not gonna be the person to end it.
Not an expert when it comes to inclusion placement etc but the question I would ask myself (if I were you) is that you said it checks off many boxes…. But does it check off your most important boxes?

Coming from someone who also was also looking for an OMC for close to a year! Decided to take a break to re-evaluate what my high ranking boxes were :)

Of course lots of good advice from the experts above!
My opinion on the inclusions is that if this is an original antique OEC - it's lasted this long. You're probably not gonna be the person to end it.

That's what the seller said - I *kinda* buy it, but that assurance + INsurance just about does it for me - is that a reasonable way to look at it? It is (believed to be) an original antique and the girdle wear suggests that that's indeed the case.

@elizat and @AL12 -- you're both right, it isn't perfect, but I also wonder if I am letting "good enough" be the enemy of perfect! I tend to do that. Like, a lot. In life. :roll: I wouldn't be deeply sad to trade it in/sell it on in a few years, which isn't how I feel about my original e-ring stone (tranny+SBF = perfect and irreplaceable, just wish it could be fed & watered to grow to twice its size!!). In some ways, that feels a little like a good thing -- like, I will have a ring to enjoy and it won't be emotionally difficult to trade up later if I do find something perfect. I am afraid I will wait forever for perfect. (Or that tomorrow the perfect stone comes up. Literally it is impossible to know. Another reason to uninstall Instagram unless I"m actively looking for a new bauble!)

I spend rather a lot of time thinking about how much I wish I had a big diamond I could wear.

Maybe... has anybody had positive or negative experiences going for "good enough" instead of waiting for "perfect"? We are financially comfortable and I still could jump on something perfect if I saw it and figure out a way to sell this one even at a decent loss, so keeping it doesn't firmly close any doors, even though it would be quite financially inefficient to stone-hop.
It seems like you don’t have too much of a perfectionist personality and have an outlook and funds to support a swap if need be in the near or later future.

Pretty opposite of me where I want to get it right the first time without regrets. But a lot of that is deeply tied into budget!

If you can go into it loosely with “lower” expectations then maybe it’s the good enough for now diamond for you? It’ll keep you happy while you casually keep looking?

One more thought is that, I’m not positive I would bank on this particular stone being an easy sell (not that I’m at all an expert) because the inclusions may scare some people and it doesn’t have that traditional faceting that others are also drawn to.
it doesn’t have that traditional faceting that others are also drawn to.
Could you tell me more? I can't figure out what it is in the faceting I'm not completely responding to :think: but there's SOMETHING. I can't tell if "it's not a tranny" is the thing, which obviously of COURSE it isn't so I shouldn't expect it to be & just need to train my eye/get used to it, or if this isn't the right flavor of OMC for me.
Ohh I feel every single part of your journey. I upgraded recently to my holy grail and I obsessed over the internet to find it. I can’t believe my luck in finding it, but towards the end I really was feeling like I was losing my mind.

You’re not going to like my perspective, which is continue to wait. Your stone is out there, I promise, and people here can help you. I think an eye clean, warmer, 9mm stone with your budget is within reach.
I don’t love this stone, and I’m sorry to say that there isn’t much about this stone I could say to convince you to keep it. I feel like it feel like it’s lacking the beautiful chunks and broad flashiness from an OEC/OMC. $15k is a lot to put in on a diamond and you deserve to feel like every dollar was well spent.

I did a quick search of my favorite sellers on IG:

This one is just under 9mm, and video of it looks gorgeous and well under budget:

This OEC looks pretty, and from a VERY reputable jeweler among PSers:

This is a massive and beautiful OMC, much lower color at U/V, but amazing bang for your buck if you fall in love with lower color:

Don’t give up! Your stone is out there and will knock your socks off.
Ohh I feel every single part of your journey. I upgraded recently to my holy grail and I obsessed over the internet to find it. I can’t believe my luck in finding it, but towards the end I really was feeling like I was losing my mind.

You’re not going to like my perspective, which is continue to wait. Your stone is out there, I promise, and people here can help you. I think an eye clean, warmer, 9mm stone with your budget is within reach.
I don’t love this stone, and I’m sorry to say that there isn’t much about this stone I could say to convince you to keep it. I feel like it feel like it’s lacking the beautiful chunks and broad flashiness from an OEC/OMC. $15k is a lot to put in on a diamond and you deserve to feel like every dollar was well spent.

I did a quick search of my favorite sellers on IG:

This one is just under 9mm, and video of it looks gorgeous and well under budget:

This OEC looks pretty, and from a VERY reputable jeweler among PSers:

This is a massive and beautiful OMC, much lower color at U/V, but amazing bang for your buck if you fall in love with lower color:

Don’t give up! Your stone is out there and will knock your socks off.

FYI, the last gorgeous stone has already been purchased by another PSer.

I, too, feel like you could do better for your budget. How warm are you willing to go?

$15K is a good budget and I think a stone with these inclusions might be tough to flip without taking a lost.
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FYI, the last gorgeous stone has already been purchased by another PSer.

I, too, feel like you could do better for your budget. How warm are you willing to go?

$15K is a good budget and I think a stone with these inclusions might be tough to flip without taking a lost.

Thanks for the update on the last stone, I tried my best to see if they were still available and that PSer is insanely lucky!!!
I've been looking for a ~9mm antique-cut diamond for about 9 months mostly on Instagram but reached out to a couple of vendors as well. I'm "value-conscious" (ha) and while I have only ever bought transitional rounds (love the symmetry, chubby arrows, checkerboard), I ended up buying this OEC (probably an OMC but not quite squared-off enough) on Instagram. It arrived and... I just can't decide. It's an L/faint brown SI2 and ~8.6 x 9.06mm (approx same face-up size as a 9mm round).

Things I like about it:
-- I already bought it. I am sick of looking for a new stone, truth be told (9 months with a $15k budget burning a hole in my pocket!). I inquired, for example, of ritaontherocks and she showed me there was basically nothing in my budget with my desired specs so my only option is to wait, patiently, for Instagram vendors to find new bargain stones. Continuing to look will not be fun - i am planning to uninstall instagram once I finalize my stone because it is bad for my brain, seriously.
-- I don't have an OMC! So, it's not duplicative of something I already have.
-- Poofy crown, but not a lot of kozibe, and the culet is relatively restrained in size, so as OMCs go I think this is to my taste!
-- Looooooooove the L/brown color. Even though I can't see it face-up (good thing I guess? wouldn't mind, it's kinda peachy and lovely) it is goooooooorgeous on a white napkin.
-- Prefer the lower clarity because I don't see anything wrong with it and don't want to pay for higher clarity!
-- The size is really wearable. Probably the sweet spot for an everyday ring for me.
-- It is bright in EVERY light. No dead spots, no mush under the table, just a really nice cut despite "fair" symmetry adding some chaos.

Things I'm not 100% sold on:
-- Am I going to be sad that it doesn't have the predictable/checkerboard faceting I have developed a taste for? N.b., it occurred to me I could probably have a huge inexpensive lab RB recut into a decent tranny if I wanted a big transitional for little $ that scratches that itch. Less likely to be able to get a lab OMC for something I'm willing to pay for lab least not for the next couple of years. Distinctive Gem's fahhhhncy lab diamonds are too $$ for me.
-- No fluorescence. I love fluorescence and it's why I will probably never trade in/trade up my original e-ring tranny which has SBF. But old cuts with fluorescence REALLY limits the options.
-- Could it be bigger? Yes. Yes, it could.

If you made it this far, awesome. Here it is:

Grade-setting inclusion is a knot at the far R of this feather - I can't feel anything with my nail, and didn't see any disruption in the facet reflection to confirm that that's really a knot, so I don't quite get what they saw.

There's a girdle feather that makes me a little nervous but it's being bezeled (will ask DK to do the setting) so once it's set I probably don't need to worry about it. A few girdle nibbles and a pretty cute natural which I enjoy, as well.

Color is gorgeous. Can you see it? It's subtle. I can't detect anything from face-up.

And, face-up, variety of lighting:

In the lineup with my trannies (1.79ct/7.8mm uncerted "L/M" in the ruby halo, 1.2ct/7.3mm EGL I with SBF in platinum):

Can you convince me to keep it? :) I think I'm leaning that way as much for the practical considerations of not continuing to look as for love of the stone itself. I 100% guarantee there is no way I will ever find another L/brown OMC that checks as many boxes as this one does.

You don’t love it. You want to love it but you don’t. It needs to go back imo.
I didn’t read all the replies but it sounds like you’re settling. Also, in addition to the other inclusions you mentioned this stone appears to have a chip.

Could you tell me more? I can't figure out what it is in the faceting I'm not completely responding to :think: but there's SOMETHING. I can't tell if "it's not a tranny" is the thing, which obviously of COURSE it isn't so I shouldn't expect it to be & just need to train my eye/get used to it, or if this isn't the right flavor of OMC for me.

again disclaimer! I'm not an expert! I actually had to go back and read your first post again and realized that you are considering this diamond more of an OMC versus OEC. Either way you swing it, this one doesn't seem to 100% be following the traditional faceting patterns that usually attract those who like these antique cuts----but hey, antique cuts come in all shapes and forms and everyone has a personal preference. don't take my opinion too heavily as I've only started my antique cut journey for about 2 years now...I am a baby compared to some vets here :)

as far as an OMC goes, a faceting structure that seems to attract many people to this cut is seeing a distinctive smaller table in the center (usually with a dainty or strong pinwheel center or maltese center) surrounded by more chunky facets. hard to describe in words, easier in photos. when I look at your stone, it seems to kind of all blend together? but you did say the stone is very alive and has no dead spots IRL and I absolutely would believe you. i've experienced first hand how deceiving photos and seeing in person can be.
Mraaaaaaaaaagh I mean I basically know you guys are right. It's BRIGHT in every light, if I hadn't crushed my homemade ASET I bet it would look amazing in there, but @AL12 maybe it IS a deficit of chunk. I don't usually think of trannies as chunky but they do throw blobs of light, and this is more sparkly. I didn't really expect that from its videos but maybe it's due to monocular/camera vision vs two eyeballs?

@sweetpea&babycorn I saw that Alex stone, and it is probably warmer than I can go (sunny with the planned rose gold setting looks not-right to me). But I'm really willing to sacrifice clarity as my eyes age :bigsmile:
@Mreader this stone practically had all the things at the girdle; chips, natural, cavity! It was fun finding them with my loupe. I'd feel lucky to find something with a really messy girdle as the defining clarity features since it's being bezeled... Nail-biting during setting, though. :shock:

i emailed and Instagram messaged Adam about that OWD stone but he never responded; months ago I asked if he had anything in my ballpark but he didn't, didn't mention that O/P though. I'm watching Whitney's feed so obsessively for something a little bigger than that stone, it's a beauty though...!

I think O/P is my limit, although a lot depends on the tint. I could go way deeper into the alphabet with brown/peachy like this L. (That's the thing I love most about it... The color.). It's going in rose gold.

I'm not going to get to look at it in natural light tomorrow since I'm working 7am-7pm, but hopefully Sunday.
Mraaaaaaaaaagh I mean I basically know you guys are right. It's BRIGHT in every light, if I hadn't crushed my homemade ASET I bet it would look amazing in there, but @AL12 maybe it IS a deficit of chunk. I don't usually think of trannies as chunky but they do throw blobs of light, and this is more sparkly. I didn't really expect that from its videos but maybe it's due to monocular/camera vision vs two eyeballs?

@sweetpea&babycorn I saw that Alex stone, and it is probably warmer than I can go (sunny with the planned rose gold setting looks not-right to me). But I'm really willing to sacrifice clarity as my eyes age :bigsmile:
@Mreader this stone practically had all the things at the girdle; chips, natural, cavity! It was fun finding them with my loupe. I'd feel lucky to find something with a really messy girdle as the defining clarity features since it's being bezeled... Nail-biting during setting, though. :shock:

i emailed and Instagram messaged Adam about that OWD stone but he never responded; months ago I asked if he had anything in my ballpark but he didn't, didn't mention that O/P though. I'm watching Whitney's feed so obsessively for something a little bigger than that stone, it's a beauty though...!

I think O/P is my limit, although a lot depends on the tint. I could go way deeper into the alphabet with brown/peachy like this L. (That's the thing I love most about it... The color.). It's going in rose gold.

I'm not going to get to look at it in natural light tomorrow since I'm working 7am-7pm, but hopefully Sunday.

How generous is the return policy? Take a breather and look at it in every lighting and sit on it for as long as you can. I returned an OMC after splitting hairs about it for almost a full week! Opposite of you, I loved everything about it except the color!
I am not a fan of the cut. The center looks disprortionate to the edges. It’s like it is two diamonds cut and pasted together. And even though it is different from your transitionals, it is not that different.

Have you considered an antique cushion?

Agree that you do not need to wait for a perfect stone but if you are value-conscious then paying $15k for something you don’t really like is not a value.
Mraaaaaaaaaagh I mean I basically know you guys are right. It's BRIGHT in every light, if I hadn't crushed my homemade ASET I bet it would look amazing in there, but @AL12 maybe it IS a deficit of chunk. I don't usually think of trannies as chunky but they do throw blobs of light, and this is more sparkly. I didn't really expect that from its videos but maybe it's due to monocular/camera vision vs two eyeballs?

@sweetpea&babycorn I saw that Alex stone, and it is probably warmer than I can go (sunny with the planned rose gold setting looks not-right to me). But I'm really willing to sacrifice clarity as my eyes age :bigsmile:
@Mreader this stone practically had all the things at the girdle; chips, natural, cavity! It was fun finding them with my loupe. I'd feel lucky to find something with a really messy girdle as the defining clarity features since it's being bezeled... Nail-biting during setting, though. :shock:

i emailed and Instagram messaged Adam about that OWD stone but he never responded; months ago I asked if he had anything in my ballpark but he didn't, didn't mention that O/P though. I'm watching Whitney's feed so obsessively for something a little bigger than that stone, it's a beauty though...!

I think O/P is my limit, although a lot depends on the tint. I could go way deeper into the alphabet with brown/peachy like this L. (That's the thing I love most about it... The color.). It's going in rose gold.

I'm not going to get to look at it in natural light tomorrow since I'm working 7am-7pm, but hopefully Sunday.

Sorry to hear it’s been hard getting in touch with Adam, they might start seeing increased inquiring with the holiday season coming up. Try again? I hope it’s still available!

If you haven’t already, I would also recommending following xobijouxbox on IG:

I came across this stone:

Not sure if it’ll hit the 9mm mark but I bet it’ll be close. I would ask for lots of videos and whether it is certed to decide whether the price is right for you.

I agree the stone doesn’t have to be perfect, but you shouldn’t have to be convinced to keep it.
I let the seller know the stone wasn't my diamond. Sigh! I've been on Instagram all day bc just my luck the perfect one will show up when I have $$$$ tied up in not-the-perfect-one :lol:

@sweetpea&babycorn it actually was a Dolly stone - she's been so wonderful to work with. I wish I could've made it happen!! I actually reached out to Adam in March and then again just before the big antique show in ? June in case he could keep an eye out for me. Still, he's been harder (multiple emails to get one response) than I remember to get a hold of.

As time goes on, my budget gets more flexible, so I guess that's the silver lining!

@oncrutchesrightnow I think an antique cushion might be a great fit. I've reached out to an Instagram seller about one which looks perfectly cut, and though it is pretty far above what I *wanted* to spend (:oops2:) it would be doable. If you have one in mind, don't post it in case it's the one people have been sleeping on :lol:
Well, the peachy L is on its way home to the vendor, and once I decided to return it I boldly inquired after a ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS BABE of a diamond... (Whitney is holding it for me til Saturday so Real Links here)

It's basically the biggest diamond in the world which is what holds me back the most. (Yes, it's also like 2x as much as the one above, but when I say my budget gets more flexible as time goes on...! This is the top of what I think I might allow myself to spend on a diamond. Ever, maybe. :lol: )

It is a luxurious, ostentatious size. The color will be tint-y; if I could magically create a diamond from this one, I'd go down in size a wee bit, and clarity, and up a bit in color. It has faint fluorescence, which is better than none, but not as good (for me) as medium or strong. It seems to be competitively priced for 4ct, which does matter emotionally to me.

The cut seems... Chef's-kiss perfect, for an antique cushion? And maybe antique cushion SHOULD be my target, if the chaos of OMCs is too risky?


So... How about this absolute LIONESS of a diamond? It's way beyond the 9mm round test ring I tried out, but here's a scale mock-up next to the not-perfect-for-me L, which was quite close to the test ring in coverage.


(Meanwhile, the vendor of the OMC is going to check out her sources on Friday. I think I'd rather go smaller than this 4ct, all things being equal, but then again I'm no stranger to DSS and this seems pretty...DSS-proof??)
@evergreen, I am not an expert but fwiw I think it's beautiful! These larger OMCs are pretty rare. I think the faceting is very pretty. And yeah, you won't have to ever worry about coming down with DSS! I guess you just have to think through if you'll be happy with all of the specs. It would be pretty cool to own a 4+ carat diamond, just sayin lol!
Well, the peachy L is on its way home to the vendor, and once I decided to return it I boldly inquired after a ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS BABE of a diamond... (Whitney is holding it for me til Saturday so Real Links here)

It's basically the biggest diamond in the world which is what holds me back the most. (Yes, it's also like 2x as much as the one above, but when I say my budget gets more flexible as time goes on...! This is the top of what I think I might allow myself to spend on a diamond. Ever, maybe. :lol: )

It is a luxurious, ostentatious size. The color will be tint-y; if I could magically create a diamond from this one, I'd go down in size a wee bit, and clarity, and up a bit in color. It has faint fluorescence, which is better than none, but not as good (for me) as medium or strong. It seems to be competitively priced for 4ct, which does matter emotionally to me.

The cut seems... Chef's-kiss perfect, for an antique cushion? And maybe antique cushion SHOULD be my target, if the chaos of OMCs is too risky?


So... How about this absolute LIONESS of a diamond? It's way beyond the 9mm round test ring I tried out, but here's a scale mock-up next to the not-perfect-for-me L, which was quite close to the test ring in coverage.


(Meanwhile, the vendor of the OMC is going to check out her sources on Friday. I think I'd rather go smaller than this 4ct, all things being equal, but then again I'm no stranger to DSS and this seems pretty...DSS-proof??)

I have been tracking old cut prices for the last 18 mos. I can tell you this is the best deal there is right now.
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@lulu_ma that really matters to me, even though it maybe kinda shouldn't? But it does. If I'm going to the top of my budget, I'm glad to be getting an objectively fabulous stone!

@evergreen, I am not an expert but fwiw I think it's beautiful! These larger OMCs are pretty rare. I think the faceting is very pretty. And yeah, you won't have to ever worry about coming down with DSS! I guess you just have to think through if you'll be happy with all of the specs. It would be pretty cool to own a 4+ carat diamond, just sayin lol!

It's in such good shape I'm not sure it's really an old stone, but that's not important to me. I'm glad you like the cut too - I'm second-guessing my eye now, but it's definitely throwing chunks of sparkle like I *think* I prefer!!
Well, the peachy L is on its way home to the vendor, and once I decided to return it I boldly inquired after a ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS BABE of a diamond... (Whitney is holding it for me til Saturday so Real Links here)

It's basically the biggest diamond in the world which is what holds me back the most. (Yes, it's also like 2x as much as the one above, but when I say my budget gets more flexible as time goes on...! This is the top of what I think I might allow myself to spend on a diamond. Ever, maybe. :lol: )

It is a luxurious, ostentatious size. The color will be tint-y; if I could magically create a diamond from this one, I'd go down in size a wee bit, and clarity, and up a bit in color. It has faint fluorescence, which is better than none, but not as good (for me) as medium or strong. It seems to be competitively priced for 4ct, which does matter emotionally to me.

The cut seems... Chef's-kiss perfect, for an antique cushion? And maybe antique cushion SHOULD be my target, if the chaos of OMCs is too risky?


So... How about this absolute LIONESS of a diamond? It's way beyond the 9mm round test ring I tried out, but here's a scale mock-up next to the not-perfect-for-me L, which was quite close to the test ring in coverage.


(Meanwhile, the vendor of the OMC is going to check out her sources on Friday. I think I'd rather go smaller than this 4ct, all things being equal, but then again I'm no stranger to DSS and this seems pretty...DSS-proof??)

This looks like a fabulous stone and I’m so glad your budget could accommodate it! And yah, you’re not going to get an OMC like that for the listed price. I really really hope you love it! Very few PSers have regretted going larger than planned. DSS sets in FAST! I upgraded to an almost 6ct OMC to cure DSS.

Can’t wait to hear what you think of it when you get it!
I missed a lot! I do think it was a good idea to return the first diamond, if you're not having second thoughts about it in a day or two, you know you made the right choice.

Whitney is super sweet! I'm glad you found something of hers that speaks to you! Please keep us posted with pictures and videos when it arrives! It IS huge! Wow :kiss2:
@AL12 I haven't felt any regrets - I'm glad of that! I really appreciated everyone's advice to get with the program :lol:
@elle_71125 - I hope you don't mind me tagging you here, but I read that your Clover is an O AVC, and I haven't seen many people bezel warmer-yellow stones in rose gold, although that would be the plan for the massive cushion above. May I ask, how do you find that the O/P color plays with 18k RG? Did your stone have any brown undertones, or just pure yellow?