
Cloth Diapers?

puppmom|1336583269|3191150 said:
Mayerling, since minky is synthetic like microfiber, I think one wash should do it. They definitely gain absorbency over time but I think they're ready to use after one wash.

Thanks, puppmom!
I'm so done with Applecheeks. The PUL and the elastic bit the dust on my first three. Right before they died, I bought two more (the new animal print). This morning, N woke up and his pants were soaked. I thought it was because he's taken to drinking water before bed. I looked and there was ZERO stretch left in the elastic on the one side, my inserts weren't even saturated. :nono: When my first three bit the dust, I emailed them once and they were on vacation. I waited and waited...nothing. I emailed again...still nothing. :angryfire:

I also had two BGs die recently. The PUL literally disintegrated. They're 16 months old but I emailed BG anyway. It was mostly to share my wash routine and see if they thought I did something to cause it. They responded in MINUTES offering to replace them. :appl:

I have to say that even though the FB are getting a little small for N and I think they stain easier than other diapers, they are a TOUGH least in my experience. I think Phoenixgirl had PUL issues with a few of hers.
Puppmom, I'm sorry to hear about all the trouble you've been having with applecheeks. :nono: But I'm really glad that you're liking fuzzibunz as I went ahead and ordered two more after you responded about the minky inserts. :)
Aww pupp, that stinks! How many diapers do you have in rotation? I'm happy to hear BG is taking care of them for you since that's pretty much all we have right now!
Eww puppmom, sorry for the horrible experience, but thanks for the review :wavey:
Thanks, Mayerling. I hope you like the Fuzzibunz. Like I said, my only real issue with them is the sizing. DD is on the chubby side and we're pretty sure he won't make it through to potty-training in them. They also *stain* more easily. Sunning them cleans them up - I think it's just the type of fleece they use.

Kunzite, I have enough diapers in my rotation to still get me through 3 days (I think I have 29?) but only the Applecheeks and Blueberries are roomy enough for night-time stuffing. I also like to send only two snap diapers (BGs, Blueberries or Applecheeks) to daycare. I don't know why but I feel like the Fuzzibunz three snap system could be difficult for them. I know it confused MIL. So, for the moment, I'm out 3 BGs (which will be replaced shortly) and 2 Applecheeks (plus the few that died months ago). Have you used BGs for overnight?

Choro, thanks! I was seriously so upset when the diapers died. I knew I was outside of the warranty period because it's something ridiculous like 30 or 60 days but they could have at least responded to me, right? BumGenius went over my whole wash routine to see if they could help figure out what caused the breakdown and they're replacing the diapers. I really only expected them to help me figure out why the PUL *wore off* but I'm thrilled they're replacing the diapers. What's in your stash so far?
Ok I'm still so behind on this thread, BUT I have officially begun my stash! DH found 6 bum genius including a bunch of liners on CL for sale for $30 so we decided it was our chance to begin collecting some CDs! We also registered for thirsties and some others. I'm so excited!
pupp - We only use our Blueberry aplix overnight, pretty much for the same reason as you... we stuff them full! I thought about trying a BG at night but decided I didn't want to risk stretching it out.

meg - Welcome to the dark side :naughty: What BG did you get?
Meg, welcome!

Kunzite, I think I'm going to have to order a few more Blueberries. They sell them at now so I think I'll add two when I buy my sunblock. I just noticed the description on says "Stuff it with as little or as much absorbency as you need to get you through a quick trip to the store." :confused:

ETA - I just checked the description on Amazon and it says: a quick trip to the store, a long car ride, or maybe even overnight. Now, that makes more sense!
Pupp, yes, I had some PUL delamination issues with my FB, but only after a year plus of heavy use, and they always offered to replace them, even out of warranty. I guess we can't expect the diapers to last forever.

So Claire is potty training and wearing underwear all day. I'm just winging it though and am a little worried I'm doing it "wrong." We've tried in the past but she just wasn't' ready; she'd cry if she had an accident, she wasn't waking up dry, etc. Now she wakes up dry, and I'd say our days go like this: once or twice she has an accident, once or twice she asks to use the potty herself, and the rest of the time she holds it and then pees when I take her to the bathroom or sit her on her little potty. So I feel like that's good, right? But probably 75% of her poops are accidents, and only 25% are in the potty. Hmmm, better than zero I suppose.

But anyway, the reason I mention this here is that I've realized how easy cloth diapering makes potty training on the parents. I kept hearing people talk about how awful accidents were and I was basically dreading PTing, but if you can make sure the poop accidents don't fall out of the underwear, then there's no more mess or inconvenience than before when you were using diapers. I have a diaper pail ready to hold the dirty clothes, I'm washing Alice's diapers anyway . . . so what's so terrible? But if you're used to just rolling the diaper up into a ball and throwing the poop away (ew, so gross that people do that! You're supposed to flush the poop, people, no matter what kind of diapers you use!), then having to fish it out of underwear and deal with the soiled clothes is a big deal, I suppose.
We got BG pockets, although we *think* we will like covers and prefolds best, we decided it's a good idea to have options.

Anyone familiar with swaddlebees or blueberries?? We are thinking of getting some of those covers...

Also, after combing through this thread, what are the best prefolds to purchase? I know they come in various sizes and absorbancies, but what are really the top of the line and why?

Oh there is just so much to know and learn about cloth diapes!
Megumic, I like BB and SB, but I've never tried their covers. I've tried their pockets and AIOs. They're definitely one of my favorite brands. You can get some of their covers with minor fabric runs on clearance here:

Also, PSA, that you can get a free BumGenius 4.0 pocket in bubble or sweet if you spend $39 or more at Cottonbabies, plus shipping is free! Obviously, I had to get one to try. ;)

So with my toddler I had a trusty stash of 15 FuzziBunz one size and 6 mediums, and I just used those day after day for about 15 months. But with my two month old, I am thinking that when she outgrows the NB diapers I'll probably sell/donate the old stash and start fresh. I think I'll do it slowly though, so I can get a CD fix when I need one.
puppmom|1336755095|3193104 said:
I'm so done with Applecheeks. The PUL and the elastic bit the dust on my first three. Right before they died, I bought two more (the new animal print). This morning, N woke up and his pants were soaked. I thought it was because he's taken to drinking water before bed. I looked and there was ZERO stretch left in the elastic on the one side, my inserts weren't even saturated. :nono: When my first three bit the dust, I emailed them once and they were on vacation. I waited and waited...nothing. I emailed again...still nothing. :angryfire:

I also had two BGs die recently. The PUL literally disintegrated. They're 16 months old but I emailed BG anyway. It was mostly to share my wash routine and see if they thought I did something to cause it. They responded in MINUTES offering to replace them. :appl:

I have to say that even though the FB are getting a little small for N and I think they stain easier than other diapers, they are a TOUGH least in my experience. I think Phoenixgirl had PUL issues with a few of hers.

Oh no! I bought six Applecheeks when Zulily had a great sale going on. They're Size 1, so I won't use them for all of my child's CD lifetime, but now I'm apprehensive. This is exactly why people say to WAIT to buy until the baby arrives, but I've had such a hard time resisting. Please keep us updated on their customer service.
megumic|1337478805|3199462 said:
We got BG pockets, although we *think* we will like covers and prefolds best, we decided it's a good idea to have options.

Anyone familiar with swaddlebees or blueberries?? We are thinking of getting some of those covers...

Also, after combing through this thread, what are the best prefolds to purchase? I know they come in various sizes and absorbancies, but what are really the top of the line and why?

Oh there is just so much to know and learn about cloth diapes!

Meg, in my research Green Mountain Diaper prefolds seem to be a big winner. I wanted to buy some but unfortunately DH is terrified of prefolds so we're doing mostly fitteds with a few pockets and AIOs for the newborn days. I might buy a dozen prefolds anyway as a backup/to see if I can sway him...
Pinky-don't worry about the applecheeks. A-you'll use the size ones for about 2 months:-) and B-we've been using ours for over 8 months and they are still working great.

We have GMD prefolds and LOVE them, but we use them to stuff our pockets not really as prefolds with covers.
Buy two get one free flip covers at cotton that a good deal??? I think the total comes to $27...
We have been using our CDs for a month now (part time). We are rotating Bambooty easy peasy, Kissaluvs fitted or prefolds with Thirsties/Bummis covers and some WAHM AI2s. So far the bambooty's are my favourite. They haven't leaked, they are trim, super cute prints and really easy to use. The Thirsties/Bummis leave quite deep, red marks where they dig into her thighs, even though the fit looks right. It looks to me like it would be quite uncomfortable so I don't use them as much.

Bambooty is an Australian brand but from the website it looks like they ship internationally -
Bobbin, try pulling the diaper *in* at the thighs so the leg elastic sits in the crease between thighs and crotch. Sometimes, diapers have a wide crotch on them but moving the elastic in should help.
Hi Ladies! I wanted to come back and show you my stash! I have been waiting weeks to get all the diapers I bought around Earth Day in April and finally got the last order in the mail yesterday. This is what I have so far. I think that I am good for now and once bub is born and we know if we have a boy or girl I will get a few more (maybe a couple prints) that are gender specific :love:

Top row: BumGenius 4.0 Artist series in Aplix (2) blue (2) orange (2) black and (2) red; Pack of (6) Charlie Banana's w/ snaps (these are so soft inside)

Under set of CB are (1) Ribbit BumGenius Elemential w/ snaps and (1) Clementine BumGenius Freestyle w/ snaps

Middle row: (3) BumGenius Flip covers in Butternut, Noodle and Sweet; (1) BumGenius 4.0 pocket w/ aplix in Grasshopper; (2) BumGenius 4.0 pocket w/ snaps in Twilight and Moonbeam

Bottom row: (2) Rumparooz in Crimson Red and Pumpkin Orange; (2) Happy Hineys in Latte (aplix) and Black (snaps); and (1) FuzziBunz in Choco truffle.

Along the top and right side of the picture are all the inserts (newborn and reg) and flip organic prefolds.

This weekend I am going to start the diaper prep and DH has promised to put up a clothes line for me. I am very excited. :appl:

Can I ask a couple questions about the prep: Do I wash them in hot or cold and do I add detergent? I am kinda assuming that I don't need to do the entire cold, warm with detergent and final rinse cycles when they are brand new right? Can i just wash them several times in a row without drying them in between? Please let me know what you did! Thanks!!!

P.S. Why is my picture not showing?? erg......


MerryMary|1337794195|3201750 said:
Hi Ladies! I wanted to come back and show you my stash! I have been waiting weeks to get all the diapers I bought around Earth Day in April and finally got the last order in the mail yesterday. This is what I have so far. I think that I am good for now and once bub is born and we know if we have a boy or girl I will get a few more (maybe a couple prints) that are gender specific :love:

Top row: BumGenius 4.0 Artist series in Aplix (2) blue (2) orange (2) black and (2) red; Pack of (6) Charlie Banana's w/ snaps (these are so soft inside)

Under set of CB are (1) Ribbit BumGenius Elemential w/ snaps and (1) Clementine BumGenius Freestyle w/ snaps

Middle row: (3) BumGenius Flip covers in Butternut, Noodle and Sweet; (1) BumGenius 4.0 pocket w/ aplix in Grasshopper; (2) BumGenius 4.0 pocket w/ snaps in Twilight and Moonbeam

Bottom row: (2) Rumparooz in Crimson Red and Pumpkin Orange; (2) Happy Hineys in Latte (aplix) and Black (snaps); and (1) FuzziBunz in Choco truffle.

Along the top and right side of the picture are all the inserts (newborn and reg) and flip organic prefolds.

This weekend I am going to start the diaper prep and DH has promised to put up a clothes line for me. I am very excited. :appl:

Can I ask a couple questions about the prep: Do I wash them in hot or cold and do I add detergent? I am kinda assuming that I don't need to do the entire cold, warm with detergent and final rinse cycles when they are brand new right? Can i just wash them several times in a row without drying them in between? Please let me know what you did! Thanks!!!

P.S. Why is my picture not showing?? erg......

I can't see the pic... :((
meg - I've read that most people love Blueberry and Swaddlebee covers and I third the consensus that GMD prefolds are considered the best. Buy 2 get 1 free is a great deal for Flips, I think they've been running that promo for a long time so I wouldn't wait if you're going to take advantage of it :naughty:

Merry - that sounds like quite the stash! You'll need to do two separate preps, one for your synthetic diapers and one for your natural fibers. Synthetics just need to be washed once in hot with soap and dried (seal the PUL). The natural fibers should be washed/dried in hot with just a little soap between 5 - 10 times depending on who you ask! I think I did 6 for my prefolds and called it a day.
Trying the picture again! My prego brain caused me to put the wrong type of file extension on the photo -duh :roll:

Top row: BumGenius 4.0 Artist series in Aplix (2) blue (2) orange (2) black and (2) red; Pack of (6) Charlie Banana's w/ snaps (these are so soft inside)

Under set of CB are (1) Ribbit BumGenius Elemential w/ snaps and (1) Clementine BumGenius Freestyle w/ snaps

Middle row: (3) BumGenius Flip covers in Butternut, Noodle and Sweet; (1) BumGenius 4.0 pocket w/ aplix in Grasshopper; (2) BumGenius 4.0 pocket w/ snaps in Twilight and Moonbeam

Bottom row: (2) Rumparooz in Crimson Red and Pumpkin Orange; (2) Happy Hineys in Latte (aplix) and Black (snaps); and (1) FuzziBunz in Choco truffle.

Along the top and right side of the picture are all the inserts (newborn and reg) and flip organic prefolds.

- thanks for the prep info, that is very helpful!

PSA: BumGenius is running promos of buy 5 get one free. Also Rumparooz is running a buy 4 get one free on applix only. I just bought the Rumparooz deal from

Merry, nice looking stash there! If you don't feel like washing your prefolds that much, you can boil them. I used a large pot and boiled 2 at a time for about 10 mins. Line a laundry basket with 2-3 towels and toss your hot-just-boiled prefolds in there until you're all done. Then throw the whole kit-and-kaboodle into the wash on a hot cycle with extra rinse.
Merry, that's a great stash! I love stash pics :D
Great stash, Mary!! Charlie Bananas are one of my favourites, love them!

Megumi - go for it with the Flips! I have a couple but didn't start using them until just the last few weeks, but they are now one of my go-to nappies when I KNOW that bubby is going to do a massive poo :lol: Plus, even when I double-line them (usually with an Applecheeks fleece/micro insert and then an extra micro insert), they are not as bulky as a BG 4.0.
OK Ladies, I'm about ready to start deciding on my initial stash and would love some advice.

First, is there an easy way to learn how to navigate diaperswapers? While I'm still working I really don't have time to go on the site looking for listings every day. Is there an easier way?

Second, I've pretty much decided to get a mini stash for newborn / small baby sizes and go from there once we have experience and know we'll stick with CD.

So I do still want to try the Gdiaper, and have registered for the new baby kit with tinys and smalls. I've also read that the kissaluvs size 0 are really good for newborns. Besides those 2 probably some prefolds to start? maybe a couple others for once she's out of the newborn sizes?

Any tips / advice / good choices for starting CD when baby is very little? I had thought that using 'sposies at first would be easier, but the cheapskate in me really can't stand using all those newborn diapers when we could be buying one set and washing them. I'm sure we'll be doing tons of laundry anyway!

DH and I also recently got a new washer dryer and decided to get a regular top loading washer, so washing will be easier and the cycles won't be as hard to outsmart to get good cleaning.
Hi Rachel, Diaperswappers has an advanced search function: You can select "The FSOT", if you are looking for listings to purchase, or you can select any other subforum, and then search the type of diaper you are looking for. It is a massive forum, and that is the only way I've found to really navigate through searches. Otherwise, I just sift through listings. These days, I just look at clothing on there really, so just hit a few subforums.
Rachel, I had Kissa size 0 (fitted and AIO) in my new born rental package. I found it was a great size. The Kissa AIO fit E longer than my TotBot Tinis did, but the fitted + wrap lasted the longest. Until he was almost 3 months. By E was/is a chunky monkey, so you might have longer mileage with your newborn stash. I'm really glad I rented mine, because I started cylcing through with OSFM diapers when he cracked 14lbs, that was about 2+ months. I think I mentioned it on this thread.

Mama's with kiddos in daycare, how many diapers do you have in your stash? How many diapers do you leave at daycare for your kid? What's your diaper routine with day care in play?

I have 23 diapers total. We leave 7 diapers at DC. And my routine is usually doing the diaper laundry after we get home. That gives us enough to pack for the next day's daycare run, and for overnight and AM. But that usually means that we're pulling the diapers out of the dryer and packing them up for day care. I'm contemplating getting a *few* more, just to have a stash in the changing table that we can pull from and don't have to wait for the dryer to finish.

Also whose DH's does the diaper laundry too? Mine does it occasionally. He still doesn't do it "right" but whatever, not going to nit pick him and make him not want to do it. I just try to get to the diaper laundry before him.

Lastly, I started experimenting using soap nuts ( for the diaper laundry. I think they work pretty well, I gotta say.

Kunzite, how's diapering M & E going? I looked and looked but cannot for the life of me find that extra Bummi wrap. I'm sorry! :(

LC, I think 5 more diapers would really serve you well. We have about 28 (I think) and I don't have to dryer dive anymore. We keep 6 at daycare and we have 3 designated as nighttime diapers.

Interesting about soapnuts - they're on deal-a-day sites a lot. I might try them!
Pupp, I'm pretty sure my DH will NOT be happy you said that. LOL. But I think you're right, I was thinking of getting at least 4 more. I have 2 Kiss Marvels AIOs that just do NOT work for E. I want to just put them away so we don't have it in our rotation. I have 2 Thristies pockets to go into rotation, I'm just waiting for E to get big enough for them. Dryer-diving I like the term and that's exactly what we do. LOL!

Designated nighttime diapers... interesting thought. What sets them apart for you? Extra stuff-ability? Leak-proof & total poop containment? I'm intrigued because DH sometimes does E's diaper at night and he'll wake up soaked sometimes. I find it's only when he uses the Kissa Marvels or the BGs we have. I haven't noticed it with the Rumparoos or the Blueberry diaper.