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PilsnPinkysMom|1341964665|3231983 said:Yellow- many congrats to you, mama! I'm glad a cute little bum will be using your stash sooner than later. Happy and healthy 9 months!
Thanks so much! When DH and I aren't feeling nervous, we have been (cautiously) excited!
Haven- The Green Mountain Diaper website was super helpful for me, so I second YD's recommendation. There are tons and tons of brands out there, but I basically lump dipes into three groups: Prefolds/flat/fitteds + covers, pockets, and all-in-ones. There are other styles (AI2, AI3), but they're all variations on the basic diaper cover.
My diapers are all prepped and ready to go! Now this baby just needs to arrive!Stash is below, by brand. Most were new, a few were seconds or just-washed returns, and my ImseVimes are hand-me-downs:
4 GrowVia newborn AIOs
2 GrowVia OS AIOs
6 AppleCheek pockets, size 6 (Please, please, PLEASE last and fit up to 20 pounds, as you promise!)
2 BumGenius OS pockets
2 Charlie Banana OS pockets
2 LotusBumz OS pockets
2 Imagine OS pockets (Nicki's Diapers generic brand, look/feel similar to BumGenius)
2 FuzziBuns OS pocket 'elite'
2 FuzziBuns XS pocket
1 ImseVimse newborn AIO
2 ImseVimse newborn contoured + covers
12 infant-sized cotton prefolds by Imagine (up to 17 lbs)
12 small-sized cotton prefolds by Imagine (up to 25 lbs)
2 Thirsties Size 1 'Duo-Wrap' cover (should last up to 18lbs)
2 Weehuggers Size 1 cover/AI2 (up to 18 lbs)
3 Flip OS covers
4 Bumkins OS covers
2 Kissaluv size 0 fitteds (up to 15 lbs)
There are obvious gaps in this... so point them out to me, please! I want to wait till her arrival to buy more, but I'm trying to plan ahead a bit. I think we're okay for the newborn/itty bitty phase: 4 GrowVias, 3 ImseVimse, 2 FuzziBuns, 6 AppleCheeks, 12 prefolds, 2 Kissaluvs, and 4 small covers (as I doubt the OS
This is probably Exhibit A of my nerdiness but I actually created a spreadsheet showing my itemized diaper stash and the weight limits that they are purported to cover. I know this isn't fool-proof as diapers will also depend on body shape but that helped me to figure out any gaps. Your stash looks pretty healthy and is oh-so-cute, especially with your stash guard dog.As for meconium, I think it should wash out, especially in cotton. My friend has a two week old baby boy who is in prefolds (with no problems). I suppose if youre really concerned about straining, you can use liners. Sorry for the crazy format in my response. I'm posting from my phone and accidentally deleted part of your original message, and I can't seem to manage to insert my responses wherever I'd like.
Question re: diapering newborns. In our newborn care class instructor said to use disposables until baby passes all meconium stools... and then to continue using them for about three weeks! My jaw dropped! By four weeks my newborn dipes may not even fit well, depending on how big this baby is! She said that they're really hard to use with the umbilical cord stump. Did any of you CD before the stump fell off?