
Compare Your Wedding Dress With That Of The Royals

Thanks so much, junebug! I haven't even looked at them in ages!!! Weddings were much more simple back then compared to today. You need to post yours, too!

DS, same with me, I haven't looked at my wedding pictures in a long time and I admit to taking a somewhat bittersweet stroll down memory lane for a while - the pics brought back the happiness of the day, but also a little sadness by the loss of some loved ones, and a little thrown by how young everyone is lol. I don't know where the time has gone.

And imo your dress is classic and timeless and I think daughter could definitely wear it!

Deb, this was such a great idea for a thread, so fun...I am really enjoying seeing everyone's dresses and hearing stories of their weddings. Everyone looks so beautiful!

I was married in 1984 in a church. It was very hot that day and everyone looks a bit wilted in the pics! My dress had a train and I did feel a little like a princess, at least for a few hours. :P2

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I love this thread. All the brides are beautiful. I wonder if there is a classic dress that does not reflect an era or trend. Sleeves seem to be a big culprit in dating a dress. Puffy sleeves of the 70s and 80s, sleeveless, halter necks, of the 90s and 2000s, etc. Also shapes such as ball gowns of the 50s with tons of underlay petticoats or short gowns, slinky, fit and flare, mermaid for more recent times and layered/tiered dresses of the 70s and 80-s seem to date a dress. Finally veils (short, long ) and caps (60s and 70s), hats (80s)and tiaras(50s and 60s) etc add to the mix. Of course there are exceptions to these examples as each dress and bride is unique. But I wonder if there has been a design that has stood the test of time. For example a scoop neck with cap sleeves and empire design with minimal lace and beading accents? A simple veil?
I love this thread. All the brides are beautiful. I wonder if there is a classic dress that does not reflect an era or trend. Sleeves seem to be a big culprit in dating a dress. Puffy sleeves of the 70s and 80s, sleeveless, halter necks, of the 90s and 2000s, etc. Also shapes such as ball gowns of the 50s with tons of underlay petticoats or short gowns, slinky, fit and flare, mermaid for more recent times and layered/tiered dresses of the 70s and 80-s seem to date a dress. Finally veils (short, long ) and caps (60s and 70s), hats (80s)and tiaras(50s and 60s) etc add to the mix. Of course there are exceptions to these examples as each dress and bride is unique. But I wonder if there has been a design that has stood the test of time. For example a scoop neck with cap sleeves and empire design with minimal lace and beading accents? A simple veil?

OT but I think about this when I see some new fashion trend that every store seems to be pushing. Recently it was half bell sleeves (not sure what to call it) but they were everywhere. Before that it was the plaid baby doll dresses - a mashup of multiple 90s trends that should have stayed in their era imho :lol: Sure to look dated almost immediately

I think the less embellishment and simpler the lines, the more a dress will stand the test of time.
Fun video on 100 years of bridal fashion:
whitewave, your flowers are beautiful. :love:
I love this thread. All the brides are beautiful. I wonder if there is a classic dress that does not reflect an era or trend. Sleeves seem to be a big culprit in dating a dress. Puffy sleeves of the 70s and 80s, sleeveless, halter necks, of the 90s and 2000s, etc. Also shapes such as ball gowns of the 50s with tons of underlay petticoats or short gowns, slinky, fit and flare, mermaid for more recent times and layered/tiered dresses of the 70s and 80-s seem to date a dress. Finally veils (short, long ) and caps (60s and 70s), hats (80s)and tiaras(50s and 60s) etc add to the mix. Of course there are exceptions to these examples as each dress and bride is unique. But I wonder if there has been a design that has stood the test of time. For example a scoop neck with cap sleeves and empire design with minimal lace and beading accents? A simple veil?

My grandma wore a knee length blue dress. Married 59 years as of last week!

Married in October 2013. Sort of... All over the place.
DH was out of work on disability but in order to access his 401k for some expenses, we needed the legal paperwork done (besides making it easier for me to get the Drs to do stuff!). Us plus three friends at the courthouse before work one morning (well, for all but DH who could barely stand at this point). Jeans and sweater, nothing fancy and no rings.
A week later, we did the ketubah at the synagogue and DH insisted I should wear my dress since we had already called the ceremony portion off. Rabbi surprised us with random guests so we had a minyan to do the blessings. I wore a white scarf thing since DH didn't think bare shoulders would be appropriate there.
Then wedding pictures at the winery where we had planned to do the ceremony and still had a (very) small reception.


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DS, same with me, I haven't looked at my wedding pictures in a long time and I admit to taking a somewhat bittersweet stroll down memory lane for a while - the pics brought back the happiness of the day, but also a little sadness by the loss of some loved ones, and a little thrown by how young everyone is lol. I don't know where the time has gone.

And imo your dress is classic and timeless and I think daughter could definitely wear it!

Deb, this was such a great idea for a thread, so fun...I am really enjoying seeing everyone's dresses and hearing stories of their weddings. Everyone looks so beautiful!

I was married in 1984 in a church. It was very hot that day and everyone looks a bit wilted in the pics! My dress had a train and I did feel a little like a princess, at least for a few hours. :P2

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You guys look so sweet!
There is...

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First pictures...grapes of wrath?

In all seriousness, I hope those brides and grooms had as much fun as we all did on our "day".

We were 21! But no champagne because the reception was at the church! I think we were just as happy without spending $25K+ for the wedding!

I agree! I think the total for our wedding was probably less than 1500 plus the flowers. Our reception was at the church too, and was cake, punch and mints we made ourselves, and nuts. Our families had food and people over to their respective houses. They wouldn't do it together but each wanted only their own friends. My family wanted to serve alcohol and DH's family did not. It was interesting to go to both. Afterwards, we went to our little empty apartment that had a card table, two lawn chairs, a 10 inch black and white tv and a twin bed, and a bedroom lamp. We were so happy. The next morning we woke up to all the tires being taken off DH's truck and the inside filled with tires and junk, thanks to DH's brother.
Conversely, our daughter had two weddings, at over 25K each. They were both lovely and I did both of them as that is not really DD's thing, and she wanted me to. I am thankful to have only one daughter! My boys are out of luck. May contribute financially but that's it.
Being a royal would be helpful so you wouldn't have to do it all yourself, but that is probably one of the very few things I would like about it.
A lot of hot looking brides on PS.
Starfacet, not only is your gown beautiful, but you made it yourself! You are so talented! It is incredible to me that you made so many garments for the wedding (I, who cannot sew at all). Thank you so much for sharing the photo and its history. It is stories like this that make up the fabric of Pricescope. We all have our own tales, our own chronicles, but unless we talk about something special in a thread, we often do not share them. I love your story.

Deb :wavey:
Aaawww, thanks Deb! I love this thread too because I love to see everyone's personality! I dig all the dresses, no matter the era.

I've always loved bridal. My first degree/career was in fashion design so that's why I wanted to make all the clothes for my wedding. Several years ago, I ran a website selling bridal accessories. Now I'm working up some wedding invitation designs for sale on Etsy. I'll never not love weddings!
She’s dressed like an Elf (Lady Galadriel)!!!
She’s dressed like an Elf (Lady Galadriel)!!!

I would've worn her dress but it was a thick material (Feb wedding) and when I married my ex our wedding was in August. It was a bit plain for me anyway, I think she was smaller than me back then.
I agree! I think the total for our wedding was probably less than 1500 plus the flowers. Our reception was at the church too, and was cake, punch and mints we made ourselves, and nuts. Our families had food and people over to their respective houses. They wouldn't do it together but each wanted only their own friends. My family wanted to serve alcohol and DH's family did not. It was interesting to go to both. Afterwards, we went to our little empty apartment that had a card table, two lawn chairs, a 10 inch black and white tv and a twin bed, and a bedroom lamp. We were so happy. The next morning we woke up to all the tires being taken off DH's truck and the inside filled with tires and junk, thanks to DH's brother.
Conversely, our daughter had two weddings, at over 25K each. They were both lovely and I did both of them as that is not really DD's thing, and she wanted me to. I am thankful to have only one daughter! My boys are out of luck. May contribute financially but that's it.
Being a royal would be helpful so you wouldn't have to do it all yourself, but that is probably one of the very few things I would like about it.

Our situations are very similar with wedding and reception! We have two daughters, and they each get one wedding (paid by us!) The older one got married in late 2010 the other should be engaged sometime this year. Similar budget, too. That's just the max I'll spend on a one day celebration. Your daughter was very fortunate you'd do a second one. Oh, and one more similarity, my daughter totally let me plan hers, too!
I don’t think we spent more than a few hundred pounds on our wedding :lol:

I paid for both licences, £12.50, about £100 on booze, and a couple of hundred tops on food.

We started married life with our own home, all new furniture and fittings, which was more important to us than entertaining relatives and acquaintances we hadn’t seen for years.

I would do exactly the same again now, nearly 40 years later. I’ve already told potential DIL that we don’t believe in extravagant weddings, so if that’s what they want, they better start saving because we won’t be paying for it. I don’t think DS would want that anyway, far too practical, like us :D
We had a summer wedding in the late 90s at a historical venue. My priorities were the flowers, cake and my tiara so my dress was very inexpensive. My mother did most of the planning which was a huge blessing.
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You and your husband make a beautiful couple, Rubybrick. You are incredibly svelte and elegant. Thank you for sharing those photos.

Deb :))
@Mayk Stunning. Just simply stunning :love:

Hi, Mayk-

Yes, I saw that I did not comment on the photo above. The gown was lovely in the photo of it alone, but the photo of it on you as you and your husband left the reception (at least that looked as if that was what you were doing!), was exquisite. That photo could be in "Vanity Fair" or some other high end fashion magazine! "Stunning" about sums it up!

Deb :wavey: