
Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Setting

Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

missy|1317688637|3032511 said:
Frankie, thanks for taking all this time and energy to post this thread. I think the info contained here is invaluable to others who want to go the custom route and especially for those who want a halo ring. I am sorry some people have been judgmental when all you were doing was being generous and kind in posting this info. Congrats on having the ring of your dreams! It is a gorgeous ring and may you wear it in good health and happiness!!


Thanks for posting the detailed pics, Frankie!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

MissStepcut|1317687612|3032495 said:
Is is just the picture or are the VC prongs not symmetrical against the shank?

i do think it's just the photo. here's a photo to help visualize the prongs precisely pointing at each corner of the table on the diamond :

Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

for comparison's sake...

here are LM's prongs, each rests precisely on the kite facet of the diamond (so the diamond is set "off square") :


the halo is round and even. the problem is the excess, somewhat uneven metal that came between the diamond and the halo.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

SK's prongs ... in addition to different sized prongs, they are also pointing at different directions (use the corners of the table as reference points) :


in this photo you can also start to see bumpy / uneven parts of the halo - most prominently the pave diamonds and metal between the upper left and upper right prongs - sizes of melee diamonds are not even (some a bigger reaching beyond the halo, also the outer frame of the halo look bumpy and not a smooth perfect circle.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

frankiextah|1317705015|3032686 said:
SK's prongs ... in addition to different sized prongs, they are also pointing at different directions (use the corners of the table as reference points) :


in this photo you can also start to see bumpy / uneven parts of the halo - most prominently the pave diamonds and metal between the upper left and upper right prongs - sizes of melee diamonds are not even (some a bigger reaching beyond the halo, also the outer frame of the halo look bumpy and not a smooth perfect circle.

I can clearly see the issues, Frankie, in this photo . They'd drive me nuts too. I also saw the pricing before you deleted it ( :wink2: ) and honestly, to me especially at that pricing such matters are clearly not acceptable, but even if the price was let's say $1.5k lower they'd still be unacceptable. I have to say with my LM's 3-stone ring, he charged me a bit over $2k for the plain setting (no halo, no pave) and even so I am not happy with how he's set the sidestones and his prongs (though very very beautiful - I personally just love his dainty tiny prongs :love: ) are placed all over the place, in terms of how they are positioned relative to the stones' arrows and inconsistent from one stone to another (Ok this particular point - I did not instruct him so I am not counting it as a QC/QA issue but someone else might as the whole thing is supposed to be superior and aesthetically pleasing). He also made my ring 1/4 size smaller than what I'd instructed him - by phone, by email and also clearly stated on the WO - just 1/4 size has made a difference to me as I can now only wear it on my LH when it was supposed to be a RHR. So anyway, the point of this threadjack is to say that everyone is particular about certain thing(s) but the QC/QA issues that you faced and that I now face (the sidestones being unevenly set, the sizing) are just not acceptable, not when these artisans hold themselves out to be the best in their chosen profession.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

frankiextah|1317703556|3032675 said:
MissStepcut|1317687612|3032495 said:
Is is just the picture or are the VC prongs not symmetrical against the shank?

i do think it's just the photo. here's a photo to help visualize the prongs precisely pointing at each corner of the table on the diamond :

I can see that they point exactly at the corners of the "square," but they appear to come at that point at different angles relative to the other planes, even in your zoomed-in photo. Like, the degrees from the center of the prong relative to the side of the "square" is different for each prong, rather than a continuation of the 45 degree diagonal angle.

I am very nervous about "the prong issue" for my own e-ring, and it seems like perfection just isn't possible. At any price point.

ETA: it's possible my mind is playing tricks on me. I just looked again and it didn't seem as dramatic as the last time I looked.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

frankie I remember you posted a video before explaining how diamonds were set off you know why victor did not set it this way?
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

awesome thread!!! thanks for posting and I love your ring!!! glad you are happy :love:
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

MissStepcut|1317708320|3032713 said:
frankiextah|1317703556|3032675 said:
MissStepcut|1317687612|3032495 said:
Is is just the picture or are the VC prongs not symmetrical against the shank?

i do think it's just the photo. here's a photo to help visualize the prongs precisely pointing at each corner of the table on the diamond :

I can see that they point exactly at the corners of the "square," but they appear to come at that point at different angles relative to the other planes, even in your zoomed-in photo. Like, the degrees from the center of the prong relative to the side of the "square" is different for each prong, rather than a continuation of the 45 degree diagonal angle.

I am very nervous about "the prong issue" for my own e-ring, and it seems like perfection just isn't possible. At any price point.

ETA: it's possible my mind is playing tricks on me. I just looked again and it didn't seem as dramatic as the last time I looked.

I can see what you are talking about MissStepcut. At such a zoomed in view, it does look like the bottom left prong is a bit off from the point of the square. This certainly is not a criticism to VC's work. I really did not notice it at all, unless looking closing at this very zoomed in photo. I would never notice in real life and this clearly does not detract from the beauty. I actually kind of like it! I makes it unique....I like to think of handmade jewelry as an art not a science! :twirl:
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

I think Victor's prongs are about as perfect as it gets!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

as a reminder to all, please note that the zoomed in VC photo in fact has a bit of a flaw - the ring was shifted a teeny tiny bit to the right when the photo was taken, so as a result, when the photo is highly zoomed in, the perspective is ever so slightly warped, and therefore may look a touch off. let me try to see if i can take a more accurate photo. but trust me, according to my crazy eagle eyes and OCD detail obsession, i think VC's prongs are pretty much as good as it gets. :rodent:

another interesting thing i'd like to point out is that one should be mindful that each prong MUST rest in the space in between 2 melee diamonds, otherwise there is other way to place the prongs unless there is an air space between the center stone and the halo. with that, be sure to discuss with your jeweler how many pave diamonds you want on the halo. i specifically indicated 20 diamonds so that there would be 5 pave diamonds in between the prongs. SK's ring only had 18 so the spaces were 4/5/4/5 pave diamonds in between the prongs, and therefore might have contributed to the prongs not positioning at a consistent angle.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

slg47|1317756327|3033148 said:
frankie I remember you posted a video before explaining how diamonds were set off you know why victor did not set it this way?

Hi slg47,

i specifically asked VC to do this so that the prongs won't cover the "arrows" on the diamond. when the diamond is set off square, as you can see on LM's setting, the prongs are covering 4 of the 8 arrows on the diamond. this is one sacrifice that i was willing to make, and believed that VC would do a good job in setting my diamond securely regardless.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

MissStepcut|1317708320|3032713 said:
frankiextah|1317703556|3032675 said:
MissStepcut|1317687612|3032495 said:
Is is just the picture or are the VC prongs not symmetrical against the shank?

i do think it's just the photo. here's a photo to help visualize the prongs precisely pointing at each corner of the table on the diamond :

I can see that they point exactly at the corners of the "square," but they appear to come at that point at different angles relative to the other planes, even in your zoomed-in photo. Like, the degrees from the center of the prong relative to the side of the "square" is different for each prong, rather than a continuation of the 45 degree diagonal angle.

I am very nervous about "the prong issue" for my own e-ring, and it seems like perfection just isn't possible. At any price point.

ETA: it's possible my mind is playing tricks on me. I just looked again and it didn't seem as dramatic as the last time I looked.

MS this level of zoom is really not how you should assess the prongs on your future ring, please promise you will not, or I am afraid you will guarantee that not be satisfied! Perfection at that level of analysis is absolutely not possible, at any pricepoint as you said!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

OMG Victor's prongs are set perfectly!! It's almost unbelievable. This man's work is impeccable. Careful analysis of his work, methods, and practices continue to amaze me. I'm so happy a vendor like that is available to PS. Someone's work that can hold up to our "nit-pickiness" and do so with a great attitude. Many of our vendors already do, but VC takes it slightly to another level!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

DreamerD, I am starting to think I should keep 1) loupes and 2) high res cameras far, far away from my e-ring. As much as I would like to indulge PS in the high res photos... my mental health is worth more :P
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

MissStepcut|1317788627|3033586 said:
DreamerD, I am starting to think I should keep 1) loupes and 2) high res cameras far, far away from my e-ring. As much as I would like to indulge PS in the high res photos... my mental health is worth more :P

I've decided to do the same! I don't want to continue finding (or seeing) flaws in my ring and diamond of my e-ring. Then, something that is supposed to be so sentimental to me would bum me out every time I saw it. :( And unfortunately, I am not as fortunate as someone like Frankie to remake my ring until it is "mind clean." So I would be tortured. ;(

This is another reason I am so grateful to Frankie for this thread. IMO, posts like these are what PS is about! And if I ever want to have a halo ring made, I plan on following Frankie's details to the "T." It would save me from wanting to undergo a remake process I may not have the funds for. So getting it right the first time for folks like me is crucial.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Thank you for the comparison photos!

Very interesting but of course, with any project; revision after revision does create a more perfection vision.

Glad you found the one!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Thank you for the informative post. Though I have always wanted a Leon, seeing those side by side, I have to say I like the Victor Canera one best. Great thread!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Wonderful post. I personally appreciate the attention to detail executed in both your expectations and ultimately the final result. This is your money, and your personal project so feel free to nit pick;)

I'm disappointed that you were criticized and attacked by other PS members, sometimes we forget 'the golden rule'.

Wear your beauty in good health.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

I am happy for you for finally getting the ring exactly how you want it to be. I agree with all your assessments. VC's ring looks the best. Thanks for taking the time explaining your thoughts and assessments and showing informative comparison photos. This helpful thread saves me lots of time, headache, and money experimenting. When I want to get a halo ring next, I shall definitely go to VC and ask for your setting.

Sorry that you have to endure unnecessary criticism. This is the exact reason why I do not share my bad experience here, because I think there are some very loyal members who are very protective of the PS sponsored vendors. It is very unfortunate indeed, because bad expereince is just as valuable information to share as good experience.

Thanks again for sharing.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set


You have really inspired me! My dream was to get a harry winston inspired cushion cut micro pave ring, but as soon as I saw your round halo, I changed my mind. I am now upgrading my current stone and will be setting it in a round halo similar to either your victor creation or the steven kirsch creation...I love them both.

I have been a lurker for a couple of years now but felt compelled to let you know that by you sharing your experiences, it has helped me and I am sure many other ps'ers immensely!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Thank you for taking the time to do such a thorough thread! Like a previous poster had mentioned, when I saw your resets I kept thinking, "But it looks fantastic" but now I can clearly see the differences. All 3 versions I like but what a treat to see 3 different subtle versions. Hope you enjoy your gorgeous ring and thanks again for the post :)
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Hi Frankie

Very insightful and helpful. Would you mind letting me know the price differential between VC and SK?

Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Hi Frankie,

I've been a long time lurker and followed your journey (not closely but enough to know that you finally have your perfect setting :appl: ). My husband has given me the green light to get a new setting for my e-ring. Since I live in LA, I would like to have Victor do a custom setting. I find your setting to be very femine and dainty and would like to do something similar. When I do contact Victor, I would like to refer to some of your specs (e.g. shank width). So I was wondering if Victor knows you as 'Frankie.' If I tell Victor, 'I would like a setting similar to Frankie's with some differences' will he know who I'm talking about?

Thanks in advance and congrats on a very beautiful ring.
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set


I am curious to know why for the victor canera setting you did not do the additional row of melee underneath the halo as you did on the Steven K setting. I am just wondering because I am thinking of doing something similar to your Steven K setting and wanted to know if there was any negatives regarding that setting in regards to the double row pave?

Appreciate your feedback!
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

eh613c|1319147404|3044443 said:
Hi Frankie,

I've been a long time lurker and followed your journey (not closely but enough to know that you finally have your perfect setting :appl: ). My husband has given me the green light to get a new setting for my e-ring. Since I live in LA, I would like to have Victor do a custom setting. I find your setting to be very femine and dainty and would like to do something similar. When I do contact Victor, I would like to refer to some of your specs (e.g. shank width). So I was wondering if Victor knows you as 'Frankie.' If I tell Victor, 'I would like a setting similar to Frankie's with some differences' will he know who I'm talking about?

Thanks in advance and congrats on a very beautiful ring.

yes of course! he knows me as Frances but he will also know it's me if you mention either names! congrats on the new setting opportunity and victor will take care of you from start to finish! can't wait to see your ring soon ! :)
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Thanks Frankie! By the way, I wanted to ask you about the 5mm donut, why did you choose to have it? Is it for structural integrity or aesthetics? The reason why I'm asking is because I want to wear an eternity band and with the donut, the band will not be flush against it. So I'm wondering if I should ask VC to make me a custom eternity band. I don't mean to hijack the thread but I was wondering if you could post a pic of your e-ring with your wedding band (if that's what how you wear your ring everyday).
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Ooohhh, your ring is absolutely gorgeous Frankie. :love:
This is one of the most informative posts I think I've ever read on PS. :read: Thank you for taking the time to do the comparison.
I'm lucky to own one of Victor's creations and although I haven't had a chance to compare these two other vendors, I can see a huge difference in craftsmanship from HW. I've taken a very close look at HW rings under loupe magnification. This gives me even more appreciation for my ring. =)
I'm thinking of getting a matching band to my ring and wearing it the same way as you. Have you notice the band scratching pretty badly, any down sides?
Re: Comparison Photos of my Victor Canera, SK, Leon Ring Set

Wow! Thank you so much Frankie for this info. My fiance and I are still "in the process" of getting my ring haloed and the info you provided has helped me ALOT! I've always wondered how to explain to the jeweler what I don't want, i.e. the "flower" halo look, and from your specs I can explain that better now...Thanks again! Oh and by the way I Love your new VC ring :love: