
Conspiracy Theories

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Don''t know much about the finance stuff & medical stuff but some of the 9/11 stuff is pretty compelling. But, as requested, I won''t "go there". LOL.

Date: 3/5/2009 11:23:07 AM
Author: Maisie
My husband thinks that Ben and Jerry (Ice cream makers) are two bitter and twisted old men who have been so seriously hurt by women that they have committed their lives to making gorgeous ice cream. The plan is for women to love it so much that they will eat too much and end up fat and miserable
Love it!!! Don''t tell him about the Keebler Elves ... I think they''re in on it too!
Date: 3/5/2009 1:34:35 PM
Author: Bia
Ever seen Eyes Wide Shut MC? The craziness that goes on in parts of that movie was supposedly based on the Illuminati. FIs all over the topic. He is convinced it really happens in these supremely wealthy subpopulations. AND that they''re wannabe-occultists, doing all kinds of crazy things

LOL He cracks me up.
Bia - I haven''t seen it. . .I just checked Netflix and the movie with Tom Cruise popped up. Is that the right one? lol If I do get it from Netflix and the government finds out, will they track me down and follow me around in white cars with exempt liscense plates?
Date: 3/5/2009 1:38:54 PM
Author: CrookedRock

Date: 3/5/2009 10:06:24 AM
Author: purrfectpear
The moon landing was faked. We've never been there
Hmmm... Interesting that we've never been back though.
Totally. Why haven't we gone back?

Have you heard that in the reflection in the helmet of one of the astronauts, you can see an alien or space ship or something? AND, that there is glass on the moon from buildings that use to be there. . .and that is why the moon is so shiny!
Date: 3/5/2009 1:40:12 PM
Author: decodelighted
Don't know much about the finance stuff & medical stuff but some of the 9/11 stuff is pretty compelling. But, as requested, I won't 'go there'. LOL.
I agree with you deco.
FYI~ I'm all for discussing some of the more serious conspiracies ( 9/11, moon landing, Presidents, global warming
,whatever) so if someone wants to start another thread to discuss, go for it.
I'm loving the funny ones!!!
Yeah well I have you guys beat.

Mr. Fiery believes that the government has machines which causes "natural" disasters. He says that the machines are stored under water which is why we haven''t explored much of the ocean even though we have the equipment to do so.

Never a dull moment in case Fiery.
Date: 3/5/2009 1:38:54 PM
Author: CrookedRock

Date: 3/5/2009 10:06:24 AM
Author: purrfectpear
The moon landing was faked. We''ve never been there
Hmmm... Interesting that we''ve never been back though.
Anybody watch MythBusters? They did an episode where they showed that all of the fake-moon-landing theories are total cr@p. It was one of my favorite episodes. But, of course, the Illuminati might be behind the show and doing it to throw us off.
Date: 3/5/2009 1:52:15 PM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 3/5/2009 1:38:54 PM
Author: CrookedRock

Date: 3/5/2009 10:06:24 AM
Author: purrfectpear
The moon landing was faked. We''ve never been there
Hmmm... Interesting that we''ve never been back though.
Anybody watch MythBusters? They did an episode where they showed that all of the fake-moon-landing theories are total cr@p. It was one of my favorite episodes. But, of course, the Illuminati might be behind the show and doing it to throw us off.
Here''s a doozie...

Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Aliyah (is that her name... the girl who died in a plane crash or something a few years back?) didn''t really die and are, instead, living on an island together somewhere.
Date: 3/5/2009 4:08:53 PM
Author: oobiecoo
Here''s a doozie...

Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Aliyah (is that her name... the girl who died in a plane crash or something a few years back?) didn''t really die and are, instead, living on an island together somewhere.
Her name is Aaliyah and yea, I''ve heard this too...apparently Tupac is there too!
Date: 3/5/2009 4:08:53 PM
Author: oobiecoo
Here''s a doozie...

Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Aliyah (is that her name... the girl who died in a plane crash or something a few years back?) didn''t really die and are, instead, living on an island together somewhere.

Oh did they join the Dharma Intiative???
Date: 3/5/2009 1:40:12 PM
Author: decodelighted
Don''t know much about the finance stuff & medical stuff but some of the 9/11 stuff is pretty compelling. But, as requested, I won''t ''go there''. LOL.

Date: 3/5/2009 11:23:07 AM
Author: Maisie
My husband thinks that Ben and Jerry (Ice cream makers) are two bitter and twisted old men who have been so seriously hurt by women that they have committed their lives to making gorgeous ice cream. The plan is for women to love it so much that they will eat too much and end up fat and miserable
Love it!!! Don''t tell him about the Keebler Elves ... I think they''re in on it too!
Lol! I had to go and google Keebler Elves because I have never heard of them. We seriously need those products over here! I feel like I am missing out!
I was watching a thing on the history channel a couple weeks ago about the "dog-man" that apprently resides in the Milwaukee area.
Half wolf/dog - half man. Ya.
Date: 3/5/2009 10:21:01 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
FI and I aren''t conspiracy theorists, but we love to read about them because they''re dramatic. We love reading books/watch documentaries about the Illuminati and the Freemasons and the occult. FI was a philosophy major, so I think a lot of the appeal for him is seeing how people connect theories with events. I just love adventure and controversial stories.

Haven''t finished the rest of the replies yet, but wanted to say that husband and I love those types of shows too! Some of it really makes you wonder!
I have another one for ya...

According to FI: Kurt Cobain, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix didn''t really die from suicide/cancer/overdose...but instead were murdered...for being too ''ahead of their time.''

I think Elvis is alive and well in Michigan. At a Burger King.
I am not really into conspiracy theories in general, but I am not entirely sure we landed on the moon either. My FI gives me this look when I tell him things like this -
Date: 3/5/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: MC

Date: 3/5/2009 1:38:54 PM
Author: CrookedRock

Date: 3/5/2009 10:06:24 AM
Author: purrfectpear
The moon landing was faked. We''ve never been there
Hmmm... Interesting that we''ve never been back though.
Totally. Why haven''t we gone back?

Have you heard that in the reflection in the helmet of one of the astronauts, you can see an alien or space ship or something? AND, that there is glass on the moon from buildings that use to be there. . .and that is why the moon is so shiny!
I''m hoping that your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek. Please tell me it is.
Lol Fiery sounds like your FI listens to a little to much Hed PE.

It''s a music group, pretty hardcore, but they like to talk in their songs about the freemasons and the illuminati and what have you.
Oh my goodness. All I have to say is that I just finished a seminar (that has NOTHING to do with conspiracy theories) and I had a guy in my class (an undergrad) who would bring up conspiracy theories about new world orders and the Rockefellers every time he raised his hand. It was ridiculous - just because the class had nothing to do with any of that!
Date: 3/6/2009 4:28:42 AM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Oh my goodness. All I have to say is that I just finished a seminar (that has NOTHING to do with conspiracy theories) and I had a guy in my class (an undergrad) who would bring up conspiracy theories about new world orders and the Rockefellers every time he raised his hand. It was ridiculous - just because the class had nothing to do with any of that!
Hmmm, if my man were still a student I might think you were talking about him!

Craziness, I tell you!
Date: 3/6/2009 9:47:03 AM
Author: Bia
Date: 3/6/2009 4:28:42 AM

Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

Oh my goodness. All I have to say is that I just finished a seminar (that has NOTHING to do with conspiracy theories) and I had a guy in my class (an undergrad) who would bring up conspiracy theories about new world orders and the Rockefellers every time he raised his hand. It was ridiculous - just because the class had nothing to do with any of that!
Hmmm, if my man were still a student I might think you were talking about him!

Craziness, I tell you!

lol! This guy was just SO persistent. At the end of the last class, he offered to send anyone who was interested his final paper, which was going to take an alternative (conspiracy heavy) perspective on a decidedly un-conspiracy theory topic....
I actually WILL go as far as to say that I HONESTLY do not believe Tupac to be dead. I think he is either in Witness protection or is in another country. I think someone was hunting him. Why do I say this?
A) we have gotten several songs, including duet recordings from, and several poetry books from him since his death.... I think there was a whole album released at one point.
b) Gang wars would and could lead to something like this.

He''s the ONLY artist that passed away that I believe this about though. Left Eye, Aaliyah, Elvis, they''re all gone.
Date: 3/6/2009 10:14:34 AM
Author: dragonfly411
I actually WILL go as far as to say that I HONESTLY do not believe Tupac to be dead. I think he is either in Witness protection or is in another country. I think someone was hunting him. Why do I say this?
A) we have gotten several songs, including duet recordings from, and several poetry books from him since his death.... I think there was a whole album released at one point.
b) Gang wars would and could lead to something like this.

He''s the ONLY artist that passed away that I believe this about though. Left Eye, Aaliyah, Elvis, they''re all gone.
I think he''s dead, and Suge arranged for it. In 1994 when Tupac was in prison he made a deal with Suge to get him out. Suge paid 2 million on the premise that Tupac would go to Death Row and put out several albums. After "All eyes on me" did so well, Tupac thought that he and Suge were "even". They were arguing about that before his death...with both of them feeling like they were owed money. Then one night gunfire hits the car they were both in, and Suge gets out with barely a scratch.
Lucky - I remember that, but I''ve also always felt that maybe that part was always part of the stage for him as well. Again, how do we explain all of the prior to death releases?
Date: 3/5/2009 11:46:45 PM
Author: HollyS

Date: 3/5/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: MC

Totally. Why haven't we gone back?

Have you heard that in the reflection in the helmet of one of the astronauts, you can see an alien or space ship or something? AND, that there is glass on the moon from buildings that use to be there. . .and that is why the moon is so shiny!
I'm hoping that your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek. Please tell me it is.
Of course! The majority of what I've posted here is!

The only two conspiracies theories I'm seriously wondering about include the MRSA virus and the Flouridated water. The latter is partly because it was banned in other countries and has been said to have connection to atrocities during WWII. The first, because the Seattle Times even speculated on it.

Aside from those, I absolutely LOVE this thread for it's entertainment purposes.

Also, not mentioned about Dec. 21, 2012 is that the Mayan calender is extremely accurate and it's so scary that it just suddenly ends! I'm not so extremely paranoid as to be stockpiling non-parishables. . .but who knows what I'll think in Nov. 2012!!!
Date: 3/5/2009 4:11:55 PM
Author: InLuv101

Date: 3/5/2009 4:08:53 PM
Author: oobiecoo
Here''s a doozie...

Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and Aliyah (is that her name... the girl who died in a plane crash or something a few years back?) didn''t really die and are, instead, living on an island together somewhere.
Her name is Aaliyah and yea, I''ve heard this too...apparently Tupac is there too!
I was so going to say that, but you beat me to it!
Date: 3/5/2009 6:29:10 PM
Author: joflier
I was watching a thing on the history channel a couple weeks ago about the ''dog-man'' that apprently resides in the Milwaukee area.
Half wolf/dog - half man. Ya.
Um, is that show called "Monster Quest"? FI watches that allll the time. I don''t think he believes a single thing on it, but the kid in him loves it. I think the show is kind of lame
You can tell they''re always on a really tight budget, so they''ll go into the woods for 2 days and put up 2 camera traps and hope to photograph a big foot. Uh, if there''s only one sighting every few years, how do you think you''ll gonna run into it after two days in the woods?? One time you could even tell that they were camped right next to a highway
What is the MRSA conspiracy?
Date: 3/6/2009 11:07:44 AM
Author: MC

The only two conspiracies theories I'm seriously wondering about include the MRSA virus and the Flouridated water. The latter is partly because it was banned in other countries and has been said to have connection to atrocities during WWII. The first, because the Seattle Times even speculated on it.

Aside from those, I absolutely LOVE this thread for it's entertainment purposes.

Also, not mentioned about Dec. 21, 2012 is that the Mayan calender is extremely accurate and it's so scary that it just suddenly ends! I'm not so extremely paranoid as to be stockpiling non-parishables. . .but who knows what I'll think in Nov. 2012!!!

MRSA is not a virus!!!!

MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a bacteria. Many/most of us have some sort of S. aureus in our systems right now, right this second, living as a commensal organism.

MRSA came about due to the high unsubstantiated use of antibiotics. The use led to bacteria, who can multiply tens of generations in a DAY under the right growth conditions, to develop and acquire resistance to these antibiotics. It's scary because Methicillin, one of our more potent antibiotics, is no longer effective against these strains.

It was mostly confined to hospitals but is now more common in the general pop. You can think whatever you want, of course, but as someone in the science community trying to research how multidrug resistance occurs, I can say with certainty that it exists and may become a more serious problem in the future.

ETA: Sorry if I came off as over-the-top! This general field is my life and one of my passions!
Date: 3/6/2009 11:07:44 AM
Author: MC

Date: 3/5/2009 11:46:45 PM
Author: HollyS

Date: 3/5/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: MC

Totally. Why haven''t we gone back?

Have you heard that in the reflection in the helmet of one of the astronauts, you can see an alien or space ship or something? AND, that there is glass on the moon from buildings that use to be there. . .and that is why the moon is so shiny!
I''m hoping that your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek. Please tell me it is.
Of course! The majority of what I''ve posted here is!

The only two conspiracies theories I''m seriously wondering about include the MRSA virus and the Flouridated water. The latter is partly because it was banned in other countries and has been said to have connection to atrocities during WWII. The first, because the Seattle Times even speculated on it.

Aside from those, I absolutely LOVE this thread for it''s entertainment purposes.

Also, not mentioned about Dec. 21, 2012 is that the Mayan calender is extremely accurate and it''s so scary that it just suddenly ends! I''m not so extremely paranoid as to be stockpiling non-parishables. . .but who knows what I''ll think in Nov. 2012!!!

You realize, don''t you, that there is an asteriod which will come very near the earth about 2012? At this point, government officials and scientists do not know exactly how to stop it, or how close it will be, and whether or not debris from it could cause problems even if it doesn''t make impact itself. The biggest concern is for our communications satellites, etc.



All I can say is, if I''m going, let me go quick!
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