
Conspiracy Theories

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I like reading about this kind of stuff though I am very much of a skeptic. the website Museum of Hoaxes is a great site for this stuff in the forum.

The funniest one I read there recently was that Stephen King (the writer) assasinated John Lennon.
Date: 3/6/2009 1:41:59 PM
Author: HollyS

Date: 3/6/2009 11:07:44 AM
Author: MC

Date: 3/5/2009 11:46:45 PM
Author: HollyS

Date: 3/5/2009 1:42:34 PM
Author: MC

Totally. Why haven''t we gone back?

Have you heard that in the reflection in the helmet of one of the astronauts, you can see an alien or space ship or something? AND, that there is glass on the moon from buildings that use to be there. . .and that is why the moon is so shiny!
I''m hoping that your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek. Please tell me it is.
Of course! The majority of what I''ve posted here is!

The only two conspiracies theories I''m seriously wondering about include the MRSA virus and the Flouridated water. The latter is partly because it was banned in other countries and has been said to have connection to atrocities during WWII. The first, because the Seattle Times even speculated on it.

Aside from those, I absolutely LOVE this thread for it''s entertainment purposes.

Also, not mentioned about Dec. 21, 2012 is that the Mayan calender is extremely accurate and it''s so scary that it just suddenly ends! I''m not so extremely paranoid as to be stockpiling non-parishables. . .but who knows what I''ll think in Nov. 2012!!!

You realize, don''t you, that there is an asteriod which will come very near the earth about 2012? At this point, government officials and scientists do not know exactly how to stop it, or how close it will be, and whether or not debris from it could cause problems even if it doesn''t make impact itself. The biggest concern is for our communications satellites, etc.



All I can say is, if I''m going, let me go quick!
Yikes. . .there is also another astronomical event. . .the sun, planets and galaxy will all line up, which only happens once every 26,000 years! Supposedly this will have an effect on solar activity, weather patterns, and other fun stuff! We''re in for quite the ride.

There have been a lot of UFO sightings around Mt. Rainier (in WA State) so, DH, the kids, and me will be standing on top of the mountain that day in hopes the the aliens come and take us away! Our backup plan will be a case of micro-brew beer and tons of candy for the kids, and probably a volcanic eruption!

My DH has a few books on 2012 and the funny thing is there are SO many theories, that regardless of one thinks and can/can''t prove, there is plenty of meat there to write up a publishable book. People are eating this stuff up and love all the various scenerios! I need to get cracking on one before it''s too late!
I have to bump this up.

Since kids are suppose to have more intuition and not yet entirely molded by society, I asked my kids a few questions. . .both think we DID send people to the moon & both do not believe in aliens. Basically neither of my boys are conspiracy theorists.

The ONLY thing is my younger son (6) says the world is flat! lol He says he knows it''s flat because the floor is flat. If the Earth was round, the living room would have a curve. He also is reading "where the sidewalk ends," so that may influence his perception.
Date: 3/5/2009 1:40:03 PM
Author: CrookedRock

Date: 3/5/2009 11:23:07 AM
Author: Maisie
This is a bit different to what has been posted already but here we go.

My husband thinks that Ben and Jerry (Ice cream makers) are two bitter and twisted old men who have been so seriously hurt by women that they have committed their lives to making gorgeous ice cream. The plan is for women to love it so much that they will eat too much and end up fat and miserable
Maisie, this is hysterical!! I love it. I''m going to tell everyone that now!
Love it Maisie, this is soo funny!
This is exactly the type of thing Fi and I do - we''re not conspiracy theorists, but we will see someone on TV, or
take a character like your B&J''s, and make up a whole ''nother life for them..whether its sinister, or funny..
and we''ll always have exactly the same ideas about what should be in it

I know, we need to get out more, lol!
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