
Custom Diamond Eternity Band is Eating my Solitaire Prongs!

I don't think remaking just the head would work. The entire setting (donut and prongs) needs to be taller in height. I used to own the WF Tiffany setting and it was just so short and low set, much lower set than the real Tiffany solitaire. A taller setting + snugger fitting eternity might do the trick.

I agree with you! I think the whole head needs to be redone which includes the top part... is that the shank? So yes... I agree... it's not just about making longer skinny prongs.

@CharlotteYork You may want to also measure how tall the top part of the shank is... that's the 3.23 you see in my other photo.. experts.. help.. what is that part of the ring called?

That part is hard to measure as it is angled, and I kept coming up with different numbers, but I agree with @Laila619 that it is more than just the actual "6 prongs". It's the whole head that needs more height.

By the way, I am 100% sure WF will know exactly what the problems is. I would think since they do custom all the time, they can figure this out in 15 minutes with their tools and not leave it to guess work.
The shoulders are the part of the shank on either side of the head. It may be that the whole ring needs to be remade to increase shank height at the head, increase the height of the doughnut and then reshaping the prongs. Although, I am not sure how obligated WF is to make a redesigned (custom) ring aside from just raising the head a bit.

I am not sure replacing the two pads inside the eternity ring will help. I'd leave that alone. I think they likely did 2 because it might have covered up the WF mark or something. Focus on the engagement ring.
I agree with you! I think the whole head needs to be redone which includes the top part... is that the shank? So yes... I agree... it's not just about making longer skinny prongs.

@CharlotteYork You may want to also measure how tall the top part of the shank is... that's the 3.23 you see in my other photo.. experts.. help.. what is that part of the ring called?

That part is hard to measure as it is angled, and I kept coming up with different numbers, but I agree with @Laila619 that it is more than just the actual "6 prongs". It's the whole head that needs more height.

By the way, I am 100% sure WF will know exactly what the problems is. I would think since they do custom all the time, they can figure this out in 15 minutes with their tools and not leave it to guess work.

I am having difficulty getting my gadget to accurately take this particular measurement but according to my notes, this part of the ring is 2.7mm high where yours is reading 3.23 mm... Yikes!! This means it is only a hair taller than my eternity band, which is 2.5mm high - and of course the head/prongs are nestled down even lower than that. There was absolutely no way my eternity band could possibly clear ering prongs with these measurements! Ugh... So really it does sound like the entire ering needs to be remade. @diamondseeker2006 @Laila619 :(2 Hopefully I can connect with WF on Monday... I now feel I have a clear understanding of the situation, and I am so grateful for everyone's help. It never would have crossed my mind that the head/shank was causing this problem, and I was mistakenly blaming the eternity band.

Frankly, now I am even more baffled as to how this project got so off track... If I am indeed understanding everything correctly - and if these measurements are all correct - it seems very obvious that my current ering design would have the eternity band cutting smack dab into the middle of the prongs. So very, very frustrating. Oh, well. I am just happy now I know what happened, and I am excited to get it fixed.

And sidenote, @Miki Moto ... When you mentioned the look of the prongs, do you mean the way they look on top of the diamond? I spent literally hours obsessing over those, ha! And I am 100% pleased with them. :)
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@CharlotteYork Hi! You are so cute.. I can imagine you playing around with that digital gauge to measure! That part of the band is slippery and it's at an angle, and I am sure if I measured again, I may get a different reading.

On the prongs...'s how they look from the top and the side.
If you go to the Tiffany website and take a good look at the prongs, you can really notice it...
The first photo you can see the prongs are rounded at the ends.
The second photo you can see the prongs are angled precisely, there is a crisp bluntness to them right as it curves to a rounded edge, and the diamond is seated perfectly without any air gap. The second photo is what I love about the prongs... it's so precisely angled, yet soft and fluid looking. But it's preference as some people prefer a more pointy/talon-like prong.
Here is the link to the photos to help explain what I mean... take a look at photo 1 and 2:

I can't see the prongs on your ring as the photos are bit blurry but I'm sure yours are great too if you love them.

I'm glad at least you know the problem and I am sure WF can fix it for you. No doubt your ring will be perfect soon. WF seems very very responsive and customer oriented, and if I had to bet, they have been tracking this thread and are awaiting your call. =)2
@CharlotteYork Hi! You are so cute.. I can imagine you playing around with that digital gauge to measure! That part of the band is slippery and it's at an angle, and I am sure if I measured again, I may get a different reading.

On the prongs...'s how they look from the top and the side.
If you go to the Tiffany website and take a good look at the prongs, you can really notice it...
The first photo you can see the prongs are rounded at the ends.
The second photo you can see the prongs are angled precisely, there is a crisp bluntness to them right as it curves to a rounded edge, and the diamond is seated perfectly without any air gap. The second photo is what I love about the prongs... it's so precisely angled, yet soft and fluid looking. But it's preference as some people prefer a more pointy/talon-like prong.
Here is the link to the photos to help explain what I mean... take a look at photo 1 and 2:

I can't see the prongs on your ring as the photos are bit blurry but I'm sure yours are great too if you love them.

I'm glad at least you know the problem and I am sure WF can fix it for you. No doubt your ring will be perfect soon. WF seems very very responsive and customer oriented, and if I had to bet, they have been tracking this thread and are awaiting your call. =)2

Here is a better picture! :)

Here is a better picture! :)

I love them. To me, they are the perfect prongs. A+ to WF for their prong work. Can’t wait to see the newly redone set!
Just a quick belated update that my rings are now back with Whiteflash, and I know they will be able to work their magic! :) More to come...
Hey @CharlotteYork any update on your beautiful rings?

Hope they’ll be back with you soon!
Hey @CharlotteYork any update on your beautiful rings?

Hope they’ll be back with you soon!

Apologies for the delayed response! Yes, I have been working with Whiteflash... they are the BEST! They are remaking both of my rings.

The engagement ring is being remade to add .5mm in height to the "donut" base to raise the prongs. The knife edge at the shoulders is being raised to ensure the design stays the same where it connects to head. And the prongs on the solitaire are being slightly extended to make them more vertical and less squatty. The measurements and prongs will be more in line with @Miki Moto's Tiffany & Co ring with the same size diamond as mine (pictured below)...

The eternity band will have enlarged bases that will extend out just enough to prevent the girdles of the diamonds from cutting the engagement ring - and any future rubbing will be on the donut, not the prongs. The new bases should not extend out so much that the top view is changed significantly, like LLJsmom's eternity band (see below). The size will also be a 5, not a 5.5.

@Miki Moto's Tiffany & Co ring on the left, mine on the right

My ring on the left, @Miki Moto's on the right

Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 11.59.40 AM.png
LLJsmom's eternity band with bases covering diamond girdles

I should have new CAD images soon, and I will keep you posted. I want to again thank everyone here at PriceScope for all of your expert advice! This is a common problem, and given the popularity of this classic combination, I hope my experience will be helpful to anyone else who wants this style in the future. Whiteflash will have the formula perfected! :)
woooohoooooo. I knew they'd help you!
Sounds like good news. Looking forward to seeing the new finished rings.
My new CADs are here, and I think they are perfect!!! You can see how the engagement ring sits just under the prongs of the new solitaire. And the eternity band has enlarged bases that extend out just enough to prevent the girdles of the diamonds from cutting the engagement ring..

I was advised that the design in the CAD renderings appears a little sharp in the edges and bulkier than the finished product. During the polishing and finishing processes, the metal casting will be refined into a more delicate finished state. More metal needs to be added to each design to compensate for the refinement process.

IMG_2905.jpg IMG_2906.jpg measurement eng.PNG measurement wedding band.PNG


The prongs or bezels look a bit tall. But the stone setters will polish and shape the prongs and/or bezels after the stones have been set.

And here are the old CADs for reference...


I would love your thoughts! :)
yup, you can tell that the band sits much lower this time just from comparing the CADs. I bet it will be a stunning pair. Helps too that the e-ring will be the right size this time, making it match up better as well
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you must be getting close now!
Wow this website is awesome! I just started planning my gf's e-ring. Yesterday I read through your other thread when you were initially deciding on settings ( because I am looking for almost the exact same thing. Now today I read through all of this and am anxiously awaiting the results! I've learned A LOT and everyone here is so helpful!
image.jpg I had the same problem..I ordered my 3/4 eternity band from Brian Gavin. I love it but didn’t realize that eternity bands with a shared prong will eat the ring that sits next to it. I didn’t want a spacer either. To make it even more complicated..I had my diamond reset into a custom 18k gold setting..and my eternity band is platinum. Platinum eats everything softer..I tried every kind of spacer but didn’t like the look. I finally decided to not try to hide the spacer but get something small that had a bezel that I was willing to get chewed up. I bought an 18k band..the same as my engagement ring setting..and surprisingly I really like it now. The picture stinks but you get the idea..


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Perhaps you are unaware of laws regarding products liability....Product liability refers to a manufacturer/seller being held liable for placing a defective product into the hands of a consumer. In general terms, the law requires that a product meet the ordinary expectations of the consumer. When a product has an unexpected defect, the product cannot be said to meet the ordinary expectations of the consumer.

Because WF created both the ER and the eternity, they had the responsibility, as the designer they were hired to be, to create products that work synergistically. Consumers don't know how to design, we only know what we like, that's why we pay others a premium for their expertise in performing that function. Because the project was accepted by the vendor/manufacturer, and the OP was assured that they could perform the task, they are responsible for the outcome of the job performance. Had some other vendor created the ER, then WF would have a reasonable argument for the two rings not working together very well. However, that is not the case at hand. To my understanding, WF created both rings and as such, had the responsibility that was conferred to them by means of payment in full to fulfill the obligations of the terms of the agreement, to wit: create an eternity band that would not damage the ER previously created by them.

Design defects/flaws result from a product having been poorly designed or tested, so that the design itself yields a product that can not perform its desired function.

You may disagree that this is a design flaw, but that doesn't change the fact that it is.
I must say that I completely agree with this statement. When a customer is paying well into four figures for a premium product, flawless execution in both craftsmanship and functionality should be a given.

Also, for most of us our pieces are of deep sentimental value as they are perpetual reminders of important milestones in our lives. As such, if the experience of creating the piece and the finished product itself is flawed it then becomes a perpetual reminder of regret...and no one wants to look at a piece everyday that they’re not completely in love with. AC117 is right - - WF is a reputable organization and they’ll make it right regardless of the onus being on both sides or not.

I’m “late to the party” so I’ll read on and hope it all worked out in the end...
I must say that I completely agree with this statement. When a customer is paying well into four figures for a premium product, flawless execution in both craftsmanship and functionality should be a given.

Also, for most of us our pieces are of deep sentimental value as they are perpetual reminders of important milestones in our lives. As such, if the experience of creating the piece and the finished product itself is flawed it then becomes a perpetual reminder of regret...and no one wants to look at a piece everyday that they’re not completely in love with. AC117 is right - - WF is a reputable organization and they’ll make it right regardless of the onus being on both sides or not.

I’m “late to the party” so I’ll read on and hope it all worked out in the end...
I wrote above I have the same problem..fulliy intending to wear my new rings made by different jewelers together..I think there should be a disclaimer when purchasing a shared prong eternity band that shared prongs will eat away at the engagement ring. It doesn’t have to be a diamond rubbing..but the actual metal claws that do it too. It took me a while to get used to an idea of a spacer but I like mine now because of the d sign of the spacer. I didn’t like the look of the very skinny plain ones but that’s a personal preference.
image.jpg I had the same problem..I ordered my 3/4 eternity band from Brian Gavin. I love it but didn’t realize that eternity bands with a shared prong will eat the ring that sits next to it. I didn’t want a spacer either. To make it even more complicated..I had my diamond reset into a custom 18k gold setting..and my eternity band is platinum. Platinum eats everything softer..I tried every kind of spacer but didn’t like the look. I finally decided to not try to hide the spacer but get something small that had a bezel that I was willing to get chewed up. I bought an 18k band..the same as my engagement ring setting..and surprisingly I really like it now. The picture stinks but you get the idea..

This is a beautiful solution!
The new CADs look fabulous! Can't wait for you to have the set back on your hand!

You know we will need a gazillion pictures!!
@CharlotteYork This sounds great! I’m so happy for you!

Hi @Miki Moto , Oh I hope you see this note! I am still working with Whiteflash - they are truly wonderful! This project has been rather complicated. May I trouble you for more measurements of your solitaire, please? Do you have any way of measuring your donut? It would be so helpful to know the height and width. Also, may I ask for the width of the sides (where it touches your other fingers) of your solitaire? Thank you SO much for all of your help, you have been an angel! :)
Any updates @CharlotteYork I'm waiting to see the outcome of your issue before I make a decision on mine ;)2

Hope you are getting things sorted to your satisfaction and you have your rings back soon.

They have been gone for so long now :cry2:
Hi @KirstLWA! So sorry to leave everyone hanging. This has been so complicated, but here is a brief overview/update... We could not get the eternity band to stop eating my prongs. Smaller diamonds would need to be used, which I did not want to do. So while I will still wear my 8 point eternity band, it will only be for special occasions. I ended up buying two (pre-loved) Tiffany & Co. 3 mm channel-set platinum bands - one is a half-band with diamonds and sapphires, and the other is a full eternity with diamonds. They are smooth, not milgrain as I was afraid the milgrain would act like a saw. I am THRILLED!!! The Tiffany channel diamond band honestly does not hold a candle to the beauty of my WF eternity, but it won't destroy my solitaire. I will wear it with my solitaire by itself and also stacked with the diamond/sapphire band. Either band could also be used as a "spacer" in between the solitaire and eternity, however I prefer the uniformity of the two 3 mm Tiffany bands together. I am also planning to get a plain platinum band to wear regularly with my solitaire, inspired by @Miki Moto.

My rings are back at WF as the revised solitaire came back very sharp and angular, not softened like my original which I loved. Fortunately, WF kept my original in tact, but I still want a higher head as I am now completely and utterly paranoid about anything touching my prongs. They have been wonderful to work with, and I hope to have my rings back soon! In the meantime, here is a picture of the solitaire with my Tiffany & Co. bands.

So lesson learned, do not buy a diamond eternity band unless you intend to wear some sort of a spacer with it. I was not willing to do this. If I had known in advance, I probably would not have bought it. However I am pleased with my solution, and I will enjoy occasionally wearing the eternity.

diamonds and sapphires.jpg
Wow, what a stunning combination! I love the sapphires so much. Congratulations on finding a solution that makes you happy.
Wow, what a stunning combination! I love the sapphires so much. Congratulations on finding a solution that makes you happy.

Thank you so much! I love sapphires too! :)