
Diamond broke off. What would you do??

Also check pockets and purses! Best of luck to your friend. Did the diamond have a GIA number inscribed? I would definitely report it to the police in case someone turns it in. Would you report something like this to the GIA as well?
Also check pockets and purses! Best of luck to your friend. Did the diamond have a GIA number inscribed? I would definitely report it to the police in case someone turns it in. Would you report something like this to the GIA as well?

Good point - yes - you will need a police report and there are hoops and hrudles at GIA - but they do have a department for reports like this.
Her only hope is to find the stone.

It happened to my mother also, a few weeks after she brought her Er to get a prong fixed. She never found her stone and my father is deceased so it’s extra crushing.

Ugh that is so sad I'm so sorry. :(sad
I once lost a ring at my child’s school. The school was teaming with children, parents, workmen, at the beginning of the day. I searched all the places I had been and didn’t see it. Then an art teacher said he’d help me. His trained eyes found the ring on a sidewalk I’d looked at several times already, it was disguised because it had landed on top of a pattern. I gave him a reward, which he never expected and was grateful for. When I found my -other- ring in the garbage disposal, I had recalled an unusual metal-on-metal “clink” I’d heard hours prior. Yes, read Whitewave’s thread on how people find their lost jewelry!

This amazing!
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughtful ideas and stories! The search continues.

They stopped taking out their garbage until they could go thorough all of it piece by piece, which they finally did this weekend and nothing. They went through all of the vacuum bags and filters and are having someone come see if it fell through the holes in the washer/dryer possibly. They rewatched all of their inside nest cam footage for that day but the resolution isn't clear enough to see if the stone is in or out of the ring. But noted that she did not wash the dishes prior to walking up to the sink and seeing her stone missing (so probably not down the drain) and there was still no action, at least in the kitchen and livingroom where her hand banged into anything at home. Also calling the psychic (I'll report back on that) and had a neighbor come over with a pendulum thing that was supposed to swing towards missing items and it led to her kitchen so they tore that apart again. No dice.

A couple details just for clarity/more info:
-The setting and prongs had a halo around them under the setting. (idk if that matters as far as sturdiness goes). But that could mean the diamond is still contained within the prongs and not jsut loose in the world. The only upside to that we were thinking is that if someone found it they would know it was a real diamond and hopefully try to find owners. Could also be a downside.
-She was walking all day, no car. But did post on the neighborhood moms message board and notified the park department, police, and the owner of the pharmacy looked back on the footage with her and retraced her septs to look for it.
-The insurance was part of her renters insurance and they had planned to reinstate it next year when they weren't staying home 99% of the time and everyone was back to work. She's "painfully aware" of the mistake in assuming you couldn't damage your ring at home doing normal things.
-They aren't / weren't considering suing the jeweler. They just wanted him to explain anything else that could have happened apart from slamming her hand into something that could have caused it incase it jogged their memory (since she can't recall hitting her hand on anything that day).
-They are just looking for other jeweler opinions on if the setting and material was the safest idea for her stone (and it sounds like it may have not been). They had not designed the ring, just purchased it from the jeweler and assumed it was a reasonable setting and design.

I'll keep you all posted!
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. :)) And thanks again for taking the time to reply!
It seems so funny that they all broke off at exactly the same point, and there don't seem to be any ragged edges. Like the prongs were just sheared off by maybe a jeweler's saw?
Just sayin'
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It seems so funny that they all broke off at exactly the same point, and there don't seem to be any ragged edges. Like the prongs were just sheared off by maybe a jeweler's saw?
Just sayin'

Because when my 3ct + halo ring gets ripped off of my finger, I am likewise clueless about losing it. :liar:;)2
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I'm sorry to hear about your friend's diamond. I wanted to say that whatever caused it to fall off didn't necessarily have to be a noticeable event. My mom lose her diamond out of her SIX prong setting at my house once. She was rocking my daughter to sleep and happened to look down and see an empty setting. Nothing major or noticeable had happened to her knowledge, yet her stone was gone. Turns out it fell right at the lip of our stove; my husband found it while sweeping and had he not noticed it, it probably would've been swept underneath our stove. Has she checked underneath her appliances in the kitchen?
Re. This being deliberate - it wasn’t insured...

I think that she most likely did whack it, hard, sometime after it was inspected. And whatever she did at that time left it hanging on by a proverbial thread, and she didn’t notice. D-day - some normally-innocuous movement she’s made a million times before was enough to take it off entirely.
I know I’m odd, but this is why I ALWAYS take any of my rings off when I get home. My routine is I arrive home and immediately remove ring(s) and put them in their safe spots. Then wash hands, and remain ring-less until the next day when I go out.
Re. This being deliberate - it wasn’t insured...

I think that she most likely did whack it, hard, sometime after it was inspected. And whatever she did at that time left it hanging on by a proverbial thread, and she didn’t notice. D-day - some normally-innocuous movement she’s made a million times before was enough to take it off entirely.

It sort of makes me think it got caught up in purse or diaper bag straps and that force ripped it clean off.
It seems so funny that they all broke off at exactly the same point, and there don't seem to be any ragged edges. Like the prongs were just sheared off by maybe a jeweler's saw?
Just sayin'

Why would she have a jeweler saw off her diamond?
Re. This being deliberate - it wasn’t insured...

I think that she most likely did whack it, hard, sometime after it was inspected. And whatever she did at that time left it hanging on by a proverbial thread, and she didn’t notice. D-day - some normally-innocuous movement she’s made a million times before was enough to take it off entirely.

This is what I think as well. It was fractured or something before and some casual action finished the job and she didn't feel or hear it fall.
I know I’m odd, but this is why I ALWAYS take any of my rings off when I get home. My routine is I arrive home and immediately remove ring(s) and put them in their safe spots. Then wash hands, and remain ring-less until the next day when I go out.

I thought she was out when she lost the diamond. Now I'm confused.
I thought she was out when she lost the diamond. Now I'm confused.

Yes, I think you’re correct. So technically, had she never worn her rings at home it might not have made any difference. But then again, she could have caused the damage while doing the dishes with her ring on, which then caused the head to become loose In the first place. And then it sheared off completely while out and about.

I really hope she finds it.
I know I’m odd, but this is why I ALWAYS take any of my rings off when I get home. My routine is I arrive home and immediately remove ring(s) and put them in their safe spots. Then wash hands, and remain ring-less until the next day when I go out.

I thought I was the only one! I do this too, and my most expensive piece is only $10,000. I can’t imagine owning something $30k and wearing it around the house. So sad :(
I had a half carat diamond set in a similar 4 prong 14 Kt gold setting. I kept bending the prongs and the diamond fell out several times. Luckily, I always found it back. I finally set it in a platinum head. The jeweler tried to talk me out of it. He said platinum is stronger, but more brittle, and that I would hit it and break it and lose the diamond and not even know it. It won't bend, but will break. I, also, put it in a 6 prong setting. I have had no problems and that was 9 years ago. When I had it in the gold setting, I was getting it redipped/repaired about every 3 years. I did lose the entire ring in a shopping parking lot a few years ago. I had it in my pocket to take it in to be repaired, and somehow it fell out. I took out an ad in the local newspaper and offered a reward. A nice couple who had found the ring contacted me and returned it. They wouldn't take the reward, but I baked them cookies and stuck it in the tin when we met to make the exchange. I had insurance, but was so happy to get back the original ring. I agree that the jeweler has no liability. A reputable jeweler would have told you if the ring was damaged when you took it in, because that would be work (money) for him if it needed repairs, so I think the ring was sound when he returned it. I would say that somehow it was knocked just right and snapped off since platinum is more brittle.
What a miserable situation for her. I'm so sorry, @CindyZ - I really hope she finds it.

So sad that she didn’t have insurance. I insure everything as losing my jewelry is my greatest fear. Hopefully she finds it
I had a half carat diamond set in a similar 4 prong 14 Kt gold setting. I kept bending the prongs and the diamond fell out several times. Luckily, I always found it back. I finally set it in a platinum head. The jeweler tried to talk me out of it. He said platinum is stronger, but more brittle, and that I would hit it and break it and lose the diamond and not even know it. It won't bend, but will break. I, also, put it in a 6 prong setting. I have had no problems and that was 9 years ago. When I had it in the gold setting, I was getting it redipped/repaired about every 3 years. I did lose the entire ring in a shopping parking lot a few years ago. I had it in my pocket to take it in to be repaired, and somehow it fell out. I took out an ad in the local newspaper and offered a reward. A nice couple who had found the ring contacted me and returned it. They wouldn't take the reward, but I baked them cookies and stuck it in the tin when we met to make the exchange. I had insurance, but was so happy to get back the original ring. I agree that the jeweler has no liability. A reputable jeweler would have told you if the ring was damaged when you took it in, because that would be work (money) for him if it needed repairs, so I think the ring was sound when he returned it. I would say that somehow it was knocked just right and snapped off since platinum is more brittle.

That is totally wrong. Platinum used in jewelry is far more ductile and not brittle than white gold alloys.
It is also softer but harder wearing. If you are interested I have a youtube video that explains this with demonstrations using samples we encourage clients to bend and feel the differences.
That is totally wrong. Platinum used in jewelry is far more ductile and not brittle than white gold alloys.
It is also softer but harder wearing. If you are interested I have a youtube video that explains this with demonstrations using samples we encourage clients to bend and feel the differences.

Can you link, please?
So sorry for your friend. I lost my original engagement ring and it's such a sickening, heartbreaking feeling. I was lucky to be insured but it still sucked to lose it. It's possible the halo is still holding her diamond. There are groups of people with metal detectors who volunteer their time to search. Look online for groups in your area. I posted for help and lots of people offered. One kind gentleman offered me the use of a hand-held detector to use in my car and in my house. Can't hurt to have a plumber check the drain traps in the sinks and the showers. Also, she should try filing a claim on her homeowners or renter's insurance. Will also say a prayer to St. Anthony that it makes its way back to her.
I keep coming back here in hopes that she has found her diamond in some random, not thought of place. I am just heartsick for her and will keep hoping that there is eventually good news to report.