
Diamond Nose Stud - Check out this photo

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LOL! You''re welcome Widge! ROFL. Horrific, I know.

here''s another definition:

"1. grill (aka: fronts, and golds or any variation thereof)

dental jewelry.

"My grill''s krunk. Or... I gots to polish my fronts, ahh snap! " Or... "show dem golds." "

Thanks for asking. I had no idea what a "grill" was either. I knew it wasn''t what I have on my deck!

Kayla, thanks for educating me. Yikes!!!!

Date: 1/8/2006 8:24:30 PM
Author: Rhapsody

And even if I am a different person in 20 years who I was will always be part of who I am and I have no fear of remembering where I''ve been.
This is a FABULOUS perspective. Bravo.
Firstly let me say that pic and definition of "grill" is HILARIOUS!! Little trivia here about golden grills.....Rap artists Kelis and Nas got matching gold grills with each others names on it for thier wedding day...however their parents threw a big enough fit that they did not wear them!

Do you think it''s possible for you to post something in a matter that doesn''t sound condescending or rude? I was not trying to offend when I asked if you were older...just as Widget pointed out I know older generations have different feelings on this topic considering not TOO long ago it was a big deal to have TWO holes in each ear. I simply thought that would explain your feelings. I am by no means a baby. I''ve been working in professional companies for the past 5 years, I believe I stated that. I''m sorry, do you know me? Do you know anything about my life really or what I have or have not gone through? Do you think if I get pregnant or have a child I will suddenly find myself hating my nose stud and regretting my tattoos? I have plenty of girlfriends who DO have children and also look how they want to. Like I said, I do not think by any means my appearance is bad.
I also think if you re read my post I never said that people do not judge you by your appearance. I also even specifically stated that if you are in a position where you deal with customers and represent a company they probably would not want you to have them visible.
Really I don''t think I missed the point of your post. I stated numerous times that there are people who just won''t care for them and thats fine with me. Remember I used my example of how I just don''t care for plastic surgery? MY whole point, which I think went waaaaay over your head. I really would have no problems if someone said '' I don''t like piercings.'' Or '' They are not for me'' or even '' I think piercings are unprofessional''. These are ways to express your opinion without being hurtful or rude. I think some of the words that people used on here were just somwehat uncalled for was all. If I wrote a post stating that I was overweight I don''t think anyone would reply saying, "Being fat is gross." I honestly don''t understand why you keep grinding away at this. This forum just states opinons which really I get yours, and i''m not quite sure why you keep repeating yourself. A few posts ago I stated fine you can think my nose stud is gross and I can think your being rude. No problems. Yet you felt the need to just repost stating baisically places will not want to hire me, they can be dangerous and you think they will never be the norm. Fine....tell something I don''t know. However when I reply to this, your opinion, with my opinion...then i''m being defensive. In reading your responses even to other people it seems your quite agressive for some reason on this topic.
Everyone Else,
Thank you all. I really don''t want you guys thinking that i''m oh so personally offended.....I got a little worked up but it''s all good :) I get in little debates all the time at work with people....piercings/tattoos just aren''t for some people. I don''t like wearing yellow.....someone just might not like wearing a nose ring. It''s as simple as that. Everyone is entitled to thier opinion. And I do really understand how especially people even just one generation above me see it in a different light. I remember just 10 years ago I didn''t see HALF as many people with piercings as I see now. It''s been a really recent jump in how common it is. But thank you guys for realizing my point and putting up with my spastic post.
Trust me I have thought of 10 to 20 years from now. I guess this is my body now. This is whats on it. I don''t know it''s like you forget you even have them after a while and it''s a part of you. Really kids and time aren''t likely to change what I like to look like. I am old enough that I know how I like to look. I don''t see myself hitting 40 and all of a sudden deciding to have a totally different outlook on how I like to look. Don''t get me wrong I dress appropriatly for what/where I am. I dress professionally and conservativly for work, when relaxing usually like jeans and a sweater and then if I go out to a club or something then I dress a little more outrageous. Anything that I wear to work or my normal day to day I wouldn''t be ashamed to wear to my future kids school or anything like that. Now also I can''t predict the future and it''s possible something would happen somewhere that would change my opinion on anything :)
Hahah you know whats funny? I have these tattoos and my piercing and like whenever I have to get a needle I curl up and cring away from the guy at my doc who takes the blood...he''s always like "What the heck is wrong with you! Looks like you can handle a needle." But it''s different! I swear!
I just came across this and I just wanted to say a couple of things. I personally have a nose piercing. It''s a very tiny crystal. I have had studs that were only slightly larger (say 1.5 mm across) and it bothered me, so I purposely shop for the smallest studs and stones I can find. I saw an episode of flavor flav''s show and noticed the diamond in his nose. I thought it was OTT, but that''s how he is. I just laughed about it, which is what I think the original post''s intention was. For those of you that don''t like nose piercings or tattoos, that''s your opinion (I have three tattoos myself and hope to get more once I make more money), but don''t criticize those of us who possess these things. In the particular case of tattoos, to some of us it''s symbolism of turning points or important things in their lives, and to some it''s just to be cool (which I think will eventually regret them). I just happen to strategically place mine in areas that can easily be covered and hidden. Mine are of great symbolism and I have more planned. My parents don''t particularly like my body art, but they believe what I think everyone else should: It''s my body, I can do what I please with it.

As for the harsh posts that were written in this thread, it seems to me that it''s another instance of a common form of miscommunication. People tend to read posts in their own way and it''s hard for a person to truly get their feelings and intentions across with typed words. I agree that this person''s posts were poorly delivered and should have been proofread or something before pressing the submit button. However, this is common and I''ve learned to ignore it. If the person''s intentions were really harmful, then responding defensively and acting offended seems to fuel their fire and I think they enjoy it. I personally have participated in a few threads where this has happened and one made me leave for a while. However, there are also some really funny, fun and enjoyable threads that I can''t seem to stay away from and I kinda snuck back in recently. I admit it, I''m addicted to Pricescope, through the good and the bad. I have just learned to re-read my posts the best I can before submitting them and ignoring the harsh ones as best I can. I also try to keep the mentality that if someone doesn''t know me personally, they can''t truly be personal with me on these threads. It helps keep me from getting offended.

Also, the questions about being married and having a family: I was told by my advisor in college that employers tend to ask these questions to determine how stable your life is. If you have passed these milestones in your life, then they feel more at ease that you are mature and reliable (and they don''t anticipate any major changes in your life that will affect your work). I can''t necessarily say that this is true, because I know plenty of stable and mature people who are not married and have no children, but I guess that''s just a standard belief that people of business have. I was also told that they can ask these questions, but cannot base their decision to hire you on these facts.

Well, that was my two cents.. Hope I didn''t offend anyone..


Date: 1/8/2006 11:57:42 PM
Author: aljdewey

This is a FABULOUS perspective. Bravo.

Thank you Alj. I really appreciate your opinion, you have such amazing perspective and insight in all your posts.
Must have missed this one. I can not bring myself to have my ears pierced as AGBF pointed out.
Didn''t know there were so many places to pierce.
I have to say that I can hear an audible difference in someone''s speech if they have their tongue pierced.

Tatoos - would probably get a small one if I wasn''t so scared of needles.

All that said, I''m still iritated that my neice wears the diamond e.r.''s I bought her in her second hole. I guess it''s a compliment as she never changes those out.
First the whole purpose for this thread: That giant rock looks like a giant booger.

Going along the lines of the discussion of what an employer would expect in personal appearance...
I had my tongue pierced for 5 years and i never had a problem being hired for jobs. I worked as a bank teller for 3 years during the summer and breaks. I was face to face with customers everyday and hardly anyone noticed. I was given the opportunity (over 15 other people) to work for my university as a graphic designer and worked with people throughout campus. I also was hired at my first real, degree related job with my tongue pierced.

I would probably still have it today if it werent for me swalling the ball and not having another bar to keep the hole open. My mother was very happy!
FYI: there''s a website called that makes belly rings (they''re actually like a barbell, only flexible) just for gals who want to keep their piercings during pregnancy! I''m SO getting one when I get pregnant!

Also, this thread makes me want to get my nose pierced!!!!
Thats cool Monarch, i''ve never seen those! I''ve seen the clear ones that you put in like during work if you can''t appear to have any but never anything like that....neat o.
i agree w/the others who think that huge diamond looks like a big booger!

I would never get a nose piercing myself, (partly because I have terrible allergies, and my nose does NOT need any more reason to go nuts on me...) but a friend of mind in college had a great one, and she looked super cute with it... A bunch of us at my sorority went thru a piercing craze when the local shop had them on special for a mere $20... I got a belly button piercing that I still have... although most of the time I forget I even have one!

Tattoos though, are another story.. I''ve always sorta wanted one, but am way too chicken - bc of the pain and bc I''m afraid I''ll change my mind..
Date: 1/10/2006 3:38:04 PM
Author: monarch64
FYI: there''s a website called that makes belly rings (they''re actually like a barbell, only flexible) just for gals who want to keep their piercings during pregnancy! I''m SO getting one when I get pregnant!

Also, this thread makes me want to get my nose pierced!!!!
I''m so getting one too when I get pregnant. I thought I would just take it out when that time comes because by then I will be older. But now that I am married, I''m kind of changing my mind on that. I had it for so long now and I think it''ll just be weird to not have it.
Q--I agree, I''ve had mine for like 10+ years, and when I take out my ring to clean or change it out, my midsection looks WEIRD when it''s unadorned! I don''t think I can ever live without it. Or low-rise pants, for that matter. When I first got my piercing, low-rise were up and coming but not yet ubiquitous, and I remember having to wear a band-aid over it to avoid painful friction!
Very interesting topic. The only piercing I have are my lobes and a navel piercing that I have had since I was 16 (a gift from my mom) which I don''t barely ever ware. However I must admit I have several tattoos. Two are in plain sight unless I ware a long sleeve blouse. I have not had a problem getting the jobs I go for (dental assistant, keeping books for a business, and Mortgage broker) and now I am about to become a cop. I do get a few odd looks if my tattoos are showing. However I get odd looks for being the only white woman (no tattoos showing) in a Hispanic or Haitian community doing acts of charity. I think it has to do with many aspects of our character on the we see tattoos.
My father was a pilot for Panama while I was growing up, and when ever he came home he would teach me about the different areas he had been in and the different cultures. He flew a lot to South America I became very interested in the social and religious aspect of the native tribes around the Amazon and Oronoco rivers. While studding these tribes and the ancient tribes of Europe I fell in love with tribal tattoos.
Angel I LOVE L O V E your icon. Thats awesome!
Thanks I love Asian inspired art.
Hello all,
A week after my 30th birthday - which was last month - I got my nose pierced. I have been wanting a nose ring for a few years now because I personally have always liked the look of that little inconspicuous, often times overlooked with the first glance, diamond on the side of the nose. I have a tiny white gold/diamond nostril screw and I think it looks fabulous and even more so when I''m wearing my diamond stud earrings as well. There''s no particular reason as to why I waited so long to get the piercing but after finally getting it, I do certainly wish I would have gotten it sooner!
I''ve had my belly button pierced and wore it thoughout my pregnancy with my son, who is 9 and also throughout my pregnancy with my daughter who is 3. When I took it out while in labor with her, I went ahead and marked the end to that "era" and let it close up.
I had my tongue pierced for 2 1/2 years and let me say that if you didn''t know my tongue was pierced, my speech wouldn''t have indicated such either. In fact, I had a slight lisp for a day or so after I decided to remove it and had to learn how to talk clearly without it! I let that close up because I accidentally bit down on the ball a time or two while eating and darn near broke a tooth and decided it wasn''t worth a hefty dental bill.
I also have 3 tattoos with plans for one more that will actually cover up an existing tattoo. All my tats can be hidden with clothing if need be and there are times when I choose to hide them because they just don''t go with the outfit or the situation, even.
I feel that if I let a negative opinion or snap judgement get me riled up, I''d be a hipocrite by having overlooked one little detail: Judgements and opionions will be there whether I like it or not because after all, I made that choice to let my way of self expression be there for all to see so it only makes sense to be open to the fact that there are people who find it gross, tacky or just can''t understand for the life of them why I''d do that to myself and therefore they will have an opposing opinion and you know what? They''re entitled. I may even have more respect for the harsh people then they ever will for me and I actually prefer it be that way because that says multitudes about my person and I''m proud that I have come to think the way that I do and I am always trying to instill that way of thinking on my children as well. It''s OK to break the mold and be different; it''s also OK to not. As long as you are happy with yourself, so be it.
I''ve actually encountered judgment from the flip side as well. I remember going into Hot Topic, which is a store that sells anything from beautifully illustrated books on wizards and fairies to hard core punk Ska music and it''s not unusual for the employees to be "goth" or "punk". If anyone isn''t clear on what goth or punk is, check out the website: Anyway, to make a long story short, I was judged for not being extreme enough and was treated like I got lost and ended up in that store by accident. I wasn''t bothered though, I just exercised my right to not subject myself or my money to that treatment.
Flav''s huge nose ring isn''t for me, but I love the fact that he is wearing it. Like someone else said earlier, His personal style is what gives him his charm. It''s just like when they deem someones outfit on the red carpet to be a total catastophre - I hate that! If someone has a style that''s unique to them, then who are we to say anything about it. What makes my, yours or Joan Rivers'' opinion so superior??? If that person decides later on down the road that they looked ridiculous, then ok, but otherwise, what''s up with the quickness to tear someone to pieces for going there own route with how they dress or what not. I applaud anyone and everyone who does their own thing. A lot of people aren''t up to the challenge of defending themselves to the masses so they choose to not draw unnecessary attention to themselves and that''s totally fine, but at least consider giving credit where credit is due and acknowlege the courage it takes to be "strange, tacky, gross, etc.."
My husband and I like to go to the Karaoke bar every now and then and even though I have yet to consume enough alcohol to participate myself, you will never hear me bad mouth even the worst singer because at least they''re up there giving it a go which is more than I''ve done.
Bottom line, I''m an intelligent wife and mother of 2, fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom and I have a nose stud and some tattoos. I love my nose stud and it is as essential an accessory to me as is a ring on my finger or diamonds in my ears!
ok....trying to be tolerant.

but that grill thing is *disgusting* Ugh! Having had a retainer....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

I have a very large tattoo, actually. It's about the size of angelina jolie's dragon, but on my upper back where no one can see it excpet my boyfriend. My parents were supportive when they saw I had researched the issue thouroughly and waited 2 ys to be sure I wanted it. My dad and stepmom came with me to the tattooing parlor, and mom saw it later. He (dad) still doesn't approve/understand totally and I have to say it hurts my feelings when he asks me if I regret getting it yet. I mean, shouldn't he want me to NOT regret it now that I have it?

I come off as very straight-laced, conservative, nose-in-a-book girl in everyday life though, so when people do chance to see that tatt they are usually quite surprised. I got it on my upper back for two reasons:

1) the skin doesnt sag as much as anywhere else (something young girls forget is that lower back tatt's will STRETCH like a sonofabitch during pregnancy. Speaking of which I wonder if Angie will have to get her's redone?

2) the employment issue. I personally just don't want to have to deal with fighting being a woman and having tattoos. It's hard enough to get tenure...there are things I will not compromise on, like my opinion on women;s rights, etc in a job interview. But tattoos, yes I am willing to cover up for the most part.
Date: 1/7/2006 3:53:41 PM
Author: Momoftwo
No need to get upset since it was not a personal thing, but I still think nose piercings are gross. Knowing someone with one wouldn''t change my mind.

REALLY? I never knew anyone who thought they were gross. That was the first thing that my DF loved about me. He loves my little diamond nose ring. He loves my other piercings as well:)) You can never tell....
I used to be a manager at hot topic, sorry for your mistreatment there but that doesn''t surprise me. It is the lowest paying job in the mall, and they market it towards high school kids. Movie money. They will tell you that despite the no benefits to crap benefits and bad pay that you should be EVER grateful for your job there because you can have blue hair and 5 facial piercings and you can NEVER have that anywhere else. The only people to buy that are usually young and you know how it is when your young, you dress up for the mall like your going to a club. They don''t realize that when you grow up a little you don''t need to shove your counter cultureness into everyones face 24 - 7. I have also taken notice that in the past few years the customer service at that store has gone way downhill. When I worked there no matter what was going on you greeted the customer and asked if they needed anything. I have gone into that store and found myself being in there for a good 20 mins or so and trying deperatly to find someone to get something down for me just to have ALL the employees gathered mid store chit chatting. When I worked there it seemed we had more customer focus and organization....oh well.
I think a lot of people mis understood where I was going with my posts. My original post was not to bash Flav at all, I thought it was something the PS crew would like and I asked if anyone knew anyone who had a real diamond in thier nose! I didn''t say anything negative about it. I got indignant for a very specific reason. I have no problems with different opinions. I had a problem with the delivery. For instance I thought your post was very well written, it expressed you opinion but you were never outright rude in any way. I have no problems with people saying they don''t think piercings look good, look professional, it''s not for them, they don''t understand it ect ect. None at all. Your right everyone is entitled to thier opinion. I just didn''t think it needed to be called gross or tacy or tasteless. Another reason that really bothered me is because I at the time was also posting in another forum where womens body issues were being discussed. Everyone was so up in arms about being respectful should someone be overwieght or underweight and I didn''t see why someone with a piercings should be treated any differently. I used the example of being overweight. If someone wrote a post about how they were overweight NO ONE would ever respond stating they thought fat people were gross. Most people would find that apalling. They would get flamed all to hell!
I reread my post and saw that it came off as preachy and that was totally not my intent. What I wrote was how I personally handle negative people and had I not gotten on my soap box I probably would have done a better job at conveying that! I apologize. I don''t fault you for any of your posts and you''re absolutely right about how the delivery of an opinion can make the difference in how it''s received. I personally have come to realize in just the last couple of years that ignorant people seem to be the majority (or at least where I live!) and as the saying goes: ''ignorance is bliss'' There''s just no reasoning w/people like that, you know?
Anyway, I found another Hot Topic location w/better service, so no love lost. I like that store too much (I''m a fairy addict) to boycott it entirely so I just boycotted that particular one.
My nostril screw was about $75 and it''s white gold with a teeny tiny diamond. It pretty much looks no different from the stainless steel crystal stud that came with the initial piercing (which was all of $27 total) so I could have used the $75 on something else, but I wanted it anyway! Plus, it catches light and sparkles which the other one really didn''t.
Well, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. You seem to be a very cool person and you and your husband make an attractive couple! Take care.
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