
Diamond opinion

You’ve seen the videos of what a really well cut diamond can look like so you might just have to use your eyes to select from the options that are available to you. You’ve done a good job of narrowing your choices to a selection that should be better cut than most diamonds that are out there. Now you want to look for a nice edge to edge sparkle, a good level of brightness, and a pleasing symmetric facet pattern across the whole face of the stone. The stone should have lots of sparkle moving across the whole surface, and it should have patterns of bright and dark facets, turning off and on across the whole surface of the stone. There should be no areas that remain dark across different lighting sources or as you move your hand. The whole face of the stone should look active with light play. Be sure that you look at it in natural daylight or incandescent light because high spotlighting like they usually have in jewellers makes it hard to assess cut.

I also recommend taking a picture with your phone at the jewelers. When I was first looking for a diamond, I saw a stone in a store that was so sparkly and bright in their lighting. I took a quick pic with my phone and the jeweler said "oh diamonds don't photograph well with phones." When I looked at the picture later it was awful, mushy and dull. The next day I found PS and JPs videos - I learned that it was a terrible cut and leaking a ton of light. I almost made a very expensive mistake and that picture saved me.
Unfortunately, at the time of the meeting, it will be early morning in the United States and no one will be available here to help me.

I'll try to take a picture with my phone (iphone 13 pro) and hope I can identify whether it's a good stone or not.. I'm not skilled after all.

So from what I understand from the pictures I should see the arrows inside the stone perfectly?

I would love to receive more examples of how the stone should look on camera..

I mean what is a good stone and what is not.

Unfortunately, at the time of the meeting, it will be early morning in the United States and no one will be available here to help me.

I'll try to take a picture with my phone (iphone 13 pro) and hope I can identify whether it's a good stone or not.. I'm not skilled after all.

So from what I understand from the pictures I should see the arrows inside the stone perfectly?

I would love to receive more examples of how the stone should look on camera..

I mean what is a good stone and what is not.


I didn’t even know about hearts and arrows at that time - it was just dull, flat, and mushy. I will say that with my super ideal I can often snap the arrows with my iPhone - but the pictures are never crisp - I honestly think it’s too much light reflected back for my phone and the processor doesn’t like it.

Here is that leaky stone - it was so bright in person - and a E color! The second picture is of a diamond that is also an E color - but super ideal - same phone and much worse lighting…


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You can definitely see the differences..
In the second picture I can clearly see the arrows inside the stone..
if you went VS2 and G you could get more stone (ct) for your money. You would not see any inclusions and still be a white stone.
If the jeweler can't find me a diamond in Israel, I will try to ask him to order me a stone from the USA for a commission if that is possible

I would love to receive links to good stones in VS1 grade and DEF colors in sizes 0.75 - 0.85.

Budget 3000-4000$.

I will continue to update if I receive new offers from him.

Is there a reason you would not order from the US on your own if things do t work out with this jeweler?
As a private customer I am not allowed to order an unset diamond.
If I want to order a diamond I have to buy it set in a ring
And in addition I have to pay 18% VAT + 17% duty

*If I buy from blue nile then do I have to deduct VAT from the final price on their website?
Actually unless you are doing a precision cut branded stone (WFlash) most of the USA Retail Online Vendor stones (Blue Nile etc...) are in India and available to anyone...
you can use the Pricescope search to find Excellent HCA grades and then review the images and get the GIA report number...with the GIA report number your jeweler could order the diamond from India

example .85 F VVS2 @ BN $2,990 (cut seems a bit off in images so maybe look for better but to see how to do it)
Click the HCA grade where it says AGS # thats the gia report #



same stone is listed on Rare Carat
it's a new one last week ... well priced - even though its not 100% precise cut it likely looks fanastic.....pretty good deal at $2,500 USD.. faint FL is nothing....

I really hope that if I give the jeweler the GIA certificate number he will be able to provide me with the stone that I will choose from the database here on the site.

Tomorrow I will take a look at the stones on the site and advise you..
Maybe by then the jeweler will get back to me with his own offer.

It seems that the only ones who ship to Israel is this site.

They also dont hide the certificate numbers..
I really liked this stone but..

*the certificate number is hidden..

*they dont ship to israel as well..

How can I ask my jeweler to order for me without a certificate number..

Maybe other suppliers ship to Israel?
Personally i would go with the larger better cut VVS2 @ $2,500 - this .80 is a bit pricey @ $3,800 - i don't see it listed other vendors so could be BN exclusive

Nevertheless, the GIA # is on the HCA report.... is 6512017244

It seems that the only ones who ship to Israel is this site.

They also dont hide the certificate numbers..

Whiteflash is the best - Their ACA are all superb cut stones and their Expert Selection are pretty good value (close to ACA quality)

Since you aren’t having any luck buying locally and shipping as an issue, I would go ahead and buy from Whiteflash. Quality will be exceptional. Because they own the stones you can trust them to assess I cleanliness you could expand your selection to a GVS2 for example.
I'm kind of afraid to go down to VS2 but I'll consider it.

There is no doubt that their stones are impressive..

*Can anyone tell me if technically my jeweler can get me one of the stones from Whiteflash? (If I give him the certificate number of one of the stones)

*If not possible, it is possible to buy a stone set in a ring from Whiteflash?

Thanks for the help!
I'm kind of afraid to go down to VS2 but I'll consider it.

There is no doubt that their stones are impressive..

*Can anyone tell me if technically my jeweler can get me one of the stones from Whiteflash? (If I give him the certificate number of one of the stones)

*If not possible, it is possible to buy a stone set in a ring from Whiteflash?

Thanks for the help!

I don’t think Whiteflash would sell their diamonds to a jeweler. Plus, as a consumer, you would want to have the trade-in policy with Whiteflash!
You can absolutely select a diamond, select a setting and they will set the ring for you. When the ring is completed, they would ship the ring to you. They are a wonderful company to deal with - call or email them!
I will try to ask the jeweler if he can bring me the stone..

Technically, I can order by myself as long as the stone is inside the ring,
but then I will have to pay 36% taxes of the total price, which is really expensive for me.

Maybe through the jeweler the final price will be cheaper.. (If I only buy the stone).

**He is not exactly a jeweler but a member of a diamond exchange in Israel.
I'm almost certain he knows Whiteflash.
I will try to ask the jeweler if he can bring me the stone..

Technically, I can order by myself as long as the stone is inside the ring,
but then I will have to pay 36% taxes of the total price, which is really expensive for me.

Maybe through the jeweler the final price will be cheaper.. (If I only buy the stone).

**He is not exactly a jeweler but a member of a diamond exchange in Israel.
I'm almost certain he knows Whiteflash.

All A Cut Above diamonds are owned by Whiteflash and Are in-house. The jeweler won’t find them on a diamond exchange type of website.
Okay, I'm updating that after checking I shouldn't buy from abroad since it doesn't pay off for me financially. (50% taxes)

I will update here once I get stone offers from my jeweler.

Thanks everyone :)
When you get his offers, this site is a good quick check for potential based on hte Proportions - you would want to land inside the AGS ideal (red area) - and then look at other numbers (crown height/depth) as well as looking at the the stone itself.

thanks for the tool.
this is good ?
56 / 34.5 / 40.6
According to the site you sent the following combinations are the most recommended: (Correct me if I'm wrong).

CA 35.5 / PA 40.6

CA 35 / PA 40.6/8

CA 34.5 / PA 40.8

CA 34 / PA 41/40.8
yes exactly !!!! so once you are in those ranges then you look at the depth and see how the stone looks in the images and if you have asset / idealscope etc....
cut estimator is similar to the proportions chart..
So avoid CA 34.5 / PA 40.6 ???

(Depth range I told him is 60-62.3% and Table 56-58%)
Here there is a comparison between PA (40-41.2) to CA 34.5.
I didn't see a significant difference in the videos between 40.6 and 40.8..

The question is whether to try to see the stone he offered me? (56 / 34.5 / 40.6)
Only on Sunday will I know the rest of the parameters. (Then I will check with HCA)

what you say?
Don't get so concerned with getting the numbers EXACTLY perfect to the chart; that is 'best case' rather than get this or you will have a bad diamond! You will notice the low number for the crown angle 'best' matches with a higher number on the pavilion angle. You want to stay 'close' to those number on the chart but it won't be a disaster if a number is a 'little' bit different. Try to find a diamond with great numbers and then post a video of the diamond being moved so we can see the diamond 'in action'. And avoid a 'deep' diamond!!
i understand..
I will get all the numbers tomorrow and i will check them on HCA tool.
Then I'll get back to you.
Regarding video, this is only during the meeting
Do you have any friends traveling to the US or from the US to Israel? They could bring you a stone from Whiteflash and you won't need to pay taxes. I'd go with Whiteflash, because 1) they offer excellent quality for the price and 2) their upgrade policy is amazing if you decide to go bigger in a few years. Whoever makes the purchase can put it under your name in Whiteflash's system, then you would be able to handle upgrades independently of that person.