Independent Gal
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No.......Date: 9/21/2007 12:35:00 PM
Author: Rabe2000
I have to say I agree with this post completely. I don''t understand the surprise element, in fact that has always scared me. Like you said, a surprise means there hasn''t been enough discussion about it. Perhaps people did that 40 years ago, I have no idea. I''ll have to ask my bf''s parents about that one. But my bf and I had a long discussion over the period of years about what we want out of life, what we want for and from each other etc etc. The proposal really will be a formality. I know what time of year it will happen, and I know the date when we will get married, and we haven''t even bought the ring yet!! Romance to me is having the house completely clean and dinner ready when I come home for work. Those are the kinds of surprises I like. But I''ve never been a chocolates and flowers kinda girl. Heck, I''m not even a jewelry kinda girl and I''m severely picky. I''m utterly grateful that I get to pick out exactly what I want. More importantly, we did it together and we both agree that we love the style and how it looks on my finger. After we''re married, we''ll haves a lifetime to have great, romantic surprises.Date: 9/21/2007 12:12:23 PM
Author: musey
The man doesn''t HAVE to. They most often PREFER to. The actual proposal, for most couples, is really a formality. They''ve already made the decision to get married at some point, thoroughly talked their future through. Most couples who go through that process also, at some point, discuss what each of them want out of the engagement. Some couples would like it to be a surprise, some not at all, some in between. It''s a matter of what matters to THAT couple.Date: 9/21/2007 11:55:59 AM
Author: Rabe2000
So then why does the ''MAN'' need to propose??? If it''s about life commitments with each other why wouldn’t a woman propose?? Isn’t this part ''Cave Man Like''???
Any woman who is COMPLETELY surprised by a proposal, or would describe it as ''out of the blue,'' is not displaying good signs for the relationship, IMO. If it is completely out of the blue, that means the couple hasn''t even gotten to the ''discussing future/marriage/plans'' stage. She doesn''t see it coming because the subject hasn''t been broached... Would that couple really be ready to get married??
If you want to surprise her, fantastic. I''m sure she''ll be thrilled. But any man who surprises his girlfriend in this way should be prepared for her to ask for a different ring, IMO. (And for her to perhaps say ''no,'' for that matter!)![]()
Ditto on this one as well. Been living together for 3+ years and our finances have been merged for at least 2 of them. So it''s pretty impossible for him to actually purchase it on his own. Even if he did it out of his own bank account, somewhere down the line I will pay for something else. We just don''t keep track of things like that anymore.Date: 9/21/2007 12:18:14 PM
Author: BriBee
I also wanted to add that my FF and I have lived together for over 2 years, are in the process of purchasing a home, and have combined nearly all of our finances at this point. So as for him ''paying the bill'' on the ring after I have designed the whole thing...we don''t really look at it that way. We have saved together, set a budget together, and put the money aside together. So we feel that this is a joint purchase that we''re making together.Date: 9/21/2007 12:06:38 PM
Author: Rabe2000
It just seems wrong...if the ''man'' had little to no participation then in actuality all he did was pay the bill it''s not right. I was raised by all women and growing up my mom/family of all women certain values were instilled in me. I am in know way sexist but I SO For the first time in my life want that UNFORGETTABLE look on her face when I propose. And if she wants to change the ring later I DID MAKE SURE we could trade up which at that point we could do together and I would have no problem with that.
I think that''s exactly what 99.9% of us are advocating. No one is really saying the guy shouldn''t be involved beyond his checkbook. The point is that the woman should have a SAY if she wants to.Date: 10/1/2007 7:32:34 PM
Author: kev1234
How about a compromise:
we pick out the setting together, and i''ll pick out the diamond (and yes, you can pick out the shape)