
Do you like your name?

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Date: 7/9/2008 8:24:55 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Date: 7/9/2008 2:37:08 AM

Author: trillionaire

Anyway, I love ... Jael

Boys: ..., Adonis (yes, I said Adonis),...

I think Yael/Jael is a great name too, but do you know the bible story associated with her? If i recall correctly, she lures the enemy into her tent, gets him drunk (and who knows what else) and when he falls asleep she takes a tent peg and hammers it into him, nailing him to the ground.

Something like that.

Anyway, I feel like that's a lot of namesake to stick on a little girl!

Although it definitely kicks @$$.

As for Adonis, oh lord, please, don't do it. That is just wrong. A lifetime of horrible teasing awaits. And I mean horrible. He will HATE you!

LOL, I learned the Jael story in HS, which is when I decided I liked the name. I'm not religious, and I doubt the average person knows the story...

As for Adonis, I still love the name, but would probably never have the chance to use it. I don't plan on kids, and if I do, I will adopt, and probably just one boy and one girl... and the first boy would always be Isaiah
, the girl would be Avery Elise

What about these for girls:

Jalen, Harris, Terran, Jolie, Josephine (Jo), Marin, Madison, Asha, Devon? Sydney is a great name!
Date: 7/10/2008 2:51:58 PM
Author: LittleGreyKitten

However a couple years ago, my father revealed to me that he had named me after his first girlfriend he'd never gotten over.
My mom didn't know. That *really* bothered me and I've had a hard time liking my name ever since.

Oh, and oddly enough, my DH is also named after his mother's first love. Joy.

I can't imagine doing that to my kid or my spouse, ew.

LOL, sorry to double post, but this was really funny to me. My SO's dad was named after his mom's old boyfriend too! And to make matters worse, SO's dad knew this, and therefore did not like his name, but when SO's mom had her first son, she named HIM after the dad, who was named after the old boyfriend.

Long story short, my SO and his dad are BOTH named after this old boyfriend, and neither of them are happy about it.
Yes, very much. I''ve only met one other in my lifetime and saw one named me on the Batchelor :)
I love the names Taryn and Quinn. I think they are so different but not too much. Cannot imagine naming a kid Adolf or Kermit or some of this other stuff.
My name is Serene. Growing up, I never thought much about it but I HATED being called Serena! No offense to all the Serenas out there

I have no daughters but I love old-fashioned, organic sounding names like Ruby and Lily. I also love names after months especially January, December, July, August, or September.
I have never liked my name.
It is the second most common name the year I was born.
When I was in school I was forced to be called my my WHOLE name so no one mistook me for one of the others.
It is a name that people with accents say HORRIBLY.

When my husband says my name. I cringe.

Ironically enough. One year after I was married, and there no longer existed a person with my unique name and maiden name combo... my brother went and married a girl with the same name as me!!! WHO, ironically, I went to fricken school with!!!

Don''t name your kid Kelly
I like Kelly! But be glad you did not marry a guy with the last name Green.
My parents were afraid to name me Elizabeth b/c they thought people might call me "Liz." Sure enough, by 3rd grade, that''s what everyone was calling me.

I never liked the name Liz as a child, and my family and close friends call me Lizzy. If you look for nicknames for Elizabeth, there are literally dozens. Babette, Liza, Veta, Bessy....

My grandmother is Russian so she used to call me "Ylisaveta." (probably not how it''s spelled however)

I still go by Liz, Lizzy or Elizabeth. I''ve given up hope of ever sticking to one name.

Oh, and on rare occasions: Lizard, Lizbian or Eliza-needs-a-bath. (I know, I have great friends......)
Date: 7/8/2008 10:01:41 PM
Author: blondie23
I actually really like my name..Rachel..yes, that''s Rachel spelled with an ''el'' NOT an ''ael''....i got that all the time growing up but overall I really like my name. But growing up no one ever called me by Rachel, half the time I wasn''t sure people actually knew my real name. People ALWAYS called me by my last namme, Potter...that is until the famous wizard came along....Yeah, can you tell how awesome it was when ''Harry Potter'' came out???

I have endless stories about professors, collegues, etc making jokes about me being related to Harry Potter, but overall I love both my names and now that I am married people still call me ''Potter'' and I love it.

Awesome to be related to a fictional character!

Other than that, I am your post!
I''m a Rachel, spelled the proper way. My entire life I''ve gone by my last name, probably started in HS being on sports teams, but none of my 4 siblings were called our last name and now my students are struggling trying to change to my new last name.

Oh, and being good Jews, our names are David, Deborah, Rachel, Abigail Ruth, and Sarah.

The good thing about clustering names by letter is that clothes could have initials on them and be correct for the first two (clothes were pretty much shot after them) and then my first initial being the same as my younger sister, Mom would just throw the A on there and then be golden. I always thought that was clever, even if it was totally unplanned.
If I hadn''t been Rebecca, I would have been Rachel. My aunt apparently approved, and now my only female first cousin is Rachel. Our brothers both have biblical names too, which is funny since my parents aren''t particularly religious. All the names I like for kids are either classic/biblical, like Hannah, Emma, or Anne, or Irish/Scottish like Fiona, Catriona, Alec. I also love the more esoteric names (at least in the US) like Siobhan, Sinead, or Aoife, but I''d hate to burden a kid with spelling and pronouncing one of those!
I like my name because it''s pretty straight-forward (like me
). I was named after my mom''s BFF who was a pretty amazing lady. She was one of the first female doctors who practised at Johns Hopkins before going into private practice. She was barely 4''10" and when she did surgery, she had to use a stool, but she had perfect tiny fingers for intricate procedures. She never married, but her dream was to turn her practice over to me when she retired. I was sorry to disappoint her when it became apparent that I was definitely not gifted in math.
I hate my name.
I am a Billi Jo. (Let''s make it unique by spelling it with an I!!!)
My whole life, I have heard "What''s your real name?" "What is your middle name?" "Are you a lesbian?" "Oh, you aren''t a male?"
Doesn''t help that I live in a rural area.

I have used BJ since I have been ten, and won''t answer to Billi at work. It surprises people, and upsets them, since hitting the magical age of thirty suddenly makes you want to use your birth name.

Now that I am in management, and my name has to be called out over a loudspeaker that can be heard across town, the upper levels absolutely refuse to use BJ. I refuse to answer to Billi. Solution? Ms. mymaidenname. Oh, married name is long, hypenated and hard to pronounce for non German speakers.

My kid is Maria. My folks flipped out with the ''normal, boring spelling'' She loves her name as she can come up with clever nicknames from it, and its a girl''s name, not a Boy with an I name.
oh my! this IS a great post!

I was named directly after my dad. I''m pretty much JR. infact my initials were j2c2.

In grade school i didnt mind my first name but HATED my middle name. no joke. I didnt learn how to spell it until middle school. I hated it soo much i never bothered!! (sad, i know)

Now, i wish i went by my middle name instead of my first, since in college there was another girl who had the same name and every said "are you talking about jamie or little jamie". I was not the little one

funny enough though, my best friend has the same name. Her husband has the name name as my boyf. weird... and we wound up working accross the street from eachother while both guys worked for the state/city on the roads (inspection and maitnance). even more weird...

Whats great about my middle name is that i knew i was in trouble when my parents (from the south) pronouced my middle name wrong. they would yell "Jamie Carleen!!!" uhm. mom, dad, its carlyle. same as yours dad. and your fathers
still cracks me up.

i love my grandparents name. totally old school but interesting all the same
there is Harrie (but later spelled Harry), Freddie (female!) and Geraldean (also female, but went by mary).

I know i will continue the middle name throughout my family. but i might name my girl (if i have one) carleen just for kicks
We have some pretty cool names in my family but I never really loved mine growing up. Now, I like it but people close to me usually think of a nickname. I''m a, Heather. Actually growing up I wished I had my youngest sisters name...Terressa...pronouced..Ta...reh....sah.....not Ter...ese...ah. I love that and it was my grandmothers middle name. I love my middle name...Leigh and sometimes now I still write Heather Leigh. My middle sister probably got the most common name...Jennifer.

The best name in our family goes to my sisters'' son. His name is Tegan Jaymes. How awesome is that.

My ff''s sister''s name is...Kerrilyn pronounce...Keri...lynn. I think that is a pretty cool name.

My last name stinks. My dad translated our last name when my parents got married to "americanize" it. My original last name and true family name is: Brzozowy No one knows me by that name though as I''ve always had the translated name.
I love my name ... now.

It is Sacha (pronounced Sasha NOT Sa-CHA)
, middle name Monique.

When I was growing up I hated it because it was different and now I love it for the same reason, even down to the spelling. While it is irritating that people always spell it incorrectly, I still love it and think it is perfectly suited to me.

I''m glad my parents didn''t give in to me when I was growing up and change my name to Crystal like I was insisting that they do ... I just loved that name growing up but it doesn''t "look like me" at all.

Great thread idea, Indy.
I knew a girl growing up that went by BJ. She was very cool. Now she''s known as Barbara, don''t blame her, that BJ had to go. A shame, cause we never thought a thing of it back in the day.
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