
Do you think about other PSers....

Dancing Fire said:
Autumnovember said:
When I think of what someone on here might look like or something, I think about DF
i look like " sinfully pink "... :naughty:[/quote]

Haaaaahahahaha that must mean you're very pink, pretty, and very curvy
Autumnovember said:
Haven said:
Awww Monnie, I feel the same about you. That was really nice to read. 8) Thank you.
I sent the personal statement in along with my application
I'm not so confident about getting in :(
Why not, Autumn?
NOOOO! Don't feel that way. Envision yourself getting that acceptance letter in the mail, opening it, jumping up and down in excitement, going out to celebrate, buying your first semester books, attending your first class . . . positive thoughts bring positive realities, I really believe that!
Haven said:
Autumnovember said:
Haven said:
Awww Monnie, I feel the same about you. That was really nice to read. 8) Thank you.
I sent the personal statement in along with my application
I'm not so confident about getting in :(
Why not, Autumn?
NOOOO! Don't feel that way. Envision yourself getting that acceptance letter in the mail, opening it, jumping up and down in excitement, going out to celebrate, buying your first semester books, attending your first class . . . positive thoughts bring positive realities, I really believe that!


So I'm taking Microbiology and A&P 2 for my last two pre-req's. The previous two pre-req's I got A's in and in general I'm an "A" student. So we got our grades back for our first exam in both classes. I got a 76 on one and a 79 on the other ;(

Since GPA isn't really that much of a factor anymore and I only need a "C" or better in my pre req's, I'm still worried as to how thats going to look to them when I send in my mid semester grades. For whatever reason, the school decided to make the application deadline November 1st instead of December 1st which gives me MUCH less time to improve the grades. I figured if I didn't do so hot on the first exam I'd have at least two more exams to take before handing in my mid semester grades but its looking like I'll have only one exam in each class to try to boost that up. Ugggggggggghhhhh....whyyyyyyy would the change the deadline!??!?!?!?! Thank God I even saw that today.
I often think about Mariposa.
Autumn--Focus on the positives, lady! GPA isn't that important, and you have already established a long academic record of outstanding performance. I was never a straight A student myself, and they've let me into a lot of graduate programs!
Besides, fretting over it is only going to make you feel more pressure in your class, which will lead to decreased performance--a vicious cycle! I think you're going to be fine. You wrote a very moving personal statement that painted a picture of a motivated, compassionate young woman, and you have already proven yourself to be an outstanding student. If they don't accept you, who the heck are they accepting?
Chin up!
Yes I do.

I am really fond of some PS'ers; you know who you are.
Porridge said:
bee* said:
I also think of those when they're visiting Ireland and look out for them if I'm in town in Dublin.
I do this too, especially this summer when there were a few visiting Ireland. When I'm in Dublin I definitely keep an eye out for you bee*! I wonder what I'd do if I actually bumped into you. I'd probably be shy, but then the sparkles from that gorgeous Lucida would win out and I'd go running towards it like a crazy person ;)

I've often thought of what would happen if I bumped into you too!! Don't be shy!!!

Pink Tower-your labradoodle is gorgeous!! What a baby!!