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Oh, and btw, anyone ever read/browse It''s kind of funny/oops, I meant enlightening.

When DH and I went to premarital counseling, our priest told me, "you have to be careful with those womens'' studies'' classes."

DH and I have an understanding: every team has a captain. However, the captain has a first mate who tells him what to do. (That''s me, hee hee.)
FI and I are both very "driven" career type people, and I do recognize a lot of the listings in the article in myself (and IN HIM, hello). Yeah, it would be easier if one of us was more home oriented. Yes it would be easier if there were a clear "captain" all the time. All I can say is, thank god I love to cook as a hobby.

Honestly though, I like having someone just as driven as I am to team up with. It''s not easy, but what''s easy isn''t always what''s rewarding. Right now we focus on making time for each other-and if and when the children decision comes along, we''ll deal with it then. I have minor anxiety issues about it from time to time though--could I be happy staying at home, even part time? Will it be a financial option for him to stay home?

But ain''t no WAY he is ever going to get to expect that I will automatically "serve" him or otherwise be his mommy or maid. If he doesn''t do his half of the housework, it stays dirty. I refuse to clean it for him because then I will always be cleaning it (sickness and tough work weeks excepted of course).

I heard someone say once that if you both always try to put more than half of the effort in you are probably about hitting the "fair" mark.

And yes, pie works wonders. I made apple pie and pizza one night, that was a big hit!
Date: 8/24/2006 1:35:51 AM
Author: monarch64
Oh, and btw, anyone ever read/browse It''s kind of funny/oops, I meant enlightening.

When DH and I went to premarital counseling, our priest told me, ''you have to be careful with those womens'' studies'' classes.''

DH and I have an understanding: every team has a captain. However, the captain has a first mate who tells him what to do. (That''s me, hee hee.)
lol monarch, greg has termed me ''the domestic oversight committee''....
PHD Career Lady responds ... I guess Forbes has republished the article online as a "debate" between the JERK & this nice lady ... but, as Gawker urges, don''t traffic the offensive twits at FORBES & give them any more page hits with which to lure paying fool advertisers ... follow my sweet, ad-free link ... and rejoice in stickin it to the JERK.

Sidenote: It''s rumored that the JERK is away from the Forbes office attending a wedding. Let''s all hope he''s not one for giving toasts.
Date: 8/24/2006 1:35:51 AM
Author: monarch64

DH and I have an understanding: every team has a captain. However, the captain has a first mate who tells him what to do. (That''s me, hee hee.)

In my house, a regular exchange (always done in jest) goes as follows:

HIM: "You''re not the boss of me!... "
ME: "Yanno - you''re right. Incidentally, I''m not the maid of you either. I''ll hand you back your shirt and YOU can iron it."
HIM: "Uh....on second thought, ok. You can be the boss of me."

hehehehehe - he''s so cute!
haha... alj - you remind me of an exchange that I had w/DH about a month after we were married.

He moved into my place, so it took some getting used to sharing everything w/him, and DH was very insistent that I STOP saying ''my'' room and start saying ''our'' room... ''our'' bathroom... etc...

Finally I said, well, honey, since everything''s shared, I would love it if you took out ''our'' trash!!!!
Date: 8/24/2006 1:14:59 PM
Author: decodelighted
PHD Career Lady responds ... I guess Forbes has republished the article online as a ''debate'' between the JERK & this nice lady ... but, as Gawker urges, don''t traffic the offensive twits at FORBES & give them any more page hits with which to lure paying fool advertisers ... follow my sweet, ad-free link ... and rejoice in stickin it to the JERK.

Sidenote: It''s rumored that the JERK is away from the Forbes office attending a wedding. Let''s all hope he''s not one for giving toasts.
Let''s hope it''s not his own.
Date: 8/24/2006 1:27:13 PM
Author: aljdewey


In my house, a regular exchange (always done in jest) goes as follows:

HIM: ''You''re not the boss of me!... ''
ME: ''Yanno - you''re right. Incidentally, I''m not the maid of you either. I''ll hand you back your shirt and YOU can iron it.''
HIM: ''Uh....on second thought, ok. You can be the boss of me.''

hehehehehe - he''s so cute!
This non article has been the firestorm of the mainstream media & then some come late. Today Show & CBS''s morning show did a blurb on it. I''ve seen it advertised as topic for other shows as well.

Yeah. It''s amazing that this crap makes it to print. I''d love to see how many men in other countries-- where the women are struggling for basic rights to education-- twist this ''American'' article to suit their purposes. Irresponsible journalism, IMO.
The guy gets my vote as bozo of the year. My FI loves the fact that I am career minded and he doesn''t mind a whit that I outearn him by double. The fact that I travel is good for some time apart (in our case absence does make the heart grow fonder) and he is very proud of how far I''ve come.


I saw a bit of a debate on MSNBC between a feminist woman and a traditional woman. Basically the feminist had the usual points. But one thing that the traditionist said did hit me. She said that if you ask women if they would like to stay home and raise their kids, the vast majority would (as mothers) love to take that option. Even though I am not sure I want to have kids, I had to think about this. I never wanted to be a stay at home mom, but it IS a very valuable job and one I would want to take on for the sake of my kids. If I were to even think about it further, I''d say that I''d love to stay home because I wouldn''t mind quitting my job right now
...I hate corporate politics, and I''d rather spend my energy on something I see as more valuable. Of course, after a few days of staying home with a baby, I may change my mind!

Fortunately I do have a man that is happy to stay home and be Mr. Mom, so our child will be with at least one parent. And working from home, I won''t have to miss anything, so we may be able to have the best of all worlds!
Ok...I finally got the time to sit down and read that article...sheesh...what a WEEK later?


Because, to me, staying home raising a 20 month old child who thinks he's a stinkin' monkey & running this house wears me down to a nub in a way my 50 hour a week high tech job never did, so I just now have some time to dedicate some brain reserves to process this article..

Lets see...develop new VPN system for company along with having to do all the financial forecasts (hey! I'm in Marketing! Not Finance! who the hell downsized our analysts? eeek! talk about blind leading the blind) or take care of every bloody living creature under this roof? Which is harder? (and I suck at finance btw)

So now I could read the Forbes article, and Mara, if you click up in the corner where it says "skip this welcome page" it goes straight to the article, they didn't take it down.

it is a stupid ploy for advertisers and a dumb article at best. Yes, this author is an assclown. God I love that term!

When I worked, making as much $$ as my husband I:

cooked--elegant, elaborate gourmet meals.

Now that I am home I:

am lucky to shower daily, let alone prepare anything requiring something other than the microwave.

When I worked I.....

Kept a spotless house & yard

Now that I am home I:

Take it one day at a time & who cares if the yard is brown.

I am happy to be home, but I have to tell you, I'm more fragmented now than I ever was. The only person who gets the benefit of my "best" is my son. And don't get me wrong, I'm EXTREMELY happy being home. You couldn't drag me to work or pay me enough money to miss this.

I'd love to eat bon bons on the couch & watch soaps..I can't even catch up with my Tivo!

I liked the counterpoint of the article by Corcoran : DON'T MARRY LAZY MEN.



And let's raise sons who know how to clean...mine already loves to use my broom and stick vac. Way to go step...."how to properly clean a toilet, yes you do wipe down the outside as well", followed by "laundry can do it!".

Also, let's not corrall our daughters into thinking that all men want a housewife. if I have a girl, I'll try to teach her the value of living below one's means, and that way if you are in a dual income home & one person decides that they WANT to stay home, it will be a possibility. I'd hate to be working mom who wanted to be home but couldn't. So many people simply cannot afford it due to lower wages, but I have a lot of friends who have husbands who make more than mine & can't afford to leave their jobs because they are so riddled with debt due to excessive spending.

But that said, if I have a girl, she'll go to college and hopefully be lucky enough to pursue her dreams...whatever those are and wherever they take her.

you go, divergirl!

movie zombie
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