
E/ring Project

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Sending you lots of dust. :appl: And remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder...
Dust from me too. It's an anxious time at the best of times when you're dealing with erings. I'm sure it'll all work out well for you x
Thanks for the dust :D

Just rang Jewellers and apparently it went back to the setters on Monday as the Jewellers weren't happy with the setting of the stone. I know that's good because it's being seen to, but I feel so deflated :((
Even your avatar looks sad..... :(sad

Sending you dust.
talamasca|1311257174|2973718 said:
Thanks for the dust :D

Just rang Jewellers and apparently it went back to the setters on Monday as the Jewellers weren't happy with the setting of the stone. I know that's good because it's being seen to, but I feel so deflated :((

OMG...I feel so bad for you. I've been reading this post since it was started and I think you get the award for most angst involved in purchasing a ring. Hang in there, I'm sure it will be perfect in the end and it will feel like you really earned that thing!
:| It will all be worth it. I had a ering reset recently from one vendor and had to go to another to get it fixed after the first company refused to make the modifications I asked for. It turned out beautiful, and now I have a trusted jeweler.
Aoife|1311259807|2973746 said:
Even your avatar looks sad..... :(sad

Sending you dust.

:lol: that's my ikkle poopalah, Logan, who has perfected the art of looking sad since he was a pup.

In fact, we even nicknamed him 'Sad Sam' :love:

Sad Sam.jpg
pregcurious|1311286701|2974100 said:
:| It will all be worth it. I had a ering reset recently from one vendor and had to go to another to get it fixed after the first company refused to make the modifications I asked for. It turned out beautiful, and now I have a trusted jeweler.

Oh no, that must've been stressful! My hope is that the jewellers do a really good job in the end, especially as we're having them make fiance's blue wedding band and I've hinted at other projects too so they should see us as future customers to keep happy!

It has only been 8 weeks I suppose, but I'm such an anxious person it feels a lot longer :roll:
vinkalmann|1311273551|2973917 said:
OMG...I feel so bad for you. I've been reading this post since it was started and I think you get the award for most angst involved in purchasing a ring. Hang in there, I'm sure it will be perfect in the end and it will feel like you really earned that thing!

I hope so :D
Aww... I've been following as well, I hope you have your ring too!

Your pup is freaking adorable!
Now for some good, but slightly frustrating news!

After having my mobile phone with me constantly for the last 2 weeks in case the Jewellers rang I left it downstairs this afternoon and they rang and left a message to say it was ready!!! Unfortunately, I picked up the message too late to go collect it :roll:

I spoke to them and asked if all was OK after the teething troubles and she said they'd all checked it throughly and that it looks great. So now I have to wait until next Saturday before I can go pick it up :(( But yay, it's ready and waiting :D

But yes yes yes good news overall! So happy for you :D
Oh, thank goodness for that! - even with bad timing, at least you know your ring is perfect and waiting for you. Can't wait to see it! :naughty:
Adorable puppy, and looking forward to seeing your E-ring!
You collecting tomorrow, tala? I'm excited for you! :twirl:

Remember: PICS PICS PICS! :naughty:
Yep, can't get there until late afternoon though!

I'm normally a really positive person and try not to focus on the bad, but I'm so blooming apprehensive about it being right that I can't get excited :((

Sorry for sounding miserable :roll:
Aw, don't apologise: I understand. The first thing I did when seeing my ering pics is look as hard as possible for flaws. Since then I've been able to chill out about it and just look forward! I am sure you will be thrilled :love:

My recommendation: put bubbly in the fridge beforehand to welcome the ring into the family :naughty:
natsplat|1312555969|2984805 said:
Aw, don't apologise: I understand.
My recommendation: put bubbly in the fridge beforehand to welcome the ring into the family :naughty:

Just wanted to second that ;)

Guess who hasn't got their engagement ring!!!

Would you believe that the setting, which was the problem before, is now absolutely perfect, but the shoulders aren't even! When I arrived I was so relieved to see my stone in one piece and then I got busy checking to make sure it and the setting were straight, that the prongs were straight and of even thickness and when all was OK I was so happy until I realised that one of the shoulders looked higher than the other! On closer inspection, both the shoulders are the same height, but one side has been 'hammered' out more than the other so now they are going to have to 'shave' a bit off that shoulder to create more of a curve so it matches the other side, which is more than annoying as the main feature I wanted was these lovely high and deep shoulders!

I mean, honestly, you'd think that with everything that's gone on and all these 'eyes' supposedly checking it that one of them would have bloody noticed they weren't even. I managed to stay calm in the shop, but on the drive back home I've got more and more wound up.

Oh, and where the shoulder meets the setting it appeared tarnished on one side so they're fixing that too. Not sure if it hadn't been plated properly or just not polished-up!!!

And get this, I asked if they could do it today (I mean it's only been 10 weeks and several problems so you'd think they'd put me to the front of the queue as an apology), but was told they're very busy so may not be able to do it and in that case it would be Monday/Tuesday before it would be ready so it's going to sit waiting another week until next Saturday when I can collect it :angryfire:

There's no way I'm trusting them to make Paul's wedding band. Looking at their website which shows their workshop which is viewable by the public and how great they were initially I thought I'd found somewhere really good, but now I wish I'd used one of the PS vendors.

However, as frustrating, annoying and upsetting as this is I am greatly relieved to say I do LOVE the ring. It felt wonderful when I put it on and I really didn't want to take it off, which is fab as I am a bit superstitious and was worried that all the negatives would have rubbed off on the ring and that I wouldn't like it!

Looking at the postives, the setting is great - the prongs have been finished exactly as I wanted them, the open gallery is fab and the shaped side bars are lovely. Yes, the shoulders won't be as high as I would've liked, but they are lovely and thin, which makes the stone stand out even though, for me, it's quite large anyway. I'm also glad that I decided to keep the band plain as it looks simple and classical which for everyday wear is definitely very me.

Oh, and I loved seing my stone again. It's a miserable here in the UK today and my stone took on it's purple moody tone :D

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a phone call later, but if not roll on next Saturday and lets hope it's blooming right this time :roll:
I'm so sorry that there's been yet another delay, but glad to hear that aside from the things that need fixing you love the ring. Hopefully, it will be in your hands soon!
Oh Talamasca, I am so sorry to hear of yet another delay. What if you had them finish it and Overnight Express it to you at their expense to your workplace during the week?

Please do not worry about the ring absorbing negatives - your stone and its new home are gallantly trying to make its way home to you and all will be well when it is where it belongs. Your description of putting it on says it all. The stone sounds magical. :love:
minousbijoux|1312649009|2985458 said:
Oh Talamasca, I am so sorry to hear of yet another delay. What if you had them finish it and Overnight Express it to you at their expense to your workplace during the week?

This is exactly right. They should be falling over themselves to get it to you. Special Delivery to your work is the least they can do in my opinion.

I am so sorry to hear of you further delays, but at least you love the stone and setting. The minor details will all be worked out, and then you will have a perfect ring for life :love: DUST DUST DUST :twirl:
To be honest I'd rather go to store to collect it as I don't trust that it will be right, plus I have only left a 10% deposit and wouldn't want to pay in full until it was complete and right and they wouldn't post it out without payment.

I've been very polite with them as I feel they have me over a barrel since they have the ring AND stone, but as soon as it's done properly I will be complaining. The things I picked up on straight away shouldn't have needed pointing out by me, they should have been picked up by them and for them not to realise this is very frustrating. I do feel that they took on more than they're capable of doing and they misrepresented their skills and I've been left with a ring that isn't what I ordered since the main feature of the high/deep shoulders won't be as apparent as they were meant to be!
ooo~Shiney!|1306150798|2928206 said:
FallenRox|1306081613|2927765 said:
velouriaL|1305933977|2926923 said:
Congratulations on the first step! The stone is great.

I like the details. You might want to check out some of the neat detailed settings on WroughtGold on Etsy for inspiration -

It's so good to come here and see this posted. I must have scoured etsy for 4 hours yesterday... and that designer is AMAZING!!!! I also found another one who really caught my eye but the 2 designs that they have are far from simple.

Check this out:

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Handcrafted bliss in my book :)

Regarding Winged Lion ~ Ooooooooooooo BABY !!!!
I must get something from them. Must.
BTW, this looks like something Crasru would love, has she seen them do you think ?

I have spoken to them, they are from Ukraine if I remember correctly. It was a while ago. The husband makes rings, the wife does the communications. She said that their rings were made for certain dimensions of the stones and none of my stones fit the dimensions. She also said that he (the husband) was working on different versions of the same rings. Much as I love them, the Empress ring is all bezeled, and very few of my stones would really suit the setting. In fact, only two, and they are square, not round. I also think that the prices are not on the cheap side.

Talamasca - sorry for threadjacking, but I just saw the name of this jeweler and had to respond.

I am holding my fingers crossed... sometimes jewelers really drag their feet on projects but come up with wonderful pieces of art!
I rang the jewellers and they are just finishing polishing my ring!

I asked what the mark was and apparently it was just a solder join which hadn't been polished out, but surely if it's been rhodium plated and then polished the solder mark shouldn't have been there???

I ask if she'd managed to even out the shoulders now and she said yes, but I need to appreciate that they'll never be 'perfect' as it's hand made!!! I think she means it may not be perfect cos she doesn't have the skill :roll:

I can't get there until Saturday (again) so will be keeping my fingers crossed.
Dun worry. I am sure it will look lovely. Can't wait to see it! :appl:
Just thought I would round this thread up by saying I finally have my engagement ring and though it isn't 100% perfect in my eyes, I do love it! My fiance and parents all say I am being a bit picky so I'll say the things I'm not completely happy with here and then not mention them again.

The shoulders are not completely even, one has more of a curve than the other.

One side of the setting/prongs seem very slightly thicker than the other.

One prong is smaller than the others.

There, now I've got that off my chest I can relax and enjoy my very beautiful engagement ring - see new thread for pics which I'll post in a mo :D
Congratulations, Talamasca! I'm so glad the ring is finally on your finger and, as I said in the other thread, it looks beautiful!

I can't see the imperfections in your pictures, but don't forget that if you find that you don't ever really make peace with it, you can always upgrade the setting for an anniversary gift or something. You never know, though, you might just find that you become sentimental about the imperfections... ;)

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