
Early pregnancy loss


I was thinking about you and sending all kinds of positive energy your way. It must be comforting to know that you finally have some closure. As far as your throat being dry, I doubt they intubated you for your d&c. Usually d&c''s are preformed under concious sedation (using hypnotic sedatives) in the US, depending on the gestational age.

Take care of you, Noelwr.

Noel, glad to hear the procedure went well. I don''t know how you feel about charting, but I was glad I started charting after my miscarriage because it let me know what was going on... Since you mention the 20 days of no bleeding, just in case it helps, this is my chart from the beginning of my miscarriage last summer at apx. 6.5 weeks and the next cycle. I was pretty surprised to see a some ovulation indicators so soon after I stopped bleeding. I had a somewhat short LP, at least for me, and then got a period. But even though I didn''t quite go 20 days of no bleeding, I was pretty sure that I was getting a regular period at the end of this cycle and not more miscarriage bleeding. Also because my docs followed my HCG levels back to 0 (which happened right around when I stopped the miscarriage-related bleeding). Anyway hope this helps! I was definitely a wreck during the 2+ weeks of miscarrying and waiting for the levels to drop, but it did eventually end. Every woman might be different and many will take much longer to get back into the swing of things, especially if your HCG levels are still high telling your body it is still preggo. In general, I also think that other site is pretty useful at putting the miscarriage in community perspective. And for me, one of my goals for next pregnancy is to not let the fear of a bad outcome shadow things too much. Caution is good, but it also takes some bravery to trust things will work out! Good luck healing and take your time.

Date: 1/20/2010 9:22:35 AM
Author: noelwr
thanks HH, good to hear my pains are normal, and so far no need for further pain killers.

I scared everyone at the office. I called in sick yesterday with the excuse that I had food poisoning. on Monday we all went to have lunch together and one guy said he had a stomach ache and was wondering if it was the same thing! I had to assure him that it came from my fictitous dinner out on Monday.

so I was just reading a helpful website what to look out for the next period (because I wasn''t sure how you''d know the difference from bleeding due to retained tissue and your 1st period), and it said you should have at least 20 days of no bleeding before you will have a true period. if it helps anyone, here''s the website:

otherwise, the website has lots of interesting info on miscarriage.

please don''t read this or any websites on miscarriage if you are pregnant.

Thank you for the warning, My husband has banned me from googling anything that could be bad or a problem...
LL - thanks for the positive energy, and also from all the other ladies out there. it obviously really helped! I am really glad I was out for the whole process and not conscious.

Cara - the website I mentioned also says that when you stop bleeding and you test, it will say you are ovulating when you are not. I''m not saying you weren''t because you know your body best, but thanks for the head up that I could start a period a little earlier.

HH - your husband is a wise man. I used to read everything thinking that it was happening to me: chemical, ectopic, molar, miscarriage, etc. ok, one of them did happen, but instead of filling myself with worry, I should have just waited to read about it when I knew had it.
Noelwr - glad to hear you are doing okay.

At 3 weeks since the start of the miscarriage, and nearly 2 weeks since I stopped bleeding, my hcg is still at 65. It is going down but slowly. Unlike a few others, for various timing reasons I''m hoping AF stays away a little longer than the 20 days (but not too long), which is a possibility since my hcg is still going down. I know I don''t get to control this but it would be nice if I had a little luck with when my cycle starts again!
Noel, I guess I meant it more as a 'your results may vary' kind of warning rather than you might get a specific result. And there is a lot of normal variety in the process; that was something that the website helped have confidence in, that X, Y, or Z might happen and if so I might need one of these treatments (D&C, progesterone shot to jump-start cycle, etc.), but all of those were normal kinds of outcomes.

As far as my chart, it helped let me know what was going on with my recovery rather than just waiting for a period, and when my period came I had reason to believe is was period and not more miscarriage bleeding. Some women don't want to bother with charting or it is more stress for them, but for me it was helpful. I think the 'ovulation test' you refer to is an ovulation-predictor kit (OPK) that measures luetenizing hormone. Presumably OPKs might give you a false result shortly following a pregnancy- that is what the website is warning of? I didn't actually use one of those, I was just charting my temperature and cervical fluid. While I don't *know* I ovulated that post-miscarriage cycle (you'd need an ultrasound to confirm it), in some ways it doesn't matter because my body started doing all the right things for a cycle- CF, biphasic temp pattern, followed by a period. That gave me confidence that things were getting back on track, even if it was slightly less than 20 days. That's all. Anyway, first order of business for you is recover, and then hopefully get a low HCG reading. I hope you feel better!
Noel, I am glad you are recovering well. Sounds like you got good care and they were cautious with you. That's weird about your throat, did you try some tea with honey? I think I mentioned this to you already but I got my AF about 30 days after my D&C. I was reading recently about the lining of the uterus, and it sounded like it's more complex than I had known. I think after a D&C there's more rebuilding that has to go on in there than with a natural miscarriage, due to the procedure. Anyhow, I think you will get your AF soon but your uterus may not be ready for implantation for a few more cycles, until all the layers come back. Maybe a medical professional can chime in here?

Cara, what you said below struck me:

And for me, one of my goals for next pregnancy is to not let the fear of a bad outcome shadow things too much. Caution is good, but it also takes some bravery to trust things will work out!
I totally agree, it's weird beacuse this time around I am so much more positive than last time. I definitely let dark thoughts shadow my 1st pregnancy and it was kind of like the m/c was fate or something sick like that...perhaps I created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyhow I am trying to stay really positive this time.

Geri, I wonder if you still have some tissue left over? Perhaps after some time you can request an ultrasound if your levels are still up. Of course, you deserve boat loads of luck!
Noel, so glad to hear everything went well for you, dear. Do you feel the same sense of relief I felt now that it''s truly "over"?? I hope so. You may have been intubated if your throat was sore...I was intubated for my D&C. I will send hopes for fast-dropping HCG''s your way!!

On that same note, I had my blood drawn yet AGAIN today to check mine. Here are my numbers:

1st blood draw (7weeks 2 days by dates, 2 weeks before D&C): 45,000
2 weeks post D&C: 318
4 weeks post D&C: 23 (argh!)
5 weeks and 1 day post D&C: to be determined (drawn today)

I peed on a FRER yesterday and it was still oh-so-super-faintly positive (and it was a real squinter, some may have called it negative), so I''m hoping it''s somewhere between 10 and 20. Or better yet, less than 10!! My doc says she''ll stop checking once it''s less than 10.

Those FRER''s really are super sensitive...I peed on one the same day my HCG was 23, and it was 100% without a doubt still positive.

Does anyone know how long it takes once HCG hits bottom for ovulation to occur?? I should know this...I need to pull out an endocrinology textbook. LOL.
I decided to work from home today. I figured it can''t hurt to give my body another day of relaxation. plus I was too tired to get out of bed at 7am.

HMG - yes, I am totally relieved. DH has been expecting me to have mood swings due to the change in hormone levels (he researched this on his own), but I haven''t had any yet. then again, I didn''t have any mood swings when I was pregnant, either. I''m just feeling very happy this is over. so what were your HCG levels yesterday? if it takes on average 4 weeks after HCG hits rock bottom for your period to appear, then I guess it takes 2 weeks to ovulate. but you might not ovulate this cycle.

no one is testing my HCG levels.
I''m just gonna hope I''m part of the norm and will get a BFN when I stop spotting. I hardly bled yesterday, but it could also be because I''m either sitting or lying down the whole day and not very active. and I know it could all just start up again on its own.

Kit - the leaflet the hospital gave me on miscarriage and d&c says we can start TTC after the first period. as it is unlikely we will conceive right away anyway (due to only having a 25% chance every month), that''s when we''ll start.

geri - I obviously don''t know anything about this stuff, but is timing of your next period something you could control with birth control pills? I guess probably not in the first cycle after a m/c.
Cara and Kit - I agree too. I don''t know whether it was intuition but I was nervous about the last pregnancy sticking right from the start. I hope it will be different next time. Sending you both lots of positive vibes!

Noelwr - I have thought about birth control pills too but not sure I want to mess around with my system at this point and I am really just being a princess because the timing issues are manageable, if not ideal. The main reasons are when my new insurance kicks in (we may have to wait an extra cycle if AF comes too early to make sure I''m covered) and more superficially, I''d prefer not to have AF on our wedding day and honeymoon. It''s pretty obvious from my presence on this thread that we are not, cough, cough, saving ourselves for the wedding night so it wouldn''t be the end of the world!
geri - so when exactly is the wedding day? really exciting days ahead for you! and don''t forget to post all your wedding photos on the Newlyweds forum.

to all ladies - I was thinking, would it be an idea that when we all start TTC again (I know everyone at different times), that we start a new thread "TTC after early pregnancy loss" or something? I''ve been thinking about just lying low (is it lie low or lay low?) once we start, but I''ve also been really helped through the m/c by PSers so maybe I do want to share. but it will be different from the ladies waiting to get preggers for the very 1st time... or maybe not. I don''t know. what are your thoughts?
Noel - Good to hear that you are doing well. It is nice that you can stay home for an extra day.

Geri - I'd love to hear more about your wedding too!


My update: Not much of an update. I had blood work earlier this week. My progesterone and estrogen levels are way down, which is no surprise since I was advised to stop taking both in pill form the day that I learned the pregnancy would not be viable. My HCG went up again, not by much (I'm in the 800's now) but still, in the wrong direction. They advised that I should come in again Monday, if I have not started to bleed, to check the HCG again. The nurse said that it can sometimes take forever to go down. After my reading here, that comment was no surprise to me.

She said that if I do start to bleed, I should come in the next day for bloodwork. Previously, they said that I could start again this cycle as long as my hormones were all down. If the HCG is still above 5, then, I'm guessing that means we cannot start. I will call to clarify that point.

I hate to seem like I am rushing things, especially after reading part of the site that Noel linked to yesterday. The woman said she worries about the women who write in saying they want to get started again right away because she doesn't think they have actually grieved yet -- is that me? I would have thought I have to wait for one cycle to pass for a natural period to start, but they keep referring to whatever bleeding that will start as "my next period." I clarified this several times. I'm just not clear on whether we can start if the HCG is still up.
LV - grieving is different for every woman. you found out very soon that it wasn''t viable... was it at 5 weeks already? I think I wouldn''t feel the need to grieve at that point, maybe just be a bit bummed, but knowing that you got pregnant you want to do it again quickly. to me, that sounds like a perfectly normal way to feel. perhaps they are considering yours a chemical pregnancy and that is why you can consider your bleeding a period? I have no idea. but I''m really hoping you can start asap, regardless what any website says.
Noel - My longer post was eaten by the system. Grrr. Anyway, thank you so much. Yes, you are right, it was very early. It is really strange though, because if I had not had the HCG tests so early, I would still be thinking I am pregnant right now. That would have been much harder on me. So, now I will stop worrying about whether I have grieved appropriately!

The good thing that has come out of this is that DH and I are so ready (read: mentally prepared) to have a baby. He talks about it, and specifics of child-rearing that he is excited about or read about, more than me. A year ago we were both so unsure about starting to TTC, such a daunting and unknowable proposition! It just feels different now.
geri, HUGS. HCG does go down so slowly for some women, doesn't it? I know it took forever to go down for me. If you want AF to stay away, I will tell her to stay away on your behalf! She doesn't always seem to listen, though. *sigh* They say most women will get a negative by 2 weeks after a D&C but honestly, it varies. I am having my blood levels monitored weeks apart but wanted to track it on my own so I used HPTs and when it got "stuck" and didn't get lighter on the positives, I kind of knew something was off. Sure enough, I had a small clot that tried but wouldn't pass on its own! They suctioned it out quickly and it's smooth sailing so far. I have a new OB appointment on Monday and will get fresh blood draws to get more answers.

cara, thanks for posting your chart. That was SO helpful. You inspired me to chart for the first time using temps! I went out and bought a brand new thermometer so I can figure this wonky post m/c cycle out.

Kit, yay for you! So many women who have had m/c experiences say that with the next one - it just *felt* right. I was scared about my pregnancy from the start, so maybe I just knew something was wrong. Women have powerful intuition and I know this time, it will be perfect for you and your baby! What a sweet relief and such a great story to inspire us! I'm really really happy for you. I, like you, have heard that after a D&C, it's best to wait at least one cycle because the lining of the uterus was physically scraped and may be thin. But then again, I have also heard of women who conceived right after a D&C and had no issues. I guess it depends on the woman.

HOU, how are you??? (HUGS) Yay, I hope your HCG is zero now!!! You know FRER is insane! I went today to the doctor's office (my last OB I am switching from) and got a BFN on their office urine test. But yesterday, I got a faint positive on the FRER. FRER is insanely sensitive, so maybe you just barely have enough HCG floating around to register. I'm having my blood drawn on Monday (didn't want to get it done twice) with my new OBGYN so I'll let you know what it is. Today, I had peace of mind in an ultrasound that showed there was no material left in my uterus. So I got to see that with my own eyes and it was a huge relief. The OB told me to BD more now to help everything absorb back to its normal stage and to stimulate my uterus! Isn't that funny? She said we could try immediately but DH and I are going to wait a few months. I'm still very sad at times and don't feel ready. Those darn hormones.

As for how low HCG needs to be for ovulation to occur, most doctors I talked to said it had to be near zero because it acts to inhibit ovulation. BUT, I have heard of women getting pregnant right after their D&Cs before their first period; so they must have ovulated when it was low but not zero. It can happen, but it is rare from what I understand. If you hear or read anything else, please let us know!

noelwr, I'm glad you are relaxing today. So glad you're also feeling that much needed relief. I didn't have any mood swings after my procedure. In fact, I felt great. Happy and relieved. But a couple of weeks afterwards, I felt some mood swings and still do a little. I think it has to do with the hormones crashing down. Also I was on adrenaline during the trauma of it all so once it passed, I felt all of the emotions come back. I hope you continue to feel good and not have any mood swings! If no one is testing your blood levels for HCG, I would monitor it on HPTs if you can. I am so glad I did that or I would have mistakenly thought I was pregnant weeks later. Also, I would not have been alerted so quickly to the fact that my HCG was stuck at one point and not going down as it should.

On another topic, I think it would be awesome to start a new thread TTC after MC or something like that. I would love to share everything that is going on. This forum has helped me so much and I feel like you've also helped in my healing process. What a great idea.

LV, hugs to you. Sometimes the HCG can go up a little but then it should start to come down. Just as long as it doesn't go up in a huge way... I've been told by my doctor it can go up a little but then come down again. The nurse is right in that sometimes it can take forever to come down. I'm one of those! I hope yours comes down super fast. On the grieving side, whatever you feel is natural. I don't think that there is a correct level of going through something like a m/c. If you feel ready, I would say that is your answer. Some women say being pregnant soon after a m/c helps them deal with their loss. Some say they want to wait a little. It just depends on what is right for you and your DH. On my end, I feel like I want to wait at least 2-3 months before we try. It's just been so stressful that I need a break before experiencing the highs and lows of TTC again! It can be a rollercoaster and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it yet.

How great that your DH is so eager for a baby! My DH recently expressed how sad he was about the m/c and cried about it to me. I was really surprised because while I knew he was sad, I didn't really know *how* sad he was and how worried he was about my body and all it was going through. I guess men hold it inside trying to be strong. They know what we're going through can be a million times worse. Or, that is at least what he told me. I wish I could have seen it sooner because I had no idea he was suffering so much and needed to talk about it. He always comes to me with whatever's on his mind and has no problem expressing his vulnerabilities to me... But this time, he said he felt it would be too insensitive to say how sad he was when he knew I was suffering more. I think he felt he didn't want to burden me when I was going through it all. So maybe it's a good idea to have a talk with your man to say it's OK to express their sadness and they don't have to hold it inside to be strong. I honestly didn't see it this time and I wish I had. Poor thing.

That's all I have. Hugs and dust to you all.
Noel~ Glad everything is well!!!

RE: New thread for TTC after MC. The original TTC thread was started when DH and I were trying for number 2 after several losses. The girls were so happy and charting and everything, it felt weird to me. I didn''t feel like I could voice my own concerns because I didn''t want to scare them. I wasn''t charting because I didn''t have trouble getting pregnant. Basically, the actual TTC thread was overwhelming with info that didn''t apply to me and not enough of what I WAS needing, which was really just support and the feelings that it would be okay. I know all of the girls would have been welcoming with open arms, but it didn''t feel like we were in the same place at all.
HOU, just wanted to add that I looked up FRER and found that it's more sensitive than I thought. I've been reading that it can pick up readings of 5 mIU. So maybe you're in the clear and the test really is that sensitive?

One Linky

I saw a couple trials/reports where FRER picked up HCG levels of 6.3-6.5 mIU. In clinical trials, it consistently picks up levels of 12.5 mIU. Maybe you're around 5 or less already!
LV, as noel said everyone grieves differently. We only waited one cycle before avoiding the potential for pregnancy, and oh did I grieve, but I also needed to move forward with my life and our plan to have a family. Do what feels right to you.
hello from the office. boy, I''m tired today. I had to come up with all these stories about my "food poisoning" and I''m a really bad liar. why does everyone have to ask so many questions?

ok, so we''ll start a "TTC after miscarriage" thread. I don''t know who will be first, but whenever anyone starts it, I will be there to support. or I''ll start it when I''m ready (hopefully by end Feb) and you can all support ME.

all this talk about HPT makes me want to take one, but I know it''s so unlikely right now that I will get a BFN so I will wait until next weekend. unfortunately, HPTs are expensive in Holland so I''m not going to buy in bulk. but I think I just might when I go to the States in Feb.

hope everyone has a good weekend with rapidly falling HCG levels!
HoUMedgal - hope your levels have reached zero.

Bliss - big hugs to you and your DH. Wishing you all the best for when you decide to TTC again.

I POAS this morning and still showing a faint positive at 3.5 weeks post miscarriage although at least it is fainter than before. I''m having another blood test on Wednesday so hoping it will drop again by then. I''m hoping its not leftover tissue because I''m really over all the poking and prodding. Had a low grade abnormal pap result the other day so now have to deal with that as well. Ah the joys of being a woman.

On a happier note, the wedding is at the end of March so its been good having something to plan for. Current task is planning the honeymoon! Yeah.

Noelwr - I think a new thread is a great idea. While I didn''t have any jealousy at all in the first few weeks after the miscarriage I have been feeling it a bit lately so have been steering clear of the TTC site.

Can''t wait to see someone on here start the new thread!

I had 2 m/c in a row around 5 weeks. I was upset, but I did not grieve or feel the need to. Dont feel bad if you feel the same. I did not form a strong emotional attachment that early. Especially with the second. More than anything I was saddened and scared at the thought that I may never have a successful pregnancy.

After the first m/c we waited a cycle and then half heartedly tried again. We got pregnant on that half hearted try. After the second m/c we conciously avoided concieving until we had explored a medical diagnosis.

I think it is very normal to want to try again immediately and also not to need to grieve. My first m/c upset our families so much (way more than DH or I was upset) that we did not tell them about the second m/c or our medical investigation. We did not even tell then about our daughter until I was 12 weeks because I could not handle their disappointment if another m/c occurred.
I caved in and took a HPT. DH says it''s a BFN. I can see a very faint line but it could just be where the dye sits underneath. anyway, if I was testing to find out if I was pregnant, I would not consider this a conclusive test as positive. this was the same test I took a few days before the D&C and it was clearly positive then. so I guess even if there is a faint line, at least it''s not a big bold one.

but it''s not a brand-name HPT. I bought it at the supermarket (doesn''t even say how much HCG it measures nor within how much time you should expect to see the positive), so later this week I''ll go buy a Clear Blue test or a digital that I know for sure will be easy to read.

other than that, I''ve been very sore inside all weekend. anyone else had that? it''s not cramping, just like sore muscles. it''s not comfortable, but I''m able to survive so far without paracetomol, though I did take one to go to the chocolate workshop yesterday. could also be related to my excessive gas problem I can''t seem to get rid of. well, I guess that was probably enough info for now.
Noelwr - glad to hear your test was a BFN (or close). I really hope the physical side effects diminish for you soon. I know I felt so much better once the physical reminders were gone.

I started with some light bleeding again today, about 2.5 weeks after the miscarriage bleeding stopped. Since my last HPT yesterday was still positive i know it''s not AF but I''m hoping it''s the last remnants of tissue that were stopping my hcg going back to zero. It''s a little frustrating because it''s made me sad again but hopefully, once it''s finished, things will be back to normal and I can move on. Hoping for a zero hcg with my test on Wednesday.
sorry geri. that is also my biggest concern right now: remaining tissue. not due to the physical part, but knowing that until it''s out, it''s going to take that much longer for your body to get back to normal (regardless if you want to TTC right away or not). however, you did mention you wouldn''t mind AF to be delayed a little bit, so maybe there''s a positive point to this for you?
Hello ladies! :)

Noel, I did have some mood swings. Mostly alternating between being OK with everything and then being sad and crying for awhile. I also felt "off" for the first 3-4 weeks afterward...just kinda down in general. However, that has markedly improved over the past week or so. I'm thinking the 5 days we just spent on the beautiful beach in Mexico probably helped. :) Great idea about the TTC after a loss thread, and thanks to Miss Bliss for starting it!! I feel a special bond within our little group and it will be great to be able to share our fears and triumphs once we all start trying again. :) I think it will definitely feel different than the first time...and I agree that I don't want to scare all the ladies who haven't had losses when I inevitably vent about how scared I am to lose the next one...I agree with Bliss, it's probably smart to monitor your own HCG with HPT's, and definitely call your doc and ask about it if your tests remain positive for a long time. There are certain situations in which HCG doesn't fall like it should (i.e. partial molar pregnancy, retained placenta, etc) and better to know sooner rather than later, right?? OR, if it's bothering you, there's nothing wrong with calling and asking your doc why he/she isn't monitoring your hcg....I mean, I think a 2 week post d&c check is fairly standard. I'm happy that the test you took today is negative! That's definitely a good sign. :)

Geri, I LOL'ed when I read what you wrote about not saving yourselves for the wedding night, obviously...It wasn't an immaculate conception, then? hehe! Hope you're doing OK, and enjoying your wedding and honeymoon planning!! Where are you guys thinking about going?? Sorry about the low grade pap....ugh. Like you need one more lady-thing to deal with right now!!

LV, I don't remember if I ever said it on any of these threads, so I'll say it now just in case...I'm so sorry you have joined us in the loss thread.
Big big hugs, lady. Don't worry yourself about not feeling like waiting an entire three months just because that website says so....we all grieve differently. Some people grieve for longer periods than others, and for some, part of getting over the grief is getting excited about trying again! And there's nothing wrong with that!! I think you can start (i.e. have unprotected sex) when the HCG is still up but don't expect to get preggers because you will not ovulate until it's come all the way down.

Blissie!! Hugs back to you! FRER is nutso, isn't it?! I now know that my HCG was likely right around 10 (see below) when I took the last one and it was super faintly! So sensitive! Explains why I got my FRER BFP so early (8 or 9 DPO!) I'm excited for you that you've got a new OB you're excited about...that's awesome, and kudos to you for being brave enough to decide that you needed to switch. This will be like turning over a new leaf, leaving the past sorrows behind. :) And two thumbs up for an empty ute on ultrasound!! woohoo!! I am sorry you're still feeling very sad sometimes. Maybe Monday's appointment really will be part of the first day of the rest of your life, so to speak...I feel the need to burst into song: "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, and I'm feeling GOOOOOOD!!!" Hehe!


Alright, so here's my update. Got my beta back from 1/20 and it's......drumroll please.....9!! :) Here's my updated beta trend:

1st blood draw (7weeks 2 days by dates, 2 weeks before D&C): 45,000
2 weeks post D&C: 318
4 weeks post D&C: 23 (argh!)
5 weeks and 1 day post D&C: 9 (yay!)

AAAAND.....guess who showed up yesterday, which was 3 days after that blood draw?? That's right, good ol' AF! ***TMI warning***...........It started with some brownish mucus with a fairly large brown clot, and so I wasn't entirely sure if it wasn't just MORE prolonged post D&C spotting (ugh!), but then progressed to an unmistakeable period-type bright red flow (a bit heavier than my normal periods), and very familiar feeling menstrual cramps. Also, it had been 3 weeks since I had any spotting at all, so I feel confident in saying that it is indeed AF. I have never been so glad to see her! I wonder if her appearance signifies my HCG getting below a certain threshhold....since it was 9, then three days later she showed up??

So, to be exact, AF came 5 weeks and 4 days after the D&C.

I'm certain that this cycle was anovulatory, given my chart (see below) and the fact that I know my HCG didn't get low enough until just now. It's strange to think that we could *potentially* try again in about 2 I'm getting nervous about it!! LOL!! I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I'm feeling kinda guilty about wanting to try before the magic 3 cycles that my doc recommended...I know she won't slap my hand if I show up pregnant before then, and she probably just said to wait that long to ensure that I was *emotionally* ready for it, but I still feel a tad hesitant because that IS what she said to do. Argh.

Anyway, big hugs all around, hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend! The weather here is fantastic....low 70's and sunshine! :)

ETA: My coverline temp is usually around 98.1, and my luteal phase has never been shorter than 12 days, which is why I don't think I ovulated between day 30 and day 37...could potentially look that way, but knowing what my HCG was, I don't think it happened.

Yay HOUmedgal! Congrats on the HCG and Auntie coming home. That is great news. I too think your chart is anovulatory, but that's fine b/c you got AF and things are getting back on track now.

As for waiting or whatnot, do whats right for you and your hubby. Your doc's advice is just that - advice - and everyone grieves and deals differently.
Thanks, Cara!! And I hear that congrats are in order for you!!! YAAAAY!!! I''m so happy for you!!
How are you feeling??

So I just read over on the TTC thread that Bliss''s dear AF came to pay her a visit yesterday too!!! Hehe! Bliss, that''s too funny that we both got AF back on the same day!! I am going to pour myself a glass of lovely Sauv Blanc and toast to both of our dear aunties. hehe!!
Noelwr - I hope the fact that your HPT is only faint is a good sign for you. Mine were quite clearly positive for quite a while.

And you are right I was hoping AF would stay away, but not for too long or I will have the same timing problem re the wedding. Be careful what you wish for!

I''m now not sure whether the bleeding is AF or retained tissue. The bleeding is definitely more than spotting now and is like a heavier day on AF but I thought AF wouldn''t start until a few weeks after my HCG was at zero. I''m a little confused but hopefully the doc can give me some insight when I see her on Wednesday. I hope it''s not AF because this is exactly the timing I didn''t want (throws a little tantrum!)
Geri, I''m not sure whether or not your bleeding is AF or still MC bleeding, but if you had zero bleeding for 2.5 weeks and the bleeding is more like true flow and not just spotting, I''d lean more toward AF. BUT as you said your HPT was still faintly positive a few days ago, which would make me wonder if you may have some retained tissue like Bliss did, and maybe you''re getting rid of it right now!!

I''m not sure what''s more preferable for you at this point...if it''s retained tissue and you don''t get rid of it on your own, it could mean more poking and prodding that you don''t want, but on the other hand, that would mean that you still have a shot at having AF come back in a couple more weeks, which would be better for your wedding schedule! :)
Thanks HOUmedgal. I''m just being a drama queen! There''s really nothing I can do about it either way. It would just be nice to know. I think I will start temping again and see what that shows.