
Early pregnancy loss

Bliss - it''s funny you mention the misoprostol pills... I''m kind of worrying about those. can you believe that in my 20 years of menstruating, I have never inserted a tampon into myself with my finger??? it''s always been with an applicator! I don''t think the nurse believed it either, but she didn''t have any tips for me. and I asked DH if he would do it
(yes, I''m a big baby), but he said no way. so we were brainstorming and maybe I''ll try to push it in with a tampon... will probably have to do it over a towel in case it falls out. thanks for the tip about wetting, but I don''t think I will. was reading on the pamphlet that in a few cases, this stuff can work quickly and that you can already get heavy cramping and bleeding (at which point they would speed up the d&c), but I''d much rather prefer not to feel anything so I''ll hold off on speeding up the effectiveness.
I started bleeding.
how retarded is my body? well it's so super-lite so don't know if anything is going to come out before Tuesday. packed a little bag just in case I have to rush to the hospital at night. do you think I still have to insert the misoprostol before the d&c?
Oh you poor thing, noel. Your body is figuring things out, just a tad late. I''d call your doc on the misoprostol question, take some ibuprofen and take it easy today. If the bleeding stays light maybe you should just go through with the D&C as you sound done with waiting and the natural way can take awhile. But its also possible you''ll start cramping/heavier bleeding soon ... sorry you are going through this!
Oh dear, Noel. Not sure what you should do, but I am thinking of you.
well, it''s just like a browny color in my discharge that I saw only twice the whole day when I wiped (TMI sorry), so not like dripping fresh blood yet. I feel fine so I''m going to work tomorrow.

either way, we''re still going in on Tuesday. I mean if they perform the d&c for women who are in the middle of miscarriage and are hemmorhaging or have an infection, there''s no reason they can''t do mine.
noelwr, don't worry! I'm a big baby, too. I totally understand the part about never having put anything in there! I was a late bloomer and I was scared to death the first time I used tampons, even! I looked up some instructions for inserting the misoprostol. They say to make sure you wash your hands VERY well to prevent any infection. Some places tell you to lie down to make things easier and put them in that way. Just push it up as far as you can, the same way you would a tampon. Some of them come with applicators - maybe you can ask for one? The instructions I read online say it's OK if one or two fall out. Just lie down for about 30 minutes afterward is what I read from the hospital instructions. But of course, just ask your doctor to make sure!

I'm glad your body has started to take care of things naturally and no, I don't think there will be any problem with the D&C if you are bleeding already. (HUGS) It's going to be OK. I know it's scary before the procedure but once you go through it, it is so much easier than the mental anxiety leading up to it. It will be OK, I promise!!!
Noel, I can''t speak to the specifics of your body''s reaction ... but crikey, do I know the feeling of being exasperated with a recalcitrant body. I was metaphorically glaring at my uterus when it turned out that I passed the retained tissue right AFTER I got a bad ultrasound, but BEFORE I got my second dose of Cytotec, necessitating concern and worry and more testing and drugs (argh). Murphy''s Law: Not Just For Technology. I hope your body is cooperative from this point onwards, and that everything goes smoothly on Tuesday.
I went to work today and things are still fine. around 4 pm I had a little red blood when I peed, but inside pad it is all still quite light. hope it can all hold off til tomorrow morning (I am expected at 8:30). otherwise no pain. I did try to call the gynae at around 4:40, but they had already closed and as I figure it''s not an emergency, I''m going to insert the misoprostol tomorrow before I go to the hospital, anyway. I mean if my cervix is already open, what harm can it possibly do?

so I''m putting on fresh bed sheets and I put aside the comfy t-shirt, sweat pants & socks I want to change into when I get home tomorrow. I figure I''ll have everything ready instead of sending poor DH hunting for my pink t-shirt and me just getting upset that he''s not finding it. ok, I''ll probably feel fine and not crawling into bed when I get home, but just want to be prepared for a relaxed afternoon.

I wish you the best tomorrow.

best wishes and lots of hugs Noelwr! Hope that tomorrow is peaceful and calm and that the proceedure goes smoothly.
Noel~ Lots of hugs and prayers for you tomorrow.
Noel, I spotted, brown, pink and red, for two weeks between the day the fetus stopped developing and the day I had my D&C (I actualyl spotted much longer than that, when the pregnancy was still viable) and my OB shared that after those 2 weeks I could have continued to carry the pregnancy for several more weeks. Your decision to move forward with the D&C will put an end to something that could go on for some time. The thought of carrying the fetus any longer was too much for me, the D&C resolved that.

Lots of good thoughts to you tomorrow and in the coming days.
Thinking of you today, Noel. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I hope you are doing well.
Good luck Noel, I hope things go smoothly for you. My thoughts are with you.
Ditto. Hope all goes smoothly.
Thinking of you, noelwr!
Hope all goes well today noelwr.
thinking of you noel- hope everything goes well today
all went well today. I''m home and DH is pampering me.

will give the details tomorrow (if anyone interested for the future, though I hope no one here has to ever go through it).
noelwr, so glad you are being pampered and loved. (((HUGS))) It is wonderful that you are feeling better mentally and physically. Your DH is awesome!
Noelwr-Big hugs and I am gald that your DH can be with you to pamper you today. Hope that you are feeling alright and we''ll all be checking-in on you periodically.
Noel, so glad to hear you are at home recovering and everything went smoothly. Rest up and take care of yourself.
Hey noel, my new friend, I am so sorry you are going through this!

Noel - thinking about you and your hubby. I hope you begin to feel like you have some closure.
Noelwr - wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.
yay, today is the 1st day life gets back to normal.

just wanted to share my experience at the hospital in case anyone ever wants to know what it's like. night before I was able to sleep off and on and luckily no cramping or heavy bleeding started. before I went to the hospital I put in the 2 misoprostol pills (which ended up being much smaller than I thought), and had to bite the bullet and do it with my finger because it didn't work so well trying to push them in with a tampon. I got shown to my hospital room (which had 2 beds and I was the only occupant) and told what the procedure would be and to get into a gown and into bed, which I did but got bored quickly. after an hour, I had to go empty my bladder, and I took the calming sedative (also very small) with as little water as possible. that didn't work at all as I was wide awake, and I think it made me cold and shiver (must be combination with nerves). after 20 min, they wheeled me off to the prep room (which is also the recovery room), and they put the IV in the side of my wrist and then the gynae came around to introduce himself. he also made the nurses give me antibiotics via IV because it was missing from my charts. I got a heated blanket because I was shivering. 30 min later they asked me to get onto an operation bed with more heated blankets and then wheeled me to the OR. there were a lot of people in the OR. I think 2 introduced themselves and then one lady said "I'm going to give you the anesthetic" and I saw her put a needle with tube full of something straight into the IV in my hand and that's all I remember. I thought they'd ask me to put my legs up in stirrups or something, but can't remember that happening. so then I woke up in the recovery room an hour later (I did dream a little), and I had bad cramping (they ask you to number your pain between 1 and 10), so they gave me morphine and suppositories, and then I was right as rain. I was awake in there for 1.5 hrs before the nurse came to get me because apparently they were very busy. then we waited in my hospital room for almost 4 hours before the doctor came to release me. but at least I was warm in bed, they gave me drinks and food, and I wasn't nauseous or in pain at all. I did have to make sure I told the nurse I peed. while I was waiting for the doc, I went into the closet and stole some of their thicker pads and protection for the mattress. I also had to take some pain killers before I left the hospital and again last night before I went to sleep.

when we got home, we lay in bed for 1.5 hrs but I wasn't sleepy, so we watched some tv and then went back to bed and I slept well. today I haven't taken any pain killers yet as I feel fine (it can be sore if I'm walking around too much, but then I just stop and it goes away). the only thing is that ever since the procedure, the back of my throat is sore and dry. I wonder if they put a tube in there to assist my breathing, though not sure as the whole thing only took 10 min.

well... that's my story. let's hope that the bleeding ends quickly and I can get a BFN in 2 weeks.

would love to hear how the rest of you ladies are doing/feeling.
Noel, yes, most likely they had a breathing tube in to help you breath. Also, the pain you feel while walking is most likely from your legs being up in stirrups and them messing around with the goods. It does a number on your hips and groin muscles. I''m so glad to hear things went smoothly and you''re recovering well.
thanks HH, good to hear my pains are normal, and so far no need for further pain killers.

I scared everyone at the office. I called in sick yesterday with the excuse that I had food poisoning. on Monday we all went to have lunch together and one guy said he had a stomach ache and was wondering if it was the same thing! I had to assure him that it came from my fictitous dinner out on Monday.

so I was just reading a helpful website what to look out for the next period (because I wasn''t sure how you''d know the difference from bleeding due to retained tissue and your 1st period), and it said you should have at least 20 days of no bleeding before you will have a true period. if it helps anyone, here''s the website:
otherwise, the website has lots of interesting info on miscarriage.
please don''t read this or any websites on miscarriage if you are pregnant.
Oh noelwr, I''m glad you seem to be feeling better. Keep taking it easy if you can. (((HUGS)))
Noelwr, Glad to hear that you are feeling better today and hope that this is the first day of life getting back to normal for you! Lots of (((HUGS)))