
Fancy Pink Marquise Diamond - seeking feedback!


Jul 9, 2021
Hi everyone,

This is my first foray into the realm of fancy colour diamonds, so I thought I'd turn once again to the amazing and knowlegeable Pricescope community for feedback. I'm currently looking at a fancy pink VS2 marquise with no flourescence, around 0.5ct. I've been told that the colour is a true pure pink and that the cutting is really well done for a marquise, with no bow-tie effect. I've attached a link to a set of Imgur videos of the marquise and some other pinks I was considering at the end of this post. (This is my first time attempting to do this on imgur, so I hope it works!)


I know there's a few Pricescopers who know quite a bit about fancy colour diamonds, so I was hoping to ask for some feedback on this particular marquise. I was also wondering if there's anything in particular I should look out for or consider before purchasing a pink diamond. I live in Australia and this marquise is in the US; I won't have a chance to see it before purchasing, so I want to make sure I do all my homework and have no regrets.

The only aspect of this marquise that I'm really umming and ahhing over are the grey areas that pop up on the edges of the diamond when it's tilted. These appear to be more noticeable in flat lighting (and it's most evident in the 2nd video on Imgur), and I was wondering if this is normal for fancy colour diamonds, as a lot of the other pinks I've seen on Leibish and other websites also seem to have patches of grey, to some degree, especially the marquise shapes. However, I've also seen videos of stones that don't appear to exibit any grey patches/shadows, and these are usually the cushions and radiants. Does anyone know why this is happening, and do you think its prominent enough to detract from the overall appearance of this stone? I'm generally very picky about my gemstone and jewellery purchases, and once I saw the darker patches in the video, it's hard to unsee them.


Fancy pink marquise videos:

Thank you!
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I don't know much about coloured diamonds but I'm following along to learn. My favourite is a purplish pink. Most other pinks I feel have too much orange in them. The cushion on the right next to the marquise is my flavour lol. But will be looking forward to the experts to weigh in.
Hi everyone,

This is my first foray into the realm of fancy colour diamonds, so I thought I'd turn once again to the amazing and knowlegeable Pricescope community for feedback. I'm currently looking at a fancy pink VS2 marquise with no flourescence, around 0.5ct. I've been told that the colour is a true pure pink and that the cutting is really well done for a marquise, with no bow-tie effect. I've attached a link to a set of Imgur videos of the marquise and some other pinks I was considering at the end of this post. (This is my first time attempting to do this on imgur, so I hope it works!)


I know there's a few Pricescopers who know quite a bit about fancy colour diamonds, so I was hoping to ask for some feedback on this particular marquise. I was also wondering if there's anything in particular I should look out for or consider before purchasing a pink diamond. I live in Australia and this marquise is in the US; I won't have a chance to see it before purchasing, so I want to make sure I do all my homework and have no regrets.

The only aspect of this marquise that I'm really umming and ahhing over are the grey areas that pop up on the edges of the diamond when it's tilted. These appear to be more noticeable in flat lighting (and it's most evident in the 2nd video on Imgur), and I was wondering if this is normal for fancy colour diamonds, as a lot of the other pinks I've seen on Leibish and other websites also seem to have patches of grey, to some degree, especially the marquise shapes. However, I've also seen videos of stones that don't appear to exibit any grey patches/shadows, and these are usually the cushions and radiants. Does anyone know why this is happening, and do you think its prominent enough to detract from the overall appearance of this stone? I'm generally very picky about my gemstone and jewellery purchases, and once I saw the darker patches in the video, it's hard to unsee them.


Fancy pink marquise videos:

Thank you!

Fancy cuts are tricky, in general.
I would think the same rules apply for colored diamonds as natural “white” diamonds pertaining to the “C”’s; CUT being paramount.
I believe the dark spots that you’re seeing are indicative of the cut of the diamond. I don’t see the “bow tie” effect in the photos or the video, which is positive, but you should inquire if an ASET image can be obtained to ensure the dark spots aren’t problem spots.
You can also request video with a dark background and in different lighting environments to seal the deal for you.
Not sure if this is any help, but I thought I’d give you what I can as a starting point.
Good luck! I can’t wait to see what you choose! ♥️
I don't know much about coloured diamonds but I'm following along to learn. My favourite is a purplish pink. Most other pinks I feel have too much orange in them. The cushion on the right next to the marquise is my flavour lol. But will be looking forward to the experts to weigh in.

I like pinks with a touch of purple too; I feel like that touch of purple can sometimes make purplish pinks look pinker than pure pink diamonds, if that makes any sense :lol: . I totally understand what you mean by most other pinks having too much orange. I actually can't really tell the difference between the fancy pink marquise and fancy brownish pink radiant in the video, but I was told that the difference is more noticeable in real life, which makes sense. I wonder if the fancy pink marquise would look brownish in warmer indoor lightings...

That purplish pink cushion was described as having a bubblegum pink hue, and I do think it's the brightest pink out of the four. I'm just leaning slightly more towards the marquise because while the cushion and marquise are actually the same carat weight and around the same price, the marquise just looks larger and more unique. I also love marquise shapes in general! The vendor also noted that while the cushion holds its colour really well, it's a bit small for its carat weight.
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Fancy cuts are tricky, in general.
I would think the same rules apply for colored diamonds as natural “white” diamonds pertaining to the “C”’s; CUT being paramount.
I believe the dark spots that you’re seeing are indicative of the cut of the diamond. I don’t see the “bow tie” effect in the photos or the video, which is positive, but you should inquire if an ASET image can be obtained to ensure the dark spots aren’t problem spots.
You can also request video with a dark background and in different lighting environments to seal the deal for you.
Not sure if this is any help, but I thought I’d give you what I can as a starting point.
Good luck! I can’t wait to see what you choose! ♥️

I never even thought about asking for an ASET - thank you for that suggestion! <3 What in an ASET would indicate cut issues in the case of fancy colour diamonds? I know what ASETs are supposed to look like for ideal cut round brilliants, but that's about it...
And thank you for the reminder to ask for a video with a dark background and lower lighting! I also forgot about that :lol:
I was wondering if anyone knows whether Kenny is still around? I remember reading about his beautiful collection of fancy colour diamonds on PS a while back, and he seems to be a connoisseur when it comes to coloured diamonds!
I don't think you could use the same comparison for colorless diamonds and fancy coloured diamonds where colour is king lol. I love love love bubblegum pink. Small but mighty they say hahaha. I just wish I had the budget for it right now haha. I was even considering an I2 light purplish pink diamond lol. But alas it'll have to wait a while. There's a few at first state auctions in Aus.
I never even thought about asking for an ASET - thank you for that suggestion! <3 What in an ASET would indicate cut issues in the case of fancy colour diamonds? I know what ASETs are supposed to look like for ideal cut round brilliants, but that's about it...
And thank you for the reminder to ask for a video with a dark background and lower lighting! I also forgot about that
You want more red and green consistently across the stone, and less blue and black.
Here’s a guide to help you:

I’m certain if Kenny is not available, other experts can chime in to help you!
@Karl_K @diagem
I don't think you could use the same comparison for colorless diamonds and fancy coloured diamonds where colour is king lol. I love love love bubblegum pink. Small but mighty they say hahaha. I just wish I had the budget for it right now haha. I was even considering an I2 light purplish pink diamond lol. But alas it'll have to wait a while. There's a few at first state auctions in Aus.

I haven't heard of first state auctions before - I'll check it out, thank you!
And yes, bubblegum pink is such a pretty shade! If only it were larger ;( I'd love a rose gold setting to go with the pink diamond, and I'm not sure how well bubblegum pink would pair with rose gold, as rose gold seems warmer/coppery and bubblegum pink is on the cooler side. I think the fancy pink marquise would pair quite nicely with rose gold though. It might look too warm and lean orange/brownish under warmer lights, but I'll have to check with the vendor about what it looks like under warm indoors lighting!
You want more red and green consistently across the stone, and less blue and black.
Here’s a guide to help you:

I’m certain if Kenny is not available, other experts can chime in to help you!
@Karl_K @diagem

Thank you for sharing the guide and tagging the experts!
Very complex.
Lots of large bits red in aset can mean the color washes out in some lighting.
Most dont want a colored stone that looks colorless a lot.
So the cut is expected to be all about face up color.
The more material light travels thru in the diamond the more color.
With a marquise the light going tip to tip or center to tip picks up a lot of color but light going side to side shows little color.
Leakage will also have even less color in thinner areas.

I'm not at my computer to look at the video.
Going by the pic the black is obstruction(reflection of the camera) the grey is pretty typical.
I think fancies are cut more for color than anything as @maryjane04 says. So you won't necessarily get the precision cutting that you might get in a colorless stone.
I wouldn't worry too much about cut. Fancy colors are cut for color, so I tend to give them a pass unless the cut is horrific. This one has a pretty decent cut IMHO.

To my eyes though, the "purplish pink" looks more pure pink than this one. But that might be just me
Very complex.
Lots of large bits red in aset can mean the color washes out in some lighting.
Most dont want a colored stone that looks colorless a lot.
So the cut is expected to be all about face up color.
The more material light travels thru in the diamond the more color.
With a marquise the light going tip to tip or center to tip picks up a lot of color but light going side to side shows little color.
Leakage will also have even less color in thinner areas.

I'm not at my computer to look at the video.
Going by the pic the black is obstruction(reflection of the camera) the grey is pretty typical.

Thank you @Karl_K for your explanation! If you consider the grey to be pretty typical of fancy cuts, should I not worry about it and go ahead with the marquise?

I just realised the videos I posted on Imgur had been compressed, and the quality isn't great. If you do get a chance to look at any videos, I also uploaded uncompressed higher resolution versions to Flikr: These ones show the cutting and faceting better I think.
I think fancies are cut more for color than anything as @maryjane04 says. So you won't necessarily get the precision cutting that you might get in a colorless stone.

Thank you for your reply! I do remember reading that the cut of fancy colour diamonds usually won't be as good as ideal round brilliants or precision cut gemstones, so I'm not expecting tonnes of sparkles - I just wanted to check in with the PS community to see if those grey areas on the edges of the marquise are anything I should worry about, and for some general feedback and tips on buying coloured diamonds.
I wouldn't worry too much about cut. Fancy colors are cut for color, so I tend to give them a pass unless the cut is horrific. This one has a pretty decent cut IMHO.

To my eyes though, the "purplish pink" looks more pure pink than this one. But that might be just me

Haha yeah some of the fancy colour diamonds I've seen online look like coloured rock sugar, but comparing this marquise to the couple marquise diamonds available at Leibish, I do think the cut on this marquise is one of the best I've seen.

The purplish pink did also immediately stand out to me as the 'pinkest' of the bunch, but I was told it leans more toward the cooler side as a bubblegum pink, while the marquise is a true pink. I wasn't sure how well the purplish pink cushion would pair with rose gold as RG tends to be warmer in colour. I was hoping to create a rose gold setting, and I thought the marquise might go better with rose gold. I do hope the marquise won't look brown under warmer lighting though...
Haha yeah some of the fancy colour diamonds I've seen online look like coloured rock sugar, but comparing this marquise to the couple marquise diamonds available at Leibish, I do think the cut on this marquise is one of the best I've seen.

The purplish pink did also immediately stand out to me as the 'pinkest' of the bunch, but I was told it leans more toward the cooler side as a bubblegum pink, while the marquise is a true pink. I wasn't sure how well the purplish pink cushion would pair with rose gold as RG tends to be warmer in colour. I was hoping to create a rose gold setting, and I thought the marquise might go better with rose gold. I do hope the marquise won't look brown under warmer lighting though...

Like I said, I'm not great with colors. But I looked FOREVER for a pink brown stone so I feel like i have some experience there. And to me, there's brown in that stone. However, pics of fancy colors lie a lot, so if the vendor is trustworthy then they know best since they see it in hand.
The only real way to judge it is with your eyes.
If you were both in the US i would say with a return policy see it in person.
It appears to be a nice stone.
The thing is color is so personal and everyone may like something different.
It sure does look pretty in the photos. IMHO it would look fabulous in a rose gold setting.

The “sparkle lighting” sometimes makes color look a little more saturated than other forms of lighting. No matter what FCD you get, unless it is a super-saturated opaque rock, what you are really buying is a diamond that looks _____-color, in _____-lighting, _____% of the time. You probably won’t find a pink diamond that never ever looks like it has any brown.

Maybe I missed it but is there a GIA certificate that says “fancy pink?” And not brown-pink, orange-pink, light-pink, etc.
Like I said, I'm not great with colors. But I looked FOREVER for a pink brown stone so I feel like i have some experience there. And to me, there's brown in that stone. However, pics of fancy colors lie a lot, so if the vendor is trustworthy then they know best since they see it in hand.

I believe the vendor (who I consider trustworthy/reputable) said the colour of this fancy pink marquise is a true pink, but I'll double check again. With coloured diamonds, is it possible for GIA to write fancy pink on a certificate even though there might be some brown in the stone?
The only real way to judge it is with your eyes.
If you were both in the US i would say with a return policy see it in person.
It appears to be a nice stone.
The thing is color is so personal and everyone may like something different.

I will try to see if I can see it in person, maybe in a couple of months. It's a bit hard as I live in Australia, and the vendor is in the US. I hope the grey areas aren't too prominent in person...
It sure does look pretty in the photos. IMHO it would look fabulous in a rose gold setting.

The “sparkle lighting” sometimes makes color look a little more saturated than other forms of lighting. No matter what FCD you get, unless it is a super-saturated opaque rock, what you are really buying is a diamond that looks _____-color, in _____-lighting, _____% of the time. You probably won’t find a pink diamond that never ever looks like it has any brown.

Maybe I missed it but is there a GIA certificate that says “fancy pink?” And not brown-pink, orange-pink, light-pink, etc.

Ahh true, even colourless diamonds can look yellowish in warmer lightings! I imagine fancy colours would be the same.

This is the GIA certificate for the marquise:


I was wondering, is it possible that GIA might give stone a fancy pink designation, even though there may be some brown in it?
Ahh true, even colourless diamonds can look yellowish in warmer lightings! I imagine fancy colours would be the same.

This is the GIA certificate for the marquise:


I was wondering, is it possible that GIA might give stone a fancy pink designation, even though there may be some brown in it?

Yes. IIRC if a color modifier makes up less than 15% of the overall perceived color, then the modifier is not listed in the report.

Even if the modifier does not exist at all under the controlled lighting conditions in which the FCD is graded, you may still perceive the modifier in real life, under different wavelengths of light (sunlight, office light, Costco light), or in different surroundings (walls, clothes, skin color, setting color). And different people see color differently, so even if you don’t see the modifier, someone else might.
I think there’s a good chance that the obstruction is more apparent on camera and less obvious in person.

I hope so! I think Karl also mentioned that it might just reflections of the camera.

Thank you for this resource! I've been reading it on my phone because I think the colour accuracy on my phone screen is better than my monitor :lol:
Yes. IIRC if a color modifier makes up less than 15% of the overall perceived color, then the modifier is not listed in the report.

Ohhh I didn't know that! I'll have to check back in with the vendor to see if he perceives any brown. I did notice that, at least in the videos, the fancy pink marquise looks really similar in colour to the fancy brownish pink radiant, but was told the difference is more obvious in real life.
Even if the modifier does not exist at all under the controlled lighting conditions in which the FCD is graded, you may still perceive the modifier in real life, under different wavelengths of light (sunlight, office light, Costco light), or in different surroundings (walls, clothes, skin color, setting color). And different people see color differently, so even if you don’t see the modifier, someone else might.

I'll have a read through of the websites you linked now! I love how much knowledge PSers have to share on here - thank you so much!