
Favorite baby names

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I love the name Quinn, I knew a girl Quinn years ago...I also like Remy.
Date: 3/13/2007 12:58:35 PM
Author: ephemery1
Jack Charles (our 2 fathers'' names) -- except Jack is now the most popular boy''s name in the country
and I really don''t want my kid to be in a class with Jack A., Jack L., and Jack M. also... ya know?

Kyla Joy -- family middle name

My first name is Elisabeth with the "s" instead of the "z." It definitely has been a pain because nobody thinks to spell it this way. I''ve even had to have my driver''s license redone because it got typed in wrong.

I think a lot of parents work really hard to give their child a unique name whether it being in spelling or pronunciation and it seems to me to turn out to be more of a burden for the child...constantly having to correct people.
for boys i like traditional names...i''m not to keen on these new names

i love tons of girls names
Fun fun! We don''t even know if we want kids...but I love naming my unconceived children!

Boys names:
Eh, they just aren''t as much fun...

But if we were to have a boy we''d probably name him:

Abraham Thomas (Both of our dad''s names)

I currently love the names:
My FI is also a teacher and for every name I mention he shoots down, either because of nicknames he/she could be called or because he had a punk student with that name.

That said, we like these girl''s names (middle name will be Ora, after my grandma):



I LOVE Oliver, but my cousin just named her dog that. TOTALLY sucks.
Charlotte, Lily, Josephine (Josie), Caroline, Tess, Claire, Chloe, Lucy, Lila

Henry, Charlie, Owen, Timothy, Nathan, Jack, Sam

I''m a huge fan of classic, old school names. Seems like they''re coming back in fashion these days!
well I already have a Lily, Chloe and Sophie (Sophia) so I'm biased on the girls names.

I also like, Emma, Clara, Isabella (chloe's almost name), Hannah and Halley (how my neice spells her name, pronounce Halle like the actress


Jacob (Jake)

ETA: ooo, I like Henry and nathan too KD!!
Ooh for boys, I cant think of many- I always loved the name David, but thats ff''s name and I wouldnt do the whole david jnr thing. Other names that I like are Daragh and Jack.

For girls, I adore the names Chloe, Lily, Mia, Ava, Charlotte, Samantha, Grace. That''s all I can think of at the moment!
MrsS - I had no idea you have THREE girls! For some reason, I was thinking just two. You must be a busy lady! I never had a sister -- it must be so sweet for your 3 girls to have each other to grow up with! And I love their names -- you have great taste! I love the classic ones, too.

ETA: just wanted to add another name to my girls list: Anne-Sophie. Sooo feminine!
For boys I like Christopher, Michael, Andrew, Ethan, Zachary, Tristen.

For girls I like Kayla, Kara, Sophia, Elizabeth, Elyse or Elysa, Karina and Safina.

My Kids names are Christopher Andrew, Kayla Nicole and Kara Anne. I so wanted to change the baby''s name to Sophia Anne, but my husband was against it.

So, if I get pregnant again, not that we are trying, but you never know, the baby will either be a Michael or a Sophia. Ha, ha!!
I love Savannah and Grace and Isabella too...

boys, Wesley, Carter and Jameson
Date: 3/14/2007 5:06:22 PM
Author: KristyDarling
MrsS - I had no idea you have THREE girls! For some reason, I was thinking just two. You must be a busy lady! I never had a sister -- it must be so sweet for your 3 girls to have each other to grow up with! And I love their names -- you have great taste! I love the classic ones, too.

KD, i actually have 4, but 2 came with hubby when I married him. They are a lot older 17 (a boy), 14 and then we have our little girls. It does keep me busy though b/c they are will us a lot athough not full time.
Boys - Ben & Reed

Girls - Elise
Date: 3/14/2007 10:14:27 AM
Author: IslandDreams

My first name is Elisabeth with the 's' instead of the 'z.' It definitely has been a pain because nobody thinks to spell it this way. I've even had to have my driver's license redone because it got typed in wrong.

I think a lot of parents work really hard to give their child a unique name whether it being in spelling or pronunciation and it seems to me to turn out to be more of a burden for the child...constantly having to correct people.
Really? I'd never even thought about this spelling until I met someone with it recently... and she said she preferred having the "s"... just because it gave her very traditional name a bit of a twist.

I do hate when people try and get creative with names that are already very trendy... making Madison into "Maddysine"... that sort of thing.
I used my favorite names... :) My all time favorite name ever for a girl is Acacia and that is my daughter''s name :) My middle child goes by his middle name which is Beacher and that''s my favorite boy name. My youngest boy is Rowan which I love but has recently started being overtaken as a girl''s name which annoys me. Acacia is my favorite of *all time* name though and I feel so lucky to have had a girl and been able to use it. Acacia
Date: 3/15/2007 4:24:02 PM
Author: ephemery1

I do hate when people try and get creative with names that are already very trendy... making Madison into ''Maddysine''... that sort of thing.
yeah... even though Acacia is an ancient name and very rarely used, the more common spelling is Akaysha which just bugs me to no end... it isn''t like Acacia is so common you need to mix it up a bit... and yet it is this very old name that no one ever uses... and to me it is so beautiful. I love it spelled in caps LOL ACACIA :) Why do akaysha???
I love Reid or Reed too.

My name has given me issues for years. And I hate when people make the spelling weird on purpose...I have a friend Amy but it is spelled like "like" in French, Aimee, and it is impossible. My other friend named her daughter Natalia, but spelled it Nataeylia or Nataliyia something funky and it is ridiculous to me..reminds me of LA Story where Sarah Jessica Parker is a girl named Sandy, but it is SaNdEE or something funny like that! Be creative elsewhere, I can totally empathize, even though my name was not super creative the spelling and pronounciation of it always had issues for me!
DF- I always think your posts are spot on, but your are now my fav as those names (Ben, Reed & Elise) are my kids'' names.
A lot of people cant pronounce or spell my daughters name right. I always have people pronouncing her name Yeh-vette. As for spelling we used the French version (French Descent). My dad even spelled her name Evette in her birthday card
. I wanted to name her Eva after my grandmother but my husband liked Yvette better & now that I think about it had we named her Eva people would probably pronounce it Ava anyway. Eva is Eva & Ava is Ava.
Isn''t Elisabeth with an S more European?
Date: 3/15/2007 9:16:48 PM
Author: VegasAngel
A lot of people cant pronounce or spell my daughters name right. I always have people pronouncing her name Yeh-vette. As for spelling we used the French version (French Descent). My dad even spelled her name Evette in her birthday card
. I wanted to name her Eva after my grandmother but my husband liked Yvette better & now that I think about it had we named her Eva people would probably pronounce it Ava anyway. Eva is Eva & Ava is Ava.
I think I would have done that.
I love Eva (and Ava) too.

As for purposely spelling names in unique ways, this is somewhat of a pet peeve of mine. One of my favorite names is Micaela (or Michaela). It REALLY bothers me for some reason when I see it spelled in random ways. I''ve seen it spelled as MacKayla, Mikayla, Micalah, etc. It reminds me of when businesses purposely spell their stores'' names in a "cutesy" way (Kidz Kutz, for example -- I don''t even know if that''s a real name but you get the idea). Maybe it''s the teacher in me, but that drives me insane!! Why teach kids to spell wrong on purpose??

Woah. I didn''t think I''d get that wound up on such a silly topic.
Date: 3/15/2007 7:55:59 PM
Author: bluehue
DF- I always think your posts are spot on, but your are now my fav as those names (Ben, Reed & Elise) are my kids'' names.

Thank you...I love your name choices...just never had the girl so I could not use the names I loved...but I got the girl when we got the puppy...haha I insisted that there be some girl energy in my house....
I cannot believe I forgot Mason, which I love!

All three of my kids names are there, I think their middle names are too!
If you go on the Social Security & search for baby names, you can look up the top names in your state. I find it pretty interesting. Why am I still up? I need to get in bed
well believe it or not I thought Lily would be a breeze for people. But, almost everyone spells it Lilly. even my mother-in-law sent cards and presents with that spelling until recently. I always thought Lily would be the more common spelling and wanted to keep it simple.
Date: 3/16/2007 2:09:11 AM
Author: VegasAngel

If you go on the Social Security & search for baby names, you can look up the top names in your state. I find it pretty interesting. Why am I still up? I need to get in bed
The SSA website also lists the number of babies given each particular name, which is kind of interesting too... that lets you figure out how popular a name REALLY is by adding up all its different spellings/forms. Like for 2005, Sophia is #11 (12,458) but Sofia is #52 (5,087)... added together that's 17,545 which actually puts the name at #4 on the list... and that's not even taking all the "Sophie"s (2,397) into account!

Same can apply for Jack/Jackson/John(sometimes) and Claire/Clare and Lily/Lillian...

And Vegas, you thought YOU were wasting time....
Date: 3/12/2007 9:22:31 PM
Author: diamondfan
girls: (never got to use any!)

Danielle, Emma, Lily, Madeline, Kara, Addison, Charlotte, Alexandra, Francesca, Olivia, Madison, Lauren, Lara, Laurel, Roxanne, Liza, Mackenzie (some of these were before television shows made them popular)


Alexander, Harrison, Cole, Hunter, Cooper, Maxwell, Jordan, Adam, Wyatt, Jackson, Dylan, Hutton, Nicholas, Grant, Graham, Charles, William, Henry, Oliver, Connor ...

I am sure I will think of more! It is tough when you have an association with someone and that name becomes a bit tainted to you...
Glad you like my name!
Except I spell it with one ''n'' and everyone gets all confused...

FI and I have a few names, keep in mind that we''re French Canadians so the names are French names (or will be pronounced in French).

Girl: Noémie, Viviane, Amigaelle, Claire.
Boy: Gabriel, Patrick.
Date: 3/16/2007 8:29:31 AM
Author: mrssalvo
well believe it or not I thought Lily would be a breeze for people. But, almost everyone spells it Lilly. even my mother-in-law sent cards and presents with that spelling until recently.

This is funny to me because my brother "Shawn" used an x-mas stocking with the name "Shaun" on it- made by our AUNT. He never got a new one, and it was just a part of Christmas life- my poor brother''s mispelled stocking.

Once, someone pronounced my name wrong, how can you NOT pronounce Amber? I have seen it spelled oddly, Ambre, Ambur, and the related name Ambar. Sometimes Umber, which I totally don''t understand.

Also, Zoe- I can''t stand names that are spelled "originally" because I always equate that with not being able to find those mini license plates with your name on it! When I was younger, Amber wasn''t a popular name, I was the only one in my middle school/elementary school with it. So, whenever I saw anything with my name on it (pencils, pads of note paper, etc.) I snapped it up. Now it''s more common with strippers, **** stars and other ladies of "ill-repute". That kinda sucks.
OOoh I like Noémie & Viviane. I personally know only one Amber. Its a pretty, feminine name I dont associate it with strippers or the like at all. I waitressed in a strip club for a minute
when I was younger & their stage names were more like Brooklyn (They use lots of city names), Rayne, Snow, Angel, Diamond, Ice etc...
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