
Favorite baby names

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Date: 3/16/2007 11:31:39 AM
Author: AmberWaves

Once, someone pronounced my name wrong, how can you NOT pronounce Amber? I have seen it spelled oddly, Ambre, Ambur, and the related name Ambar. Sometimes Umber, which I totally don't understand.
Haha... I just tried it a few different ways and yep, Amber really should have only one pronounciation!

My name is Sandra but I always went by Sandy. When people see my full name written out, they ALWAYS ask, "oh, is that pronounced Saundra or Sandra?" Which always surprises me... especially when they already know my nickname is Sandy with the "and" sound. if it were pronounced "Saundra", wouldn't it be spelled that way? Or "Sondra"?

I hated my name growing up because it was so 50's.... but I don't mind it as much now... I like that it's a bit different. And obviously Grease was always my favorite musical...
I LOVE Sandy. And Sandra, sounds so elegant. Vegas, I didn''t meant to offend, I hope I didn''t! It''s just something I''ve seen portrayed in a lot of books (I read 4/5 books a week), tv and movies. I actually looked up my name online and found it attached to a lot of adult film stars (i.e. Amber Rose, and Amber Lynn) and things like that. And living with this name for 27 years, I''ve gotten a lot of people commenting about how it IS a name like that so I''m just basing that on things I''ve read and seen and been told. Someone once told my dad that my name is a perfect stripper/actress name- my DAD. I think it''s because it matches my last name perfectly.

I always loved the name Amberly. Just sounded so beautiful! I hated my name growing up, because I wanted to have something that had a nickname, something that could be a cute shorter name, like Elizabeth/Elisabeth- Liz, Beth, Betsy... so many options!
You didnt offend me at all! I personally dont see Amber as an actress name. Amber is a sweet girly girl name to me. I Guess it goes back to the original post about names reminding you of certain people/things & bringing back whatever memories you have with it.

There are tons of baby name websites I like to browse. One I like in particular is I like that it shows possible teasing nicknames.
Thanks Vegas! Man, I never knew there were so many insane nicknames for Amber. And wow, I have been called many, and they''re all here! Damn the movie Clueless- that''s where the "ambular" thing came from. I STILL can''t get rid of that one (and I still love the movie!).
Oh my goodness I''m getting a good laugh Amber out of your tease names & mine.

Amburger Helper

For my name Donna

Donut-My brother used to call me this
Don Juan
Donna Wanna?
Madonna-Get this one a lot along with Donna Karan
Donna Ponna

I used to get so embarrassed on the first day of school when the teacher would call my name and follow it with OooH-Dooooonna my face still gets red
Vegas, I used to HATE the Amburgler one. Now I''m kinda used to it. One time, my nephew called me Uncle Andrew. What the heck was THAT about?
I like a couple of biblical names for boys, my favourites are Isaac and Jacob (their second name would be Matthew or Leigh after DF... his name is Matthew Leigh).

My favourite girls'' names are Sienna Lily and Indianna Jayde for girls.

My DF has always liked the name Maddison, not sure where he picked it up but he loves it. One day out of sheer boredom I looked up the biblical meaning of Maddison, (I''m not deeply religious or anything, I just love biblical names!!
) and it means "Child of Matthew". How cool is that!?
Well, I have two sets of names: Favorite names and Favorite names I will use (b/c of the family connection)

Favorite: Girls- Skylar, Madison, Ellie, Audrey; Boys-Braden, Michael;

Favorite names I will use (if I get the chance):

Girl- Lebee Anette (the "Americanized" version of my familys Russian last name and my mother''s middle name)
Boy- Harrison Jerome Hayes (the name of the street in MP my mother grew up in her entire life, jerome is my late grandfather''s middle name, and hayes is my last name)....
Date: 3/12/2007 9:22:31 PM
Author: diamondfan

I SO wanted to name my youngest this, I love it, and it went perfectly with our last name. But I was affraid it was too "different", and kids would make fun of it, so I named him Andrew instead.

I recently told him what I wanted to name him, and he just gave me this weird look and said WHY, that''s a dumb name. Confirmation I made the right choice?

I already know if we have a girl we are going to have a *very* hard time agreeing on a name. Naming our cat was hard for us
I like Audrey, Addison, Ella, and Mallory. Maybe Claire or Grace as a middle name. I dropped Elizabeth as my middle name (for my maiden) so maybe it would be cool to use that as a middle name. DH has wrinkled his nose at most of them. Luckily we still have 7 months to agree. If we have a boy I promised we would name him William (after an uncle he was very close to and died when he was in highschool). We will call him Will. For a middle name Meyer (which is my late grandfather''s name who was such a great person and I miss).
hey tacori---congrats on the pregnancy...once we found out we were having a boy i knew his name would be matthew.
my DH didn''t want it to be his name...then i told him my other choices and he didn''t like or want any of those...he told me his choices and i told him ---uhhh no...we couldn''t decide on a night when i was about 7 1/2 months pregnant he took me out to a really nice dinner and told me he had a surprise for me....he told me that he wanted our son to be matthew---he saw it written on paper with his name as a middle name---stick to the names you want and he''ll come around. keep saying the name or casually mentioning it

now if we had a girl....we''d still be discussing we have very different girl name tastes.
Date: 3/19/2007 4:05:49 PM
Author: NYCsparkle
hey tacori---congrats on the pregnancy...once we found out we were having a boy i knew his name would be matthew.
my DH didn''t want it to be his name...then i told him my other choices and he didn''t like or want any of those...he told me his choices and i told him ---uhhh no...we couldn''t decide on a night when i was about 7 1/2 months pregnant he took me out to a really nice dinner and told me he had a surprise for me....he told me that he wanted our son to be matthew---he saw it written on paper with his name as a middle name---stick to the names you want and he''ll come around. keep saying the name or casually mentioning it

now if we had a girl....we''d still be discussing we have very different girl name tastes.

Thanks NYC. I have lots of time left, I am only in week 9
I like the way you think! I also like Aubrey and everytime we watch "deal or no deal" I always nudge him when they open Aubrey''s case and remind him what a lovely name it is! Don''t know if it will work but I tend to wear him down slooooowly sucessfully about other things. I did remind him that our boy''s name is to honor his uncle so maybe I should decide on the girl''s name. He just rolled his eyes! It would help if he actually came up with some names of his own. He just shoots down mine
This is a fun thread. I can''t share my top 4 favorates since I have 4 kids and used my four top choices :) And I don''t want to post my kids names online.

But I will say my near favorates that were top contenders that just missed being used by a hair are:

Lauren, Emily, and for a boy Zachary. Love those names :) But I like the names I ended up choosing more :)
You all are brave sharing your favorite names. I''ll keep my lips sealed. LOL. People have been known to take other people''s favorite names. My friends are pregnant and always ask me what my favorite names are and I''m just like, "I''llllll neeevveerrrrr tellllll" cause I''m afraid they''ll take them!
Date: 3/20/2007 10:27:49 PM
Author: biblobaggins23
You all are brave sharing your favorite names. I''ll keep my lips sealed. LOL. People have been known to take other people''s favorite names. My friends are pregnant and always ask me what my favorite names are and I''m just like, ''I''llllll neeevveerrrrr tellllll'' cause I''m afraid they''ll take them!
I''m actually thinking about stealing Cehra''s Acacia (someday... let''s get through the wedding first
)... I figure she lives all the way over on the West Coast so she might be willing to share it with an East Coast baby.
Date: 3/20/2007 10:27:49 PM
Author: biblobaggins23
You all are brave sharing your favorite names. I''ll keep my lips sealed. LOL. People have been known to take other people''s favorite names. My friends are pregnant and always ask me what my favorite names are and I''m just like, ''I''llllll neeevveerrrrr tellllll'' cause I''m afraid they''ll take them!

I actually did that to my sister. She worked in a kids camp and always loved the name Lily. when I was pregnant hubby and I could not agree on a girls name until I was reading down a list and came across that name. He loved it and so did I. I did however ask my sister b/c I knew she had always wanted to name a daughter that name. she wasn''t even married at the time and I was 5 months pregnant with a girl so she gave it to me with the promise I tell my daughter her auntie named her.
OMG I''m totally cracking up over Amburgular!!!!!
It is tough because what if your sister never had a girl, or had kids, and you did not use it? I know it is a tough call though!
Date: 3/20/2007 11:41:53 PM
Author: diamondfan
It is tough because what if your sister never had a girl, or had kids, and you did not use it? I know it is a tough call though!

yeah, she couldn''t really say no b/c of those reasons but I still wanted to at least ask her out of respect. She gave it up without any problem though and we all know that the name Lily fits my daughter perfectly..
Did she ever have kids?
this is an appropriate thread...being 14 weeks pregnant, my DH and I have been discussing it. Girls are easy for us, my fave is Cora and we have agreed on that (although he really likes michaela) but boys we cant agree on. George likes Clint and Cooper and i like oliver and alexander. I''m fairly sure I''m having a boy, even though it wont be confirmed for another month. How do people ever decide???
Date: 3/21/2007 3:17:40 AM
Author: msflutter
this is an appropriate thread...being 14 weeks pregnant, my DH and I have been discussing it. Girls are easy for us, my fave is Cora and we have agreed on that (although he really likes michaela) but boys we cant agree on. George likes Clint and Cooper and i like oliver and alexander. I''m fairly sure I''m having a boy, even though it wont be confirmed for another month. How do people ever decide???
FI and I agreed a while back that he gets to choose the number of children, I get to choose their names. We talk about it fairly often (we have two little nieces so the subject of having kids is often being discussed)... and he already refers to our future children by the names I told him they''ll be called! This only works because I always wanted 4 kids (grew up babysitting 6 and 5 children families)... and he wants 2... so he is thrilled to get his way with that.

But logistically, I do think 2 will be more practical for us, and he''s already agreed that IF we have 2 of the same sex, we can try for a 3rd. So I''m happy! Not sure what happens if that one is the same, too...
Girl names are easier, they can always be cute. Boy names have to be cute when younger and tougher when older, at least thats my though.

My duaghter names are Joelle Ashley and Arianna Mari, other names that I liked that were never an option because my ex knew girls that she didn''t like:

for boys:
Christian Michael
Sebastian Nicolas
What a fun thread...I know this sort of thread was done before but I never tire of baby names! My kids and their names are:

Girls: Melanie Brooke
Lynzee Rose

Boys: Ryan Scott
Jason Matthew
Brennan Michael
Alex James
Nicholas Jordan
Austin Mitchell
Christian Thomas

When my kids were being born, my hubby loved the name Kimberly, Crystal and Carla for the girls names and I only found Carla to be remotely ok to consider, but our daughters did not resemble a "Carla". We both knew we would never name a daughter "Denise" because we both knew people with that name who had soured that name for us. Lynzee actually did not have a name for 2 weeks after she was born cuz we had a hard time choosing a first name for her. We knew her middle name would be Rose cuz she had a gorgeous rose hue to her little cheeks.

Our sons were defintely tougher to name. My hubby''s mom wanted us to consider family names of Larvin, Cecil and Duncan and that was so not going to happen! My hubby has a little Irish on his dad''s side so when Brennan was born, it was fitting for him. Also, his name means "raven-haired" and he still is to this day. Because his pregnancy was a bit scary with him having kidney problems and almost coming too early(he still came 6 1/2 weeks early, but was ok), I felt his middle name was appropriate cuz it means "consecrated of God." My son Alex was never going to called Alexander and my DH was firm on not using Alexander so I gave in and he has a short first name. Christian was born on Christmas and I had a Jewish OB so he suggested we give all the Jewish girls a heads up that our son was Christian.

I also love Conner, Ian, and Eli for boys first names with Tate and Shea for middle names. For girls, I ADORE Isabella, Olivia, Mikayla, Annie, Ava, Paige, Peyton and Mia.

For me, I await and I am patient and in NO HURRY for grandkids, to perhaps be honored with one or two of these names in the future...
my DH and i didn''t tell anyone the name we chose until the baby was born. our parents and sibs wanted to strangle was sooo much fun. they knew we were having a boy, but we REFUSED to tell them the name. i didn''t want to hear ewww or why don''t you pick this.... when they came to the hospital we introduced them to their new grandson matthew. they just always knew him as matthew. my son never has to hear that his name could have been___, its just always been matthew.
Date: 3/15/2007 4:24:02 PM
Author: ephemery1

Date: 3/14/2007 10:14:27 AM
Author: IslandDreams

My first name is Elisabeth with the ''s'' instead of the ''z.'' It definitely has been a pain because nobody thinks to spell it this way. I''ve even had to have my driver''s license redone because it got typed in wrong.

I think a lot of parents work really hard to give their child a unique name whether it being in spelling or pronunciation and it seems to me to turn out to be more of a burden for the child...constantly having to correct people.
Really? I''d never even thought about this spelling until I met someone with it recently... and she said she preferred having the ''s''... just because it gave her very traditional name a bit of a twist.

I do hate when people try and get creative with names that are already very trendy... making Madison into ''Maddysine''... that sort of thing.

I do like the "S" for the same reasons as the person you met...a bit of a twist. But the real life use of it is that I have to spell it over and over to people and I pretty much find people don''t really "hear" me and spell with a "z" anyway. It would actually be easier to have a super unusual name that forced people to listen to the spelling. Like Ceh''s ACACIA which is really cool but so different that most people probably listen to the spelling.
Girls: Danielle (because it is my name), Bailey, Renee, Rebecca, Taylor, LeeAnn

I am, in fact, going to name my baby girl Renee Bailey if I do have a girl one day. : ) Although I have been very happily married to this wonderful man for four years, I do not have any plans for the babies just yet. However, I am feeling the pressure from the in-laws these days... : ( HELP!

Boys: Tylor, Ray, Blake, Nigil, Michael

I am thinking that my baby boy will be named Ray, not Raymond. I think I want to give him an Asian middle name, though, to bring out his heritage. : )
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