
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

redrose229 said:
Hi guys!
I know that I'm not considered an "aging" PSer, and I don't have some of the health issues yet, but I was hoping it would be okay if I hung out around here anyways? I've been around for a few years now, and time just seems to be going more and more quickly and I'm not sure where it's going. It seems like just yesterday I was softball little league and in the church plays. I know I am only 22 years old, but I've gone though a lot of thing in my life, and have always felt in my 30's, even as a young teenager. I've just recently began to understand loving ones self, learning, growing, and how to have adult discussions without getting feelings involved. But because of my past experiences, I can now apply my new found knowledge and learning skills to my past, and have learned a great deal from it. It has put my maturity level past most people my age, and it makes it even harder to relate to those my age. I don't have kids, so I can't relate to that. But my mind-set is more of living life to fullest, loving everyone, learning everything I can, and over all just trying to be a good person and to be open minded. As much as I love dress shopping and doing things in my age group, I've always gotten along with those much older than myself, and I like to learn from those who have done it before me. So I hope you don't mind if I pop in every once in a while. I don't have a grandmother here either, so if anyone wants a granddaughter much to old to be there real one, I'm up on the adoption list, lol.

I want to say it's great reading about all of this. It's a normal part of life, and to see how you ladies handle things (which, I think we have a very mature select amazing group of woman role models on here) so well, and are so grateful and just all around good people, it's hard not to want to hang out and learn. I wish we all could get together and I would love to listen to your stories and see what I can learn from you all. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you! Many of you ladies actually do inspire me (despite it being on the internet) and I want to grown and learn and not be a selfish close minded no-it all young woman. Even if that means I have to change my attitude or my mind-set. (ETA: I don't think I am one now, but outsiders can see better than you can!)

Does anyone else find it sad that when you have learned and have the knowledge when your old, that you don't get to posses that knowledge when your young? It's almost like being young and having your youth is a trade off. You get your youth, but you don't yet have an understanding of certain things yet, but yet when you get that knowledge and understanding, your older and most won't listen to you, and you may not have as much time to do anything with it, and then you have health issues, etc.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that you all are amazing and strong ladies. I hope that when I'm your age I handle it with as much grace and spunk (can you have those at the same time? lol) as you ladies do. I hope my post made since! I just woke up and I"m not sure if I articulated things correctlly!

Oh, and also, if I already have a bad memory....I'm sure I'll be sticking money in the microphone at the drive though much sooner than you did! I hope that doesn't mean that I'll be doing much more crazy things in the leaving the house not fully dressed or something :errrr:

Redrose - I can relate very much to what you have said here. ((HUGS)). If you ever want to talk let me know. I'm 23 and have been on a roller coaster since age 8ish? I'm finally getting to where I can learn to be confident in myself, and take whatever comes my way without letting it topple me over. Since I turned 22 I have felt in a different world than most of my peers. I find it hard to be around many of my peers because of this. I don't function on the same level. I don't understand stupid fun anymore. Although I have fallen to the extreme and really had stopped HAVING fun in any situation. That is where I am working most, to learn to let loose and enjoy life.

And yes, I agree... youth is wasted on the young.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Welcome, Redrose! We are glad to have you here. If you don't mind some unsolicited advice from someone with a few years on her, I'd like to chime in. We all make plenty of mistakes along the way and, unfortunately, other people sometimes get hurt. You are obviously doing a great job of learning from them but don't skip the part where you forgive yourself. Figure out whatever works for you to LET IT GO. You're who you are today because of your past experiences and the guilt isn't constructive. What worked for me was to ask God for forgiveness, which is always freely given. Then I realized that it would be awfully presumptuous of me not to forgive myself when the big guy had done so. And btw, my Mom-who's also a therapist-helped me through the process.[/quote]

Gayletmom: That's why I am here! For advice, guidance, to learn! So feel free to say anything! I actually have sticky note on my laptop because of my conversation with my mom yesterday. One says: Think Positive Thoughts and the other says I have been forgiven.
In my bathroom there are the same two, but underneath I've been forgiven, it says move on. These little reminders have been nice so far! And I didn't think of it like that! Who am I to condemn myself if God has forgiven me, I should too! Thanks so much! I might just have to add a new sticky note to the mirror :praise:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

All right, I promised to elaborate on my day from hell yesterday, and after a full nights sleep I think I'm ready to oblige.

As background, this summer my classmates and I celebrated our 30 high school reunion. We have a pretty good looking crew too, even if we have to say it ourselves. But, as I've mentioned before, I'm running the Pack Shack (snack shop) at my kids' high school, and it has given me more than a glimpse into the teenagers of today. And there are more than a few times I've had to stop and reprocess what I've just seen and heard.

This week was the cross town rivalry football game. In a college town that has just two high schools this has turned into a really big thing. However, it is not limited to an on the field rivalry. This week there was a knifing and an arrest during during lunch hour. The two high schools have to change their lunch hours during the day of the game so there will be no confrontations! It blows my mind what should be a good natured time for sportsmanship has become a reason for vandalism and violence!

We also had the obligatory assembly yesterday. It was a lot of fun, and I must say that I am blown away by the quality of the drum line, band, and chorus. They are college level performances! However, the pom pon girls performance left me with my jaw hanging down to the floor. I was on the pom squad for all four years of high school and we worked very hard and were very well respected. We performed routines to popular songs as well as pieces performed by the band. But all these girls were doing was shaking their asses and popping their boobs. When did that become "performance level"? This squad has won national titles and it's all about wiggling their T&A??? Appalling!

Many of these girls, along with the cheerleaders and other popular girls have this thing about wearing a white bow on the left side of their head. Now, I'm not talking a quite little bow, but a Theresa Guidice, fist sized grograin bow!! We call them the bow heads. The are also often loud and screechy, screaming when they see a friend across the commons and running and hugging each other. Nauseating!

This is going to get me started on all manners of bizarre behaviors and fashions that I don't understand. The boys are now wearing really tight, straight leg jeans that they belt right below the curve of their ass. If they have to move fast at all, they look like the penguins from Mary Poppins, because they're trying to hold their jeans up by holding their thighs together! Some of them are in danger of having their business pop out the front these damned things are so low. When they come to the Pack Shack I tell them to "Pull up your pants! I don't want to know what your boxers look like!" Apparently this trend started in prison where inmates advertised that they were open to sexual favors from or by other prisoners. Yeah! That's what I want my kid emulating.

Then there are the roaming packs of lesbians. Now I have no problem whatsoever with a persons sexual preference. What I do have a problem with are their social behaviors. These seem to be the new "gangs" in our area. When they find a young, socially awkward girl, they target her for membership. Then the roam the halls in these great, loud packs, cursing and making fun of other kids and getting into fights. They are scary!!

We also have the few random cross dressers and transgendered kids. Interestingly enough, they are not made fun of or harassed at all. They usually have a couple of very good friends they hang around with all the time. Sometimes there are wigs. Makeup is mandatory, and their addressed as they sex they have chosen. Interesting.

Does this sound like the high school environment you experienced? Yes, every day I am reminded how old I am. Thank you NNHS Class of 2011 for rubbing my nose in it. :cry:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Uppy - Shocker ain't it?

The OKC police officer that got shot this week by the teen with the AR-15? One of my husband's students. :eek:

Finding out how the sausage was really made these days in the schools was a complete eye-opener for me too, I can assure you.

When I get back from the weekend, and get started in class (did they have any openings for you/Meg?), we really DO need to meet. We have a few more things in common besides jewelry, age, and fibro(pretty sure here).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
That sounds pretty scary! I've known several people who have had floaters and tears, and they are just bizarre things. I'm glad it isn't more serious and is just annoying. I suspect we're all getting pretty good at dealing with "annoying"... :sick:
Get better!

yes, better to deal with annoying that with real damage! annoying is someting i can live with....especially, given i've had a lot of time to get to this age and get used to "annoyance"! and given the real problems others have, i'm thankful to be merely annoyed. i see the opthamologist for my regular annual eye checkup again in november so i know she'll be watching out for any changes, too.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Holy moly! I had NO IDEA HS was that bad now! I am so sorry you have to see that day in and day out! May I ask how your daughter handles that environment? I would think it would make it difficult for others to learn in that type of environment.
Although I must admit I am happy to hear that the transvestites (or whatever politically correct term I should use) aren't really bothered or harassed. The last thing kids need is to be ridiculed for how they chose to live their life. For some it might be a phase and because they aren't teased may grow out of it. For the others it is good for them to be accepted no matter what, which makes being a teenager a little easier.

I just left HS (I actually dropped out of the HS I transferred to because the curriculum wasn't challenging enough for me to waste my time there another year when I could get my GED and start college and plus I got to avoid all the HS drama and cliques) when I was 5 or so years ago. I know my first HS I went to was in a very good area, great teachers, everything (except for the close minded part). I mean people still haven't come out of the closet because of how religious the area is and how close minded the community is, so I didn't witness any of that at my first school (I can't imagine it going over well considering my 10th grade history project was on Gay and Lesbian rights and half the class went home and re-did their project so they could argue against mine). My second school (a factory town) had many more issues than my first one. There was a police station in the school, which I hadn't ever seen. Heck, it was rare to see a cop at my old HS, let alone have one on stand by!

I just wanted to say even at the HS with the police station we didn't have any of what your talking about. I mean the dirty dance routines were there, but no cross dressers or anything. It must have even declined from when I was in school. How am I supposed to send my kids (when I have them) into this environment and not worry? I really hope it differs from school to school, because your 110% correct about the decline in everything in youth. And by everything I mean girls are having sex sooner, experimenting with drugs sooner, and I guess there must not be a dress code any more because I know if your shorts weren't to your fingertips you were sent home!

Then again, perhaps I didn't witness any of these things because I didn't pay attention either. They did have an alternative school that probably housed the more "colorful" (and by that I'm not referring to sexual preference). We did have a hallway though call the BD hallway....behavioral disorder hallway. Which I'm pretty sure your not allowed to do, but they didn't seam to mind. That's where they would go instead of to normal class, not necessarily because of learning disabilities, but because they were so hard to handle in the class that they had to segregate them to another place in the school!

It's sad that kids now a days are lazy, disrespectful and expect things handed to them. What happened to doing your best and being proud of what you've accomplished? I know not all kids today are this way, but it appears to be a growing trend among today's youth.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Wow, this makes me glad my grandkids are all in Catholic schools.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
risingsun said:
Re: my post on nuclear imaging for breast evaluation. It does not preclude the need for yearly mammograms. I don't want to give out inaccurate information.

Not to ignore my need for a mammogram, but I'm going to finally come out and say that I have had a THING for your ring for a long time. It's just gorgeous. If I ever get my diamond haloed, yours is one of the gorgeous-est I've seen, and will be my ispiration. :naughty:

Thank you for your kind words about my ring! It's been over a year since I had it redone and I'm still sure it's my forever ring :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
ksinger said:
risingsun said:
Re: my post on nuclear imaging for breast evaluation. It does not preclude the need for yearly mammograms. I don't want to give out inaccurate information.

Not to ignore my need for a mammogram, but I'm going to finally come out and say that I have had a THING for your ring for a long time. It's just gorgeous. If I ever get my diamond haloed, yours is one of the gorgeous-est I've seen, and will be my ispiration. :naughty:

Thank you for your kind words about my ring! It's been over a year since I had it redone and I'm still sure it's my forever ring :))

I know the ring before your upgrade was the inspiration for mine. DH told me to stop staring and drooling at your upgrade. :love:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Redrose, you're more than welcome to pop in here, however may I request you shorten your posts? Some of us old folks (speaking for myself here) have a hard time keeping focused and I'm losing my train of thought by the time I get to the end of your post.

I'm just a grumpy old lady at heart, and it's been a rough week. :wacko:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Awww Uppy you don't seem grumpy to me! And who are you calling old? Until you hit 80 your not old in my book! But yes, I can try. I just need to figure out how to get my point across in a much shorter manner. Sorry about that, I can work on it!

soocool said:
risingsun said:
ksinger said:
risingsun said:
Re: my post on nuclear imaging for breast evaluation. It does not preclude the need for yearly mammograms. I don't want to give out inaccurate information.

Risingsun: your ring is BEAUTIFUL! I have always thought so!

And I have a question about mammograms. I heard they hurt? Do they really hurt? :errrr: I'm pretty busty (34D) and I was told that the bigger they are the more it hurts. Is this accurate? What age should you start having them?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

redrose229 said:
Awww Uppy you don't seem grumpy to me! And who are you calling old? Until you hit 80 your not old in my book! But yes, I can try. I just need to figure out how to get my point across in a much shorter manner. Sorry about that, I can work on it!

soocool said:
risingsun said:
ksinger said:
risingsun said:
Re: my post on nuclear imaging for breast evaluation. It does not preclude the need for yearly mammograms. I don't want to give out inaccurate information.

Risingsun: your ring is BEAUTIFUL! I have always thought so!

And I have a question about mammograms. I heard they hurt? Do they really hurt? :errrr: I'm pretty busty (34D) and I was told that the bigger they are the more it hurts. Is this accurate? What age should you start having them?

They do hurt, but so worth it... I am flat chested, and it hurts me... So I would imagine the bigger you are the more it will hurt, but goes so quickly.

When you should start getting them depends upon your family history with Breast Cancer. My Nanny had breast cancer at 40, this was back in the day... So I got a baseline at 35. I think they recommend you getting your first at 40?? Maybe that has changed, but ask your doc to be sure.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I need to ask those that are peri menopausal or those that have been through menopause...

I haven't had a period since May. Dang it all it just showed up.. Not at all like it used to be, no cramps, not heavy.. So that's good. But how many more of this stopping and starting do I have to look forward to??

And who the heck knows when it will show up again?? Hard to plan... ( Look I am beginning to understand, my body ain't mine anymore, it has a mind of it's own ) And will be that way as I lose my mind, and brain cells.. :wacko:

Sigh. At least I don't have cramps. :cheeky:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

redrose, I will jump in since the vast majority of the we well seasoned ladies have had our boobies smooshed in the mammo machine. I think the level of pain depends on the technician and how well endowed you are. My sister has a small bust and they have the hardest time flattening her out. I am somewhat more endowed so there is plenty to squish. I wouldn't say it hurts, but it is rather uncomfortable and lasts only a few seconds on each side.

I know the guidelines have recently changed for having a mammogram and it is best to check with your doctor. I had my first in my mid 30s because upon self examination I found a palpable lump. It was my choice to have the lump removed since I was trying to get pregnant and did not want it to become something more if I was loaded with extra estrogen from the pregnancy. Turns out it was benign. Thereafter I have had a mammogram annually.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

redrose229 said:
Awww Uppy you don't seem grumpy to me! And who are you calling old? Until you hit 80 your not old in my book! But yes, I can try. I just need to figure out how to get my point across in a much shorter manner. Sorry about that, I can work on it!

soocool said:
risingsun said:
ksinger said:
risingsun said:
Re: my post on nuclear imaging for breast evaluation. It does not preclude the need for yearly mammograms. I don't want to give out inaccurate information.

Risingsun: your ring is BEAUTIFUL! I have always thought so!

And I have a question about mammograms. I heard they hurt? Do they really hurt? :errrr: I'm pretty busty (34D) and I was told that the bigger they are the more it hurts. Is this accurate? What age should you start having them?

The don't exactly HURT, but it's not the most fun you're ever going to have either. It's kinda like getting your blood pressure taken, you think "OK, that's ENOUGH already!" and then it's pretty quick and it's over. One bit of advice though, if your breasts get tender at any point in your cycle, DON'T do it then, because it really will hurt then. So time your appointment to your body and it probably won't be too bad.

I'm pretty sure (and I'm sure others will chime in here) that mammograms before 35 are not indicated except for something "wrong". Young, dense breast tissue doesn't give good results, you're unlikely to get cancer under 35 (in general) and mammograms for that young a person would unduly increase the lifetime exposure to radiation. It is all cumulative you know.

The literature is changing on mammograms pretty often, (I have an article stashed somewhere here) and now there is some debate over the effectiveness of baselining before age 40?, and/or whether you should have one every year or only every other year up to age 50. As I recall, anyway.

So no, they aren't that bad really. In a world of possibly nasty medical tests/procedures, they're pretty low on the pain scale, believe me.

ETA - LOL! I had to have a needle biopsy back a few years ago, for a suspicious something, (turned out to be nothing) but they said, "Ok, we'll numb you, blah, blah, needles, blah blah, then a mammogram right after." I was HORRIFIED! OMG!! They're like, "Oh NO. You don't get it: that'll be the easiest, best mammogram you EVER have!" And it was. Didn't feel a thing. Perfect! Wish I didn't have to get HOLES in me to get such an easy one but hey...whatever. :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
I need to ask those that are peri menopausal or those that have been through menopause...

I haven't had a period since May. Dang it all it just showed up.. Not at all like it used to be, no cramps, not heavy.. So that's good. But how many more of this stopping and starting do I have to look forward to??

And who the heck knows when it will show up again?? Hard to plan... ( Look I am beginning to understand, my body ain't mine anymore, it has a mind of it's own ) And will be that way as I lose my mind, and brain cells.. :wacko:

Sigh. At least I don't have cramps. :cheeky:

Kaleigh, I'm peri-menopausal. However I'm at the stage where my periods are closer together and HEAVIER than they ever were!!

I've recently discovered the menstrual cup (mine is Yuuki) and I love it, but I'm sick to death of bleeding. So sorry things are unpredictable for you. :?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
I need to ask those that are peri menopausal or those that have been through menopause...

I haven't had a period since May. Dang it all it just showed up.. Not at all like it used to be, no cramps, not heavy.. So that's good. But how many more of this stopping and starting do I have to look forward to??

And who the heck knows when it will show up again?? Hard to plan... ( Look I am beginning to understand, my body ain't mine anymore, it has a mind of it's own ) And will be that way as I lose my mind, and brain cells.. :wacko:

Sigh. At least I don't have cramps. :cheeky:

I have been period free since 2004. I was on the Pill and when I stopped (gave me migraines on the off week) no more periods ever. My sister had about a 2 years of irregular periods before hers stopped completely. Towards the end it seemed more like just spotting and then for about 12 months absolutely nothing. Her menopause was a lot like my mom's. (She also started menopause after me and I am the younger one)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


Meg & I are planning on signing up for the Tuesday night class. She's very excited too. Although, we must remember that she's a 23 year old pup with all kinds of new enthusiasm and energy. She does make me feel tons younger than my age when we hang around together!!

Did you escape the worst of it last night? My daughter and her friends were stuck under the bleachers at Owen Field until about 10pm when they finally cancelled the game. Then they were accosted by a group of rivals who punched out a 14 year old middle school kid right there on the street. So they had to go find a cop and deal with all of that. :shock: Now the game is reschedule for tonight at the high school stadium. I hope they all hold it together!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:

Meg & I are planning on signing up for the Tuesday night class. She's very excited too. Although, we must remember that she's a 23 year old pup with all kinds of new enthusiasm and energy. She does make me feel tons younger than my age when we hang around together!!

Did you escape the worst of it last night? My daughter and her friends were stuck under the bleachers at Owen Field until about 10pm when they finally cancelled the game. Then they were accosted by a group of rivals who punched out a 14 year old middle school kid right there on the street. So they had to go find a cop and deal with all of that. :shock: Now the game is reschedule for tonight at the high school stadium. I hope they all hold it together!!!

Oh goody!! I can't wait to meet you guys!! I'm pumped! :))

Yeah, we did fine. The hubs rushed out to tie up the boat some more, and of course Mr. Moron got caught in it. Silly man.

Do you recall the HUGE hailstorm, the TV footage as the hail moved across North OKC? You know, the lake on the parkway? Did you see any of the footage of a lone sailboat out in the harbor coming in and all the stations going, "Wow! Who IS that guy?? Doesn't he know there's a hailstorm of biblical proportions coming??? Does he need help?? Is it the apocolypse????" Well, that was MY guy. He was safely in before he or his crew or boat were damaged, but not before he became the fodder for endless jokes.

His love of adrenaline addiction is likely why he teaches in the public schools. (ba-dum-pum!!)

OK ladies! Gotta get moving. We've got "plans" for this weekend! If I''m not on much it's because I'm having oodles of fun! (that's the plan anyway)

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:

Meg & I are planning on signing up for the Tuesday night class. She's very excited too. Although, we must remember that she's a 23 year old pup with all kinds of new enthusiasm and energy. She does make me feel tons younger than my age when we hang around together!!

Did you escape the worst of it last night? My daughter and her friends were stuck under the bleachers at Owen Field until about 10pm when they finally cancelled the game. Then they were accosted by a group of rivals who punched out a 14 year old middle school kid right there on the street. So they had to go find a cop and deal with all of that. :shock: Now the game is reschedule for tonight at the high school stadium. I hope they all hold it together!!!

Jumping in again as a youngster. We have a major high school rivalry in my town and last year there was a shooting. For the past several years (back to when I was in high school 6 years ago (did I just say that?) there were people beating each other up. The local mounted police are always there.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
Aww thanks Marian. You never know what's going to come at you out of the blue. The good news out of all of this is that although I have suffered from migraines my entire life since my closure procedure I haven't had any migraines. There is a growing consensus among neurologists that migraines can be caused by holes in your heart allowing unfiltered pieces to get into your eyes [floaters] and brain causing the headache.

This sounds scary, as my eldest daughter is plagued by migraines. My dad had them too, and he did have a heart condition. I don't think the doctor ever mentioned this. Is there a test for it? I have migraines too, but infrequently, and I'm on aspirin therapy since I had a pulmonary embolism.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
I need to ask those that are peri menopausal or those that have been through menopause...

I haven't had a period since May. Dang it all it just showed up.. Not at all like it used to be, no cramps, not heavy.. So that's good. But how many more of this stopping and starting do I have to look forward to??

And who the heck knows when it will show up again?? Hard to plan... ( Look I am beginning to understand, my body ain't mine anymore, it has a mind of it's own ) And will be that way as I lose my mind, and brain cells.. :wacko:

Sigh. At least I don't have cramps. :cheeky:

Kaleigh -

My period disappeared for awhile, it would stop for 3 months or so then I'd have a couple pretty close together, then go for 4-6 months even having hot flashes and think THAT was it and then have another one or two before stopping again for awhile. Some of my periods were shorter but heavier, way heavier, and some of them were just drawn-out dribblers. It took about 2 years for my body to finally decide it was done with the bleeding.

Not having a period is fabulous. No more cramps, no more accidents, no more carrying tampons everywhere I go.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
I need to ask those that are peri menopausal or those that have been through menopause...

I haven't had a period since May. Dang it all it just showed up.. Not at all like it used to be, no cramps, not heavy.. So that's good. But how many more of this stopping and starting do I have to look forward to??

And who the heck knows when it will show up again?? Hard to plan... ( Look I am beginning to understand, my body ain't mine anymore, it has a mind of it's own ) And will be that way as I lose my mind, and brain cells.. :wacko:

Sigh. At least I don't have cramps. :cheeky:

Aww Lisa, sorry you're in this stage. About 2 years ago my periods stopped for about 3 months and I thought I was home free but oh no, they came back with a vengence. Closer together, longer in legnth and much, much heavier. That lasted for about a year and now I've been period free since the beginning of the year. I still have all my stuff though just in case they come back again.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks all. So glad to know, it's not one size fits all kind of thing. I guess I will have to be patient ( not my biggest strong point :tongue: ) going forward.

Love this thread, you guys or should I say gals are the best!!!!!!! :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
All right, I promised to elaborate on my day from hell yesterday, and after a full nights sleep I think I'm ready to oblige.

As background, this summer my classmates and I celebrated our 30 high school reunion. We have a pretty good looking crew too, even if we have to say it ourselves. But, as I've mentioned before, I'm running the Pack Shack (snack shop) at my kids' high school, and it has given me more than a glimpse into the teenagers of today. And there are more than a few times I've had to stop and reprocess what I've just seen and heard.

This week was the cross town rivalry football game. In a college town that has just two high schools this has turned into a really big thing. However, it is not limited to an on the field rivalry. This week there was a knifing and an arrest during during lunch hour. The two high schools have to change their lunch hours during the day of the game so there will be no confrontations! It blows my mind what should be a good natured time for sportsmanship has become a reason for vandalism and violence!

We also had the obligatory assembly yesterday. It was a lot of fun, and I must say that I am blown away by the quality of the drum line, band, and chorus. They are college level performances! However, the pom pon girls performance left me with my jaw hanging down to the floor. I was on the pom squad for all four years of high school and we worked very hard and were very well respected. We performed routines to popular songs as well as pieces performed by the band. But all these girls were doing was shaking their asses and popping their boobs. When did that become "performance level"? This squad has won national titles and it's all about wiggling their T&A??? Appalling!

Many of these girls, along with the cheerleaders and other popular girls have this thing about wearing a white bow on the left side of their head. Now, I'm not talking a quite little bow, but a Theresa Guidice, fist sized grograin bow!! We call them the bow heads. The are also often loud and screechy, screaming when they see a friend across the commons and running and hugging each other. Nauseating!

This is going to get me started on all manners of bizarre behaviors and fashions that I don't understand. The boys are now wearing really tight, straight leg jeans that they belt right below the curve of their a$$. If they have to move fast at all, they look like the penguins from Mary Poppins, because they're trying to hold their jeans up by holding their thighs together! Some of them are in danger of having their business pop out the front these damned things are so low. When they come to the Pack Shack I tell them to "Pull up your pants! I don't want to know what your boxers look like!" Apparently this trend started in prison where inmates advertised that they were open to sexual favors from or by other prisoners. Yeah! That's what I want my kid emulating.

Then there are the roaming packs of lesbians. Now I have no problem whatsoever with a persons sexual preference. What I do have a problem with are their social behaviors. These seem to be the new "gangs" in our area. When they find a young, socially awkward girl, they target her for membership. Then the roam the halls in these great, loud packs, cursing and making fun of other kids and getting into fights. They are scary!!

We also have the few random cross dressers and transgendered kids. Interestingly enough, they are not made fun of or harassed at all. They usually have a couple of very good friends they hang around with all the time. Sometimes there are wigs. Makeup is mandatory, and their addressed as they sex they have chosen. Interesting.

Does this sound like the high school environment you experienced? Yes, every day I am reminded how old I am. Thank you NNHS Class of 2011 for rubbing my nose in it. :cry:

Holy Sh*t, I've led a sheltered life!

The most outrageous thing I did in school was sew a great big G in red knicker lace on the front of my school uniform green cardi!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sorry, Kaleigh, no info. Mine stopped with the hysterectomy. Prior to that I bled heavily for 9 months.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you to everyone for their lovely comments on my ring. It's always so nice to hear :)) An update on the nuclear mammogram. They did find a spot. The radiologist told me that there is a 95% chance that it is nothing to worry about. I have to return next week for an ultrasound and, possibly, a biopsy. Some PS dust would be much appreciated! I was supposed to go to the pain clinic next week and I need to find out if the additional tests should be done prior to the pain treatment. Unfortunately, the test today triggered the pain in my ribs. I think I'll take a few painkillers and hope that they don't bother my stomach. I plan to watch "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" followed by "I'm Not Dead Yet." The Pythons are good medicine and so is this thread.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

RS, I'm so sorry that you have to keep traveling down this road with the mammogram. I'm sending you dust and prayers that your pain wil go away and all will be resolved in your favor next week. ((((HUGS))))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Prayers and good thoughts incoming Marian. Sorry you're going through this stress! I too love your ring btw, it is my favourite halo'ed RB ever. Hope you have a better time next week.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Marian, much dust coming your way that it is nothing. Keep strong sweetie!