
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Btw, the earlier comments by some of you regarding buying yourself jewelry and enjoying it while you can have got me thinking. I'm expecting a small inheritance from my recently deceased grandfather and I'm thinking he would want me to have those diamond huggies I've been eyeing. In all seriousness, it would be a nice way to think of him when I'm getting dressed each morning.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh my ladies! Hope tomorrow will be a better day. :))
Doctors. I had my first back injury in my late thirty's. The doctor I saw at the time flat out told me I was too young to have a real problem. This still makes my blood boil! I've never been the same. I could kick myself for not getting a second opinion. A decade later I resigned from my job because I could no longer do the physical work it required. I've been to physical therapy, had some shots in the back, see a chiro and a doctor once a year for non back related meds. I've lost an inch in height, I have blown disks in my lower back, arthritis which is starting to give me an S curve and a hip that goes out along with occasional numbness in my thigh because my SI joint is (no swearing) messed up. Oh and one leg is shorter then the other. There are days I feel like I've been run over by a Mac truck. Sometimes I wonder how long or if I'll even be able to watch my grandkids. Take 2 Aleve in the morning and 2 at night. Thanks.

Boy, that felt good to get that off my chest. The one in the sports bra.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Cehrabehra said:
uppy - how much does the dental floss thing hurt? be honest here lol I have perhaps a TMI thing here... but here goes, I got one under my left boob and it was close to the crease so it got a lot of friction and that thing took on a life of its own it got so big... it got some sort of blood source. Anyway, on to the good news... it was getting infected a little bit so I took a bandaid and neosporin and changed it a couple times a day and I'm telling you, after having that thing for a couple years gradually getting worse, within just a few weeks it was GONE. Never clipped it... but there is nothing there where it had gotten to be huge and black and... like I said, tmi I'm sure but in case this helps anyone, had to share lol

I really really don't want to click send - this is the right thread for these disclosures right? lol

My Mum used to tie cotton around them and eventually they would drop off. A little less drastic than the dental floss route. Also, my doctor will freeze them and take them off. I have a couple of teeny ones that so far haven't bothered me enough to do anything about them.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
lyra said:
Uppy, Marian and KS, I'm sorry for all you've been through.

Marian (lord I hope you're Marian, RisingSun!), I really relate to your losses added onto your health issues. I have had the idea that I was alone in that sort of thing. Especially the personal losses. It does a real number on you mentally as well as emotionally. It changes your life, doesn't it? I hope you have better days.

Right now I'm waiting on a shoulder MRI in October. Hahah, now my hip on that side is failing too. I've also been told I have an unknown or un-something auto-immune disorder. (Sorry, the brain isn't on today.) I was tested for lupus, but it's not that. I have all the symptoms of fibro, but the docs here don't really treat it they just go one complaint at a time. Pain management is hard to obtain up here. The last thing I need is more meds though! I think I take 11 pills a day right now.

I find some relief with massage therapy, but they just upped their rates to $70 per 45 mins. and $90 per hour. My DH wants me to be comfortable, but I cannot justify to myself spending almost $400 per month on 4 hours of therapy. Maybe 2 sessions. Have any of you tried anything that really helped?

Uppy it sounds great that you are connected to your kids through the school job. I know it has been a blow to have to leave a career that you loved though. Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

PS. Good luck on the stress test tomorrow SoCool!
Yes, lyra, risingsun=Marian! The losses have been the worse. Loss of career, loss of self, loss of health, loss of relationships for various reasons. Feeling a loss of purpose and meaning. I think because everything happened so quickly, I had no time to prepare for "what comes next." The current developmental milestone I need to negotiate is generativity versus stagnation. I am stuck. I'm hoping to find some pain relief within the next few weeks. That will help significantly. I can't take most pain meds, so I have to have nerve blocks and the like. I'm recovering from an injury to my ribs and it makes me downright testy. The rift with my daughter is very draining. I trust we will work it out, but it is taking what little reserve I have left. The longer it lasts, the more exhausted I feel. I used to be very good at helping my patients deal with loss. I'm not very good at helping myself. I had an appointment with a therapist, which I had to cancel because I hurt too much to get there. I am planning to try something called neurofeedback. It's similar to biofeedback, but it works directly with the brain. Mine could certainly use a tune up.

Marian, I really am sorry to hear of all your pain, both physical and mental. My mom and I had a rift of sorts when I was in my mid-20s. It was THE most awful period of our lives. It was stupid, and I got tired of it and mended it, because I knew she would not bend, but I also knew she prayed and NEEDED me to do it for us, so I did. We never really spoke of it after, but we neither of us ever forgot how awful it had been, and were much closer after. And we were best friends from then until her death two years ago. Don't give up hope.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Marian, this is and will continue to be a safe haven for all of us!! No apologizing for needing to vent or having a brief (and I mean granny panty brief) episode of poor me. We will pat each other on the back, pour a virtual glass of spirits, and help find the bright side of life. We are who we are, but we are not defined by our situations or limitations.

Absolutely Uppy, you said it.

This is for all my friends that hurt tonight, especially for the two that I know love Monty Python - you know who you are. XXXXXX
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Upgradable said:
Marian, this is and will continue to be a safe haven for all of us!! No apologizing for needing to vent or having a brief (and I mean granny panty brief) episode of poor me. We will pat each other on the back, pour a virtual glass of spirits, and help find the bright side of life. We are who we are, but we are not defined by our situations or limitations.

Absolutely Uppy, you said it.

This is for all my friends that hurt tonight, especially for the two that I know love Monty Python - you know who you are. XXXXXX

LOL! Can I join the club?? My status message on my IM client at work currently says: "Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue over 'oo killed 'oo!"
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks, Gailey, for the video. And add me to the Python fan list. My fave is The Search for the Holy Grail. Nothing like a killer rabbit to cheer me up!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

"It's just a flesh wound!" is the best descriptor of how I try to go about handling my situation. Again, if I weren't laughing I'd be crying!!

I've got to hit the hay ladies. Sleep well knowing what a wonderful impact we're all making on each other's sense of well being!

:twisted: We have power!!! The fact that it often manifests itself as hot flashes is irrelevant!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks for this thread... It is giving me hope in dealing with my own neck pain, and is cracking me up and making me feel like I am not alone!!! Love that! :wavey:

It's really nice to get to know you ladies better.. We are a wise bunch!!! :praise:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Dancing Fire said:
how do you know if you are getting old??.... when you become a gardener... :lol:

Or a koi keeper.

You're dodging my challenge DF, and everyone knows it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Upgradable said:
Marian, this is and will continue to be a safe haven for all of us!! No apologizing for needing to vent or having a brief (and I mean granny panty brief) episode of poor me. We will pat each other on the back, pour a virtual glass of spirits, and help find the bright side of life. We are who we are, but we are not defined by our situations or limitations.

Absolutely Uppy, you said it.

This is for all my friends that hurt tonight, especially for the two that I know love Monty Python - you know who you are. XXXXXX

Thanks, Gailey :bigsmile: Everyone is welcome to join the Python lovers. We do get out of control, but a good knock on the head with a coconut usually brings us back in line :shock:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
Thanks for that thought Dragonfly. I think my carefree attitude is partly a mask for an anxiety I have. I am 48. My dad died at 52, my mom at 65 and my brother this year at 54. I just don't think I'll be around till I'm 80, you know? It gives a person a different perspective to think they may be reaching the end of their lives, especially when there is still so much to do and enjoy. I accept all the choices I've made, I just hope I have the time left to see my daughters through their big milestones.

I haven't read through the first page. Just wanted to share some empathy. It is scary and sad, and yet you never know whose genes you inherit. Perhaps one of your grandparents lived long? My mother's mother died at 84, my mother's father at 73, a ripe age concidering that time and circumstances. My mother barely lived till 67. My father had always been the sick one, and yet he is 81, widowed for 11 years. Most of his family lived long, but his own father died at 47 and he thought he'd never live longer than his father died. We never know, but let's hope.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well, it's 3:20 am and I'm checking in. :nono: I hate my sleep patterns!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

OK. I wanted to finish reading and then talk about sleep apnea, a thing of its own...I am a champion. But my computer said, "plug in or use the source of your own". Which I thought was hilarious. Good night. Off to sleep apnea!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Well, it's 3:20 am and I'm checking in. :nono: I hate my sleep patterns!

Yeah, that front that moved through kicked my tushie right back to square one. I made the connection between my state and the weather back in about 2004. Who needs Gary? We could do weather with no training and no equipment! ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Upgradable said:
Well, it's 3:20 am and I'm checking in. :nono: I hate my sleep patterns!

Yeah, that front that moved through kicked my tushie right back to square one. I made the connection between my state and the weather back in about 2004. Who needs Gary? We could do weather with no training and no equipment! ;))

But without Gary the state of Oklahoma would lose one of it's greatest drinking games!

...:Goes back to lurking:...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

OUpeargirl said:
ksinger said:
Upgradable said:
Well, it's 3:20 am and I'm checking in. :nono: I hate my sleep patterns!

Yeah, that front that moved through kicked my tushie right back to square one. I made the connection between my state and the weather back in about 2004. Who needs Gary? We could do weather with no training and no equipment! ;))

But without Gary the state of Oklahoma would lose one of it's greatest drinking games!

...:Goes back to lurking:...

True, but when is he going to retire? Will Jeb be able to invoke the holy name of Val with the same panache?? I'm not sure. The game will have to be modified I bet.

( sorry for the hijack folks. Oklahoma weather talk. But MOST of you have actually seen Gary England, you probably just didn't know it. He was in "Twister", so next time it's on, listen for the twangy voice coming out of the TV on the TV)

OK...back to being "older". I'm not decided on being cranky today. I'll let you guys know how the day panned out, later. ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

"Out to Val Caster in Chopper 1......."

Oh, the infamy of being an Okie. ;))

It's the big crosstown rivalry game today. The high school will be Bedlam today! My carpal tunnel is flaring from pulling the handle on the Taylor freezer (shout out to my old pals in Rockton, IL) making those ice cream cones. Yesterday I had a deposit of $788 and change from selling drinks, chips, candy bars, and ice cream to high schoolers!!! If their parents only knew where their hard earned money was being frittered away....... :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

On the bright side, getting older let's me be my sometimes crazy self. The youngsters just look and shake their heads and I don't really care. I used to. But now it's just "OMG, what a crazy old woman she is". I love it.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sparkalin said:
On the bright side, getting older let's me be my sometimes crazy self. The youngsters just look and shake their heads and I don't really care. I used to. But now it's just "OMG, what a crazy old woman she is". I love it.

Lots good about being with your partner a long time too - I remember bragging about going for 2 hours and now we're so efficient I'm good with 1/4 that lol And I don't know how to say that without the young folks thinking I'm missing out on something, but all the ladies here know I'm not :tongue:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Cehrabehra said:
uppy - how much does the dental floss thing hurt?l

My Mum used to tie cotton around them and eventually they would drop off. A little less drastic than the dental floss route. Also, my doctor will freeze them and take them off. I have a couple of teeny ones that so far haven't bothered me enough to do anything about them.

I use a nail clipper on mine. Soak it in alcohol first, then hold an ice cube on the tag for a minute till it's a bit numb & CLICK, gone. Quick & only a little sting.

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

crasru said:
OK. I wanted to finish reading and then talk about sleep apnea, a thing of its own...I am a champion. But my computer said, "plug in or use the source of your own". Which I thought was hilarious. Good night. Off to sleep apnea!

Sleep Apnea, I have sleep apnea. I stop breathing 70 times AN HOUR! I started a CPAP machine 6 months ago. I thought I could never use one. Now I can't sleep without it. I feel so much better. Not tired anymore during the day or tired when I wake up. Hubby and I can sleep in the same room again. The machine is quiet, it only fits over my nose. It has a built in humidifier, which will be nice for winter. The only bad thing is I wake up with a mark on my face where the mask has been sitting all night, but after a shower the skin is plump and it is gone. I swear, go for a sleep study and get one! :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

You've got that one right Cehra. It's so busy at my house, lot's of people here, we look forward to the occasional weekend get away and we're both OK with that. Most of the time one of us is snoring on the couch by 8:00 p.m. anyway.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pink Tower---- I'm in the Crohn's camp. I haven't had a flare this year though. I take Lialda, never had to use steroids.

What's up with using the quote function now. And can we highlight?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Well, it's 3:20 am and I'm checking in. :nono: I hate my sleep patterns!

If I knew you were up last night, I would have checked in. I didn't fall asleep until 3:30 a.m. <<sigh>>
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
gemgirl said:
junebug17 said:
I've been having sleep issues too, but my problem is falling asleep. There were nights when I was laying awake until 4 a.m. Thankfully I work part-time and don't have to get up early on the days I do work...I really don't know what I would have done if I had to be someplace early. I've started taking melatonin, and it's been working for me pretty well so far.

junebug, how does melatonin make you feel after you take it? Do you feel woozy and sleepy? I've never taken anything to help me sleep because I really don't want to feel drugged before I fall asleep.
I know I'm not Junebug, but maybe I can give you some info that can help you decide if melatonin is something you want to try.

Melatonin is a natural substance made in the pineal gland in the brain. This substance is responsible for what is technically called our circadian rhythms, our natural sleep and wake cycles. It is secreted at different times of the day based on what your normal sleep habits are. Have you ever known someone who works midnights and then sleeps all day? Babies pineal glands are not regulated for several months after birth. And I know you've heard the term "jet lag." This means your melatonin secretion is not aligned to your current daylight/darkness location on the earth.

Sometimes our pineal gland gets mucked up and its rhythm gets out of whack. I go through periods of time when I find myself wide awake at 3:30 EVERY MORNING!! To get yourself through times like that, you can take suppliments of plant based melatonin within an hour of going to bed. It should help you fall asleep, and if all your parts are working correctly, even help reregulate your own secretion. There are some cautions about taking it all the time and tricking your own body into not producing its own melatonin. I'm not going to get into a discussion on that. But I suggest if you decide to try it, go to a health food store and ask an employee about the different types of product. Health food stores are pretty rigorous about what brands they stock (since there is no federal regulation on suppliments). I would hesitate to buy from WalMart or other such national superstores. Suggested dosage is 3mg, however I take a 10mg because I'm so resistant to it due to fibromyalgia. It is a water soluble substance so you should have to worry about toxic levels. It's out with the first morning pee!!

Hope this helps!! Oh, and to answer your question, it doesn't give you the "groggy" feeling or the hangover effect the next morning.

Thanks Uppy, your response is a lot more informative than mine would have been!

And, just to add, I usually take it about an hour or so before I want to fall asleep, then get into bed and read for a while. After about a half-hour, I just start feeling a little drowsy and relaxed...but it's not a heavy, drugged type of sleepiness. I take that as a sign to stop reading, and after laying there for a little bit I just gently drift off. It's not like I'm wide awake one minute, and unconscious the next. It feels pretty natural. Oh, and I feel ok in the morning...not woozy or hungover. I think the main thing about it is that it relaxes me enough so that I'm not worrying and fretting about things going on in my life right now.

Ok ladies, duty calls and I must leave you for my exciting job at the pottery store. Now, now, don't be jealous! I know how you all wish you could unload kilns and wait on people. I will be back later to check in with all you great ladies. For those of you who are suffering from health issues, I truly hope that this is a good day for you. Have a great day everyone!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
Dh and I were going to bed recently and I was wearing the usual--sweats and tshirt, a bite guard, and my nose strip. He said "remember when you used to wear lingerie?" Actually, I don't.

I just stumbled onto this thread (I'm slowly starting to see there are other parts of PS, now that I have my progressive bifocals on, lol ...) and this made me truly laugh out loud! I can totally relate and so can my poor husband. Long-sleeved PJs, bed socks, anti-aging creams ... so romantic.

I can identify with FAR too many things already talked about here and I'm only on the second page (or is it the third page ... I can't remember :bigsmile: ). Thanks for starting this thread!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My coworker (currently going thru menopause) yesterday has a little fan mounted on her desk. She said it's for when summer comes to visit. We were working and she said "ohhh I can feel summer coming back! It's not almost fall it's still summer!"
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

BTW Evening Primrose Oil that you can buy at any pharmacy can really help with the sweating of hot flashes. It helps with sweating when people are on antidepressants, which does remember hot flashes.

If anyone wants to know about Cialis (not the ads, real Cialis), just ask me. We have samples and I give them out so I have some experience.

THey say that vaginal estrogen helps with libido - it helps with the dryness, but not the libido.

Sleep apnea... I send 15% of my patients to sleep apnea clinics and the CPAP changes their lives. Why I haven't done it myself is beyond my comprehension. I know I am a poster child for it. Has anyone been waken up by her own snoring?

Isotretinoic cream is a great thing, but has anyone developed skin tags when using it? I want to use it, but these things disappeared when I stopped it. Is smooth skin with tags on it an epitome of youthfullness?