
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Ksinger and Gemgirl, thank you both. XX

I got an e-mail this morning with a whole bunch of stuff in it about beautiful women. This last bit was a passage read at Audrey Hepburn's funeral apparently. Arguably, a lady among the most beautiful in the world.


For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

I really like that. Good thoughts for graceful aging.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
If you're having trouble sleeping try melatonin, it really does work and it also has anti aging properties. My doc told me you can take as much as you need. I have no solution for the night sweats. I've thought about ordering one of those pillows that's supposed to be constantly cool.

As for hair, mine is now about 1.5 inches long and I love it-just shower and go. It's been wonderful for this hot and humid summer.

What I want to know is if any of you ladies have done anything like botox or fillers. I like to watch the "lifestyle lift" infomercial, but I don't think I'd really have surgery.

And Gailey you look great!

Thank you Lulu. XX

Yes, I have botox every 3 months. But I get it for migraine. Most of it goes in the back of my neck, some between my eyes and what's left goes around my hairline. I've been having he shots for about two and a half years now. When I started, I didn't have any lines on my forehead, but I did have two fairly deep furrows between my eyes. They've gone (a cross I bear with fortitude!).

I have also had Dot C02 laser re-surfacing around my eyes as I had quite heavy eyelids, which I hated. Very good result and well worth the $600 it cost
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey~you are beautiful, inside and outside. You are also funny, understanding, and a good friend. You have a lot going for you :appl: As I read this thread, I see myself in many of you. The blotches on the skin, thinning hair, medical problems, black hairs where they do not belong! It takes such an effort to sort myself out to look/be like "me," sometimes I'd rather stay home. I can't seem to accept the person I have become. The losses have been many, the gains have been few. Please be patient with me. I do have a wicked sense of humor, but I have misplaced it :(
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Catmom said:
And what's with the long dark hairs popping up in strange places?

So far I've only found them on my big toes. Plucked the hell out of them and so far they have not come back.

I have one growing by my right elbow that I swear would grow an inch long if I didn't pluck it at first sight!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
If you're having trouble sleeping try melatonin, it really does work and it also has anti aging properties. My doc told me you can take as much as you need. I have no solution for the night sweats. I've thought about ordering one of those pillows that's supposed to be constantly cool.

As for hair, mine is now about 1.5 inches long and I love it-just shower and go. It's been wonderful for this hot and humid summer.

What I want to know is if any of you ladies have done anything like botox or fillers. I like to watch the "lifestyle lift" infomercial, but I don't think I'd really have surgery.

And Gailey you look great!

All though my 30's my hair was almost crew cut. Easy and perfect for my 10 hour work days and taking care of my 4 kids. But now when I look at those pics, I really think the short hair aged me. My face is not really pretty. Strong Ukrainian features. Big nose, sharp chin with lots of black hairs that multiply like those little creatures in an episode from Star Trek. Anyway, never once did husband say "nice hair". In my forties the back issues and high school and college stuff with the kids left me with less time than ever. So it was grow baby grow. And so it continues to this day.

As far as cosmetic surgery stuff, I don't think so. One of my guilty pleasures is checking out all the entertainment gossip sites and I see these ladies with all their "work" and I really don't like it. So unless I become a super model (not likely) I think I'll just keep my wrinkles and jowls as they are. You know aging, scars, skin and hair changes are the roadmap of your life. They are yours and yours alone. Embrace them as best as you can. Sometimes things are just what they are. And it's not all bad, just different than a few decades ago.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Ksinger and Gemgirl, thank you both. XX

I got an e-mail this morning with a whole bunch of stuff in it about beautiful women. This last bit was a passage read at Audrey Hepburn's funeral apparently. Arguably, a lady among the most beautiful in the world.


For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

Gailey, this is beautiful...truly words to live by. I'm going to copy this down and read it whenever I feel like throwing myself a pity party, which right now is about every 2 hours!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17 said:
Gailey said:
Ksinger and Gemgirl, thank you both. XX

I got an e-mail this morning with a whole bunch of stuff in it about beautiful women. This last bit was a passage read at Audrey Hepburn's funeral apparently. Arguably, a lady among the most beautiful in the world.


For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

Gailey, this is beautiful...truly words to live by. I'm going to copy this down and read it whenever I feel like throwing myself a pity party, which right now is about every 2 hours!

Nothing wrong with a pity party, just look at how many of us are partying on down with you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
Gailey~you are beautiful, inside and outside. You are also funny, understanding, and a good friend. You have a lot going for you :appl: As I read this thread, I see myself in many of you. The blotches on the skin, thinning hair, medical problems, black hairs where they do not belong! It takes such an effort to sort myself out to look/be like "me," sometimes I'd rather stay home. I can't seem to accept the person I have become. The losses have been many, the gains have been few. Please be patient with me. I do have a wicked sense of humor, but I have misplaced it :(

Thank you Marian. I tell you, I am going to be nipped, tucked, sliced and diced until they put me in a box. As for your SOH Marian, it will likely be in the same place as your car keys. Failing that, it's sitting on your nightstand, under the glass with your teeth in it. That's where I keep mine anyhow. Never get up without my teeth or my SOH. Might as well not get out of bed. Which reminds me .......
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

We are all beautiful on the inside and outside. I have found a new sisterhood with this thread and have had the best time in a long time reading these posts!

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
We are all beautiful on the inside and outside. I have found a new sisterhood with this thread and have had the best time in a long time reading these posts!


I'll drink to that!!! (raises her coffee cup high in the air)

Seriously, I totally agree with you's been an emotional, strange week for me (which I will probably recount at some point, at the risk of boring everybody) and this thread has lifted my spirits tremendously. Thank you everyone, for the comfort, support and the laughs!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
What are these "brows and lashes" of which you speak? I know them not. ;))

In my posting about how freckles turn on you as you age (I was echoing you, ksinger), I mentioned my blonde eyebrows and eyelashes. I should have said that when I was young, they were blonde. A friend convinced me to darken my eyebrows since (she told me) my eyes totally disappeared now that I was older. I only have eyebrows because when I have my hair highlighted blonde, I have my eyebrows dyed brown. I have no eyelashes.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

On another forum (not gems related), one of the members has a signature line that I just love. It says:

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, "Oh CRAP! She's up"

She must be Uppy, right?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
On another forum (not gems related), one of the members has a signature line that I just love. It says:

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, "Oh CRAP! She's up"

She must be Uppy, right?

Hell yeah, that's Uppy!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

[quote="JewelFreak] MoZo, yeah, white hairs in the eyebrows are driving me NUTS. They just started turning up in the last 6 months -- I hunt 'em down practically with an AK47. I'm afraid I won't have any eyebrows left pretty soon!

Carded at 50??? Not bad! I think I got carded last around 35 & was ready to dance down the street, I was so flattered. Hope you left the bartender a HUUUGE tip, I think I would've adopted him.

--- Laurie[/quote]

its really noticeable for me as i decided to grow my eyebrows and let them fill in......luckily, they did....but with a lot of white. i've been getting them dyed when i go in for a facial about every 3-4 weeks.......

and i get those nose, chin, and lip hairs waxed away! ouch but gone!!!!!

the good news: i qualify for a senior discount at most movie art houses and have calculated that i see every 7th movie free as a result of that savings......


ps yes, he got a nice tip!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Gailey said:
On another forum (not gems related), one of the members has a signature line that I just love. It says:

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, "Oh CRAP! She's up"

She must be Uppy, right?

Hell yeah, that's Uppy!

Ups honey you need to change your signature line!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said:
[quote="JewelFreak] MoZo, yeah, white hairs in the eyebrows are driving me NUTS. They just started turning up in the last 6 months -- I hunt 'em down practically with an AK47. I'm afraid I won't have any eyebrows left pretty soon!

Carded at 50??? Not bad! I think I got carded last around 35 & was ready to dance down the street, I was so flattered. Hope you left the bartender a HUUUGE tip, I think I would've adopted him.

--- Laurie

its really noticeable for me as i decided to grow my eyebrows and let them fill in......luckily, they did....but with a lot of white. i've been getting them dyed when i go in for a facial about every 3-4 weeks.......

and i get those nose, chin, and lip hairs waxed away! ouch but gone!!!!!

the good news: i qualify for a senior discount at most movie art houses and have calculated that i see every 7th movie free as a result of that savings......


ps yes, he got a nice tip![/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]

Adopted him?? Heck, I'd have kissed him, and if he was really cute, I might have taken him home :naughty:
Note to Baby Gailey - If you read this, careful who you're carding honey and save the "ewwwws", your mother's not dead yet!

Mum and Baby Gailey the best bartender in town.jpg
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

A point on perspective.

We've overtaken "The new and Permanent Horsey Thread" on hangout by 3 posts, but we did it in what, 18 hours +, as opposed to the horse thread which was started on 7th April. We have gotten 642 views as opposed to the horses who have 1081 views. I guess this bunch of old nags are more interesting than the other ones (and DF, one crack about look-alikes and I'll geld you!).

How much traffic do we need to get stickied, anyone know? Yoo-hoo, Ella????
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
gemgirl said:
Gailey said:
On another forum (not gems related), one of the members has a signature line that I just love. It says:

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, "Oh CRAP! She's up"

She must be Uppy, right?

Hell yeah, that's Uppy!

Ups honey you need to change your signature line!

LOL Gailey! I don't have one! (I have my hand clasped over my mouth laughing..... :lol: ) That's the thread name!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
57 here and loving this idea. I often feel like a dinosaur around here-who cares what I think about their wedding dress? When my friends were getting married we bridesmaids were wearing "picture hats"and halter dresses.

I need help with this aging thing. I can't believe the stuff that's happening. I woke up today with a new bump on my thumb joint, what's up with that?

Yup, I can join that club Lulu. I woke up with a very suspicious looking bump on the uppermost knuckle of my right index finger a few weeks ago. Doesn't hurt. Doc says it's Osteo Arthritis. I was really pissed off because I don't have all my rings made up yet that I want and I still want my hands to look nice enough to wear them. I'm kind-a guessing that Mr G isn't going to go for me spending $30K overnight just because I want to beat the clock.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
gemgirl said:
Gailey said:
On another forum (not gems related), one of the members has a signature line that I just love. It says:

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, "Oh CRAP! She's up"

She must be Uppy, right?

Hell yeah, that's Uppy!

Ups honey you need to change your signature line!
As soon as I figure out how to do that, I will!! I laughed out loud, and that's not a good thing right now since I'm in the high school library. I'm doing what passes for "work" at this point in my life. Careers deserves a post of its own, but not enough time now.

Several thoughts upon reading the new posts from this morning:

Skin tags: Yep, and all over the place (even in the lady parts). I get a piece of dental floss and tie it in a slip knot, put it over the tag and pull it tight (sometimes I need a third hand for this as I hold the skin tag with tweezers). Then grab both ends of the floss and PULL! It pops the little things right off.

White eyebrow hairs: Yep again. But my bigger complaint is that my eyebrows are just plain disappearing!! In high school I sported the sexy Brooke Shields' brows. Now I have to use colored brow wax to define the hairs and make them just plain visible. ;(

Hair color in general: My hair used to be such a pretty chestnut shade. Grays aside, now it seems to have lost the "color" it used to have. Dishwater brown, mousy, dirt would be the best describers. Thank God for Feria!!!

And because even old broads would like to make the most of what we have, I encourage you all to pick up a copy of More Magazine at your local store. It is a magazine (beauty, fashion, finance, career, and maybe a recipe or two) written for and by women 40+. This is the only magazine I subscribe to and I give the free gift subscriptions to friends whenever the opportunity presents.

I wish I had more time to post today, but leave me some good juicy stuff to peruse tonight. Have a stellar day, all you awesome women!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
What kind of bump? My skin has started developing all kind of weird spots and things. Sometimes I think I must be turning reptilian. I used to have the greatest skin!! But now I hate being sleeveless or in shorts. It's gross!! Thankfully my face skin is still nice. However, I have a great giant zit right in the middle of my forehead! Where is the justice?

I have bumpy upper arms and the sides of my cheeks (on my face!) are the same. A while ago Mr Gailey's diabetic nurse told him to start taking an Omega 3 supplement. Importantly she said to pick a supplement that had ratios similar to this on the label:

EPA (Eicosapenaenoic Acid) 980mg
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) 545mg

I found it in an oil as opposed to a capsule, started taking it and the bumps have all but disappeared.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
Uppy~the post you made on the thread in the hangout is spot on. I have tried offering help in LIW and BWW and it's as if were a ghost. What I have to say is irrelevant. The Hangout is too open to jokes and insults by people who haven't been where we are and don't take it seriously. I am glad we are trying this and you have my full support. BTW, I have those spots, too. I haven't worn a bathing suit or short skirt, in warm weather, in years! Too bad, because I have great legs :naughty:

I big puffy heart you!!

No it's not. Start believing that and you might as well not get up in the mornings. You know it's not irrelevant, because life has shown you otherwise. Why else say what you say. The fact that the youngsters take no notice is...., well it's evolution I guess. Baby Gailey hasn't heeded a piece of advice for years and years. My DIL, much as I love her, thinks she wrote the book. I just sit back and smile, because one day they will know. Likely by that time, they will be trying to hand out advice and experiencing the same responses.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
soocool~I have the red dots and my derm said that it's nothing to worry about it. I have brown circles/patches, which are raised, on my legs and arms. Mainly on my lower legs. Being in the sun makes them worse and increases the number. They are a form of keratosis. Because I have recurrent skin cancer, I have to be very careful about being in the sun, in general. My last skin CA was a melanoma, so my doctors are watching me like a hawk. I'm so sorry you are dealing with all of those medical problems. I am, too. I sometimes wonder how much longer I can hold it together. I don't have a terminal illness, but there is so much wrong that I find it difficult to manage it all.

And every time you feel like that Marian, just read the title of Uppy's thread. You gotta get up, you gotta shake your booty and you gotta get on with it, warts and all because one day, you'll go to get off the couch and find you can't even though you want to. You'll look back and wonder why you wasted precious time thinking how bad it was all getting when compared to now when it really is bad news.

I think that sounds harsher than I mean it to, so I hope you know what I mean. And by the way, when I'm in the depths of winter SAD time and can't get my butt off the couch, kick it for me and remind me I said this. Hugs darlin.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
MonkeyPie said:
dragonfly411 said:
Recently Penelope Cruz was quoted as saying "Getting older is a good thing because it means you haven't died yet right?"

She's allowed to say that because she will likely look exactly the same when she's 80.

bwahahaha so true!

I'll be 36 in October-am I too young to hang out w/this crowd? I have a lot of those weird red dot things too all over me, if I need some kinda badge to enter or anything. Oh, and my boobs are saggy and one is lower than the other.

Heck - sure you can hang with us Packy. After all, we need someone to push the wheelchairs and empty the comodes.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
One of the challenges of aging well is keeping a positive outlook. I have recently made a new friend, a lovely 91 yr. old woman who is my neighbor. She simply will not let anything get her down, keeps active, and is looking for an 80 yr. old boy toy who can cook. At lunch a few months ago with a bunch of other female friends, she mentioned that her libido is very strong and she was frustrated trying to find a way to deal with it. She had spoken to her doctor about it but he seemed appalled that a 91 yr. old would still want sex.

I asked her if she had heard about "the rabbit", went on to explain the advantages of said sex toy and she asked me to buy one for her. I did and when I gave it to her she said "don't call an ambulance if you hearing screaming coming from my house." LOL.

I think we need to get to know this lady. Invite her to stop by Matada, I want to shake her hand (the other one!)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
Upgradable said:
Laughing beats crying! Or to quote Dolly Parton (another great old broad), "Laughter through tears. That's my favorite emotion!"

Laughing is great, leaking while laughing --not so great.

Now to all the leakers out there, have you had your plumbing checked? I did and had a grade 3 prolapse. The surgeon suggested a hysterectomy and I went along with that idea until I read the hysterectomy thread: family-home-health/stupid-gynae-wants-to-take-out-my-uterus-t99843.html?hilit=hysterectomy

A big thank you to Phoenic for starting the thread and to JustJulia for making me realise that I really did not want to get rid of my uterus, just didn't want it swinging between my knees.

I had it all stitched back into place, as Mr Gailey says, I was "underpinned". No more leaks. Can't remember the name of the operation, but if anyone is interested, I'll go and find the details.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh my this is such an uplifting thread. It sure moves fast too! Thanks for starting this thread Uppy. :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Gailey said:
gemgirl said:
Gailey said:
On another forum (not gems related), one of the members has a signature line that I just love. It says:

"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, "Oh CRAP! She's up"

She must be Uppy, right?

Hell yeah, that's Uppy!

Ups honey you need to change your signature line!
As soon as I figure out how to do that, I will!! I laughed out loud, and that's not a good thing right now since I'm in the high school library. I'm doing what passes for "work" at this point in my life. Careers deserves a post of its own, but not enough time now.

Several thoughts upon reading the new posts from this morning:

Skin tags: Yep, and all over the place (even in the lady parts). I get a piece of dental floss and tie it in a slip knot, put it over the tag and pull it tight (sometimes I need a third hand for this as I hold the skin tag with tweezers). Then grab both ends of the floss and PULL! It pops the little things right off.

White eyebrow hairs: Yep again. But my bigger complaint is that my eyebrows are just plain disappearing!! In high school I sported the sexy Brooke Shields' brows. Now I have to use colored brow wax to define the hairs and make them just plain visible. ;(

Hair color in general: My hair used to be such a pretty chestnut shade. Grays aside, now it seems to have lost the "color" it used to have. Dishwater brown, mousy, dirt would be the best describers. Thank God for Feria!!!

And because even old broads would like to make the most of what we have, I encourage you all to pick up a copy of More Magazine at your local store. It is a magazine (beauty, fashion, finance, career, and maybe a recipe or two) written for and by women 40+. This is the only magazine I subscribe to and I give the free gift subscriptions to friends whenever the opportunity presents.

I wish I had more time to post today, but leave me some good juicy stuff to peruse tonight. Have a stellar day, all you awesome women!!!

Uppy, thanks again for starting this thread! I don't have much time to post today, but I've been sneaking on while at work and reading the replies as often as I can. You ladies are great!!

I second the More magazine suggestion. It's one of the few publications that actually makes an effort to be relevant to women our age.

<Daily crone rant>
Does anyone else wonder why everything is marketed toward the under 30 set? Clothes, accessories -- and, of course, jewelry?? But if you're like me, you never had the disposable income to spend on yourself until you were into your 40s!! That's why I think PS should seriously think about encouraging the "over 40" crowd to spend time on here. There are a lot of women who buy their own jewelry, many of us 40+, but most jewelry businesses still market to the "guy buying a ring for his girl" crowd.

<End daily rant>

ETA: Thanks, too, Uppy, for the skin tag removal suggestion -- but I'm kind of a chicken. Don't they bleed a lot when you remove them?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

movie zombie said:
its really noticeable for me as i decided to grow my eyebrows and let them fill in......luckily, they did....but with a lot of white. i've been getting them dyed when i go in for a facial about every 3-4 weeks.......

I mentioned above that I have my eyebrows dyed brown when I have my hair dyed blonde. I thought that the problem with my eyelashes was just that they were blonde as my eyebrows have always been, but now that I have read some postings by others I realize that women can actually (it seems) lose their eyelashes as they age. Maybe I lost mine and didn't even know it!
