
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
Dancing Fire said:
gemgirl said:
junebug17 said:
Dancing Fire said:
after reading this thread...i'd feel like a "SPRING CHICK"!!... :lol:

What are you laughing about DF? You're no youngster yourself!! :bigsmile:

OK DF, fess up. How old?
GG...let me put it this way....i can call you my older sister :!: ... :tongue:

Ha ha, who do you think you are kidding? You wish! I've seen that grainy old yellowing wedding photo you posted. You are one very old geezer!
and i can call you GRANDMA!! :tongue:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
Anyone seen the new magical machine to tone your upper arms? You hold it in both hands up by your face kind of at an angle, and it goes up and down up and down in your hands super fast. Vision that in your head and think what that looks like. There are two versions. One for a man and one for a woman. JD about fell off the couch doing his shrieking eel laugh when he saw it. I guess if you need to tone up your cha cha you need to tone up your arms for...ahem.

PR, I have seen that infomercial and had the same reaction. I think I had to hit the record button on the tivo and show it to dh. It is exactly like the gesture my crude friend used to make (when were much younger) which, very loosely translated, meant "p#$$ off". I can not imagine what they were thinking when they decided to show that woman gesturing like that on national tv!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just want to take a minute to stake my claim here too. Thanks, Uppy, for going to bat for us. I'm 56 and I've got to go get ready for an engagement party for the son of some friends of ours WHO ARE YOUNGER THAN WE ARE. When did the kid who I gave 101 Dalmatians stuffed animals to get old enough for a wife??

And not having a period anymore? PRICELESS. It's worth all the other crap that comes with menopause. Seriously.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

You gals are hysterical!!!! Thank you Uppy, you are awesome! I turned 44 last week and am bookmarking this thread, it's time has come.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yo Grandpa....Yeah I am talking to you DF~ Quit the laughing, you are right up there if memory serves!!!!! :tongue: :devil: :bigsmile: :lol:

My memory isn't what it used to be but it's better than your's!!! :praise:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Uppy, Thank you, thank you.
I turn 55 this year. (This is the year that, if you were born in 55, you turn 55!

That machine sounds like something that used to be on a TV show. Was it the Jetsons? Or I love Lucy?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi all you lovely Ladies!

I'm one of the youngins who has always appreciated the more experienced ladies. I have always felt like an old soul and most people who know me would agree with that. I used to work at Macy's in the bridal registry and all of my co-workers were 45+ and I miss them all so much! We used to consider ourselves like "The View". I hope you don't mind me pitching in here and there!

Much Love!

packrat said:
Anyone seen the new magical machine to tone your upper arms? You hold it in both hands up by your face kind of at an angle, and it goes up and down up and down in your hands super fast. Vision that in your head and think what that looks like. There are two versions. One for a man and one for a woman. JD about fell off the couch doing his shrieking eel laugh when he saw it. I guess if you need to tone up your cha cha you need to tone up your arms for...ahem.

I've seen it! It's that shake weight thing! DH and I saw the commercials for it and I almost peed myself! Then we happened upon them in Bed Bath & Beyond and of course we had to act them out! It feels just as horrible as it looks! Ha!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pink Tower said:
Uppy, Thank you, thank you.
I turn 55 this year. (This is the year that, if you were born in 55, you turn 55!

That machine sounds like something that used to be on a TV show. Was it the Jetsons? Or I love Lucy?
B&W TV shows.... :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


For your viewing pleasure, google "shake weight for men" and watch the video that comes up on youtube. Too funny!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Asscherhalo_lover said:
Hi all you lovely Ladies!

I'm one of the youngins who has always appreciated the more experienced ladies. I have always felt like an old soul and most people who know me would agree with that. I used to work at Macy's in the bridal registry and all of my co-workers were 45+ and I miss them all so much! We used to consider ourselves like "The View". I hope you don't mind me pitching in here and there!

Much Love!

packrat said:
Anyone seen the new magical machine to tone your upper arms? You hold it in both hands up by your face kind of at an angle, and it goes up and down up and down in your hands super fast. Vision that in your head and think what that looks like. There are two versions. One for a man and one for a woman. JD about fell off the couch doing his shrieking eel laugh when he saw it. I guess if you need to tone up your cha cha you need to tone up your arms for...ahem.

I've seen it! It's that shake weight thing! DH and I saw the commercials for it and I almost peed myself! Then we happened upon them in Bed Bath & Beyond and of course we had to act them out! It feels just as horrible as it looks! Ha!

Nice to have you Asscherhalo!!

The first time I saw it, it was on Ellen... I died laughing...

I have seen it on infomercials... I am like come on, how can you pitch this with a straight face???

Too funny.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Anastasia said:

For your viewing pleasure, google "shake weight for men" and watch the video that comes up on youtube. Too funny!

Oh my gosh, that is hysterical! I hadn't seen this that I have, I may never be the same! Sooo funny!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pushing 48 at year end, so…

1) I don’t recall any posts about freckles after a “certain age”, but as a redhead, I can attest, freckles don’t age well. I didn’t like them when I was young, and now that they are all impersonating age spots (my poor spotted hands!) I like them much much less.

2) About what you have to say being irrelevant. Yes. I feel this more and more. It’s not like I go around giving advice or talking about how old I am, but I can’t really even talk anymore without my recollections going back before the people I’m talking to, were even born. It isn’t taken well. And it becomes more clear that what we have to say isn’t listened to (like we didn’t listen I suppose) so I just stay quiet.

3) My latest “OMG I’m OLD!” moment came when I realized that the young PARENT who was talking about her son’s obsession with all things Star Wars, wasn’t even BORN when it came out , and I was watching it.

4) Old injuries. They come BACK. They only pretended to heal, and now you feel every single one. How in the name of sweet good grief do you wake up in the morning with your freakin’ COLLARBONE hurting??

4) Doctors. Have I mentioned doctors? Like it seems I’m seeing one every freakin’ week lately? I finally decided after feeling like crap for well over 2 years (and like partial crap for at least 7), and having a new massage therapist volunteer the comment (when I couldn’t roll over on the table due to the pain), “Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?”, to start the laborious, expensive, and frustrating journey of finding out if I have fibro, something I’ve suspected and dismissed, suspected/dismissed, for a while now. If I don’t have it, then I’m really screwed because I’m getting older far faster than any of my older friends, and that sucks.

I’m sure I have more, but right now thanks to all the great women here who have finally supplied what many of us apparently, felt that PS was missing. I’m laughing and nodding to every single post.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


Thanks for starting this thread, and for providing me with my evening's entertainment.

I turned 47 last week. Thankfully, I don't really have any major physical complaints, but I can completely relate to everything here.

And that cialis commercial? What's the point of SEPARATE bathtubs?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

You guys are making laugh, thanks! My Ukrainian Grandma always wore a house coat or dress. And she mostly made most of her clothes herself. Except for the babuskas. (I think I spelled that right)
Yea, there is nothing like that gotta go now moment, and I don't mean the twin bathtub stuff.
I haven't worn a real bra in maybe a decade. Sports bras only and a shirt or sweater if I need to cover up away from home.
I'm not real fond of the wings beneath my arms, but in summer I only wear tank tops. OK, winter too. With layers. Sometimes I get so warm, I'm ready to make a snow angel in my sports bra and cotton undies.
Thanks again, I expect to check this thread often. A great night to you all. Embrace your seniorness! (You can't give it away, can you?)

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Great thread, thank you Uppy!

55 years old here and just had my 30th anniversary. Just where did the time go?

Ummmmmmmm is it bad to admit that you have a shake weight?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
Great thread, thank you Uppy!

55 years old here and just had my 30th anniversary. Just where did the time go?

Ummmmmmmm is it bad to admit that you have a shake weight?

OMG I love that you have one of those! I tried using one in a store and I just couldn't stop laughing enough to see if it actually did anything for me! I was also worried that I would let go of it mid shake and that it would go crashing into my teeth! Ha!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
Great thread, thank you Uppy!

55 years old here and just had my 30th anniversary. Just where did the time go?

Ummmmmmmm is it bad to admit that you have a shake weight?

Well, admitting you have a shake weight is not bad for US, because we will likely rib you unmercifully, and laugh and point a lot.

(unless of course it WORKS, at which point we're all whipping out our credit cards to order them for ourselves)

I was in an Irish pub when that thing came on. I think I and my hubs were the only ones paying attention, until the other diners noticed us spewing beer out our noses and laughing like loons. Then they were too. :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Asscherhalo_lover said:
Catmom said:
Great thread, thank you Uppy!

55 years old here and just had my 30th anniversary. Just where did the time go?

Ummmmmmmm is it bad to admit that you have a shake weight?

OMG I love that you have one of those! I tried using one in a store and I just couldn't stop laughing enough to see if it actually did anything for me! I was also worried that I would let go of it mid shake and that it would go crashing into my teeth! Ha!

I can just picture the flabby upper arms flopping all over the place while using the shake weight!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Anastasia said:
Asscherhalo_lover said:
Catmom said:
Great thread, thank you Uppy!

55 years old here and just had my 30th anniversary. Just where did the time go?

Ummmmmmmm is it bad to admit that you have a shake weight?

OMG I love that you have one of those! I tried using one in a store and I just couldn't stop laughing enough to see if it actually did anything for me! I was also worried that I would let go of it mid shake and that it would go crashing into my teeth! Ha!

I can just picture the flabby upper arms flopping all over the place while using the shake weight!

Hey, have you been peaking in my windows!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
Anastasia said:
Asscherhalo_lover said:
Catmom said:
Great thread, thank you Uppy!

55 years old here and just had my 30th anniversary. Just where did the time go?

Ummmmmmmm is it bad to admit that you have a shake weight?

OMG I love that you have one of those! I tried using one in a store and I just couldn't stop laughing enough to see if it actually did anything for me! I was also worried that I would let go of it mid shake and that it would go crashing into my teeth! Ha!

I can just picture the flabby upper arms flopping all over the place while using the shake weight!

Hey, have you been peaking in my windows!
Between that and my boobs hitting me in the eyes between shakes, I'd be too frickin' black and blue to know if it did any good at all!!

My sweet friend Meg (OUPeargirl) came over and shared some wine with me during my sweatiest hours waiting for the AC repairman, and we laughed together at so many of your comments!! I love that so many of us have found a reason to share what we may have kept bottled up here at PS.

May this thread be the first of many to see us through the dark or uncomfortable times!!! And, for you DF, kiss my cellulite dimpled A**!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Here's one for all of you. It is almost 7:30 pm here and I am about ready to go upstairs and get ready for bed (10pm)so that I can fall asleep before DH starts to snore and I get at least a few hours sleep before I wake up at 2 am and again at 3 and 4 am.

Gah, it's not just me! Why oh why must I wake up every hour on the hour?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
soocool said:
Here's one for all of you. It is almost 7:30 pm here and I am about ready to go upstairs and get ready for bed (10pm)so that I can fall asleep before DH starts to snore and I get at least a few hours sleep before I wake up at 2 am and again at 3 and 4 am.

Gah, it's not just me! Why oh why must I wake up every hour on the hour?

No, not just you. And to wake up every hour thinking, "Good gosh, I'm exhausted, I hate that I've got to get up in an hour" (thinking it's oh...5am, and you've been asleep for hours) only to roll over, look at the clock and realize it's only been an hour and a half since you went to sleep. Makes for a long dang night. I haven't had a really restful night in at least 2 years...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
soocool said:
Here's one for all of you. It is almost 7:30 pm here and I am about ready to go upstairs and get ready for bed (10pm)so that I can fall asleep before DH starts to snore and I get at least a few hours sleep before I wake up at 2 am and again at 3 and 4 am.

Gah, it's not just me! Why oh why must I wake up every hour on the hour?
My Lunesta isn't even reliably working for me anymore! $200/month is a lot to pay for something that doesn't do it's job. Hopefully by this time next month I'll be sleeping soundly on my new Thera-Pedic mattress.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm hoping that once these hot flashes finally go away I might get to sleep again. Yes, I'm 55 years old and still getting hot flashes. Heck it wasn't until a few months ago that my period stopped. What the heck, I thought there were supposed to be a few perks to getting old.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Pushing 48 at year end, so…

1) I don’t recall any posts about freckles after a “certain age”, but as a redhead, I can attest, freckles don’t age well. I didn’t like them when I was young, and now that they are all impersonating age spots (my poor spotted hands!) I like them much much less.

2) About what you have to say being irrelevant. Yes. I feel this more and more. It’s not like I go around giving advice or talking about how old I am, but I can’t really even talk anymore without my recollections going back before the people I’m talking to, were even born. It isn’t taken well. And it becomes more clear that what we have to say isn’t listened to (like we didn’t listen I suppose) so I just stay quiet.

3) My latest “OMG I’m OLD!” moment came when I realized that the young PARENT who was talking about her son’s obsession with all things Star Wars, wasn’t even BORN when it came out , and I was watching it.

4) Old injuries. They come BACK. They only pretended to heal, and now you feel every single one. How in the name of sweet good grief do you wake up in the morning with your freakin’ COLLARBONE hurting??

4) Doctors. Have I mentioned doctors? Like it seems I’m seeing one every freakin’ week lately? I finally decided after feeling like crap for well over 2 years (and like partial crap for at least 7), and having a new massage therapist volunteer the comment (when I couldn’t roll over on the table due to the pain), “Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?”, to start the laborious, expensive, and frustrating journey of finding out if I have fibro, something I’ve suspected and dismissed, suspected/dismissed, for a while now. If I don’t have it, then I’m really screwed because I’m getting older far faster than any of my older friends, and that sucks.

I’m sure I have more, but right now thanks to all the great women here who have finally supplied what many of us apparently, felt that PS was missing. I’m laughing and nodding to every single post.

I'm totally with you, ksinger! With the exception of the jewelry threads and some threads in the hangout, I find myself getting quite frustrated. My social life is made up of seeing doctors, these days. I look at my calendar and don't know whether to laugh or cry. I do have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm a barrel of fun :knockout:

I don't mind younger posters coming onto this thread, if they are supportive of what we all are experiencing. If anyone, other than one of us, decides to make a joke in this thread, I say we boot them out on their butts :!: I'm in no mood for thread
crashers. I want this to be a safe place for us to share.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
I'm hoping that once these hot flashes finally go away I might get to sleep again. Yes, I'm 55 years old and still getting hot flashes. Heck it wasn't until a few months ago that my period stopped. What the heck, I thought there were supposed to be a few perks to getting old.

I am waking up a lot, and sleeping is what I do best... Hate this waking up crap..

Michelle, have you gone 12 months without a period??

I am at the start of all of this. The night sweats drive me nuts..

BUT I sleep with a heating pad for my neck, and have the AC cranked!! No wonder I am hot and cold, LOL!!!

Hubby is very thoughtful he sleeps in the other room... :snore:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
ksinger said:
Pushing 48 at year end, so…

1) I don’t recall any posts about freckles after a “certain age”, but as a redhead, I can attest, freckles don’t age well. I didn’t like them when I was young, and now that they are all impersonating age spots (my poor spotted hands!) I like them much much less.

2) About what you have to say being irrelevant. Yes. I feel this more and more. It’s not like I go around giving advice or talking about how old I am, but I can’t really even talk anymore without my recollections going back before the people I’m talking to, were even born. It isn’t taken well. And it becomes more clear that what we have to say isn’t listened to (like we didn’t listen I suppose) so I just stay quiet.

3) My latest “OMG I’m OLD!” moment came when I realized that the young PARENT who was talking about her son’s obsession with all things Star Wars, wasn’t even BORN when it came out , and I was watching it.

4) Old injuries. They come BACK. They only pretended to heal, and now you feel every single one. How in the name of sweet good grief do you wake up in the morning with your freakin’ COLLARBONE hurting??

4) Doctors. Have I mentioned doctors? Like it seems I’m seeing one every freakin’ week lately? I finally decided after feeling like crap for well over 2 years (and like partial crap for at least 7), and having a new massage therapist volunteer the comment (when I couldn’t roll over on the table due to the pain), “Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia?”, to start the laborious, expensive, and frustrating journey of finding out if I have fibro, something I’ve suspected and dismissed, suspected/dismissed, for a while now. If I don’t have it, then I’m really screwed because I’m getting older far faster than any of my older friends, and that sucks.

I’m sure I have more, but right now thanks to all the great women here who have finally supplied what many of us apparently, felt that PS was missing. I’m laughing and nodding to every single post.

I'm totally with you, ksinger! With the exception of the jewelry threads and some threads in the hangout, I find myself getting quite frustrated. My social life is made up of seeing doctors, these days. I look at my calendar and don't know whether to laugh or cry. I do have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm a barrel of fun :knockout:

I don't mind younger posters coming onto this thread, if they are supportive of what we all are experiencing. If anyone, other than one of us decides to make a joke in this thread, I say we boot them out on their butts :P

Well, we certainly have enough firepower in here (maybe literally with the hot flashes) to flame anyone who dares!

You and I will have to talk fibro one of these days soon. I'm not sure I have it, but then I am, does that make sense? I have a good day, and then second-guess myself and call myself a big baby, then wake up the next day so stiff I can't move for the whole day.

One good (sort of) thing that I DID find out recently though: I'm a little anemic, so I'm trying to get my iron back up. I'll leave to your fertile imagination as a woman of a certain age, the tests the doctor ordered to see where I might be bleeding out. Let's just ignore the BIIIG 900 lb gorilla of still-premenopausal woman with all that implies, and let's just assume it's probably your COLON!! I told them to piss up a rope. (Hmm...scrap imagination, I guess I just told. :)

Yeah, I'm not happy with docs right now....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Marian and Ksinger..

And all...

This should be a safe place to share.....I am 100% in agreement.. If people come to make fun, or poke jokes, or don't have anything relevant to say.... They get booted off. Life is short, and we are trying to make the most of it...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Kaleigh said:
Marian and Ksinger..

And all...

This should be a safe place to share.....I am 100% in agreement.. If people come to make fun, or poke jokes, or don't have anything relevant to say.... They get booted off. Life is short, and we are trying to make the most of it...

LOL! More like they're probably horrified into silence at a glimpse of what may await. If someone had told me at 30, I would experience some of the things I have, I'd have not believed it.

I think getting older gets so much more sharp, you know? More poignant. You really ARE over half done with your life, and you know it, but more, you FEEL it. And you have regrets. Oh, not necessarily anything suicidal, but like for me, getting back together finally with my beloved husband - the best part of my life - yet too late to have children with him. We are both a bit sad from time to time about this, because we agree so strongly on things, and we think together we would have been fine parents. But that's out, go on.
One thing that IS great though, is getting old together. We can laugh at each other because we both remember when we could swing from the rafters, and now we BOTH creeeeeak up in the morning. It's pretty funny, and endearing.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just haven't had time to keep up with this thread. I read it, but can't reply to everything I want to reply to.

Freckles. I have freckles, too. Unlike ksinger, I used to love my freckles. Like ksinger, I will attest that freckles age poorly, however. They do tend to multiply over the years, for one thing thing. And...this is the really nasty part...when you get old they start to blend into big brown blotches that no longer look like individualized freckles but like what are called, "age spots". Oh, joy!

On looking old because I am so fair: unlike my best friend who is barely 5 feet tall with olive skin and dark eyes, hair, eyebrows, etcetera (southern Italian on both sides) and looks like a teenager, I started to look old fast. I have light eyes and blonde eyebrows and eyelashes. When my dark hair started to get grey, I went blonde. What I need to do (but rarely bother to do) is use makeup. In the meantime, the ultimate humiliation is that people often think that my father is my husband!!! The man will be 90 on October 1st!!!*


*One note about my father, when his heart kept stopping and he needed a pacemaker a few months back, the cardiologist asked him if his parents were still alive. When he (the cardiologist) found out my father's age he said, "I didn't know how old you were; I'm not crazy". So maybe part of why I can be taken for my father's wife is that he looks more youthful than the average 89 year-old. But still!!! It stings!