
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Kegel, kegel, kegel

There has been an ad on TV lately about some insertable device that can help you tone your yoohoo. It's connected by cords to a display to monitor your progress. Now..... let's take a moment and visualize.......... :confused: :errrr:

The commercial has these ladies jumping around on a trampoline. Male marketing team there, because trampoline jumping is the activity that gives me the most trouble. :rolleyes:

Yep, kegel, kegel, kegel! I've started doing them at red lights, counting my "reps" and trying to beat my last go round. Cords connected to a display device you say? Well only if I could hook it up to my GPS. Damn, there's so much going on on my dashboard already... but if the display is far enough away, I won't need to switch to my readers.

And it's a woo-woo, at least that's what they're called here :-).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree said:
Upgradable said:
Kegel, kegel, kegel

There has been an ad on TV lately about some insertable device that can help you tone your yoohoo. It's connected by cords to a display to monitor your progress. Now..... let's take a moment and visualize.......... :confused: :errrr:

The commercial has these ladies jumping around on a trampoline. Male marketing team there, because trampoline jumping is the activity that gives me the most trouble. :rolleyes:

And what time of the night was this infomercial airing? Can we say age-related-insomnia?
OMG this all made me literally laugh out loud! I've never seen anything like this, but geez, yeah, that would be the ideal thing for all my trampoline jumping that we 40+ do all the time.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

In honor of all you inspiring women I'm taking off my bra and putting on my housedress!!! Who gives a flying rat's rump that the AC guy hasn't come yet. If he didn't want his eyes to be burned within his sockets he should have been on time!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree said:
Sparkalin said:
Just a few years ago I was a working woman taking care of my children. Now I'm a 54 year old with a bad back taking care of my grandchildren. What happened? My 80 year old in-laws live with us as does my 40 year old sister. My husband had a major heart attack this May. Thankfully he is fully recovered and back to work. I don't generate any income and most of my time is spent taking care of others. Not what I expected many years ago, but life doesn't always go as planned. And I'm ok with that. Since plan A didn't work out, I'm on plan B and working on C and D. Of course if I don't write it down I won't remember anyway. And I've got those red spot things going on too. Did I mention the gray hair on my head and the black hairs on my chin? :))


Thanks for this post, Sparkalin. I can definitely relate to the "What happened?" feeling. I'd love to hear how other women deal with these feelings. Hint: And it ain't the stuff of "Eat, Pray, Love" == rant warning == I hated that book!!!! Seriously, who lives like that?? Oh, wait, I know...

Well I know we have twin claw foot tubs out on one of our decks. Doesn't everyone?

Hey, my husband's nine years younger than me. A girl's got to try to keep up.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh no Uppy! Still no a/c. I'd be in the cold shower if I were you. We lost our a/c in this sweltering heat and humidity last time my IL's were visiting. They never want to come back! They thought it was that bad all the time. Can't live without the a/c. :nono:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
Both of my grandmothers wore housedresses! My Ukranian grandmother (who lived to 97) wore black for all of my life that I remember, but always a dress. She was a "Rosie the riveter" during the war (in Canada here). My other grandmother made her own clothes, she sewed beautifully and always wore a full apron for cooking. I'm starting to see the comfort value these might have the muumus?

Is anyone else sick of wearing a bra? Some people might wait until what they think is a decent hour to have a cocktail at night, while I guess at how soon it's appropriate to take off my bra! Pretty sure this was NOT a concern of my grandmothers. ;)) Underwire is not kind at my age, but non-underwire is equally as uncomfortable and sweaty. :nono:

Lyra if I did not wear a bra there girls would be touching my knees. I haven't found a bra strong enough to keep them where I want them to be. Maybe duct tape would work?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
In honor of all you inspiring women I'm taking off my bra and putting on my housedress!!! Who gives a flying rat's rump that the AC guy hasn't come yet. If he didn't want his eyes to be burned within his sockets he should have been on time!

:shock: I must say, the heat has made you positively sassy, Uppy! Just make sure the housedress coordinates with the bling.

Or better yet, you could meet the guy at the door buck-naked, wearing just the bling...the thing is, if he's young enough, he won't notice anyway (refer to thread several pages up on aging's effect on men's staring at us).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
lyra said:
Both of my grandmothers wore housedresses! My Ukranian grandmother (who lived to 97) wore black for all of my life that I remember, but always a dress. She was a "Rosie the riveter" during the war (in Canada here). My other grandmother made her own clothes, she sewed beautifully and always wore a full apron for cooking. I'm starting to see the comfort value these might have the muumus?

Is anyone else sick of wearing a bra? Some people might wait until what they think is a decent hour to have a cocktail at night, while I guess at how soon it's appropriate to take off my bra! Pretty sure this was NOT a concern of my grandmothers. ;)) Underwire is not kind at my age, but non-underwire is equally as uncomfortable and sweaty. :nono:

Lyra if I did not wear a bra there girls would be touching my knees. I haven't found a bra strong enough to keep them where I want them to be. Maybe duct tape would work?

We have some "500 mile an hour" tape that they use to patch jet liners. I'll send you some!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Portree said:
Sparkalin said:
Just a few years ago I was a working woman taking care of my children. Now I'm a 54 year old with a bad back taking care of my grandchildren. What happened? My 80 year old in-laws live with us as does my 40 year old sister. My husband had a major heart attack this May. Thankfully he is fully recovered and back to work. I don't generate any income and most of my time is spent taking care of others. Not what I expected many years ago, but life doesn't always go as planned. And I'm ok with that. Since plan A didn't work out, I'm on plan B and working on C and D. Of course if I don't write it down I won't remember anyway. And I've got those red spot things going on too. Did I mention the gray hair on my head and the black hairs on my chin? :))


Thanks for this post, Sparkalin. I can definitely relate to the "What happened?" feeling. I'd love to hear how other women deal with these feelings. Hint: And it ain't the stuff of "Eat, Pray, Love" == rant warning == I hated that book!!!! Seriously, who lives like that?? Oh, wait, I know...

Well I know we have twin claw foot tubs out on one of our decks. Doesn't everyone?

Hey, my husband's nine years younger than me. A girl's got to try to keep up.

Way to go, gemgirl!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I just had a thought....... what if we ALL got banned en masse for contributing to this thread? LOL!!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I never could learn to do Kegels but once I got into Pilates I have better peepee control.

I was at Kohl's last week and had to use the bathroom. A few stalls down I could hear someone pee and stop, pee and stop, pee and stop. As we both exited our stalls I saw that she was somewhat older than me. She smiled and said she was "bladder-cizing".
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well I know we have twin claw foot tubs out on one of our decks. Doesn't everyone?

Hey, my husband's nine years younger than me. A girl's got to try to keep up.[/quote]

Way to go, gemgirl!!!![/quote]

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
soocool said:
lyra said:
Both of my grandmothers wore housedresses! My Ukranian grandmother (who lived to 97) wore black for all of my life that I remember, but always a dress. She was a "Rosie the riveter" during the war (in Canada here). My other grandmother made her own clothes, she sewed beautifully and always wore a full apron for cooking. I'm starting to see the comfort value these might have the muumus?

Is anyone else sick of wearing a bra? Some people might wait until what they think is a decent hour to have a cocktail at night, while I guess at how soon it's appropriate to take off my bra! Pretty sure this was NOT a concern of my grandmothers. ;)) Underwire is not kind at my age, but non-underwire is equally as uncomfortable and sweaty. :nono:

Lyra if I did not wear a bra there girls would be touching my knees. I haven't found a bra strong enough to keep them where I want them to be. Maybe duct tape would work?

We have some "500 mile an hour" tape that they use to patch jet liners. I'll send you some!

They repair jets with tape? :shock:

Thanks for all the laughs ladies! You girls are makin' my day!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sick of wearing a bra???? I'd scare the neighbors!

Ok ladies, here I am. And old enough to be your grandmother. BET: I'm the I mean, most here. 62 last birthday. I still feel 35 inside, can't figure out why the mirror doesn't match. Sometimes I catch sight of myself & think, "Whozzat?" On the other hand, I got past envy of neat young figures & all that when I realized I had my time for it & it was a blast; now it's somebody else's turn to enjoy it.

What I do hate is, as Candice Bergen, gorgeous woman that she is, said: in America, middle-aged & older women just disappear. Nobody listens to them, nobody sees them. Too true.

So did Demi Moore really get her knees lifted? Yowza!

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata said:
Let's talk memory or lack thereof.

Let's talk memory or lack thereof.

Let's talk memory or lack thereof.

Am I repeating myself? Sorry, LOL.

After helpfully posting to a thread on Topamax for migraine sufferers, I went and looked up my dosage. [Someone else had posted to the thread that if one took more than 100 mg, he could have serious short-term memory loss. (Reversible, I believe!)] At my leisure, I went and looked up what my increased dose of four pills added up to in milligrams...and guess what? It was 200 mg!

Between being post-menopausal and 59 and on this dose of Topamax and a high dose of's a wonder I can remember my name! And it's no wonder that I feel I lost points off my IQ!!!

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
To address the Cialis/Viagra/Creepy Bob commercials.... what the hell is with the side-by-side bathtubs on the hillside?

I need a nap now.

Crap. I have NO idea where to start. I'm there on ALL of these posts. I've never agreed with so many posts in one thread since I've been here. But this one tickled me. First, disclaimer: hubs DOESN'T need Cialis...but when one of the ads comes on, I say, "Ooo!!! Ooo!! Honey!! PLEASE get a prescription for that!! Look! It makes the laundry room into a candlelit table at the beach!!" He always says, "Nope. Won't work: we don't HAVE a proper laundry room. You HAVE to have a laundry room or it won't work. Sorry." ;-)

I have to go to open house tonight with the hubs, or I would respond more more more!! I've got a few things to say trust me!

ETA: Ditto Uppy, on the August in Oklahoma thing. I'm ready for this weekend SO much, even if the weather change means that I feel like crap. (Another topic for when I get back home this evening. Let's just say I'm thinking I may have's that for sucky?)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

after reading this thread...i'd feel like a "SPRING CHICK"!!... :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
Here's another one. It's weird being with your daughter and knowing that the guys (even the old geezers) are looking at her instead of you. I miss that!!

Yes, this! The first time it happened I was like "what the ???" It was admittedly a bitter pill to swallow!

I'm used to it now, but jeez, it sure would be nice to get an appreciative glance every once in a while!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Dancing Fire said:
after reading this thread...i'd feel like a "SPRING CHICK"!!... :lol:

What are you laughing about DF? You're no youngster yourself!! :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17 said:
Dancing Fire said:
after reading this thread...i'd feel like a "SPRING CHICK"!!... :lol:

What are you laughing about DF? You're no youngster yourself!! :bigsmile:

OK DF, fess up. How old?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Here's one for all of you. It is almost 7:30 pm here and I am about ready to go upstairs and get ready for bed (10pm)so that I can fall asleep before DH starts to snore and I get at least a few hours sleep before I wake up at 2 am and again at 3 and 4 am.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks so much, Uppy for getting this thread rolling. I'm so happy to have a spot for "maturing" PS'rs.

I'll be 46 in September and while my children aren't grown (14 yrs to 6 yrs) the fact that I have a first grader at my age makes me feel OLD.

What I notice is that it's hard for me to change my routine and adjust to new circumstances. I keep going to the grocery store and leaving my environmentally friendly re-usable bags in the car. Today, I finally remembered to bring them inside and I left them in my cart, under my purse, while I was checking out! I'm going to keep at it but I think I am living the adage about an old dog and new tricks.

And thanks to all of you for the advice about buying myself jewelry. That, I think I can learn!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My mom used to make her own house dresses and she could never part with the extra material which she'd sew into drapes and pillows. So she always matched the decor of the house. It was a little embarassing to tell the truth. Now that I've removed my bra it's time for my second manhattan.

Dh and I were going to bed recently and I was wearing the usual--sweats and tshirt, a bite guard, and my nose strip. He said "remember when you used to wear lingerie?" Actually, I don't.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
Dh and I were going to bed recently and I was wearing the usual--sweats and tshirt, a bite guard, and my nose strip. He said "remember when you used to wear lingerie?" Actually, I don't.

OMG, I just snorted my cocktail. ROFLOL at the image and your description. This is so good it should be in a movie.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I've come back to read this thread and p*ssed myself while laughing :bigsmile: Good thing for liners! I have never heard of a woo woo machine. Linky please. This thread has been my biggest laugh all day. You are all a great group of women. Some of you are comedians in the making :D Matata, you are already for your first gig!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey limps in from another day at the salt mill. Actually only half a day today and I'm creaking around just the same as if it were a full day. What's with that?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. UPPY, YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE GODDESS for starting this thread. Actually, you did more than that. You conceived the idea, you were ballsy enough to put it out there and I just know it's going to be a huge success. Thank you just doesn't seem anything like good enough. In fact, the only thing I think this thread is missing is Whitby, I think her contributions would be wonderful, sassy and insightful. I wonder if there's a way .......

I gotta go and get a bath and a beer, so I can feel human again. Then I am going to come back and make some comments on all these wonderful thoughts everyone has put out there.

But as this is my inaugral post in this great thread, I just want to share the contents of a birthday card my sister gave me a few years ago.

On the front cover, it said, "Dah-ling, I don't exercise". Followed on the inside by, "If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor". Attributable to another grand old broad, Joan Rivers.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu said:
My mom used to make her own house dresses and she could never part with the extra material which she'd sew into drapes and pillows. So she always matched the decor of the house. It was a little embarassing to tell the truth. Now that I've removed my bra it's time for my second manhattan.

Dh and I were going to bed recently and I was wearing the usual--sweats and tshirt, a bite guard, and my nose strip. He said "remember when you used to wear lingerie?" Actually, I don't.
maybe he confused you with thee other woman??... :devil: :rodent:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Anyone seen the new magical machine to tone your upper arms? You hold it in both hands up by your face kind of at an angle, and it goes up and down up and down in your hands super fast. Vision that in your head and think what that looks like. There are two versions. One for a man and one for a woman. JD about fell off the couch doing his shrieking eel laugh when he saw it. I guess if you need to tone up your cha cha you need to tone up your arms for...ahem.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
junebug17 said:
Dancing Fire said:
after reading this thread...i'd feel like a "SPRING CHICK"!!... :lol:

What are you laughing about DF? You're no youngster yourself!! :bigsmile:

OK DF, fess up. How old?
GG...let me put it this way....i can call you my older sister :!: ... :tongue:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Dancing Fire said:
gemgirl said:
junebug17 said:
Dancing Fire said:
after reading this thread...i'd feel like a "SPRING CHICK"!!... :lol:

What are you laughing about DF? You're no youngster yourself!! :bigsmile:

OK DF, fess up. How old?
GG...let me put it this way....i can call you my older sister :!: ... :tongue:

Ha ha, who do you think you are kidding? You wish! I've seen that grainy old yellowing wedding photo you posted. You are one very old geezer!