
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Dust and prayers for Gemgirl. I hope all goes well next week. I'm sure the surgeon will be extra careful given your history. You've been through so much, I'm sorry. Take care.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Ughh, I've been so out of it for the last few days. Not out of it physically, I'm actually very busy. It's more the apprehension and a tiny bit of dread I'm feeling, and I am so NOT the negative type.

I am sending love and prayers. I haven't even wanted to start on my health issues and I think that those of you who have talked about your health issues here have been really brave: brave to face them in real life and have them taken care of and brave to talk about them here and thus have to relive them! I want you all to know that I read what you write. I am afraid to start contributing to it. I am afraid to get drawn too far into this thread. But I think you are the most admirable group of women I can imagine. (Unless I were to start thinking of mssionaries who devote their lives to the sick or something, perhaps.)

At any rate, you are all an inspiration. Big hugs, gemgirl!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Enjoy your new sticky thread everyone. :))

Sticky threads will stay sticky as long as they are being regularly used.

Please let me know if you would like to change the title now that it is a sticky.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks Ella. It took me a minute to find this thread. I thought too bad, it's gone, but then I noticed that it's a sticky! Yeah! You can't fool me for too long even though it's early and I haven't had any coffee yet. :appl: (OK, you really could fool me and almost did.)

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well right now, I am real proud of Uppy for getting us a sticky thread.

Well done Uppy!

Just goes to show that those of us that are not dead yet, still have worthwhile things to share.

So another big thank you goes out to Ella for listening to us and also thinking we were worthy of a sticky thread.

Sorry I haven't been around much the last few days. A friend of mine is having a health crisis and I have been with her and at the hospital. So if I appear a bit absent, you will know why.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lots of dust and prayers coming your way for next week Gemgirl!

YAY, we are officially a sticky!!!!! Uppy you rock for starting this thread!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I started to panic (just a little) as I kept going through the list of threads. I thought at first that it was removed because we "chicks" were a little too honest about what is happening with us. I am happy that I glanced up and saw that we are (#1) on top!! Now is that because as we age our eyesight is not what it used to be or because our memory is getting worse we will be able to find it more easily?
Well whatever the reason, Yay!!!! for us.

Gemgirl: I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers throughout the days. You are one strong woman and I am sure everything will go well . It is ok to be scared. You have a strong support network here with this group. You can lean on us whenever you need!!

And welcome to all you brave souls who have joined in our rather frank discussions. It is nice to see our community growing!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

So someone posted in HO who would you pay to see in concert. I would like to pose the question to all you gals (I am assuming we are all hot chicks here) who have you seen in concert and do you remember where and how much it cost?

My older sister loved Bruce Springsteen (not so much anymore) partly because her boyfriend at the time did. To make sure my sister stayed out of trouble my mom would always say it was ok for her to go to the concerts as long as I tagged along (I was 18 and she was 20). We saw him perform in the mid to late 1970s before he became well known in the following decade. We would go to The Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ, A Joint in the Woods in Parsippany (I also like a group who performed there called Cats on a Smooth Surface),
saw him perform at a few colleges like Seton Hall Univ in NJ, some community colleges in PA that cost as little as $2.00 per ticket and the most we paid was about $12- $15.00 (this could have been at the Spectrum and the Meadowlands).
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


You ladies have been adding so much wonderful stuff. I've been having problems sleeping, and then spending lots of family time over the long weekend, so I haven't been responding like I would normally. Be sure I will be back in spades tomorrow!!! Keep up the good work!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Congrats to Uppy :appl: This thread has been stickied!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gailey said:
So another big thank you goes out to Ella for listening to us and also thinking we were worthy of a sticky thread.

Of course you are worthy, it did not have to do with the content. Only that we get many requests to sticky threads that end up fizzling quickly, we like to wait to make sure it is a thread with staying power first.

We are glad that everyone is enjoying this thread so much. Carry on everyone. :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
Congrats to Uppy :appl: This thread has been stickied!
Congrats don't go to me, they go to WE!!
We have all made this thread take off. Let's just keep it a wonderfully safe and funny place to share our lives.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sleep troubles suck Uppy..If you like, I could sing you a lullabye. Your body would then find a happy place and instantly shut down.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, your pendant and chain are gorgeous......and so me that i'd buy it in a heart beat if i saw it for sale.

i, too, went looking for this thread first thing and wondered what happened....then went up to the stickies which i rarely even give a passing glance.

dust Dust DUST to one and all.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yay for getting a sticky, thanks Uppy and Ella!!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yay!! We've made it to "sticky-land"! :appl:

Well, I woke up this morning with my period :angryfire: after not having one since January! The first thing I thought was, darn, now I have to start the 12-month-clock all over again and that means the earliest I'll be in menopause is September 2011-- argghhhhh. That means I'll have been in peri-menopause for nearly 10 years :nono:

And then I wondered if this thread is having the same effect on my period that living in my first apartment with female friends my age -- we all got our periods within days of each other :o

gemgirl, I hope things go well for you. I understand you being worried about the procedure given your past experience (that's an understatement!) with the other doctor. I'm so glad you found a new doctor. I'm sure he will be familiar with your past history and take extra care with you.

A friend our ours almost died of a serious infection after a routine colonoscopy, so I put off my age-50 screening because I was so afraid that something like what happened to you or him would happen to me. Interestingly, it was Mariposa's thread about her battle with colon cancer that got me off my butt (!) and into the exam room. I was lucky that I did not delay it any longer because I had to have two polyectomies to remove one very large (fortunately benign) polyp and several smaller ones. I have to go back in six months for a re-check. I, too, am a pro at the gunk they make you drink! I think of it as a "spa day" treatment (cleanse) ha-ha, to get through it. My doctor is one of the best in our area, but I'm still nervous every time I have to go under.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger - that pendant and chain are incredible! Wow -- I'm still in awe that you made the chain, too. It's so hard to find beautiful chains in stores. I don't know that I'd have the patience to make my own, though...
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Sorry about you getting your period again.. You hadn't had it since January?? Wow, that must have been a shock. Me getting mine , well I had only gone 3 months without it.

Your pendant is really lovely. Great job on the chain, that must have been a lot of work?? I would love to know more when you have time...

Last night, I woke up at 2 AM wide awake.. Oh not a fun feeling, you feel like you are the only one awake..

Husband is on his way home, can't wait to see him. I didn't go to Nantucket because of the hurricane which turned out to be the non hurricane but oh well, better safe than sorry...

Best wishes to all of you!!! :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi everyone :wavey: Gemgirl asked to let everyone know that she is unable to get into PS. Ella has been notified. She would like to acknowledge all of your kind wishes and will do so when she is able to log in again. Let's hope that it is soon!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
Hi everyone :wavey: Gemgirl asked to let everyone know that she is unable to get into PS. Ella has been notified. She would like to acknowledge all of your kind wishes and will do so when she is able to log in again. Let's hope that it is soon!

Thanks for the heads up, Marian!
Thank you for the sticky status, Ella!
Welcome back, gemgirl! (I am assuming that when you read this, you will be back!!! I hope it's soon!)

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

AGBF said:
I am sending love and prayers. I haven't even wanted to start on my health issues and I think that those of you who have talked about your health issues here have been really brave: brave to face them in real life and have them taken care of and brave to talk about them here and thus have to relive them! I want you all to know that I read what you write. I am afraid to start contributing to it. I am afraid to get drawn too far into this thread. But I think you are the most admirable group of women I can imagine. (Unless I were to start thinking of mssionaries who devote their lives to the sick or something, perhaps.)

At any rate, you are all an inspiration. Big hugs, gemgirl!

AGBF, one of the major purposes of this thread was to provide a "safe haven" for those of us who would like to have a little support without having to go into everything, make excuses, or have to deal with the inevitable "I'm so sorry!"

Since you like what we share, feel free (at any time that is comfortable) to share what you like. We're all just regular ladies with too many balls in the air!! :praise:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

OK...I'm back home finally. Fun trip - fab food, fun car show, good shopping, great massage, and probably the easiest driving we've had to KC, and back. No major construction, or traffic. Smooth sailing the whole time. One funny thing though, there was a "detour" on part of our trip home, and it actually detoured through a WalMart parking lot. Only in small town America. ;-)

Welcome to cellantani and Amber, nice to see you both here. This seems to be the default place I come to now. Maybe you guys will get addicted too. :)

Portree, I hear ya on the colonoscopy. I finally broke down and conceded that I really needed to finally find out what has been wrong with me these last 5 (last 2 have been the worst) years. To that end I went to my GP. After the preliminary bloodwork, he found I am slightly anemic. Now, am I post-menopausal? Nope. Heavy stuff? Yep. Is the first cause that comes to your mind that I'm bleeding out the colon? NO? Me neither. But that's what he ordered. I was not pleased. The oogie factor hit me hard, and I was like, dangit, I'm NOT 50 yet, there is no indication that I have any problems there, he didn't order an occult blood test series first, and can we please at least consider the 900-lb gorilla in the room before we order TUBES inserted?? Geesh. Even the gastro doc seemed a bit bemused and said, "It's probably menstual related, and the anemia numbers are exactly what you'd expect if that was the cause." So, I decided to wait a bit. I let them do the upper GI endoscope, since I have had reflux for a while, but the other? Not just yet. Drs tend to seem a bit single-minded and hysterical when they order tests, if you ask me. All of sudden it's IMPERATIVE THAT YOU DO THIS RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW!!!! No, it's not. I learned a long time ago that I can say NO to tests - and LIVE! It was a revelation. They also throw meds at you and then often don't tell you if/when you're supposed to come in for monitoring. He gives me Cymbalta, which has a laundry list of possible side-effects. Did anyone schedule a follow-up to check my liver? BP? Nope. I figured out the the elevated BP on my own, and weaned myself off on my own too.

And speaking of grousing about drs (my apolgies to any drs out there reading this. you guys need to slap some sense into some of your colleagues though) I went in a week or so ago for my girlie annual that we all love. Right on time they had me go into the exam room and get ready. So I put on the hankies they give you and hit the light that indicates that I'm ready, and waited. And waited, and waited, and the 45 minute mark, slammed my clothes back on, stepped out of the room, where everyone looked at me blankly. I said, (and yes, I was highly scathing) "When you guys are ready for me, you let me know. I'm going back out to the waiting room." One gal was, "I'm so sorry! But we've had some emergencies and..." I was like, "I understand that, but leaving me in there for 45 minutes, naked and freezing, listening to the WORST muzak I've ever heard in my LIFE, is just wrong!" "Well, do you want to reschedule?" (Yes, those of us who aren't doctors have NOTHING else to do except wait on the schedules of those who ARE right??) "No, I need to get this DONE, and I don't mind waiting, but not if it means I'm going to have to sit in THERE naked and freeze my tookus off for another 30 minutes waiting on the doctor's convenience!" "You mean I forgot to give you a blanket??" Honey, you ALL forgot I was even HERE. (I didn't say that last at least). I did decide to stay and was almost instantly seen by the new nurse practitioner, a lovely person who was very kind, gentle, down-to-earth, and OUR age and gender.

But honestly, I'm ready to leave this doc - a good one actually, but I think he may have lost his focus. He finally opened his "medical spa" where he does boob jobs, g-spot enhancments, microdermabrasions, and liposuction...and Somehow, I'm just not feeling the dedication to gynecology anymore.

OK...Rant over. (for now!)

Thank to all for the kind words about my pendant and chain. FYI - the chain I made from instructions in a book. It is made with fine silver (not sterling) 22 gauge wire, wrapped around a 5/16" mandrel (one of my husband's layout punch set was used). I wrap a coil, and because this wire is so soft, I can cut the coil into links with a pair of sharp embroidery scissors. My Ginghers to be precise. My mother would KILL me if she were still here. ;-)

Anyway, after that, you must carefully butt each link so that the join is touching and perfectly aligned. After that, the rings must be carefully placed on a block of charcoal or a firebrick (I use the firebrick for this) with the joins all facing you. Then I take a microtorch (kind of like a kitchen torch) and carefully heat each link until the link fuses at the join. It's tricky work and requires a bit of practice.

After that each link is formed using pliers, and then woven into the chain, which is then carefully hammered on all sides in 2" sections, using a tiny hammer and a light touch. This compresses and evens the weave. You can pull it through a draw plate too, but since this chain was square I thought hammering would be better. Then you have to continue to anneal and work the chain to give it flexibility. If you aren't careful to anneal often, you can overwork the metal and make it so brittle it breaks. I anneal OFTEN.

That chain is called a double loop-in-loop. Each link is woven through the 2 before it, and the weave is in only one direction. I'm currently working on a two-way double loop-in-loop - it's woven in two directions and is QUITE a bit more difficult. That chain is taking quite a long time, but is going to be smashing WHEN I finish it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree, I hear ya on the colonoscopy. I finally broke down and conceded that I really needed to finally find out what has been wrong with me these last 5 (last 2 have been the worst) years. To that end I went to my GP. After the preliminary bloodwork, he found I am slightly anemic. Now, am I post-menopausal? Nope. Heavy stuff? Yep. Is the first cause that comes to your mind that I'm bleeding out the colon? NO? Me neither. But that's what he ordered. I was not pleased. The oogie factor hit me hard, and I was like, dangit, I'm NOT 50 yet, there is no indication that I have any problems there, he didn't order an occult blood test series first, and can we please at least consider the 900-lb gorilla in the room before we order TUBES inserted?? Geesh. Even the gastro doc seemed a bit bemused and said, "It's probably menstual related, and the anemia numbers are exactly what you'd expect if that was the cause." So, I decided to wait a bit. I let them do the upper GI endoscope, since I have had reflux for a while, but the other? Not just yet. Drs tend to seem a bit single-minded and hysterical when they order tests, if you ask me. All of sudden it's IMPERATIVE THAT YOU DO THIS RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW!!!! No, it's not. I learned a long time ago that I can say NO to tests - and LIVE! It was a revelation. They also throw meds at you and then often don't tell you if/when you're supposed to come in for monitoring. He gives me Cymbalta, which has a laundry list of possible side-effects. Did anyone schedule a follow-up to check my liver? BP? Nope. I figured out the the elevated BP on my own, and weaned myself off on my own too.

And speaking of grousing about drs (my apolgies to any drs out there reading this. you guys need to slap some sense into some of your colleagues though) I went in a week or so ago for my girlie annual that we all love. Right on time they had me go into the exam room and get ready. So I put on the hankies they give you and hit the light that indicates that I'm ready, and waited. And waited, and waited, and the 45 minute mark, slammed my clothes back on, stepped out of the room, where everyone looked at me blankly. I said, (and yes, I was highly scathing) "When you guys are ready for me, you let me know. I'm going back out to the waiting room." One gal was, "I'm so sorry! But we've had some emergencies and..." I was like, "I understand that, but leaving me in there for 45 minutes, naked and freezing, listening to the WORST muzak I've ever heard in my LIFE, is just wrong!" "Well, do you want to reschedule?" (Yes, those of us who aren't doctors have NOTHING else to do except wait on the schedules of those who ARE right??) "No, I need to get this DONE, and I don't mind waiting, but not if it means I'm going to have to sit in THERE naked and freeze my tookus off for another 30 minutes waiting on the doctor's convenience!" "You mean I forgot to give you a blanket??" Honey, you ALL forgot I was even HERE. (I didn't say that last at least). I did decide to stay and was almost instantly seen by the new nurse practitioner, a lovely person who was very kind, gentle, down-to-earth, and OUR age and gender.

Any woman who ever sees a doctor, please read ksinger's very insightful post!
It is a hard thing to realize that doctors are just people too, and they have much less insight into our own physiology than we do! I taught medical assisting (this is most often the individual who helps the doctor in the office setting in these days when a "nurse" is an expensive employee), and one of my major tenets to impart to my students was the role of the patient advocate. I'm so sorry you were neglected as a patient. :(
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Any woman who ever sees a doctor, please read ksinger's very insightful post!
It is a hard thing to realize that doctors are just people too, and they have much less insight into our own physiology than we do! I taught medical assisting (this is most often the individual who helps the doctor in the office setting in these days when a "nurse" is an expensive employee), and one of my major tenets to impart to my students was the role of the patient advocate. I'm so sorry you were neglected as a patient. :(

LOL! I'm not sure it's full of insight. Piss and vinegar maybe. No, my attitude comes from back when I was 30 and was (on the basis of literally NO positive results on a mammogram/sonagram) told I had to have a full excisional biopsy. I was FREAKED. I was like, excise WHAT?? You didn't FIND ANYTHING!!! Well, long story short, I ended up going to a doctor who was a pure diagnostician, and there was nothing wrong. But if I had rolled over and acquiesced, I would have been cut open for nothing. I learned to take a breather and think these things through back then and it has always stood me in good stead. Unless a doctor can give me a better reason than his/her fear of a lawsuit as why I should be probed or have body parts cut or removed - a reason like a clear case of my imminent demise - then they don't get to do it.

I really do hate to have to go in to a doctor and feel as if the relationship is always potentially adversarial. Something is wrong when that is the case, and it all to often is....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
AGBF said:
I am sending love and prayers. I haven't even wanted to start on my health issues and I think that those of you who have talked about your health issues here have been really brave: brave to face them in real life and have them taken care of and brave to talk about them here and thus have to relive them! I want you all to know that I read what you write. I am afraid to start contributing to it. I am afraid to get drawn too far into this thread. But I think you are the most admirable group of women I can imagine. (Unless I were to start thinking of mssionaries who devote their lives to the sick or something, perhaps.)

At any rate, you are all an inspiration. Big hugs, gemgirl!

AGBF, one of the major purposes of this thread was to provide a "safe haven" for those of us who would like to have a little support without having to go into everything, make excuses, or have to deal with the inevitable "I'm so sorry!"

Since you like what we share, feel free (at any time that is comfortable) to share what you like. We're all just regular ladies with too many balls in the air!! :praise:

Deb, I'm not one much for writing a lot about my aches and pains, or woes come to think of it (Y'all count yourselves lucky I don't start down that road). I also think it's admirable for those who choose to do so. As I do those who offer advice and treatment suggestions, some of which I am very thankful to have read about.

I'm also not one much for writing a lot of sympathetic replies. This is largely because I have a huge complex about jinxing people. I no longer send get well cards, congratulations cards etc., for the same reason. But I read every word and quietly wish those that hurt that they soon improve and recover.

But I think this thread is for all aspects of life that affect seasoned posters. It's also great to hear good news, life stories and the odd interjection of humour now and again.

Theres a seat at the table for you Deb, whenever you want to stop by :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree said:
Well, I woke up this morning with my period :angryfire: after not having one since January! The first thing I thought was, darn, now I have to start the 12-month-clock all over again and that means the earliest I'll be in menopause is September 2011-- argghhhhh. That means I'll have been in peri-menopause for nearly 10 years :nono:

Awwww, I'm sorry. I was in peri-meno for 20 yrs. Had my first period when I was 9 and the last at 54! When my doc asked why I was so anxious to finish with all that crap I told her to do the math. 45 yrs of cramps, mood swings, & a flow like the mighty Amazon river.

I first went 11.5 mos without a period and then it started. I was so disappointed. Then 8 mos of real light periods -- a day or two -- and then nothing for the magical 12 mos. NOTHING. Oh happy days!!

You're almost there but Mother Nature wants to yank your chain for a little while longer. Hang in there.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I once had the best gyno ever. I remember he used to practice with another doctor who was not accepting new patients. Luckily, I was friends with someone who went to that practice because she phoned me asap to inform me that the doc I was interested in seeing was starting his own practice. I went to him for over 10 years and he later added another doctor to his practice who actually delivered DD. But about 6+ years ago he gave up practicing medicine altogether. Part of the reason was that here in PA there was a year or more where it was nearly impossible for some doctors to get malpractice insurance so he closed up shop. Good thing his partner went with a different practice that has about 10 doctors in total. But I do remember the malpractice insurance issue was still a problem and one day when I went in for my annual gyno appointment there was no one there. The doors were locked and a notice posted on the door stating that this was their way of protesting and for us to contact our congressmen to let them know how we feel about the whole malpractice issue. Nice of them to call their patients and let them know. I was working at the time and took time off from work. Now I had to reschedule an appointment that took me 3 months to get in the first place. What if there was a problem that couldn't wait 3 more months? This practice even for a while would not accept any pregnant patients and told their current pregnant patients to find a new doctor because they stopped doing any deliveries. I have no idea when but that issue was resolved and the practice now sees all women. They too are becoming more like a spa doctor offering all these different services.

I found out later that my favorite doctor who left his practice did so no only because of the malpractice insurance issue, but also because of a nasty divorce and his teen son ended up a quadriplegic after a diving accident.

I need to schedule my gyno appointment and my mammogram, but I am waiting to see my cardio first later this month. I have had so many xrays and 1 CAT scan (I know I didn't want it, but when my whole heart issue started they wanted to check if I was having a heart attack) and wanted to wait 6 months before expsoing myself to more radiation.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

About the medical and health topics: I really try to stay away from doctors. The biggest reason comes from one of my first experiences as a young woman when I was having a newly preggers exam. The doc was way out of line and less than professional in a sexual way. I left in shock, and kept it to myself and never did anything about it. Young and stupid and way different times back then. It's been difficult for me to trust the medical field since then. I still don't believe I allowed the situation to happen. Anyway, I have found a few doctors over the years, female, that were wonderful, but one stopped practicing to be a stay at home mom. Another decided to teach and stopped seeing patients sending them to her male colleage. He didn't work out for me. Now I go to a different group and see a male doctor. He's good in many ways, but doesn't do gyn stuff. But he sure is pushing me to do the colon thing. We have zero history in the family of those type of issues and I'm just not sure and really don't want that done. My father in law spent a week in the hospital after a puncture in the colon, another friend my age just had a few inches removed because of a small puncture. I think I'm going to wait. Maybe for a lifetime, short or long as it may be. I haven't had a gyn exam since before menopause so that been about 10 years now. I've been able to get my other meds renewed once a year and as long as that continues, I just am going to stay away from the other stuff. Mammogram, I've had a few, but again, zero family history of breast cancer. My family dies of old age or heart attacks. So blood pressure and cholesterol management I'm ok with. The rest of the above, I'll take my chances which are probably on my side. My biggest issue, my back pain, is what I struggle with the most. But if I go see a specialist, they usually want to do some sort of surgical stuff and again so many studies indicate that other options bring as much success. So I plan to stay away until the day I can't walk comes ( if it ever does ). In the meantime, I 'll take my aleve, see my chiro and do my exercises. Have a great day all!

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I've got meetings up the wazoo today, but I wanted to comment on something in Sparkalin's last post --

Sparkalin -- I am so sorry that happened to you. Please, please, please do not blame yourself for not being able to stop it from happening. What that doctor did was unethical and most likely illegal. He took advantage of the patient-doctor relationship (where the doctor has more power than the patient and thus must make sure that he/she respects professional boundaries). Your doctor was in the wrong here, not you!

Every state has a licensing board where patients can file complaints about unethical and illegal behavior on the part of medical professionals (and anyone else who holds a license with the state, even barbers!). Even if you don't want to file a complaint, they are there for you to ask questions and get answers about what is okay and what is not okay behavior on the part of a doctor. You can also look up the record of any doctor with the state licensing board to see if he/she has had complaints filed against him/her.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yah for the sticky for all the cool old broads on PS!! :bigsmile: