
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

JewelFreak said:
Gemgirl, dust and prayers for you! I'm sure you'll get through with flying colors. Update as soon as you feel like it, we'll be thinking of you. Dust, dust, dust, dust your way.

I don't know if we're proud of what we're doing till it's done, are we? Maybe proud for trying something scary and/or new -- like glass-blowing or guitar. But generally the things I am pleased with didn't feel so hot in the process. Such as when I was setting up marketing & sales for my company in Europe & Japan. At the time, especially in the beginning, I was so stressed I couldn't sleep, roamed our apt. in Amsterdam fretting. Afraid of dropping a huge clanger. Once I got more confidence in the job, there was pressure to come up with new marketing programs, more efficient & less expensive avenues of supply, weed out distributors, attract new ones, blah blah. Not that I didn't have fun; I loved the variety & people & knowledge I gained. After a few things succeeded I was pleased w/them but, since you're only as good as your next sales numbers, I felt like, "Ok, that worked. What's next?" In retrospect I'm really pleased -- I left the company 20 yrs ago & they still brag about some of my accomplishments on their website.

Ditto things like helping my mother as she fought cancer for a year, me in Conn., she in Denver. I flew back & forth constantly & gave everything in me to give, with gratitude for the privilege of repaying her goodness to me all my life. After she died I felt glad that for once I was totally there when needed, but I hated every single second of the situation, naturally.

Can't say I'm doing anything now that gives me great pride, except giving every bit of care & happiness possible to an old ailing dog who deserves each & every good thing that happens to him. (Can you tell I'm an animal person, lol?) Again, though, not really pride at the moment -- probably never. I hate the process.

I guess I'm proud of creating the landscaping here; it's been enormous work that I've done all myself. This year for the 1st time in 6 yrs, it looks kind of like what I intended -- though I mostly see the improvements still to be done.

I don't get proud of stuff, actually. Pleased at how something worked, grateful I had the backbone to do this or that, maybe proud I tried something.

--- Laurie

Thank you so much JewelFreak. I know everyone's positive thoughts will make a difference. I'm always so happy for the love and support of my PS gal pals.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
gemgirl said:
Ughh, I've been so out of it for the last few days. Not out of it physically, I'm actually very busy. It's more the apprehension and a tiny bit of dread I'm feeling, and I am so NOT the negative type. I'm pissing myself off! I have that damned colon polypectomy surgery scheduled for next Monday (the 13th) and I'm not looking forward to it, especially after almost bleeding to death because of my first surgeon's negligence in June. Yeah, that was fun. She left a blood vessel open, I lost 40% of my blood to the old porcelain facility and I nearly died. Of course I'm never going back to her. This is with a different person, a man with a sterling reputation for doing "meticulous" surgery. It's not even the prep any more. I know everyone frets that. Hell, I've had one diagnostic colonoscopy and two therapeutic colonoscopies in just a few months. That gallon of gack goes right now at this point. It's the day after. I'm seriously worried about history repeating itself. I know I shouldn't be. This has never happened to me before and I've had eight pelvic surgeries for Gyno problems with nothing negative happening. It's just that the memory of what happened is still too vivid for me..... I think my new heart glitch is weighing into how I feel also. I kept thinking for the last couple of months that all I had to do was get through this next one, then I'd be free to enjoy all the winter holidays after missing out on doing everything fun that we would normally do during the summer. But now I have to see that cardiac specialist a month after this surgery. Geez, I'm really pissed off!

I decided last week to try to totally distract myself by diving into a new jewelry project. I'm excited about it, but still it's not removing my mind *enough* from what's coming up. We have the kickoff of a new Retrouvaille weekend to work at this Friday night, but that's not doing it for me either, even though I have tons of work to do for it before then.

Anywho..... Marian, I'm taking my own advice and I'm designing a new diamond halo pendant for myself that will become part of WF's line when it's done. (I feel so honored!) Your gorgeous HofF upgrade stayed stuck in my mind (it's so spectacular) and I decided to move one of my "someday I'll make that" projects, to a "let's make it now" project. I've been thinking of how I felt and what was going through my mind as I laid there in the ER last June thinking that I actually might not have the time to do all the things I always wanted to do and see all the places I always wanted to see. I didn't mean for that to sound so depressing, it just made me realize that I may have taken "time" for granted. Anyway, it's going to be a new custom design and I haven't quite worked out all of the details in my mind yet, but I'm working on it. One of my dearest real life BFF's Renee told me I'd have to think of a name for it, so I told her I'd think about it. A half hour later, she poked me on the funny pages (I never used those two letters anymore, I don't want another reprimand!) and knowing my life very well, suggested a name (based on something furry of mine) and that was it! So I have the basic idea and I have the name and I now I have some tweeking to do. I will definitely email you!

I know I'm behind in reading all the posts, but I just wanted to say welcome to colorluvr! Please do take Uppy's advice and hook up with all of us you know where.

ksinger, you're such a cool chick! I always like and appreciate what you write and contribute. I'm looking forward to knowing you better.

soocool, I will keep you in prayer, just as much as I do Marian and myself. The veterans of the medical wars.....

I will catch up. I'm just a little frazzled right now.

Gemgirl~please get in touch with me as soon as you are able, following surgery. Have they arranged for you to stay overnight? With everything that happened last time, I would think it should be part of your protocol. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, as always. This must go better than last time. That's the way it has to be and we can't contemplate anything else!! Please give me a call, if you would like. I'm not going anywhere. Don't be concerned about sounding depressed. If we can't express ourselves freely on this thread, then there would be something truly amiss.

I'm so excited about your new pendant! Since this thread started, my ring has received a lot of love. That makes me very happy. I took me a year to pick it out. I have a pendant and earrings that are haloed, too. I'm pretty sure you have seen them. I have my halo pendant on an adjustable chain. Due to the design, I am able to to this. I like being able to wear it with different necklines. Something to think about.

Take good care of yourself. Please keep in close touch. {{{{{gemgirl}}}}}

Hi sweet Marian, I will definitely email you as soon as I get home Monday afternoon to let you know I'm OK, and God forbid if any complications happen, Neil will call you. You're in my cell and on a post-it on my fridge. LOL! I just had my pre-surgery consult this afternoon. They believe that what happened to me in June was the fault of the surgeon and that it won't happen again once I'm in Dr. P's hands. The surgeon's nurse practitioner says I will leave with the same instructions as everyone else does *unless* he finds something flukey once he's inside my colon.

Can you imagine any doctor picking this as their specialty? Blech!

On a lighter note... I chose the diamond for my pendant over the weekend, spoke to Yuketiel this morning, he had it in his hands within five minutes because it was living right down the street from his place, he approved of the stone for eye cleanliness and I'm going to see it tomorrow. Once I loupe it, it will be winging it's way to Houston. And you know those nights when I can't sleep? Well I laid there for the last two nights thinking of doing a whole new design, instead of just modifying a previous WF design. THIS- I'm excited about because it will be something that hasn't been done before. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I have an appointment for my CAD consult next Friday and I'm not giving away any hints...... lalalalala!!!!! Now I'm psyched and I needed to be really psyched to be able to get myself to Monday and the ughhhhh surgery. Yep, I'm making it 16.5" long and it will have a 1.5" extender. Great idea!

I'm really behind and I'm going to try and catch up.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

cellentani said:
gemgirl, you'll be on my mind and in my prayers - I've scoured PS to find some hint of the issues that you've alluded to before! Please keep us posted, and know that we are pulling for you!

And now, I'll take my 41yr old self back to read through all the pages. Seems a little daunting right now, but it's nice to have a thread like this. I've noticed lots of physical aging just in the last year - hair loss (what I pull out of the shower drain would keep a small child warm ;( ), hip pain, lack of stamina, major decrease in metabolism, etc. But, I'm thankful for 4 kids, an 18yr marriage, and relatively good health.

Thank you cellentani. You're always so sweet. I didn't want to say too much about what I went through because it took me more than a month after my surgery to post anything at all about what had happened to me, and as soon as I mentioned "a surgeon's negligence" (as it's been judged by three of my doctors), well let's just say I got hit on the head and reprimanded by one of our fellow PSers who works in the medical field who didn't happen to agree with what I wrote. So I asked Ella to pull the thread for me because I was still upset about almost dying and I couldn't deal with the backlash. In any case, I think this thread is a safe haven for all of us of a certain age and I felt more comfortable talking about it here. I will keep everyone posted.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

packrat said:
Positive thoughts and prayers heading your way Gemgirl!

Thank you packi!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lyra said:
Dust and prayers for Gemgirl. I hope all goes well next week. I'm sure the surgeon will be extra careful given your history. You've been through so much, I'm sorry. Take care.

Thank you dear lyra. Yes, I think they will take especially good care of me this time.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I finally have some good news to report. Since April, I have been undergoing tests, evaluations and more tests to assess the pain in my ribs and breasts. It has been a long and difficult process. I had a scintimammogram, which picked up a spot in my right breast, on Friday. I had the longest ultrasound I have ever had today. The radiologist kept asking for more views. I'm pleased and relieved to share with you that I do not have breast cancer. This disease caused my mother's death at the age that I am now. I am considered high risk and I had to go through a full spectrum of tests. We have new breast center at the hospital and the breast surgeon, who is the director, is extremely thorough. I've mentioned before, that I have been told the ribs will take a long time to heal. I'm exhausted and have a migraine. I'm having an IBS episode, but that is ok today. I have some interpersonal issues I would like to talk about, but I'll save those for another time. I feel as if I can breathe again.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

AGBF said:
gemgirl said:
Ughh, I've been so out of it for the last few days. Not out of it physically, I'm actually very busy. It's more the apprehension and a tiny bit of dread I'm feeling, and I am so NOT the negative type.

I am sending love and prayers. I haven't even wanted to start on my health issues and I think that those of you who have talked about your health issues here have been really brave: brave to face them in real life and have them taken care of and brave to talk about them here and thus have to relive them! I want you all to know that I read what you write. I am afraid to start contributing to it. I am afraid to get drawn too far into this thread. But I think you are the most admirable group of women I can imagine. (Unless I were to start thinking of mssionaries who devote their lives to the sick or something, perhaps.)

At any rate, you are all an inspiration. Big hugs, gemgirl!

Thank you Deb. What you wrote was really so kind. Brave? I guess in the face of adversity, yes. For me, I just didn't want to wind up with colon cancer like my grandmother did, and I was tired of hearing all of my doctors ask me "so when was your last colonoscopy?" I thought- let me get this done and over with and then I don't have to think about it for another five years. I actually didn't even give much thought to waiting for the pathology reports, and when it came back that I had ten precancerous polyps..... well, then I very quietly freaked out but knew I had to handle this and I had to have them taken out. So now I'M one of those annoying people that asks others "when was your last colonoscopy?" because I don't want any of my friends to face what I've had to go through.

Big hugs right back at 'cha!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Catmom said:
Lots of dust and prayers coming your way for next week Gemgirl!

YAY, we are officially a sticky!!!!! Uppy you rock for starting this thread!

I know you've had your own fair share of scary health issues and you understand Michelle. Thank you for the dust and prayers.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
I started to panic (just a little) as I kept going through the list of threads. I thought at first that it was removed because we "chicks" were a little too honest about what is happening with us. I am happy that I glanced up and saw that we are (#1) on top!! Now is that because as we age our eyesight is not what it used to be or because our memory is getting worse we will be able to find it more easily?
Well whatever the reason, Yay!!!! for us.

Gemgirl: I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers throughout the days. You are one strong woman and I am sure everything will go well . It is ok to be scared. You have a strong support network here with this group. You can lean on us whenever you need!!And welcome to all you brave souls who have joined in our rather frank discussions. It is nice to see our community growing!!!

You really are "soocool"! It's amazing, you would think this is just an on line forum and what does that mean? but I've made some really wonderful, amazing, interesting, fun, compassionate friends through PS and I count myself as being one lucky woman to be in the company of such lovely yet strong and powerful women! You rock ladies, and don't forget it - no matter how old you are!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree said:
Yay!! We've made it to "sticky-land"! :appl:

Well, I woke up this morning with my period :angryfire: after not having one since January! The first thing I thought was, darn, now I have to start the 12-month-clock all over again and that means the earliest I'll be in menopause is September 2011-- argghhhhh. That means I'll have been in peri-menopause for nearly 10 years :nono:

And then I wondered if this thread is having the same effect on my period that living in my first apartment with female friends my age -- we all got our periods within days of each other :o

gemgirl, I hope things go well for you. I understand you being worried about the procedure given your past experience (that's an understatement!) with the other doctor. I'm so glad you found a new doctor. I'm sure he will be familiar with your past history and take extra care with you.

A friend our ours almost died of a serious infection after a routine colonoscopy, so I put off my age-50 screening because I was so afraid that something like what happened to you or him would happen to me. Interestingly, it was Mariposa's thread about her battle with colon cancer that got me off my butt (!) and into the exam room. I was lucky that I did not delay it any longer because I had to have two polyectomies to remove one very large (fortunately benign) polyp and several smaller ones. I have to go back in six months for a re-check. I, too, am a pro at the gunk they make you drink! I think of it as a "spa day" treatment (cleanse) ha-ha, to get through it. My doctor is one of the best in our area, but I'm still nervous every time I have to go under.

Oh Portree, you make sure you take care of yourself too and keep your schedule and go back for your recheck.

I guess I couldn't deal with Mariposa's thread when it was happening. I hurt so badly for her, even though she was being incredibly strong and brave. I just reread her thread yesterday and was so terribly sorry to find that she never posted again. I feel so sad for our friend and what may have happened. It's all the more reason to take extra good care of ourselves, to honor her battle. To call up that kind of strength within ourselves. I can't say anymore.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
Hi everyone :wavey: Gemgirl asked to let everyone know that she is unable to get into PS. Ella has been notified. She would like to acknowledge all of your kind wishes and will do so when she is able to log in again. Let's hope that it is soon!

Yes, I wanted to thank my two PS angels for helping me regain my ability to log in.

I'm so sorry I've been hogging this thread with replies to everyone. You've all been so sweet!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I finally have some good news to report. Since April, I have been undergoing tests, evaluations and more tests to assess the pain in my ribs and breasts. It has been a long and difficult process. I had a scintimammogram, which picked up a spot in my right breast, on Friday. I had the longest ultrasound I have ever had today. The radiologist kept asking for more views. I'm pleased and relieved to share with you that I do not have breast cancer. This disease caused my mother's death at the age that I am now. I am considered high risk and I had to go through a full spectrum of tests. We have new breast center at the hospital and the breast surgeon, who is the director, is extremely thorough. I've mentioned before, that I have been told the ribs will take a long time to heal. I'm exhausted and have a migraine. I'm having an IBS episode, but that is ok today. I have some interpersonal issues I would like to talk about, but I'll save those for another time. I feel as if I can breathe again.

Marian, I am so incredibly relieved and happy for you!!! You go and lay down and take good care of yourself and come back as soon as you're feeling up to it. I can appreciate what you went through since my Mom had breast cancer too and I had one crummy scare, but it's not you because you're fine! Yay!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I finally have some good news to report. Since April, I have been undergoing tests, evaluations and more tests to assess the pain in my ribs and breasts. It has been a long and difficult process. I had a scintimammogram, which picked up a spot in my right breast, on Friday. I had the longest ultrasound I have ever had today. The radiologist kept asking for more views. I'm pleased and relieved to share with you that I do not have breast cancer. This disease caused my mother's death at the age that I am now. I am considered high risk and I had to go through a full spectrum of tests. We have new breast center at the hospital and the breast surgeon, who is the director, is extremely thorough. I've mentioned before, that I have been told the ribs will take a long time to heal. I'm exhausted and have a migraine. I'm having an IBS episode, but that is ok today. I have some interpersonal issues I would like to talk about, but I'll save those for another time. I feel as if I can breathe again.

Oh outstanding! That's wonderful news! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I finally have some good news to report. Since April, I have been undergoing tests, evaluations and more tests to assess the pain in my ribs and breasts. It has been a long and difficult process. I had a scintimammogram, which picked up a spot in my right breast, on Friday. I had the longest ultrasound I have ever had today. The radiologist kept asking for more views. I'm pleased and relieved to share with you that I do not have breast cancer. This disease caused my mother's death at the age that I am now. I am considered high risk and I had to go through a full spectrum of tests. We have new breast center at the hospital and the breast surgeon, who is the director, is extremely thorough. I've mentioned before, that I have been told the ribs will take a long time to heal. I'm exhausted and have a migraine. I'm having an IBS episode, but that is ok today. I have some interpersonal issues I would like to talk about, but I'll save those for another time. I feel as if I can breathe again.

So great to hear! My maternal grandmother is a survivor, she had a double mastectomy in her early fifties. My Great Aunt Barbara (my maternal grandfather's sister) is battling it right now. She had a double mastectomy last year. She went through chemo, it came back in her lungs. She's stopped treatment and is enjoying life as much as she can. They're both brave and strong women. I admire them immensely.

This makes my mom as high risk as they come. She's 44, I tell her to get a mammogram every year.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Laughter is the best medicine, and I'm so happy that it is treating those posting here for the best!! Marian, hip hip hooray!!! Gemgirl, I know you're going to have a happy outcome too! Let's all keep up the happy spirits and share the good and funny things happening too. The sun always comes through the rain. God bless you ALL!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I finally have some good news to report. Since April, I have been undergoing tests, evaluations and more tests to assess the pain in my ribs and breasts. It has been a long and difficult process. I had a scintimammogram, which picked up a spot in my right breast, on Friday. I had the longest ultrasound I have ever had today. The radiologist kept asking for more views. I'm pleased and relieved to share with you that I do not have breast cancer. This disease caused my mother's death at the age that I am now. I am considered high risk and I had to go through a full spectrum of tests. We have new breast center at the hospital and the breast surgeon, who is the director, is extremely thorough. I've mentioned before, that I have been told the ribs will take a long time to heal. I'm exhausted and have a migraine. I'm having an IBS episode, but that is ok today. I have some interpersonal issues I would like to talk about, but I'll save those for another time. I feel as if I can breathe again.

I'm over the moon for you Marian, I really am! Hugs XXX
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

risingsun said:
I finally have some good news to report. Since April, I have been undergoing tests, evaluations and more tests to assess the pain in my ribs and breasts. It has been a long and difficult process. I had a scintimammogram, which picked up a spot in my right breast, on Friday. I had the longest ultrasound I have ever had today. The radiologist kept asking for more views. I'm pleased and relieved to share with you that I do not have breast cancer. This disease caused my mother's death at the age that I am now. I am considered high risk and I had to go through a full spectrum of tests. We have new breast center at the hospital and the breast surgeon, who is the director, is extremely thorough. I've mentioned before, that I have been told the ribs will take a long time to heal. I'm exhausted and have a migraine. I'm having an IBS episode, but that is ok today. I have some interpersonal issues I would like to talk about, but I'll save those for another time. I feel as if I can breathe again.

What wonderful, wonderful news! I am so relieved for you and just plain thrilled-tears in my eyes.

Please rest up and take good care of yourself.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Am I following the posts correctly that yesterday was Gemgirl's colonoscopy? I've been sending healing vibes and am wondering how she's doing.

Thinking of you GG.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
Laughter is the best medicine, and I'm so happy that it is treating those posting here for the best!! Marian, hip hip hooray!!! Gemgirl, I know you're going to have a happy outcome too! Let's all keep up the happy spirits and share the good and funny things happening too. The sun always comes through the rain. God bless you ALL!!

Uppy, I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for suggesting this thread and this place for all of us to share. You really are a cool lady with a great head on your shoulders. You knew this is what we needed and you made it happen for all of us. Big <<<hugs>>>!

Yes, good and happy things.... I bought a new diamond today. Yay!!! I'm super excited about my new project, and in two weeks, I'll have preliminary CADs to share. It's going to be different :-).

The things I'm grateful for- I have a wonderful husband who loves me to pieces and works very hard for us (me and the furbabies). He is nine years younger than I am but thinks I'm the best thing since sliced bread. Our relationship grew stronger than I ever thought it could be as a result of what I went through a few months ago and that feeling is NOT wearing off for either of us. It really proved we could get through *anything* together. We both know we are really blessed.

I am also thrilled that I am going to have the opportunity to meet some of my Pricescope girlfriends in person in a few weeks and I am totally over the moon about that! I'll tell you all more about that in a couple of days :-). And there will be pictures, plenty o'pictures!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom said:
Am I following the posts correctly that yesterday was Gemgirl's colonoscopy? I've been sending healing vibes and am wondering how she's doing.

Thinking of you GG.

Hey Gayle, no I'm going on the 13th, next Monday. Thank you so much! I am convinced now, I'm going to be fine.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Gayletmom said:
Am I following the posts correctly that yesterday was Gemgirl's colonoscopy? I've been sending healing vibes and am wondering how she's doing.

Thinking of you GG.

Hey Gayle, no I'm going on the 13th, next Monday. Thank you so much! I am convinced now, I'm going to be fine.

And afterward, you'll be encouraged to fart loudly in public! Please invoke all of your PS buddies when you do so!!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gemgirl, you're expecting a new diamond with the accompanying joy of planning a new home for it. You have a wonderfully doting husband who loves you through thick and thin. And then you're going to have a PS GTG?? You are one lucky, LUCKY lady!!! I'm so happy for you. Fart away, woman. Fart away!! :bigsmile:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Love your approach Gemgirl! I'll be sending support your way and looking forward to a successful result.

I'm so glad you have a PS GTG to look forward to soon. I live near New Orleans and I'm not aware of any other PS'rs nearby. I keep toying with the idea of hopping on a plane for one of the other GTGs!

Speaking of hopping on a plane, it looks like I'm going to be meeting DH in NY later this month for a weekend get away. I'm pretty excited for lots of reasons but one is that we are going to visit GOG. I want to see the AV cushions and rounds in person as I am in the planning stages of an upgrade to my ering. Which, of course, leads to the next project of setting my original ering diamond into a pendant. Two upcoming projects!

I'll keep you all posted.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom said:
Love your approach Gemgirl! I'll be sending support your way and looking forward to a successful result.

I'm so glad you have a PS GTG to look forward to soon. I live near New Orleans and I'm not aware of any other PS'rs nearby. I keep toying with the idea of hopping on a plane for one of the other GTGs!

Speaking of hopping on a plane, it looks like I'm going to be meeting DH in NY later this month for a weekend get away. I'm pretty excited for lots of reasons but one is that we are going to visit GOG. I want to see the AV cushions and rounds in person as I am in the planning stages of an upgrade to my ering. Which, of course, leads to the next project of setting my original ering diamond into a pendant. Two upcoming projects!

I'll keep you all posted.

Jealous. Burning. Envy. WANT.


Do keep us posted....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I've just gotten up from a long nap. Thank you all for celebrating my good news with me. Who knew I would be posting such intimate details of my life on the internet! I feel safe and cared for and about in this group. That's a wonderful feeling. You are all such good people and it is a blessing that we have come into each others' lives.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:

Jealous. Burning. Envy. WANT.


Do keep us posted....

I really understand, Karen. I have been stalking the GOG AV stones for 12 or 18 months now. I can't seem to help it, it's like my browser just goes there automatically. I'm really excited to see them in person. I'll be looking and learning for all of us so let me know if there's anything I can eyeball for you.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks for the update, Gemgirl. I'll write more later. My eyes are starting to close ::) If someone doesn't like one of your threads, let me know. I'll tell them to sod off :x
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gayletmom said:
ksinger said:

Jealous. Burning. Envy. WANT.


Do keep us posted....

I really understand, Karen. I have been stalking the GOG AV stones for 12 or 18 months now. I can't seem to help it, it's like my browser just goes there automatically. I'm really excited to see them in person. I'll be looking and learning for all of us so let me know if there's anything I can eyeball for you.

Just add a bucket-o-drool on my behalf, OK? Oh, and ask Jonathon whatever happened to that amazing 1.74 carat flawless O round he had. I seem to recall him saying something about it not selling and perhaps having it re-cut. I'm hoping some lucky person got to purchase it as it was. It was a stone that many of us poorer girls lusted after - large, and allllmost do-able. I asked my husband if we had an extra $7800 lying around and he pretty much gave me "the look". I took it to mean NO. But I DID try. ;))

Oh, and there is one AV cushion - 1.09 carats - a "please call for price" deal. I've been drooling on that one. Y-Z color. I do love the color. :) And that would be perfect to drop into a mounting I have that currently sports a 6mm amethyst, waiting for the day it can hold a yellow cushion diamond. :naughty:

Right now I NEED a distraction. I have a "procedure" today and I already feel like hammered poo. The weather has changed (I think the forecast is "biblical deluge") and I feel every pressure change in every joint. AND I can't have my friggin' COFFEE this morning, which just makes me feel even worse, not to mention making me STUPID. (er) If I didn't feel so cruddy, I'd probably have the energy, (along with the inclination I currently have) to kill in order to get caffeine.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger, hugs to you today . Sending you dust that your procedure goes well. If it is any consolation I had to cut out all caffeine for the next 28 days until we can figure out what is going on with my heart. That means no chocolate also! ;(

I have been keping track of my symptoms and I feel the worst first thing in the morning. I get up at 6 am and for at least the next hour I feel all sorts of weird things in my chest. Started to log my blood pressure and at 6:15 it was 150/100 ( I normally have low bp) Right now at 8:25 it was 112/80. I have noticed that it has been rather high in the am and is low the rest of the day. That has me very worried. Waiting until 9am to call the doctor to see if someone will give me the results of my stress test.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
ksinger, hugs to you today . Sending you dust that your procedure goes well. If it is any consolation I had to cut out all caffeine for the next 28 days until we can figure out what is going on with my heart. That means no chocolate also! ;(

I have been keping track of my symptoms and I feel the worst first thing in the morning. I get up at 6 am and for at least the next hour I feel all sorts of weird things in my chest. Started to log my blood pressure and at 6:15 it was 150/100 ( I normally have low bp) Right now at 8:25 it was 112/80. I have noticed that it has been rather high in the am and is low the rest of the day. That has me very worried. Waiting until 9am to call the doctor to see if someone will give me the results of my stress test.

Thanks soocool. This procedure is really not a big deal - an annual cancer screening. In fact, I'm not sure he initially wanted to do it this year since it's been 7 years now, but with all the other stuff going on with me, I guess he decided he wanted to after all, just to be on the safe side.

I can only imagine having a truly serious and scary heart problem. My own recent brush with tachycardia showed me the edge of how NOT fun that is. So here's to hoping the results of your stress test are good, and that they can get you stabilized and on an even keel again.

And that living without chocolate, well, what on earth are they thinking? It's just unnecessary cruelty in my book. :knockout: ;))