
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable|1316533026|3021357 said:
Good for you!! And what a great friend you are being! I happen to hate Denise Austin with a burning passion. Goes back to a pregnancy workout I had with her, and her damned cheeriness throughout made me want to pierce her freakin' face with a sharp object. But I think I'm going to have to look for a low impact workout. This way I don't have to "get dressed" and I can still get some exercise.
Thanks, SoCool. Maybe you've motivated another.

I think Jane Fonda put out another workout dvd last year. I want to check that one out. The Denise Austin (she's not my favorite either)one I have is a low impact one and is the only low impact one I own. There is no way I can do the other ones I have anymore. There was another person who used to put out exercise videos Kathy??? that I used to do years and years ago. She would be in her late 50s or early 60s now. I wish there were more for us 40+ exercisers.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Popping in... I have a DVD rec!

I have bad knees and with the heat this summer I couldn't make myself walk outside.. I picked up this DVD and it's actually a pretty great way to lose weight! She is a little too cheerful for me, so I just turn the TV on mute and play some music.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

OUpeargirl|1316744807|3023525 said:
Popping in... I have a DVD rec!

I have bad knees and with the heat this summer I couldn't make myself walk outside.. I picked up this DVD and it's actually a pretty great way to lose weight! She is a little too cheerful for me, so I just turn the TV on mute and play some music.

Thanks for this! I have been researching exercise dvd's for people over 50 and I realized that except for Jane Fonda just releasing her new dvd out last year there is not much that is low impact that will make a change in our bodies. I researched Leslie Sansone and found good reviews. I will check it out.

BTW, after we have been doing the low impact for awhile I started doing lunges and squats again and my friend started doing them as well (more gently though) and boy her thighs are really looking toned. She also said that her knees are hurting less too. Maybe strengthening her thighs are helping her knees. She wants to go shopping because her pants are "TOO BIG!" yeah.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just popping in to sweep away the cobwebs and say hello! Hope everyone is well - not much is new with me, although going along with the posts about exercise, I've been going on the treadmill everyday for the past two weeks, and I have to say it's really helped with my random aches and pains. My knees don't bother me anymore, and this morning I realized that when I got out of bed I didn't have any stiffness! I'm kind of excited about it. Also been doing some upper body work. I'm motivated to do it now, since I seem to be seeing results.

My mother had a stroke last year, so since then I've been staying with her 3 - 4 days a week and I won't lie, sometimes it gets me down a little. She's doing ok, things could be worse but they could be better as well. Her short term memory is pretty bad - every time I'm there, she asks me the same questions over and over and it gets a little depressing sometimes. Her appetite is pretty poor too - she really doesn't have a desire to eat anything but chinese food :errrr: Great diet for someone recovering from a stroke *sigh*. My brother lives with her, so thankfully she has someone with her full time. His work schedule is flexible, so he's able to be there when I'm not. My reasons for going are mostly to keep her company, get her meals (when she's willing to eat) and do some cleaning and laundry. Her favorite pastimes are knitting and watching tv ,so needless to say, I do a lot of sitting while I'm there. That's one of the main reasons I started going on the treadmill on the days I'm home- I was feeling so inactive I was starting to scare myself!

On the plus side, she can get around with a walker, feed herself, use the bathroom, change clothes (although lately she's taken to staying in her nightgown all day) , and her general health is good so things could definitely be worse.

Hmm, this post ended up being a downer - sorry! Guess I needed to vent a little!- Hope everyone is doing ok!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug, sorry to hear about your mom. Did they have your mom go through physical therapy after her stroke? My dad (in his 80s) had a pulmonary embolism last year and since then he has been depressed and moody. My sister and I decided that we need to get him moving. He had never been sedentary in his entire life so he went to PT 3 times a week for the past couple of months (my sister and I paid for this) and it has made an enormous difference. He has moved back into assisted living after staying with my sister for a while and he has joined a dance class there. His memory, I won't say has improved, but it hasn't declined any further and he is laughing again. Perhaps if she joined a seniors group she will get out of the house and start to become more mobile and independent again.

And kudos to you walking on the treadmill. My friend is doing very well (dropped at least 2 sizes so far, perhaps more she won't tell me) and we get together twice a week to work out together and find ourselves challenging each other. My belly is flat now, but I have to find an exercise that will really tone my butt! I have been doing lunges and they have really strengthened and toned my thighs. Maybe I need to incorporate more squats. I am still doing the Denise Austin exercises and haven't gotten a chance to check out the Leslie Sansone dvds yet.

Anyone know of any great butt toning exercises??
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks for listening, and for understanding soocool! I'm so glad to hear your dad is more active now, and in better spirits. Sounds like he really benefited from the PT. Being active is so beneficial to a person in so many ways. My mother was in a re-hab center for 6 weeks and received PT there, and when she came home a therapist came to the house a few times a week for about 4 weeks. My brother and I tried to continue doing the exercises with her, but she has been pretty sedentary for many years and just didn't want to do them. We got tired of arguing with/cajoling her, so we eventually just gave up. I feel very guilty about it. One of her friends used to call and ask her if she wanted to go to the weekly senior club meeting, and my mother would always say no, so the friend just stopped asking. And I always offer to take her out but she never wants to. It's a little frustrating in the sense that my mother seems bothered by her immobility, but won't really work on improving it. My sister's take on it is that my mother should just be allowed to spend her remaining days the way she wants to, but it's kind of sad to see a person give up completely on herself. I think my mother views herself as an invalid because of her limitations. I also think she's depressed, but she'd never admit that in a bazillion years.

As for butt firming exercises, I notice youtube has a bunch of videos. I didn't get a chance to watch them, but they might be worth checking out. Squats are good, too. It's great that you and your friend work out together. Makes it more fun, and helps pass the time I'm sure!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Mini rant -- I am deep in the throes of Geezerdom today....

Annoyance at and complete impatience with and total intolerance for:
All things Hollywood;
Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts videos hawking sundry goods for fundraising. Seriously...videos & sent out by their parents to local organizations;
Any seller of goods or services who does not meet my high expectations of customer service;
Malnourished models;
Designer clothes -- women like wearing hats that look like giant sperm?;
Men...because, well, they're men;
Reality TV -- why do people like to make fools of themselves and why do others like to watch them?;
Women who whine about anything (including me whining about whining women);
Women prostituting & exploiting themselves in the name of fashion & beauty;
Ill mannered people;
Justin Bieber;
Anything to do with Twilight;
Our hesitancy to limit breeding in certain situations. Please spare us from more Kardashians, Hiltons, or Lohans.

mini rant over. Matata toddles off for a nap.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ok, now I know I'm really getting old...I was thinking the other day that my daughter was turning 22 this month...then I stopped and thought for a moment, and did the math...she's turning 23!!! :oops: I forgot how old my daughter was! I cannot believe that she's going to be 23 in less than month, just. cannot. believe. it.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1331160018|3143342 said:
Ok, now I know I'm really getting old...I was thinking the other day that my daughter was turning 22 this month...then I stopped and thought for a moment, and did the math...she's turning 23!!! :oops: I forgot how old my daughter was! I cannot believe that she's going to be 23 in less than month, just. cannot. believe. it.

I hear ya! I keep thinking in my head that I am 30... even 40 on some days, then that damn mirror gets in the way and I know that 1 of us is lying (I'm thinking the mirror is broken....) and wonder, where did the time go? How come my kids who were babies yesterday, are grown ups - living away from home - today????

Doing pension planning stuff at work as well and thinking - this is stuff my PARENTS do, not ME!!! Ai Yi Yi! Not a fan of aging....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Enerchi|1331162027|3143377 said:
junebug17|1331160018|3143342 said:
Ok, now I know I'm really getting old...I was thinking the other day that my daughter was turning 22 this month...then I stopped and thought for a moment, and did the math...she's turning 23!!! :oops: I forgot how old my daughter was! I cannot believe that she's going to be 23 in less than month, just. cannot. believe. it.

I hear ya! I keep thinking in my head that I am 30... even 40 on some days, then that damn mirror gets in the way and I know that 1 of us is lying (I'm thinking the mirror is broken....) and wonder, where did the time go? How come my kids who were babies yesterday, are grown ups - living away from home - today????

Doing pension planning stuff at work as well and thinking - this is stuff my PARENTS do, not ME!!! Ai Yi Yi! Not a fan of aging....

It's kinda crazy, isn't it? I look in the mirror and say to myself "who is that???" And talking to my husband about retirement? How can that be? I knew the man when he was 18, for goodness sake! Just all feels a little strange sometimes :?

My mantra these days is "at least I have my health, at least I have my health, at least..." It helps a little lol
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1331171288|3143551 said:
Enerchi|1331162027|3143377 said:
junebug17|1331160018|3143342 said:
Ok, now I know I'm really getting old...I was thinking the other day that my daughter was turning 22 this month...then I stopped and thought for a moment, and did the math...she's turning 23!!! :oops: I forgot how old my daughter was! I cannot believe that she's going to be 23 in less than month, just. cannot. believe. it.

I hear ya! I keep thinking in my head that I am 30... even 40 on some days, then that damn mirror gets in the way and I know that 1 of us is lying (I'm thinking the mirror is broken....) and wonder, where did the time go? How come my kids who were babies yesterday, are grown ups - living away from home - today????

Doing pension planning stuff at work as well and thinking - this is stuff my PARENTS do, not ME!!! Ai Yi Yi! Not a fan of aging....

It's kinda crazy, isn't it? I look in the mirror and say to myself "who is that???" And talking to my husband about retirement? How can that be? I knew the man when he was 18, for goodness sake! Just all feels a little strange sometimes :?

My mantra these days is "at least I have my health, at least I have my health, at least..." It helps a little lol

Yes, this is what is happening exactly! What the heck happened to the last 20 years of my life. They went by so darn quickly! Figuring out retirement strategies and how did it happen where I used to be the youngest in a room I am now near the oldest. :shock:

There is one good thing about getting older and that's the fact that I do (mostly) as I (and my dh) please because life is too short to spend it pleasing others! I refuse to spend time with people I don't like and I am not afraid to say no. No is a freeing word and I enjoy using it to my advantage. But I usually add a thanks at the end because manners are always in style no matter your age.

I'll take aging any day over the alternative for sure!
The best we can hope for is to age with grace and good health and if we cannot always manage the grace I sure hope the good health will be there!;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

^ Missy, I so agree with you - I feel a little freer now that I'm older - I'm always nice about it, because I don't want to turn into the kind of older person that thinks they can say whatever they want just because they're older :cheeky: But if feels kinda good to not worry so much about what other people think and do what makes me feel comfortable.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


My back is acting up again. After having a series of those numbing injections about 5 years ago, the pain largely subsided. It's the usual herniated disc stuff. I decided to try acupuncture-what the heck, but after one session I've felt no improvement.

Do any of you have acupuncture experience? Wondering if I should give it another try or if anyone else got relief, but only after several sessions.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

lulu|1333134672|3160057 said:

My back is acting up again. After having a series of those numbing injections about 5 years ago, the pain largely subsided. It's the usual herniated disc stuff. I decided to try acupuncture-what the heck, but after one session I've felt no improvement.

Do any of you have acupuncture experience? Wondering if I should give it another try or if anyone else got relief, but only after several sessions.

I had my first ever acupuncture treatments last week for really bad pain due to a nerve impingement. Couldn't raise my left arm, pain was continuous and I hadn't slept in 3 weeks. I had immediate improvement during the first session and was at 95% of normal after 2nd session. He wanted me to go back for a 3rd session that week, but I could handle those needles only 2 days in a row. I will go back because I have a whole slew of joint issues and I'm curious if acupuncture will help with those. I was quite surprised that it worked.

He just kept sticking needles in until I was able to tell him that the pain was subsiding. Did you go back on consecutive days? Maybe that makes a difference.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks for the input, Matata. I never went back. We returned to Michigan last week from FL and it just isn't available in my small town here. My back got progressively worse until I took Norflex for a week. My own fault-I decided it was okay to try running after a long absence.

When we're in FL next year I think I'll give it another try.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Where has this thread been all my (getting older) life?!! :lol: :lol: So glad to have found it! I swear aliens have come replaced all the mirrors I come in contact with as some strategy for trying to make me lose my mind, but I will persevere! No, that is not me in the mirror! My me is not that old wrinkly thing! That looks like my mother!

And I refuse to acknowledge that my knee and lower back pain exists! It is not from gardening! it is not age-related!

Okay, rant officially over.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Well I'm sad to report that we must have all died because our thread has become so threadbare. I can officially report that I have finally reached menopause and I am delighted. Aunt Flo has left da houze. She came to visit when I was 9 yrs old and stayed 48 yrs. Way too long for anybody to visit and I thought she'd never leave.

I have been working out at the gym, doing Zumba and hiking a lot now that the weather has finally warmed up. My butt, which used to flap against the back of my knees is now mid thigh so it's never too late to improve. I wonder what it will feel like to sit if it ever goes back to the proper position. My face, however, is taking over the empty space left by my butt. Seriously thinking of getting a little work done this winter. Why is it so damn hard to control one's cheeks?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1340151237|3219743 said:
Well I'm sad to report that we must have all died because our thread has become so threadbare. I can officially report that I have finally reached menopause and I am delighted. Aunt Flo has left da houze. She came to visit when I was 9 yrs old and stayed 48 yrs. Way too long for anybody to visit and I thought she'd never leave.

I have been working out at the gym, doing Zumba and hiking a lot now that the weather has finally warmed up. My butt, which used to flap against the back of my knees is now mid thigh so it's never too late to improve. I wonder what it will feel like to sit if it ever goes back to the proper position. My face, however, is taking over the empty space left by my butt. Seriously thinking of getting a little work done this winter. Why is it so damn hard to control one's cheeks?

LOL Matata, funny! :bigsmile:

Good for you re working out and feeling good! :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1340151237|3219743 said:
Well I'm sad to report that we must have all died because our thread has become so threadbare. I can officially report that I have finally reached menopause and I am delighted. Aunt Flo has left da houze. She came to visit when I was 9 yrs old and stayed 48 yrs. Way too long for anybody to visit and I thought she'd never leave.

I have been working out at the gym, doing Zumba and hiking a lot now that the weather has finally warmed up. My butt, which used to flap against the back of my knees is now mid thigh so it's never too late to improve. I wonder what it will feel like to sit if it ever goes back to the proper position. My face, however, is taking over the empty space left by my butt. Seriously thinking of getting a little work done this winter. Why is it so damn hard to control one's cheeks?


You know, this is going to sound really weird, but I think I'm going to be a little depressed when AF stops paying a visit. She's still showing up, but not staying as long. I can't even really say why - maybe I'm viewing it as another sign of getting older - not even that, that I'm getting...different. I look different, I feel different and that change is going to contribute to my feeling of not being the same as I was. Needless to say, I'm not handling getting older very well. I'm trying, but dam it's hard sometimes!

Good for you for getting some exercise Matata - at this stage of the game it's so important. My husband is always quoting these studies on how beneficial exercising is for physical and mental health as we continue to age.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Junebug there is no rule that says we have to age gracefully so do it your way because you've earned the right. I totally agree with your DH about the "use it or lose it" adage especially as we age; exercise helps not only with joint problems but also releases endorphins that elevates mood. I have a friend who turned 93 today and she is my inspiration. Always has a positive outlook and she's determined to live to 100. We celebrated by cracking open the Stolichnaya elit vodka I gave her as a gift. She loves her vodka. Maybe that's why she's so mentally sharp :bigsmile: I, on the other hand, had 2 sips and was reduced to a drooling idiot. It's a sad day when I can't hold my own against a 93 yr. old.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1340163651|3219932 said:
Junebug there is no rule that says we have to age gracefully so do it your way because you've earned the right. I totally agree with your DH about the "use it or lose it" adage especially as we age; exercise helps not only with joint problems but also releases endorphins that elevates mood. I have a friend who turned 93 today and she is my inspiration. Always has a positive outlook and she's determined to live to 100. We celebrated by cracking open the Stolichnaya elit vodka I gave her as a gift. She loves her vodka. Maybe that's why she's so mentally sharp :bigsmile: I, on the other hand, had 2 sips and was reduced to a drooling idiot. It's a sad day when I can't hold my own against a 93 yr. old.

Thanks for the bolded Matata, that was nice of you to say and made me feel better! :cheeky: And yes, there's no denying the benefits of exercise - since I've been getting my butt on the treadmill and doing some basic floor exercises my knees don't hurt and I'm in an more upbeat mood. I can really see a difference.

Your friend sounds awesome! Now that's growing old gracefully! Good for her - she's enjoying every minute of her life, and that's how it should be. I've read where a positive outlook can literally help you live longer. Lol on the vodka - maybe she's on to something! :D
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Yes, I forgot about this thread as well. I have been in menopause I'm guessing about 7 years now. ...I forget. I will be 56 later this year. Don't miss Aunt Flo at all. I do agree with everyone regarding exercise. I have been slim all my life, but amazing once I stepped up my exercise I dropped about 15 pounds (I wasn't really trying) and firmed my muscles. I can't believe how toned my butt is! It looks good ladies! I am not ashamed to say so and this summer I have not been ashamed to show it off in a bathing suit.

I don't think I would ever get work done on my face though. I am lucky that I have no wrinkles, but the face is sagging a bit and the neck is not as firm as it once was.

On another note Katy Couric is getting a talk show on ABC and I saw a blurb the other day about one of the show's segmant that addresses calcium pills and bone density. Katy stated that according to her gynecologist, once you are in menopause and not on HRT then taking calcium supplements will not help your bones. Her gynecologist said the time to think about your bones is before you hit 30. I will try to see if I can find anything online about this. I did get a dexa scan (baseline) once I hit menopause (around age 48) and I have always been an exerciser though I have slender bones.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Soocool, congrats on getting exercising and getting in such good shape! Awesome! :appl: it ain't easy, especially at this stage of the game. :cheeky:

I'm glad you brought up the subject of calcium supplements - I'm in perimenapause and realized I'm not taking any vitamins or supplements and am thinking I probably should be. :confused: I'm going to mention this to my 23 year old daughter - who knows if she'll listen though, when you're 23 you think you're going to be young forever! ha! I have a Gyno appointment soon, I'll ask her what she recommends. Sounds like it might be too late to get any benefit from calcium. Hmm.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1341029273|3226383 said:
Soocool, congrats on getting exercising and getting in such good shape! Awesome! :appl: it ain't easy, especially at this stage of the game. :cheeky:

I'm glad you brought up the subject of calcium supplements - I'm in perimenapause and realized I'm not taking any vitamins or supplements and am thinking I probably should be. :confused: I'm going to mention this to my 23 year old daughter - who knows if she'll listen though, when you're 23 you think you're going to be young forever! ha! I have a Gyno appointment soon, I'll ask her what she recommends. Sounds like it might be too late to get any benefit from calcium. Hmm.

Ifound the video of this segment online. My DD already listened to it and I hope she paid attention.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Turning 45 in Sept & just gonna sneak in & camp out here to feel young .... :tongue: :devil: :wink2: :D

Don't worry ... don't worry ... y'all are all gonna look SKINNIER (and probably WISER) in comparison to me. :Up_to_something:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

decodelighted|1341615612|3229795 said:
Turning 45 in Sept & just gonna sneak in & camp out here to feel young .... :tongue: :devil: :wink2: :D

Don't worry ... don't worry ... y'all are all gonna look SKINNIER (and probably WISER) in comparison to me. :Up_to_something:
You're welcome to pop in here anytime. You youngin's could learn a thing or two from us old timers! lol
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Matata|1341973085|3232081 said:

This reminds me of the sanitary pads and belt I wore when I first got my period. Thank goodness for stick on maxi pads that soon followed in the 1970s.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool|1342133044|3232995 said:
Matata|1341973085|3232081 said:

This reminds me of the sanitary pads and belt I wore when I first got my period. Thank goodness for stick on maxi pads that soon followed in the 1970s.

Oh my gosh, I remember that! :sick: Seems so old-fashioned now - I still remember my mother explaining the whole thing to me, and how everything would shift around after a while :cheeky: - thank goodness for progress lol