
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I like them VRBeauty!! You had me at super comfy hehe! They're really cute and I think the wedge dresses them up a bit to wear with skirts, but they'll also look great with capris, jeans etc. Nice choice!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1364358047|3414310 said:
I like them VRBeauty!! You had me at super comfy hehe! They're really cute and I think the wedge dresses them up a bit to wear with skirts, but they'll also look great with capris, jeans etc. Nice choice!

Thanks Junebug! They have proven to be comfy, and you're right, they are pretty versatile.

Which didn't stop me from getting these:


They're from Clarks, so they actually have a nice contoured, padded footbed. They'll be good with casual skirts.

And then, I got these:


What can I say? A couple of pairs of shoes died last year. And besides, it's not every day I come across shoes I actually like that work with these feet!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

The big day is finally here!!! tomorrow 6:30 am is my report time to the hopefully aptly named Serenity Spa. Its not really a spa but the day surgery wing of our hospital;)
I need lots of dust please, for my surgeons steady hand, and keen eye. Went for my pre-op visit Friday and he said he is going to definitely going to put a small implant in the "good" side to plump it up. We are going with a tissue expander in the left side. Even though that side had an implant for 18! Years, a tissue expander will allow the area to accommodate the implant better than if he just shoved a 400 cc implant in. He feels he will get a more natural look.
He got the go ahead from insurance for the " dog ear" TRAM flap scar revision and said again he would lipo out the fat to smooth the area down;)
I reminded him he was free to keep on sucking till the thing can't suck no more!!
Crazy insurance story. Went to the pharmacy to get my pre op Meds, Zofran and an antibiotic. Supposed to pop one of each in the parking lot on my way in.
Insurance won't cover the 16mg of Zofran ( 2 pills) because 8mg is the recommended does.
So they say the dosage is too high? It's 2 pills 8mg each! The packaging recommended dose? 16mg 1 hour pre surgery. So I guess the insurance company knows better than the Dr and the manufacturer??

I had to pay for them myself, 24.00. For 2 pills, hopefully the best 24 I have spent! I hate puking!!!!
I already told DH that this may require bling!!!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Elisateach|1365368058|3422124 said:
The big day is finally here!!! tomorrow 6:30 am is my report time to the hopefully aptly named Serenity Spa. Its not really a spa but the day surgery wing of our hospital;)
I need lots of dust please, for my surgeons steady hand, and keen eye. Went for my pre-op visit Friday and he said he is going to definitely going to put a small implant in the "good" side to plump it up. We are going with a tissue expander in the left side. Even though that side had an implant for 18! Years, a tissue expander will allow the area to accommodate the implant better than if he just shoved a 400 cc implant in. He feels he will get a more natural look.
He got the go ahead from insurance for the " dog ear" TRAM flap scar revision and said again he would lipo out the fat to smooth the area down;)
I reminded him he was free to keep on sucking till the thing can't suck no more!!
Crazy insurance story. Went to the pharmacy to get my pre op Meds, Zofran and an antibiotic. Supposed to pop one of each in the parking lot on my way in.
Insurance won't cover the 16mg of Zofran ( 2 pills) because 8mg is the recommended does.
So they say the dosage is too high? It's 2 pills 8mg each! The packaging recommended dose? 16mg 1 hour pre surgery. So I guess the insurance company knows better than the Dr and the manufacturer??

I had to pay for them myself, 24.00. For 2 pills, hopefully the best 24 I have spent! I hate puking!!!!
I already told DH that this may require bling!!!!!!

Good luck Elisa and sending bucketloads of ***dust*** to you!!!!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, elisateach! Dust dust dust. It will be a breeze and you'll be PERKY in no time! ;))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Elisa - Lots of dust outgoing to you and your medical team!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

As for me...


They squeaked when I walked. 'Nuff said.

(And they weren't quite as accommodating of the bunions as I thought they'd be, but that's neither here nor there. :wink2: )
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Lots of dust being sent your way Elisa! Best wishes for a very smooth and uneventful procedure!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1365390924|3422377 said:
As for me...


They squeaked when I walked. 'Nuff said.

(And they weren't quite as accommodating of the bunions as I thought they'd be, but that's neither here nor there. :wink2: )

Ugh, I hate when that happens, and it's happened to me :knockout: For all the money you pay, you'd think they could manufacture shoes that don't make noise when you walk.

Yeah, finding comfortable shoes is kind of a nightmare for me. I don't know, any kind of dressy shoe just kills my feet. I can't seem to find a shoe that doesn't pinch, or rub, or squish some part of my foot. The bunions don't make it any easier. My husband just reminded me we have to go to a coworker's retirement dinner this week and I don't really have a decent pair of shoes to wear. And I don't think I'm going to fit into either of the 2 dressy outfits I own because I've been stress-eating all week and have probably gained at least 5 pounds (maybe more ;( ). The last thing I feel like doing is coming up with something to wear to this dinner. I'd love to just crawl into bed and read Agatha Christie books for the rest of my life. :cheeky:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good luck with your dressy outfit dilemma, Junebug - and with the retirement dinner. Before you know it the event will be over with and you'll be curled up in bed with a good mystery!

At my workplace the boomers are dropping - er- retiring like flies. One good side effect of the exodus is that nobody is expecting a retirement dinner anymore, most of the retirement get-togethers are now far less formal. No need to get too dressed up! :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1365394793|3422423 said:
VRBeauty|1365390924|3422377 said:
As for me...


They squeaked when I walked. 'Nuff said.

(And they weren't quite as accommodating of the bunions as I thought they'd be, but that's neither here nor there. :wink2: )

Ugh, I hate when that happens, and it's happened to me :knockout: For all the money you pay, you'd think they could manufacture shoes that don't make noise when you walk.

Yeah, finding comfortable shoes is kind of a nightmare for me. I don't know, any kind of dressy shoe just kills my feet. I can't seem to find a shoe that doesn't pinch, or rub, or squish some part of my foot. The bunions don't make it any easier. My husband just reminded me we have to go to a coworker's retirement dinner this week and I don't really have a decent pair of shoes to wear. And I don't think I'm going to fit into either of the 2 dressy outfits I own because I've been stress-eating all week and have probably gained at least 5 pounds (maybe more ;( ). The last thing I feel like doing is coming up with something to wear to this dinner. I'd love to just crawl into bed and read Agatha Christie books for the rest of my life. :cheeky:

Totally agree. I cannot find comfortable dressy shoes either! For the last black tie affair I got dressy sandals that I thought were comfortable. Nope. But I did have the foresight to wear prophylactic shoe protection (wish I had a photo of this darn!)-padded nude bandages that really allowed me to walk and even dance in comfort. It was very helpful. Maybe that could help you Junebug. And I am sure you will look beautiful in whatever you wear! But I hear you on rather being in bed with a good book LOL though once you get there I hope you have a wonderful time... sending you good fit dress and shoes dust!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1365390924|3422377 said:
As for me...


They squeaked when I walked. 'Nuff said.

(And they weren't quite as accommodating of the bunions as I thought they'd be, but that's neither here nor there. :wink2: )

Sorry the shoes didn't work out VR. Women really have it more difficult when it comes to things like this. :((
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Just checking in. All went well, according to the Dr. I'm all bandaged up in bra and binder but I have to say, my hips are smaller even under the binder!!!
Sore as heck but that's to be expected. The new implant is under muscle so it's sore.
Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 but we didn't get going till10:30 because my implants were delayed on the FedEx plane by bad weather!
They contacted a supervisor who assured them that they would be first delivery when the plane landed. Good thing for us the surgery center is but 10 minutes from the airport. I had a funny image of the implants in one of those igloo coolers like a heart being rushed from the plane!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Elisateach|1365541774|3423535 said:
Just checking in. All went well, according to the Dr. I'm all bandaged up in bra and binder but I have to say, my hips are smaller even under the binder!!!
Sore as heck but that's to be expected. The new implant is under muscle so it's sore.
Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 but we didn't get going till10:30 because my implants were delayed on the FedEx plane by bad weather!
They contacted a supervisor who assured them that they would be first delivery when the plane landed. Good thing for us the surgery center is but 10 minutes from the airport. I had a funny image of the implants in one of those igloo coolers like a heart being rushed from the plane!

Glad it all went well! I was thinking about you and hoping to hear good things!!

I think that's funny --- your boobs being rushed with siren's blaring, medical staff waiting at the receiving door, surgeon on high alert!!!
And smaller hips!!! WOOHOO!! Rest while you can, my friend... take your time healing. We'll wait for you!! :halo:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

So glad to hear everything went well Elisa! :appl: I hope you're doing ok and not in too much pain. Lots of healing dust headed your way!

Great news! I'm off the hook for this retirement dinner - hubs just called and said several spouses are skipping it, so I can sit this one out. Now I don't have to worry about stuffing myself into that skirt and making small talk for 3 hours - yay!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Enerchi|1365542417|3423550 said:
Elisateach|1365541774|3423535 said:
Just checking in. All went well, according to the Dr. I'm all bandaged up in bra and binder but I have to say, my hips are smaller even under the binder!!!
Sore as heck but that's to be expected. The new implant is under muscle so it's sore.
Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 but we didn't get going till10:30 because my implants were delayed on the FedEx plane by bad weather!
They contacted a supervisor who assured them that they would be first delivery when the plane landed. Good thing for us the surgery center is but 10 minutes from the airport. I had a funny image of the implants in one of those igloo coolers like a heart being rushed from the plane!

Glad it all went well! I was thinking about you and hoping to hear good things!!

I think that's funny --- your boobs being rushed with siren's blaring, medical staff waiting at the receiving door, surgeon on high alert!!!
And smaller hips!!! WOOHOO!! Rest while you can, my friend... take your time healing. We'll wait for you!! :halo:

That's sort of the visual I got too... strobe lights going off and a voice from the PA system intoning "Clear the way... Breast implants incoming!" :lol:

I'm glad everything went smoothly, and sending lots of dust for speedy healing!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hope you are feeling well this morning Elisa...keeping you in my thoughts and continued healing dust being sent your
(and your boobies :cheeky: )way!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

missy said:
Hope you are feeling well this morning Elisa...keeping you in my thoughts and continued healing dust being sent your
(and your boobies :cheeky: )way!!!

Thanks for checking in. Healing well. Feeling less sore each day. Went into work yesterday and was able to bug out early because I have a planning period last block.
The dr is pleased with the results and the lipo and post surgery light diet has me down 4 lbs.

VR~ that was my image too clear the way here come the boobies!!! Instead of a cooler with a Red Cross on it, it had a picture of Jessica Rabbit!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

How's your recovery going, Elisa? Fingers crossed for you!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I've been thinking about retiring for quite a while now. I'm only 58, but... I can afford to retire, and... my parents are in their early 80's and in really poor health... It's bringing home the fact that we don't have forever to do the things we want to do. And I'm not good at that work/life balance thing... I've been putting off a lot of stuff... including a lot of stuff around my house (I'm single). And while I love the work I'm doing, my field is rapidly moving on to the next big thing and I'm not all that motivated to go there. For financial reasons, and because of a project that I do want to remain on board for, it looks like it's best for me to retire at the end of the year (November or December). I know the end of the year will be here before I know it, but right now it seems both too far away, and too close!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1368158021|3443860 said:
I've been thinking about retiring for quite a while now. I'm only 58, but... I can afford to retire, and... my parents are in their early 80's and in really poor health... It's bringing home the fact that we don't have forever to do the things we want to do. And I'm not good at that work/life balance thing... I've been putting off a lot of stuff... including a lot of stuff around my house (I'm single). And while I love the work I'm doing, my field is rapidly moving on to the next big thing and I'm not all that motivated to go there. For financial reasons, and because of a project that I do want to remain on board for, it looks like it's best for me to retire at the end of the year (November or December). I know the end of the year will be here before I know it, but right now it seems both too far away, and too close!

I say go for it! If you can afford to and you know you have things to keep you happily occupied and involved and enjoying life then it's an easy decision. I have friends who are retired who complain that it can be boring but I know personally, if I was able to retire, I would not be bored! I envy you the luxury of your decision. We might have to put retirement off for quite a while (if not forever ;( ) depending on what happens in the future and if I had the chance I would jump at it. You just never know what the future holds health wise and how many years you will have left to enjoy all your hard work all these past years. Ofc I say live in the moment and enjoy no matter what you are doing but it seems you would love to do things you haven't yet been able to do because of work so go for it!!!

Good luck VR!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks Missy! A November/December retirement timeframe is starting to feel more real all the time.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

vR ~ first recovery is great. All looks good, sleeping on my back is annoying but I'm almost used to it!
As far as retirement~~~~ go for it!
If your financial ducks are in a row I say do it! My parents were both teachers and retired at about 60, travelled for about 15 years to exotic spots they always wanted to.
Planned on getting a condo down in FL near us and my dad was diagnosed with cancer and soon passed.
My mom hung on another few years, but always said she was glad she retired when he did so they could travel and have fun! Go have fun!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

NOT that it's all about the shopping, but... shopping is getting more challenging as my body is changing and magically morphing away from what I'm used to.

So... here's my discovery for the week - no-show underwear that doesn't constrict or ride into unmentionable orifices. :wink2: The main downside? There's no way in h*ll anyone would consider this "sexy" - unless the body wearing it is in and of itself sexy, in which case it has options that my body, realistically, does not have. It's also kind of warm, probably not the best choice for wearing in a heat wave.

Introducing the "slipshort!" It'll probably show up about 3X life size - :o - don't let that throw you off!


I've been wearing the longer version under dresses and skirts, and the shorter version under slacks. If you're interested, try it in your true size... I wear a size 8 in bottoms and got these in "medium"- and I could probably fit another half of me in there. (With most "shapewear" etc. I have to get a large just to be able to try it on - which begs the question - what does the very normal size 10 or 14 woman wear????) They're totally non-binding and they fit like a second skin, but they do provide some nice smoothing.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

^looks like a good idea, I'll give it a try! I have a body shaper (what my mother would call a girdle lol) I bought in walmart, but it's really uncomfortable. And the non-sexy look of it is not an issue for me these days...I've sort of given up in that department! :cheeky: :shock: :D
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I filed my retirement paperwork yesterday.

November 22 will be my last day at work.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Good for you VR!!!!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty said:
I filed my retirement paperwork yesterday.

November 22 will be my last day at work.


Congrats!! That's great. I look forward to the last day of school in 2021! Unless the lottery gods smile down on us!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty said:
I filed my retirement paperwork yesterday.

November 22 will be my last day at work.

Congratulations! It's been 5yrs for me and I haven't been bored at all. It's amazing how the days get filled with things that you put off for so long or things that you delay doing because you didn't have time.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1379190919|3520852 said:
I filed my retirement paperwork yesterday.

November 22 will be my last day at work.


Wow, that's great VRBeauty!!!