
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you Elisateach, Dee*Jay, Matata, and Junebug. It took me FOREVER to make up my mind - seriously, I almost walked out about this time last year - but now that I have, November 22 can't come soon enough!

November 22 will be my last day at work, but I'll be taking a few vacation days before I go off the rolls. My first official retirement day will be November 28... THANKSGIVING DAY!!!! :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1379301013|3521448 said:
Thank you Elisateach, Dee*Jay, Matata, and Junebug. It took me FOREVER to make up my mind - seriously, I almost walked out about this time last year - but now that I have, November 22 can't come soon enough!

November 22 will be my last day at work, but I'll be taking a few vacation days before I go off the rolls. My first official retirement day will be November 28... THANKSGIVING DAY!!!! :lol:

Wow, congratulations VRBeauty! That is reason to give thanks to be sure!!! :appl:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thank you, Missy!

When I retire, the first order of business will be to re-set my cat's alarm clock.

The second will be to find a way to impose some internal discipline to reduce my internet usage time.

The third will be to replace my workplace lingo with "the rest of life" lingo! :lol:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1379792809|3524872 said:
Thank you, Missy!

When I retire, the first order of business will be to re-set my cat's alarm clock.

The second will be to find a way to impose some internal discipline to reduce my internet usage time.

The third will be to replace my workplace lingo with "the rest of life" lingo! :lol:

Oh yeah, that kitty is going to have to learn to sleep in! :)
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

R - four weeks!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Very excited for you VR! I am jealous in a good way because I dream of sleeping late when I am retired. At least till 6 AM woohoo! :cheeky:

I would like to take a minute and just vent if that's OK. Damn hormones and damn aches and pains I hate you!

I realized a short while ago that aches and pains are quickly becoming a part of my every day existence. I need to stretch more and stop thinking why because I didn't have to do this in the past. Note to self-my body is not the same as it was when I was in my 20's or 30's or even early 40's darn it! Damn plantar fasciitis OMG. All my shoes need inserts and I am not even sure that is going to help. Not to mention when I am trying to fall asleep and my back and neck start hurting. Ugh! :knockout:

And hormones please stop wreaking havoc on me. Perimenopause for over 2 years now (confirmed by blood tests) and I am tired of the ups and downs that come with all of it. Please tell me being in menopause is better...(I guess I am worried it might be worse LOL). Anyway I just never know what to expect. Period no period and my breasts hurt 24/7 whether or not I am pre period or not these days. I know peri can go on for many many many years... Sigh.

And lastly, kudos to my dh for putting up with all my crazy moods due to all of this crap. He is truly Saint dh. :halo:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Missy - I'm sorry you're going through p-menopause h*ll. Is hormone replacement therapy an option for you? I used it for several years after menopause - it was recommended for bone and heart health since I went through menopause very early. (As I recall, I had about two years of peri-menopause h*ll, the second being the worst by far. I was only 30 at the time and menopause was nowhere on my mind - or my doctor's - so I had no name to put on all those symptoms. I don't think not having the name made it any more tolerable, though.)

I do use some herbs that help with some post-menopausal symptoms. I drink a strong tea made of a combination of stinging nettles and red clover pretty much every morning, and without going into personal detail I'll just say it helps. I got the basic info from Susun Weed's book, Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way. (She recently came out with a revised version, so you can find the original on abebooks for as little as $1.00) I don't drink the quart of infusion daily as she recommends, just a big mug of super-strength tea.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks for the recommendations and empathy VR. I am sorry you went through all of this at such a young age!

I am definitely going to check out the book and the herbal infusions. Unfortunately I cannot tolerate hormone replacements of any kind so that is not an option for me but hopefully the alternatives you wrote about will help with my adjustment. So far no hot flashes or anything of that sort (but I'm always hot so who knows LOL).

Thanks again for the help. :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I am 49 in Feb 2014, and may have started to go through the Change.

Taking Menopace just in case, and have started to take glucosamine and fish oil capsules to aid recovery after physical exercise such as riding a bike and tap dancing.

Recently turned into a human pin cushion to have some blood tests done, the worst was 7 attempts in order to get 2 samples out when I went for a glucose tolerance test. Heard nothing back since the tests, so all is good.

Apart from that and being overweight, I am otherwise in good health, touch wood!

DK :))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

R - 10 work days.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VR - I am THRILLED for you!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

A bit of good news, I hope, for all of you who assume that all your aches and pains are inevitable: I am two months short of 67 and had resigned myself to waking up every day with aching back, hips and shoulders. Then I decided to sleep in my guest room overnight (as dear Emily Post once suggested) to make sure it was comfortable for my guests. I have my older, softer mattress in there.... Well guess what? No morning backache! Five days running! Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of my new "luxury" mattress to someone who wants to sleep on a rock. I would advise anyone with morning aches to TRY A SOFTER MATTRESS.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

National Geographic called. They want my boobs back.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VR - happy last week at work!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Awww.... Thank you, Dee*Jay! :D

The big party is today, although Friday is my last day at work! One of my staff is supposed to present a Board item on Thursday so I'll need to be on my toes until at least then. (Barring any further last-minute surprises, it'll be on consent.) But once that's over... :sun: !!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Pimples? Now????? :rolleyes:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1387125548|3574696 said:
Pimples? Now????? :rolleyes:

Tell me about it! :sick: At least my wrinkles come as no surprise! But acne? Dang!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

On the plus side ( :wink2: ) the Levis I bought during the black Friday sales finally arrived, and I'm in heaven! It's so nice to have jeans that don't squeeze or bind or cut into anything. If I don't shrink out of them within a month or two, I'm jettisoning all my old jeans and upgrading!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

My lap kitty is just LOVING my retirement!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty|1391059162|3603998 said:
My lap kitty is just LOVING my retirement!

Ohh, I am so envious of you both! Sounds like heaven to be able to laze about with your kitty purring in your lap and enjoying the time. :halo:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

VRBeauty, I am so glad both you and your kitty are enjoying retirement! :appl:

Ok, got on the scale this morning after avoiding it for a while, and…omg, not good. That's it, I have GOT to get a grip - I'll be honest and admit I've been eating really badly lately, having a grand old time eating whatever I want whenever I want but I've got to knock it off - I'm not making excuses, but this weather, and stuff going on with my mother have just made me not care - ok, I am making excuses but whatever, I've been shocked into action and I just really have to start eating more sensibly - and exercising more. I've been doing a little, but truthfully it's been pretty half-a$$ed. Ugh, I'm not happy with myself right now.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1391318360|3606269 said:
VRBeauty, I am so glad both you and your kitty are enjoying retirement! :appl:

Ok, got on the scale this morning after avoiding it for a while, and…omg, not good. That's it, I have GOT to get a grip - I'll be honest and admit I've been eating really badly lately, having a grand old time eating whatever I want whenever I want but I've got to knock it off - I'm not making excuses, but this weather, and stuff going on with my mother have just made me not care - ok, I am making excuses but whatever, I've been shocked into action and I just really have to start eating more sensibly - and exercising more. I've been doing a little, but truthfully it's been pretty half-a$$ed. Ugh, I'm not happy with myself right now.

Hi Junebug, first of all I am sorry for all you are going through with your dear mother and sending you and her lots of dust and positive vibes and keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Second of all, do not beat yourself up about this...just start eating more healthfully and getting some exercise and make this day one...take it one day at a time and do not be hard on yourself. It's little changes that make all the difference and it really is a one day at a time process. Break it down little by little and it becomes that much more manageable and easy to incorporate into your life as a forever thing. You can do it girl!!!! :appl:

And if you need encouragement or hugs or anything I am here for you Junebug. :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Aw, thanks missy, I really appreciate the words of encouragement, I kinda need them right now! I'm so disgusted with myself that I think it will actually be pretty easy for me to start eating healthier, and I forced myself to exercise harder than I normally do today, which felt good. I guess I've been in a bit of a funk and have just given in to that "who cares, what does it matter" attitude. The number I saw on the scale was a good wake up call lol! Also turns out I got my period today, so I'm thinking maybe that's why I feel so darn bloated on top of everything else - I'm reminding myself that people are dealing with a lot worse than me, so I'm going to end the pity party I've been throwing for myself lately. Thanks for the moral support, you are just so nice!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

You are so welcome Junebug and thank you for those kind words. You are the nice one and we all love you here and are rooting for you you know!

Now that you mention periods and all I cannot remember the last time I had mine...sigh. Who knew that something I hated getting every month would be missed just because of what not getting it means. Such is life.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Missed all you ladies on here and just caught up reading the posts. Yes, getting older sucks, but I probably said that when I was in my 30s and 40s and just forgot. Dealing with an extra 10 pounds that I gained and am trying very hard to lose. 2013 was a rough year for me. Lost my dad late in 2013 and still dealing with the loss. I had him move in with me when he could no longer live on his own and am not sorry one bit. Those last months we had together meant a great deal to me and I learned so much about him that I never knew before.

Also, it seems like someone tried to unsuccessfully stalk me (thus why my photos were deleted, or at least most of them). So just be careful when posting photos on here.

Getting back into my sewing. Recovering some Ikea chairs that we have in our vacation home. Dealing with some bitter cold weather here and cannot wait for spring for warmer weather. In the meantime, yoga has been doing wonders for me, but I need to work out a little harder to drop the extra weight. Any suggestions?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool, I am so sorry about your dad but very happy for you that you got to spend such quality time with him during his last few months.
And I'm also glad your stalker was unsuccessful. It's disturbing to have to deal with someone like that in your life.

As for cardio activity-do you belong to a gym? If so I love the Cybex Arc Trainer for working out. It's so awesome I have 2 of them at home (long story LOL) and 1 at our beach house. It really doesn't feel like I'm working out unless I am super tired that day. I had to stop running and this is so easy on the hips and knees and a very effective cardio workout. Do an hour on this most days a week and you will for sure drop some pounds and get into great shape. Good luck!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Missy, read about what you have been going through and hope and pray that doctors find a resolution to helping you. My sister has been going through some medical issues right now so I have been busy helping her out.

I remember you having a home down the Jersey shore that was severely damaged after Sandy. Hopefully it is all fixed. My friend's house was finally finished at the end of March and she and her husband put it on the market. Her biggest battle was with the insurance company saying it was not flood damage, but hurricane damage and waiting for inspections to be completed. But they moved the year before the hurricane hit and luckily everything was out of the house so they did not lose any possessions.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool|1396551414|3646757 said:
Missy, read about what you have been going through and hope and pray that doctors find a resolution to helping you. My sister has been going through some medical issues right now so I have been busy helping her out.

I remember you having a home down the Jersey shore that was severely damaged after Sandy. Hopefully it is all fixed. My friend's house was finally finished at the end of March and she and her husband put it on the market. Her biggest battle was with the insurance company saying it was not flood damage, but hurricane damage and waiting for inspections to be completed. But they moved the year before the hurricane hit and luckily everything was out of the house so they did not lose any possessions.

Soocool, I am so sorry that your sister is going through some medical problems too. I am sure it is a big comfort to her knowing you are there to support and help her. I hope she is doing better and comes through it A-OK.

Thank you for your good wishes. My doctors still don't know the full picture and I hope they continue trying to help me and don't just give up. I think that's one of my bigger fears right now. That no one will be able to figure it out and help me.

Our beach house is all fixed up but it wasn't nearly as badly damaged as so many others so we feel very fortunate. The backyard took the full force of the storm and the house itself remained safe. We were very lucky because we had just redone our bulkhead the spring before Sandy and that was what saved the house.

We took care of the backyard re-building during the winter after Sandy and it was finished spring of 2013 and better than before so yay. Though I truly hope we don't have another storm like that because it was quite stressful. I feel for many of the people in our area and other areas that were affected because there are still many homes that aren't fixed yet and many homes totally destroyed. I am sorry your friend had to deal with Sandy too.

Thanks for thinking of me Soocool. Hope you are doing well and that your sister had a full and speedy recovery!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Missy, I just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry you're still having health problems and I truly hope the doctors can figure out the cause of your symptoms. My heart goes out to you, it must be so rough dealing with this day in and day out. Please know you're in my thoughts - I so hope you get some answers and relief soon. (((((hugs)))))
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

junebug17|1396838302|3648694 said:
Missy, I just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry you're still having health problems and I truly hope the doctors can figure out the cause of your symptoms. My heart goes out to you, it must be so rough dealing with this day in and day out. Please know you're in my thoughts - I so hope you get some answers and relief soon. (((((hugs)))))

Aww, thank you so much Junebug. I am feeling so poorly and it's just getting worse. I am not sure how much longer my body can take this. :cry: I now have to find a decent neurologist (who hopefully accepts my insurance) I can get a relatively soon appointment with but I fear that might prove a challenge.

Thank you for the hugs and good wishes and (((hugs))) to you too.